what's up friends my name is nicholas cole you can call me cole and if you love writing but aren't sure how to make a living doing it you are in the right place so it's 11 30. i'm going to show you how to write an atomic essay which is 300-ish words in 10 minutes so let's go so here i'm writing inside typeshare this is my library and i go to create i'm going to write an atomic essay and i'm going to show you how this works i'm going to pick a blank template okay so first
things first we need to come up with a title so let's say i want to write about uh let's see i remember in 2016 i quit my job i wanted to become a freelance writer and let's see what comes to mind um i made a bunch of mistakes at the time when i was trying to save money getting ready to quit my job and go out on my own so immediately i'm gonna go with there's three mistakes that come to mind so i already know that this is how i'm gonna organize the piece so here
i'm going to go i got a little intro and i'm going to go mistake number one mistake number two mistake number three so i had a recent video i call this prepping the page all i'm doing here is dividing the page up you know here's what it's going to look like and then here i also love doing this just makes it you know easier to visualize i'm going to go through and put in my headers so out the gate i know i'm going to have these three sections all right so now i need to i
need to reinforce the headline what direction am i moving in so i'm going to say three mistakes i made saving money uh trying to quit my job so i could become a freelance writer okay so here i'm just putting out the idea right so this is kind of long and it's convoluted so i can either take this time and go i'm going to refine the headline for a minute or i can just get started writing and then i'll come back and and refine it as i go i like spending more time on the headline so
i'm going to try and think what's the problem and what's the promise that i'm going to make to the reader so here if i think about it the promise the thing that i really want to give the reader is if you want to quit your job you're going to need some money to do that you need some runway and you learn from my experiences right don't make these mistakes so i might take this and restart and try again so if you want to quit your job don't make these three money management mistakes okay so then
as i think about it i'm like is it really money management mistakes like is that really what i'm trying to do maybe it's is it mistakes that i want to talk about or is it ways to save money so that you can give yourself runway right so you can see as i'm playing with the headline the idea is changing so it's almost like there's no point in even really getting into the writing yet until we refine the idea so maybe i go it's actually better if i say if you want to quit your job and
go all in on your side hustle you need to do these three things okay so here this is some that now i have more clarity right i feel like this is a little bit more valuable to the reader um and i can shorten this by saying three things you need to do in order to successfully quit your job okay wow that's ten times cleaner right all right so let's play with that so here in the intro there's a couple things i need to cover what is this about who is this for what's the promise what's
the why you know promise and what's my credibility so here just as a little checklist i'm gonna put this down here see we got six minutes let's keep going so what is this about do you have a side hustle that you wish was your full-time career back in 2016 i was working as an entry level copywriter for an ad agency i had to commute to work two hours per day every day and then spend the other eight hours writing ads for everyone from local pizza joints to national coconut water brands it was decent work but
not my life's work i wanted and maybe i say my dream was to write books not ads in order for me to quit my job and then i hear i want to mirror i want to mirror the headline right to successfully quit my job and go all in on writing i needed to get a few things straight i needed to get my income straight and so here i can use this tool i need i needed to get my income straight i needed to get my work ethic and daily routine straight and i needed to get
my we'll call it my portfolio straight after all how was i going to pay the bills right and then here i might say so what is this about we covered it right who is this for we're we're kind of implying hey if you want to quit your job right we can let's reinforce this again and i need to get my portfolio straight if this sounds like you or you've been debating how you can successfully quit your job and go all in on your side hustle let me save you some time right benefit to the reader
and give you the recipe that all ultimately allowed me to achieve my goal okay and this is the credibility right credibility is hey i did it okay so that's why you should listen to me and the why what's the promise well hey let me save you some time i'm going to give you the answer okay now here now i got my conclusion done i got three minutes let's go go go so now i got to ask i'm things right these are mistakes so i need to change these real quick so i need to go thing
thing number one thing number two and thing number three so here what was the first thing i needed to do i need to get my income straight so here i can mirror this if i want i needed to get my income straight here i needed to get my work ethic and daily routine straight three i needed to get my portfolio straight all right let's just leave that for now and then here is a technique i use all the time it's called one three one so we have one sentence here three sentences here one sentence here
okay so first things first i needed to start saving money i projected i would need approximately five thousand dollars in order to quit my job so that i could continue paying my overhead expenses for roughly three months my overhead for context sorry for the truck looked something like this per month for rent per month for food and uh 100 per month for my train pass so roughly all in you know that's uh 12 15 17 18 that's 1800 per month to live and if i could cover that then i was good once i had this
number in my mind i relentlessly saved money to hit it okay now thing number two i need to get my work ethic straight i knew the moment i quit my job my life was going to be completely different i wasn't going to have to take the train to work anymore i was going to be responsible for putting food on the table for myself i would get to decide when i woke up in the morning pro and i would also have to figure out when i was going to show up to the office my studio apartment
and work which was a con it was going to be it was a pro and conrad it was going to be a challenge so long before i quit my job i started challenging myself to come home and work at night on freelance projects this allowed me to start practicing the daily discipline of working for myself okay thing number three all right we've hit our 10 minutes we'll we'll maybe we'll do it in 12 or 15. third finally i needed a way to show prospective clients that i was worth hiring between 2014 and 2016 i had
written hundreds of answers on a website called quora quora for those who don't know is a question answer platform where anyone can ask a question and anyone can answer in those two years i accumulated tens of millions of views on my writing and essentially proved that i could write viral content over and over again my quora profile became my portfolio and then here i'm going to go into a little conclusion as soon as i or i'll recap right by doing these three things the moment i quit my job i had uh i don't like the
sound of that by doing these three things i immediately started getting clients the moment i quit my job and here i can even give this a little h2 if i want right and again i don't want to i don't want to just recap all of it for the sake of recapping it so i want to say something new so and what i learned was that in order to successfully quit your job and go all in on your side hustle the decision has to come long before you leave the office if you prepare correctly it doesn't
feel like a leap at all instead it should feel like the next logical step okay 13 minutes so if you notice all right how did we do this and i i love doing stuff like this because i just it's like demystifying the whole writing process i got these crows just going ham outside right now so we took all of two minutes three minutes to think about the title the title went through three or four iterations and you can already tell right like by the third or fourth iteration so much cleaner so much better than where
we started so don't settle for the very first thing that comes to mind you got to play with it you got to really ask yourself is this really what i'm trying to say is this what i'm trying to say second is right this part of the title then becomes the outline okay these are the main points so just remember essentially whatever words you're putting here this is your map and all you have to do is fill it in the third is you can kind of see i was talking through it as i was writing the
intro but all you're doing is you're hitting on these couple main points right what is this about just telling the reader you're in the right room who is this for hey you're this type of person who may be thinking about xyz you're struggling with one two three here's the promise i'm gonna make to you and then the credibility for me here is hey i lived this right like i i already went through all this myself these birds are ridiculous right now i already went through all this myself the the other option for credibility is you
can go out and curate other people's credibility as well so you can go say hey um i didn't necessarily experience this but i have a friend who experienced this or i went and studied all the other people who experienced this right you put that there and then all you're doing is just filling it in right the main the main points take care of themselves and then you're just telling stories sharing perspectives giving a little hey here's a tip here's something you should think about and what's crazy and why i love doing this you know again
start to finish 13 minutes this looks like a refined piece but the reason it looks refined is because each section is kind of following a proven methodology i've written so many intros like this i've written so many main points like this i've written so many you know one three one one four one one five one sequences like this so now that i know they work i just repeat them over and over and over again you can do this steal the one three one steal the here's how to structure an effective intro you know all i'm
giving all this to you so use it and then finally here in the conclusion you notice i didn't just go and say everything i said again right i added this new detail this new piece to the story and this is something you know i've talked about a lot i've written this before is if you prepare correctly it shouldn't feel like a leap you know it should feel like the next logical step and so when you when you step back and you look at the whole thing the average reader goes well how long did that take
you you know but if you just slow down and practice each one of these things in and of themselves this whole piece is basically four puzzle pieces it's a title it's an intro it's your main points and it's a mini conclusion and you can repeat that over and over and over again and to the average reader or even to really great readers of smart readers when they look at this they go wow this is such a great piece this is so well written this is so well organized this looks so professional but to you after
you've done it you know a gazillion times you're like yeah i mean it's basically just following the recipe it's not you know it's not anything like insanely complicated you just learn this is how it works so i just wanted to show you um how i go about doing this i mean at this point you know this is 13 minutes sometimes sometimes if i'm really going probably because i was saying it out loud i can i can do it in ten but there's no reason why you can't get to the stage two and once you get
here you notice i was thinking a lot less about the actual writing and i was thinking a lot more about the thinking what do i want to say and then the organization just takes care of itself i know where all the puzzle pieces are going to fit so i hope this helps use this framework enjoy it right inside typeshare it's great great interface you have all the tools you need and let me know in the comments if you uh what you think or if you have any questions or anything else you'd like to see me
write i'm happy to take suggestions and tackle it in another video all right enjoy