Terrifying Supernatural Encounters in a Warzone

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Wartime Stories
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[Laughter] [Music] the subject of the Paranormal is a Fascination to many no less those who have experienced it soldiers fighting on the front lines of any War are clearly no stranger to these experiences why this is such a commonality across the documented Wars throughout humanity is up for speculation perhaps where there is much death and suffering there are often strange and unexplained happenings but cannot otherwise be denied that wherever you go in the world there exists a variety of localized beliefs so when soldiers with their own set of beliefs and experiences from one part of the world find themselves in a distant country unfamiliar to them is it really that surprising when these soldiers then encounter things that the locals have long considered ordinary and routine of course to them the experience can be terrifying it's not something they would have ever expected to see whether you believe in spirits or not seeing is believing and for these soldiers they are the ones telling us they saw something this is the smoke pit and these are true stories from service members serving in Iraq about their encounters with something the locals would collectively identify as Jinn the Baghdad Mall hey hey stop what's the matter man you see somebody a freaking kid man scared the [ __ ] out of me which way'd he go God hey r ran into this back room over here hey come out of there now do not make me come in there and get you come out now stupid kids man hey kid I said come what everything all right man dude I just saw a kid run in here did you see him come out uh bro I I I didn't see anybody are you sure you weren't just seeing things [ __ ] you man I saw a [ __ ] kid as much as I'm looking at you right now I saw a [ __ ] kid running here all right well uh maybe you should be the first to go down for sleep shift tonight huh the hell was this place man gives me the creeps this first story story was submitted by an army veteran using the handle at black Jeep convertible he writes in Iraq we lived in a war torn four-story shopping mall which means we also pulled our own security solo one of the rooms we used to pull security became Infamous for paranormal activity which started around midnight with Eerie unexplained noises the activity then peing around 3:00 a. m. with crazy unexplainable stuff in that room we sat in a corner staring out the windows we would hear feet shuffling and footsteps behind us the entire shift so we all got used to it it's not like we had a choice anyways then around 3:00 a.
m. the witching hour crazy stuff starts happening one of my friends had a giant black trash bag that was lying next to him was full of empty riet cans and water bottles that got flung into the air throwing trash everywhere he got so scared he threw his chair across the room and called s so to spend the rest of his shift with him we had sergeants chase kids into empty rooms when there was only one door in and out we were supposed to be the only ones inside the mall no local civilians especially not kids another one of my friends ended up literally Frozen in fear when he saw a gr out transparent Iraqi soldier walk up and sit next to him during his shift he said he just froze the entire shift and tried not to look at it the entire exterior of the mall was riddled with bullet holes and craters so we figured a bunch of people died there before us but we later found out the one room we experienced the most activity in was formerly a discotech a party room Club where saddam's two sons tortured and killed people that room also led to the roof where they had apparently tossed people off of the building my worst Witching Hour experience wasn't as bad as others uh my shift that night was midnight to 0400 it started with feet shuffling behind me for hours which wasn't too bad to get used to and I I was trying not to look away from the windows where there was at least some ambient light coming in because when you're wearing night vision all you see is a green circle through one eye and complete darkness through the other it gets really creepy when you turn your head because if you do see something scary it won't show up until it's directly in front of you due to the loss of peripheral vision looking through the night vision lens so after maybe 3 hours of staring into nothingness it's now about 0300 and all of a sudden I hear and feel a whisper next to my ear as if someone had their lips half an inch away from my ear don't [ __ ] with me you know I'm scared of this [ __ ] I will shoot I have never moved so fast in my entire life I simultaneously stood up turned around gun up light on ready to shoot a ghost I was hoping it was someone pranking me but there wasn't anyone around me I went and checked all of the adjacent rooms but they were clear so I broke an entire box of chem lights and tossed them all over the room thinking I'm going to be able to see anything coming now but that just gave the room a really eerie Green Glow before I couldn't see a single thing now I think I'm seeing things moving because it's so dimly lit I ended up spending the rest of my shift facing the room with my back against the window I couldn't give a damn what was happening outside anymore they could have had a vbid drive right up to us I was more scared of the ghosts than anything another subscriber with the handle at goody tiger 57 another Army vet who visited the same location responded to his comment and his story with the following the very first day we got to that mall we were all like holy hell this place is really creepy like Sha of the Dead times 100 and we were either late teens or barely old enough to drink so obviously the first thing we did was go straight into the basement to check it out was Pitch Black and really creepy didn't matter if we had guns it still felt really scary out of our group me and a few guys were the first to run out of there seen too many scary movies to stay there any longer the last ones to leave kept saying they saw stuff but we figured they were just messing with us because we chickened out and it was only month one out of 15 of our stay never really went back down there as op6 and the surrounding hallway were scary [Music] [Music] enough Footsteps in the gravel what's see uh what's the creepiest thing you've seen while you've been out here dude okay so our turp right uhhuh uh he told me a story the other day so he was he was standing on the inside of these tea walls right here right and he said I mean like like he saw a disembodied Shadow like a person but like only from the waist up BR just go right through the wall damn really yeah creepy man and uh and there was uh one of my corporals told me a story [Music] you I'm I you hear that right yeah hello what the hell dude where the hell is that coming from I I don't know towards the humy I don't see anybody this following submission was also submitted in the comment section from another one of your fellow viewers who goes by the YouTube handle at Jonathan Griffith 7759 he writes Iraq 2011 we were at a patrol base no more than half a mile from the Iraq Iran Border we' black out the base at night for security with a single light at the smoke pit in the middle of the camp the area surrounding the base had one of the highest casualty rates during the the Iraq Iran War in the80s first week there I'm doing base security at the ECP with the alpha guy from the algo unit it's 2: or 3:00 a. m.
and we get on the topic of ghost stories he tells me how our turp saw a waste up Apparition disappear through a te- wall how they started experiencing paranormal things after bringing back a piece of gear they found out on a patrol and a few other stories but so the base was covered in gravel to keep the dust down and as he's telling me about all these things about all these entities and these stories we both hear footsteps walking across the gravel toward the Humvee we can't see anything we turn on our nods nothing there's nobody around just a super creepy place especially walking around at night in complete darkness with just your headlamp also had a constant feeling of being watched when we'd go out on night [Music] [Music] patrols before we get to the next story I wanted to thank better help sponsoring this episode so I served 9 years in the Marine Corp and in 2015 I suffered a spine injury which then resulted in my medical retirement in 2017 and on top of the Fallout of now living with chronic pain there was this unexpectedly abro transition out of the military which I was not mentally prepared for long story short I started to feel very alone I rarely ever left my house I became very short-tempered with people especially my family I was having these angry outbursts I was breaking things followed by these complete emotional breakdowns being newly married and with a newborn child my wife was not handling any of this well which then made me feel even worse the military has this way of ingraining a mindset of just get over it and move on and so that's what I was trying to do for a long time I was just trying to handle everything myself and just do get over it but fortunately I finally decided to let someone else help and to seek therapy and what I found out is that we can each become our own worst enemies when we let that happen when we get stuck inside of our own heads and what helped me was finally just having someone to talk to to share my thoughts without judgment and to get everything that was going on up here out here into reality where it could be dealt with and what my therapist did was take everything I'd shared and put it into perspective and he also helped me start setting small attainable goals that helped rebuild my self-confidence and over time well you're looking at the product of that therapy I have a marriage that works I have a life that works and I'm in a much better place now therapy isn't for everyone but if you do feel kind of lost right now and you're not really sure what to do about it I do think you should give better help a try and it's a new year so why not start now betterhelp is the world's largest therapy service and it's 100% online which means you can get the help you need and you can do it from the comfort and privacy of your home you get started by answering a few questions about what you're dealing with any preferences you have which then allows better help to match you with the right therapist from their Network then it's entirely up to you how you want to communicate with your therapist whether that be via text or chat or video or phone call or some combination and if for any reason your therapist isn't the right fit you can switch to a new therapist at no additional charge go to our sponsor betterhelp.
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