Faça Isso Sempre E Terá Uma Vida Incrível | ep.16

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Se quiser ter uma vida mais agitada, com mais emoção, não tenha medo de viver e aprender coisas nova...
Video Transcript:
What might be wrong in your life is you're living a lot on reflection, without action. Today's episode might be a quick message simply because I want to tell you the importance of trying new things. I just talked to my friend, who is here with me today, and we came to the following conclusion: Everything, all our problems, are pretty much our subconscious trying to free itself from ego somehow, but we don't realise it, and ultimately the solution for everything is nothing, the empty.
The truth is everything we wish is a means to an end, meaning it's us somehow trying to create more protection for our ego, for our individuality. For example, the wealth might be me trying to become more awesome to the world because I see myself as a small, meaningless person. Maybe.
I'm not saying everyone is like this, I'm not saying richness is bad. Richness is great and everyone deserves to have moments of richness. The problem is when you try to keep it for yourself.
That's our ego trying to hang on to things, not only worldly goods, trying to fixate and break the natural flow of things, the flow of impermanence, like a river that is always flowing. When you try to hold it, to break this flow, you are acting against your true nature. To this end, if everything is an unconscious process for us to free ourselves from ego and ego is something no one actually understands, ego is so far a mistery for us, what should we do?
How should we live our lives? By seeking for wealth? By seeking for anything?
If you think about it, if you have more instrospections - maybe you won't agree with me - you'll always come to the conclusion that nothing is the solution, the empty is the solution. Unbalanced people might think this is nonsense precisely because they are afraid of the empty, of their nothing, when you realise everything in our life obligations and goals things we want, projections for the future, will always be defense mechanisms, we are trapped and the essence of life is the liberation of things that deprive us. The most important thing about self development, self-knowledge, any form of spirituality is liberation.
Liberation from what? Liberation from where? Liberation from who?
Actually, only liberation. Simply the feeling of living a free life, free in every sense and every dimension. Maybe free from time, from time obligations, maybe financial freedom, making you able to do whatever you want, anytime you want.
Maybe freedom from ego, maybe freedom from your past, from who you think you are, but actually you aren't, or maybe only freedom beating inside you. I think the only way you're able to have this type of freedom unconditional maybe, such a deep freedom is that you always constantly jump into the new. You must have new experiences almost all the time.
I know in your day-to-day life this is nearly impossible. That's why we are here in these series having multiple and consecutive transformations, so that you have a life with liberation, with new experiences. If you give yourself pause for thought about how big the world is you'll realise the world is free, it is worth knowing and travel the world might be a great example of liberation, of having new experiences, a great example of us living in a hostile environment where we have to bring ourselves to the present consciously so we know how to handle where we are.
Adventures, experiences, mindfulness, being completly present in the moment. Sometimes you don't need much to have new experiences if you always jump into the new. I say this as a simple message, very simple, but many people are afraid of the new, many people are stuck in the comfort zone, many people don't like new experiences, doing things upside down.
They always follow the rules, always are who they have always been and they never are someone different, never desire the change. Living new things, jumping into the new, liking the unknown, the misterious, what you don't know yet, must be a law in your life. I spoke about you constantly jumping into the uknown, into the new.
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See you in the next chapter. You know what's cool? I just recorded a video about having new experiences and people think it's about awesome experiences.
As if you were a movie star, as if you were in a movie, but actually I'm talking about simple things. Things that you might already have in your life, you just can't see them because you're not able to bring yourself to the present.
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