How I Get Unlimited Clients As A Video Editor (Step by Step)

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In this video, I'll share my step by step process on how to sign your first editing client and grow ...
Video Transcript:
8 months ago I signed my first client which happened to be this guy yes a YouTuber with 161,000 Subs one of the biggest faceless channels that you've probably seen I had barely any experience and nowhere near the skill that I have today so how did I do it believe it or not it all comes down to these six steps a framework which if you follow and Implement I promise you will achieve similar results and later in this video I'll be revealing my direct messages with digital Inca project himself so let's dive in the first step
is pretty simple in order to get a client to say yes you must first convince him on your offer and build trust the reason this is number one on the list is because it's the truth I can't believe I have to say this but if you become a better editor it'll be 10 times easier to make more money and secure clients which is why I made an entire free course on how to improve every single aspect of your video editing this includes guides on the pacing of a video animations Motion Graphics subtitles transitions sound design
and everything that goes into creating an engaging high quality project if I talked about this during the video it would be 2 hours long so if you want to get the real sauce and become as good as Isaac or all these creators that you see you can get the course below without paying a dime it includes everything that I've personally watched and implemented to get to the position I am today which allowed me to edit for YouTubers like digital income project your brand is by far the most important asset you have as a freelancer it's
your identity having a good personal brand that displays professionalism and lists your achievement is the easiest way to get leads as a video editor the only time I tried outreaching I failed miserably and that's because my brand at the time was nowhere near where it is now on top of that most of myli clients have been inbound meaning they reach out to me because they've seen my videos and posts on Twitter so I already had them interested I didn't need to do much work you do not have to be the best in the beginning but
you have to be good enough just listen to this you can Market an average product to make it world class if you think about like a coffee right what makes one coffee worth 100 million and then another worth nothing when it's the same product most of the time it's just the way you package stuff up so once you've hit a certain level you can potentially really be shifting your focus to like okay how do I make my marketing better than my product and then work on leveling up the product at the same time after you've
improved your skills and have become a great editor you need to become a great marketer and that is done through the growth of your personal brand you need to put yourself out there and let people know what you're capable of doing most importantly you need to let them know that you can alleviate their pain points which is another crucial step in securing a client so really quickly here are two actionable steps that you need to take if you want to succeed in your editing career this is exactly how I signed my first client starting and
learning the entire content creation process is the easiest way to get ahead of most editors and to demolish your competition however you shouldn't view yourself as just a video editor no one wants to lose their editor in the YouTube Community oh yeah it's a nightmare like if if an editor if an editor leaves everything stops so yeah you become an asset and at the end of the day assets make people money so if you think of yourself as an asset not an editor you can ask for anything really take a look at Mauricio moso any
wealth's video editor he's able to leverage more than just editing quality he can help the Creator with ideation scripting planning monetization thumbnail design designs because he understands the YouTube game and what makes a video go viral how do you expect to become a great YouTube video editor if you don't understand YouTube you see this is how I got hired instead of sending the same emails like everyone else and getting ignored I created a video which took me 2 weeks to make I was working all day and it ended up getting me to 1,000 subscribers on
my channel so this is exactly what you're going to do create a new channel and brand it unique profile picture banner and a short description to tell people what it's about your channel will only be about other creators and for your description it doesn't have to be complicated just look at money maxing helping YouTubers go viral mine is just helping editors reach the full potential you're going to make videos in the same style as the creators that you wish to edit for so if you want to edit for creators in the faceless Niche then you
will create documentary style edits about those YouTubers this is exactly what I did it doesn't even matter the niche if you want to work with gaming YouTuber then make a video about him and make that video better than his current ones just take a look at these examples each and every single one is using social hacking basically grabbing the face of a popular Creator in your own Niche and putting it in the thumbnail which is what I did with this video as well but obviously the video has to be about that Creator now you might
be asking well isn't this a lot of work for something that is not guaranteed I can still get a no at the end of the day and yes you are absolutely right however this is not a waste of time by doing this you are improving your skill set you are making yourself more and more valuable even if you don't see success right away you are adding to your portfolio you are growing a channel and this is how you're going to get clients people will reach out to you because they are impressed with the videos you're
making so you're going to leave your portfolio in the description you're going to post the animations and the intros that you make on Twitter to Showcase your skills just like all these people are doing and trust me this will work if you don't W give up but do not make this mistake each video that you make has to be good enough to impress the Creator and obviously show that you can enhance his video quality and get him more views which solves the pain points we talked about earlier you need to make sure you have a
good-looking profile picture and banner a well-written bio and a link to your portfolio avoid changing your profile picture pick one image and stick with it this makes it easier for others to remember you and this is what Isaac does when you look at his channel when you see his thumbnail you'll know it's from him right away this is how mine looks like and before you say anything yes I'm not very big but that's because I haven't implemented much into Twitter I've been only using the first method I showed you which is YouTube which is how
I got most of my clients so for this section I'll use Mango's Twitter as an example first thing you want to do is simply make posts promoting yourself like this you'll notice that these go viral much easier and I've actually seen crazy success with it even when it had zero followers every animation you create or intro of a video show it off on Twitter the second type of post you want to create is one that showcases your sound design skills mango has both of these on Twitter and his portfolio here's an example thirdly grab some
raw footage unedited footage of a creater you want to work with or even anyone who's kind of popular you can find this from podcasts streams or even unfiltered YouTube channels Hamza Iman godi and money maxing all have something like this and it's simply videos that they post without any editing whatsoever at most you'll see simple b-roll at basic Cuts download the content and re-edit it and make the style of post showing the before and after this can get you a lot of attention especially if what you did was good if it doesn't doesn't get traction
then you simply need to keep improving and keep posting rinse and repeat these types of posts and soon enough you'll grow your account if your portfolio is a Google Drive Link then I'm sorry to tell you this but no one is going to take you seriously if you aim to sign your first client the first step is to build a strong portfolio and your portfolio serves as your qualification much like a CV or resume and it's crucial in attracting the clients you wish to work with and your portfolio should be simple and clear clients want
to see four key things your previous work in projects clients you've worked with if any the results youve achieved and that's why you should start a YouTube channel and the feedback you've received from past clients if any here's my portfolio for reference right away you'll see all my best work I only put the best of the best on my portfolio since what people see here is what will decide a yes or a no followed by showcasing my sound design skills similar to what I showed you earlier on Twitter I have my previous clients listed followed
by the results I've achieved and the impact I've had on them to stand out like I mentioned before I leverage not only my editing but my content creation skills such as structure script writing thumbnails and research I've then provided them an easy way to get in contact with me with social proof at the end for credibility if you want to make good money then you need a professional website which is why I've decided to help you by creating a free template in which you can get below however if you want mine then check out the
link below you can customize and change up the format layout and pretty much everything now that you've created some great videos have an attractive brand and a clean looking portfolio you want to start outreaching and this is where you will stand out amongst the SE of other editors go to their Channel and collect their email now let's construct our first message you must keep it concise let your work and profile speak for you less yapping more showing so here are some guidelines that you need to follow never start with hey man or hey bro this
will instantly show that you're just copying and pasting the same message instead start with their name so it's more personalized I'm going to show you three different email Outreach examples each one depends on what you did whether you created something that they can use made a video about them or re-edited their old content this is exactly what you need to do email number one instantly let them know what you've done for them tell them that they can use it and link or attach to the files to the email right after next let them know who
you are and why you're reaching out you can also follow up with a compliment just don't do too much you can add this final message for feedback to show that you really care about the client's satisfaction thanks and then your name for email number two let them know who you are and while you're reaching out you could drop a small compliment or say something nice about their latest post which sometimes works really well at least from my experience however right after this you get to the main goal you let them know that you've created a
video about their story or if you've taken their old content you would tell them that you've edit it and made it better if they like it then they would respond to this email and you guys would discuss a potential collaboration don't forget to attach any important file and place a direct link to your portfolio best regards and your name for the final variation same exact beginning as the previous one include their name say who you are and why you're reaching out follow up with a compliment and get to the main point don't forget to link
your portfolio short simple effective and unique they will see that you actually put an effort instead of spamming the same message to 100 other creators furthermore you should experience expent with different variations you don't have to copy these exact messages but overall keep the same format if they don't respond within 24 to 48 hours you can send a follow-up message simply asking if they've gotten the chance to view your work or if they're interested the most important factor in keeping an editing job and growing your income is building strong relationships with your clients it all
comes down to how much you value them when you start a project establish and talk about four things the preferred style expected delivery timeline payment terms and payment method remember creators would much rather someone who's reliable than someone who's just skillful while working on a project make sure to share updates every day keep the clients informed and avoid making unrealistic promises to prevent this give yourself two buffer days when managing your projects so if you think a videoos will take 4 days to complete tell them it will take six this way if you run into
Pro or need more time then you will still meet the deadline on top of that you have a chance to exceed their expectations and and deliver your service faster than promised after delivering the work ask about their thoughts on the project their overall experience working with you and a feedback or testimony Word of Mouth can change or ruin your entire career it's crucial to ensure every client is satisfied because like I said most people reach out to me when they saw my previous clients and the testimony given by them so when you're first starting out
this should be your main goal Service delivery building social proof and getting testimonials on your portfolio all of this will make getting clients 10 times easier in the future to edit each video as your best and think in terms of portfolio potential I learned this from malice so shout out to him now that we've become good at making videos Crea an attractive personal brand and a professional website we need to solve a bigger problem which is time most editors take forever to finish a project so if you can leverage speed then you'll have a much
bigger Advantage this is one of the most important if not the most important steps to improving one's work speed essentially you want to be working on a specific task and once that task is completed you move on to the next one my workflow for client look something like this first I download the files and organize them into a few separate folders I then plan the video I go through the entire script and write comments for what I want to do after that I gather all assets images videos clips articles and organize them into my folders
I create a new Premiere project and match the sequence settings place in the voice over rough cut to remove silences mistakes and stutters I then begin creating all the animations and after effects after that I lay down the animations and place in all the footage that I've gathered I then do all the VFX finally I do the sound design and then the background music after that I just check their video do some revisions watch it over again for any finalization and then I render the video you can get the PDF file with the link in
the description for free now before you skip you're probably thinking oh he just going to tell me to learn shortcuts but no that is not what I recomend commend learning basic shortcuts for the software that you're using is not only boring but useless because you end up forgetting what they were instead you need to create shortcuts for your most used functions I'm going to credit my guy money maxing over here he has a full course on YouTube in which he shows you the best shortcuts so check it out creating my own faceless editing pack was
honestly the best decision I've ever made I organized all my assets and animations into one big folder with subfolders saving me the pain of scrolling through all my assets while editing a video you can get my presets and everything that I use to edit these viral videos in the link in the description it includes both personal and client projects listy is a tool that I recommend everyone downloads which once again I got from malice it will help you locate files on your PC so much easier you do not have to use the search bar which
is too slow and laggy what this allows you to do is simply double click control and this will pop up from here just search anything and you will find it instantly no more waiting for anything to load 100% recommend to really grow and make the money you want you need to let go of the scarcity mindset your earning potential isn't limited you can make much more than you're currently making I've turned down plenty of offers because I knew my worth and I believed I deserved better pay instead you need to adopt the abundance mindset the
belief that what you want is truly out there and the only thing separating you from your goals is work and consistency as long as you keep going every day and keep showing up you will get your goals eventually so this is the full framework that I've used to sign my first client and grow my editing Services remember don't give up and focus on improving with with each video
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