What are the main fruits that pre-diabetics and diabetics can include in their routine and that will not cause glucose out of control, much less increase glycated hemoglobin? In today's video, I'm going to give you nine fruit tips to include in your routine without any problems. And I will also talk about the amounts of fruits you can eat in your day.
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So let's go to the video. And the number one fruit is the guava. It is a fruit that we find very easily in all regions of our Brazil and it adds a lot to the treatment.
It is rich in vitamins and rich in fiber. So you can include it in your routine, mainly to complement a quick snack to complement breakfast or as a dessert. Of course, we shouldn't exaggerate the amounts.
Guava can and should be consumed only once a day, that is, we can choose it, for example, for dessert after lunch or to be able to complement a breakfast or afternoon snack with, for example, scrambled eggs with, for example, a natural yogurt. Then you add a little bit of chopped guava. Then you will complement your meal better.
Of course, you shouldn't exaggerate the quantities, consume only one unit a day and throughout this video I'll teach you some tips and tricks to be able to include more than one fruit in your routine without causing glucose imbalance due to the consumption of these fruits . And yes, guava is an excellent alternative for those with diabetes. Regarding the consumption of guava juice, diabetics can even consume guava juice, especially those concentrated juices that we can dilute in water and sweeten with some sweetener.
It is important that you do not sweeten your juice with sugar, demerara sugar, granulated sugar, icing sugar, brown sugar, coconut sugar and so on. Sugar and juice are no longer part of who has a diagnosis of diabetes. It's important that you understand once and for all, okay?
Fruit number two is the melon. Melon is an excellent alternative for those with diabetes And of course you don't have to eat a whole melon throughout your day, but you can buy the melon and cut it into slices and then cubes and separate it so you can eat it throughout your week. So it's an interesting amount, an ideal amount of melon that you can eat throughout your day.
There are 100 grams of melon and this amount will give you a better and bigger variety of fruits. You can add, for example, to be able to complement any meal you may have, such as breakfast. Then you can have your little black coffee, have some scrambled eggs, two, three scrambled eggs with a little bit of cheese.
And to complement this breakfast, 100 grams of chopped melon and a super interesting breakfast , super healthy, with a low amount of carbohydrates and that will add a lot to your treatment, not to mention satiety. So, based on these tips, you'll be putting together your breakfast in a smart way that will bring you more and more benefits. That's why it's important that you watch all the videos on the channel and on diabetes, because you'll pick up these fruit tips, complement them with the breakfast tips that we have here on the channel, along with lunch tips, afternoon snack tips, dinner tips and in this way you model meals in an intelligent way and thus make it easier for you to have better control of your treatment and also to achieve more and more food variety.
We end up having this false feeling that diabetics cannot eat anything, that they cannot eat fruit, that they cannot eat foods that contain carbohydrates, that they cannot eat meat, that they cannot eat vegetables, greens and that they will live only on water base and lettuce. And that's not true. It is true?
So keep taking care. Write down all these fruit tips that you will start to consume in your routine. And of course there will be some fruits that are more difficult to find in your region, or sometimes the fruits are more expensive.
But from these tips that you receive, you will add the ones that make the most sense to you and that way you will have fruit options. I want you to take the opportunity to comment below which fruits you consume in your routine and which ones have you noticed that I'm talking about here throughout this video? So we can improve, we can direct your treatment through smart food and improve your treatment more and more.
Okay? Fruit number three is the avocado. Avocado is a fruit with a higher amount of fat that will give more flavor, which will provide more satiety and which can and should be consumed by those with diabetes.
The avocado is easily found throughout our territory, so it can be part, for example, of a breakfast, for example, a salad at lunch or a salad at dinner, or also be part, for For example, an avocado smoothie with a little milk. And so you will compose your meals in a smart way that will fill you up . You can consume around 100 grams of avocado throughout your day without any major problems.
Remembering that at the end of the video I'll give you tips to be able to add more than one fruit to your routine without causing your glucose out of control, okay? And fruit number four is passion fruit. Both fruit and passion fruit juice are an excellent ally for those with diabetes.
You can add passion fruit to be able to compose a natural yogurt or sometimes a smoothie and also, especially passion fruit juice. Passion fruit juice , even I use it every day in my routine, does not bring any major harm. I sweeten it with a little sweetener and it is a super ally for those with diabetes.
So, if you want to consume passion fruit or passion fruit juice, you can add it to your routine, it will bring you benefits, in addition to having vitamins, and this adds a lot to the treatment of those with diabetes, especially in relation to the use of juice for being able to accompany some meal to be able to take throughout your day. Not to mention that it has a calming action, that is, having a good glass of passion fruit juice before bed will bring benefits so that you can have a more peaceful sleep. And we know that peaceful sleep directly helps to better control the diagnosis of diabetes.
You get restful sleep that benefits from good glucose control and this is critical for anyone with diabetes. So, the passion fruit juice, The passion fruit itself is an excellent ally. Fruit number five is the lemon.
Lemon, like passion fruit juice, is an excellent ally for those with diabetes. They are more citric fruits, more sour, but that bring benefits because they are rich in vitamin C, especially some antioxidants and that will bring benefits to those with diabetes. Lemon juice is an excellent ally, as well as passion fruit juice for those with diabetes.
So you can take it throughout your day to be able to accompany a meal and it's super interesting for those with diabetes. You can also use lemon to season a salad, to season chicken breast, to season pork. And this ends up adding even more flavor to your meals and will make it easier for you to create the habit of eating with pleasure, without necessarily having to consume, for example, fast food or sometimes a meal rich in carbohydrates.
However, through the use of good spices like lemon, like pepper, which is not a fruit, but it is a seasoning, you add a lot to your treatment. So lemon, mainly in the form of juice and also as seasoning, adds a lot to your treatment. Be sure to include.
It could be Tahiti lemon, Sicilian lemon and so you add lemon to your routine and it will bring benefits to your health, okay? Fruit number six is accepted, yes. Olives are considered a fruit and diabetics can include olives in their routine, especially for lunch or dinner.
Of course, as it is a canned fruit, we should not exaggerate the quantities, we must be careful. So consuming a few units to be able to compose a salad or a dish for your lunch or dinner meal will bring benefits to your health. The important thing is that you pass it under running water to eliminate excess sodium.
Because it is a canned food. But you can add. Yes, you can add it to your routine without major problems to be able to compose your meals, especially the lunch meal and also the dinner meal.
Be sure to add olives to your routine. It is true? It's fruit number seven, it's the strawberry.
Strawberry is an excellent ally for those with diabetes. It's okay that it's not such a cheap fruit, but if you buy, for example, a tray a week or every 15 days, it will be a fruit that is an excellent ally for those with diabetes, especially to be able to compose a quick meal, as a snack or breakfast. You can also add it as dessert, eat two or three strawberries after lunch or after dinner and this will bring benefits, as it is a fruit that has vitamins, minerals, also has an antioxidant action that will bring benefits to those with diabetes.
But of course, if your current income doesn't allow you to buy strawberries, that's okay, you don't have to buy them, at least you have the knowledge that you can add strawberries when you can. When you have the opportunity to eat the strawberry, then you eat it without any problems. Knowledge ends up freeing many diabetics, as they end up thinking that they cannot eat anything or that food for diabetics is too expensive.
So let's stop to think about the list I've said so far, lemon is more accessible, passion fruit, guava, olives. So we do have options to be able to add. If you can buy the strawberry, be sure to buy it.
It's a tasty fruit. It is a practical fruit to add to our routine. So, if you have the opportunity, use it, okay?
It's fruit number eight, it's the peach. Peach is an excellent ally for those with diabetes. You can include it in your routine without any problems.
Consuming a peach unit a day will not bring this to Life for your treatment. Of course, you should prioritize the consumption of fruit and not, for example, peaches in syrup, as it is a food, it is a product rich in carbohydrates, because to be made it needs to be added sugar to create the syrup. And it has carbohydrates.
So you should avoid, for example, peaches in syrup or peach jam. However, adding the peach fruit itself to your routine will bring excellent benefits to your health and your treatment. If you noticed that we've already talked about eight different fruits to add to your routine, you can include them wisely, in a variety of ways.
So you consume some fruits during your week. Next week consume other fruits, because I'm sure you're noticing all these fruits there for you. When buying fruits to consume, start including these fruits once and for all, okay?
And fruit number nine is tangerine, or tangerine, or bergamot. I want you to comment down here if you made it to the video so far, what is this fruit called in your region? Gossip here in my region, in Minas Gerais, is very welcome for those with diabetes.
If you can easily find tangerine or tangerine or bergamot, then in your region you can continue to consume this fruit. Yes, it is very good for those with diabetes, it has vitamin C, minerals, it also has an antioxidant action and this directly helps you to find a balance for your treatment. Not to mention that it is a tasty fruit, which is a fruit that we find easily and it is not an expensive fruit either.
So this is important for you to create. Start looking favorably at fruits, which are really allies for those with diabetes. Once again, not all fruits will be easily found in our region.
Not all fruits are cheap, but from this list I'm sure that one fruit will make sense to you and will fit in your pocket. You will find it easily and it will be one more point, one more food, one more fruit in your routine that you can consume. Of course, we have several other fruits that diabetics can consume, but in today's list I chose the nine main fruits that diabetics can include in their routine.
Now, for you who are watching and who came here with me, the tip on how you can add fruit to your routine is as follows: you take the fruit you need to chop, like melon for example. Then you consume no more than 100 grams of melon. Your routine, for example, 100 grams of melon after breakfast to be able to compose the breakfast meal is a point.
Now you want to consume another fruit throughout your day. You include, for example, a peach after lunch. So you will consume 100 grams of melon for breakfast or 100 grams of melon for an afternoon snack.
And the peach you add right after lunch, as a dessert or right after dinner as a dessert. So my extra tip is don't consume more than two fruits in your day, because it's super important that you reach that balance. Do not exaggerate the quantities and then you will have a greater variety to be able to compose your meals throughout your week, throughout your month.
So it's super important that you only include two types of fruit in your day. So you make a plan to buy certain fruits to eat throughout your week. Next week you pick two more fruits and so on.
Regarding the lemon juice or passion fruit juice that I mentioned in this video, you can drink it throughout your day without any problems. Just don't sweeten it with sugar, this is super important that you understand once and for all. If you want to sweeten, use a sweetener of natural origin, such as stevia, xylitol or erythritol, or of industrialized origin such as sucralose or aspartame, and so on.
Of course, with sweeteners of industrial origin, you shouldn't exaggerate the amount of drops, so just drip a few drops to be able to give you a bigger one. A sweeter taste and will make you drink your juice without any problems. Is that right?
If you're watching so far, it's a sign that you liked the content. And if you liked the content, be sure to subscribe to the channel, leave your thumbs up, share this video with that friend who may have questions about diabetes. About fruits, about food, about how he can find the best ways to treat the diagnosis of diabetes, maintaining a variety of foods that will give him greater satisfaction to be able to better control the diagnosis.
It is true. Here on the side I'm going to leave another super content for you to continue marathoning the videos of the channel and diabetes so that you can find the best ways to treat your diagnosis, ok? So we'll stop here.
Stay with God and see you all!