5 Cold Calling Techniques That Really Work (2024) | Cold Call Opening Line, Cold Call Sales Scripts

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Patrick Dang
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if you're starting out in sales cold calling is one of the most brutal aspects of the job you're calling people that don't want to talk to you you're getting hanged up left and right and sometimes you don't even know what to say I've been there before because I used to work at Oracle doing a bunch of coold calls every single day when I did a bad coold call somebody yelled at me I would feel down I wouldn't even want to call anybody so that's you or maybe you're someone that's just starting out in sales I'm
going to show you my best tips on how to cold call so that instead of being afraid to talk to the other person on the other side they're going to love to talk to you and hear what you have to sell now if if you are wanting to master your co- calls what I found to be most effective is that you want to make sure you're calling the right people so typically if you're working at a startup or a new company or even at a legacy company at Oracle or Salesforce or something like that not
always will they give you a proper list sometimes they give you a list of people that aren't really interested in your product and service maybe don't have the money whatever it doesn't fit your ideal customer profile so the first thing you have to make sure 100% is that the people that you are going to reach out to are actually have a high chance of buying your product and service this is where most people get it wrong it's not always just a numbers game you have to first make sure you're pointing your energy in the right
direction before you start that numbers game and unfortunately a lot of people are calling the wrong list and they just end up with zero results and it doesn't matter if they do a th000 calls or 10,000 calls they're just calling on the wrong list so that's the first tip I have for you make sure you're calling the right ideal customer now the second tip I have for you is that you want to master your tonality in the first 5 Seconds of a call so what do I mean by this well people are going to judge
you whether or not they like you whether whether or not they want to continue the conversation based on your tonality meaning how you sound in the first 5 Seconds of a call so if you're very nervous and you're saying something like uh hi John uh this is my first Cod call and that Cod call is not going to go anywhere but if you say hey John how's it going this is Patrick from Google how you doing today and they're going to be like oh well I'm doing okay uh what's up why you calling of course
they don't know why you're calling they're kind of shocked that it's a cold call but at the same time they're going to ask a question of like what's up what do you want and then you continue the conver ation from there so when I was at Oracle I would actually practice my first 5 Seconds over and over and over I would record myself on my iPhone so I know exactly how I sound because those 5 seconds are going to be the critical factor of making a difference or not you see some people who are a
natural at sales it's because they have the social skills to actually talk to people right people who have to learn it from the ground up maybe they're not as social to begin with you have to practice practice practice even if you're not a natural you can become better because you don't have to be born a salesperson these are skills that are developed they're really just communication and people skills so now that you know the tonality is probably the most important right the next step is understanding what kind of lines you should be saying what is
your first line the first thing I have to say is this it's not about the line it's about your tonality right it's even very similar to pickup it actually doesn't really matter what you say you don't need this crazy funny joke you can literally say hey how's it going I'm Patrick what's your name right same exact thing on a cold call it's not what you say it's how you say it now once you master your tonality you're going to go into what you say because you got to say something right you might as well make
it as good as possible plus your tonality typically what I do is I like to do it like this hey John this is Patrick from ABC marketing how you doing today oh yeah well I'm doing pretty good what's up well Hey listen I'm a little lost do you mind if I take a second to tell you why I'm calling um sure I guess so that's typically my go to line if you see any of my sales videos that's the one I love the most because it works I've tried it so many times and let me
explain why the first objection people have to this line is like why would you call someone looking lost why do you need to put yourself in a weaker position the reality is is it's human nature you have to understand that when somebody needs help naturally a good human being would want to help that person even if it's a stranger so if somebody's falls on a street on the floor they get hurt everyone around them is going to gather try to pick them up make sure that person is okay so we're using the same psychology where
if you call somebody they don't know why you're calling you're friendly you say hey John how's it going and they's like yeah I'm doing good what's up hey I'm a little lost do you mind if I take a second to tell you why I'm calling if it's only a second then they're going to say yes right why would they say no so once you get that yes you're getting these micro commitments that allow you to have a conversation with the person right if you go right in and just start pitching nobody's going to want to
listen to you but if you start it off like that friendly ask them for a moment of their time be respectful then they're going to want to take the call it doesn't work 100% of the time but it works more often than not and they'll at least listen to the next thing you have to say and what that next thing actually is is explaining the purpose of the call so the mistake that most beginner sales people have is that they don't explain why they're calling they're just trying to sell something and it just makes them
look greedy and annoying what you want to do instead is you want to explain to them what's going to happen on the call so throughout the entire call they're not thinking oh my god when is this person going to hang up right that's the opposite of what you want you actually just want to let them know what's up so I would be like I'm part of the marketing team over at ABC marketing and I visited your pet shop the other day and I saw that you were getting a lot of customers but I didn't really
see you were using Instagram and right now for Pet Shops especially Instagram is one of the best ways to get more foot traffic into your store and I want to see especially when it comes to organic content and pushing that with advertising and I just want to take five minutes real quick to talk to you about how I might be able to help you increase sales by doing what you're already doing but online and getting more people to come to your store to buy more products does that sound fair to you and so in this
example if you're you know John or whoever at the pet store you're like oh yeah he visited my store he thinks he can generate more money for me of Instagram I don't know Instagram but maybe this guy knows something right so that's essentially you want to get to that point at least they get to the point where they know you're offering some kind of value which is generating more Revenue they know that it's only going to take a few minutes because youve done your homework you know who they are you know exactly how you're going
to help them and now you're going to have a conversation on how you will help them so that cold call essentially turned very warm very quickly within the first like 30 seconds 1 minute because you explained the entire situation they agreed to a meeting so it's basically like a meeting and everything's all good so you have that conversation once you got them warmed up and you say like hey is that fair does that sound okay with you what you want to do is you just ask another question right so you would say something like hey
you know I was curious like you guys were doing really well but I'm just surprised you guys haven't really been using Instagram or Facebook what was the reason for that it's not a yes or no question it's a very open in question what typically happens if you build rapport if you have the right tonality and they like you as a human being they're going to say oh yeah you know I really tried that Instagram thing but it just didn't work I was taking pictures nobody was liking them so I thought it was a waste of
time and I just went back to doing what I already knew usually that's what's going to happen for this kind of scenario right and then you would just go into ask more questions into okay well when you did do it like what did you try how come it didn't work how long did you try it did you ever try to hire anybody and these are the questions that you ask to discover what their real problem is that coold call all you're doing is asking questions trying to understand their pain you take all their pain and
then you package it into a solution which is your product or service right in this case it would be a marketing service so once you ask all these questions you get all the pain and then you basically say Hey you know I might be able to help you out do you mind if I tell you a little bit more about what I do and they will say sure and then you will explain explain exactly how you solv their pains how that you worked with other clients who were in very similar situations like hey you know
the other pet store across town you know I help them generate more foot traffic whatever the case is right and you would give examples concrete proof of the work that you've done so that you look more legit you don't look very risky and then at the end of the call once you explain how you solve the problem your case studies you would say Hey you know from here you know is this something you would be interested in and then you actually start the conversation of what it would look like if you two work together right
but at that point the Cod call is already so warm that even if you don't have the perfect scripts and everything like that you're pretty much there because you're essentially solving their problem right so to wrap things up the most important thing is really your tonality and how you speak with the person and getting the person to like you because at the end of the day people like to do business with their friends people like to work with people they like as long as you get the person to like you you respect their time you
get them to do these micro commitments once you get like 20 minutes in you're pretty much already there then you just have to close it out which you could watch my other sales video on how to close a deal and if you want to take your sales game to the next level make sure to check out my masterclass sales Legacy sales legacy.com if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a like subscribe turn on notifications and I'll see you in the next video
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