David Sinclair’s 2024 REVISED Supplement Protocol | Critical Changes!!

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Wellness Messiah with Rimon
You’ll discover David Sinclair’s newest updates to his supplement routine. And in this year, he has...
Video Transcript:
in this video you'll discover Dr David Sinclair newest updates to his supplementary routine if you've been following Dr David Sinclair you know that he updated supplement protocol from time to time and this year he has made two major changes that most people have missed but it's extremely difficult to track his changes some supplements he used to take and he stopped others he recently added what does he used to take what has he changed and his new experiments and also I'm going to give you a bonus that is going to allow you even further to copy
what he's doing everything simplified in one place this is supplement number [Applause] [Music] one from 2020 to 2022 Dr David Sinclair used to mention that he takes both ftin and quartin but first let's start with why he decided to take them in the first place and the experiment that he ran on himself the the one that I'm testing out is physi and now shown that it's Center IC it kills off the ccent cells in the body at least in mice probably in humans based on some human data so I've added cortin which is also uh
suppresses the activity of senescent cells however recently it would seem to me that he dropped one of these can you guess which it is now let's go to a clip from middle 2023 so Resveratrol and physan are chemical compounds from plants that are stressed Resveratrol you find in grapes physan is found in uh other uh plants that are stressed and so I take usually between half a gram and 1 gr of these chemicals as well in the morning David Sinclair usually mentions quartin and fistin together since they serve similar purpose targeting Cent cells however he
didn't mention quaratine not only with fistin but at all so it sounds to me like it stopped taking quatin he may still cycle it for killing Cent cells we don't know and based on the data on quartin and I believe that he knows exactly what he's doing it makes sense to me if you've been subscribed to my newsletter you probably know it too because you received my coting report which include conclusions from analyzing over 250 studies it says in the report rule number one avoid quity in supplement for longevity under age 60 you already receed
the optimal dose in your diet here is why excess unnecessary supplementation of cortin will have side effects inhibiting cerin 6 which promotes longevity inhibiting Nrf2 a poent longevity mechanism and reducing glutathione all of these will hurt your longevity now you can get this report for free I'll tell you when to take wordstine for longevity the doses and the timing you can find the link in the pined comment again it's absolutely free so the verdict I suspect that every day it only takes fistin how much does it take Sinclair said he takes between 500 milligram to
1,000 milligrams per day but I think it's 500 milligrams based on a past comment from 2021 FID in and cured in half a gram in the yogurt if you feel more clarity about Dr David sinair protocol please subscribe to my channel subscribe now and stay ahead in the Race Against Time and aging the next supplement very few people even know that Sinclair takes for whatever reason he keeps it as a secret it doesn't appear in his book and he hardly ever mentioned that in any of his interviews but he did his PhD on it and
probably have been taking it over 20 years in fact this could be the very first supplement that Dr David Sinclair has begun taking years back do you know what it is it's not [Applause] [Music] Resveratrol and alpha lipoic acid I did my PhD on this molecule coincidentally and it is a molecule that is very good for the energy in cells actually the thing that turned me onto that was uh I spoke to denim Harmon's family so denim Harmon you may know him he's the father of the oxidative stress theory of a I I was fortunate
to win an award with his name on it and I went out there and his family were very generous to host me and he was still alive at the time he passed for a few years ago but he was still healthy and going into work at 92 and so I said what is what's his secret oh lipoic acid what about the dose he fails to mention his exact dose but a standard dose of alpha aoic acid is about 300 mg either once a day or twice a day also you're going to get a better absorption
if you take it on empty stomach so probably lipoic acid is the first supplement that Dr David Sinclair ever taken as we move to the next supplement let me remind you that today we're going to also cover sinlar longevity drugs and there is one addition that surprised me and I'm going to create a special summary for you to simplify everything that we learned today about Dr David Sinclair protocol this is also an interesting experiment he had this is his last [Applause] [Music] experiment this is sperming Dr David Sinclair started taking sperming two years ago let's
hear him speaking about that just the last few months I've added that to my protocol and we'll have to see how my numbers look on inside tracker does he still take it today this segment is from 2023 I'm asked this question every day David what do you take spermidine is a very interesting molecule and you can buy it as a supplement and it's been shown to extend the lifespan of many different animals and probably it works by stabilizing the epigenome so yes it continues to take spermidine how much does it take how much of that
are you taking uh a gram as well okay even though in this video Dr David cair mentioned it takes one gr of spodine later in the comment section he said correction I said I take one gram of spermidine but the active ingredient in the capsules is 1 to 2 Mig I apologize for the confusion so the verdict about spermidine is 1 to 2 milligram taking every day in the morning now if you to consider to take spermidine maybe there is a safer and cheaper way to get spadine and many of my subscribers ask me how
to get spermidine from food this study measure how much spermidine in each type of food and rank them from the highest concentration to the lowest I'm quoting from this study spermine concentration in Foods was as follows mushroom the highest 88.6 mg per kilo of food green peas 65 mg per kilo of food and broccoli 32 Mig per kilo of food so as you can see there is a bunch of spermidine in mushrooms but also in broccoli and green peas these levels coming from food more than satisfy or at least similar to the levels of spermidine
that Dr Sinclair takes in a supplement form and also there is another certainty about the safety of spermidine in those foods of course the highest food in spermidine is wheat germ which wasn't measured in the experiment so we have seen one major change that he has made but the next supplement is one of the most consistent that he has been taking for many years what is not consistent is its legal status can you guess what it [Applause] [Music] is and so nmn is is what I take each day I take a gram of it I
know a gram is likely to be raising my en levels during the day I also try to time it with my natural Cadian rhythms so NAD will go up during the morning getting ready but if I take it at night I'm actually starting to interfere with my sleep patterns in 2023 he spoke about the dose Ned boosters I talked about nmn there are other ones such as NR I take a gram 1,000 milligrams of NN every day in the morning the verdict he still takes one gram of nmn every day with water in the morning
the next supplement Dr David Singler started taking after la acid this is the famous or inFAMOUS [Applause] [Music] ratol so let's go back in 2019 book he mentioned I take one gr of NN every morning along with 1 G of resol shaken into my homemade yogurt does he still take the same dose in 2022 in his very long interview in his channel he confirmed un quoting I've been taking one gram of R trol since 2004 and in a recent segment from 2023 I showed you with fistin he mentioned that res veral again with the exact
dose 1 G per day so it's the same exact dose the one he wrote in his book confirmed of course if you follow Sinclair it's not just how much rator it takes but also how now that has been evolved over the years so I showed you in the book that he mentioned in 2019 that he mixes rol with yogurt he changed that protocol and then began to mix with veratrol with olive oil however I was pretty surprised to see that he also changed that protocol as well let's hear from him what he's doing now I've
even tried I like to mix up my diet like anybody else I've tried olive oil plus a bit of vinegar and a Basil Leaf in the morning it's like drinking a uh what do you call it salad dressing in the morning uh that one lasted for about a month I've given up on that I now like this coconut yogurt that you've turned me on to actually the verdict Wang gram of his veratrol mixed in coconut yogurt in the morning the next two supplements that Dr Davis L Stakes they cover both longevity but also Health General
[Applause] [Music] Health the next one is fish oil omega-3 this 2023 segment is one of the few segments where you mentioned fish oil the fish oils those are very important for inflammation and it turns out one of these molecules activates certain one and maybe that's why these are good for health since it wasn't included in his book perhaps he only added this supplement to his routine very recently what about the dose Dr David Sinclair never mentioned the dose but I don't want to keep you in the dark on that so I collected for you what
other doctors are doing Dr Peter Atia Dr Ronda Patrick and Dr Andrew uberman and all of them kind of take the same exact amount so by taking four of these capsules a day I'm taking roughly two G of EPA a day and probably a gram and a half of DHA now let's hear from Dr Ronda Patrick how much she takes so I take four grams a day I take two in the morning two gs in the morning and I take two grams in the evening Rhonda said that she takes four GR in total now let's
hear from Dr Andrew uberman my understanding is that we need to hit a threshold level of EPA in order to derive these important benefits I try and get two grams per day of EPA from supplementation note that they all consume omega-3 in a supplement form only as a fish oil I'm going to create another addition specifically on fish oil for longevity in General Health CU they subscribing now to get the special edition on omega3 when it's going to come [Applause] [Music] out similar to fish oil vitamin D and K2 are basic supplements that cover not
only longevity but basic health and in 2019 in his book Sinclair mentioned that he takes vitamin D and K2 does he take them today in mid 2023 he mentioned them vitamin D3 and K2 these are very important of course in places where we avoid the Sun or we cannot get enough sunlight K2 is not very well known vitamin K2 will protect your cardiovascular system from calcium deposits and put the calcium into your bones rather than your arteries and usually those supplements come together in the same pill so I take that what about the dose of
those two supplements I never found one interview where he mentions specific doses of those two supplements a standard dose of vitamin D is between 2,000 to 5,000 units and and a standard dose of vitamin K2 is somewhere between 50 to 120 micrograms so I estimate that his dose fall within this range the verdict he still takes vitamin D in K2 and the dose is unknown the next supplement is the latest personal experiment Dr David Sinclair added to his protocol what is it and how much does it [Applause] [Music] take I think torine is super interesting
this amino acid was shown in the science paper from last week to when you give it to mice they have a lot of health benefits that are similar to what I just described in humans and they even gave it to monkeys and found that their health improved but the big deal was that those mice lived 12 to 16% longer it was a significant extension of lifespan which is a big deal because if it had a negative side effect they probably wouldn't have lived longer I'm currently taking uh two grams a day and to see how
that works with me so Sinclair started in 2023 three to take ill torine and he said that it takes two grams a day it seems uncertain because it doesn't fully understand the impact of torine on Amor thing that confuses me and the literature right now and scientists is torine is also known to activate mtor things to provide longevity despite activating mtor How could a supplement that supposedly stimulate aor actually increases longevity I happen to interpret the exact study on which Sinclair based his decision to take El Torin and when I delved into the data I
found something interesting about mtor maybe it's going to help you as well this is from my El torine research video mtor is an important mechanism for accumulating protein and amino acids necessary for muscle growth and this study specifically investigated a Tor in the muscles of the mice that were not exercising but were supplemented with toine and they compared these mice with mice without toine they analyze the metabolism inside their muscles so let's take a look at what they have found here in the upper right you can see this P s6p just assume this represents mtor
activation now let's compare the minus without toine and the plus with torine can you see how dull the toring column is this means that a lack of this activation of aor in the muscles of the mice supplemented with torine in fact if you look to the left you will see also the liver and brown fat exhibited similar results a suppression of mtor activation this suggests that highd dose chronic torine prevents mtor from becoming fully activated what does this mean to you El Torin possibly activates a Tor but only in the early stages and what really
accelerates aging is probably the last stage of entor activation and this full activation could have the negative impact that Dr David Sinclair is afraid of so the verdict is this Dr David Sinclair added two grams of ill torine per day but it's only an experiment if you want to be more certain about your situation I suggest watching my ill torine research video which I'm going to put in the pinned comment and in the description so this was his recent experiment the following is the last supplement on our list and then we're going to move to
the drugs and I'm going to create a special summary for you to simplify everything that we learned today about Dr David Sinclair protocol this last supplement he takes probably because he also takes NN can you guess what it is TMG now we are getting more into the controversial stuff let's hear Dr David Sinclair explain on why he used to take TMG the reason that I take glycine actually specifically trimethyl glycine is to counter what I think might be going on with an NAD booster we see in animals and even in humans that the levels of
nicotinamide go up quite rapidly after taking an MN or NR and two two high levels of nicotinamide are not good um in part because the nicotinamide gets excreted through the kidneys but the concern that's that's been talked about in social media especially is is this drain of methyl nicotinamide a problem the methyl groups are are needed for the body we need methyl for a whole range of things including antioxidants and so as a precaution I take trimethyl glycine so that uh I continue to give my body a source of meth groups I take it as
a precaution because I know that triog glycine is not going to hurt me glyc and the other thing is methy glycin also known as betane which on human cells is very good for them including protecting them against stress so I don't I don't see any downside it's not an expensive molecule and the upside is that I'm preventing my body from being drained of methyl groups but the reason that I can't say for sure that it's NE necessary actually is that our bodies can make methyl groups there's a whole pathway in fact I did a PhD
on it when I was in Australia now Dr David Sinclair didn't mention team TG in his last interviews as he stop taking TMG your guess is as good as mine but as we can see how he adds and Stack Up supplements the likelihood that it doesn't stop taking them unless there is a very good reason or risk of taking them and TMG is a pretty safe supplement how much does it take he never said but the standard dose is about 500 milligram the verdict about TMG is yours based on what he said you can make
up your own mind if you want to add this supplement to your supplement routine now let's move to Dr David Sinclair longevity [Applause] [Music] drugs here I was surprised to discover that Dr David Sinclair added recently a drug that he said that in the past made him feel unwell this drug is the drug that Brian Johnson takes too and it's going to be the last on today's list but first for medical health Dr David Sinclair Takes Two drugs the first one is cholesterol lowering drug my understanding is that he takes that for is genetic cholesterol
disposition not for slowing down aging another Medical Health drug is baby aspirin which he mentioned here on his book now he also takes two drugs for longevity the first aging targeting drug is MIT Forin I try to take a couple of Metformin pills um for two reasons one is that my family has a history of diabetes and Metformin is very effective at treating diabetes and even preventing it so I do that for disease reasons but also because the work of many Labs has pointed to um not just animals but tens of thousands of people in
clinical trials benefiting from that drug which seems to uh enhance and mimic the the benefits of fasting he said he takes one gram of in Forin every day does it still take one gram of Metformin today this segment is from 2023 four and a half years after the publication of his book berberine and Metformin are two molecules that either separately or together work to to lower blood sugar levels which as I mentioned is very important for longevity and so I take 1,000 mg of Metformin most days of the week so one gr it is the
last drug targets aging and it's also the latest addition to his routine this segment is from late 2023 here Sinclair disclosed that he takes a levic drug that he Shun in the past rap mein yeah are you taking it uh on and off um yes I I'm taking six milligrams once a week so the drug he takes is Ramy and it works by targeting amtor I think what is interesting about this drug that it possibly allows us to eat more protein to recover from intense exercise routine without overstimulating a tour so I think it's a
very promising longevity drug but it's pretty experimental personally I do not take it worth noting that Brian Johnson also combined this drug with high intens the exercise so maybe also try to consume enough protein to recover from his intense exercise routine but also use Ramy to Target a tour simultaneously what about the dose Sinclair did not mention the dose and specifically I do not want to touch the dose because such an experimental drug anyhow now let's organize everything let's simplify everything that Dr cair does into his longevity routine so you can decide if you want
to implement that in your lifestyle so in the morning with water 1 gram of NN 2 GS of El torine 1 to 2 migam of spermidine and possibly 500 mg of TMG with yogurt either coconut or milk yogurt 1 gram of resol and 500 milligrams of fistin without cortin Dr David Sinclair probably take these supplements with a meal vitamin d and vitamin K2 those unknown alphalipoic acid possibly 300 to 600 milligram and fish oil unknown dose but I showed you what other experts are doing today this is Dr David Sinclair drug list mid forming 1
g at night and it skips in the nights before exercise the second is rapamycin those unknown but usually it's taking once a week for medical health conditions it takes baby aspirin and cholesterol lowering drugs we are not done yet because there is a supplement that Dr David Sinclair fails to mention it's super important for your Health and Longevity it's called magnesium if you want to check what other experts are doing with magnesium which types they're taking the brands I have a specific video that is the most popular in my channel this going to complement your
supplement routine so let's summarize the call to actions you can do [Applause] [Music] next to fully integrate Dr David Sinclair changes these are the call to action that I suggest Dr David Sinclair has probably dropped quity if you want to know why and to get the qu in report that I mentioned go to Wellness messiah. comom there you can download the report for free second Dr David Sinclair wasn't sure about touring if you want to feel more certain about your touring supplementation I suggest checking the touring research I'm going to put this in the pin
comment and in the description and lastly a supplement that Dr D failed to mention is magnesium I suggest checking the Magnesium video to see what other experts are taking the forms and the types and even the brands and if you like this type of content Please Subscribe subscribe now and stay ahead in the Race Against Time and aging
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