The Future of Matt Reeves' BATMAN SAGA

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Just Thinking Out Loud
With all the updates we've been getting on The Batman Epic Crime Saga surrounding the release of The...
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with the long awaited second chapter of Matt Reed's epic Gotham crime Saga now streaming in every bit as spectacular as I could have hoped now seem the perfect time to take a look at what the future holds for the characters of this hauntingly beautifully dark and brutal take on the classic world of Gotham City but first I just want to say that watching The Penguin reminds me just how good television can be I was just grinning through the entire first episode at just how brilliant the writing was and it's such a shame that this kind
of Storytelling has become so scarce so please if you haven't already go check it out we need more entertainment like this and I'm so glad Matt Rees and his team are bringing it to us so I can make a video that's not just complaining about the state of modern entertainment but before I get into the meat of this video I'm just thinking out loud here so if you like my brain vomit you know where the like And subscribe buttons are now without any further Ado let's get into it to start this off one of my
first few videos ever was one much like this speculating on what the sequels to the Batman held in store and let's just say I hope this one's better I still agree with a lot of the things that I said in that video but I tried to suggest some very specific plot ideas for the future installments which I just didn't really think through so I want to make it clear what this video is meant to be this time around I'm not going to be writing a detailed plot for any of Matt re's future projects I'm also
not going to be considering how every single character from the comics I'd like to see might make their way into the story there are plenty of videos out there that have done that but I just want to address a couple elephants in the room and share the handful of ideas I would be most happy to see realized first of all in this video I'll be looking at what I feel we most need to see in the next two installments of the trilogy focus on Batman's Arc and primary antagonists after that I'll take up a good
chunk of the video talking about the one side character that I think deserves the next spin-off and the direction I hope Matt takes their character and finally I'm going to share an idea i' had been toying with which Matt recently teased might just be a possibility in his universe but if that's what you came for then buckle up and let's get started with the star of the show now I should probably start by saying that in all of this I will be assuming that we are getting a Batman Trilogy since Matt did just confirm that
he is currently still sticking to that plan I truly hope the bat verse continues to grow beyond that because there's so much he could do if he kept ongoing but for now we're working with what we've been given so while I'll have some fun with speculation I I'm going to ground all my ideas within the framework of what has been said of the current plans for the future so what is the ark mat has plan for his dark hero let's start with the obvious what the first movie set up for him and what literally everyone
wants to play out the emerence of Bruce Wayne's public Persona now this will most certainly not be the sve Playboy portrayed so well by Christian Bale and Ben Affleck this character is still far too broken too reserved and reclusive to make such a drastic personality change so quickly but he can still step up and take responsibility for the family Empire filling his father's shoes as a generous philanthropist the first film had Bella roal urging Bruce to help her realize her vision for change in the city which I'm sure she won't forget about now that she's
in office and Batman realizing that fear and Vengeance alone isn't enough to inspire positive change that people need hope something to look up to and what could be a more natural continuation of that Arc than for him to realize the good he can do with his family's wealth and begin to use it as Bruce Wayne a public figure he can give people hope in a way he never really could as a nocturnal mask vigilante so in the second movie I hope he realizes there is more than one way he can have an effect and that
he tries to balance his two roles as crime fighter and philanthropist tearing down the Penguins Empire by night while rebuilding his broken flooded city by day this would also be a great way to build on the last movie because the Riddler stains his family's name with everything he revealed about the whole Elliot incident so it only makes sense for Bruce to want to rebuild his family's Legacy by making good on his father's Promises of renewal but what would that look like in terms of the plot well I imagine that after 20 years of the family
company running without direct oversight there would be quite some resistance to Bruce's sudden return to power in fact I like to think that as he begins to assume control of his father's Empire he soon discovers there is more going on within the company than meets the eye Spark working investigation now we know the falcones practically own the renewal fund meaning they somehow had influence within the company and Roose assumes that's what's going on but while that's certainly connected he realizes there is far more at work that there are greater Powers at play that the Falcone's
only worked for and I think you know where this is going in case you weren't aware Matt gave a little tease not too long ago for what he has in store for part two and while he never named the infamous cabal running Gotham from the Shadows it's hard to know what else he might be referring to when he mentions deeper corruption than what's already been exposed even before this interview though and frankly even before the first film was released fans were eager to see the court come to the screen and instances such as Robert patson's
own reaction to the idea of their future appearance have only stoked excitement at the possibility and I'm certainly one of those fans who will be more than excited to see them on the screen however I think most fans will agree that a foe on the scale of the court of owls deserve to be built up to thus the second movie would only begin to hint at the Court's existence fans would most likely be able to predict what's going on and what awaits in the final sequel but I think part two would only have Bruce exposing
how his own company was controlled by Powers deeper and greater than anything even the Riddler could have realized and it ends with him officially taking up the figurative throne and announcing his company's support of the mayor's philanthropic efforts committing to rebuild the city's trust in the Wayne family name by making good on his father's promises he knows the fight isn't won but he doesn't fully realize what's in store then in the third movie Bruce finds himself targeted for Murder By A mysterious and highly trained assassin putting his detective skills to work he sets out to
find his wouldbe killer but soon realizes just how persistent and deadly this foe is as the film's tension increases and those closest to him are put in danger as well he ties the Assassin to the corruption within his company and this ultimately leads him to uncover the itself like I said I'm not trying to write full plots here so I don't know how this will end but I don't imagine it concluding with a decisive Victory however the court is brought to light and suffers a massive blow Batman finally realizing just how big of a fight
is ahead I picture an ending on a similar tone to the first Matrix movie where the war is far from one but Neo has learned to fight the enemy and lets them know he's coming for them so some fans have talked about wanting the next spin-off project to be a Catwoman series and I've heard others rejecting the idea saying that wouldn't feel necessary or whatever well I feel it would totally be necessary at least as necessary as any film or show in a franchise can be and here's why Selena KY left Gotham at the end
of the Batman obviously there doesn't seem much question that sooner or later she's going to return and I've heard a lot of people take it for granted that she's going to be back in the next movie like nothing ever happened but let's think about it why would she return right away I'd assume that if she were going to come back to Gotham after running away from her past it would be because something happened while she was gone to give her some change of heart and make her want to fight for the city she left behind
whatever growth takes place while she's away wouldn't we want to see it besides the ending of the Batman was a Bittersweet moment where Batman sacrificed the chance to be with someone he'd come to care about in order to pursue his mission so I'd like them to spend some time apart from each other growing on their own before they eventually reunite or else I feel her immediate return would only cheapen that ending so here's my idea for how I think they should handle her character over the course of this franchise and this will definitely be the
longest section of the video because it's the character whose Arc I'm most confident I got right and frankly I'll be quite disappointed if this isn't what Matt reefs does so I hope Selena is not in the Batman part two but that she gets her own solo show or movie that takes place at the same time and that she then reunites with Batman for part three I initially envisioned her solo Adventure as a season of Television like the penguin show mainly because I figured Batman's own movies would be the only films in The Saga and all
the spin-offs would be shows but there's no need for that to be the case and I honestly think this story I'm going to pitch would be just fine fitting in the runtime of a featurelength film the movie would follow Selena Kyle she discovers herself and becomes the anti-heroin we all know as Catwoman see in in the Batman she's not truly Catwoman yet she's just a girl from the bottom of Gotham City doing what she has to to survive and help her friend and eventually seeking Vengeance on the man who's been the cause of her entire
life of suffering and killed everyone she's loved finally leaving Gotham just looking to have a better life and use her skills to have some fun screwing over people she thinks deserves it she's never adopted the moniker of Catwoman or done anything to make her either a hero or a villain so in this film she sets off her blood Haven and begins scraping a living off the streets teaching herself the ropes of being a low-level thief and con artist yet she soon encounters another Shady figure of some kind who gets her out of some trouble she
finds herself in and seeing her talent for thievery and manipulation they take her under their wing and Mentor her to become more than a petty Thief with some guidance and training she uses her skills and femininity to get close to wealthy men and pose as a socialite herself to start praying on the elite she's starting to enjoy her new lavish lifestyle and the thrill of her games but then around the midpoint something happens to remind her of the life she left behind perhaps while living like a queen herself now she encounters a poor Petty Thief
just trying to survive and sees herself realizing she's become just like all the privileged people she despises and this props her to shift her focus and decide to use her new skills in stolen wealth to help those less fortunate perhaps she also realizes that her Mentor figure is basically no better than a gang running a somewhat organized operation for which she's been using Selena this whole time and so the film culminates in Selena using her burglary skills to pull a heist on her former Ally so she can use the money to give back to the
poor of the city finally taking on the identity of Catwoman taking inspiration from Batman himself she ends the film deciding that rather than running from the pain of her home she's going to return to use her new skills to alleviate the pain of others still suffering and Gotham and that sets the stage for her return in the Batman part 3 since in this video I'm not suggesting a full plot for that movie I can't lay out exactly what role Catwoman will play but I imagine she unwittingly reunites with Batman when she gets herself into an
event hosted by none other than Bruce Wayne so in this film Bruce is trying to gain the support of other wealthy families and individuals in Gotham and Selena sees this fundraiser event or whatever it is as an opportunity to knock off the iest man in the city obviously Bruce knows her but she doesn't recognize him making for an awkward relationship between the two of them especially as he tries to figure out what she's up to however whether this simply happens in one scene at this event or whether she takes her time getting to know him
over a portion of the movie either way I imagine she tries to flirt with and seduce him to get what she wants from him and he doesn't exactly fall for it because he knows she's not who she claims to be but since he does already know and care for her he's more than happy to reciprocate her advances even while cautiously trying to learn her true intentions whatever exactly happens over the course of the movie she tries and possibly succeeds in stealing from Bruce and he attempts to catch her as Batman in their first meeting with
him in the cowl she reveals her intentions to use her stolen wealth to help the unfortunate inviting him to join her and this challenges him as he sees her good intentions and doesn't know whether to help or hinder her she trashes on his alter ego without yet knowing his double identity of course claiming the people she's stealing from aren't using their money for good like they say they are and of course Batman defends his own honestly philanthropic intentions though Catwoman's insistent that the system is so broken that intentions don't matter and the people who really
need it will never get any money he throws out I don't know when or how but I imagine she learns his secret identity at some point whether he reveals it or she simply deduces it and this challenges her world as much as she's challenged his since she now learns that the man she played and ripped off having previously only seen him as the epitome of Gotham scummy two-faced Elite is in fact someone she knows and cares about who knows the Dark Side of society and is really fighting for Change and so they both leave with
New Perspective Batman recognizing her righteous intentions and the good her means can accomplish while she realizes the wealthy aren't all bad after all both finding their black and white views very very blurred and as for their relationship while I have grown closer and more intimate than ever their differing beliefs and methods behind their missions leave them at odds and they end as Frenemies possibly even somehow opposing each other in the climax in spite of their Mutual affection and so their playfully antagonistic relationship from the comics has been established so that's everything I had to share
that I genuinely believe would be the right call to make with these characters and I'm optimistically predicting will see something quite similar play out I may not have all the details right but I'll be very impressed if Matt Reeves has something better in mind which is not to say I don't expect to be impressed but finally here's one last thing that needs to be talked about so the other potential spin-off that needs to be covered is obviously the one Matt re confirmed he's actually thinking about that being a legal drama featuring or focused on Harvey
Dent now there is of course no guarantee this will happen but we know it's a strong possibility in m mind and I really wanted to talk about it because I thought a lot about Harvey Dent myself and I think there's so much this show could do with the character if it happens first let me say that while Harvey Dent has appeared many times on screen he's yet to be depicted in a way I find does Justice to the character's true complexity as good as Aaron eckart's portrayal may have been I don't think the Dark Knight
really captured The Duality that makes him so interesting I'm not saying it was at the wrong approach as he like all comic book characters has been written many different Ways by many different artists however the way I like to imagine him the way I feel best reflects everything he embodies is as a victim of dissociative identity disorder and as I thought about how I would like to see him depicted in film or television I loved the idea of a story focusing more heavily on him as a point of view character than I think a Batman
Centric film would allow so it didn't seem like a story that was likely to come to the screen anytime soon until we got this exciting tease so how would I depict him in a show like this well the closest comparison I can think to draw is moonight well moonight meets Better Call Saul but I want to focus more on the character side of the story which like moonight would get deep inside this character's head and the struggle between the two sides of his personality like two characters in one body I like to imagine that long
before he was ever scarred and condemned to Arkham even since his somehow traumatic childhood he's had these two halves at War inside of him there's the innocent upstanding Harvey that is his public Persona the idealist who believes in Justice and protecting the system and then there is his darker side the morally gray Harvey willing to go to any length to get Justice who protects his other half's morality by doing what he cannot what he will not and this Duality has continued with the mild mannered defense attorney Harvey Dent believing in Justice and fighting to fix
the system while his alter ego handles the dirty work perhaps in this story story Harvey is serving as the new DA and fighting corruption within the system things have been going well for him in his career and his mission maybe even a little too well as if obstacles in his way are conveniently even suspiciously disappearing he also seems to be experiencing strange blackouts and memory loss symptoms he hasn't experienced to this degree in years meanwhile he begins an investigation into some shady stuff that's been going on surrounding the courts possibly even involving murders of course
as the story progresses he unwittingly implicates himself and begins to correspond with his own Alter Ego who he believed to have suppressed long ago as he realizes his other half has been going outside of the law to help further his own Noble ends and things begin to spiral downhill with forces on both sides of the law now after him he becomes forced to let his Dark Side take control and use whatever violent or criminal means necessary to save himself and bring about Justice this story would challenge the very ideal of he fights for and question
the Justice of the system meant to administer it at its core and force him to ask whether his principles are enough to make a difference towards the end the mob end up getting to him killing his wife and mutilating him in Revenge unable to maintain control in his grief he abandons himself to his other half now officially two-c who goes on a violent Rampage to execute revenge on all those directly or indirectly responsible I even like to to think Batman is in this series and they confront each other in the climax maybe in the end
with no way out Harvey regains enough control to negotiate with tace agreeing to determine who makes their calls based on a coin toss and thus he eventually is able to bring about some Justice by foiling to face and turning himself in do I think that's what Matt Reeves is thinking I don't know probably not he's probably thinking of a more straightforward legal drama that just happens to feature Harvey Dent before he goes crazy but who knows I just wanted to share that idea I'd been playing with for a while because I got excited when we
got hints that something like it might happen now there's a lot of other ideas I've had and possibilities that have been teased for the future of this Saga but since I don't have a lot to say about them I think I'll wrap up with that now if you'd like me to share my thoughts on some other possibilities such as the chance we might see Robin in these movies or what the Riddler and the Joker might be up to in the future let me know in the comments there's so much to speculate on and I have
so much fun doing it but I try to keep my content focused on topics I feel I have something worthwhile and or original to add to however I love continuing these conversations in the comment section so let me know what are your predictions for the future installments of the Batman epic crime Saga what characters or story lines are you most excited to see play out and what are your hopes for them do you have any ideas for Matt Reeves share away down below and I look forward to joining you I've been planning on releasing another
video before this one but I've been putting a lot of work into that one and you should see why when when I release it so I got to finish this one first I really look forward to releasing it it's going to be going back to the first installment of this already epic series and taking a look at what might have made it even better so if you're interested hit the bell and keep an eye on your subscription so you don't miss it I can't wait to share it with you until then never stay silent
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