Do This To Manifest ANYTHING in 48 Hours - Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Unlock the secrets of rapid manifestation with Dr. Joe Dispenza's powerful techniques! In this motiv...
Video Transcript:
Close Your Eyes For a Moment take a deep breath now think about something you really want in your life maybe it's a new job better health or a loving relationship whatever it is hold that thought feel it believe it's possible because guess what in the next 48 hours you have the power to set things in motion to make it happen Yes you heard that right 48 hours that's all it takes to start the process of manifesting anything you desire now I know what you're thinking that sounds too good to be true but let me tell
you it's not Magic it's not some far-fetched idea it's based on how your brain works how your thoughts shape your reality and how you can use that knowledge to create real change in your life think about it every single thing in your life right now to your job your relationships your health all of it started as a thought in your mind a simple idea and from that idea you took action made choices and those choices LED you to where you are now so if your thoughts created your current reality doesn't it make sense that changing
your thoughts can change your future reality this is where the magic of the next 48 hours comes in in the next 2 days you have a chance to rewire your brain to create new neural Pathways that align with what you want to manifest it's like creating a new software program for your mind one that's designed to attract and create the life you desire but here's the thing it's not just about positive thinking it's not about sitting on your couch wishing for things to happen it's about combining thought with emotion with feeling and then taking inspire
ired action it's about becoming so clear about what you want that your body starts to believe it's already happened let me break it down for you your brain doesn't know the difference between what's happening in your outer world and what's happening in your inner world if you can create a thought that's so real so vivid that you feel the emotions associated with already having what you want your brain and body will start to work together to make it a reality think about the last time you were really excited about something maybe it was a vacation
you were planning or a big event you were looking forward to remember how you felt that buzz of excitement that energy running through your body that's your body responding to a thought to an imagined future and that's exactly what we're going to use to manifest what you want in the next 48 hours here's how it works first you need to get crystal clear on what you want not just a vague idea but a detailed specific Vision if it's a new job what exactly does that job look like what are you doing how much are you
earning how do you feel when you're at work the more specific you can be the better next you need feel it and I mean really feel it close your eyes and imagine you already have what you want feel the joy the excitement the Gratitude let those emotions wash over you this is crucial because your emotions are the language of your body when you feel the emotion of already having what you want you're signaling to your body that it's real now here's where most people stop they think about what they want they feel good for a
moment and then they go back to their old habits their old ways of thinking but not you not in these next 48 hours you're going to do something something different you're going to maintain that feeling that energy throughout your day every time you start to slip back into Old thought patterns you're going to catch yourself and bring your mind back to that Vision back to that feeling it's like training a muscle the more you do it the stronger it gets but it's not just about thinking and feeling it's about becoming you need to embody the
person who already has what you want how would that person act what decisions would they make what habits would they have in these next 48 hours you're going to start living as if you are already are that person this might feel uncomfortable at first your old self your old habits they're going to try to pull you back that's normal that's your brain trying to keep you safe trying to maintain the status quo but remember growth happens outside your comfort zone so Embrace that discomfort it's a sign that you're changing that you're growing now let's talk
about the power of repetition in these next 48 hours you're going to repeat this process over and over wake up in the morning and before you do anything else spend time visualizing what you want feel it become it then throughout the day take moments to check in with yourself are you still aligned with that Vision are you still feeling those emotions are you making choices that align with who you want to become this repetition is key because it's how you create new neural Pathways in your brain every time you repeat this process you're strengthening those
Pathways making them more dominant you're literally rewiring your brain to support your new reality but here's a crucial point you need to do this with intention and focus it's not enough to just go through the motions you need to be fully present fully engaged in the process this means eliminating distractions these next 48 hours limit your time on social media watching TV or engaging in any activities that pull you away from your vision instead use that time to reinforce your new reality write about it in a journal create a vision board meditate on it the
more ways you can engage with your vision the more real it becomes to your brain and body now let's talk about the role of gratitude in this process gratitude is like fuel for manifestation when you're grateful you're telling the universe your brain your body that you have enough that you're worthy of receiving more so in these next 48 hours practice gratitude relentlessly be thankful for what you have now and be thankful for what's coming but don't just think about gratitude feel it let it fill your body let it overflow this feeling of gratitude will align
you with the frequency of abundance making you a magnet for more good things in your life now I know some of you might be thinking but what if I don't see results in 48 hours here's the thing manifestation isn't always instant sometimes the results are immediate and sometimes they take time but what you're doing these 48 hours is setting things in motion you're planting seeds that will grow into your desired reality think of it like this if you plant a seed in the ground you don't see the plant immediately but you trust that if you
water it give it sunlight and nurture it it will grow this is the same process you're planting seeds in your subconscious mind and with the right care and attention they will grow into your reality so don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate results trust the process trust that the universe is working behind the scenes to bring you what you desire your job is to maintain that positive energy that belief that certainty that what you want is on its way now let's talk about action manifestation isn't just about thinking and feeling it's also about doing
in these next 48 hours you need to take inspired action towards your goals this doesn't mean forcing things or pushing too hard it means listening to your intuition following the knowes and ideas that come to you maybe you'll feel inspired to reach out to someone who could help you with your goals maybe you'll have an idea for a new project whatever it is act on it these inspired actions are the universe's way of guiding you towards your desires remember the universe can only work with what you give it if you're sitting at home not taking
any action not putting yourself out there you're limiting the ways in which your desires can manifest so be brave take risks step out of your comfort zone these actions combined with your thoughts and feelings create a powerful force for manifestation now let's address something important resistance as you go through these next 48 hours you might encounter resistance old doubts might creep in you might hear that little voice in your head saying this won't work or you're not good enough this is normal it's it's your old self trying to keep you safe trying to maintain the
status quo but here's the thing that resistance is actually a good sign it means you're pushing against your old boundaries expanding your comfort zone so when you feel that resistance don't fight it acknowledge it think it for trying to protect you and then gently remind yourself of your vision of what you're trying to create this is where meditation can be incredibly powerful in these next 48 hours take time to meditate not just once but several times a day if you can use this time to quiet your mind to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect
with your inner self this is where you'll find your power your Clarity your certainty during your meditation visualize your desired outcome see it in Vivid detail feel the emotions associated with having what you want let those emotions fill your body this is how you create coherence between your thoughts your emotions and your physical body this coherence is what makes manifestation possible now let's talk about the power of your words in these next 48 hours pay close attention attention to what you say your words have power they shape your reality so speak as if you already
have what you want instead of saying I want to be successful say I'm successful instead of saying I hope this works say this is working this might feel strange at first like you're lying to yourself but remember you're not lying you're creating you're speaking your new reality into existence and the more you do it the more natural it will feel also be mindful of the stories you tell yourself and others are you constantly talking about your problems your limitations your fears if so you're reinforcing those realities instead tell stories of possibility of success of growth
talk about your vision as if it's already happened this is how you start to shift your reality now let's address something that often holds people back the need for perfection in these next 48 hours let go of the idea that everything needs to be perfect perfectionism is often just fear and disguise it's fear of not being good enough fear of failure fear of judgment but here's the truth Perfection doesn't exist and waiting for perfect conditions before you take action is just another form of procrastination so in these next 48 hours Embrace imperfection take imperfect action
make imperfect progress because imperfect progress is still progress remember the universe doesn't need you to be perfect it just needs you to be authentic to be committed to be open to receiving so let go of the need to control every detail trust that the Universe has your back trust that if you do your part if you align your thoughts feelings and actions with your desires the universe will meet you halfway now let's talk about the power of your environment in these next 48 hours surround yourself with things that support your vision if you're manifesting Financial
abundance surround yourself with symbols of wealth if you're manifesting a loving relationship surround yourself with images and symbols of love this isn't about being materialistic it's about creating environment that's supports your new reality your environment shapes your thoughts and feelings so make sure your environment is aligned with what you want to Manifest this also applies to the people you surround yourself with in these next 48 hours try to spend time with people who support your vision who believe in you who lift you up limit your exposure to negative people or those who doubt your abilities
remember you're the average of The Five People You spend the most time with so Choose Wisely now let's address a common misconception about manifestation some people think it's about forcing things to happen about controlling every aspect of the outcome but that's not how it works true manifestation is about co-creating with the universe it's about setting your intention aligning your energy and then being open to how it unfolds in these next 48 hours practice surrender this doesn't mean giving up or being passive it means trusting that the Universe knows the best way to bring you what
you desire it might not happen exactly as you imagine but it will happen in a way that's for your highest good so set your intention do the work we've talked about and then let go trust that the universe is working behind the scenes to bring you what you desire this surrender this trust is what allows miracles to happen now let's talk about power of your beliefs your beliefs shape your reality if you believe something is possible you'll act in ways that make it possible if you believe something is impossible you'll act in ways that make
it impossible so in these next 48 hours examine your beliefs are they supporting your vision or holding you back four if you find limiting beliefs challenge them ask yourself is this really true or is it just something I've been told or assumed replace those limiting beliefs with empowering ones choose to believe in your ability to manifest what you desire choose to believe in your worthiness to receive good things remember your beliefs are just thoughts you've thought over and over until they feel true so if you can change your thoughts you can change your beliefs and
if you can change your beliefs you can change your reality now let's address something that often trips people up how many people get stuck because they can't figure out how their desire will manifest but here's the thing you don't need to know the your job is to focus on the what and the why the universe will take care of the how think about it if you knew exactly how everything in your life was going to unfold where would be the magic where would be the growth so in these next 48 hours let go of the
need to figure everything out focus on what you want and why you want it trust that the how will reveal itself at the perfect time this doesn't mean you shouldn't plan or take action but it means being open to unexpected opportunities to synchronicities to Miracles some of the best things in life come in unexpected packages so be open to receiving your desire in ways you might not have imagined now let's talk about the power of your attention where you place your attention is where you place your energy and energy flows where attention goes so so
in these next 48 hours be mindful of where you're placing your attention sure are you focusing on what you want or on what you don't want are you focusing on possibilities or on problems train yourself to focus on what you want when you catch yourself thinking about what you don't want gently redirect your attention to what you do want this takes practice but it's a skill that will serve you well in all areas of your life remember your mind is like a garden the thoughts you focus on are the seeds you plant so plant good
seeds plant seeds of possibility of growth of abundance and then nurture those seeds with your attention and your positive emotions now let's address something that often holds people back the fear of disappointment some people are afraid to fully commit to their Vision because they're afraid of being disappointed if it doesn't happen but here's the truth by holding back by not fully committing you're actually increasing the chances of disappointment think about it if you only half believe in your ability to manifest if you're constantly doubting and second guessing yourself how can you expect the universe to
fully support you the universe responds to your energy if your energy is hesitant and doubtful that's what you'll attract so in these next 48 hours commit fully to your vision believe in it wholeheartedly even if you've been disappointed in the past choose to believe that this time is different choose to believe that you have the power to create your reality remember every setback every disappointment is just feedback it's the universe showing you what needs to be adjusted what needs to be learned so don't fear disappointment embrace it as part of the journey as a stepping
stone to your success now let's talk about the power of your identity who you believe yourself to be shapes everything in your life your actions your choices your results they all stem from your identity so in these next 48 hours start to embody the identity of someone who already has what you want to manifest if you want to manifest Financial abundance start thinking feeling and acting like someone who is financially abundant if you want to manifest a loving relationship start embodying the qualities of someone who is in a loving relationship this isn't about pretending or
being fake it's about aligning your identity with your desires it's about becoming the person who naturally attracts and creat you're not stuck with the identity you've had up until now you have the power to choose who you want to be so choose an identity that aligns with your vision and then live from that place now let's address something that often trips people up the opinions of others in these next 48 hours you might encounter people who doubt your vision who question your ability to manifest what you want this is normal not everyone will understand or
support your journey but here's the thing their opinions don't Define your reality only you have the power to do that so don't let the doubts or skepticism of others shake your belief stay focused on your vision stay committed to your process remember some of the greatest achievements in history were once thought in possible every Innovation every breakthrough was once just a dream in someone's mind so don't let anyone tell you what's possible or impossible for you you are the author of your own story in these next 48 hours surround yourself with supportive people if you
can but if you can't that's okay too you have the strength within you to stay committed to your vision even if you're the only one who believes in it right now now let's talk about the power of your physical state your body and mind are deeply connected how you hold yourself how you breathe how you move all of this affects your thoughts and emotions and remember your thoughts and emotions are key to manifestation so in these next 48 hours pay attention to your physical state Stand Tall breathe deeply move with purpose smile even if you
don't feel like it at first these physical changes can shift your emotional state raising your energy and aligning you more closely with what you want to manifest try this right now stand up if you can take a deep breath straighten your spine lift your chin in put a smile on your face feel the shift in your energy this is the posture of someone who is confident someone who believes in their ability to create their reality embody this as much as you can over the next 48 hours now let's address something that often holds people back
the fear of success it might sound strange but many people are actually afraid of achieving their goals they're afraid of the changes success might bring afraid of the responsibility afraid of outgrowing their current relationships if you find this feere coming up in the next 48 hours acknowledge it it's normal but then remind yourself that you are capable of handling success you are worthy of it and any changes it brings will ultimately be for your highest good remember the universe wants you to succeed it wants you to grow to expand to become the best version of
yourself so align yourself with that truth embrace the possibility of success of growth of positive change now let's talk about the power of forgiveness this might seem unrelated to manifestation but it's actually crucial holding on to resentment anger or hurt ties up your energy it keeps you focused on the past instead of the future you're trying to create so in these next 48 hours practice forgiveness forgive others who have hurt you forgive yourself for past mistakes this doesn't mean you're condoning harmful actions it means you're freeing yourself from the burden of negative emotions allowing yourself
to focus fully on your vision remember forgiveness is not for the other person it's for you it's about freeing up your energy so you can direct it towards what you want to create now let's address something that often comes up when people start this process the fear of judgment you might worry about what others will think if you start acting as if you already have what you want you might fear being seen as delusional or arrogant but here's the thing what others think of you is none of your business your only job is to stay
true to your vision to keep aligning yourself with what you want to create the opinions of others don't Define your reality unless you let them so in these next 48 hours practice being Unapologetic about your vision practice being bold in your beliefs the more confident and certain you are the more you'll Inspire others and who knows you might even Inspire them to start manifesting their own dreams now let's talk about the power of your habits your daily habits shape your reality more than you might realize so in these next 48 hours start implementing habits that
align with your vision if you're manifesting better health start eating healthier foods and exercising even if it's just for a few minutes if you're man esting Financial abundance start managing your money more consciously even if it's just tracking your spending these new habits might feel uncomfortable at first that's okay remember discomfort is a sign of growth embrace it each time you choose a new aligned habit over an old misaligned one you're rewiring your brain you're creating new Nur Pathways that support your vision now let's address something that often trips people up the need for constant
positivity some people think that to manifest effectively they need to be positive all the time but that's not true and it's not sustainable decay of negative emotions it's okay to have doubts or fears what matters is how you respond to these feelings in these next 48 hours when negative emotions come up don't try to push them away instead acknowledge them feel them fully and then choose to return your focus to your vision remember emotions are Just Energy and motion by allowing yourself to feel them fully you allow that energy to move through you and dissipate
this is much more effective than trying to suppress your feelings which only keeps that energy stuck now let's talk about the power of your imagination your imagination is one of your most powerful tools for manifestation it's the bridge between your current reality and the reality you want to create so in these next 48 hours use your imagination deliberately don't just think about what you want really imagine it use all your senses what does it look like what does it sound like what does it feel like the more Vivid and detailed your imagination the more real
it becomes to your subconscious mind try this you close your eyes and imagine yourself already having what you want where are you what are you doing who's with you how do you feel make it as real as possible in your mind do this several times over the next 48 hours each time it will become more real more believable to your subconscious mind now let's address something that often holds people back the fear of letting go of the old to manifest something new you often need to let go of something old this could be old beliefs
old habits old relationships and this can be scary but remember nature of wh is a vacuum by letting go of what no longer serves you you create space for what you truly desire so in these next 48 hours be willing to let go be willing to release anything that doesn't align with your vision this doesn't mean you need to make drastic changes overnight it means being open to change being willing to step out of your comfort zone trust that anything you need to let go of is making way for something better now let's talk about
the power of your words we touched on this earlier but it's worth emphasizing your words have incredible power they shape your thoughts your beliefs and ultimately your reality so in these next 48 hours pay close attention to your words speak as if you already have what you want use positive empowering language instead of saying I hope this works say this is working instead of saying I'll try say I will this isn't about denying reality it's about choosing words that align you with your desired reality it's about using language that empowers you rather than limits you
now let's address something that often comes up the fear of asking for what you want many people feel uncomfortable or Unworthy of asking for what they truly desire they settle for less thinking they don't deserve more but here's the truth the universe wants to give you what you want it's abundant infinite there's more than enough for everyone so in these next 4 8 hours practice asking for what you truly want be bold in your requests be specific don't settle for less than what you truly desire you're not taking anything away from anyone else by manifesting
your desires in fact when you live your best life you inspire others to do the same your success doesn't diminish anyone else's it adds to the collective good now let's talk about the power of your focus where you place your focus determines what expands in your life so in these next 48 hours be very intentional about where you place your focus focus on what's working in your life not what isn't focus on your strengths not your weaknesses focus on the opportunities not the obstacles this doesn't mean ignoring problems or challenges it means giving more of
your mental and emotional energy to what you want to create try next for the next 48 hours whenever you catch yourself focusing on what you don't want consciously shift your focus to what you do want it might feel challenging at first but with practice it will be become second nature now let's address something that often trips people up now the need for immediate results in our fast-paced world we're used to instant gratification but manifestation doesn't always work that way sometimes the results are immediate and sometimes they take time so in these next 48 hours practice
patience trust the process trust that everything is unfolding in perfect timing your job is to stay aligned with your vision to keep your energy High to keep taking inspired action the universe will take care of the rest remember just because you can't see results doesn't mean nothing is happening often the biggest changes start happening beneath the surface like a SE germinating underground before it sprouts now let's talk about the power of your intuition your intuition is your inner guidance system it's the voice of your higher self always guiding you towards your highest good in these
next 48 hours practice listening to your intuition when you get a hunch or a gut feeling pay attention when you feel drawn to do something or go somewhere follow that imp impulse your intuition is often the universe's way of guiding you towards what you're trying to Manifest this might feel uncomfortable at first especially if you're used to making decisions solely based on logic but remember your intuition has access to information that your conscious mind doesn't trust it now let's address something that often holds people back the fear of taking action some people think that manifestation
is all about thinking and feeling and that the universe will just drop what they want into their lap but that's not how it works manifestation requires inspired action you need to meet the universe halfway so in these next 48 hours be willing to take action towards your goals even if they're small steps even if you're not sure they'll lead anywhere action creates momentum and momentum is key to manifestation remember it's okay if you don't know exactly what to do start with what you do know take the first step and the next step will reveal itself
now let's talk about the power of your energy everything in the universe is energy including you and energy tracks like energy so if you want to manifest something you need to match its energy in these next 48 hours focus on raising your energy do things that make you feel good spend time in nature listen to uplifting music engage in activities that bring you Joy the higher your energy the more aligned you are with what you want to manifest remember your energy is contagious when you're in a high energy State you not only attract good things
to yourself but you also positively impact those around you now let's address something that often comes up the fear of not being enough many people struggle with feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy they think they need to be more do more or have more before they can manifest what they want but here's the truth you are enough exactly as you are you don't need to change who you are to be worthy of your desires you just need to align your energy with what you want so in these next 48 hours practice self-acceptance embrace all parts of
yourself even the parts you think are flawed remember it's your uniqueness that makes you powerful it's your authenticity that allows you to manifest in a way that no one else can now let's talk about the power of your expectations your expectations shape your reality more than you might realize if you expect good things to happen you're more likely to notice and take advantage of opportunities if you expect things to go wrong you're more likely to focus on and magnify problems so in these next 48 hours consciously choose positive expectations expect good things to happen expect
your manifestation to work expect the universe to support you this isn't about being naive or ignoring potential challenges it's about choosing a perspective that empowers you and aligns you with what you want to create remember your expectations are often self-fulfilling prophecies so choose them wisely now let's address something that often trips people up not the comparison trap in this age of social media it's easy to fall into the Trap of comparing your life your progress your manifestations to others but this comparison only serves to lower your energy and distract you from your own path so
in these next 48 hours practice staying focused on your own Journey remember everyone's path is unique what works for someone else might not work for you and vice versa trust your own process trust your own timing remember the only person you need to be better than is who you were yesterday focus on your own growth your own progress your own manifestations now as we near the end of this journey let's talk about the power of your commitment manifestation isn't a one-time event it's a way of life it's a commitment to continually aligning your thoughts feelings
and actions with what you want to create so as these 48 Hours come to a close commit to continuing his practice commit to staying aligned with your vision even when it's challenging commit to taking inspired action even when you're unsure commit to trusting the process even when you can't see results yet remember manifestation is not about forcing things to happen it's about aligning yourself with what you want and then allowing it to come to you in its own perfect way and time between these final moments take a deep breath feel the power within you feel
your connection to the infinite possibilities of the universe know that you have everything you need within you to manifest your desires you are the creator of your reality you have the power to shape your life to manifest your dreams to create the reality you desire and it all starts with these next 48 hours so go forth confidence go forth with faith in yourself and in the universe go forth knowing that you you are supported that you are worthy that you are powerful beyond measure your new reality awaits it's time to step into it it's time
to become the person you've always known you could be it's time to manifest your dreams into reality next 40 hours are yours make them count make them powerful make them the beginning of the life you've always dreamed of you've got this now go make it happen
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