[Music] WAOW that looks great girls thanks Dad what yes huh dad why is everyone saying my name with that intonation that suggests I'm doing something annoying what do you want what nothing you just tapped me on the shoulder no I didn't yes you did but I'm standing over this side of you which shoulder was tapped and it there's that intonation again looks like we have a mystery Tapper in our hands ah I know who can help us solve this it was a Tuesday when this Dame walked into my life evening Mr Brownie bear I have
a case for you I'm all ears she spoke but I drifted off after the first sentence sometimes I like to pretend that I'm the drummer for zeppin so can you help me oh sorry what did you say so she explained it again someone is tapping people on their shoulder and when you turn around to look there's no one there I need you to find out who is doing it but I drifted off again sh she seemed annoyed why I guess we'll never know but then it got personal so I took on the case I just
need to ask you a few questions Mom okay do you know if any bands looking for a drummer H it was slow going the case was going nowhere but then it stopped going nowhere and it went somewhere I paid a visit to the one they call the big blue guy I don't know what you're talking about mate if I tap someone on the shoulder I make sure I tap the shoulder closest to me so when they turn a look at me I'm there I start talking to them you know what I mean something wasn't adding
up sure he was incredibly handsome but he was a little too talkative but I had a plan first I needed to set the Trap meanwhile things were getting out of [Music] hand no I can't talk right now Chenise I've got a work thing I've brought you all here to tell you it is someone in in this room how do you know that brownie bear I've sprinkled some glitter on the shoulders of all of you while you weren't looking why so that anyone who Taps you on the shoulders will get glitter on their fingers o good
idea so we just need to all show our fingers and the one with the glitter on it will be the cul dad um I just need to uh call my account get him another case solved and I can go back to what I do best I'm trying to get my youngest daughter into violin I think it might really suit her well you've come to the right place can you talk me through what's here yes uh well we've got lots uh big ones little ones wooden ones uh different wooden ones cheap ones expensive ones normally for
someone your child's age we'd start them off with a quarterized viin okay and how much is that one well that depends firstly on where the violin is from if we import from Europe that could be quite expensive we bring [Music] [Music] w [Music] does that make a difference it really depends on who's playing it where they're playing it ooh [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you do lessons me no Iris I of the four p y [Music] time to go Bingo oh boy that's special girls thanks what a lot of care you've put into it time to
go girls Mom thanks Nana we'll see you next Sunday Oh Yes sounds good bye girl bye um Nana blue I know what you're going to say yes I will leave your block tower exactly how it is so you can keep building next Sunday oh dear good day everyone and thanks for watching the water temperature will drop a degree or two can't see is that a rain cloud I think so can't see the synoptic chart oh hang on yep it's definitely a sunny face you want sugar Bob Two Sugars yes [Music] please right he's oh no
oh Bobba pass me a red one Bobba a but I need the red ones oh you've got plenty oh I think that's it Well Done Bob yeah well done Nana oh how do we get out [Applause] a what's this no one stepping put in this room until the kids get here tomorrow a but I want to watch the footy with an inside out have we got the ball or [Applause] [Music] not kids did you leave our blocks up sure did go and take a look thanks n thanks Chris don't worry we can start again can
you help us Nana and Bubba sure thing Bingo bobber and I are good at building block [Music] towers pH what a day hey phony play some relaxing music you got [Music] it hey fny play some medal okay now playing medal B stop play it stop okay get out of here you phony play relaxing music good he F [Music] play get it ready go hey fonny play relaxing music I [Music] hate oh hello is this the tattoo shop yes awesome well I want a tattoo you know want to get some ink done something that makes me
look really tough and manly can you do that oh yes take a seat let's do it on my back that's a tough place for a tad isn't it yeah it is I'll let you choose what the Tad is but just remember make get something really bad you know okay you understand let maybe a skull with a dagger in it and the dagger's on fire and the skull's like gone yeah I love it or a cobra riding a motorbike and the motor bike's on fire like things on fire is good got it the important thing is
people look at this tat and they're like wow that guy's tough he doesn't look at all like an accountant he looks like he might be a Commando oh it hurts doesn't it ow are you almost finished yep finished oh thank goodness so it's super tough and manly right oh yes right thanks you're welcome I'll just have a look bye what [Music] [Music] woo yeah wo yeah F keep going [Music] [Music] I'm should we go the other way y [Music] yeah right Bingo go tie of your room nope Bingo go and eat some vegetables nope that's
it I'm writing a letter to the government dear government my kids don't do anything I say King I tell tell them to clean their room I tell them to eat their vegetables to obey the speed limit but they never listen King what are you going to do about this catching sincerely Bandit healer okay that should do it now to post this envelope envelope put a stamp on it and stamp now to post it now we wait for the reply oh the mouse here it's from the government just open the letter Dear Mr healer your kids
behavior is not our responsibility it's yours please enjoy these dump vouchers sincerely the government what that's it I'm going to write another letter to the government dear government if you want my vote this year you better buck up your ideas C CH I pay my taxes so you have to sort minority kids out bured healer envelope St po ah they replied this better be good Dear Mr healer your taxes go towards roads and hospitals and army stuff not making your kids listen to you we're sorry if we've lost your vote but to be honest you
sound like a pain in the bar man we don't want to anyway maybe vote for the other dudes please enjoy this fridge calendar sincerely the government what this country stuff again n [Music] [Applause]