The Law of Attraction Law of Attraction Law of Attraction Law of Attraction Law of Attraction we become what we think about most of the time you got to change the vibration you're in and your whole world changes you get it when you believe it you get it when you believe you have it if you put your mind to it anything is possible Define what you want and have 100% belief in it if you can see it here you have the courage enough to speak it it will happen and remember to think imagination is everything and
we can become what we can imagine Our intention is everything the way you think creates reality for yourself if you see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand now water is the most receptive of the four elements this first picture is a picture picture of water from the fujiwara dam and this picture is the same water after receiving a blessing from a Zen Buddhist monk and it's really fascinating when you keep in mind that 90% of our bodies are water make sure wonderand does it if thoughts can do that to water
imagine what our thoughts can do to us and finally The Strangest Secret what makes a child grow up into the human being he becomes well this is the reason for that is that he becomes what he thinks about most of the time it's as simple as that you have to understand you are a magnet whatever you are that's what you draw to you if you're negative you're going to draw negativity you're positive you draw positive you're a kind person more people are kind to you so you're like a magnet you know and you got to
understand something about like or tracks like if you see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand this is so true you've got to grab them got to create dream boards you got to put the new car up on your mirror put the weight you want to be on the refrigerator if you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand That's the Law of Attraction that's what you bring to you set a goal to become a millionaire and he said here's why for what it will make of
you to achieve it and I got one of the greatest classes in one sentence I've ever received in my life set a goal that will make you stretch that far for what it will make of you to achieve it the greatest value in life is not what you get the greatest value in life is what you become we become what we think about most of the time and that's The Strangest Secret this is why thinking is so vital this is why our goal is so important because we will become that I think it's good to
remember that if we just go along with the crowd we won't wind up with much more than the wish that we could do it all over again and as far as we know you can't if we want to amount to anything as individuals we need individual goals individual thinking individual actions that day on the subway what did I say to you what were my words to you maybe it was your time to lose you didn't think so lose I don't lose I win I win I'm a lawyer that's my job that's what I do most
people don't affect reality in a consistent substantial way because they don't believe they can they write an intention and then they erase it because they think that's silly the law of attraction is always working you attract energy that's in harmony with you you attract people that are in harmony with you you see everything operates on frequencies there's a infinite number of frequencies but you and I operate on the frequency just like a radio station does and the only music you can attract is the music that is tuned into the vibration you're in I believe we're
creators and I believe we create with every thought and every word is every moment is pregnant with the next moment of your life I want to tell you the most interesting story in the world why a person becomes the person he becomes why a little boy or a little girl grows up to be the kind of person he or she becomes the estimates by the experts in this field are that most of us are using somewhere around 5% of our real potential some expert say as little as 1% we're only experiencing 5% of the fun
5% of the joy 5% of the rewards we could be knowing or less all the experts are agreed that in each of us there are deep reservoirs of ability even genius that we habitually fail to use why why isn't everyone successful the problem with most people is that they're playing the world's most unrewarding game and the the name of the game is follow the follower are the people I'm following going where I want to go whatever the great majority is doing under any given circumstance if you do exactly the opposite you'll probably never make another
mistake as long as you live the law of attraction is about speaking things into existence you got to understand that um your thoughts are not just these like uh Whimsical uh things that have no weight and carry no weight in the universe your thoughts are things your thoughts are like they hold weight and there's a big pool of energy in the universe that if you connect everyone's actually connected to it you know what I'm saying we're just the universe experience ourselves but when you really like tune into that uh ideology that yo my thoughts do
turn into something if I believe in and I put the right energy behind it you can really make what you want to have happen happen ask believe receive so many people overlook this very simple quality you don't have to figure it out that's what freezes people when you're trying to figure out your life all the way to the end when you can't figure it out it freezes you from trying it cuz you go oh well I can't figure that out oh I can't go over there cuz I don't know how you don't have to know
how you have to ask believe and receive that's as simple as it gets folks it's very very true science says show me and I'll believe faith says believe leave and I'll show you the only thing about a man that is a man is his mind everything else you can find in a pig or a horse let me leave you with some words from Muhammad Ali impossible it's just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in a world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change
it impossible is not a fact it's an opinion impossible is not a declaration it's a dat there now the latest research in Neuroscience says you can change your brain just by thinking so then as you begin to think about a new possibility and your brain begins to fire in new sequences and new patterns and new combinations and you begin to plan your behaviors and you begin to review in your mind mentally rehearse who you're going to be in your life the mere action of mental rehearsal begins to install the neurological circuits in your brain now
your brain is no longer a record of the past now it's in fact a map to the Future and if you were then to begin to emotionally embrace your future before it's made manifest in other words you're not waiting for your healing to feel wholeness you're not waiting for your new relationship to feel love that's the old model of reality of cause and effect your mind has to be stronger than your feelings your mind has to be stronger than your feelings think about every poor decision you've made in your life gosh there was more emotion
that was involved in it than there was mind every single one of them think about it really your feelings keep you in bed your mind tells you get up every single one of us affects the reality that we see even if we try to hide from that and play victim we all are doing it I'd like to share a lesson I learned from him it was 2008 the redeemed team was formed and we were in Vegas for the start a training camp and we were getting ready for the Olympics in Beijing we're going to head
to beijin and I wanted to establish myself as a young leader on the team by waking up bright and early day one so the goal was to be the first one at breakfast so I set my alarm I make sure I'm up by Sunrise I get out of bed I put on my gear and I head downstairs but when I get there Kobe's already there with ice packs on his knees drenched in sweat now it took me a minute to figure it out but this guy wasn't only awake before me he had already worked out
he had just played in the finals days earlier meanwhile I'd been off for months and I was still exhausted what he had done that morning was incomprehensible to me that dedication he had only days after falling short of an NBA championship that taught me some I've never forgotten Legends aren't defined by their successes they're defined by how they bounce back from their failures and that's what I hope to communicate to anyone watching this especially the kids I'm a firm believer of speaking things into existence same here brother believer of you know uh you work in
the universe gives back to you I'm a firm believer in that stuff you feel me in the Law of Attraction of course and God as well I'm a firm believer in the Law of Attraction and and um you know the way things come you watch me because in some way you can relate to me or you look up to me in some way well guess what you can go out and get this [ __ ] too I'm trying to tell you it's not easy it takes a lot of hard work dedication a lot of blessings
a lot of luck it's lucky but at the same time you have people that work years and years and years and years and it fu finally will pay off if you work extremely hard at whatever you got going on something that you love to do I swear to God your life will change I'm going to tell you guys right now your parents are might be the hardest people in your life that you got to convince so unfortunately if you're living under the roof and you're still taking their money and you're still eating their food you
got to listen to them you got to either get a nine-five job on the side you know you got to go to college you got to listen number you got to respect your parents you have to however once you start getting that leverage to where you can be like yo mom dad look off for a little bit let me grind what I got going on right now this is something special and great don't ever let somebody let you down don't ever let somebody tell you you cannot be something bro I'm telling you bro you guys
are all amazing it's the thoughts that you think that control the vibration you're in and that dictates what you attract people that are in a poverty Consciousness will continue to attract lack and limitation you got to change the vibration you're in and your whole world changes that's why I we trying to tell the young [ __ ] like just stay focused you understand you know what I'm saying keep your mind straight on the prize don't let nothing get in between you know what I'm saying got to focus up like my boy Favio said fully focused
you know what I'm saying fully focused you got to be fully focused can't let [ __ ] get between the way you and your go we got to just do it got to just do it to instruct people how to teach their body emotionally how that future could feel like before it's made manifest if they do it properly their body as the unconscious mind begins to believe it's living in that future reality in the present moment and they're beginning to Signal new genes and new ways that begins to change their body to look like the
event has already occurred play to win don't play to avoid loss because the things you fear the things that's going to happen to you set that Target on something positive work for it expect it the will to win is nothing without the will to prepare to win see everybody wants to win but are you willing to prepare to win how do you if you can see it here and you have the courage enough to speak it it will happen so I see these shots I see these sequences and I don't shy away from them a
lot of times people believe in certain things but they keep to themselves they don't put it out there if you truly believe in it if you be vocal with it you are creating that law of attraction and it will become reality you were born to do something great with your life in big ways and small ways it may not be on Instagram it may not get 20 million likes or views but you were born to do something great I'm going to say that to you again you you were born to do something great with your
life you are not average and ordinary and the third thing is this there's a power to doing one more and if you'll do one more you're one Decision One relationship one meeting one encounter one thought one podcast interview one book away from a completely different life you don't lack Vision you lack depth perception you think you're further than you are and you keep keeping it in that distance because you think it's so far away you're one away one relationship one meeting one person one thought away from changing your life that things that I repetitively think
about or say I'm able to manifest It's Our intention Our intention is everything nothing happens on this planet without it not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention I'm a Living Testament that the world is yours if you put your mind to it anything as possible thoughts is powerful in all facets cuz even my career even my life you know things end up turning out exactly how I visualized them not not in this time frame I expected you know what I'm saying you always want [ __ ] to happen overnight but you know
I just had clear Visions your thoughts powerful that [ __ ] you know come to life if you stick to your scribing gratitude is a powerful process the only way to move to the next level is you must show gratitude for where you are if you show gratitude it gets you to where you want to be quicker obviously you knew somewhere inside yourself that you were destined to be famous because I think it's a really a marvelous thing that visualization thing you did do you all do you all read about this or hear this that
you used to go up on malland drive and park and visualize seeing yourself as yeah I would visualize uh yeah I would Vis broken poor right having directors interested in me and people that I respected uh um saying you know I like your work or whatever that is and and uh I would visualize things coming to me that I wanted or whatever this was in like 19878 and I had nothing at that time so it was like it but it just made me feel better it made me at that time time all it really was
for me was kind of making me feel better I would drive home and think well I do have these things and they're out there I just don't have a hold of them yet but they're out there I wrote myself a check for $10 million for acting services rendered and I gave myself uh 5 years or 3 years maybe and uh and I I dated it Thanksgiving 1995 and I put it in my wallet and I kept it there and it deteriorated and deteriorated and stuff and um and uh but then just before Thanksgiving 1995 I
found out that I was going to make $10 million on I think it was Dumb and Dumber maybe Dumb and Dumber yeah so you visualize yourself like here yeah visualization works if you work hard yeah well yeah that's that's the thing you can't just visualize and then you know go eat a sandwich you can see it and believe it it is a lot easier to achieve it nothing happens at first it's over the process of the time and the effort and the energy that you put into a thing that the energy comes out you get
it when you believe it you get it when you believe you have it and that's the key is like people still they sit around going when's it going to come when's it going to come when's it going to come when's it going to come and that's the wrong way you're you're facing the wrong way you're facing away from it you have to go it's here it's here it's here so when you're thinking about what you want and you feel good about that even though you don't have it yet that's The Sweet Spot that's changing your
frequency what most people do is live throughout their life thinking about something they want and feeling frustrated that they don't have it and that's a frequency of not having it or lack which keeps it away from you or they look at their current situation whether it's debt or physical ailment and they feel frustrated and bad that they have that physical ailment now or debt now and that makes them feel bad and so they're vibrating that creating more of it so when I say changing frequency or changing vibration what I'm talking about is thinking about something
you want or desire whatever that may be and when you think about it it it makes you feel good even though it's not in your life right now and when you're in that spot and that's what I train people how to do how to get into that what we call The Sweet Spot when you're in that sweet spot then what you want comes into your life and sometimes that can happen with hours days weeks or months but it comes into your life and before it comes you're feeling better than ever before anyway you can have
be or do whatever you want in your life you have the power what was the biggest lie you were [Music] told it's not that simple why not no that's the biggest lie I was ever told it's not that simple and it's a lie they tell you over and over again how they get you to give up they say it's not that simple Vin so what's the truth that is it is that symbol that it always was I'm exactly where I wanted to be because I realized I got to commit my very being to this thing
I got to I got to breathe it I got to eat it I got to sleep it and until you get there you'll never be successful in life but once you get there I guarantee you the world is yours so work hard and you can have whatever it is you want a moment of pain is worth a lifetime of Glory you remember that you will win you will win you possess a power an energy a presence that is capable of anything and I mean anything that life that you dream of the lifestyle the freedom the
Fulfillment it is all right there waiting for you but first you must win this battle the battle between good and evil by choosing good you are choosing to be disciplined loyal and faith-driven by choosing evil you're choosing Temptation instant gratification and sin this is the only decision that separates you from everything that you so desire which will you choose pain is temporary it may last for a minute or an hour or a day or even a year but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place if I quit however it will last
forever at the end of pain is Success you're not going to die because cuz you feeling a little pain I failed why do we fce so that we can learn to pick ourselves up one time my mom said uh you need to get a job I said I already have a job I'm just not getting paid yet I'm working on my dream that's my job if I'm going to pay attention to my nightmare I should be able to work on my dream one of them is going to take my energy I would rather give my
energy to my dream than my nightmare if you ask for a lot then it's only fair that you expect to go through a lot you know you can't ask for hard things and then expect an easy life so yes you know some days it will be hard some days you will be tired and yes some days you will question and doubt yourself but just always remember you had a vision and this is what it takes in order to turn into a reality so you got to make that decision for yourself whether you down for that
ride or not and that is real I will get a reward for the pain that I go through I will not stop in the middle of the process I will not be defeated I will not be destroyed I will take everything that happens in my life and I will allow the pain to push me to Greatness you will not break me you will not stop me you will not defeat me the only way I lose is if I quit it's going to be a dog fight at what point are you going to wake W up
and realize you're getting nowhere bro you're just not working hard enough man that's just that's proof you're not working hard enough you're not grinding hard enough all the time you're complaining you could be instead hustling you could be instead chasing your dream you could be instead figuring out what you're doing wrong trying to improve certain aspects of your life getting your [ __ ] together reading a book meditating something the thought of you being in the same place today and being in the same place 4 years now now makes you change like there's no tomorrow
makes you live like tomorrow doesn't even exist and don't be afraid to fail be afraid not to try bro you're not fooling anyone you're not happy you're not happy living the way you are you have no control over your mind you have no control over your behavior you're a slave to whatever short-term impulse enters your brain and you're doing nothing about it you have not achieved even a fraction of the things that you know that you're capable of achieving you're not even living a fraction of the life that you could live if you got your
[ __ ] together at what point are you going to accept this and actually do something about it because you can say you're going to do it tomorrow you're going to do it on Monday next week next month next year but the reality is you only get so many of those you can choose right now to get off the dopamine drip and live a life that you're actually proud to live and become somebody that you're actually proud to be or you can keep getting the feel-good chemicals from video games and Netflix and junk food and
convince yourself that you're happy all the while living a pretty forgettable life when you're built different than everybody else and you have this desire for more and this desire for achievement and this desire to win everybody else looks at you like you're like up when people don't understand you anymore you're in that spot of obsession and drive where people like what the is wrong with this guy I don't want to talk to you man cuz you're not going to get it you will never understand what is wrong with me and that's why I'm so glad
you don't cuz I'm in the right spot and they'll tell you that too you know what's wrong with you like why can't you just relax can't you just do this why can't because I'm I'm just not built that way man if you ready to quit then don't get started if you ready to quit don't get started the price of progress is pain no matter what go for it not for anybody else but for yourself let the fear of regret fuel you to take action today now and for a diamond to be produced it must first
go through extreme heat extreme heat extreme pressure are you hearing what I'm telling you for a diamond to be produced it has to go through extreme pressure extreme heat and if that wasn't enough what makes a diamond a diamond is the cut so I put you are put through if you want to be a diamond you must go through extreme pressure if you can't take pressure then you're not a diamond after you go through all the pressure you thought you could not handle and you think it's over then they turn on the heat you say
you want to be great son you say you want to travel the world you say you want to help people inspire people then you got to be a diamond but listen to me very closely if you've ever studied the diamond once it goes through that type of pressure and it finally becomes a diamond at that point you can't break it no more you're not where you want to be you feel like you're supposed to be somewhere else say you could snap your fingers and be wherever you wanted to be I bet you'd still feel this
way not in the right place point is you can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget how to make the most of where you are take a break from worrying about what you can't control live a little you willing to say I'm not going to quit I guarantee you whatever success you want to have you're gonna have it when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful pretend there's a documentary crew filming your success story they're following you around right now what would you
do what would you do if you knew that there was a crew following you around with cameras documenting your future incredible success and they want to catch you in the act of it all you would do all the right things you would have to do think about that organize it but we we are saddled down by so many doubts that keeps people from from action and when you get to the point where where all you want to do is be successful as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful listen to me you
got to want to be successful so bad that you forget to eat you can decide that you're going to stand up to life you can decide that I'm going to live each day as if it were my last you can you have the power to make that decision you can decide I'm going to work on myself and develop myself I'm going to empower me and all of these things that are happening to me right now they're just temporary inconveniences they're not stronger than I am I'm in charge here every single day you're given 24 hours
that's it the same 24 hours as everyone else the difference how you use them so ask yourself are you making them count most people waste their time waiting waiting for motivation waiting for the right moment but here's the truth that moment will never come you have to create it one choice one step one action at a time one hour of effort today can change your entire week one week of focus can change your month imagine where you'd be in a year if you started right now the pain of trying it fades but the regret of
never starting that stays forever be stronger be better be Fearless everyone wants to win we all want to to be successful but not everyone wants to wake up early stay late and sacrifice and not everyone wants to keep the faith and hold to the vision until those sacrifices pay off that hurt you know and I think that just that flipped this switch in me where I was like okay you watch this let me be very clear I'll never give up never I have never met anybody who became incredibly successful in any area of their life
until they had suffered and sweated and sacrificed and kept their focus and fought through tears and trials and tests and if you have a dream and you commit to it it will come to pass it doesn't matter how many times you fall down in this life it just matters if you're willing to get up again and again and again and don't stop don't ever stop until you win don't cry to give up cry to keep going don't cry to quit you already in pain you already hurt get a reward from it