The “Spiritual” WAR On Your Attention Span And How To Fix It

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Nero Knowledge
Attention is the currency of God. You must not spending it, and start investing it. If you can’t m...
Video Transcript:
the scary War to destroy your attention span now on a metaphysical level attention is actually the currency of God and whether you realize this or not there is an natural agenda to quite literally destroy your attention because attention is a currency of God if you have a decrease attention span then essentially you're bankrupt of the currency of God and that currency of God is essentially what allows for us to exchange realities and in this video I'm not only going to point out to you how the destruction of your attention span is hindering your ability to
materialize your desired reality because as I say always spirituality without the ability to control your reality is Vanity I'm also going to be showing you how to increase your focus I'm also going to show you how to redirect your focus and in the instances where you feel like your old frequency shows up and quite literally [ __ ] up your life I'm going to show you how to alchemize that particular condition of reality so you can energetically shift in what you considered to be the laws of your reality and move into the direction of your
desired reality now as you can see you guys can't tell me I didn't cook on this drawing yeah that draw is close you know what I'm saying it's the best one you know what I'm saying like this is really the best one like two swords it's a sword fight PA [Music] and that was crazy and obviously he Bros on his knees pause again now let's get into it you know what my camera identifies faces and it identified that drawing as a face really well done well done what can I say man what can I say
maybe I need to upgrade camera almost def you meing you know I think you made it someone said raw next question raw next question y was there even the first question she created the question [ __ ] are answering questions that W even asked you know women online are actually unhinged you know like if you ever see the comments like I saw a chi comment once a tear ran down my leg that is you know you know the first time I saw that it took me a minute to understand yeah of course like bro I
had comments months ago from girls saying Nero's the type to talk you and I'm like I didn't even know what that meant Jesus can you imagine 12 K to can you imagine okay so what you guys have to understand is that quite literally I believe it is said that particularly especially for Gen Z the average attention span has now decreased to 2.7 minutes whether you realize this or not the 21st century world that we live in there are actually corporations companies and people with phds and master degrees that are quite literally studying how to psychologically
capture your attention but then minimize it at the same time you have to understand one thing in particular a decrease in attention span essentially minimizes the ability for you to pour energy into anything that is worth meaning in your life anything that requires a particular meaning of life requires a certain level of attention through a decrease of your attention span you actually minimize your ability to pour into the aspects of your life that have particular meaning and this goes from anywhere from social media to movies even movies that are curated in this what year 2025
yeah movies are quite literally curated with the intention that the viewer is actually going to be on their phone while they're watching the film would you realize or not from Silicon Valley to all of these other corporations people are quite literally thinking how can we capture people's attention not only how can we capture their attention let's continuously decrease it because one thing in particular happens with a decreased attention span and it goes back to what I just said a decrease of attention span means you don't have energy to pour meaning into any aspect of your
life and if we attribute meaning in this particular instance to knowledge of self understanding the bricks that built you to be the individual who you are is a prerequisite to understanding the bricks that comprise your reality and if you don't have the ability to pour attention into yourself for example you then actually don't possess the ability to recreate your reality the whole point of anything spiritual and I keep saying this spirituality without the ability to control your reality is Vanity I don't understand why you'd want to elevate yourself and your Consciousness if you want to
just continuously play an ego game and I can't emphas this enough everything in this 21st century is quite literally curated to decrease your attention span which means that you're going to have to know how to mitigate and combat that in order to possess the capability of pouring energy into the meaningful things in your life such as your mind think about it like this how do you have more attention for social media than yourself ironically you probably understand these Trends more than you understand yourself and you should really let that marinate because it's not until you
possess the capability of centering attention and an how can I say this an extreme amount of attention to yourself you're going to be unaware to the inner workings of yourself and any particular degree of unawareness to the internal is always going to lead to confusion in the external you might be doing all of this stuff and watching all of these videos but then when you go into your world you're confused why certain things are still happening and it's because you actually haven't centralized enough attention to the inner workings of yourself but you understand every single
[ __ ] Trend that comes up on your phone don't lie to me [ __ ] you're scrolling flicking seeing all of these Trends and all of this I don't even know some of the trends sometimes I don't even know most of like influences and stuff that goes on I'm always being updated and stuff like that and it's because you're going to have to take certain measures certain steps that allow you to centralize your attention because I tell you this whether you realize this or not and this is something I'm going to touch upon in
the video attention being the currency of God is quite literally the very first step to vibration which every vibration when it gains momentum becomes a frequency and every frequency becomes a reality but don't worry relax you're going to get some just stay with me now I realized I know what I want this year I want shoulders like yours okay okay okay bro I must have posted like a a fall on my on my Ig of like the shoulder press that I was doing somebody was like who you training to fight Thanos you guys are dragging
it man my shoulders literally aren't even that big you like a dragging it be for real I'm serious guys I really can't stress the importance of attention attention is actually a tool that you don't realize is being used against you and I don't mean by The Matrix I actually mean by your old frequency cuz if your old frequency has the capability of being able to swear your attention then it will take you on a detour straight back to your old frequency which ultimately will put you back into your old reality and whether you realize this
or not you're actually making mistakes that you're even unaware of and the whole point of this game is about understanding that in the same way that a ship that has holes will eventually begin to sink we're filling all the holes possible P what kind of pen should I use green or red green or red cool so as I mentioned attention is the currency of God and what I mean by that is this when we're talking about currency I need you to understand something there's two particular routes that you can go when it comes to your
attention as I said to you attention is the beginning point of vibration vibration is preceded by tension vibration is preceded by attension vibration when it gains energetic momentum becomes a frequency and frequency is the immaterial version of reality every frequency must become a reality and every reality is a frequency so if we begin to see these chain of events that lead to the materialization of reality from a point of attention being the starting point number one it is important to understand where you are either investing this or spending this and this is something to be
very very mindful of because I'll tell you this most people they spend their attention what you need to do with the currency of God is to invest it if you don't possess the capability of investing your attention then you will not get the return of your desired reality that's a borrow that down and if you keep spending your attention frivolously and in a wasteful manner the return on investment will always be terrible people wonder why their realities don't change and it's because they're unaware of where they are spending their attention and if we are to
conceptualize entering your desired reality the only way you're going to enter your desired reality is if you first invest the currency of God which is attention it's been commonly said that where attention goes energy flows or attention goes energy flows and as cliche as it is it is a foundational truth that you need to understand more more often than not the simplest of ideas actually possess the most power it's not about anything being complicated hence why hence why I like to simplify my videos Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication it doesn't have to be
complicated I'm not here trying to show you [ __ ] how smart I am and win your approval I could give a [ __ ] what I care about is giving you this information in a simple way that allows you to implement it to begin to enter your desired reality and now con just the importance of attention attention is the currency of God because what you don't understand is attention is really energy another way to conceptualize it is consciousness I want you to imagine something those of you that are familiar with a VR headset think
about it like this so when you put on a virtual reality headset essentially you've entered an entirely new world and it's actually your placement of attention that determines your view view point of what you see in that world now think about Humanity like this humans were given virtual reality headsets that they forgot that they're wearing that's I'll bar that down what you don't realize around you is that when you're wearing a virtual reality headset and you turn to the right what you are doing is rendering the world into view that world doesn't yet particularly exist
and quantum mechanics alludes to the same concept when we're looking at things such as the Observer experiments the idea that subatomic particles react to the consciousness the placement of your attention something that doesn't yet exist in your world doesn't exist because you first haven't seen it and I can't stress this enough when I'm talking to you from a point of independently to your personal reality in the same way that when you're wearing a VR headset all you can see is in front of you technically nothing has yet existed because your attention hasn't been centralized towards
it but the moment that you turn to your left in this virtual world you begin to see things render in the moment you turn to the right things render in this works the same way with frequencies and particular conditions of realities it is actually your sustained attention that actually sustains that particular reality and that's why B write that down now whatever particular circumstance you're in let's say that you're broke or you want to change your health you want to get with a partner you want to get a promotion at work you need to understand that
the only reason you're continuously experiencing that particular reality reverse engineer it if you're in an unwanted reality then that means the beginning point it's not frequency that you should focus on it's not vibration you should focus on it's attention you should focus on on and that means whether you realize this or not your attention is on an unwanted condition of reality and here's the thing why do we find it much more easier to focus on what we don't want as opposed to what we do want and ironically it's the particular Focus that you place on
what you don't want that sustains what you don't want because I'm going to explain something to you and you need to understand how the universe works because if you if you're not able to speak the language of the universe the universe isn't going to understand you the universe isn't registering how many [ __ ] times you tell yourself you love yourself in the mirror and how you're the most beautiful person and how rich you are and all of this and all of that it's not registering how many times you sit there with your legs crossed
with your fingers like this on your knees it's not registering any of that and until you can understand what the universe registers everything you do will be in vain hence why it's important you understand one phrase in particular three words if you can understand these three words your entire reality will never be the same and I'm not exaggerating so listen to what I'm about to say on the side note real quick someone said my grandma's putting witchcraft on me help help your grandma's putting witchcraft on you on me to help you're cook wrap it up
man it's over it's really over your grandma everybody knows like an old woman's prayers are like you know what I'm saying if your grandma's praying for you you're protected she doing witchcraft you're finished you're cook it's over it's over bro I'm sorry I don't have the facilities all jokes aside one thing that I have to get you to understand is that especially when we look at humans in particular there's a particular concept known as nality nality is the concept that we are all one on a Quantum level as we transcend this third dimensional realm and
transcend the SpaceTime illusions of separations and polarity each individual person is actually one person every book was written by the same author every every bridge was built by the same person every song composed was made by one mind and I need you to understand that now once you understand that you begin to understand that on a Quantum level humans communicate we communicate verbally in this third dimensional realm but as we transcend illusion which we temporarily temporarily do we also communicate energetically and mentally more often than not it's actually your grandma's witchcraft that you have witchcraft
yourself with and let me rephrase that nobody can be nobody can bewitch you without your permission that's not to say that nobody can't do nothing to you you but your acceptance of that particular idea is what actually allows that particular frequency to germinate in your reality and then materialize in front of you and I need you to understand this nobody can [ __ ] with me energetically if you hold that with conviction you will be spiritually protected [ __ ] do a whole bunch of things they go to church for 12 hours and ask for
Spiritual protection they drink hot oil and they use holy water and all of this without understanding that all of those things exist with this within this third dimensional realm and they're actually nothing more than simply sys that are meant to generate a particular degree of emotional conviction to enter your subconscious mind but you can enter that particular emotional conviction by just maintaining the idea that no matter what anybody can do to me it's not going to do nothing that's ultimately going to be the barrier that actually prevents that particular witchcraft because the mental realm is
the cause of Realm and this physical plane is the realm of effect and if your grandma's witchcraft wants to affect you it can only affect you in the physical plane but the physical plane being effect which means that can only take place to you if you have defenses in the mental plane which is the cause around if you put those defenses in the mental plane I promise you can't touch you now that's a long situation though man that is a long situation grandma that's long your comment section is weird as well someone goes I'm a
manifest to marry you neo okay I'm a Man by the way yes listen I'm not into telling [ __ ] what's impossible like I'm never tell but that is that's not happening hang it up wrap it up that ain't happening anyways Focus the three words that you need to begin to understand wait just write actually what we are focusing on here is principles and Foundations because if you do not understand the foundations of how you work you do not understand how the foundations of the universe work which means you will ultimately be taking Ela every
single time these are the three words that you cannot live without and I can't stress this I really can't stress this enough and you're going to see through the examples why and those three words is attention is alignment I repeat attention is alignment that's a bar right back down what do I mean by that attention is ultimately the currency of God if we're to conceptualize God not as some personality set in the sky because in order to have a Persona you have to exist within this third dimensional realm and God is above this third dimensional
realm which means the Persona comes from the ethological origins of the word mask God does not have a mask because God is above it God is a particular State of Consciousness an energy an impersonal energy as stated in Acts 10:34 God is no respector of persons in the same manner that you can expect gravity to work as a law gravity won't give you a credit score before deciding that you're going to hit the ground gravity isn't going to ask if you're a nice guy or a nice girl before you hit the ground is going to
work independently and God is the same manner you can conceptualize God as a particular degree of the highest level of Consciousness the substance of reality in the same way that electricity has always existed before humans possess the capability of harnessing it the individuals that had the capabil of harnessing God were considered the Christ the spiritual Masters we're talking Buddha we're talking Krishna we're talking of Indra we're talking about th we're talking about the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him these individuals are able to harness God and extract from that high level of Consciousness and then
materialize it down and give it to us now attention is alignment attention is alignment attention is alignment say it with me attention is alignment attention is Alignment good good good boy good boy now you diing because because attenion is alignment I need you to understand one thing in particular it goes back to what we said at the start you have to understand that where attention goes energy flows the easiest way to conceptualize energy when people say that they don't really actually Define what that particularly means I need you to understand that when we're talking about
energy what I'm essentially talking about is a vibration your attention is the first step remember in reality that's to borrow that down my attent attention is the first chain of events the first causal factor in the chain of events that lead to the materialization of My reality that's at now attention leads to vibration vibration leads to frequency and frequency leads to reality now the universe registers your attention when I say alignment I mean aligning with the condition of reality that you experience because reality is nothing more than a condition whatever you're going through it is
nothing more than a condition that is built upon the alignment that the Universe has registered the universe isn't going to register the things that you say necessarily and what I mean by that is that attention ultimately is more powerful than any technique please understand what I'm saying attention is more powerful than any technique and that's what borrow that down and I say that because how often do we feel like we've been doing this work and we're doing everything that we need to but it's still not working and it's due to the fact that we're misunderstanding
the how do I say this the order of priority in the materialization of our reality and that's to borrow that down you may be doing all these books reading all these books making all these notes watching Nero doing these techniques but something's still not working you're still encountering the same conditions of reality and I can guarantee you it's because of your attention your attention is ultimately where you line toing the universe what do I mean by that I'll give you an example so let's say you go to a foreign country where you don't speak the
language they don't speak your language you barely understand each other you walk into a restaurant you walk into the restaurant the way it takes you to the table he sits down and gives you a menu now in this menu they just have pictures of you know the food you don't understand the language he he says whatever in his language you assume that he's just going to be like yeah you know I'll be back I'll let you you know decide what you want cool he goes away he comes back you open the menu and you see
the salmon you see the steak I'm sorry for the spiritual [ __ ] I no alkaline life I'm sorry you see the steak and you say hm you point to the steak and say I really don't want the steak he's looking at you you're like I really don't want the steak I really don't want the steak and he's like Okay okay then you close the menu and say I'd like this having what the [ __ ] do you think this nigga's going to bring you what's he going to bring you AJ I was not listening
but he'll bring you what you f g was playing at precisely he's ultimately going to bring you what you were placing your attention on despite your own intentions and this is a borrow that down attention is more powerful than intention that's a bar that down you may have the attent you may have the intentions to enter a particular reality of prosperity peace calm abundance promotion in your career love in your romantic life but ultimately your attention is more powerful than your intention and what you don't realize that you can have the [ __ ] intentions
everywhere in the world the most intention in the world to do better but if your attention is fixed ated on something else that's ultimately what the universe is going to align you to every single [ __ ] time every single time attention is more powerful than intention damn that's a bar now let me highlight what I mean even more someone mess you saying what you be eating in the UK beans on potatoes or salt and pepper chips do you know one thing I realized is that British food actually doesn't have a good reputation with Americans
and anywhere else outside the world because it is not good I'll be so honest with you like British food is like jacket potato you know that cheese and beans like fish fingers like I can't lie it's not it man I'll be real it's not it it's not it but most of us in the UK especially um those of us that are somewhat you know from a different country originally um we actually just eat our own food so like Caribbean food African food Chinese food Indian food like more time that's what you're going to eat here
like it's true a Sunday roast is nice though sometimes but you got you got a [ __ ] fight you know what I'm saying you got to season up a bit for real like British food is actually nice if it's Niger fight like that's the truth you know what I'm saying that's said [ __ ] fight you know what I'm saying okay so to the point that I was making let me use the brand to the point that I was making earlier as I said attention is more powerful than intention let's say that for whatever
reason you want a particular degree of prosperity if you want Prosperity understand when we talk about wanting the universe registers wanting as attention so whever you place your attention is what you're saying to the universe that you want you think what you want is what you say you want what you think you want necessarily the universe registers your attention as your want so let's say you say oh I want a particular degree of prosperity I want to I want a promotion of my job I want a promotion of my job but everything you're focusing on
is how they Overlook you how they don't appreciate you how they prefer [ __ ] Steven whatever his [ __ ] name is ultimately what's going to be the reality that you set in motion from a point of vibratory signature that vibratory signature when it gains momentum it becomes a frequency that frequency ultimately becomes a reality and then you don't get the promotion someone else gets it or let's talk about in your business let's say in your business you say I want more clients I want to increase my Revenue but you're focusing on the fact
that business isn't as good as it used to be why did they have to change this up things used to be easier not enough is coming in your attention is your alignment what are you ultimately going to set in motion from point A vibratory signature energetically you're going to set that in gains momentum frequency reality what about in the context of love and relationships you say I really want a nice partner I really just want a great partner I want somebody I want somebody for me but what do you focus on when you see online
see all them [ __ ] shows about pop the balloon and [ __ ] smash your p and you see the absolute worst representations of romantic relationships and you focus on and you say men are [ __ ] trash you know men are trash oh these girls they're all hoes man like the women just aren't like they used to be anymore all ultimately what are you focusing on and that Focus energetically sets in motion the vibratory signature related and resonant with that particular degree of attention which then leads to a frequency that frequency eventually has
to materialize into a solid condition that we call a reality and then here's the funniest part about you [ __ ] the funniest part about you nigas is that when it materializes in your reality you say oh my God this is the truth without realizing that the only reason is the truth is because your subconscious mind accepted it as true and you can extract Rel this to anything if a belief doesn't particularly serve you then it's only there to control you if where you're placing your attention doesn't serve you then it's only there to control
you and I need you to be extremely conscious about where you're placing your attention to you I can't emphasize this enough you have to be extremely conscious because until you're conscious with where you are investing the currency of God you will continuously be in unaware of the conditions and circumstances and the events and the people in your reality that you're meeting about and then complaining about and I can't emphasize this enough I don't know why you're explaining this all the women are just thinking Aon yeah let's move F just I really can't emphasize focus enough
attention focus they the same thing now you're like Nero I'm struggling like my attention SP like and it's funny because some actually said that I'm so grateful that your videos are so long because it's actually allowing me to build my attention span back up do you know that there's [ __ ] out here guys I'll be real with you I don't give a [ __ ] how long my videos Last there's no timer in here there's no clock in here there's literally my bookshelf over there AJ sat over there I don't even know how long
this [ __ ] takes sometimes when I talk it feels like 10 minutes and we stop and I'm like AJ how long is that he's like 53 minutes I'm like what the [ __ ] I'm like what even sometimes I don't pay attention cuz there's times you asked me I'm like I don't know bro there's about 40 though real talk and like I said I'm going to give you practical things that you can do to not only build your attention or Focus attention span whatever you want to call it build that back up but then
metaphysically put you in a condition where you are actually utilizing a tool that you have that is being weaponized against you by your old frequency yeah cuz your old frequency is an upart and ultimately it wants to continous stay around why does my old frequency want to stick around n well you have to understand that your old frequency is nothing more than a spiritual Doppel ganger R youw if you have to imagine yourself on the spiritual plane that is the version of you and that old frequency is built and sustained by the emotions of everything
that resonates with your old reality so let's say you're trying to shift away from poverty toxicity um frustration anger depression no matter what it is those particular emotions are actually energy emotions and those energy emotions emit a vibration that vibration is a frequency so ultimately your old frequency represents frequencies that are associated with a particular degree of negativity and because it was born out of you the creation of your mind go back to the first FL of the universe the universe is entirely mental that also begins to extrapolate itself to the spiritual pain the creation
of that entity that version of you was born out the old emotion that you're experiencing and the experiences and the thoughts that you continuously repeated again and again and again if you think about it like taking a stone and dropping a stone on the floor every time you have a thought that's associated with negativity the average person has between 6,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day and if you imagine how many of those are negative and repeated imagine dropping a stone every single day weeks months years that turns into a [ __ ] mountain and then
it becomes an entity that was born out of your creation but it's a blind entity it's a blind intelligence it doesn't hate you it just wants to continue staying alive because why wouldn't it you [ __ ] made it so then as you begin to pull away it's like no no no no where you going and then every time you feel like you're doing better something smacks you in the face each and every single time you feel like you take three steps forward you go three steps back and it's because you're unaware of how your
old frequency is actually energetically keeping you chained up within its handcuffs and it's not until you actually begin to understand how to let's say Checkmate it that you will actually begin to be not a step behind as you are every single time now so as I said it's important that I write this again so you can just understand the severity of what I'm trying to convey here attention is the beginning point of reality because your attention leads to your vibration your vibration leads to a frequency and every frequency must become a reality now in this
instance there's two types there's two places you can place your attention you can place your attention either no no no not that pen not that pen perfect you can either place your attention on a unwanted condition of reality or a wanted condition of reality those are your two choices every single time that you encounter reality you only have two paths two you can either place it on a unwanted point of reality or wanted point of reality unwanted unwanted unwanted wanted whoops understand that unwanted particular Attention Point will then lead to the vibration of unwantedness and
unwanted condition of reality that will ultimately lead to a frequency that is unwanted and that will ultimately lead to a condition of reality that is unwanted and then you're like why is it not working despite everything that I've been doing you're not realizing how your attention is actually being weaponized against you by your old frequency whereas if you begin with a wanted focal point of your attention that attention turns into a vibration of wanted resonate with wanted that turns into a frequency resonate with wanted and that eventually turns into a reality that is ultimately wanted
this is really as simple as it gets it's really this simple it is really this simple don't allow your old frequency to make simplistic ideas appear incomplete because that's what it's going to do you're going to be like is it really the simple yes it is it really really is this simple and going back to the examples that I gave with every single time that you're presented a reality you're not realizing that you have a choice even if the worst thing happens to you you're presented with a choice a choice an En an energetic choice
of some sort and that energetic Choice can either lead to a path that sustains a reality that is wanted or unwanted in the same way that waiter comes and gives you a menu when you experience a particular condition or a circumstance or or an event in your reality what you need to realize is that you've been been given a menu but you think you've been given a choice so let's say something goes wrong in your reality um let's say let's say you're trying to stop being broke you're trying to move to a particular degree of
prosperity and you get a [ __ ] parking ticket you're like [ __ ] I got a parking ticket for whatever reason this is terrible you think that what reality is presenting to you has already a choice solidified that is to be frustrated annoyed and to think what the [ __ ] is going on this is terrible uh uh uh what you've been given is a menu but your old frequency will make it seem as if the choice has already been made for you and it's because it's made the choice for you because it wants
to take you in a detour right back to the old reality and that's I borrow that down what you've been given when any any particular condition or circumstance in reality please understand you have been given a menu you have the choice of selecting what you want but you don't select what you want with intention you select it with attention so in that particular instance where you've been given a parking ticket you going to have to do something that's very very important and this Taps into what is known as the Hermetic law of neutralization this is
alchemy at its finest so make sure you pay very close atten to what I'm about to say because until you have the capability of transmuting reality your reality will stay the same and that's I'll borrow that down and every beginning point of transmutation first begins with awareness and it's awareness of where you are misplacing and spending your attention as opposed to investing your attention in that particular instance where a parking ticket gives you a a fine right a ticket you have two choices you can focus on the fact that [ __ ] I got a
parking ticket I'm am I going to pay this this come this came at the worst time this is absolutely terrible [ __ ] the system the government's a [ __ ] it's a matrix and all of this which ultimately energetically leads you to one place sustaining the very same reality that you're trying to escape without realizing that you were given a menu what else can I choose Nero you can choose to focus on an unwant you can choose to focus on something very very important let me uh use Pur use purle and pay very close
attention to this oh that's a bit thin it's terrible that's terrible is it that's horror yeah that's that's that's absolutely terrible I'm sorry guys I'm I'm really sorry about that's just terrible the pen is very very thin now in every unwanted condition or circumstance or event in reality is the hidden seed of wanted and this is a bar please write this down at phas value in the worst situations or events or circumstances or events of your life you're going it's going to make it seem as if a choice has already been made for you that
you have no choice but to accept what this particular frequency is trying to give you without realizing that you have a main new Choice a selection of two choices either wanted or unwanted in every unwanted reality exists the energetic opposite of a wanted condition of reality how do I find that n it's going to be hidden and so I wrote it it's not going to be obvious the most obvious reaction to adversity is a trick of the old frequency that was a b that's old frequency not only fans calm down horny [ __ ] that's
old frequency all fans AJ you're drooling you're drooling get this [ __ ] out of here the most obvious reaction to adversity is a trick of the old frequency each and every single time that you're presented with an unwanted condition of reality whether it's a person showing you a side of them that you don't particularly like whether it's feeling like your career is not progressing in the direction that you want whether it's feeling like your Health's not in the position that you want your romantic life's not in a position that you want your Finance finances
aren't in the position that you want you have to understand the most obvious reaction to that particular degree of adversity is a trick with the old frequency because the most obvious thing is default default what Nero the default energy that the old frequency thrives off and the most unobvious the hidden within every particular condition of reality that is a hidden seed of wanted frequency when I say wanted I mean The Wanted reality now it's about your ability to move past the most obvious one which is to be pissed off don't get it twisted I get
pissed off too and I'll give you an example I'll give you a real life example that used to stress me out this [ __ ] AJ will tell you cuz he'll remember back back at this moment in time when we was just recording short film content mainly I know what's coming the so in the UK we have something called the H his Majesty's um re new Customs the IRS is what you guys call it the tax man now me being a niggaer I didn't pay taxes for like 3 years right so then one day I
remember get a letter come through the door Bo you owe thousands bro I fell to my knees man I fell to my knees I was like oh my God it was so bad guys bear in mind this is the same [ __ ] that's in front of you guys teaching you the stuff all this time the same [ __ ] that reads all these books right this was like two years ago right I was so stressed what did that look like AJ I remember I came to film one time bro was just like I don't
know if I could do this I was like bro what's wrong with he's like n bro don't worry about it just he was just so low I was like Oh my days right I kid you not I was grinding my teeth in my sleep I'm a [ __ ] that meditates for like 2 hours a day and it still was it still why because attention more powerful than intention my attention was placed upon oh my God I'm finished the going to come here they're going to take away all my books they're going to sell me
on the black market like I'm going to go to jail they're going to strip me of all the clothes that I have it's over for me my attention attention is more powerful than intention I had the intention of transcending that particular condition of reality so what did I do first I realized that I was focusing on the absolute worst conditions of reality I was thinking it's over I've messed up oh my God it's like I can't believe this I don't have enough my then my accountant was charging me like I love you Dave my accountant
was charging me like five or six racks I'm like I don't even have that money I'm thinking I'm paying this [ __ ] five six racks I a even paid the tax man yet how am I going to get out of this then I began to realize that the most obvious reaction to adversity is a trick of the old frequency the old frequency of mine in particular growing up in the ends or the projects or whatever you whatever you guys call it was one of survival and poverty it was nothing but stress worry misery and
scarcity that's what mild frequency was built off it was built off the worry the stress the survival and that's what it triggered me back into I didn't even realize every time I had a letter come through the door I'll just leave that [ __ ] in a [ __ ] pose box I would even touch it you a whole week I would even touch it but then I again I began to realize these things about myself so then the conclusion that I ultimately came to in that particular scenario was hm I'm focusing on a unwanted
condition of reality very in mind you're attention SL focus focus is a centralization of energy that's so B that down your focus is a centralization of energy centralization of energy you're fixating your energy into one point if you are to take a very powerful magnifying glass and shine a ray of light through it that can sty [ __ ] fire why because concentrated energy is powerful all my concentration my attention was on an unwanted condition that set in motion a particular vibratory signature that was resonant with an unwanted condition that set in motion of frequency
that was resonant with an unwanted condition and every frequency must tend into a reality and I almost entered an unwanted reality where your boy got sold there' be no YouTube I'll be washing dishes for the tax but you have to understand what I did the one conclusion I came to is that despite being in that particular scenario the one thing that I focused on on my mind every single time was that the only reason the tax man's coming after me is because I'm valuable at making money and the more I began to centralize my attention
to that that is a wanted condition of reality that's the emotion the vibratory signature of a wanted reality that essentially set in motion the frequency of a wanted reality and that led to a wanted reality where I was able to make that money times 10 pay off the tax man easy I didn't even have to pay that much in the end why because I first understood where it all began and that was a very very simplistic example now whatever situation you're going through I can't tell you what that hidden seat is going to be like
but the fact that you're here watching this and taking notes and make sure you leave those notes in the comments as usual the fact that you're watching this means that you're clearly a conscious individual who and I believe you I trust in you who has the capability of finding that hidden seed of wanted reality and focus on it centralize all your attention on it because once you begin to C and see this also works with beliefs the moment you begin to centralize all your attention and energy and focus into that particular seed of a wanted
reality that sets in motion the vibration that sets in motion the frequency and that frequency has no choice but to become a reality and this is really the game this is really really the game now on the point of attention SP you have to understand as I mentioned at the start a decrease in your attention span means that we're not able to focus on the aspects of Our Lives that are meaningful you being the most meaningful [ __ ] thing in your life and that's a borrow that down with all due respect it's not your
girl it's not your guy it's not your kids it's not your mom it's not your grandma it's not your friends the most meaningful and most important person in your reality is you and I don't say that from a point of egotism and selfishness I say that to energetically and metaphysically understand that the truth that your world reacts to you and your prioritization of the frequency of others is ultimately what allows the frequency of others to structure your world and you be the person who's always last let borrow that down decreas in ttention Span kills all
the meaningful things in your reality it kind of depletes it it quite literally destroys it one of them being meditation two simple things that you could do to increase well a couple easy things that you could do to increase your attention span one of them is to read a book out loud I know that sounds very very silly but literally read a book out loud take a book and read it out loud for a good 30 minutes or an hour and as you're reading it don't try reading your head read it out loud because you're
concentrating two aspects of yourself you're concentrating on the verbal aspect of enunciating these words then the visual aspect of you that has to focus while you're enunciating these words and the part out loud ultimately leads to a combination of two points of you being centralized that is how you build focus in one aspect the other is meditation and I say that to say most of us feel like meditation is something that is difficult to do because we think oh I can't focus it's not about that and here's the thing most people think that they have
a problem focusing your problem is not realizing what you're focusing on already your problem isn't Focus it's unaware of the places in your life that you're already focusing on you don't think you're [ __ ] focusing as you're scrolling through Tik Tok and Instagram you don't think that's Focus [ __ ] sometimes sometimes AJ will send me [ __ ] I'll send him [ __ ] and then I'll be scrolling check the time has gone 2 hours and and it's like it transports you into a whole new world but isn't that Focus what you don't
think you're focusing when you're playing games or when you're watching your TV shows or movies you don't think that's focus and ironically something very dangerous happens once you believe once you begin to believe that you have a problem with Focus emphasis on belief because as as it stated in the htic tradition all truth are hard truths this is the law polarity these are the foundations of the universe niggaer I'm not giving you the best way to make your vision boards and all this other [ __ ] I'm giving you principles of the universe that are
above any particular human being in the same way that gravity is so to that point of what I was just saying you don't have a problem focusing your problem is being unaware of the aspects of your life that you're focusing on I repeat you don't have a problem focusing your problem is being unaware aare of the aspects of your life that you're focusing on because then by the time you want to begin to focus on the aspects of your life that you do want to be more productive in you've got no energy because you've just
spent your time focusing on a whole bunch of things that you don't want and the irony of it is this the irony of it is this you make the laws of your real there are no truths in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as true I repeat there are no truths in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as true there are no truths in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as true so due to the fact that you make the laws of your reality ultimately when you say man I
can't focus oh I just can't focus man I just I just can't focus how many times do you say that [ __ ] without realizing that then if that's the truth that your subconscious mind accepts then that will be materialized into your reality so then when it actually comes to you trying to focus in your actual reality or struggling not because you have a problem focusing but because you have a problem with being unaware of what you're focusing on and then you have a problem by setting in motion the energetic frequency that is resonant with
a reality where you can't focus not because you have a problem focusing and you've got ADHD or whatever you think you have simply due to the fact that you have maintained that particular condition in your reality which then your subconscious mind accepts as true and understand this whatever The Thinker thinks the pro proves and you're both the [ __ ] thinker and you're both the [ __ ] Prov if you think and maintain a particular belief that you can't focus then you will prove it to yourself that you can't focus you'll try to sit down
and you think [ __ ] not because you have a problem focusing because you don't realize the metaphysical and psychological wirings and foundations of yourself and unfortunately if you don't understand yourself you don't understand reality because reality and you are directly one every particular struggle that you have in reality is nothing more than reflection of an internal struggle that you're unaware of to begin with and it all begins with The Thinker thinks the pro proes and that's from a book called Prometheus Rising another good book for you guys is the power of concentration but I
think it's like Thon deont which is nothing more than an alias from for William walk ainson who's the individual that wrote the cabalion another book called mental magic that he wrote It's really good too whatever The Thinker thinks the pro proes and you're both The Thinker and you're both the pro now the last thing that I'd like to highlight is this and I kind of touched on this very very light I've been watching near video so much that I manifested an African guy that looks just like Nero last night and boy we had a time
boy we had a Time you get some of the best comments real talk I genuinely think I have the best comment section on YouTube because everybody in these [ __ ] comments are highly conscious individuals but they're [ __ ] comedians so true you know what I'm saying and I I can't stand them spiritual [ __ ] that can't laugh I can't I can't stand them and I refuse to be one of them I'm the most unserious serious person you ever meet in your life quite literally like some of you [ __ ] think when
you you meet me like you have to be like yeah bro like yeah frequencies I'm like [ __ ] is this guy for the shots at speaking of which thank you to everybody for the alcohol for the hangover remedies we've got some real alcoholics in our section you know bro I kept seeing it come up I'm like drink pickle juice bananas salted crisps um take um electrolytes drink electrolytes while you're drinking guys you don't know what done for me this is going to help my career in alcohol drinking progress extremely far thank you now one
thing that I want to highlight in particular only house of course you'd think that bro you're salivating wipe him off your old frequency you have to understand that your old frequency is quite literally an attention hle because your old frequency is an attention hole it will purposely sway the events of your reality the condition circumstances events and people of your reality to be and create one thing it wants an emotional reaction because it wants an emotional reaction I don't know why those two are capitals that's not on purpose I it wants an emotional reaction because
your energy is the the most powerful source of reality I repeat your emotion is energy and that's the most powerful source of reality your energy is your emotion and that is the most powerful source of reality and that's ultimately what your old frequency wants it's an attention hle so it will purposely make things go wrong in your reality continuously make things go wrong in your in your reality to generate a particular degree of emotional reaction because that emotional reaction is going to be resonant with emotions that it sustains of and it's like a spiritual parasite
so it will create these events to create that particular reaction to get that energy I have to get you to understand when things are going wrong and reality presents you the condition of reality understanding it is just a condition it's not presenting you something that is gone wrong until you begin to focus on The Unwanted aspect of that reality that condition that Associates with wrong the moment you do that your old frequency gets sustained and it gets maintained and your old frequency ultimately wants to take you back to your reality like every single [ __
] Spirit on the spiritual plane every Spirit wants to be materialized now I'm not one for the church [ __ ] who believe in them in those Church theatrics where they're like he's possessed and they're shaking like that but one thing that is true is that every Spirit wants to be materialized and the frequency your old frequency wants to be materialized into your Reality by taking you actually back to your old reality or maintaining you there so when it shows up you have to begin to understand that within what it's trying to give you there
is a wanted seed of reality that you if you can focus focus on it I promise you I promise you and I'll just give you some quick fire examples off the top of my head so let's say you're a girl and you want a better relationship but a guy you date for whatever reason is a [ __ ] [ __ ] and he's trash for whatever reason now have you been given an unwanted reality no not until you believe and not until you begin to focus your attention to set emotion the vibration to set emotion
the frequency and that sustains the reality something that you could focus on is the fact that you were able to attract the guy in the first place now I know that sounds extremely simplistic and I know that sounds extremely terrible or you can focus on the aspects of that reality that were somewhat positive reflecting of your true desired reality that you want to go in but if you allow your attention to be encapsulated and captured by the fu that he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] and Men trash and all of this and all
of that you will sustain that reality that's just one off the top of my head but I'm sure as a conscious individual you'll be able to do better than me um let's say that you're somebody in your business for example who's complaining about the fact that your business isn't growing the way that it wants and things have been quite stagnant and things why You' be getting worse you could focus on that aspect of reality because those things in themselves are neutral it's not until you begin to look at that menu and choose that even though
you're saying I want things to get better I want things to get better your attention is your alignment your attention is your alignment your attention say it with me your attention is alignment alignment with a particular vibratory signature and every vibratory signature eventually gains momentum becomes a frequency and every frequency must become what aging reality Bingo you have to begin to focus on the aspects of that particular condition that reflect your desired reality a wanted condition of reality so instead of thinking business isn't the same as it used to be you can focus on actually
the moments in the past where business was amazing without comparing it to the fact that where it is now which is inherently what creates this particular disconnect of negativity you could also focus on the fact that you have customers that you love serving in the first place you can focus on the fact that you have money coming in in the first place because here's the thing your old frequency would make every that I just said sound [ __ ] stupid it'll be like those things are so simple those things are so stupid yes it wants
you to think that things are more complex because the more complicated you think things are the less likely you're going to have a particular degree of conviction in when you do it and that's how it maintains not because any of those things are simple and they don't work but simply because your old frequency is making you think that so it can stay around because it is a trick St now guys please invest your attention build your attention spans up so you can centralize it to yourself you're the most important thing in your reality
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