In today's video I'm going to teach you how to make the strawberry brigadeiro or bicho de pé . everyone enchanted and I'm going to show you six different techniques for decorating the strawberry brigadeiro that is for you to increase your menu and sell even more before starting I 'm going to explain how this video will work first I'm going to teach you how to prepare the dough for the strawberry brigadeiro correctly so that it is creamy and easy to roll then we will talk about weighing the brigadeiros for different confections This step is important so that your brigadeiros have a standardized size and then we will decorate our six-piece brigadeiros different ways for you to rock sales we're also going to talk about packaging expiration storage and techniques of course for you to leave this video preparing your production of brigadeiros and Selling a lot if you like our channel and you're not subscribed yet run and subscribe Also, click on the notification bell so you don't miss any of our content. I want to see you watching this video until the end, sharing it and giving it a like.
the recipe for the brigadeiro and several other important information down here in the description of the video ok I also left in the description links to other videos of brigadeiros that we have here on the channel and that I'm sure will make all the difference in your production So prepare the your kitchen and let's go to the recipe to make our strawberry brigadeiro we're going to use condensed milk and to flavor it I'm going to use powder for ice cream in the Strawberry Flavor it's that powder that we buy in the supermarket really [Music] and I'm going to mix it until it's mixed powder not even brigadeiro you can use the powder for ice cream like I use or Nesquik I prefer to use the powder for ice cream because it has a smaller amount of sugar so the brigadeiro lasts longer It takes a little longer to sugar now I will add the milk cream a few drops of pink food coloring and there are only a few drops just to reinforce the color of the Brigadeiro now we are going to take everything to the stove and stir until it reaches the point now that the Brigadeiro has started to thicken I'm going to turn off the heat here one little bit and I'm going to add the brigadeiro, the Noble chocolate and here mine is already melted now I'll turn it back on and we'll stir until it reaches the point [Music] the brigadeiro is already detaching from the bottom of the pan so it's already reached the point when I add it in the pan, the Dough is completely released and falls, joining the base of the pan, we call this stitch the somersault stitch, now we are going to work it with fuê so that it is very smooth Look how beautiful the texture of this strawberry brigadeiro is it is excellent it falls off the spoon in large blocks and does not mix with the rest of the dough in the pan look here the creaminess the color is perfect now that the brigadeiro is ready I opened a film here on the counter and we are going to pack this brigadeiro to let it rest for at least 6 hours before rolling it up, I'm going to turn it around here with the film [Music] Press to remove all the air from the packaging, turn it one more time, then we'll close the sides and it's ready packed like this way it can be frozen for up to 90 days in the freezer our brigadeiro is already rested and now I'm going to open it to show you the texture the texture of the strawberry brigadeiro is usually softer than the other flavors of brigadeiro so don't be alarmed if it sticking a little bit here on the film is normal, always use gloves and a little bit of mold release to handle this brigadeiro but look at its texture, this one is super creamy and very flexible before we position the brigadeiros I'll talk to you a little bit about the confectionery that we are going to use I will show you several different decorations for these brigadeiros and then you can see that we have powdered milk powder here, we also have this confectionery here of Rubi chocolate we have this other white chocolate confection its name is Michele we will also use milk chocolate confections and miçanginhas which are very traditional confections you can clearly see the difference in size Among all these concepts each one has a size different but I need all the brigadeiros to be the same size so we can have a similar effect both in the box and on the table agree so that's why we're going to position brigadeiros of different sizes okay let's go our brigadeiros will have a final weight of 15 grams So this one it's the measure that I 'm going to use for the brigadeiros that are covered with powdered milk . hand and roll it up to make it round, then you can close both palms and roll it up this way to finish and remove imperfections . brigadeiros with eight grams that we use with the pearls if you are going to make brigadeiros in different sizes from mine, always pass this count the mass of the brigadeiro that will be wrapped around the pearls needs to be approximately half of the final weight you want for the brigadeiro so since I want a brigadeiro with a final weight of 15 grams, I count approximately 8 g of dough for the brigadeiro that will be wrapped around the pearls [Music] this proportion is for when we use large pearls, right ?
enjoy like tell me in the comments what do you think we're going to start rolling the brigadeiro in the powdered milk . it is ready to go into the mold if you want a little more colorful brigadeiros you can add a little powder for decoration to your powdered milk mix everything And then just sift to remove the larger grains [Music] and roll the brigadeiro in this colored powder step in a sieve to remove the excess, roll it up to make it round Look how beautiful it looks Look at the difference between the two brigadeiros And then you can decorate this brigadeiro in two different ways, one of them using stamps And then you can use the stamp Cleaned or powdered for decoration Gold Just put a little powder here on the lid, touch the stamp and lightly tap it to remove the excess then just press the stamp on top of the candy Look how beautiful it looks, you just can't stamp the brigadeiro after a long time since it it's already been soaked in powdered milk, the milk dries out the brigadeiro a little so if you take too long to stamp it, it's going to be all cracked. The other way to decorate the brigadeiros is using ampoules .
press the ampoule up here and put it inside the syrup . excess and it will make the straw much shorter then just fit it here in the brigadeiro look how beautiful it is decorated this way [Music] if you prefer you can cut the excess straw from the ampoule before filling and here I am using ice cream syrup but you can use whatever liquid you want ok you can use a thinner cherry syrup you can use alcohol you can use whatever you prefer our next brigadeiro is decorated with little beads for him I'm going to use the 12 gram brigadeiro roll it up again to make it very round and put it in the mold . Look how beautiful it is now we are going to use the vermichel which is a white chocolate confection and for him we're going to use the same 12 gram brigadeiros Just put the brigadeiro in the confection and roll it up and it's ready the combination of white chocolate flavors with the strawberry brigadeiro is simply delicious for our next brigadeiro we're going to use milk chocolate confection I'm also going to use the 12 gram brigadeiros on it And then just spread the brigadeiro on the confectionery and roll it up.
it will make it a little softer to make Pitangas in our brigadeiro I put it in the pot I will add a small spoonful of cream and I will take it to the microwave to heat and mix everything I took the mixture to the microwave for 10 seconds there now only we stir until everything is homogeneous and then I have a strawberry brigadeiro in a pointed stitch, just wait for it to cool down a little before using it . in a pointed stitch for this I'm using a number 18 point I just pierced it so that the rosette is well adhered even to the brigadeiro [Music] Look how beautiful it looks now we go to our latest model of brigadeiro which is the brigadeiro confectioned with the pearls for it I'm going to use my brigadeiro positioned with the 8 g mass just go passing the brigadeiro on the confection pressing so that it stays well adhered after that just roll it up slightly and it's ready this brigadeiro I'm using this Ruby chocolate confection But you can use this same technique to decorate brigadeiros with chocobol, it’s also beautiful Look how beautiful these strawberry brigadeiros are, besides being beautiful, all these brigadeiros are delicious Look at the perfect texture, the combination of strawberry brigadeiro and white chocolate in this confection is also perfect if If you want, you can dye this brigadeiro golden, it is also super charming and very elegant the rosettes also give the brigadeiro a whole lot of charm and the combination of flavors of the strawberry brigadeiro with milk chocolate is fantastic the brigadeiro with ampoule is super different and makes the greatest success to consume Just put the broth here in the candy. I want to know if you're still here with me.
If you've come this far, leave your like. Tell me in the comments . it happens in my kitchen Follow me on other social networks to taste the strawberry brigadeiro you can use the Nesquik ice cream powder for dessert or flavoring paste I prefer the ice cream powder because it gives me an excellent result and at a much lower cost low if you choose to use the other products the preparation method is a little different and I will leave the instructions here in the video description for you right the whole strawberry brigadeiro recipe yielded me 400 grams of dough that would give me 26 pastry brigadeiros in powdered milk which are those that have 15g of dough but you can make the brigadeiros in the size you want the Brigadeiro dough lasts up to 10 days if it is kept in the fridge and up to 90 days if it is kept in the freezer after rolling these brigadeiros they last up to five days and we keep them in the fridge, then just remove them from the fridge a few hours before consumption so that they return to their normal texture .