Star Wars: Linha do Tempo Canônica - CRONOLOGIA COMPLETA (2021)

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Diário Rebelde
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Right now, I'm going to tell you all about the timeline of canon Star Wars media. Let's go! All Wings, report in!
Welcome to Diário Rebelde! I'm João Jedi and in this video we're going to do something I've been planning for a long while and, finally, it's time! I'm going to explain the whole Star Wars canon timeline, from various media, comic books, TV shows, movies, books, and also games.
I'll focus on the main outings, compiling and summing up the TV shows, their seasons and some comics and books. So, don't be surprised if some stuff doesn't make the cut! Also, watch out for how years are labeled in Star Wars!
If you don't know, the timeline is divided in between Before Battle of Yavin, on Episode 4, and After Battle of Yavin. So through that designation, you'll know when something happened in the Star Wars timeline. Ah, one more thing!
I will be spoiling some Star Wars materials: TV shows, books, comics, and, above all, the movies! The movies are basically all spoiled. If you want to avoid them, be careful.
But if you don't, if you want to tag along, just get the popcorn ready and follow me in this trip to a galaxy far, far away! Welcome to an era of exploration, nobility and galactic discoveries. This is the age of the High Republic.
The High Republic takes place 232 years before the Battle of Yavin, and it was the Golden Age of the Jedi, when the Republic launched great expeditions and the Jedi really behaved like the great defenders of peace and justice in the galaxy. Then, a disaster occurs in hyperspace and the Nihil are revealed as a major threat, and so the Jedi must defend the galaxy from this new enemy. Towards the end of the High Republic, acolytes of the Dark Side have become much more powerful and darkness starts to take hold.
Corruption takes hold of the Galactic Republic. Its greatest protectors lose power and darkness takes over everything. The Fall of the Jedi has begun.
40 years before the Battle of Yavin, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi are sent to resolve conflicts in the planet Pijal. Qui-Gon shows great interest in Jedi prophecies and his discomfort with the Jedi Council leads him to refuse a position in the High Council. In the face of so many conflicts and questions about the true purpose of the Jedi, Qui-Gon finds himself in a dilemma.
He wonders if the Jedi Order and even himself are on the right path. Jedi Master Eno Cordova and his padawan Cere Junda are sent to the planet Othonto to resolve a conflict between the Daa corporation and Fylar Freedom Fighters regarding the exploration of a mysterious temple. This is Cordova's first contact with the Zeffo civilization.
The Sith, arch-enemies of the Jedi, who were supposedly extinct, are becoming stronger by the minute. Darth Maul, Darth Sidious' apprentice, goes on missions for the Dark Side, hoping to one day execute the great final plan against the Jedi Order. Young Padmé Naberrie is elected queen of the tiny planet Naboo at 14 years old and adopts the name Amidala.
The conflict between Naboo and the Trade Federation starts heating up. The Trade Federation promotes a commercial blockade against Naboo, and the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi are sent by Chancellor Valorum to investigate. While rescuing the queen, they end up stuck in Tatooine during their escape, where they meet the young slave Anakin Skywalker.
Master Qui-Gon believes that Skywalker is the Chosen One from an ancient Jedi prophecy that will bring balance to the Force. In Coruscant, capital of the Republic, the Jedi refuse Anakin Skywalker's training because he is over the age limit, but also for sensing too much fear within him. Upon returning to Naboo, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Queen Amidala and the Gungan forces fight the Trade Federation's droid army.
It is then that the Sith reveal themselves. Darth Maul executes Qui-Gon and is killed – or not? – by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Amidst the political crisis provoked by Naboo's blockade, the senator of the planet, Sheev Palpatine, ends up being elected Chancellor of the Republic. In the face of all of this, the Council decides to approve Anakin's training, and put him under Obi-Wan's care. The Jedi Knight Obi-Wan is still getting familiarized with his role as mentor to young Anakin Skywalker, fulfilling the promise he made to Qui-Gon at his deathbed.
Anakin is impulsive and Obi-Wan is stubborn, so we've got a perfect match. While all of this is going on, Anakin questions whether he should continue his Jedi training. After serving as queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala takes the office of Galactic Senator.
The former Jedi and count of the planet Serenno, Dooku, continues his journey towards darkness, becoming Darth Tyranus, Darth Sidious' apprentice. In the shadows, Dooku begins training the assassin Asajj Ventress, while she learns of the wounds of her master's past. 10 years after Naboo's blockade and the election of Chancellor Palpatine, many systems are unsatisfied with the Republic and Count Dooku incites a separatist movement.
Fearing a war, the Republic intends to vote for the creation of an army for its protection. Senator Amidala is against this measure, but she is attacked. So, the chancellor designates Obi-Wan and Anakin to protect her.
In his investigation, Obi-Wan discovers an army of clones being made secretly in the planet Kamino, on the Republic's orders. The separatist conflict heats up and the Clone Wars begin. Meanwhile, in secret, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala fall in love and get married.
Now a Jedi Knight, Anakin takes the young Ahsoka Tano as his padawan. The Jedi and the clone army fight side by side to defend the Republic from the separatist threat. Many lives are lost in this conflict, which veers the galaxy further into darkness.
As the war goes on, Anakin becomes steadily more powerful, while delivering himself more and more to the Dark Side, and further understanding his role as the Chosen One. At the same time, his padawan Ahsoka develops into a brilliant Jedi. Increasingly damaged by the conflict, the public's opinion starts to turn against the Jedi, and, completely disorganized, they end up losing themselves and their role during the war.
They end up suspecting and turning against even their most faithful members, which leads to the expulsion and banishment of Ahsoka Tano. In the planet Mandalore, the Death Watch clan causes chaos by contesting the government of Duchess Satine. It is revealed that Maul survived Obi-Wan's strike way back when, and he takes over the Death Watch, betraying them and also taking possession of the Darksaber.
Maul, then, begins his journey as crime lord and ruler of the planet Mandalore. Meanwhile, during the Clone Wars, the Republic secretly starts building a battle station, before the separatists can do it. A battle station based on plans made the the separatists themselves.
And in the unknown regions of the galaxy, a Chiss named Thrawn ascends in the military hierarchy to defend his people. Now a bounty hunter, after escaping an attempted assassination by Count Dooku himself, Asajj Ventress joins forces with the controversial Jedi Quinlan Vos to execute their revenge on Dooku. It is revealed that Chancellor Palpatine is actually Darth Sidious, the evil mind behind both sides of the war.
The Clone Wars end with a republican victory, now converted by Chancellor Palpatine into the Galactic Empire. To save Padmé, Anakin Skywalker joins the Dark Side and becomes Darth Vader. Palpatine, Darth Sidious, executes Order 66, turning the clone army against the Jedi.
Former friends, now enemies. Vader and Obi-Wan fight in a mortal duel in which Vader loses and is left for dead. He ends up being saved by Darth Sidious and must wear the iconic mechanical suit to survive from now on.
Padmé, who was pregnant, dies, and the twins Luke and Leia must be hidden away to become the new hope for the galaxy. The Jedi are hunted and exterminated. Those who manage to survive must flee the Empire's grip.
Some of the known survivors are: Ahsoka Tano, Caleb Dume, and Cal Kestis The end of the Jedi is the start of a dark age. Planets are overtaken. Civilizations are destroyed.
And the galaxy sinks into the shadows. The Reign of the Empire is declared. The clone team known as the Bad Batch tries to find its place in the recently established Galactic Empire while doing bounty hunting missions, during a time when the galaxy is adjusting to the new regime.
The Sith Lord, Darth Vader, furthers his training, channeling all of his hatred in the name of the Dark Side. Vader builds his crimson lightsaber and is put in charge of the hunt for the Jedi by the emperor, with the support of the Imperial Inquisition, while also suffocating uprisings throughout the galaxy. After surviving Order 66, Ahsoka Tano builds white lightsabers and joins forces with Senator Bail Organa in the fight against the Empire.
Doubting the loyalty of Vader, his apprentice, Darth Sydious decides to test him during a mission to a rebellion in the planet Ryloth. Darth Vader then receives the planet Mustafar from his master as a reward, the place where he suffered his most crushing defeat. There, he builds a castle with the help of the spirit of a treacherous ancient Sith: Lord Momin, who inhabited a helmet – an ancient Sith relic.
A few years later, the fugitive padawan Cal Kestis joins forces with the crew of Cere Junda and fights inquisitors while traveling through lost temples of the Zeffo civilization in order to protect the future of the Jedi Order and the Force. The Adjutant General Wilhulff Tarkin joins forces with Darth Vader in order to stifle rebellions and uprisings and is eventually promoted to Grand Moff of the Outer Rim. Not only that, but Tarkin is also put in charge of the project to build the Empire's battle station: The Death Star.
Jyn Erso, missing daughter of scientist Galen Erso, begins her training as a rebel under the guidance of guerrilla warrior and Clone Wars veteran Saw Gerrera. She ends up being abandoned by Saw and has to survive by herself. The young swindlers Han and Q'Ira put in place their plans to escape the criminal overlord Proxima and the planet Corellia.
They get separated during the escape and Han Solo ends up enlisting to the Empire. Trying to understand more about the Galactic Empire, Thrawn leaves the unknown regions and impresses Palpatine with his capacity and military strategy. He ends up becoming a member of the Imperial Navy.
The exiled Jedi, Caleb Dume, now under the name Kanan Jarrus, meets the pilot Hera Syndulla, and together they protect the planet Gorse, located in the Outer Rim. There, they attract the attention of imperials, like Captain Rae Sloane. In the planet Jelucan, the young aristocrat Thane Kyrell and the farmer Ciena Ree dream about joining the Imperial Academy.
Both enlist into the Marines, but Thane becomes disillusioned when he learns of the Empire's somber tactics. Lando Calrissian and his copilot L3-37 go on incredible adventures throughout the galaxy, in a life of gambling and many chases with their ship: the Millennium Falcon. After 3 years of a shaky career serving the Galactic Empire at the Navy and the Army, Han Solo meets and frees Chewbacca, and both join the crew of the scoundrel Beckett for a mission.
Lando Calrissian and L3 are hired by Beckett, Han and Q'Ira, now one of the heads of the criminal organization Crimson Dawn. They manage to steal the hyperfuel coaxium and accidentally cause a slave uprising in the planet Kessel. During the escape, Han pilots the Millennium Falcon and manages to complete the Kessel Run in about 12 parsecs.
At the end, Han and Chewie decide to help the Enfys Nest gang and give them the coaxium. Beckett betrays them, but ends up dying and Q'Ira takes over the leadership of the Crimson Dawn, under the supervision of the true crime lord, Maul. A little while afterwards, Han defeats Lando in a game of Sabacc and wins the Millennium Falcon.
10 years after the foundation of the Empire and the Jedi purge, Obi-Wan Kenobi lives in exile in Tatooine to protect Luke Skywalker from unknown dangers. And some known dangers too! However, a chain of events leads him to duel once more with Darth Vader, his former apprentice, and, now, servant of evil.
Many worlds begin to rebel against the Galactic Empire, that responds with an iron fist to any focus of insurgency. The rebel agent Cassian Andor specializes in infiltration and espionage against the Empire. During his missions, Cassian finds and reprograms the Imperial Drid K-2SO, becoming best friends in the process.
In the darkness, a new hope emerges. An alliance is formed and the peoples of the galaxy begin their counter-attack on the Empire. This is the Age of Rebellion.
Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, the Lasat Zeb Orrelios and the mandalorian Sabine Wren form the crew of the ship Ghost. In Lothal, they meet Ezra Bridger. The teenager shows talent with the Force and Kanan decides to train him.
They find a Jedi temple in Lothal and the Empire's persecution worsens with the arrival of the Inquisitors. The crew of the Ghost joins forces with the rebel cell of the Phoenix Squadron. Ahsoka Tano is revealed as an agent of the Rebellion.
Meanwhile, in the planet Alderaan, Princess Leia Organa discovers that her adoptive parents, Bail and Breha Organa, are part of the Rebel Alliance against the Empire. She decides then to actively join the fight. Ahsoka and her former master, Dark Lord of Sith, Darth Vader, fight each other.
Maul appears and continues his quest for vengeance against Obi-Wan Kenobi. The former Sith betrays the rebels and, during the whole mess, Kanan Jarrus ends up blind. The Phoenix Squadron and other rebel cells form a base in the planet Atollon.
In Maul's lair in Dathomir, Sabine Wren takes possession of the legendary Darksaber. She then starts training with Kanan to prepare for future threats, since the history of the Darksaber is full of conflict. The Alliance to Restore the Republic, known as the Rebel Alliance, finally declares open war against the Galactic Empire.
But right afterwards, the rebel base is discovered in Atollon by Grand Admiral Thrawn. A great battle ensues in the planet with many losses for the rebels, who end up escaping and setting up shop in Yavin 4. Thrawn is upset because the Emperor would rather invest all of the Empire's financing into the Death Star, instead of his project of the TIE Defender, a new imperial starfighter.
Emperor Palpatine sends Thrawn along with Vader to Batuu, a planet in the remote corners of the unknown regions, to investigate a disturbance in the Force he felt in that area. Thrawn then leaves to contain the threat of the Grysk. Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger and other mandalorian clans attack the imperial occupation in Mandalore.
Sabine concedes the possession of the Darksaber to Bo-Katan, who decides to use it to unite the mandalorian clans in the fight against the Empire. Grand Admiral Thrawn starts building TIE Defenders in Lothal, Ezra Bridger's home planet. Thrawn needs to decide if his loyalty lies with his people, the Chiss, or the Galactic Empire.
After the conflict with the Grysk, Emperor Palpatine tells Thrawn they'll work out their issues some other time, because the priority right now is to protect Lothal from the rebel attack planned by Ezra Bridger's crew. Ezra and the crew of the Ghost return to Lothal to defend the planet and free it from imperial occupation. During the battle, Kanan Jarrus sacrifices himself and is killed by an explosion.
Ezra returns to the Jedi temple in Lothal, now dominated by the Empire, and there, he discovers a portal to a dimension called World Between Worlds, a place outside of space and time with portals that lead to the main places and events with a strong influence of the Force. Ezra rescues Ahsoka through one of the portals during her duel with Darth Vader in Malachor. But they end up being ambushed by Palpatine, Darth Sidious, who seeks a way into the World Between Worlds in order to control all of existence.
They manage to escape the Emperor and then go their own way. During the rebel's final showdown against Thrawn and the Empire, Ezra and the Great Admiral disappear in hyperspace. The imperial occupation in Lothal is destroyed and the government doesn't return to the planet.
Darth Vader kidnaps a smuggler and a droid and imprisons them in his castle in Mustafar. The smuggler is said to be a descendant of Lady Corvax, an ancient Force user who, while attempting to resurrect her husband, destroyed the beautiful planet in the process, creating the volcanic appearance we are familiar with. Vader needs access to the Bright Star crystal for his plan to resurrect Padmé Amidala and the smuggler is the only one who can get to the object.
Before Vader can complete the ritual, the smuggler interferes and manages to escape. The crystal is destroyed and Mustafar begins to heal, slowly returning to its original state. Vader continues to assert his iron fist within the Galactic Empire, and, meanwhile, an imperial Nurse has a crush on him, which, you can imagine, doesn't end up very well.
The Death Star is about to be ready, as director Orson Krennic leads its construction. The scientist Galen Erso sends a message to Saw Gerrera and the Rebel Alliance recruits Jyn Erso to investigate. She, Cassian Andor and K-2SO travel to Jedha to meet Gerrera and, through Galen's message, they discover that the Death Star has a structural flaw.
The city of Jedha, Gerrera and most of his soldiers are destroyed by the experimental shot of the Death Star. Grand Moff Tarkin then confiscates the general direction of the station from Krennic. Jyn, Cassian and the rebels leave for Eadu, going after Galen Erso, who ends up dead during a rebel attack.
Jyn and the crew known as Rogue One leave for Scarif to steal the Death Star's plans. The rebellion joins the attack officially, in its first great battle against the Galactic Empire. Jyn, Cassian, Krennic and the whole rebel team end up dying in the conflict.
But, during the battle, rebel spies manage to steal the Death Star's blueprints and send it to the ship Tantive IV, commanded by Princess Leia Organa, who escapes the conflict with the mission of recruiting the exiled Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. Darth Vader gives chase and imprisons Princess Leia in the orbit of Tatooine. Before being captured, Leia manages to dispatch the Death Star's blueprints with the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.
The droids are then found by the young farmer Luke Skywalker. He begins his Jedi training with Obi-Wan Kenobi and, together, they leave with the pilots Han Solo and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon to deliver the blueprints in the planet Alderaan. Emperor Palpatine dissolves the Galactic Senate, ending once and for all what remained of the Old Republic.
In order to force Leia to reveal the location of the rebel base, Tarkin orders the Death Star to shoot the planet Alderaan, which is completely obliterated. The Millennium Falcon is captured by the Death Star, but Luke, Obi-Wan, Han and Chewie manage to hide and free Princess Leia. Obi-Wan and Vader duel for the last time and the Jedi Master sacrifices himself and becomes one with the Force so that the rebels can escape.
With the blueprints, the rebels make a daring attack against the Death Star. And, when the station is about to explode the base in Yavin IV, Luke uses the Force and destroys the Death Star. Now that the base in Yavin IV has been discovered, the rebels need to run before the next imperial strike.
Leia leaves in search of surviving Alderaanians in order to preserve their lives and the planet's culture. Han Solo receives a reward from the rebellion to pay Jabba, the Hutt, but ends up losing it all and returns to go on as a member of the Rebel Alliance. Chewbacca frees the enslaved and refuses his medal of bravery for the Battle of Yavin.
Meanwhile, even without Obi-Wan Kenobi's mentorship, Luke leaves in a solo mission to rescue a rebel agent. The young man increases his knowledge of the Force even further and begins to truly establish himself as a Jedi. Han Solo takes a little trip from the rebellion to smuggle and takes part in a race as a cover-up to find a suspected traitor to the Alliance.
On the imperial side, Admiral Garrick Versio creates the Inferno Squadron, commanded by his daughter, Iden Versio, as a response to the Death Star's destruction. Luke, Han, Leia and Chewie attack an imperial base in the moon of Cymoon 1. There, Luke and Vader duel for the first time and the Sith Lord becomes a little suspicious after recognizing the Skywalker saber.
After failing to stop the attack on Cymoon 1, Darth Vader is in a bit of a pickle with Emperor Palpatine. Thanks to the services of bounty hunter Boba Fett, Vader finds out that the last name of the Jedi who destroyed the Death Star is Skywalker and realizes the Emperor lied about Padmé Amidala's death. Vader then summons the archeologist Doctor Aphra to help him build a personal army and start a coup against the Emperor.
But Aphra betrays Vader and delivers that information to Palpatine himself, who instead of being mad, is kinda happy! Because he can see that his apprentice is in a good path within the Dark Side. Vader gains control of the imperial fleet and of the Super Star Destroyer, Executor.
To further his Jedi studies and learn more about the past, Luke investigates Obi-Wan Kenobi's journal, which was hidden in his hut in Tatooine. In a mission to steal a Star Destroyer, Luke, Han, Leia and Chewie meet Task Force 99, also known as the SCAR Squadron. They become a real nuisance for the rebels, with a lightsaber wielding Trooper!
After betraying Darth Vader and coming out alive, escaping from the Dark Lord's wrath, Dr Aphra goes on many archeological adventures, uncovering the galaxy's past. Aphra is accompanied by the treacherous droids 000 and BT-1 and even fights the infamous Doctor Cornelius Evazan. The one condemned in 12 systems who hates short people.
Watch out, Aphra! Lando Calrissian is hired to steal a ship that belongs to Emperor Palpatine. Amongst the treasures, he and his friend Lobot find Lord Momin's helmet, and what seemed to be a simple robbery becomes a race for survival.
While the rebel fleet continues to be chased by the Empire, Leia, Luke, and the others investigate the planet Crait in order to establish a new base, but they are interrupted by the arrival of the SCAR Squadron. The rebels confront the Empire in Jedha, a moon that had been destroyed by the Death Star a year prior. and try to recruit surviving guerrilla warriors from Saw Gerrera's faction.
At this time, the Empire has begun construction of the Death Star II and is after more kyber crystals, the raw material for the Death Star's weapon. And also for lightsabers. They try to rescue Lee Char, ruler of Mon Cala, from an imperial prison, but he dies during the mission.
This makes the Mon Calamari revolt even more against the Empire and direct all of their forces and ship construction towards helping the Rebel Alliance. Queen Trios, who also serves the Empire, causes many problems for the Rebellion, betraying Leia and causing the deaths of many rebel commanders. But that's not the end of it and the rebels end up winning.
The rebels continue their search for a base and go on many missions. In one of them, Chewbacca and Darth Vader end up throwing hands! Until they finally manage to build a base in the ice planet Hoth.
Aphra is hired to kill Emperor Palpatine, but ends up leaking her contract to Vader, who then establishes a truce with her. Aphra finds out where the rebels are located, but doesn't tell it to Vader and betrays him once again. Aphra is pretty tough, huh?
Continuing Darth Vader's unlucky streak, a team of bounty hunters try to assassinate him. He ends up being saved by the hunter Dengar, who falls in the Sith Lord's graces. Darth Vader sends probes throughout the galaxy and finds the secret rebel base in Hoth.
The Alliance defends itself with all their might, but are forced to retreat. In the process, Luke escapes and travels to the planet Dagobah with R2 to train with Master Yoda, at the request of Obi-Wan Kenobi's ghost. Meanwhile, Han, Leia, Chewie and C-3PO are chased by the imperial fleet and end up in the city of clouds, Bespin, which is under Lando Calrissian's control, now a baron and responsible for the tibanna gas exploration there.
During his Jedi training, Luke has visions of his friends suffering and abandons Dagobah and Master Yoda to save them. Lando is eventually forced to betray Han Solo, Leia and the others, and Darth Vader comes to arrest everyone. Han is frozen in carbonite and delivered to Boba Fett, so he can be taken to Jabba the Hutt.
Luke arrives to try to save his friends and faces Darth Vader in a deadly duel in Bespin. The Sith Lord cuts off the young Jedi apprentice's hand and in this moment, the most important one of the Skywalker Saga, Darth Vader reveals he is Luke's father. The young rebel manages to escape and runs with Leia, Chewie, Lando, C-3PO and R2-D2.
With the rebel fleet spread throughout the galaxy, they return to Bespin. Luke tries to find his lightsaber – if possible, "handless". But doesn't succeed.
The saber is found by an ugnaught and, afterwards, ends up in the hands of Maz Kanata. Luke has visions that lead him to the planet Serelia. There, a woman named Verla tries to dissuade him from being a Jedi.
Luke flies to an advanced outpost of the High Republic in Tempes, where he finds a yellow lightsaber and fights the spirit of the Great Inquisitor. The rebels face the forces of Commander Zahra, pupil of Grand Moff Tarkin, who died in the explosion of the first Death Star. Still confused and pissed because he didn't know he had a child, Darth Vader wants to punish everyone who knew this secret and joins forces with Sabé, former body double and helper of Padmé Amidala during her tenure as queen.
Sabé betrays Vader, believing him responsible for Padmé Amidala's death. Also, Palpatine, Darth Sidious, is not very happy that Darth Vader is investigating the past and sends the assassin Ochi of Bestoon to teach his apprentice a lesson. Now with a new crew, Doctor Aphra gets involved in a struggle with the Tagge Corporation, which is aligned with the Galactic Empire.
And before leaving a carbonite frozen Han Solo at Jabba's palace, Boba Fett gets into a fight with Valance and other bounty hunters. Afterwards, the tables are turned and Valance becomes a target for a criminal syndicate. The TIE Fighter Shadow Wing squadron stops an imperial admiral from betraying Palpatine's government.
The Rebel Alliance finds out about the construction of the second Death Star at the moon of Endor and initiates a plan to destroy the station during a visit by Emperor Palpatine. Meanwhile, the Inferno Squadron infiltrates the Rebel Alliance to recover an intercepted message that could warn the rebels of the trap set up in Endor. Luke, Leia, Lando, Chewie, and the droids manage to save Han Solo from Jabba's grip, killing the criminal during the rescue.
Luke then returns to Dagobah and Yoda confirms that Darth Vader is indeed his father. The Jedi Master ends up dying of old age and becomes one with the Force. The ghost of Obi-Wan tries to convince Luke to kill Vader, but the young Jedi believes that he can bring him to the side of the Light.
Obi-Wan reveals to Luke that Leia is his twin sister. The Alliance sends rebels to the moon of Endor to deactivate the Death Star II's shields. There, they become friends of the Ewok tribe and the battle begins!
The Alliance's fleet arrives for their last strike against the Death Star II, but, actually, it's a trap! IT'S A TRAP! Luke tells Leia that they are siblings and delivers himself to Darth Vader.
The two face off in front of the Emperor and, upon defeating his father, Luke stops the fight and declares himself a full Jedi. The Emperor then tries to kill him, but Vader redeems himself and throws Palpatine into the reactor core of the Death Star II. Darth Vader returns as the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, saves his son, and dies.
During the battle, the rebels finally manage to deactivate the station's shield in Endor and the fleet makes their last strike. Luke escapes the station and Lando and the other pilots explode the Death Star II. With the Galactic Empire's defeat, democracy returns.
The galactic reconstruction won't be easy and the enemies haven't yet been defeated. Thus was founded the New Republic. Admiral Sloane orders the retreat of the imperial forces in Endor.
The Inferno Squadron is designated by Admiral Versio to the planet Vardos and Operation: Cinder begins. This operation aimed at destroying enemy and even friendly worlds of the Empire, because they were too weak to stop the defeat or rather the. .
. "Death" of the Emperor. Iden Versio and Del Meeko disagree with that and desert the Inferno Squadron, joining the Rebel Alliance.
The pilot Yrica Quell also deserts the Empire and leaves the Shadow Wing Squadron to join the newly-founded New Republic. She and other pilots are designated to the Alphabet Squadron, a squadron of the Rebel Alliance that specializes in eliminating elite TIE pilots. The rebels Wedge Antilles and Norra Wexley identify an imperial meeting in the planet Akiva.
They are survivors from the Empire preparing their revenge against the Alliance and the newly-founded New Republic. More imperial survivors discover and try to destroy the New Republic's Project Starhawk, led by the rebel general Hera Syndulla. Han and Chewie are a little upset with the New Republic's lack of priorities and fly to free the planet Kashyyyk, home of the Wookiees, from imperial occupation.
A year after the explosion of the second Death Star, reunited over the desert planet of Jakku, imperial forces and the New Republic fight one last time in a colossal battle. The imperial ships are destroyed and Great Admiral Sloane orders the imperial survivors to hide in the unknown regions of the galaxy. The Galactic Civil War is officially over and Leia gives birth to her son with Han Solo: Ben Solo.
Han and Lando face a gangster that brings up many wounds of their past. A mandalorian named Din Djarin lives as a bounty hunter in the Outer Rim, in a corner forgotten by the New Republic's law. He is hired by imperial survivors to capture a child of the same species as Master Yoda, strong with the Force.
The mandalorian abandons his mission and protects the child from many dangers, until the two are confronted by Moff Gideon, a high ranking imperial, still active in that region of the galaxy. It is revealed that Gideon is the current holder of the Darksaber, after dominating Mandalore and eliminating many of the mandalorians about 12 years before. The mandalorian decides to deliver the child to the Jedi, renouncing his fatherly love for the safety of the little one, whose real name is Grogu.
He is a survivor of Order 66, the one that purged the Jedi. Boba Fett, accompanied by the gunslinger Fennec Shand, rules the criminal empire left by Jabba the Hutt. And although the New Republic's forces have been considerably diminished, they begin to regain their strength and take law and peace to the galaxy.
Meanwhile, Ahsoka Tano is alive and continues her search for Great Admiral Thrawn, who has been missing since before the Battle of Yavin. The New Republic falls into chaos. The Dark Side regains strength and the imperial survivors finally execute their revenge.
This is the Rise of the First Order. The young Poe Dameron leaves his home in Yavin IV and joins the smuggler Zorii Bliss. A political rival discovers that Leia is actually Darth Vader's biological daughter.
There's a bit of a Jerry Springer moment and she is forced to leave politics. Suspecting a growth in the activity of former imperials in the unknown regions, Leia renounces and assumes command of the Resistance. After years of training and being tempted by the Dark Side, the young Ben Solo is confronted by his uncle and master, Luke Skywalker, who gives up on killing him in a few seconds.
But the damage was done. Feeling betrayed, Ben accidentally destroys Luke's Jedi Academy, takes the mantle of leader of the Knights of Ren and becomes an apprentice of the mysterious Force user, Snoke, the Supreme Leader of the First Order. Han and Leia break up and Luke exiles himself in the planet Ahch-To, ancient birthplace of the Jedi Order.
A young Force sensitive man called Karr learns more about the Jedi by feeling echoes of the past in ancient objects. The agent of the Resistance Vi Moradi and the First Order's Captain Cardinal join forces against Captain Phasma and discover that she and General Armitage Hux conspired to assassinate Brendol Hux and lead the army of the First Order. Poe Dameron leaves his squadron in the New Republic to join Leia Organa's Resistance and, leading the Black Squadron, investigates and stops First Order activities on the edges of the galaxy.
Poe finds an old ally of Luke's, Lor San Tekka, who has a clue on the whereabouts of Master Skywalker. Poe also summons a young New Republic pilot called Kazuda Xiono to investigate First Order activities in a base called Collossus, in the planet Castilon. In Jakku, Lor San Tekka gives Poe a part of a map that may contain Luke's location.
Kylo Ren arrives and kills Lor, imprisoning Poe Dameron. A young scrap seller called Rey finds Poe's droid, BB-8. And meanwhile, Poe ends up being rescued by a deserting Stormtrooper called FN-2187, whom he names Finn.
During the escape, their TIE falls in Jakku and they are separated. Finn and Rey escape the planet with BB-8 using the Millennium Falcon, that had been lost by Han Solo and had been in Jakku for God knows how long. Han and Chewie track the Falcon and take Rey and Finn to the planet Takodana, to ask for Maz Kanata's help.
Maz gives Luke's lightsaber to Rey, who is revealed to be Force sensitive. But she refuses the call and runs away. The First Order arrives and attacks the planet and Rey is captured by Kylo Ren.
In a daring move, the First Order eliminates the New Republic using the Starkiller base, the base-planet capable of exploding whole systems. The Hosnian system, capital of the New Republic at the time, is completely destroyed. Kaz watches the destruction of Hosnian Prime, his home planet, by the hands of the First Order.
He defeats the forces there and reactivates the base Collossus, which escapes by entering hyperspace. Kylo Ren tortures Rey in order to discover Luke's whereabouts, but ends up transferring part of his powers to her. Han and Finn meet up with Leia, Poe and the Resistance.
They make a plan to deactivate and destroy the Starkiller Base and rescue Rey in the process. In the Starkiller base, they manage to force Captain Phasma to lower the planet's shields. Han finds himself face-to-face with his son.
Kylo Ren reneges the name of Ben and his redemption, executing Han Solo in front of Rey and Finn. Rey wakes up to her Force powers and defeats Kylo. And the Starkiller base is finally destroyed.
With the maps to Ahch-To, Rey, Chewbacca and R2 travel to the planet to find Luke Skywalker with the intent of bringing him to help the Resistance. The mechanic Rose Tico and her sister Paige join the Resistance squadron. Iden Versio and her daughter Zay discover the blueprints for a Dradnaught battleship by the First Order and transmit them to Leia and the Resistance.
Both also become aware of Project Resurrection, a First Order initiative to kidnap children and turn them into Stormtroopers. During the conflict, Iden is killed, and her daughter Zay is sent by Leia to find other Resistance allies throughout the galaxy. Phasma escapes the Starkiller base explosion and a First Order officer finds out that it was she who lowered the planet's shields.
Not wanting any loose ends, she solves the problem. . .
Quickly. In the frontier of the unknown regions, the planet Batuu functions as a warehouse for smugglers and people who want to get out of the galaxy. The agent Vi Moradi discovers First Order activities there and is sent to investigate.
The First Order's fleet forces the evacuation of the Resistance base in D'Qar. Thanks to the plans sent by Iden Versio, Poe Dameron and a bomber destroy the First Order's battleship, Dradnaught, at the cost of many lives, including Rose's sister, Paige Tico. Snoke's fleet gives chase to the Resistance through hyperscape.
Meanwhile, Luke refuses to return or to train Rey, for believing the Jedi are guilty of the galaxy's downfall since the times of Darth Sidious. Rey and Kylo Ren connect to each other through the Force and form a bond. Luke gets pissed and casts Rey out of the planet.
Rey travels to Kylo, thinking she can bring him to the Light. Kylo Ren kills Supreme Leader Snoke and they join forces for a brief moment, and Kylo invites her to join him in the Dark Side. But Rey refuses and both fight for the Skywalker saber using the Force, making it explode.
At the same time, Vice-Admiral Holdo throws the Resistance ship, Raddus, on the First Order's fleet so that the remaining rebels can escape. The kamikaze light-speed flight destroys and disables many ships and Rey uses the confusion to escape. In the planet Crait, the Resistance tries to hold the attack by General Hux and Kylo Ren, self-proclaimed Supreme Leader of the First Order.
To save the day, Luke appears as a Force projection and tricks Kylo, giving the Resistance enough time to escape. Luke redeems himself and becomes a ray of hope to the galaxy, becoming one with the Force, and dying. Poe rescues his Black Squadron friends that were fighting the First Order.
After leaving Crait dizzy and overwhelmed, the Resistance finally begins to be revived. Leia and others reunite old allies of the Rebel Alliance against the First Order. Little by little, enemy forces take hold of many of the main systems, tightening the net.
Meanwhile, Rey begins to be trained as a Jedi by Leia. The Resistance and the First Order arm-wrestle at the advanced outpost in Batuu, the Black Spire. It is there that Chewie goes to fix the Millennium Falcon, but the space pirate Hondo Ohnaka ends up "borrowing" the ship for some smuggling jobs.
Kaz unites the forces of the Collossus and its citizens to defeat the First Order once and for all. The Resistance travels to the planet Mon Cala in order to gather more old allies. Meanwhile, the First Order does what it does best: destroying all those who contemplate joining the Resistance.
They invade Mon Cala, but the son of Admiral Gial Ackbar, Aftar Ackbar, joins the Resistance and takes a bunch of ships with him. Now the Resistance is done playing around! They start to amplify their defenses and the counterattack by the First Order heats up.
Rey, Finn and Poe help many underdeveloped worlds fight the First Order's forces and their invasions. The movement starts to gain strength throughout the galaxy, hope springs anew! The dead speak!
Palpatine is alive and sends a terrifying message throughout the galaxy. Fearing a threat to his dominions, Kylo Ren tracks Darth Sidious in the lost world of the Sith, Exegol. Kylo then decides to convert Rey to the Dark Side, so that the two of them may destroy Palpatine once and for all.
And it is revealed that Rey is the daughter of one of Palpatine's unsuccessful clones. Both fight and Kylo Ren is hurt at the moment when Leia reaches him through the Force and uses her last breath to try to redeem her son. Regretting hurting him, Rey heals Kylo, who returns to the Light as Ben Solo.
Meanwhile, the Resistance organizes their last attack on Palpatine in Exegol, where the Sith Lord built for years a gigantic fleet of destroyers capable of annihilating whole worlds. The galaxy answers the Resistance's call and joins the battle, but Palpatine absorbs Rey and Ben's energy, who form a Force dyad, as powerful as life itself. With her last breath, Rey talks to the Jedi of the past and manages to defeat the Emperor once and for all.
But, unfortunately, ends up dying. Ben uses the Force to revive her and gives his own life for Rey's. She and the Resistance finally defeat the evil forces of the First Order and Palpatine and the Jedi takes the name of Rey Skywalker, to take its legacy further.
My dear Wings! Thank you for watching this video! If you watched until the end, stayed with us, thank you so much!
This video was a lot of work to make, edit – the whole creation and production process was something I had never done before and, really, I think the end result is great! So, listen, I'll leave all my sources and references in the description below, so that you too can check out all of Star Wars' canon media and organize your comic readings! Or, I don't know, if you want to marathon Star Wars TV Shows, there you go!
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Thank you once again for watching Diário Rebelde's content and don't forget: may the Force be with you, always! See you next video! And bye!
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