what if I told you there was a very simple way that you could immediately steal all of your competitors Facebook ad sales and no this is not going to be due to some black hat techniques or some crazy targeting hacks in fact I'm going to show you a very simple creative trick to harness the existing traffic of your competitors if you're new to the channel you don't yet know who I am my name is Justin and I'm the founder at P advertising.com where we help businesses Implement a scalable ad engine and scale e-commerce Brands to
seven figures with paid ads we've profitably generated well over $30 million in Point ad revenue and with that being said let's get straight into today's video as I said at the start how do you steal Facebook ad sales from your competitors the ethical way so here's how people usually view their ads funnel okay they're first going to say like all right someone's in the top of funnel so they don't yet know of my business okay and then they're going to say well the next logical step is they're going to interact with my content for the
first time they're going to view an ad of mind so they're going to take an action there'll be a video viewer or or they're going to like one of my ads they're going to comment under one of my ads they're going to follow me on Instagram they're going to like my Facebook page so they become a Facebook or IG engager or they're going to view my website they're going to click on the link but they not going to take any action on the website they're just browsing as of now then if I scroll down the
next logical step is well they're going to take a first action on my website they're going to add the cart they're going to initiate checkout but they're not yet going to become a customer and then finally they become a customer of mine so they make a purchase event on the website and this is how people Define their typical funnel okay they have top of funnel here so someone doesn't yet know my business middle of funnel is they either interact with my content for the first time and or they take action on my website and then
there's bottom of funnel and then people typically will make ads based on that they're going to make ads here that are going to be very broad because they're like well I'm trying to Target my top of funnel cold audience and then they're going to make ads that are going to be a little warmer they're going to talk about the product they're going to talk about the brand and they're like well this is for my middle of funnel and then they're going to make ads that going to be super call to action heavy and they're going
to be well this is for my bottom of funnel audience and while they do that they're going to limit Their audience like here they might make an ad set and they're going to limit their targeting to only show people who have viewed a video engag with Facebook or Instagram saw the website added the card initiate checkout and here they're going to do retargeting and they're only going to go after people who as an example added the card initiate check out to push them to buy and that's how a lot of people still view their ad
funnel to this day but this is a very egocentric funnel because it only focuses on you and I want to show you how you can utilize a similar funnel but at the market Market level to steal sales from your competitors so if I move over here here's the right way to look into your funnel first step is a prospect doesn't yet openly admit to themselves their desire or need very very broad as broad as you possibly can be with an ad bear with me here you'll understand more about that as we get through the next
steps now a prospect knows they have a problem but they don't yet see the connection between their problem and to any product or solution in general okay they just know they have a problem they're problem aware let's keep going a prospect knows they have a problem they know a few Solutions out there that exist and ways to fix that specific problem but they don't yet see the connection to that problem or those solutions that they know of and a product or solution like yours very important word here like it's not exactly your product it's a
similar product to yours this is going to be important when I'm going to get back to the stealing part of traffic let's keep going a prospect knows they have a problem they know of a few Solutions and now they see its connection to product like yours so now essentially is they they they they are aware of not necessarily your product but a very similar product perhaps a direct competitors of yours again we're getting closer and closer to what stealing is going to look like last but not least a prospect knows they have a problem they
know of a few solutions they now see its connection to your not like yours your product and business and is just awaiting the right moment to buy let's zoom out for a second and go here you can steal all of this traffic from your competitors by not limiting yourself to retargeting and by instead targeting through your creatives messaging here's what I mean by that if I go back to this here this step in the funnel to an extent links back to that right here because and this is when I think a lot of people get
this wrong your competitors they're also running ads and by running ads they also get video viewers they also get engagers on their Facebook or Instagram page they also get people who view their website that is positive for you because when these people are here they're certainly not here yet they haven't bought but they're now a little bit warmer and if all you did on your side is do ads and limit your targeting to only target middle of funnel audiences you would miss out on the fact that you can create what's called Product toare ads which
speak to an audience that knows they have a problem knows of solutions to that problem and knows now of products like yours which basically they essentially know of of of your product to an extent right so it's like all you have to do now is you have to show them hey I too am an option in the market I know you've seen that but I am an option in the market and you do that by doing Us Versus Them static ads as an example cuz we all know static ads by default are usually not always
but usually easier and better to do for a slightly warmer audience because there's less space to show a message so you do so for again a warmer audience so it's like you do an US versus stem ad or you do an ad simply presenting your product calling out the price and the offer because now at this point all these people need to know is just one slight small push in order to buy another style of ad it works great here is ugc or ugc mashups or testimonial based ads why well somebody who is product aware
or perhaps most aware they need social proof they need trust in order to make that buying decision so if I've seen as an example I'm looking for a pair of Red Sneakers and I saw an ad of a pair of red sneakers from a competitor of yours I was like huh this is exactly what I'm looking for and then I go to their website I look at it but I don't add to C or anything cuz it's probably not the right time to buy right now for whatever reason before seeing another ad from this company
I now come across an ad of your company which has a bunch of testimonials of like ugc Style videos mashed up one after the other and I'm like damn you know this looks like a sick company and and they also sell Red Sneakers like I've been looking for that actually literally yesterday I I checked out an ad about that let me check out these guys and then I click on your website and I just end up loving your brand and your product more than the one I saw yesterday and end up converting I would have
never been into your funnel if you had limited your targeting to this if you had only targeted these people and these people what I'm telling you here concretely in this video is you go broad with your targeting but by targeting through your creatives messaging you will yes of course attract people that are in your middle of funnel as an example that I'm giving right now but also the ones that are in the middle of the funnel of your competitors which is what you want to do at the end of the day like these people again
you're going to have the biggest middle of funnel that you can possibly have stop thinking of your funnel as your again your your your entric funnel or like your own business's funnel no it's the Market's funnel it's like everyone in the market that that's why I think a lot of people are saying like yo you got to love competition cuz it's like well the more people are in the space the more they're warming up your own audience so the moment you have a good product the moment you have a good brand at the moment you
have a great website the moment you have solid middle of funnel or bottom of funnel marketing you want bigger competitors than you you want them to spend more than you because it's a hell of a lot more expensive to spend money here by here I mean this right really expensive to advertise here but but this is where the biggest total addressable Market is but it's like hey if you're lucky enough to be in a space where you're number two you're number three You're Number Four you're number 10 in that space hell you just got to
play here if you do this part right you're going to siphon out tons of the sales of your big competitors who will advertise higher in the funnel and this is how you ethically steal sales on Facebook ads from your competitors if you made it this far in this video and you are e-commerce vener info product business making at least $50,000 a month check out the first link in the discussion down below and book in a call to speak with my myself and the team at pit advertising.com so that we can become your paid ads partner
on a meta Google and or Tik Tok and with that being said if you simply want myself to personally review your ads your business offer product name it and work with you one-onone we check out the second link down below to join our one-on-one ad engine Consulting program on that not going to wish you an amazing day check out other free videos on the channel for some more useful marketing tips and I'll see you in the next one peace