You're Programmed To Sabotage Yourself! - Completely Reinvent Your Life In 2025 | Bruce Lipton

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Dr Rangan Chatterjee
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so Bruce if I think about what I see around me both in my job and if I just look out at the public I see a lot of people trying to make changes they're trying to change their behaviors but I don't think they realize that their behaviors are driven by their beliefs so they change their behaviors and it lasts for a few weeks or even a few months but because they've never rewired their belief system the behavior never sticks in the long term what's your perspective on that that's exactly what's going on in the world
because people think that uh my mind and I say the mind I go yeah well they say the mind like there's one single entity there's a big mistake there are two minds that work together they're interdependent I have the conscious mind and what is called the subconscious mind each of them has a different function in a different way way of understanding life and be responding to life so let's start with the conscious mind that's the latest evolution of the brain it's right behind your forhead a a lobe of brain called prefrontal cortex this is the
seat of Consciousness I say well what is consciousness I said well that's your personal life your personal identity that's where your spirit enters into your your biology is through the creative conscious mind creative is the emphasis the other mind which was here long before that was called the subconscious mind and by its definition means below Consciousness things that the biology is controlled that you have no no control over what's your your pH and your blood what's your temperature of your body you know what's your respiration all of these are controlled by the subconscious and the
subconscious is a million times more powerful a processor than is the conscious mind okay so I say so what's the point ah the subconscious mind's not creative subconscious mind's got programs it's a hard drive so if you look at the brain as a computer you would say the subconscious is the hard drive with programs in it but the keyboard is where you can type your information in so I say that's like the Consciousness conscious mind conscious mind is the one that is creative can type on the keyboard put in wishes and desires and what you
want subconscious mind is not creative it's basically a hard drive with programs once you push the button the program unfolds you have no control over it at that point it's just an automatic process now the question is this which mind is controlling Our Lives everyone thinks their conscious creative mind my wishes my desires my aspirations Consciousness they believe that's what's controlling their lives I go well this is problematic because everybody has great wishes to be healthy happy be in love great job and they fail at doing that and then they they feel like victim because
they say oh I wanted to be healthy I wanted to be in love I wanted a great job it's not happening and then they go well then it must be the source outside that's interfering with me they take on victim well victim by definition means powerless they feel powerless in the unfolding of their lives I go there's a great misunderstanding and that is the conscious mind which is the creative mind which has the wishes and desires can do two things and I go what do you mean I said well the conscious imagine your body is
a vehicle and the conscious mind is looking through the windshield and it's driving you to where you wanted to go happiness love health and all that I go that's one job of the conscious mind but the other job of the conscious mind is to think I go so what well thinking is not looking out at the world thinking is looking inside a thought is inside so the moment you are thinking Consciousness is no longer look no longer looking the outside Consciousness is looking for something on the inside a thought where am I what am I
doing where am I going why this that and I say well wait if the Consciousness the conscious mind is not looking out the windshield and it's inside well what happens for example if you're thinking when you drive the car I go what do you mean I go well if you're thinking and you're not looking out the window with your conscious mind where you're going what what happens how come you don't crash your car and the answer is when the conscious mind is thinking the subconscious mind with the programs is autopilot it takes over okay so
whatever program you got in your subconscious mind it's running when you're thinking and then I go oh my goodness science has recognized we think 95% of the day we're in thought I go well then translate that and I go yeah 95% of the day your conscious mind's not running the show it's inside thinking so 95% of the day your life is being controlled by the programs that you downloaded in the subconscious then I go well wait a minute if my programs are not very good and it turns out 60% of the programs in the subconscious
are disempowering self-sabotaging or limiting beliefs so more than half of the programs are are actually interfering with your life I said well I would notice if I was playing one of those programs he said no oh that's the part I say why wouldn't you notice it because why are you playing the subconscious program because you're not paying attention to what's going outside in the world you're looking inside at a thought so I said then when the subconscious programs are playing you yourself don't even see those programs other people see those programs and they respond to
your program and you're thinking you're the victim because they're challenging your life in some way I go no you're the one that sent out the program that they're responding to we are creating the problem but we don't see it uh and just to conclude with this very simple which a a point that I've made for 40 years and that is this you have a friend you know your friend's Behavior very well you happen to know your friend's parent and one day you see your friend has the same behavior as their parents so you you volunteer
you go hey Bill you're just like your dad step back from Bill I'll tell you why cuz and you already know because I know what Bill's going to tell you he's going to say how can you compare me to my D my dad I'm nothing like my dad and the fact is but everybody else sees that he's like his dad the only one who doesn't see it is Bill and here's the problem we are all bill every one of us 95% of the day are creating our lives with programs that we don't even see them
playing we only see the result of those programs because the result is not supporting us when we have negative programs yeah you you you said the your friend bill yeah we could substitute the word friend for partner right because people see this all the time with their Partners they can they can see that oh you're behaving just like your mom or your dad's and and a person resents that when they hear it yeah because there is this disconnect think for many of us between you know what we think our behaviors are and where they've come
from and what they actually are which I think speaks to a lot of your work which is how can we take back the steering wheel how can we start to be the architect of our life of our health of our happiness rather than I guess a victim to the world around us but but also the way you you answer that first question Bruce for me there's a couple of things that are worth pausing on one is what you said about 60% of the programs that are running are negative yes okay they're self- sabotaging and it
kind of fits right with what I see which is people struggle to make the changes in their life permanent because they're concentrating on the behavior oh I want to meditate every day oh I want to do this every day because it's going to help me which can go so far but if you don't go and rewire the underlying belief I I kind of feel that our behaviors will always fall back to the level of our beliefs 100% it's 100% Because unless you change the amount of time that you're running your your programs and I say
what does that mean I say well why am I running a program because my conscious mind's thinking and then I say well what if you're not thinking what if you stay what is called present or you stay what is called mindful I go this is the cool part because I say this turns out science has recognized when we fall in love uh what happens when we fall in love is we stop thinking because what you've been looking for your whole life is now in front of you the idea of thinking is disconnecting it's like no
you don't want you want to be here so I guess what science is recognize when you fall in love you stop thinking I go yeah but then what happens I say well if you're not thinking then you're not playing the program and I said well then if I'm not thinking then who's running the show I go the creative conscious mind so I say your life could be blah blah blah blah then you meet somebody 24 hours later you have a completely different life experience I go what is it I said you fall in love I
said what is it I say you you experienced something we call the honeymoon what's the honeymoon heaven on Earth I go well wait every day was blah blah blah then 24 hours after you fall in love you you're creating the honeymoon of yeah because you're not creating your life from your program when you stop thinking you're creating from the conscious mind which is wishes and desires so when two people get together and they first get together neither of them are playing their subconscious programs because they're in a creative mode and they're creating that heaven on
Earth honeymoon experience I go well this is great why the honeymoon is so wonderful and lovely I said but shortly down the road you have jobs you have to start thinking you have have planning you have all you start thinking I go so what happens I said well the moment you start thinking then you you know resort to going back to the program well I say yeah but guess what your partner has never seen your programs because you never played them once you started being in love and all of a sudden these negative things come
out and your partner looks at you and goes who are you where did that come from because they never saw this and then as the relationship continues more and more of the programs from both both Partners start manifesting so the idea that that they may say oh you weren't like that when we first met it's true and it's not true right they were like that but you never saw the aspect of them because they were present they were operating from the conscious mind they the creative mind yeah so because that's interesting because both parts were
there but one part was hidden and that's why the honeymoon effect I guess it it it sort of wears off after a while does and that and then all of a sudden was why why did 50% of marriages end in divorce and the answer is because nobody signed up for the programs they signed up for the creative conscious wishes and desires when the program started showing up it's like who are you where where did that come from yeah and then there's also another problem there isn't there which is people will often go from relationship to
relationship again I accept there are some problematic relationships there are some violent relationships there are things that we we should leave but I'm not talking about that I'm talking about this phenomena that I think is pretty common where after a while we think oh this partner is not right for us yes and so I'm going to find someone else who is right and that cycle can keep going but the same patterns follow you everywhere you go because they're your subconscious patterns yeah there's a joke it's like the second marriage the third marriage is like uh
I married the same person with different color hair basically I'm still carrying my same program from this relationship to the next but every time I start the relationship I'm not playing the program because then I'm being conscious and so every new relationship is like oh wow heaven on Earth this is wonderful the honeymoon I love this inevitably then it returns back to the program and that relationship starts to collapse and fall yeah the other thing I just wanted to pause on is what you said about driving the car because I think some people Bruce may
think what is this conscious subconscious you know what exactly you talking about you know everything I do in my life is is conscious right most of us have experienced driving yes when at some point we've totally Switched Off we're daydreaming we're going through our jobl list we're we're working out a relationship issue whatever it might be yet we still stop at the red light I think that's so powerful because it shows us for anyone who's skeptical it's like well wait a minute if you're not consciously thinking about the Road who On Earth Is Right something
is going on there is an intelligence in your body your subconscious brain is still monitoring the cars the traffic signals do you know what I mean and I think anyone driving driving is a habit and a habit is a program you learn to drive by repetition you practice you practice what's the point when you first got in the car you were so conscious aware of everything what's going on out the windows the mirrors the engine the feet on the pedals you were now you've been driving a car for a while you get in there you
put the key in and you're thinking about where I'm going to go what I'm going to do and all this stuff you paying attention to the rules all of a sudden you're not doing that so let's just say you and I are in the car right now and we're having this conversation I'm driving the car and we have this great conversation that my focus is on you your focus is on me I'm driving the car and all of a sudden I realize I'm not paying attention to the road and you know like oh my God
we're at the exit already how did that happened I'm already at the exit I asked two questions this is where it comes down to I say what was your conversation about oh well we talked about this and we talked about that then I asked well what was on the road when you were having the conversation he answered I have no idea and all of a sudden I go right and the point about it was what you were not driving the car the program was driving the car you had no idea what was on the road
the program did it and I say but that's 95% of our lives I love it Bruce okay so what I thought for this conversation today because it's our second conversation together on my podcast I was thinking about this idea that our behaviors follow our beliefs and then I thought okay it would be fun with Bruce to think about some common beliefs that I feel exist across Society in many of us and get your perspective on them so are you up for that 100% okay all right so one of them I think you've sort of covered
but I'll put it out there anyway so I believe that most people think that their conscious mind determines what happens in their life that is a common belief that I'm creating the my wishes and desires is to do this and it's not working then all of a sudden they feel like I'm being victimized why I want to be successful why am I not successful and then they look at the world around them and say well person interfered with me and that person did this and that person all these excuses of why they didn't get what
they really wanted when they didn't realize that they were not creating their life with their conscious mind they were creating it with the program 95% of the day I go yeah look there's an old saying that's a truism called knowledge is power okay I go yeah but let me say the same thing in a different way a lack of knowledge is is a lack of power okay and then I'll add this a misperception something you believe to be true but is not is by definition a lack of power a misperception is disempowering so I say
oh my goodness we have this belief yeah I'm running my life with my conscious wishes and desires and the world is preventing me from getting them I go no your belief system is running 95% of the time and the programming you got could take you off the the world because if the program is wrong then you're operating from misinformation and I go well the misinformation you just brought up is I'm running my life with my conscious wishes and desires I go misinformation only uh 5% of your life is coming from the conscious mind 95% is
coming from the programmed mind so I say yeah but the conscious mind wishes and desires I go yeah but the program is different than the wishes and desires so are you really creating your life with wishes and desires that's say only 5% that's why it doesn't work you want to create your life with wishes and desires then at least 90% or more of your behavior should be controlled by your wishes and desires interesting this is what science has found out when people fall in love when they fall in love they no longer depend on the
program they stay conscious and now 95 or 90% of their life is coming straight from wishes and desires I say so what did happened when you fell in love I say your life was blah blah blah you meet someone you fall in love it's only 24 hours later that you're now experiencing something called the honeymoon and that was what your wishes and your desires you're not playing the program so that's empowering isn't it right if you can if you can flip and change your whole state of being in just 24 hours and anyone who's fallen
in love before will know that feeling yeah right that shows us that actually these things can be changed and they can be changed quite quickly perhaps 100% quickly this is what I say just 24 hours after meeting somebody you wake up with a different day oh my God I'm so in love love is so beautiful I'm so happy hey the food's good the music's good even a job that was crappy is not it's not crappy anymore why I'm enjoying my life I go oh your conscious mind is now putting out its wishes and desires manif
esting of course it comes back as my life is beautiful because that's what I wanted okay uh and I say so what is the honeymoon the first time you stop playing the program is the first time you actually then take control of your biology and what did you manifest heaven on Earth and I go you know heaven on Earth was always here I go then why aren't we experiencing every day because well 95% of the day you're not operating from that mind I think this is such a key point PR people and I think your
example of falling in love really brings it to life right but what you said about your job the job that you hated yeah and then you fall in love and then now you actually like your job or it's certainly not bothering you right right that also shows us that perception is huge perception is the foundation of Consciousness yeah that is where it comes from and we can actually change our perception things if we want to if you want to now the conscious mind is the changeable one I could you know we could have a conversation
I walk out the store and I my conscious mind could have a whole different meaning about life okay my subconscious is a hard drive just like in a computer I say what's the point I say if if you think you can change the hard drive your subconscious mind by just talking to it talking to yourself oh I'm going to do better I said who are you talking to you said well I'm talking to subconscious I go there's nobody in the subcon ious it's a hard drive like in a computer I say if you think you
can do that I say talk to your computer and see if it will change its function by talking to it the answer is no people people try when that computer is not working people do talk to their computers but I don't think it works I usually yell at it when I mess up yes but the reality is what the subconscious does not change habits unless there's a special way of doing it and the reason is this what is a habit it's a program uh do I want it to changed I go not if it's a
good habit I go like what well when did you learn how to walk before you were 2 years of age are you still walking I don't care what age you are you could be 100 years old are you still walking I go yeah I said that's the original program that you got before too it didn't change if you would lose the Habit then what would happen if you woke up one day and you forgot how to walk I say no the beautiful part about the subconscious is it holds on to that program for your whole
life unless you understand how to rewrite the subconscious because otherwise you can't talk to it because there's nobody in there nobody's listening it's just going to play the program forever and ever and ever until you change it where do we get these programs from listen the old days before uh you we used to buy a computer originally uh and you bought a brand new computer and you take it home and you plug it in you push start and the screen lights up it's booted up and I go you got a brand new computer I say
let's do something they said well I can't do anything you but you got a brand new computer it's oh no first I have to put programs in the computer to use the computer I go the brain is a computer it's the most fabulous computer humans have ever experienced and it works in the same way it B basically says this in the last trimester of pregnancy three months before you're born your brain screen lights up it's booted it's ready to go yeah but I can't do anything with it until I get programs well how do you
get programs the brain of a child from 3 months before birth to about 7 years of age is not operating at Consciousness at any level really okay and I said well what's it operating at it's not it's not conscious yet I go it's in a lower vibration and I use the word vibration because when you put wires on a person's head to read their brain activity it's in levels of vibration energy a child's brain up to about seven is primarily in a vibration called Theta now Theta is not Consciousness it's below Consciousness so I say
well a child up until 7 is not really conscious I go know but they're dealing with the world and I say oh what's Theta Theta is um actually a imination and I go Ah that's what kids do they can live in the real world and the imaginary world at the same time uh I always give an a lecture I talk about the famous tea party they pour nothing into the cup they drink nothing and they oh that's the best tea I ever had in my life or or the child's on a broom and they say
it's a horse in their mind Theta it's not a broom the imagination is turned into a horse so the mother says give me the broom and the child looks at her like I don't know what you're talking about okay and I said that is the character Imaginary Friends imaginary things I said that's a character of theta Theta is hypnosis I go what I said why I say how many rules must a child learn to be a functional member of a family how many rules must a child learn to be a functional member of their Community
I go Thousand Rules maybe or more I said so how's an infant going to learn you're going to send it to school read a book go to a classroom I said infant can't do that nature handled it by saying okay first seven years you're in hypnosis you want to know how to live watch your mother watch your father watch your siblings watch your community download their behavior and now you know the rules of living in that Community well you're copying other people's behavior uh and if the people you're copying are are living a great wonderful
happy productive life well that's great because you just downloaded that uh but I'll give an example on my personal life my mother and father had a dysfunctional relationship I'm a boy growing up at that age I'm watching my father to download behavior for the boy the man how how did men do this I watch my father guess what I'm downloading he was dysfunctional I downloaded dysfunctional Behavior why is that important and the answer is well I was over 40 years of age and I couldn't get a relationship off the ground why because 95% of my
life was coming from the program I downloaded from my father I was manifesting dysfunctional relationship unconsciously because when my conscious mind was busy my father's behavioral program was playing I couldn't get a relationship off the ground I mean I think people will get this Bruce in the sense that I think more and more people now are familiar with the idea that our childhoods yes um what happens to us when we're children what trauma we experience or don't experience how our parents are you know the beliefs that we take on they are basically the rest of
our life unless we do something about it right so we don't realize until we have a reason often as adults to go wait a minute where did I actually get this belief from in the first place you know why does this situation always trigger me and I think real empowerment comes from when you realize that most situations in life are pretty neutral it's actually your perception of that situation that determines the impact it has on you once you really absorb that concept and own it your experience of life becomes very very different and so I
think you know I've had Gabel mate on this show many times before and he talks about our childhoods and how our childhood experiences impact our adult Behavior many child psychotherapists would would say a similar thing so I think I'm just trying to bring that up for people who maybe going really we download programs it's like yeah you know you use the word programs but essentially it's the conditioning we get at that age isn't it it's 100% this is why kids essentially grow up like their parents you know I love it because musicians the kids of
musicians are great musicians you know and if you look at really famous musicians their children whe whether it's George Harrison or John Lenin's kids or whoever uh become great musicians oh they must have a gene for music I go no they downloaded the nature of manifesting music and writing and creating by observing their parents do it and then they can do it and so there's no Gene for being a musician it's your parent that you were following gave you that program that you can then manifest yourself okay well that's great if your parents have great
great behaviors and you download great behaviors there's no problem there but like in my case just as I mentioned minute ago what if my father has this dysfunctional behavior and I download it then it becomes My Dysfunctional Behavior Uh 95% of the time unless you do something about it ah yeah which is the key right so I know I mean in our first conversation you you touched a bit on self- hypnosis as one way that we can uh change these programs yes um I think you also talked about or maybe we didn't but I think
I want to talk today about how we can intentionally repeat certain behaviors until they become new habits yeah but but for for anyone who at this point is going okay I get what you're saying Bruce I have taken on these beliefs when I was a kid I have downloaded these programs which are now running my life if they then say to you Bruce can I do anything about that what do you say to them I say yes but it's sort of like I mentioned that the subconscious is like the program mind in a hard drive
I said you want to change the program in a hard drive you have to go through a process you have to push a record button you have to do some special thing to activate the programming okay the the idea a lot of people think well I'm just going to talk you know give myself a good talking to and I'll keep telling myself you know oh change change I go but when you say I'm talking to myself I say there's nobody in the subconscious so you're really not talking to anybody and you're not changing the subconscious
because that's not how it learns so the only idea is you want to change the programming you have to know how the programming goes in in the first place we just mentioned before first seven years of a child's life they're in Theta hypnosis that's how the program got in in the first seven years but you learn programs after age seven you learned how to drive a car play an instrument or something like that I go well how'd you learn that and that was based on repetition practice repeating repeating repeating and that is the second way
way that programs can manifest by repeating it okay hey guys as you know sleep is a crucial ingredient for our overall health and our longevity yet these days many people really struggle eight sleep have a technology called the pod which can be fitted to your existing mattress like a fitted sheet and it will automatically cool down or warm up each side of your bed which can be especially helpful if you have a partner as you can both have the ideal temperature that you want the Pod can also detect snoring and automatically lift your head to
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first conversation but the second one about repeating our behaviors consistently okay so I just want to summarize what I've heard to make sure I've got it and make sure everyone's following along okay so in the first seven years of our life and for the three months before we're born we are downloading certain programs from the world around us our Caregivers for many of us it will be our parents right now that's has the most influence or has a major influence on who we are later on in life but you're saying that we also download programs
later as evidenced by the facts that we learn how to drive we might learn the piano we might learn all kinds of new skills which then become habits right so that means we are capable of learning new behaviors and skills later on in life which is empowering but but there's a fact and learning that it's not like oh one time I got in the car and and then I learned how to drive I said no you had to get in the car and practice how to drive so it it's the repetition that should be underscored
for me I I think about that through this lens of if we are regularly repeating intentional behaviors or we're regularly repeating behaviors intentionally with enough repetition and practice at some point it will go from conscious to unconscious absolutely okay so one question that I ask myself each morning as part of my sort of morning routine is what quality do I want to showcase to the world today okay and I want to get your opinion on this Bru because you know I do this after a meditation when I'm really sort of tuned into myself and I'm
trying to um intentionally decide how I want to be that day so often it will be I want to show the world the quality of patience or I want to show the world the quality of compassion and by setting that intention in the morning I'm much more likely to exhibit that behavior throughout the day or if something happens where um you know I'm tempted to be impatient I'll be like Oh wrong and you said this morning you want to show the world around you the quality of patience now I believe and I know this to
be true in my own life that by doing that regularly and by repeating it regularly and of course I'm not perfect so one of those days where I didn't by reminding myself that evening and the following morning hey wrong you you could have been more patient then you know next time that happens try and react in a different way yes before you know it at some point that becomes your default Behavior now do you agree with that and do you think that's a sort of helpful practice for people to do well absolutely because what are
you doing you're setting up a PR a practice a habit a repetition and the more you practice it the more it becomes downloaded as a program if you just say it once and and let it go it's like a few minutes later you're going to be back in the old program anyway but it's the conscious mind that has an opportunity to observe and go wait a minute minute I didn't mean that oh wait a minute I really want to say this all of a sudden ah then the conscious mind steps in and says let's change
the behavior and if you repeat that change of behavior that is the second way that programs are installed in the subconscious I I just want to help people for a second and I want to help them with this what are my programs I go well 95% of your life is a is coming from your program your life is a print out of your programs I say well then how do I know my programs and he answer here it is the things that you like and you want that come into your life they come in because
you have a program to acknowledge those things but on the other side the things that you want and you work hard and you put effort into it and you're sweating over it and and you you know trying to make it I'm making it work I'm I'm putting effort into it I go why are you working so hard for that destination and the answer is because your program doesn't support that destination and you want to now override the program that's what working hard is all about I'm going to work hard or I'm going to override the
program I go it's not very effective it's just actually uh causes more stress in the end because uh I'm making more effort and I'm not getting there because that's not how you change the program yeah there's something so profound there which I've also experienced Bruce which is this idea that these days honestly I find putting in health promoting behaviors into my life I find it really easy I didn't used to find it easy I was trying to overcome yes yeah I was trying to do it in conflict with my underlying beliefs in conflict with the
programs right I guess another way of looking at this is like if you truly love yourself right not in a narcissistic way like but in a really in a really healthy way that you know I like the person who I am if if you really feel that way about yourself which I certainly did not used to and and I think many people don't let me give you a number on that so you understand 80 to 90% of all people will not test positive for the belief I love myself and that's because we become self critical
of ourselves where did we get the critical assessment our parents parents act like a coach I say what does that mean I say there's a player on the team who not performing well the coach doesn't go oh please do better no the coach goes up and say that's not good enough who do you think you are you don't deserve to be on this team I go what's the coach doing needling you know pushing on the on the kid to play better and the kid being conscious and older is aware saying oh the coach wants me
to work work harder the coach wants me to do better I go that's cool and that's what makes the player do better but when parents act as coaches and the kid is under seven they're not conscious they're in record so I say what does that mean well the parent says uh you know uh the the the child's crying at the store because they want the toy and the parent wants to get out so the parent just says you don't deserve that toy and pushes them out of the store I said what did the child learn
from that download what was the download I do not deserve or that's not good enough who do you think you are you're not lovable I go if a child is under seven they're not consciously understanding what the parents saying they're recording what the parents saying yeah and if you if you feel that you're not deserving and you're not lovable well of course you're going to engage in self-sabotaging behaviors 100% right you're going to make change for a bit in January New Year you're going to get on your new plan but you are going to go
back at some point because you haven't changed the program and going back to what I was saying before Bruce once you truly get to the point of liking who you are dare I say it loving who you are well someone who loves thems treats thems well and others so it's so your behaviors are naturally going to change because your belief system is I am someone who is deserving I do like who I am I want to nourish my body my mind my soul so of of course I'm going to engage in behaviors that do that
yeah and and I know it sounds so obvious when you hear it like that but I think it really is I think that's why so many people struggle 100% that's why I said 80 to 90% of people will not test positive for I love myself because they were so criticized by parents who thought they were doing a you like the coach if I criticize you you're going to do better uh but they didn't realize if the kid is under seven they they're not consciously putting it all together oh I'm supposed to do better than just
recording I'm not good enough I'm not smart enough I'm not lovable I'm not deserving I said that's a program and I go and then what 95% of your life is coming from the program if you don't love yourself here's the problem nobody else can love you I go what do you mean well if somebody says oh I love you Bruce and my program is I'm not lovable I would look at them and go well you know my conscious or subconscious mind would go hey they have no quality control they can they can't see I'm not
lovable I know I'm not lovable what's wrong with them and then you will push them away and then they're not there and guess what you're going to say see I'm not lovable nobody's here and I said your own behavior pushed them away because you couldn't accept the love that they were trying to give you and this is why 50% of these marriages end up in divorce because if you don't love yourself then somebody can't say I love you and you buy it you can't buy it okay so belief one which I think you've tackled really
well was this idea that my conscious mind determines what happens in my life you've just explained why that is not the case Okay a second cultural belief yes that I think is really common is this I am not in control of what happens in my life how it plays out is down to external circumstances what do you make of that well this is exactly what we just talked about if you do not see you are participating in your own failure then where did the failure come from just you know logically oh I wouldn't have sabotaged
myself then who sabotaged me ah now we look outside and we start to look at oh that person did this to me and that person wasn't nice and this person did that and all of a sudden you're not you're not giving yourself uh the credit of I was creating this because you don't want to acknowledge I created garbage in my life I created this no Bruce I think some people at this point may be wanting to push back and going okay I I get it right I get what you're saying about conscious mind versus subconscious
mind but you don't understand my life right you don't understand what my boss is like what my partner is like what the strains and struggles are in my life I am a victim to those external circumstances if those external circumstances has changed I would be different what do you say to them I said no you just like the person who divorces one one person and then marries a the joke marry another person the same but with different colored hair uh is basically you're going to repeat the same thing over and over and over again and
and the idea about it is this you're not acknowledging your own role in the unfolding of your life if you say I'm not responsible those people said it I go no you didn't even hear what you were saying or behaving that they were responding to they responded to your output and you were the one who didn't even see the output because when you were thinking the program was playing so hold on let's really dive in here clearly in life there are some things that happen that are not that great right let's for example if we
have a b that's quite pushy and domineering that's not a nice place to be in right right so let's say let's let's use that as an example someone's in that situation and they're hearing you say that they're not a victim to that they don't have to be on the receiving end of that I I guess what what I'm trying to understand from you is this idea that there can be circumstances in life that are not IDE ideal yes that have an impact on us but at the same time you're saying that yes but it doesn't
have to Define us how would you put that well I would say the exact same thing is I I look at my life and I say gez I really wanted to be successful here and look at this boss who's interfering with my life and doing all that and I go how did you end up there how did you end up with this boss a boss who is not supporting you a boss who's giving you all how did you end up there you got the job you appli for it you you know you were the one
that got yourself into this position then you're in this position you're going oh I don't want to be here I go yeah but you were the one that installed yourself in that position you didn't just get it by accident all of a sudden like a lottery oh hey here's today's your boss no that didn't how it that's not how it worked okay you have to own that you're a participant in everything that's unfolding you are a Creator and everything that's unfolding and if you don't like the creation then we blame the creation for the problem
without recognizing we are the Creator yeah this I've seen very often around the subjects of boundaries right so people who don't have good boundaries and I absolutely used to be one of these people by not being able to put up your own boundaries you can often find yourself being resentful at other people who you then perceive that they're they're asking too much of me like you know they're asking me to do this again they shouldn't be asking me to they should know but the problem isn't them the problem is that we never were able to
put up our boundary in the first place that would have then taught that person this is what I'm prepared to do this is what I'm not prepared to do so we we blame outside I guess for me the key message from this myth and and through the lens of your teachings is that even if there are external circumstances that we don't like that we would ideally change we have to also acknowledge that in some form we have also played a role here please that is the most important thing do not take yourself out of the
program that I'm just a total victim and everything happened to me I go no you are participant in what's going on and and and why are you working this job you don't like it and then because let's put it maybe in your own mind well what if I don't have this job then where am I oh my God you know I won't have anything so what I'm going to do I'm going to put up with this well that was your choice because of the fear of not having the job you will take on all the
problems that you're taking on because what's the alternative if I'm not here what's the alternative if I find this job sucks I boss I hate that boss I say what are you going to do you have another job no what what are you going to do go go with no job walk out no I I have to take care of myself I got responsibilities I got a family I got to pay for things I I I stay I said you stay knowing this isn't working right I go why because your fear of getting out of
it is greater than staying in it okay and this is what the problem is and it's interesting because I faced this I fa I was a tenur faculty member in a medical school a tenur member means a person who has a job for a lifetime but I found there was conflict between me and my other fellow researchers because I was off on this new tangent epigenetics they weren't there and at some point I realized boy I'm just spinning my wheels they don't even pay attention to what I'm talking about and one day I just said
that's it I I went into the Chairman's office gave a letter of res resignation I'm walking out the fear hit me only about a minute after I walked out of the office where I realized oh my God I just threw away my job and I you know that moment just hit me because I felt so like yeah I don't want this job a minute later it's like oh my God I don't have a job and it was psychologically very depressing at that moment but the result was what I ultimately found what I wanted to do
I found a better way of life I live a much better life than if I stayed on that job and in today's world where jobs are falling apart in a lot of places and a lot of people are losing their jobs guess what a lot lot of those people are actually finding work that they want to do versus the one they had to do and their lives are better because they they found a job that they didn't compromise themselves with yeah that's a true story a lot of people are happier after they lost their job
because they found something they'd rather do than put up with the situation I I've seen that with so many people as well and they never would have had the courage to leave the job but they can then look back and go that was the best thing that ever happened because cuz if I hadn't been fired I would never have found this thing which now nourishes me I guess another way we can look at it is this idea that things happen to us there are things that happen to us that we may not like that may
not be ideal yeah you know what that is life that is the way things are what we do with that is our responsibility oh my God you use you use the magic word responsib ility because people don't want to have responsibility why because responsibility says then you have to own what's going on and most people would rather say no I'm a victim of what's going on responsibility is a very tough word you don't want to use that easily because people will will look at you like you know wait go away it's see for me it's
the only way to live if you want to thrive in life if you want to be happy if you want to be healthy because you can't actually control external circumstances or you can actually control is your response to them so even if you had a rough upbringing right even if your parents didn't do what you would ideally have liked them to do for you I get it it's hard it's difficult right but that happened like your only option if you want a better life is to go right from this moment on I'm going to take
responsibility I can't change the past but I can change how I view the future and how I want my life to continue 100% that's really what it's all about I mean this is why look I I had a job for a lifetime when you were the 10e professor was a 10 year professor and I go yeah but I'm my life isn't that good when I'm being a tenear professor I have to deal with people I don't want to deal with and I have to put up with the so-called whatever the BS of the system might
be at that moment and it was a Choice well how much do I want to put up with this and there's a point that said no more and that was a commitment that was my responsibility to say I do not want to uh give up the power over my life to be in this situation and it's very hard because the alternative thing is well if you're not in a situation then where are you uh then all of a sudden you realize my god well maybe I'll just be out in the wild so therefore I better
stay where I am and put up with this because out in the wild a little more scary than putting up with the aggravation that I have in this particular job and I say yeah but when are you going to make that decision when are you going to finally say I've had it I don't want this anymore what you know uh that's where marriages finally get to the point of divorce I put up with this I put up with this I can't do it anymore and then a divorce now the question is now that you left
did you change who you are or you just got out of that particular relationship if you didn't change who you are you will find yourself back in the same relationship again and this is what we need to do and it's not easy for a lot of people if you as you said you got fired well then now it's like okay now I'm out here I going to do something but if you have a job and you don't want it then all of a sudden you're going to say I don't want this job and walk off
the job you're going to have a lot of thoughts about that it's like well what happens if I don't have a job how am I going to pay for this where it's going to what's this going to happen where and the unknown of that say no okay I'll just stay here on a job I'll put up with it I go well that was your choice that was a choice because the fear can override the choice and then you live your life In Fear And I go well that's no way to live on this planet because
you're not living who you are you're living what I have to be according to the fear that's not what I want to be it's what I have to be like go that's a different life I live today what I want to be I create what I want and if it doesn't work I'm not there I have choices and I realize over the time I have such a good life because I don't have to put up with things I don't want and most people put up with it because they don't see how they going to survive
if they didn't put up with what they don't want okay and that is the fear the fear is is the Unknowing you know potentially better or not if I leave this and I'm in the unknown world what are my chances is it going to get better or is it going to get worse the fear gets worse that keeps you in the same position because you don't want to let go of what you have at that point another cultural belief which I think plays into this is this idea that I think many people hold these days
they certainly behave in a way that is consistent with this and that belief is this idea that busyness equals success right I if you because if you hold that belief of course you're going to overwork get stressed out neglect your health neglect your happiness because you believe that success means that you're busy so what do you think about that is it true not for me it's not true it's success is about am I happy am I enjoying my life do do I feel healthy do I feel loved am I in a community where I live
and and my community is helping and supporting me and I feel safe and secure in this world and the answer is no most people don't have that they just say if I work harder I'll get what I need well this is a you know a darwinian belief that if you summarize the theory of evolution which is simply this uh uh survival of the fittest in the struggle for life I said' whatat does that mean survival of the fittest that means competition who's the fittest how do I know if I'm the fittest how do I know
if I'm in a good place or not and then the answer turns out well how successful are you meaning do you have money do you have a bank account do you own things why because that's a reflection the more I own the more I'm successful so I'm going to keep working on this job why because I'm going to get more and as I get more then my life is going to get better and that was the whole belief that if I work harder and longer and I make more more money than my life is better
I go no it's not it didn't make your life better oh yeah I got great money but I'm sick from the job you know I've lost my relationship from the job I go then what was the value of the job oh well that's what determined if I'm fit and Will Survive I go nah nah you know it's interesting what just came into my mind was uh when I was first married I was way too young it was I I wasn't in the right place okay and I remember talking to my father who came from Russia
in 19 18 or 19 and I said to him I'm I'm going to get a divorce and he looked at me like what and I go what do you mean he said marriage is a business I go what well he came from Russia at that time if you were not married you didn't have a partner you didn't have a partner you wouldn't survive so a partner a marriage wasn't based on love it was based on survival and so his vision of marriage was yeah I have a partner we're working together okay was there love not
necessarily but that's a business and I thought oh my God this is not my world view because love to me was the whole Vision whether was self- L which was first important which I didn't have and had to acquire uh and then it's the love of a partner why because there's the the nature of community the found of community is first a partner and then you can expand your community and evolution is based on community evolution is based on support in a community of people or things around you okay so all of a sudden it's
said wait a minute love becomes the most important aspect of Our Lives love is harmony love is the honeymoon Love Is Heaven on Earth all that when you're really expressing love uh and this is is what we seek we seek this out because nature wants us to seek it out nature is saying life is based on community not competition and and then when you let go of community because I'm competing I'm going to do better I'm going to get more I'm going to have a lot more and go that wasn't the destination that was a
misperception that's a darwinian belief that is false we didn't come here to make more and more we came here to feel love to experience love love love the planet love yourself love your community love is another word for harmony are you living in Harmony are you not living in harmony that's the basic understanding if you think if I work harder and get more money then Harmony will show up I go no that's not true at all you could waste your whole life you can make all the money and die a sick person at the end
because you never even enjoyed your life at that point many of us think that don't we we we think life is about survival and competition rather than cooperation and Collective Harmony and it's it it's pretty profound this because there are almost two different energy states yes right so for the last years I've been really thinking a lot about the idea that it's not our Behavior that's important it's the energy behind the behavior right what is the drive what is the need that's being met by that behavior yeah and I think it really it really speaks
beautifully to to what we've just been talking about or what you've just been talking about like if the energy behind all your daily actions is that it's about competition it's about survival it's about dog eat dog it's um a zero some game right yeah if if someone else is doing well it means I'm failing so I can't have people doing well I have to be doing well right sure you can do the same behaviors but it's not a helpful energy right there's a negativity behind it there's a constantly looking around your shoulder what are other
people doing how are they behaving whereas once you change and you're able to think about life differently and you start to think about what's good for everyone how can we cooperate here how can I be of service how can I help others how can I lift people up you just feel great do you know what I mean you feel great you don't want to sabotage yourself with negative behaviors you just you look at life differently this is 100% because the idea is this we call ourselves humans I said where does the term humans come from
and it came from the fact that we're compassionate compassionate about what not just our own Survival but helping all those around us helping the world around us doing something that is bigger than you to help make a bigger world and a better world and if you're working from compassion then you're a a humanitarian you're a real human uh but if you're working from aggression and competition that's not helping other people that's me I'm here for me I'm not here for you this is this is a disconnect from what is called Humanity Humanity by its definition
is to uh nurture and help the rest of the people and the world at the same time we are not coming from there we're coming from I uh need to be more than you have I need it I want it more than you and I I need more and I need more and I go for what because there's some belief that having more is making your life better when I go having more you could compromise every aspect of humanity you know step on the person next to you why because then I can get more where's
Humanity there I said it doesn't exist anymore and I said mammals by the character of the different plant you know we have reptiles amphibians and birds and mammals mammals by definition are called nurturers nurturers are you nurturing the world are you nurturing your family are you nurturing the community that you live in if you are that's Mamon and then we're doing what we're supposed to do yeah information is not enough to make change in your life you have to take action so to help you take action after watching this video I've created a free nutrition
guide for you this contains the five most important practices I've seen in over two decades of seeing patients they work for you no matter what your dietry preference there's a stepbystep action plan to help you implement those changes in your life if you want to receive that free guide right now just click on the link in the description box below do you then fundamentally disagree with the idea of survival of the fittest do you think that's wrong yes because survival of the fittest says who's the fittest I go what's the fittest mean well the one
with the most toys the one with the most money does that make them better I got no there matter of fact they're sucking the life out of everything else to enhance their particular life we have 1% of the of the population with all the money what about the 99% well then they're the losers because they're not the I go losers it's completely wrong we're each should be winners do you need aund million do do you need a billion dollars go no not at all you know especially when I walked out of the University I had
no money did that mean all of a sudden I was like in fear and scared and I said no I I never felt Freer than when I walked out the job because all of a sudden I realized now I'm creating now I'm doing this I'm not conforming to what people expected me to be in that particular job I can be what I want to be and then guess what there's a community of people just like me I'm now in this other community of what the community of people sharing and being you know supportive of each
other and loving each other and and finding my God the people I associate with today are not the people I associated with 30 or so years ago I don't even know those people anymore I'm in a world a different community and the word Community is the emphasis what I'm writing about and our world has lost Community because I don't care about you I care about me that means no Community exists at that moment when people say that yeah it's it's interesting we often hear about the happiness levels in the Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Norway
and Finland and haven't looked at the data recently to know if that's still the case but there has been this feeling for a while that one of the reasons some of those countries are considerably happier than many other countries is because their societies are a lot more equal they're a lot more egalitarian it's a lot more about we need to make sure everyone together is winning and I I remember once chatting to I think it was a chat from Sweden and he said something like you know even in Sweden if you have a lot of
money you wouldn't show it I think culturally they have a different idea whereas let's contrast that with America and the American dream yes the ex am there's no American Dream anymore it's gone go ahead well my understanding of the American dream and Hey listen I was born and brought up in the UK so this is purely my understanding of it is this idea that you can be whoever and whever you want to be as long as you work hard right and I think like most dreams or most beliefs there's kind of a good side and
a downside so the good side to me is that yeah you know it encourages you to go you know I can break out I can actually make something of my Life by applying myself yes I guess the dark side might be if I do that at the cost of everyone around me this this is why we have the 1% they're was I don't care about the other people as long as I get my dream and now I have not a million now I've got a billion how many billionaires are there I say how much money
do you really need a billion dollars and then now oh no I've got 30 billion I got 40 billion I go where are you getting all this money from well I'm taking it out of the system I said then what does that mean well then the people that don't have that money they're struggling harder and harder because you've taken the wealth out of the system and try and see if those people down at the bottom can even get a job can kids graduate from college in the United States and they work at McDonald's why there's
no jobs everything's failing the infrastructure is failing education is failing everything is failing why you can't suck all the money out of the system and expect the poor people to carry the burden of of fixing this if we think about that through the lens of your teachings Bruce it strikes me that this idea that we can be the creator of our own lives once we become aware of our subconscious programs and then start to change them that's going to be easier for some of us than others yes right so is it fair to say that
if you are on the breadline and you are struggling to pay your mortgage your rent and feed your family then your primary goal is safety it's security so at that moment in your life is it harder to maybe apply some of these teachings and go I can be the creator of my life I can change things or does it still apply but in a different way it's it's very hard to apply that if you live in the fear what if I try try and strike out on my own and I say so I say well
there's a I want to do this because I want to be more successful but the fear is what if I strike out of my own and I don't make it then all of a sudden I'm worse off than wherever the heck I was I'd rather have the job at McDonald's than no job at all and except I'm not even getting enough money to live and I go you cannot take the resources out and expect the leftover to support uh 90 some per of the 99% of the population it doesn't work and and again this is
because of the belief system it says if I work harder I deserve it and if I deserve it I want it and therefore I'm going to work hard I said where are you getting all this stuff you think you deserve well I'm taking it away from the other people because they don't have it and I go and what about the other people what's your concern it's like I don't care that is the problem because that one person does not care about the poor people mhm yeah for that person then who is working in a fast
food chain right and they've graduated from college and they're hearing what you have to say and go well you know yeah I'm with you Bruce I get it that my subconscious patterns are are running my life I really want this conversation to be helpful for that person as well right so they're in a job they don't like maybe with a boss they don't like in conditions of work that they don't like right so and it may literally be that that's the job they have to take to pay their rent I still believe that your teachings
have relevance for that individual because even if they can't change things at that moment I think what your work does is help people step back and be just more aware of things go yeah you know what this is a phase in my life I don't want it to last for long but I recognize at the moment it is like that even even you accepting that and knowing that it kind of steps you out of it so you can reflect on it and it also I think makes it more likely that if let's say your boss
doesn't treat you well instead of taking that kind of disempowering mindset you can take a more empowering one which is look I know I don't like this job that's the consequence of being in this job at the moment really focus on the fact that this job is paying my mortgage it's feeding my children so at the moment it has given me these positives I'm not going to take it personally yes I'd rather my boss didn't treat me like that but I'm not going to take it personally that's a reflection of my boss and the state
that they're in and de pression there under I don't want to put words into your mouth Bruce but that's my perception of your work that it still has relevance for that individual even though it may be harder for them 100% uh it's relevant to them for this reason what is the drive what is it that you really want on this planet is it that big giant bank account no because you could be the most lonely son of a gun that ever existed with all the money in the world that didn't give you the life you
wanted what was the life you wanted love number one love Harmony peace where are you going to get that is it money well money helps for some people to get that but if you don't have I I go to India a lot okay I was literally about to bring up India but go for it I go to India a lot and and it's interesting because of some of the richest people in the world are there and right next to them are some of the most poorest people in the entire world do you know what's the
interesting part the poorest people and I see children in garbage piles looking for food trying to avoid the cows and the pigs that are also in the same garbage pile with big smiles big smiles and their joy and I like how can these kids be happy picking garbage out of a garbage Thum to survive and the answer is because something else is giving them happiness it's not that physical thing it's the idea of family it's the idea of community it's the idea of being around people who are supporting you and giving you the joy and
all the happiness now I don't want I don't want anyone to misinterpret this as looking at this through Rose tinted glasses you know yes we should be trying to lift people up we should be trying to improve conditions for everyone but I also see that when I go to India Bruce and this really speaks so well to what you're saying about the first seven years of life and these subconscious programs that that we download and then Implement if you never took on the belief as a child that your worth as a human being was dependent
on your job title and your salary right like we think that's normal it's not normal it may be common where you live but it isn't normal not everyone in the world has that belief system and and I think it also speaks this idea that we are very moldable as humans right if you or me were born like you were born I believe in around New York sub of New York in suburbs of New York right I was born in Manchester in the UK right with Indian parents who were immigrants of the UK in the 1960s
and the 1970s because of my parental influence and the fact that I grew up in the northwest of England I have certain beliefs about the world if I grew up up in Delhi or in Shanghai or in Mexico City it would still be me with my same genes and we'll get to jeans shortly right but I would have a completely different belief system about the world because my programs would have been different exactly exactly and I think that's really important for us to think about that go no like we are a product of our experiences
but that that that's the whole program part but if you didn't know you were programmed and you didn't know you were playing programs then your life is a mystery how come I wish to be so happy and and have things and and be successful and have relationships that's what I want and it's not working so those kids in India I'm I'm hypothesizing right they perhaps didn't take on the belief that who I am is dependent on my job and my salary 100% so therefore they're not getting that like it doesn't have to necessarily affect their
happiness because they didn't have that belief in the first place I believe is it we're here on God's Earth and the sun is shining and yeah we want to be there with our mom and our dad and make sure we've got food again I'm not trying to romanticize that existence but we see many people who break out of that right get the job get the stress and they're no happier in fact they're they're more unhappy when they've got the things that they thought they needed that is so so common absolutely I've experienced that stuff my
own self when I would get something I said oh I'm going to work real hard and and I get this thing and then it's like I lost the interest you know once I got it you know was like when I didn't have it it's like oh yeah I want this and then I get it and then I was sort of like H okay it wasn't it didn't give me what I was looking for and it was funny because I work sometimes with belief change groups and we were working with a professional wrestler and we were
saying so what is it you want so he says well first I want to be successful in my wrestling and then I I can become an announcer I go okay and then what he said well once I become an announcer if I'm really good then I can be on a a network and be a real sports announcer and then what well once I'm on that then I'll have enough money and then what well then I'll be able to buy this and this and then what and then at the very end he said and then I
will be happy and then we looked at him he says well you could be happy now without going through any of that and I just like stopped him for a moment he says you know I didn't have to go through that better better better better to get to the best to be happy I could have started with happy and then I wouldn't have been driven to go through that whole process to make that success because if I was happy to begin with that was my destination what what I was striving for thinking that it was
going to be how much money I had that would allow me to be happy and it turned out no it wasn't the amount of money happy didn't is not money and that stopped him because he thought about it he thought here I am if I get this all these things then I can be happy and then we looked at said why can't you be happy right now and then it stopped and because it it didn't compute in his brain that you could just be happy that you had to acquire all these things then you could
be happy well that's where most people are at some place I get all these things then I'll be happy and I go well like we just mentioned the kids in India are in the garbage pile they're already happy they have nothing why did you put a value on how much value you had before happy would show up and the answer is well that's a program oh yeah you have to be the fittest you have to be the winner you got to have all these things I love it because people then are are showing their Fitness
by how much they own where they are how much they own and I go you know what's so funny people that material things you possess or a reflection of how much you own that people have so much material things that they actually have to store them in a store room and I go it's not they're not even using it what is it for see how much stuff I have in that room see I'm happy like no you're not you're not even using this stuff but we accumulated the stuff with a vision if I have enough
stuff then I'll be happy I go well that's a false you know false move right there yeah false this idea that our behaviors are driven by our beliefs I think has just so many everyday implications and I I think often this is why I started the conversation with this point which is our behaviors are Downstream from our beliefs you want to change your life you want to change your behaviors you got to change your beliefs that's it where are you going what's the destination and you know what's interesting because it's fun because we're working with
a lot of people and we say so tell us what you really want and all of a sudden they're put on a spot tell me what you want and the thing is most of them can immediately say I don't want this and I don't want that I said yeah but tell me what you want and all of a sudden there's like this void where they're thinking what do they really want they don't even know what they want because it's not the the goal that they're looking at they're they're dealing with I don't want to do
this and I don't want to do that without even knowing what is it you really want in this life yeah let's get to another belief yeah um you mentioned before fear that many people living in a state of fear yes and I want to get to what is fear doing to us what is stress doing to us and I guess the belief that might play into that is this idea that I must consume what everyone else around me is consuming okay what I mean by that is I've realized over the last years I'm much happier
when I frankly don't consume the news um don't keep up to date with a lot of what is going on around me and when I become very intentional about what I put into my mind whether it be television online on social media whatever it might be by controlling the inputs which are mostly fear-based frankly these days I've been happier calmer more peaceful more content right so I think many people feel that they've got to be doing what everyone else is doing I've got to stay up to date with the same movies the same box sets
I've got to watch the news cuz everyone else watches the news and being a citizen of the world means that I have to constantly be aware of things that are happening thousands and thousands of miles away I appreciate people will have a different perspective on this but through that lens and through the lens of fear and stress what's your take on that belief well uh I've done what you were talking about I don't watch the news anymore oh I'll give you a simple reason is this life is based on energy that's a simple fact you
got energy you got life you have no energy you don't have any life people spend their energy without realizing they're not getting anything back from what they're doing H and I say you know look you have a checkbook you have an account what's the money the money is energy the money the more money you have the more energy you essentially you have to create what you want so I say if you have a checkbook tell me do you just write a check for people and give them money for no reason at all you know uh
Dr chaty I love how you do your job I'm going to give you a hundred bucks you can have that I said why would I do that and answer well because I I like what he does I go yeah but you just taken your energy which is life and given it away what did you get back from this and all of a sudden I started to realize what if you had a checkbook of spending your life energy in other words energy is life and if you use your energy uh and give it away then you're
compromising your life I say if you had to write a a check for your I'm going to invest my energy here the first thing you would think about if you actually had the right of check is what am I getting by using this energy and you start to realize well wait I'm using a lot of energy but I'm not getting anything back I or my family or my community is not going to get anything back by my spending this energy example two guys are in a a bar they get involved in an argument over politics
they get heated they use energy they're all excited blah blah blah they get angry they do all this stuff and then when they arguments finished they go their own way and I say so what what what did you do what what did you get you spent a lot of energy to do this getting hot is actually heat is wasted energy in physics getting hot over all this is meaning you're just wasting your energy say what did you accomplish nothing why did you change the world no did you change the other person no I said then
what did you do you spent your energy with no return so then I say well wait a minute if I had to write a check investing my energy I would then say well what do I get back from this so I said what do I get back from watching the news do do I get any saying in this do does anybody call me up and say what do you want to do about this news article no no I read the news article it takes my energy I feel you know my nervous anxiety about oh the
world's in all this trouble did anybody asked me could I change that world no then why the hell am I paying attention to it because all I'm going to do is give my energy up and anxiety and emotion over all this stuff I get nothing back M and there's a point then I say well wait if you had to write your energy check then guess what you would be very cautious about how you spend your life you be very careful about I'm going to invest my life in something that gives me something back my family
or my community get something would I do and all of a sudden it says well then there's so many things like watching the news that takes your energy it didn't give you anything it just sucked your energy out how many different things suck your energy out I go all of a sudden it says that's what I started to look at one day when I realized am I giving away my life energy without any return and I started to realize it's like wow if I didn't do that I could have use this energy for having fun
I could have used this energy to enjoy my community I could have used this energy to help my community yeah it's such a good point Bruce which I don't think people think about enough right so let's take that example there of the people having an argument a heated row about politics and then you ask you know what what you know did you feel better did anything change no no no it's not only a waste of energy although of course that's huge it's also the fact that they've disregulated themselves and their nervous system and therefore they
will compensate with unhelpful behaviors right they have to dissipate that emotional stress in some way or another and usually the way people will do that is with an argument is with alcohol it's with sugar it's with staying online too long mindlessly scrolling right so it's not a neutral occurrence no it's it's you you have to do something with that so I think that's one aspect that I think is really important the other aspect for me so I really think about this you know how do you change the world how do you help create a happier
healthier world world and I think it goes back to what you're saying which is well I always think about it through the lens of what gandi said which is you know or certainly attributed to him be the change you want to see in the world yes I try and live my life according to that because it feels very owering so for me for example if I'm not consuming negativity I'm in a better state of mind I see the world through a more positive lens and then for example when I come on the mics on this
show I've got a positive upbeat tone that's hopefully inspiring that hopefully encourages other people to make change right so I believe that you know an interaction like this when it spreads out to many people can start to create change because you're empowering individuals to look at the world differently hey guys I really hope you're finding this useful if you are and you want more content like it please do check out my book make change that lasts nine simple ways to break free from the habits that are holding you back it's in all the usual places
as a paperback ebook and there's an audio book which I'm the rating now back to the video you're putting your energy in to make the world look different now that is what we're looking for why because we want to bring back the nature of that community that Harmony the Garden that we used to live in okay and that anything we do in that level is enhancing all of humanity and then I said well now you're being the human that we were talking about where you are helping the world and that means that energy that you're
using comes back to you I give a lecture I use a lot of energy but guess what the audience receives that energy and gives me the energy back I can lecture for five six hours walk off the stage with as much energy as I walked onto the stage with and why there's an energy exchange and it happens in a community of people and that's what keeps you alive yeah and that's why we can even go back to the the poor kids in India where are they getting their energy from from the the love of the
people around them did it how much did it cost no they didn't have any money they didn't pay for for for love it was part of the that's the nature of the community we live in is that the nature of my community in the United States I go no my community in United States is dogy dog do Winan who's going to win who's going to lose I'm sorry you're a loser uh you can't get healthc care I'm sorry that's your problem I go wow you know uh I'm enamored by the by the fact of uh
medicine socialized medicine uh you know I live in New Zealand for um half a year usually about and it was so interested because in the us the first thing you do walk in the doctor's office give us your insurance card give us your money even before the doctor sees you show me your money first okay I I I had uh uh kidney stones in New Zealand I went to the hospital they took care of me in a hospital they sent me on an ambulance to another hospital gave me a scan I had specialized doctors and
all this stuff and the the surprise for me as an American nobody asked for anything they just said what's your address I gave my address and I said okay thank you and I walked out I got oh my God I had all of this treatment I had all of the actions I had all of the tests it didn't cost me anything try that in the United States the answer is nope you can't you can't you can't afford this you can't have it I go that's not community and I go what what's Community socialized Community social
is community okay do we have that in the US no actually you say the word social and all of a sudden that's a politically negative thing because they immediately connected socialism communism and all of a sudden it's like no you're on your own this America you're on your own I go whoa this is why it doesn't work we should mentioned that you can finish a talk and have as much if not more energy yes than when you started this is fascinating for me you were speaking in Manchester last night okay for two two and a
half hours we're talking today tomorrow you're going to be in London talking for five hours and you shared with me this morning that you are almost 80 years old yeah okay most people in society I would say have a belief that at the age of 80 you're not going to be traveling around the world dealing with jet lag being cognitively sharp giving Keynotes in front of thousands of people to share your wisdom right again a societal belief yes a belief that as you get older you have to be slower cognitively less able you know you
have to start Contracting your life you're clearly an example of someone who is not doing that you seem just as energetic and as sharp to me as two years ago when I think we spoke in London right and it's interesting because anti-aging and Longevity is like the Hot Topic in health these days I'd love your perspective on this what do you think of longevity and what do you think about this belief that as we get older our life has to contract well since life is based on belief if you start buying the belief I'm getting
too old to do something and I hear people say oh I'm too old to do that I say when you just said that you've committed yourself to being aged at that point I can't do it I'm too old you just admitted that I I'm not ready to admit that why that's not my belief system my belief system is I get life from engaging I get life from helping that's my I I I want to be that helping guy I want to be up there and say you can have a better life let me show you
let me give you the science of how to do this and and then the the idea is when people buy this their energy increases but then when their energy increases then the field I'm standing in all of a sudden the energy of the field is increased everybody in the room feels higher and happier just because they were sharing all this information where is aging well aging is a belief system I said what wait when you grew up you saw there were young people then you saw that people got older then you saw some very old
people what did you learn program remember programming first seven years oh people get old and then they fall apart and then they're dead I go well that's a belief that you bought yeah does it have to be that way and the answer is no you know and the simple reality is if I buy the belief and then I say oh my God I'm 80 I'm one of those guys I should be falling apart right now I shouldn't even be here I should be sitting in a chair in my backyard you know staring at the landscape
and it's like no life life is energy I'm not giving up the energy I love the energy because I get the the energy back and the energy I get back is not conflict it's love energy hey Bruce thanks for giving me the power that I didn't know I had yeah and all of a sudden it's like oh wow I get gifted with their energy and the idea is I am not of the mindset of oh I've reached a certain age now I'm falling apart no way there there's there's a profound understanding of biology ology it's
called use it or lose it I go what's the point and the point is every part of your biology is based on user or lose it we always think oh the muscles I work real hard I build up these muscles and then all of a sudden I'm not using them then the muscles disappear I go no us or L it is every part of your entire body your brain is based on user or lose it retirement and then things start for S well that what's what's the meaning of retirement I'm finished I go retirement I'm
not finished I'm not going to retire why you look as say you're getting started to me I I'm just a happy guy you are I I I will honestly before you arrive this morning I said to my wife I said you you got to meet Bruce when he when he rocks up he's just full of a warmth and a happy energy it appears to me that you're very intentionally living this life of joy and gratitude and you're deciding to live that way you're not being a victim to the way you might wake up c one
day it's like no no this is how I'm living I'm choosing to live this way is that is that an accurate reflection AB I I don't see all I I'm looking at these eyes there's no age Vision looking out through the eyes if I look in the mirror I go oh yeah you're looking older than I used to look but I I don't need look in the mirror I'm looking at my eyes my eyes have no age on them yeah I'm not really not really brings out the question what would happen if we didn't look
in the mirror right but what would genuinely happen to our belief system about us if we never looked in the mirror you wouldn't see age the age exactly wouldn't see it no and then therefore if you didn't see it it wouldn't be part of your life you know in some indigenous tribes there is a belief that the elders are better Runners than the young guys now what's really interesting if you look at um you know scientific studies they will show that things like V2 Max will go down as we age your muscular strength will go
down I'm not saying these things are not true but belief is powerful and I believe from what I can gather in those tribes there is just a belief that the elders have been running for longer they've got the wisdom they've got the experience on these long runs they know how to get it done and so they also don't have the belief that as I get older I'm going to get slower and my kids are going to be better Runners than me they have a belief that no as I get older I'm going to get better
so if you have that belief system of course it's going to have an influence on how you see the world and your behaviors yeah I mean look if you get older you got more wisdom because you have more life experiences and you have a greater opportunity to take in all your awareness and use it yeah my thinking is working just as good as I could ever remember it working but I do I have to say my age no but also you can be struggling with your brain at 40 and thriving with it at 80 absolutely
so the number in many ways is neutral to to a degree right this is a cliche but it is just a number because it's it is how you feel it's your perception of it it's what are you doing what is your lifestyle like what is your lifestyle being like what were you able to do to nourish that brain so that it can be thriving like you you know at at sort of the eighth decade time um yeah it is it is fascinating to me um you know last time you came on Bruce you spoke about
the evening because I think we spoke about these two ways or two of the ways that we can change these programs one was with self hypnosis yes and one was as we've already mentioned today with repeating these behaviors consistently until they become habits yes right and you spoke about you can run these Pro programs with earphones as you fall into sleep and and actually get that program into your mind which is really really interesting and encourage people to go back and listen to that if they want to hear more about that what about the morning
time you know when you wake up first in the morning is there an opportunity there with the state of our brain to start downloading new programs and living a different kind of life well I I think the the the opportunity weake up in the morning is very important because people who don't really like their job I say when they wake up in the morning what are they thinking oh my God I got to go back to I hate this job I got to go do this job why can't you wake up with today's going to
be the best day ever today I'm looking forward it's going to be exciting I have no idea what's going to unfold I truly don't but I don't look at what negative things I have I there are no negative perceptions that I'm broadcasting to myself at all why because what you put out is what's going to come back it's called resonant if I put out a negative belief I'm going to respond with a negative experience if I put out a positive belief I'm going to respond with a positive experience and I say what's the average person
uh you know wouldn't they wake up most of it is oh God I got to go to the job oh God today's not going to be great oh God there's a problem here there's a problem there I say if that's your first thought in the morning the rest of the day is is not going to get better for you so what if you wake up with hey I'm here another day that's what I wake I'm still alive okay what's going to happen I don't know but I'm going out and I'm going to find out and
I'm going to look for the wonderful things and then they show up I have to admit first 40 plus years that was not my life at all you know and now since that that 40 this 40 is completely different this 40 I wake up with the joy of being here on this planet and then find during the day how many people encourage and support my belief for the rest of that day what what happens when you have a bad night's sleep if you have a bad night's sleep out there and you wake up feeling tired
and groggy do you have to intentionally Implement that belief I I guess what I'm trying to get to some people say is is that a form of toxic positivity where you're not being realistic about the world you're just imagining everything's great which is which is something that people will often say these days how do you see that I I just basically look if you understand the nature of the biology that I'm involved with in the nature of how Consciousness is manifesting our experience and uh uh oh that sounds so new Agy and I go first
of all let's understand this the first principle of quantum physics is consciousness is creating our life experience okay I go yeah that's a true story so I say well then how are your life experien I say it's based on my Consciousness I said then do I wake up even if I'm tired do I wake up and say oh God the rest of the day is oh I'm so tired I'm going to have problem why because then my Consciousness would manifest that experience Consciousness controls your life not your genes Consciousness and the issue is we live
in a world that's so threatening for so many people that when they wake up it's not because oh I'm so joyous to be here it's like what's my next thing what do I got to do where you know where's this responsibility my God I got to do all this stuff I go how can the rest of your day get better if the first thing you're talking about is you didn't even want to be there the first time when you woke up it doesn't get better you then live that yeah I knew it when I got
up this morning it wasn't going to be good and guess what it's not good and I go that's not chance that's that's physics you you started with a negative you manifest negative that is physics and the biology that I was involved with is the mechanism by which that brain thought translates into biology and genetics so the the interesting part is I understood the physics and when I understood the nature of the cells and how it worked I said oh my God the the physics idea is Manifest through how Consciousness is controlling our genetics and that's
our behavior and all of a sudden is what they said Consciousness is creating this life experience and all of a sudden it says well then what the hell is your conscious what do you think about your life in this world at this moment do you look at it it's like hey it's hey it's wonderful I love to be here on this planet where do you go oh God today is another struggle today I got to do this and I got to accomplish that and all of a sudden it's like where's the motivation where's the desire
when you start off with oh oh it's not so good I go you lost it yeah and and if you wake up with that that is PR pramming the rest of that day yeah it's it's it's it's such a powerful idea that it's not toxic positivity at all it's basically being intentional about how you want your life to be right so it really speaks to the idea of an intentional morning routine of a practice of gratitude first thing in the morning right if you look for things to be grateful for first thing in the morning
you've primed your brain to look for that for the rest of the day and I'm broadcasting a vition a frequency people you see there's one other mistake that people have and they say oh my thoughts are in my head and I go well that's a misunderstanding because I could read your brain activity with a probe outside of your head uh it's electroen graph is where you put wires on a person's head and you can read their brain function Magneto andil graph a newer version the probe that reads your brain activity doesn't even touch your head
it's away from your head that for for people people is going to be I think brand new information so they're used to an EEG if going to hospital getting wired up with that yeah you know but the Y are on your head they're on your scalp yeah so you think that what it's reading what's inside but you're saying something can read it from the outside the newer device is not EEG it's called meeg Magneto instead of Electro inra and the probe that reads your brain it reads it just like electroen graph but the Magneto Andra
probe doesn't even touch you it's outside is this why Bruce that if you go into a room and two people have been arguing but the argument has finished yeah right so there's no words being spoken anymore you can pick up on the energy right you know that you know when you've walked into a room when something's just gone down yeah even if it's not going down anymore right so what is that like how do you explain that energy that we can pick up on because the first thing is this the biology is based the first
thing of the First Communication of biology with the most primitive organism on this planet is to read energy in other words since energy is life since energy is Life okay uh then reading energy becomes very important because if you're reading that energy is being sucked away from you then you don't want to be there because that means you're losing your life and so primitive organisms always read the field are they in the right place okay uh energy determines our field it's like fun in quantum physics every object is actually energy well if you surround yourself
like a crystal with different objects with energy that supports you then you enhance your your energy field okay uh so everything around you is giving off energy and then you find yourself reading The Energy of wherever you go but this is vital for survival for all organisms except for us because all organisms they don't use language how do they know if they're in the right place or the wrong place they only read the energy and we do that but we were programmed generally as kids oh don't go by your feelings which is an expression of
energy don't go by your feelings listen to what somebody has to say and say oh my God you lost your power why I can say any damn thing I want but energy is energy and if you walked into that room where the energy was now just broadcast through that room you walk in you're a receiver of that broadcast energy is what you read That's natural and and and the idea is if you were actually reading The Energy of everything you would never find yourself in the wrong place because you would realize oh bad vibes don't
go there bad vibes means loss of energy Good Vibes oh enhancing energy this is how organisms that are not human determine where they're going trusting their gut trusting their intuition that's all they know is is the energy is is it good or bad whereas we let our heads get in the way often it can help us but it can also get in the way depending on what we're thinking absolutely you've lost the you've lost the information in the field by not paying attention to the energy because then you know programming wise we've been programmed to
not feel that energy not to go by a feeling you mentioned Fang yeah and I've always wanted to you know I can probably get an expert in F way round to see how things are orientated in my house right I've never done it but I guess for anyone who's skeptical I think we all know like if you in our in your bedroom move the bed to have a different orientation it might just feel off now that could you you know you could argue that's because you're used to it a certain way but I I don't
think it's that I think you know you like your s for a certain away in your living room and if you move it around after it just doesn't feel right there it needs to be there right so I I guess we we kind of intuitively know that but the Western rational scientific mind is more likely to go that's a load of rubbish right a s is a s a bed is a bed put whatever and I go no but that's not true you decorate your house as you just said you put pictures on the wall
that are in harmony with you you put the furniture in that's in har harmony with you you set it up all around I always give in my lecture I talk about you know most people have a what a living room set which is a a a sofa and two matching chairs and I go if you have that in your living room which most people do I say I bet you there's one of those chairs you will sit in and you won't sit in the other chair even though the chairs are exactly identical to each other
I go why would you sit in this chair and not in this one the answer is because that chair happens to be the focus of the energy that you put around the room the pictures the whatever the color of the walls whatever you're doing you set up an energy field that's your field and that's why it's comfortable to you because you set it up you go to your neighbor's house they got a completely different Energy walk in you can feel like it doesn't feel good in here why because whatever their objects of energy are in
the room are not in harmony with you so when you decorate your room you put everything in a place where all of a sudden it says oh that feels good that's what it is it feels good to have the couch this way not that way okay now here's an interesting thing when people change their lives radical change guess what they change their their room they change their their hair they change their clothes they change because all of a sudden the old energy that put them into that original place no longer is the same energy of
where they want to be they either move the stuff buy new stuff change the stuff stuff or get even move out of the place they're in into another place why they're looking for that balance for the new energy so it's interesting we could have one energy but if you change your life the energy that you have created around you which is an energy field that supports you that's why you put everything in the right place you don't put the picture on this wall you put it on this wall why it feels better oh feels better
feeling is energy an interpretation of energy that's what feelings are and all of a sudden you start to realize well then you know when you're in a field where the energy is right for you and you know when you're in a field where the energy is not right you don't feel as comfortable in an energy that's not supporting you you walk into a room and the energy in that room has just been messed up by all the people you walk in you feel it right away why the most primitive organism on the planet determines its
life Behavior by reading The Energy a bacterium doesn't just go anywhere it follows where the best energy is because more energy more life and then I say well then you make a crystal of energy in your place where the energy feeds you and as you mentioned does the couch face this way or that way H that changes the energy field and then you find just where the crystal structure is and that's how you designed it right there it was not an accident why you put things here and put things there or you got this piece
of furniture or you put that plant or whatever it is everything is energy that's quantum physics now the question is is the energy in harmony with you or is the energy in disharmony with you and your purpose in supporting your energy is to create an environment where the energy around you supports your energy so when you go home in your house and you pick that one chair that you like to sit in then you can relax you sit in the other chair all of a sudden it's not relaxing I I like that chair I said
but the two CH are identical it's it's funny like we we all have this there's a spot in my living room where I sit and meditate every morning and occasionally I might try somewhere else and it it just feels wrong I don't feel quite as grounded and as present there so I go back to the one which I like and it's again and why you like it the question is I like it and I say so what is it was it the color of the wall or was it the uh fabric on the furniture I
go no it's everything because in quantum physics everything is energy yeah and therefore we seek an environment where the energy support to and what we are and that determines a lot of your behavior where you're going to go and what you're going to do is am I going to a place that enhances my energy or take it away and going back to more morning routines then or what we might do first in the morning this idea of starting the day with gratitude yes starting the day with let's say that question that I ask myself what
quality do I want to showcase to the world today it is speaking to that energy it's programming yourself to look for those things to behave in a certain way that day and let's be honest what what's what's your other option what's the option that so many people take roll out of bed straight into Instagram straight into the news straight into emails listen I've done that before I get that you can do that but just know that there is a consequence to that you're unlikely to have your best meaning filled day when you start it off
that way it's not impossible it's just unlikely you're you're definitely increasing your chances of success by starting your day in a more intentional way aren't you absolutely and I love it because at my age I always jok I say hey I'm still here when I wake up I'm still here I'm alive you know it's like okay that's a good start for today I'm alive and then go from that right there I wake up in Joy because I'm still here I love this place I love this planet and and that love is what gives me energy
yeah and energy gives me my life so uh what do I do well as I said I don't look at the news I don't what does anybody ask my opinion did anybody say what did Bruce think about this you know like that I would make a difference in the world no then why should I put my energy into something I have no control over but I can't control my life well and on that you are making a huge difference in the world because by putting the energy into what really matters for you you go around
the world you speak on podcasts you give live lectures you Empower people with this information and knowledge so you are making a huge difference to people's lives but you're doing it your way in the way that aligns with you which I think is a very very powerful message Bruce I always love chatting to you you do have a lovely warm energy which is a pleasure to be around to finish off this conversation yes you've been speaking about these themes for decades now okay all over the world for someone who is struggling in their life and
doesn't know how to change things what are some of your top key messages that you've learned over the past few decades that you want to impart to them well I think the first thing is stop accepting life the way it is is not the way it is and I'm just part of whatever it is and I'm a victim and I have no control and I just have to live the best I can under the circumstance I said no that's not the way to live the way to live is what do you want and that's where
also I said becomes a problem for a lot of people because they can't even tell you what they want but they know it's not what they have I go well this is a problem if you don't even know what you want if you cannot write down right now on a piece of paper this is what I want if you can't list them this is what I want then you can't have it because your mind will get for you what you want but you have to feed it a vision of what you're looking for it it's
always interesting because the function of the mind is to make coherence between your belief and your reality if if I believe it's not going to work then the function of the mind will manifest in a situation where it doesn't work if I totally believe this is how it's going to work then my mind will set set me up in a situation where it works that way and all of a sudden that's when you start to realize wait a minute it's not chance anymore this isn't chance this is creativity and we are creators and people have
just accepted when it doesn't work that's just the way it is I go I don't accept that I will I will do something different I will get out and and and again well but if I get out then I've lost my security and I go you may have lost your security but you may gain happiness you may gain the joy of being alive the idea is my God this is the you know if you look at the world in which we live it's so beautiful how many people how many people out here right now watch
the sunset I get most of you are probably in the car driving home from your job you don't even see the sunset when I used to live in the Caribbean that was the major part of of the day everybody at Sunset would come out and sit on the beach and watch the sun go down it it was like you know an experience of the planet en closure and all that today you're running from here you're running to there you're not paying attention to where you are why you are you you're just following some un unknown
plan that is a plan it's not an accident why you were here or why you are there you set yourself up to be here or there and then you say but I don't want to be here and I go well that's your conscious mind the one that has the wishes and desires will look and say no this is not my desire go then why are you there the answer is because you're not living from that one you're living from the program that says oh yeah you must do this this is the way we always do
things and then you find yourself doing it and going why am I here and you don't realize it because the conscious mind is the one with the wishes and desires then how come we don't manifest the wishes and desires and answers that's not the mind we're operating from you're operating from the program and I say where'd you get the program not from you you downloaded it from other people you downloaded it from school teachers you download it from clergy you download it from the doctor the doctor um I give you an example this is very
critical it's very important when we're in that developmental period the first seven years the average family I say if somebody sick in your family what do we do and we say oh we go to the doctor average family I say and you're a kid in the family so what did you learn he says when it comes to health I'm not the one that does that my doctor does it I say so then what did you do with that belief system you say since I have no knowledge of my health and the doctor has the knowledge
then the doctor is the one that provides me with truth mhm so then all of a sudden then you give up your power of true and take the word words of the doctor I say what does that mean well what if the doctor says you have 3 months left to live and you buy that because why the doctor knows I don't know I'm just a patient what the heck do I know oh I got three months left to live what do you think your brain does that is a truth what's the function of the brain
take your truth and manifest it as reality if I believe I'm going to die in three months because I was told by my truth provider then I will die INX proximately 3 months Placebo is you have an illness doctor says I got the greatest new medicine you believe it why the doctor's a truth provider you take this medicine with the idea oh my God this is the new medicine this is the one that's going to heal me and you get better and then you find out the pill was a sugar pill a placebo the point
I ask is then what healed you the sugar pill no your belief in the pill heed you not the pill and everybody go oh yeah placebo effect that's positive thinking manifesting itself I go that's great now here comes the part that's left out what about negative thinking nobody talks about negative thinking we only talk about positive thinking guess what negative thinking is equally powerful in controlling your life as is positive thinking but in the opposite direction and we never talk about negative thinking although the majority of our thoughts are negative yeah and I say well
if you have negative thinking you create a negative reality then you're living in it and the idea was what was it based on my thoughts did I wake up with positive thinking today is another beautiful day I have no idea what's going to happen but it's going to be great or did you wake up with oh God here I go I got to go do this this is my oh I got to do these things I'm not real happy about it I go that's two different days right away and the idea was we discount negative
thinking because nobody mentions that it is as powerful as positive thinking genes are responsible for less than 1% of all illness and yet everybody thinks oh my illness is due to these genes and these genes and I'm a victim of my genes I go no you're not you're the creator of your genetic activity yeah hopefully there's been a realization over the past years that genes are not your destiny yes you may have a genetic predisposition but it doesn't mean you're necessarily going to get that condition if things in your environment food physical activity um Consciousness
put Consciousness in yeah thoughts environmental thoughts the thing about thoughts is really the interesting is people don't often want to acknowledge the power of thoughts but whenever I have had to explain this to people before I say okay have you ever been in a situation let's say an exam where you're stressed because the thought is I don't have enough time to finish and then you have an urge to go to the toilet right and a lot of people go yeah I know that feeling I said well what's going on there well it's your thoughts that
is then changing your physiology and giving you an urge in your gut right it's in a different location to your brain and that organ system is being affected and then the penny starts to drop for people that oh yeah how I think and what what's going on in my brain and my mind mind has got an influence over my physiology and of course if we had longer we could go deep into that I know you've got a lot of science to share on that I mean I think we've covered a lot today Bruce we covered
a lot in conversation one we've got plenty more to talk about but I just want to say I genuinely appreciate you and what you're doing thank you for the advice you constantly share for people who want to learn more about you yes you've got all these Live Events I'm assuming it's Bruce is it where can get simple as it is Bruce and there's everything we talked about there are articles there are podcasts there are videos everything we talked about is available on that website yeah blogs resources all kinds of things everything all resources
yes yeah yeah and let me just ask answer this in regard to what you just said I'm very honored to be here with you because your voice travels your interviews and your actions affect millions of people and to me this is again what my interest is as well can we help millions of people I can help one person at a time for sure no problem but I love it if there's a thousand people in the room and I give the same message and all of a sudden a thousand people all of a sudden have the
same message it's much more fun because then more people pick it up yeah and that your work is totally in my opinion humanitarian because you're out there to do what raise the consciousness of the public to who they really are because we have been so programmed to believe we're just victims of a world out of control without recognizing the simple truth we are indeed creators Bruce I think that's a great way to park this conversation thank you for everything you do and thank you for coming on the show I so appreciate it and I really
appreciate our audience because if they're listening that means they're at least thinking there's another way and there's a better way if you enjoyed that conversation then I think you are really going to enjoy this one that I picked out especially I think there's two times the door to the subconscious mind opens up when we wake up in the morning and we go to bed at night and it's simple brain chemistry and simple physiology
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