Top 1% Secret “They” Know about the Real God but You Don’t

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Vibration of the Universe
Unlock the top 1% secret about the real God that most people are unaware of. In this groundbreaking ...
Video Transcript:
you know we live in a world where we've been spoonfed the idea of God the universe or some higher power in a way that keeps us in a box they want us to think small to believe in a version of God that keeps us comfortable that keeps us from asking the hard questions but here's the thing the top 1% those who truly understand the nature of reality who wield power that seems almost Supernatural they know something about God that most people don't and when I say God I'm not talking about some distant figure sitting in
the clouds No I'm talking about the real force behind all creation something far more profound than we've been led to believe click subscribe to this channel to get more profound spiritual lessons have you ever wondered why certain people seem to just get it why can they manifest things out of thin air why does reality seem to bend around their will it's not luck it's not a coincidence they've tapped into a secret about God that allows them to manipulate reality itself you might think that sounds crazy but but it's not it's the truth and once you
understand it your whole concept of God of life will change forever we've been conditioned to think of God as something outside of ourselves but what if I told you the real God is within you not in some poetic metaphorical way but literally the Divine force that creates worlds that shapes galaxies is the same force that flows through your mind your thoughts your emotions the real God isn't up there he's in here and the top 1% they know this they don't pray to some external being hoping for a miracle they create Miracles they understand that the
power of God is The Power Of [Music] Consciousness let me ask you something when was the last time you questioned your idea of God I mean really questioned it not in a church not in a temple but in your own mind most of us are too scared to do that because we've been programmed to believe that questioning God is dangerous but that's exactly what keeps you from discovering the truth the real danger is in not questioning the real danger is in accepting the version of God that keeps you small that keeps you separated from the
infinite power within you the top 1% know that God isn't there to be worshiped God is there to be used and that's where most people get it wrong they think spirituality is about submission about following rules about hoping for salvation but the elite they know that God is a tool a force to be directed and they've been using this knowledge for centuries to gain power wealth and influence they don't talk about it because if the masses knew what they knew the whole system would fall apart governments religions corporations they all rely on keeping people in
the dark about the true nature of God and here's the kicker you don't have to be born into the top 1% to access this power it's not something reserved for the elite it's available to anyone who knows how to use it but the question is are you ready to see the truth are you ready to stop worshiping a God that's been designed to keep you weak and start harnessing the force that can make you Unstoppable you see the real God is not some personal being with human emotions the real God is energy it's the force
that flows through everything through you you through me through the entire universe and this energy responds to your thoughts your emotions your beliefs the top 1% understand that reality itself is a mental construct and by controlling their minds they control their reality they don't let life happen to them they make life happen now here's where it gets really interesting most people think that you need to be spiritual to meditate for hour hours to go on some long pilgrimage to connect with God but the top 1% they know that connection is instantaneous it's about alignment it's
about understanding that your thoughts are the most powerful force in the universe you don't have to wait for God to act you are God acting every thought you think is a command to the universe but only a few realize this so I'll ask you what's keeping you from realizing it let me tell you something the real secret isn't just knowing that God is within you it's understanding the mechanism of how this divine power Works through you and this is where the top 1% really separate themselves from everyone else they don't just know they have this
power they know how to use it you've probably heard the phrase thoughts become things but do you really understand what that means it's not just some motivational fluff it's literal your thoughts are constantly shaping your reality whether you know it or not but here's the catch most people are thinking thoughts that keep them stuck in the same Loop the same patterns the top 1% they think differently they understand that every thought creat creates a ripple in the fabric of reality it's like dropping a stone in a pond the ripples flow outward creating effects that you
can't even begin to see but here's what they really know that Ripple it's instant the moment you think reality shifts you may not see it immediately but the shift happens and the more aligned you are with the understanding that you are God the faster the shift becomes this is why some people can manifest things seemingly overnight While others struggle for years it's not about luck it's about alignment so how do you align yourself with this power how do you start thinking like the top 1% it's simple but not easy you have to start treating every
thought like a command to the universe most people let their thoughts run wild reacting to whatever happens around them but the elite they don't react they create they control their thoughts with laser-like Focus because they know every thought is in order to the Divine energy that shapes reality think about this when was the last time you really paid attention to your thoughts not just the big ones but the small ones the ones that seem insignificant because those small thoughts they're shaping your life just as much as the big ones the top 1% know that Mastery
over their thoughts is Mastery over reality and that's where the real secret lies it's not about praying harder it's not about meditating for hours it's about mastering your mind because once you do that reality bends to your will but here's the part that most people miss you can't just think positive thoughts and expect everything to change you have to believe it you have to feel it the top 1% know that emotion is the fuel that powers thought if you're thinking one thing but feeling another you're sending mixed signals to the universe and the universe it
responds to the strongest signal so if you're thinking abundance but feeling fear guess what you're going to get more scared the top 1% don't just think Rich they feel rich they don't just think powerful they feel powerful and that's the key so ask yourself how are you feeling right now this is where we get into the final most powerful part of the secret it's not enough to know that God is within you it's not enough to understand how your thoughts shape reality the top 1% have mastered something even deeper they've mastered the art of Detachment
now that might sound strange why would you detach if you want to create your reality isn't the whole point to focus on what you want yes but here's the twist the more you need something to happen the more you push it away [Music] the top 1% know that the real key to manifesting your desires is to want them but not need them they've mastered The Art of Letting Go they know that when you're desperate for something you're operating from a place of lack and lack only creates more lack here's the paradx the more you can
let go the more you can create the top 1% don't cling to outcomes they set their intentions they focus their thoughts and emotions but then they let it go they trust that the universe will deliver and it always does because when you let go you're telling the universe that you already have it you're signaling abundance not lack and abundance attracts abundance think about it how many times have you wanted something so so badly only to see it slip through your fingers that's because the more you hold on the more you block the flow the top
1% understand that the real power of God within us is a power of flow it's a power that works best when we let go of control because in reality control is an [Music] illusion the top 1% don't control reality they flow with it they understand that they are part of the same energy that creates worlds and that energy doesn't need to be controlled it just needs to be harnessed and when you let go when you trust in the power within you that's when the real magic happens so I'll leave you with this final question are
you ready to let go are you ready to stop forcing your reality and start flowing with it because the moment you do you'll realize that the top 1% aren't special they've just learned the secret that's been inside you all along it's time for you to tap into it here's the thing most people spend their whole lives seeking they seek happiness they seek success they seek love they seek God but what if I told you the top 1% don't seek anymore they've moved Beyond seeking into a state of knowing and that's the shift that changes [Music]
everything when you're seeking something you're operating from the belief that it's missing you're constantly in a state of lack always looking for something outside of yourself to fill the void but the top 1% they've realized that everything they've been seeking was inside them all along they've stopped chasing they've stopped searching instead they've stepped into the realization that they already are everything they want to be think about it if you knew deep down in your bones that you were already connected to all the abundance love and Power in the universe how would you act differently would
you still be chasing things or would you start attracting them effortlessly simply because you know they're already yours this is what the top 1% know about the real God there's nothing to seek because you are already connected to everything you desire the real God isn't some external Force you have to search for the real God is the energy that flows through every single one of your cells the Consciousness that creates your thoughts the force that beats your heart and once you realize that once you know it everything changes you stop stop living in fear fear
can only exist in a state of Separation a state where you believe you're disconnected from what you want but the moment you step into knowing fear disappears the top 1% don't live in fear because they've realized there's nothing to fear they know they are the creators of their own reality they know that the real God is the Consciousness that flows through them and that means they have access to unlimited power so why are so many people still living in fear why do they feel disconnected it's because they've been conditioned to believe in a version of
God that keeps them small a version of God that separate from them distant unreachable but the top 1% know that this version of God Is A Lie the real God is the force that's flowing through your mind your heart your soul and and once you know that once you stop seeking and start being you become Unstoppable but here's the real question are you ready to stop seeking are you ready to step into the knowing that you already have everything you need right here right now because that's the shift that will take you from living like
the 99% to living like the 1% the top 1% don't wait for permission they don't wait for a sign from the universe they don't wait for things to fall into place they know that they are the sign they are the permission they are the permission they are the force that makes things fall into place and that's the mindset you need to cultivate if you want to access the same power you see the real God doesn't give you things the real God gives you the ability to create things and that's the secret most people don't understand
they pray for things to happen they beg for miracles they hope for change but the top 1% they don't hope they know they know that they are the miracle they know that they are the change and once you truly understand that once you embody that knowing you'll stop waiting for life to happen to you and you'll start making life happen on your terms [Music] so here's the challenge stop seeking stop waiting stop hoping start knowing start acting as if you already have the power because you do start creating your reality because you can the top
1% know that they are creators not victims they know that their thoughts their emotions their actions are the tools they use to shape their world and the moment you step into that same knowing the moment you stop looking for God and start realizing that you are the embodiment of God's power you'll start to see miracles happen in your life but here's the thing this shift doesn't happen overnight it takes practice it takes awareness it takes a commitment to retraining your mind to think and feel in alignment with the truth of who you are and that's
where most people get stuck they want instant results they want the universe to hand them everything on a silver platter but the top 1% know that real power comes from Mastery Mastery over your mind Mastery over your emotions Mastery over your energy and that's what you need to work on you need to start mastering the art of knowing you need to start train training yourself to think feel and act like the Creator that you are because the more you do that the more you'll see your reality shift the more you'll see the power of God
working through you and the more you'll realize that the only thing that's ever been holding you back is the belief that you're separate from that [Music] power so I'll ask you again are you ready to stop seeking and start knowing it's time to break it down to the core to the most profound truth that the top 1% live by you are the Divine in action this isn't just spiritual fluff this is the real deal the top 1% don't just believe in God they know that they are God manifesting in human form and I know that's
a radical statement but stay with me because this is the truth that's been hidden from the masses for centuries when you hear that you are God it doesn't mean you're the creator of the entire universe in the way we've been taught to think about it it means you are a unique expression of the Divine force that creates everything you are the universe experiencing itself you are Consciousness in human form and the same power that creates Stars galaxies and entire realities is flowing flowing through you right now the top 1% understand this at a fundamental level
they don't see themselves as separate from the Divine they don't see God as something out there they see themselves as part of the Divine tapestry of existence intricately woven into the fabric of reality itself and because of this they know they have the power to shape that reality [Music] you see the real God doesn't create from a place of need or lack the real God creates from a place of abundance and that's how you need to start seeing yourself you're not here to beg for scraps from the universe you're here to create to expand to
express the infinite abundance that already exists within you when you start living from this place Everything Changes you stop seeing obstacles as problems and you start seeing them as opportunities for growth you stop fearing failure and you start embracing it as part of the process of creation you stop waiting for external validation and you start trusting your own inner guidance knowing that the Divine is speaking through you this is the final Revelation you are the Divine in action you are the creator of your reality and the only limits that exist are the one ones you
place on yourself the top 1% Live Without Limits because they know that they are the ones who set the rules they are the ones who decide what's possible and so are you so I'll ask you one last time are you ready to stop living like you're separate from God and start living like you are God In Action because the moment you make that shift the moment you step into that truth you'll realize that the top 1% don't have any special powers they've just unlocked the power that's been inside them all along and now it's your
turn to do the same now that we've touched on the deepest truth that you are the Divine in action let's explore how the top 1% use this understanding to actively shape their reality one of the most powerful tools they wield is belief [Music] you see belief isn't just a thought you hold in your mind it's a force that bends reality around you the top 1% understand that belief is the key to unlocking the power of God within and directing it in whatever way they choose they don't just believe in their success their power or their
Vision they know it's already theirs so what makes belief so powerful it's simple your beliefs are the blueprint for your reality they are the instructions you give to the universe to your subconscious mind and to the Divine energy that flows through [Music] you the top 1% know that the universe is constantly responding to their beliefs if they believe they are unstoppable then they are if they believe they are entitled to abundance then abundance flows to them the universe doesn't argue with your beliefs it simply reflects them back to you here's where it gets interesting most
people think they believe in success wealth or happiness but deep down they hold conflicting beliefs that cancel out what they truly desire for example you might say you believe in abundance but if deep down you feel unworthy or fearful of failure those subconscious beliefs will sabotage e your efforts the top 1% have mastered the art of belief alignment they've trained themselves to eliminate any beliefs that contradict their desires so their conscious and subconscious minds are fully aligned with their goals so how do you begin to align your beliefs with the reality you want to create
first you have to identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back what stories are you telling yourself what beliefs about yourself or the world are keeping you stuck maybe you believe that success is hard or that you don't deserve happiness or that money is scarce these beliefs are like chains keeping you from stepping into your divine power once you've identified these limiting beliefs the next step is to replace them with empowering beliefs this isn't about wishful thinking or repeating empty affirmations it's about reprogramming your mind at the deepest level the top 1% use techniques
like visualization meditation and self- hypnosis to install new beliefs that are in alignment with their goals they don't just tell themselves they are powerful they feel it they don't just think about abundance they live as if they already have it and that's the key you have to live your belief it's not enough to think about it or talk about it you have to embody it you have to act as if the thing you desire is already yours because here's the truth belief without action is meaningless the top 1% don't just sit around believing in success
they take action every single day that reinforces their belief they move through the world world with the confidence that comes from knowing that the universe is conspiring in their favor now I know what you're probably thinking but what if I believe something and it doesn't happen this is where most people get stuck they try to believe in something but when they don't see immediate results they get discouraged but the top 1% understand that reality doesn't always shift instantly it takes time for the universe to re range itself around your beliefs especially if you've been holding
on to limiting beliefs for most of your life patience is key the universe is always working behind the scenes even when you don't see it so let me ask you what do you believe about yourself about your potential about your power because whatever you believe that's what you're creating if you want to change your reality you have to start by changing your Bel beliefs and that's not something that happens overnight it's a process of consistent daily work one of the most misunderstood aspects of spiritual power is the importance of consistency the top 1% know that
success both in the material and spiritual Realms is not about bursts of inspiration or occasional effort it's about showing up every single day it's about committing to the process no matter how long it takes you see the universe rewards persistence most people give up too soon they try something for a week a month maybe even a few months and when they don't see the results they want they throw in the towel but the top 1% they keep going even when it looks like nothing is happening they understand that every action every thought every belief is
planting a seed and while some seeds sprout quickly others take time but they know that as long as they keep watering those seeds they will eventually bear fruit consistency is the key to mastering your mind your beliefs and your energy the top 1% don't just meditate or visualize when they feel like it they do it every day they don't just focus on their goals when they're motivated they work on them even when they don't feel like it because they understand that Mastery doesn't come from occasional effort it comes from dedication think about it this way
if you were to plant a garden you wouldn't expect the flowers to bloom overnight right you'd understand that you need to water the seeds tend to the soil and give them time to grow but in our fast-paced world we've been conditioned to expect instant results we want everything now and when it doesn't happen we get frustrated and give up but the top 1% know that the Divine process requires time and here's the magic of consistency the more consistent you are the more you build momentum at first it might feel like nothing is happening you're doing
the work but you're not seeing the results but as you keep going as you keep believing as you keep taking action you start to build Unstoppable energy it's like rolling a snowball down a hill at first it's small but as it keeps rolling it gains more and more mass until it becomes a force that's impossible to stop this is why the top 1% never stop they know that every day they put in the work they're adding to their momentum and eventually that momentum becomes so powerful that nothing can stand in their way but it all
starts with consistency the universe isn't interested in what you do sometimes it's interested in what you do every day so how can you start building consistency in your life it simple starts small you don't have to overhaul your entire life overnight just pick one thing one habit one belief one action and commit to doing it every day maybe it's meditating for 5 minutes maybe it's visualizing your goals before bed maybe it's writing down three things you're grateful for each morning whatever it is start small and build from there the top 1% didn't become Masters overnight
they started just like you one step at a time now here's the final question are you willing to be consistent are you willing to show up every day even when it feels like nothing is happening because that's the secret that separates the top 1% from everyone else they don't stop and neither should you [Music]
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