Philip Kotler sobre Marketing Digital

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Danilo Saksida
Conheça a opinião do profissional de marketing mais respeitado dos últimos anos sobre Marketing Digi...
Video Transcript:
[Music] [Applause] [Music] I am Philip kler I'm a professor from Northwestern University the Kell Graduate School of Management um in Chicago area and I am a great friend of HSM for I think 20 or 25 years but in any case what I'm here for is to give a uh a class um on on what's happening in mark marketing bringing uh the students uh at the HSM education up to the the standard of what they can do with marketing by understanding uh the newer developments particularly the fact that today uh because of the ability of people
to communicate with each other on the internet and say good or bad things about companies uh it means that all companies must become good if you remain a Bad Company the word gets out it will kill you I did want to say that social media is creating a revolution for uh the marketing world and uh I'm uh kind of disturbed that uh CMOS Chief marketing officers uh confess that they're not really prepared for the use of social media uh they are aware of it certainly their children can teach them about it but the fact is
they don't understand it well enough to know how to use it to uh get growth and to get results turn 10% over to social media put it in the hands of some young people and as they learn then give them more money so I think it's going to create uh a whole new U Effectiveness and system for winning as a competitive firm thank you very [Music] much
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