IN PRACTICE, LEARN to Have UNSHAKABLE FAITH with Psalm 46 and C.S. Lewis

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the path of faith is marked both by moral effort and by total surrender to God recognizing that in the end it is he who works in us to Will and to act CS Lewis Brothers and Sisters in Christ have you ever felt like the world is against you with chaos closing in from all sides what if I told you that there is a powerful Psalm that can anchor your soul and fill you with unshakable peace my friends today we are going to dive into Psalm 46 a source of divine wisdom and comfort I want to
walk with you through this powerful Psalm verse by verse uncovering the Deep truths that can steady our hearts in any storm I will also pray a powerful prayer with you so open your heart to receive the blessings of this prayer with me today hello we are Soulful devotions and if you are here today it is not by chance God works in mysterious ways and I believe you were guided here by our Lord I need to ask if you like our content please like subscribe and share it with those you love without further Ado let's get
to the word Lewis tells us now Faith in the sense in which I am using the word here is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing moods for moods will change whatever view your reason takes I know that by experience now that I am a Christian I do have moods in which the whole thing looks very improbable but when I was an atheist I had moods in which Christianity looked terribly probable this rebellion of your moods against your real self is going to come anyway that
is why faith is such a necessary virtue unless you teach your moods where to get off you can never be either a sound Christian or even a sound atheist but just a creature dithering to and fro with its beliefs really dependent on the weather and the state of its digestion imagine a beekeeper calmly tending to a hive with thousands of bees for most this scene would invoke panic and fear of being stung however The Beekeeper moves with Serene confidence at peace amidst what others see as danger this is the kind of unshakable confidence and inner
Stillness that Psalm 46 invites us to embrace this Psalm teaches us to find our Center in the unchanging presence of God let us begin our journey through this remarkable Psalm and discover how it can revolutionize our faith and our lives now we will explore the unshakable Refuge of our heavenly father as we examine verses 1 to3 of Psalm 46 God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble these words remind us that God is Not distant or uninterested in our lives he is our Safe Harbor our source of power and he is
always ready to help when we Face difficulties the psalmist emphasizes that God is very present not just present but intensely present this means that regardless of the troubles we Face God is there with us offering his strength and protection now let's consider verses two and three therefore we will not fear though the Earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though its Waters Roar and be troubled though the mountains shake with its swelling here the psalmist paints a picture of extreme natural disasters events that would normally cause intense
fear however because of God's presence the psalmist declares we will not fear this is not blind optimism or denial of reality it is is a deep confidence in God's power and protection my brothers and sisters think of the most frightening situations you can imagine now imagine facing those situations with the unshakable belief that God is there with you protecting and strengthening you this is the kind of Faith this Psalm calls us to embrace in Proverbs 18:10 we read the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run to it and are safe this
verse Echoes the sentiment of Psalm 46 when we run to him we find safety no matter what storms surround us but what does it mean to make God our refuge it means turning to him first when troubles arise instead of relying solely on our own strength or worldly Solutions it means trusting in his wisdom above our own understanding it means finding our peace in his presence not in the absence of problems my friends making God our refuge is a daily Choice a habit we must cultivate it is not always easy especially when the challenges of
life seem overwhelming but the more we practice running to God the more natural it becomes and the more we experience his faithfulness the more our confidence grows think think of it as building a muscle the more you exercise it the stronger it becomes similarly the more we exercise our faith by trusting in God as our refuge the stronger and more unshakable our faith becomes Lewis tells us faith in Christ is the only thing that will save you from despair at that point and from that faith in him good actions must inevitably arise the bible really
seems to resolve the issue when it puts the two things together in one amazing sentence the first half is work out your own salvation with fear and trembling which looks as if everything depended on us and our good actions but the second half continues for it is God who works in you to Will and to act which looks as if God did everything and we nothing excerpt from the book Mere Christianity now let's consider verse three again though its Waters Roar and be troubled though the mountains shake with its swelling these words paint a vivid
picture of turbulence and instability Roaring Waters shaking mountains are powerful forces Beyond human control yet even in the face of such chaos we are called to remain unafraid because of our trust in God this reminds me of the words in Isaiah 4312 but now thus says the Lord who created you oh Jacob and he who formed you oh Israel fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by your name you are mine when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when
you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you God does not promise that we will never face problems instead he promises to be with us through those problems ensuring that they do not overwhelm us Brothers and Sisters in Christ this is the heart of what it means to have God as our refuge it is not about avoiding all difficulties but about facing them with the confidence that God is with us it is about knowing knowing that no matter how big the problem God Is Bigger no matter how strong
the storm our refuge is stronger I want you to reflect on your own life where are you seeking Refuge are you trying to face the storms of life on your own or are you running to the Strong Tower of God's presence remember God is not just a refuge for some people or in some circumstances he is our refuge yours and mine in in all times and in all situations let us commit today to turn to him first to trust in his strength instead of our own as we do this we will find a peace that
surpasses all understanding a strength that never fails and a refuge that cannot be shaken let's now examine Verses 4 to7 of Psalm 46 verse four tells us there is a river whose streams make glad the city of God the holy place of the Tabernacles of the most high this verse paints a beautiful picture of peace and joy in the presence of God the city of God represents his dwelling place where his people finds safety and happiness the river symbolizes the constant flow of God's blessings refreshing and sustaining his people this image reminds us of revelation
22 one where the scripture says and he showed me a pure River of Water of Life clear as Crystal proceeding from the Throne of God and of the Lamb both passages speak of the lifegiving presence of God among his people brothers and sisters this River of God's presence is not just a future hope it is available to us now when we open our hearts to God his Spirit flows through our lives like a refreshing stream verse 5 continues God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved God shall help her just at
the break of dawn this verse emphasizes God's constant presence and his timely help the phrase just at the break of dawn suggests that God's help comes at the perfect moment when it is most needed this reminds us of Lamentations 3:22 23 through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because his compassions fail not they are new every morning great is your faithfulness each New Day brings fresh mercies from our ever faithful God now let's look at verse six it says the Nations raged the kingdoms were moved he uttered his voice the Earth melted this verse
contrasts the turmoil of Earthly Powers with the supreme authority of God while Nations and kingdoms rise and fall God's voice has the power to melt the very Earth this reminds us that no matter how chaotic or threatening our circumstances may seem God's power surpasses any Earthly Force verse seven brings us back to the central theme the Lord of hosts is with us the god of Jacob is our refuge this powerful declaration is repeated later in the psalm emphasizing its importance it reminds us that the almighty God of the universe is personally present with us he
is not a distant God but a close companion and protector the phrase God of Jacob is also significant Jacob despite his flaws and struggles experienced God's faith fulness throughout his life by using this name the psalmist reminds us that God is faithful even when we are not perfect beloved these verses paint a picture of security that goes beyond mere physical safety they speak of a deep peace in the soul that comes from knowing we are in God's presence think of the safest place you know Perhaps it is your home or the Embrace of a loved
one now imagine a security that goes even deeper than that a security rooted in the very presence of the creator of Heaven and Earth this is the security these verses are describing but how do we access this security how do we experience the joy of God's River and the protection of his presence it all begins by recognizing our need for him so often we try to find security in other things our jobs our relationships our achiev AI Ms but these things as good as they may be can never provide the Deep unshakable security that God
offers moreover we must remember that the things of this world are temporary but God's presence and security are Eternal we need to consciously choose to dwell in God's presence to make him our refuge this means spending time with him in prayer and in his word it means aligning our lives with his will and trusting in his guidance it means relying on his strength instead of our own as we do this we begin to experience the reality of these verses in our lives we find joy in God's presence even when circumstances are difficult we experience his
help arriving at just the right moment we feel secure knowing that the Lord of hosts is with us my dear friends I want to encourage you to make this your daily reality do not settle for the temporary security the world offers instead seek the lasting security found in God's presence let his River of blessings flow through your life bringing joy and peace rest in the knowledge that he is with you that he is your Refuge no matter what challenges you face no matter how turbulent the world around you becomes you can stand firm because the
god of Jacob is your Refuge once again I invite you to reflect on your own life where are you seeking security are you experiencing the joy that comes from God's presence if not what steps can you take to dwell more in the city of God remember God's offer is always open his river is always flowing his presence is always available all we need to do is turn to him and receive my brothers and sisters let us now focus on verses 8 to 11 of Psalm 46 and explore what it means to be still and know
come Behold The Works of the Lord who has made desolations in the Earth this verse invites us to witness God's Mighty Deeds the psalmist calls us to open our eyes and recognize God's work in the world around us even in desolations or destructions we are reminded that God is at work this Echoes the words of Isaiah 45 7 which says I formed the light and create Darkness I make peace and create Calamity I the Lord do all these things God sovereignty extends over all events both good and challenging verse 9 continues he makes Wars cease
to the end of the Earth he breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two he burns The Chariot in the fire here we see God as the ultimate Peacemaker he has the power to end all conflicts and destroy the weapons of war this reminds us of Micah 4 three which tells us he shall judge between many peoples and rebuke strong Nations a far off they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their Spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation neither shall they learn War anymore both passages point to God's
ability to bring peace where there is conflict in a world often torn apart by Discord and strife these verses offer hope they remind us that true and Lasting peace comes only from God now we come to verse 10 perhaps the most well-known verse of this Psalm be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the Nations I will be exalted in the earth these words are a powerful call to Stillness and to the recognition of God's sovereignty but what does it mean to be still in our busy and noisy World Stillness
can seem almost impossible yet this verse calls us to cultivate an inner Stillness to cease our striving and to focus our attention on God it is in this Stillness that we truly know God not just know about him but know him personally and intimately this knowing goes beyond intellectual understanding it is a deep and experiential knowledge that transforms Us From the Inside Out brothers and sisters in Christ when was the last time you were truly still before God when was the last time you quieted your anxious thoughts set aside your worries and simply rested in
his presence this Stillness is not passive or unproductive it is active and transformative it is in these moments of Stillness that God often speaks most clearly to our hearts it is where we gain perspective find peace peace and receive strength the second part of verse 10 reminds us of God's ultimate purpose to be exalted among the Nations and in the Earth this exaltation is not because God has an ego but for our benefit when we recognize and honor God's greatness we place ourselves in right relationship with him we acknowledge our dependence on him and open
our hearts to his guidance and blessing finally verse 11 repeats the powerful refrain the Lord of hosts is with us the god of Jacob is our refuge this repetition serves to emphasize the central message of the psalm no matter what we face no matter how chaotic the world becomes we can find refuge in God the Lord of hosts the commander of heavenly armies is with us the God who was faithful to Jacob despite his flaws is our refuge my dear friends this Psalm offers us a road map for navigating the challenges of life it calls
us to recognize God's power to seek his presence and to find our peace in him it invites us to be still to know God deeply and to trust in his sovereignty so how do we apply these truths in our daily lives pay close attention because this is very important first we need to make time for Stillness in our Busy World this may mean setting aside specific moments for prayer and reflection it may mean turning off our devices and finding a quiet place to Simply Be With God second we need to cultivate an awareness of God's
presence throughout the day remember he is not just with us during our quiet mod moments but in every moment third we need to actively choose to make God our refuge when troubles arise our first instinct should be to turn to him not to our own resources or worldly Solutions fourth we need to look for God's work in the world around us even in difficult times we can see evidence of his power and love if we open our eyes to it finally we we need to rest in the knowledge of God's sovereignty no matter what happens
in the world around us God remains in control my friends I encourage you to carry these truths from Psalm 46 with you let them shape your perspective and guide your actions remember the Lord of hosts is with you the god of Jacob is your Refuge be still and know that he is God in that knowledge you can face any challenge with confidence and peace remember that God is our unshakable refuge the source of Living Waters in his holy city and The Sovereign Lord who calls us to be still and know him amid life storms hold
on to the truth that the Lord of hosts is with you and the god of Jacob is your Refuge let this Psalm be your anchor in times of trouble your source of joy in moments of peace and your constant reminder of God's unshakable presence and power find courage to be still trust in his sovereignty and experience the deep and transformative knowledge of who he is every day carry the Peace of Psalm 46 in your hearts letting it shape your thoughts guide your actions and deepen your faith and in all circumstances God remains your strength your
peace and your everpresent help to close Lewis says faith is not simply believing in doctrines but trusting in Christ to fill our deficiencies and transform us into His Image now for all those who are hearing my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you may receive all the blessings of this prayer let us pray to our gracious and loving God almighty God creator of Heaven and Earth I stand in awe of your majesty and power your name is exalted above all names and
your glory fills the Earth you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the source of all life and wisdom I Marvel at your infinite love your unfailing mercy and your perfect Justice you are my rock my Fortress and my deliverer the one who upholds the universe in your hands Lord I Thank You for Your constant presence in my life for being my refuge in times of trouble I am grateful for the peace that flows like a river from your throne refreshing my soul thank you for your word in Psalm 46 which
reminds me of your unshakable strength and protection I am grateful for your patience with me your guidance through life storms and your boundless compassion thank you for your daily provisions and blessings merciful father I come before you with a humble heart asking for forgiveness for my sins cleanse me from all unrighteousness and renew a right Spirit within me I also forgive those who have wronged me releasing all bitterness and resentment Lord teach me to be still and know that you are God help me to quiet my an ious thoughts and find rest in your presence
when chaos surrounds me remind me that you are my unshakable refuge fill me with your peace that surpasses all understanding in jesus' name I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper I rebuke fear anxiety and doubt in the mighty name of Jesus I bind the spirit of unbelief and claim the spirit of faith in my life Lord make me a vessel of your peace in this turbulent world use me to bring hope to the Hopeless and comfort to the Brokenhearted let your Living Waters flow through me bringing life and joy to those around
me I pray for healing in all areas of my life physical emotional and spiritual touch my body with your healing power restoring what is broken and and strengthening what is weak heal my heart from past wounds and disappointments replacing pain with your perfect love renew my mind with your truth transforming my thoughts to align with your will I ask for your Divine protection against all the enemy's attacks guard Me From Evil from danger and from malicious schemes surround me with your angels and build a hedge of protection around me Lord I lift up my loved
ones before you asking that you bless them as you have blessed me pour out your grace upon them protect them from all harm and draw them closer to you may they also find refuge in you and experience the joy of your presence as I make this prayer along with all who are listening I am grateful for every heart that is open before you at this moment we come in agreement lifting each other up before your throne of grace unite us in your love and strengthen our faith as we seek you together we declare victory over
every challenge we face for greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world we claim the healing you promised believing that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed thank you for your protection over our lives lives our families and our communities Lord fill us aresh with your Holy Spirit empowering us to be bold Witnesses for Christ and guiding us into all truth we stand on your promises knowing that you are our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble help us to be still and know that you are
God trusting in your sovereignty over all circumstances may your will be done on Earth and in our lives as it is in heaven for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen receive your blessings from this prayer dear brothers and sisters it is with great joy that I declare God is always with us I believe you have been greatly blessed by this word and pray prayer today help us spread the word of God by simply liking
subscribing and sharing our videos by taking this action you help fulfill what is written in Mark 16:15 and he said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to Every Creature together with hearts full of love and gratitude let us bring the good news to every corner of the world following the Lord's call thank you for watching this video to the end and for praying with us we are always happy to be part of your daily life may God continue to bless each of you and your families until the next video
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