The Quantum Principle | What You See As Your Reality Is Just An Illusion

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Spiritual Dive
The Quantum Principle | What You See As Your Reality Is Just An Illusion ---------------------------...
Video Transcript:
have you ever wondered if everything you see around you is really what it seems the shapes the colors the objects we interact with daily are they really as solid and unchangeable as we believe we live in a world where what we perceive as real is based on signals that our limited senses capture but what if matter as we know it is only a small fraction of a vast and invisible network of energy and consciousness quantum physics suggests exactly that the physical world is merely an illusion and Beyond it lies a much more expansive reality governed
by energy frequency and vibration everything we believe to be solid and tangible like your body your home and even the stars is actually made up of subatomic particles that aren't really there what we see is just a limited reflection of this vast energetic field but if this is true how does it change the way you perceive your own existence the more we explore this the more we start to realize that matter on its own is not the final point of our reality in fact what seems physical and concrete is just a temporary manifestation shaped by
energy and Consciousness that we interact with constantly Consciousness your Consciousness has the power to influence this energy energy to mold what we call reality this is the starting point to understand the true power of your Consciousness and this is where Quantum manifestation begins so today we will explore how the physical reality you know is only a small part of a vast network of energy and Consciousness you will understand how your mind your thoughts and your intentions have the power to directly influence this invisible energy and shape the world around you you will also learn how
to access this Quantum field and by applying these principles you will be able to create profound changes in your life attracting the experiences and realities you truly desire once we begin to understand that what we perceive as matter is only an illusion we are led to a field of infinite possibilities the quantum field this field is the true foundation of everything that exists the invisible Matrix that sustains the universe where there is no separation between the visible and the invisible between matter and energy at this fundamental level the universe is made not of solid objects
but of vibrations and frequencies constantly interacting with each other in the quantum field everything is energy the particles that make up each atom are actually oscillating between states of existence and non-existence in a vibrational pattern instead of being fixed in material objects they are temporary manifestations of energy which emerge and disappear according to the frequency and vibration that sustain them this principle often overlooked in our daily lives is the key to understanding how the physical reality we experience is constantly being shaped every thought every emotion and every intention you have generates an energetic pattern in
this field what you perceive as physical objects around you are in fact energy patterns vibrating at specific frequencies the chair you're sitting on the screen where you're watching this video everything is energy condensed into a temporary form that your senses interpret as solid and tangible however our senses are limited the reality we are able to perceive is only a small fraction of the entire spectrum of frequencies that exist just as our eyes can only see a very small part of visible light within a vast electromagnetic spectrum we can only experience a small portion of this
energetic Matrix so what we call reality is a limited projection based on the perceptions our senses allow us to capture but beyond this apparent reality the quantum field is in constant activity it contains all possibilities all forms of energy and information when you think feel or act you are connecting with this field and affecting how these possibilities Manifest this energy when shaped by your Consciousness begins to take form in the physical world that's why the quantum field is where the power of your Consciousness directly operates one of the fun fundamental ideas in this context is
that where you place your attention you place your energy when you focus on something whether it's an emotion an intention or a future experience you are literally creating an energetic bond with that possibility in the quantum field this field made up of pure potential responds to your intention and your vibrations and in the same way when your attention gets scattered by distractions your energy also disperses and you disconnect from this creative power this awareness opens a new perspective on the nature of reality and the role we play in it when you understand that everything is
energy frequency and vibration you begin to realize that control over your physical reality is not just in what you do or see but mainly in how you think and feel so understanding the energetic nature of the quantum field is fundamental to realizing that our lives our health our relationships and our outcomes are not predetermined they are shaped by the frequencies and vibrations we emanate from our Consciousness and it is precisely this ability to influence the quantum field this invisible force that connects everything and everyone that allows us to transcend the limitations of the material world
this is the true Ence of the quantum field it is both the field where all possibilities reside and the space where your Consciousness can act to transform the invisible into the visible but how does your Consciousness interact directly with this energy every thought you have every emotion you feel emits a specific frequency and these frequencies are not confined within you they reverberate outward connecting and interacting with the Quant field that permeates everything when you think of something no matter how what it is that thought emits a wave of energy that propagates through the field if
the thought is repeated or charged with strong emotion it becomes even more powerful shaping the waves around it more intensely thus the quantum field reacts to what you emit reflecting back to you realities that vibrate at the same frequency as your thoughts and emotions that's why Clarity of intention is so important when you have a clear and well-defined intention the quantum field responds to that Clarity with equally precise correspondence in other words the more you know what you want the more specific and coherent your intention is the more the field will respond with opportunities coincidences
and alignments that are in tune with that intention and when you tune in to the correct frequency the signal becomes clear and you receive what you are transmitting this is the essence of how we create our realities it all begins with a thought an idea a mental image when you combine this with the corresponding emotion whether it's Joy gratitude love or excitement you strengthen the vibration being sent to the field this combination of thought and emotion acts like a magnet attracting to you what resonates with that frequency but why is Clarity of intention so important
because the quantum field doesn't distinguish between what you want and what you fear or what you love and what you hate it responds only to the energy you emit so if you're constantly stuck in negative thoughts emotions of fear or uncertainties about the future you're inadvertently attracting more situations that correspond to these low frequency VI vibrations to transform your reality it's essential not just to change your thoughts but to align your emotions with the reality you wish to manifest unfortunately many of us underestimate the power of our thoughts and emotions we live on autopilot believing
that external events shape our lives but the truth is that our internal perceptions how we see the world have a direct impact on what we manifest in the external World a simple shift in perception can completely alter the realities we experience for example if you change the way you see a negative situation transforming it into an opportunity for learning or growth you not only change your subjective experience but also begin to attract Solutions and circumstances that align with this new vision the quantum field is like a cosmic mirror reflecting back what we project if you
project scarcity doubt or fear it will reflect more of those same conditions back to you but if you emanate abundance gratitude and certainty the field will respond in kind this is the power of your Consciousness in the process of creating reality the influence of Consciousness on matter is something that Quantum science is only beginning to unravel but ancient wisdom has understood for Millennia for them the human mind is not seen as merely a passive receiver of stimuli from the physical world it is in fact an active Creator constantly shaping and reshaping reality based on the
frequencies and vibrations it emits when you understand this principle you free yourself from the limitations of physical reality you realize that by shifting your perception and elevating your emotions you are directly influencing the quantum Fe fi and thus changing the material conditions around you after all reality is not something that happens to you it is something you create consciously or unconsciously at every moment true creation happens when you realize that the mind and heart are the instruments that shape the invisible Universe bringing into existence what was once only an energetic possibility the balance between these
two energy centers not only enhances the creative power of the mind but also amplifies our ability to manifest what we desire this state of coherence is the key to transforming intention into reality at the most basic level the Mind represents intention while the heart symbolizes emotion when the two are out of sync our intentions can become confused and contradictory making it difficult to manifest our desires but when the the brain and heart come into harmony they form such a powerful energy field that their vibrations begin to resonate with the quantum field itself attracting experiences that
correspond to what has been projected science has already demonstrated that the heart generates an electromagnetic field much stronger than the brain this field which can extend up to 3 m around us is intensified when we feel high frequency emotions like love gratitude or Joy on the other hand when the brain is in a state of coherence it generates clear and organized brain waves sending a precise and strong signal to the quantum field when we combine the mind's Clarity with the heart's expansive energy we are literally creating a magnetic field around us that attracts the realities
and experiences that vibrate at the same frequency think of an intention as a signal sent by the brain a clear and precise instruction that you send to the universe but for this intention to really gain strength and manifest itself it needs to be charged with the right emotion the Deep feeling that comes from the heart if you desire something but deep down feel fear doubt or insecurity the quantum field will respond to that incoherence reflecting a reality that is out of alignment with what you initially wanted but when your intention is strengthened by emotions of
confidence enthusiasm and love you are aligning these two energy centers powerfully creating a pure and coherent frequency this state of coherence between the brain and heart is what allows us to send a clear intention to the quantum field and attract the desired result the clarity of thought acts like an arrow directing the energy while the emotion amplifies and strengthens this movement without emotional involvement the intention lacks The energy needed to manifest without mental Clarity the emotion disperses into frequencies that may not align with what we desire but how can we achieve this state of coherence
the process begins with the practice of mindfulness which helps us slow down the mind and calm the body when we become aware of our thoughts and emotions we can eliminate noise and distractions focusing our attention on what truly matters in this state of presence it is possible to set a clear and conscious intention free from the chaotic influences of past worries or future anxieties with a clear intention in mind the next step is to connect emotionally with it this means experiencing the feeling of already having achieved what you want to manifest if you want to
attract more abundance into your life it's not enough to just think about abundance you need to feel the Gratitude and joy of already living in that reality likewise if you desire more love you must vibrate from an emotional state of love and fulfillment as if that love were already present this feeling creates the magnetic field that attracts the desired experiences while the clear thought directs that field Your Body Mind and Spirit align with the quantum field so powerfully that the Universe begins to respond in sync what once seemed like coincidence or luck is now seen
as the natural result of a coherent intention and an aligned emotional vibration experiences start to flow smoothly and you realize you are in resonance with the very flow of creation this process of sending and attracting doesn't occur in a linear fashion in the quantum field time and space don't follow the same rules as our three-dimensional reality this is why the manifestation of an intention can happen in unexpected ways through coincidences fortuitous encounters or opportunities that seem to appear out of nowhere but in reality none of this is by chance it's the direct reflection of the
coherence between your mind and heart creating a bridge between invisible energy and the physical world it's a process of feeling and living this reality internally before it manifests externally because the quantum field responds precisely to what you vibrate in coherence delivering what already exists as potential within you as we mentioned earlier this process begins with understanding that creation at the quantum level happens deliberately with Focus and clear intention we can say that creating from the field is essentially an act of Detachment an absolute presence so the first step in this process is to detach from
the past and the future we are often trapped by memories of past experiences or worries about what is to come this constant focus on what has already happened or what might happen blocks our access to the present the only point where the quantum field can be activated the present is where energy flows and where the power of creation manifests when you disconnect from what has been and what will be you free your mind and body to be fully anchored in the now entering a state of pure Consciousness requires you to let go of your definitions
of identity time and space being nobody nowhere and at no time is one of the most powerful principles for accessing the Quant Quantum field in this state you are no longer bound by The Narrative of who you are or the limitations of your physical life when you dissolve into pure energy without the need to validate your physical emotional or mental self you become an active part of the infinite field of energy this opens the door to True Conscious Creation the second step is to send a clear intention to the field remember the quantum field responds
according to the clarity and strength of your intention if your intention is vague full of uncertainties the field will reflect back that same lack of definition but when you are aligned with the present moment and your intention is specific and precise the quantum field begins to reorganize to materialize that reality every clear thought you generate is a direct instruction that the quantum field processes however creation doesn't end with intention the third step is to maintain mindfulness and focus on the present allowing the field to do its work without being interrupted by doubts or fear we
often lose our connection to the field by shifting our attention to the how and when things will happen but by trusting the process and staying centered in the present moment we give the quantum field the time and space necessary to manifest Our intention if if thought and intention are the foundation of creation emotions are the fuel that accelerates the process because by deeply feeling these emotions while holding a clear intention you create a powerful vibrational connection with the quantum field emotions just like Thoughts Are vibrations and these emotions create a magnetic resonance that literally attracts
the experiences that are in tune with these vibrations love and gratitude are the most powerful emotions in this process love in its purest form is a frequency that vibrates in harmony with the quantum field feeling love for what you want to manifest is like magnetically attracting that result to you likewise gratitude even before seeing any physical manifestation is an act of trust and certainty when you feel gratitude for something that hasn't happened yet you are telling the quantum field that this reality already exists and the field responds accordingly this is the difference between consciously creating
and trying to force results when you are in emotional coherence and vibrate with love and gratitude the quantum field reorganizes the particles of reality to match your vibration emotions amplify intention and accelerate the manifestation process so instead of waiting waiting for something to materialize to feel these emotions start now feel the love gratitude and joy as if your desire were already a reality and watch how the field responds quickly you are the creator of your reality there are no limits to what can be manifested when you tune into the right frequency and live from a
state of full Consciousness and when you apply these principles you create a life that truly resonates with your Highest Potential thank you for embarking on this journey with me if this video resonated with you I invite you to like And subscribe to our Channel share this video with others so they can benefit from this message and don't forget to leave a comment below sharing your thoughts Reflections and experiences thanks again for watching and for joining me take care and see you soon
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