School bullies have no idea they just messed with a mafia boss's son imagine being humiliated every day suffering taunts shoves and cruel laughter now imagine that without knowing it these bullies chose the worst possible person to torment the son of one of the most feared Mafia bosses in the city they thought he was weak they thought they could walk all over him without consequences but they were about to learn the truth in the worst way possible possible this is the story of how a group of school bullies learned that some people should never be messed
with the school hallways buzzed with the usual morning chaos students laughing lockers slamming footsteps echoing off the tile floors among the Sea of familiar faces a new presence went almost unnoticed Luca Moretti walked through the front doors of Westwood High with his hands in his pockets his expression unreadable he wasn't flashy didn't wear expensive clothes or boast about his background he was just another transfer student quiet and unassuming but if anyone had taken a closer look they might have noticed the way he moved calm controlled always aware of his surroundings he had grown up with
a set of rules drilled into him since childhood never draw unnecessary attention never start a fight and never ever show weakness for Luca this school was supposed to be a fresh start his father had insisted on it you need to learn how to live outside of our world he had said in a low firm voice make friends be normal normal Luca knew that word didn't apply to him he had seen too much heard too much he had spent nights in rooms filled with whispered conversations had watched Men lower their voices when his father entered a
room he had grown up understanding power in way these high school kids couldn't begin to imagine and yet to them he was nobody just another student at least that's what he had hoped but some people the kind who always looked for an easy target had a way of sensing something different something that made them curious or Worse made them want to test their limits and Luca was about to find out that some lessons were unavoidable Luca had been at Westwood high for less than a week when he first caught the their attention it started with
something small shoulder bumps in the hallway mocking Whispers when he passed by he ignored it he had been taught patience control but bullies always escalated when they didn't get the reaction they wanted the ring leader was a senior named Ryan Carter tall athletic and full of himself he was the kind of guy who thrived on making others feel small his crew three other the boys just as arrogant fed off his energy laughing at every insult encouraging every push Luca remained silent through it all hey new kid Ryan smirked one afternoon cornering him near the lockers
you deaf or just stupid Luca didn't Flinch he simply looked at him his gaze calm unreadable that unsettled Ryan more than an insult would have what's with the silent Act another one of them sneered too scared to talk Luca wasn't scared he had seen real fear before the kind that turned grown men pale made their hands Shake he had heard desperate voices begging for mercy had watched his father decide whether those pleas were worth listening to compared to that Ryan and his friends were nothing but he couldn't react not yet so he let them talk
let them push him once twice he absorbed every insult every cheap laugh and still he said nothing that was their mistake they thought his silence meant weakness they thought he was afraid they had no idea who they were dealing with Luca had endured worse his entire life had been a lesson in Restraint he had learned from a young age that power wasn't about reacting it was about control his father had drilled that into him a man who lets his emotions rule him is already defeated so when Ryan Carter and his gang pushed him in the
hallways when they knocked his books to the floor when they whispered threats just loud enough for him to hear Luca did what he was trained to do he waited he didn't fight back he didn't argue he didn't even acknowledge them and that drove them crazy Ryan thrived on fear he was used to kids begging him to stop teachers looking the other way the satisfaction of knowing he could do whatever he wanted without consequences but Luca wasn't afraid and the more he ignored them the angrier they became one afternoon in the cafeteria Ryan decided he had
enough Luca was sitting alone eating in silence when Ryan and his crew walked up look at this guy Ryan scoffed loud enough for the entire table to hear all alone no friends no life maybe he doesn't even speak English his friends laughed Luca kept eating Ryan's smirk faltered he hated being ignored what's the matter huh cat got your tongue still nothing Ryan's jaw clenched he grabbed Luca's tray and flipped it sending his food crashing onto his lap the cafeteria went silent Luca slowly looked down at his ruined clothes then just as calmly he lifted his
eyes to meet Ryan's no anger no fear just a quiet unreadable stare Ryan shifted uncomfortably for a second it almost felt like he had made a mistake but he shook it off guess you'll have to clean that up huh he sneered maybe you should learn to speak if you want people to respect you Luca exhaled slowly and stood up the room was dead silent he didn't retaliate didn't even look look at Ryan again instead he walked out leaving the mess behind Ryan laughed but it felt forced he thought he had won he had no idea
that the game had just begun Luca walked out of the cafeteria his face unreadable but inside something had shifted he had been patient he had given them every chance to back off but now they had crossed a line and he wasn't going to let it slide that at night as he sat at the dinner table his father studied him carefully Matteo Moretti was a man of few words but his presence alone could silence a room he had built an Empire on discipline respect and an unshakable reputation you're quiet tonight his father said cutting into his
stake something happen Luca hesitated it's nothing Matteo set his Fork down you know better than to lie to me Luca looked at him debating whether to say anything finally he exhaled just some guys at school think they own the place they've been messing with me his father's expression didn't change names Luca shook his head I can handle it Mato leaned back watching him carefully handling it doesn't always mean doing nothing Luca knew what that meant his father had always taught him that there were two kinds of men in the world those who let others walk
over them and those who reminded people why that was a bad idea I don't want to draw attention Luca said a small smirk played at the corner of Matteo's lips attention is inevitable son the only question is who controls it Luca thought about that for a long time the next morning he walked into school with a different energy he wasn't going to start a fight he didn't need to but he was going to make them regret ever thinking he was weak and it would start today the shift was subtle at first Luca still moved the
same way calm controlled deliberate but something in his eyes had changed and people noticed Ryan Carter and his crew had no idea but the moment they flipped Luca's tray their Fates had already been sealed they just hadn't realized it yet that morning as Ryan walked through the Halls something felt off students whispered as he passed some avoided his gaze altogether his usual confidence faltered just for a second then at his locker he found the first sign a single playing card tucked into the metal slats the Ace of Spades Ryan frowned what the hell is this
this he muttered one of his friends Connor snatched it from his hands and snickered looks like someone's trying to scare you but Ryan wasn't laughing something about it felt deliberate the unease grew throughout the day in every hallway every classroom people kept stealing glances at him by lunch even his friends had started to notice all right what is going on Ryan finally snapped that's when a sophomore pale and nervous hesitated before speaking you you don't know who he is do you Ryan frowned who the kid swallowed hard Luca Ryan scoffed the mute loser the boy
shook his head Luca Moretti for the first time Ryan hesitated that name Moretti felt familiar and then slowly the pieces started to fall into place Moretti as in Mato Moretti as in the Matteo Moretti the man whose name was whispered in dark Corners the man whose enemies disappeared Ryan's face paled that's not possible he muttered but it was and the whole school already knew Ryan and his friends had spent weeks tormenting the one person they never should have touched and now it was too late Ryan's stomach Twisted as he walked through the Halls his mind
racing it had to be a joke a sick rumor there was no way Luca wants to talk to you the voice came from behind him Ryan turned sharply to see two guys he had never met before they weren't students they were older mid 20s maybe dressed too well for Westwood High and their eyes calm calculating made Ryan's pulse Spike I I don't know what you're talking about Ryan stammered one of the men smirked sure you do let's take a walk Ryan swallowed hard his friends nowhere to be seen the students around him pretending not to
notice no one was going to help him the two men flanked him as they walked toward the back of the school where the staff parking lot sat mostly empty and there leaning against a sleek black car was Luca except this wasn't the same Luca Ryan had tormented this Luca was relaxed his arms crossed watching Ryan with an expression that sent ice down his spine he wasn't angry he wasn't even smirking he was just waiting Ryan stopped a few feet away his throat dry look man I didn't you talk too much Luca interrupted Ryan shut up
immediately Luca stepped forward you thought I was weak Ryan didn't respond what could he say you wanted to humiliate me Luca continued his voice even you wanted to make an example out of me now I'll return the favor Ryan felt the blood drain from his face I I didn't mean anything by it Luca tilted his head slightly as if considering that then he leaned in just enough for Ryan to hear his next words clearly I could ruin you he said softly and I wouldn't even have to touch you Ryan shivered he believed him Luca stepped
back but I won't Ryan blinked confused Lucas smirked for the first time because you're already finished Ryan didn't understand until he checked his phone an hour later his father had left five missed calls his mother had sent frantic texts and then the final blow a single message from an unknown number tell your father to be more careful with his business accidents happen Ryan felt his entire world tilt he hadn't just messed with some nobody he had stepped on the toes of the one person who could make his entire family disappear and now he would live
the rest of his life knowing it Ryan never touched Luca again in fact he barely spoke at all after that day the once cocky bully walked through the halls of Westwood high like a ghost silent pale always looking over his shoulder his friends distanced themselves sensing something had changed they didn't know the details but they knew enough Luca on the other hand went back to his quiet routine he didn't gloat he didn't brag he didn't need to power wasn't about being loud it wasn't about throwing punches it was about knowing when to act and how
to make sure it never happened again Ryan learned that the hard way and Luca he had just proven to himself and to his father that he didn't need to be like the men he had grown up around to be respected sometimes fear was louder than violence and in the right hands silence was the most powerful weapon of all