Identity Shifting: How to become so rich, money becomes meaningless.

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Quazi Johir
Identity shifting is what made me rich at the age of 23. Want to work 1-1 with me and my team to cr...
Video Transcript:
quasi here there's a subtle law through which our universe operates that dictates which version of reality we experience from the ancient Egyptians to the mystics of the East this powerful concept has been whispered about for centuries this concept is the idea of identity shifting Which shapes your reality and by shifting who you are at your very core you can literally rewrite the story of your life see the htic philosophers taught that as within so without meaning that your inner World directly shapes your outer experience in the Bhagavad Gita the path to selfrealization is shown to be the key to transforming one's Destiny and the ancient Egyptians believed in living in harmony with the mat the principle of Truth and balance to align your life with Cosmic order over the last 8 years I have been obsessed with this ancient law of becoming and the concept of identity shifting and learning how to truly shift your identity to attain a permanent shift in your life and after having worked with over a thousand clients and deeply researching ancient teachings I believe I have finally figured it out over a very big Epiphany that I had over the last four months see there are three main principles you must use every single day to shift into the version of yourself that achieves your goals with ease after I have been able to apply these into my life not only did it make me a multi-millionaire by the age of 27 but it allowed me to manifest a life that is beyond my wildest dreams let's get started with principle number one so principle number one states to have what you truly want you must become who you were meant to be one of the biggest misconceptions people have about this journey is who they are as defective right now this version of themselves is somehow defective and they need to become someone else someone more confident someone more intelligent someone more X Y and Z quality that they perceive this is a big misconception because they're admitting to themselves one main thing that who they are right now is not the correct version so they must pretend to be someone that they're not and so I want you to look back at your life and think about the goals that you've wanted most of the time you felt this pit in your stomach when you've envisioned a goal of making money and getting to this like career top and working hard and so that feeling of disease or uneasiness within you is your subconscious telling you that this goal isn't right for you and who you are meant to be because if you envision the life that you truly want where you wake up with ease and you're doing the thing that you love and it doesn't feel like you're struggling against something that is the life that that was meant for you so very easy way to discern your true goals from foreign goals goals that you were conditioned to want is when you envision a longer term future of what you would like to do what you would like to experience who you would like to hang out with you know what you want to have what you want to do and who you want to be when you think about those three things what does it make you feel inside do you feel happy joy is those light feelings or do you feel like something is constricting within you you're like oh you know I don't want to do that but I believe I have to because Society told me to I don't want to work hard and then become the CEO of this company I don't want to you know work 80 hours a week cuz not everyone wants to grind 80 hours a week and work hard some people just want to enjoy the thing that they want to do and I actually hate the word I dislike the word working hard because it implies you're battling against someone because hard work naturally follows if you're truly obsessed with something so for example if you ask Michael Jordan there was a a parent of a kid who was playing basketball and the parent asked Michael Jordan like hey I want my son to be exceptional the greatest of all time what does he have to do how does he get there and Michael Jordan said fall in love with the game because when you fall in love with the game you stop counting the hours that you put in you're just obsessed with it right so when someone says oh I have to work hard it typically means that they have this mistaken idea that they need to fight against something they're not free they're trapped by this idea that they're holding on to so when you think about a long-term goal and you feel constricted inside it just means you're holding on to a false idea that doesn't quite resonate with the the true goal that you are meant to achieve who you were meant to be and this brings me to the idea of Fate versus free will a very big realization that I came to recently so if you take these two concentric circles in the middle the smaller Circle would be free will which is your personal will okay this is our inner intention the petty personal intention that we possess I'm going to call this inner intent this larger circle is outer intention which is fate or The Godly intention so a lot of people have this misconception that it's either fate or free will why not both why can't you have the choice within the context of Fate you might be thinking oh but then God wants me to do something else God didn't want me to achieve this goal God will never want something that you don't want because guess what this conent Circle this bigger circle is actually it it encloses encapsulates the smaller Circle whatever you want God wants for you and more this is what people fail to understand and that's why it's so hard to surrender your will to a higher being so to give you an example of my personal life when I got started with this journey and I quit my corporate job to start making these videos because I was going to be miserable at a 9 to5 job I you know took the leap quit my job started making YouTube videos I had no idea how I was going to make it and my only goal at the time was the highest thing that I wanted was if I made a quarter of a million dollars a year 20K a month and I could just work for my laptop and just have freedom I would be so happy you know my life would be perfect but I surrendered that to God and I just said you know I don't know what's going to happen a year after like a year and a half after I made that intention not only did I go from absolute zero to starting a YouTube channel growing it working with clients I had no idea what I was going to do and how I was monetizing okay had no idea I was going to be coaching that I was going to be selling and I started making $100,000 a month I started making over a million a month a million a year and so then I was like how did this happen I didn't even intend for this to happen this is how it happened I surrendered my Petty intention to this higher intention for what God wanted for my life and when little things didn't go my way I didn't insist on trying to fight it like oh why didn't this happen you know why did this obstacle arise it wasn't supposed to happen like this I am some master of manifestation and everything is supposed to go my way so I now going to try to make it go my way instead of doing that I just trusted hey maybe the higher power has something better in store for me maybe I don't know what I don't know this mind is very limited maybe God can see something for my life that I can't see so I surrendered to it a Sure Fire way to move towards the life that is beyond your wildest dreams to know that you're abiding by principle number one you'll know that you have surrendered your personal intention to the higher outer intention when your life turns out better than you've imagined My Life currently has turned out way better than I could have ever imagined to the point where I wake up in the morning I'm like holy crap this must be a dream I can't believe this is real this is wonderful this is amazing I can't believe I get to do what I love every single day make videos watch my channel grow make as much money as I want and serve clients and help clients get Transformations and work with the team that I want to work with and I get to take the time off some days in the middle of the day just go and play golf and do whatever I want hang out with my family like this is absolutely perfect this is better than I could have ever imagined it and I never have to worry about money not wood you know it's it's I have more way more than I could ever need you know so this could only happen because I have allowed myself to become who I was meant to be instead of trying to be someone who is this 20K a month version and and and try to make videos a particular way and fake myself and fake being this identity I actually removed all the false conditionings of who Society told me I should be oh you have to be confident oh you have to be an extrovert oh you have to be you have to want to succeed you have to want to make money so there are very subtle layers of this okay very very subtle layers of societal conditioning that get to each and every single one of us but the key I want you to take away is most of the time we use our free will to resist Our Fate what we were meant to have and I can guarantee you the thing that you were meant meant to have it's beyond your wildest dreams like if you just Surrender Your Will to God and you just trust that hey I don't know what I don't know and the big Epiphany I had that led me to this realization was when I was listening to Joe Rogan's podcast and in it he was saying some guy asked him oh what Vision do you have for your life what Vision do you have for this podcast he was like I have no vision for this podcast and where it's going to go the guy has like a$2 200 $300 million deal right with Spotify is like I have no vision for where this is going to go I'm just taking a day by day and every single day I am focusing on being a better podcaster being a better father being a better worker outer someone who goes to the gym someone who's fit being a better athlete right so he is so present to the moment and he's just focusing on taking it one day at a time one day at a time and focusing on pure being instead of trying to do something better and try to have something like oh next step is 500 million next step is 1 billion let's get to 1 billion no he's focusing on every single day let me just become 1% better let's take a dayby day and put one foot in front of the other that's it and sure you might have a grandiose vision of what your life looks like but you're not attached to it because you are fully present at this moment and embodying who you would be and your ideal right now you are being that version of yourself right now you are giving yourself permission to enjoy this sacred moment that is right now and be joyful right now feel the feelings that you would feel once you have the Mansion once once you have the car once you're out of debt you feel those feelings right now and you view this moment as the journey as hey this is the fun movie This is the game I'm playing this is my current situation and I'm playing this game to improve my situation every single day and I'm surrending surrendering my will to God and I know that what was meant to happen for me will happen I cannot have anything that I wasn't meant to have everything that I have everything that belongs to me will come to me there is no need to rush there is no need to fight against some invisible force there is no need to insist just be as you are and this actually allows you to unattach from the doing Paradigm where it's like oh no I must do something I must do a technique right because if I don't do anything how is it going to happen if you're fully in being and you fully trust the flow of life and you operate as your ideal self and from the operation in and abiding in your ideal self you feel like there is no need to do the comfortable thing my next Edge is to relax and stop doing stop stressing and just take it easy you're going to find things are just going to work out you're going to find connections people you meet or opportunities that you just attract that fall on your lap just because you're in alignment with that and I can't tell you the number of times it's happened in my life to give you a direct example of that last week I took a trip to Vegas to spend a day with hosi and and his team maybe maybe you know who Alex OSI is maybe you don't but it's this big influencer who runs you know he runs this company called acquisition I paid $50,000 to be in that room for one day literally for one day and and I just spent Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday just away from work completely surrendered no going to my team meetings or whatever I come back on Monday and turns out we hit a record week the previous week even though I was gone half the week right we hit a $70,000 week and you know we we've never we've never done that before in in one week and so I talked to my manager I was like what happened I was gone and she was like well you left feels like everything just fell into place you know I had a lot of synergy with our sales people and everyone else in the company and it just felt like you surrendered and all all the sudden everything fell into place and that's because when I left I just operated in pure being I'm like hey if things go well great if things don't great you know I I trust God and whatever was meant to happen will happen and so that's the power of you surrendering your little intention your inner intention to the Grand outer intention just trust that when you surrender to the flow of Life whatever you wanted that and Beyond bigger things will happen so the key I want you to take away is to unite your petty lower inner intention with the big outer intention what God has intended for you so our Free Will is used to continually surrender this ego and what it wants to stop insisting on making everything go my way and stop trying to control and focus more on directing like hey it's okay if this didn't go my way it's okay that I'm losing this game right now even if I completely lose it all maybe it was meant to happen maybe something better will come from it it's your job to continually just remind yourself of that and continually keep on surrendering keep on stepping into more and more ease and that is maturity that's something that's that's grown within me at especially over the last 3 months when we had rough rough patch with business but the only block to that is the second principle that I'm going to discuss the block that's preventing you from becoming your true self is a concept called pendulum so let's get to that right now before I get to that I wanted to announce we have a few slots open if you wanted to work closer together with us I'm making this video it's August 31st now so it's a brand new month we're looking for 25 new clients if you want to apply to work closer together with me in our mentorship you can click right here or go to reality creator. com / apply to fill up a short application to see if we would be a good fit to work together to take your life to the next level this year so let's get to principle number two pendulums so the second principle you must understand is the principle of pendulums and these are collective like-minded forces so if you imagine the concept of a pendulum it swings the pendulum has a swing and it's swinging at a particular frequency and this pendulum swing basically sucks your energy it uses your energy to keep swinging what we want to do is suffocate that pendulum okay so this is a it's a metaphorical concept but if you imagine all of the groups around you group think sports teams religion politics sickness everything is a pendulum everything is a like-minded energy that wants to Contin continually suck your energy so have you ever found in your life where you're going things are going really really well and then all of a sudden someone throws a spanner in the works or something just happens and it sucks your energy you know you just get absorbed by it when instead you could have just ignored it and moved on and it would have just dissipated but for you you know you just fall asleep and your mind just gets hijacked the pendulum hijacks your mind and then you go into that negative feedback loop and then you get stuck in that feedback loop for weeks if not months I noticed this in my business sometimes where things are going really well but then one tiny little thing happens and I'm like no everything has to be perfect you know I can't have one dissatisfied client I can't have one negative review or I can't have this funnel breaking and this ad not working everything must be perfect and this insistence of on Perfection is what the pendulum uses to hijack your energy okay so the pendulum actually resonates at the frequency of anger fear shame guilt the lower energies so if you have this scale of Consciousness anything below courage courage is the neutral level it resonates at Pride it resonates at anger shame guilt apathy and then it extracts the most energy at anger so Society wants to keep you at anger because it can mobilize you and make you do things that after you do them you're like I don't know why the heck I did did that so if you look at mob mentality sometimes people get into mobs and do things where they can't justify why they did it and that's group think it hijacks our Consciousness your Consciousness is hijacked and you do things that you don't know why you did it you become completely reative because you have surren like you have completely been absorbed by the influence of the pendulum okay so the number one reason a pendulum will prevent you from becoming your true self is because it convinces you that who you are truly and authentically is not good enough you have to be someone else you have to be like the influences that you see by the way when someone gains the courage to be authentic and express their true selves the pendulum has no choice but to put them at the top and they have other adherence they make them the star like for me in my instance I have created a pendulum and there are constructive pendulums and destructive ones but this channel itself is an example of a pendulum where you know I have followers and people who follow this teaching but I've only been able to do that because I have been authentic enough to present my content and walk my own path when you walk your own path for long enough the pendulum has no choice but to put you at the top and extract the energy of your adherance this is this is just the way of life like anything that you look at has a pendulum in operation you can never quite escape the the grasp of pendulums until you decide to retreat from society so the question is are you giving your energy to a constructive pendulum AKA pendulum that takes your energy and delivers you to your goal or are you giving it to a destructive pendulum a pendulum that takes your energy and then takes you away from your goal so for example there are certain groups where people gossip about stuff and it's a destructive pendulum because it doesn't quite get you to your goals and it just puts you in a more negative mindset like you know single moms who are super proud to talk about how they're single moms and they never want to get married and all men are shitty right uh that's I don't know why that that just came to the top of my mind or other gossip groups right where men come together and you know talk about women and how evil they are whatever it is right so these are all pendulums that may not serve you to where you want to get to but then there are other constructive pendulums like business masterminds where you get in everyone gets into a mastermind and everyone's resonating at the same energy that forms a pendulum but it allows every single one of them to become more energized and get to the goal that they want to get to which is business success okay so how pendulums block you is when you start to want to express your true self immediately you get shut down by some bully or someone else saying ah you can't be like that you have to be like me do as I do that's the rule of the pendulum copy me when you copy me you are not being authentic you're not being who you are meant to be it's as simple as that and the three words that you always have to watch out for is should must and have to or need to so what do people say I should get a job because the thing I want to do will never pay pendulum convince you of that I have to struggle for 40 years before I can finally live I must become this kind of person to have what I want and when you say these words you come from a place of Duty I dislike the word Duty or coming from a place of Duty because it implies that I do not want to do this I have to do this this is a duty I have to do this but I can change my perspective to say you know what this may be something that I need to do right now but I can still view it as something I genuinely want to do you see that now you're no longer resisting it and giving your resistance energy to the pendulum now you've let your God down become authentic and you do it joyfully it doesn't matter what you do it matters how you sh show up I can make this video from a place of Duty like oh I have to make a video to make sure my sales team gets fed and we get enough leads and you know we get enough traffic on the channel and so my channel grows and so I make money or I can be like hey okay maybe I do need to make this video because I've commit to committed to making one video two videos a week but what if I actually wanted to make this video how would I make this video if I actually wanted to make this video what would I share in this video if I genuinely wanted to make this video and now now because I'm focusing differently I'm no longer resisting the pendulum the pendulum can only feed on Resistance energy when you fight the pendulum you've lost you have to refuse to play the pendulum's game you basically suffocate the pendulum from swinging when you refuse to play its game and you say no no no I'm playing my own game you can come in and try to interrupt but I am playing my own game and the main way to do that is to become hyper aware when should must haves are running your life so anytime I have a should must have I immediately wake up that's the key okay you immediately wake up and you're like hold on this is what's happening a pendulum is trying to hijack my thinking it's trying to make me do things that it wants me to do to extract my energy I refuse I'm not playing that game I do this because I want to okay one of my clients Neil recently dealt with this when he was transitioning from his medical career to starting his own business and he really really struggled because his parents imposed their their will on him and they were like oh you must do this you have to do this you should be a doctor you're a shame if you're not but his heart wasn't in it he didn't really want to do that he wanted to do his own coaching after we helped him overcome that by waking up taking control and not letting guilt run his life but him being authentically himself now he has a successful coaching business now he's doing what he wants to do and he's and he enjoys it he's following the path that he wanted to follow and he's just gone gone from people pleasing and falling into his parents stories to doubling down on himself and living authentically when you live authentically you're going to achieve things that were once beyond your wildest dreams when you become who you're meant to be to have what you really want you must first become who you were truly meant to be which brings me to the third principle which is learning how to live with all gas and no breaks the true key to shifting into your ideal self and who you meant to be so let's get to that right now the final principle the most important one is learning how to shift into your ideal self but shifting into your ideal self is more of a dropping of your fake self because when you drop the fake when you when the clouds are removed the sun is free to shine forth okay so we're dropping the fools conditioning and finally stepping into who we were meant to be so often times you're going to find that we hide ourselves parts of ourselves that we're ashamed of and we waste time in death doubts and hesitations so what we do is we live with one foot on the gas and one foot on the break we have so many clients who come in they're like hey I want to quit my job and gain freedom just like you did but intellectually they think about the money that they want to make and the freedom that they want but emotionally they're still stuck to ah I hate my job I want to get away from it they're not emotionally clear on why they truly want that freedom and what it would actually bring and they're not f one with that they're still they still cannot get out of get away from this get away from this get away from this this sucks the debt sucks the M you know the this the long work hours suck so their reality is that so there's a there's an in congruency between what they want and why they want it intellectual and emotional in congruency and because of that most people never never ever move towards what they truly want what there needs to be is full gas or full breaks okay to give you an example of this when when I started actually making $100,000 a month I forgot this lesson right and I became very very protective because this was the kind of money that I wasn't used to so I was very scared of taking risks and ruining it because deep down I didn't feel like I deserved it I didn't feel like I deserve making a million dollars a year because I was like oh I'm so young you know I literally my first business that I tried I mean the first business that I truly truly tried became a massive success I don't want to lose it I love this I don't want to lose it so now my intention is I want to grow it but my intention is also I don't want to lose it I have the gas on and the brakes on at the same time what do you think that does that creates an internal in congruency so when thinking about growing it my mentors were like hey you need to create an additional product and for years they were telling me that and I was like no no no I'm not going to do it until my business started to stagnate we went from 100K a month to like 80k a month to even some months doing 50k we never dropped below like a million a year but it was fluctuating from 1. 1 to 1.
3 million a year I was stagnant at that not a terrible place to be stuck at I know but you still want to grow right you still want to play the game you still want to grow if you're not growing you're dying so I was reluctant to create a new lower ticket product because I was like oh what if this messes everything up I had this irrational fear of it like I don't want to mess up something that's working let's just keep doing more of it more of this and so one day I just got so frustrated at having like the same thing happen in my business and stagnating an employee turnover because there wasn't any growth right no one wants to work in a company that's just is the same all the time like we're growing we're moving forward that's what's that's what's fun so I got sick and tired of it and I said you know what it I'm going to take this risk I'm sick and tired of being stuck and typically that's how change happens right you get to a point of pain deep pain you're like I'm sick and tired of this if I lose it all it I lose it all but I refuse to live like this I live I refuse to live in protection mode I'm going to risk it I'm going to be vulnerable I'm going to finally drop my armor we launched the new product and right off the bat we like our first month was $150,000 $180,000 month and we started doing 200k a month and that was the first year the business actually broke past the 1. 3 million Mark and we did 1. 7 million right so it created a really good trajectory for us to grow and I realized that I should have taken this risk two years ago I was moving too slow because I was afraid and it's funny because a lot of the times business owners think they're lacking the right strategies and tactics 99% of the time it's the limited mindset and perspective they're holding on to something they're afraid of something Their Fear is what's causing this some internal in congruency is causing what they're experiencing something they're holding to be true is causing the lack of growth that they're experiencing and I'm working very very closely with startup you know with a couple of startup Founders who've raised like over 180 million right now and and what I'm noticing is the reason their business isn't getting the kind of traction that they want to see is because the partners aren't working congruently together the two partners are always clashing again each other right so there isn't a congruence a Synergy in how they work and once they fix that I know it's going to take off because I gave them the analogy it's like if you watch Premier League soccer there was a team Manchester United had a really great coach Sir Alex Ferguson who would take mediocre players make them worked so well together and the team won Championship after Championship but then after he left the team had a lot of money because they won a lot of championships under him but after he retired no one else was able to replicate that kind of success the team sucked and they started to bring in all these expensive really good players but these individuals were never the some of the parts were never really greater than the whole working together in Synergy so I told him like if you start if your whole team starts working synergistically together you're going to be like Manchester United was back when they were winning Championship off the championship so this is the key right this is the key that makes all the shift happen the internal work the external work is just a reflection it's just an effect of the correct internal work so that's one thing I learned Lear and the key I want you to take away from this is when are you living in protection when you're making decisions there's always two parts of you when you're about to make a big critical decision whether it be like making an investment in a program that you knew you had to or you know a business strategy or hiring someone key or quitting your job check in with yourself at that critical moment because you're going to notice one part of you is afraid and wants to retreat and another part of you knows this is the right thing to do okay this year I actually spent the most I have on my business and personal development so I'll pull it up over here I shared this earlier with my email list I've spent over $240,000 on my personal development and investing in my business and I've never spent that much in one year before and every single time I made a decision to invest I was actually afraid but I knew this was the right thing to do and you know what not every single one of them has yielded a direct result yet but I know that down the line one day the lessons that I learn from it I'm going to need it's going to be reminders my subconscious is still storing these memories right so I say this because I made these decisions even though we had the worst Q2 of our business like it wasn't the worst ever but it was a really bad Q2 compared to how good q1 was okay so and during that time we had a very big turnover in the business like everything was changing we had to you know let go of two people and then hire two new people and uh and everything you know and train them from scratch and so we were pretty much bleeding money and I've never seen that before in my business and so I was waking up every single day anxious in the middle of the night just cold sweats like uncertain about the future and that's when I came to all of these realizations that hey this is just a game but the game has now become too serious and now I'm living in protection mode this anxiety is telling me that I'm playing defense I'm closed off and you can never receive if you're closed off you can only receive if you're open you're expansive and you take risks and you don't waste time in doubts and hesitation doubt and hesitation is the biggest time waster and even in the babad Gita like there's a there's a great saying on this I can't remember right now but I'll pull it up here but doubts and hesitation are what's preventing you from experiencing the thing and receiving the thing that you want to receive that you know you're you deserve and the only reason that's happening is because you're closed off you're not open so one of the biggest lessons I learned and I learned this from Berne Brown is when you're confronted with a situation that is very very uncomfortable people have two reactions they either puff up and try to be bigger than they are or they shrink down don't puff up don't shrink down drop your armor allow yourself to be seen as you are be like a child allow yourself to be seen as you are don't try to fake strength don't try to fake confidence don't try to you know don't try to play the victim either just be in that moment get comfortable in losing get comfortable in the uncertainty because most people they try to hold on to certainty if you live in certainty you're going to experience what you have been experiencing begin living in uncertainty take risks take leaps in your life walk Uncharted terrains and you're going to see the kind of change that happens the kind of growth that happens always look for your next Edge to take the leap off of okay it is an uncertainty that we find our true selves when we don't have mind invented structures to hang on to it's it's the the structures of the ego that keep us stuck and little where we are but when we let go of our personal intention and unite it with The Godly intention the outer intention and fate we become who we're meant to be so if you'd like to work closer together with me in our personal mentorship I invite you to click this link right here to apply or go to reality creator.
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