3 Disturbing TRUE Summertime Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
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before getting into the stories I want to talk about today's sponsor para books if you're a fan of this channel odds are you're an avid horror fan and odds are you've heard of the SCP Foundation which if you're not familiar is an international secret organization concealing anomalies from the outside world so that people can go about their lives in safety be it ancient monsters aliens or space-time anomalies such a big organization can exist without an extensive database of what they've captured and sometimes some of the files get leaked and para books just so happen to
acquire three SCP research journals of course the SCP Foundation and its anomalies are purely fictional it's a web project made by horror fans from around the world and it's something everyone can contribute to with Comics books animations and video games like SCP Containment Breach all adding to the lore paraglicks has published some really cool SCP Foundation art books taking the most interesting articles about monsters and anomalies with added animations from professional artists and design the whole thing to be a realistic search journal with handwritten notes blood stains and more to make it feel more genuine
you can get yourself a copy through Amazon Barnes and mobile Walmart and other stores Link in the description foreign [Music] in the summertime My beachfront town is a lot of fun on the weekends we go to the beach or someone's pool during the day and to one of the beach bars at night I'm getting a little older though and a lot of my guy friends that I used to go out with on the weekends are no longer single and don't really look to do that anymore so it's harder to make plans these days than it
used to be one time when I was out with my friends though these two guys approached my friends and I at the bar being friendly because they overheard our conversation and joined in they looked like they were maybe eight years older than us in their mid-30s they were on the shorter side but seemed cool enough to hang around their names were Alec and James they ended up bar hopping with us that night Alec left before James who stayed late into the night with us he seemed to like me the most because he would talk to
me the most eventually my friends wanted to go home and so did I and James seemed disappointed like he wanted to stay out until the bars closed I told him we'd all chill again soon and then we left the following weekend none of my friends wanted to go out so when I was trying to find plans I get a text from James he asked what I'm up to tonight and I said no plans what are you guys doing he said we should go to this beach bar I figured why not I needed plans anyway and
him and Alex seemed all right last time he offered to pick me up so I took him up on that offer when he pulled up to my house at like nine or ten I went for the back seat expecting Alec to be in the passenger seat but when I opened the door he said sit in the front he was just James in the car on the way to the bar I asked James if Alec or anyone else would be meeting up he said probably I wasn't aware it was going to be just him but whatever
he suggested we go to this dive bar first to pregame a bit before going to the beach bar which had a dance floor I said sure he brought us to a hole in the wall bar it was really dark in there with a moody red glow he ordered us a few rounds of drinks I already had a couple shots before leaving my house so after these drinks I was feeling pretty drunk already at one point I had to go to the bathroom and when I got back he had two more drinks on the counter for
us I didn't even finish my previous one yet I was shocked he was buying all these drinks for us I figured it was an older person thing after drinking this last drink is where my memory completely went black the next thing I remember was waking up in a pitch black room I was on the floor I felt around for my phone in my pockets but couldn't find it I stood up and held my arms out in front of me until I felt the wall I started feeling around the wall for a light switch I found
it finally and flicked it on I found myself inside of a small concrete floor room with a hot water heater and various household cleaning objects like a mop and bucket there was a closed door in the room I was beyond confused and absolutely terrified where was I I slowly opened the door which led to another pitch black room a little bit of the light from the small room leaked into the other room I could tell now it was a carpeted basement I saw a few pieces of furniture in the room I couldn't find a light
switch though so I had to make my way through the dark basement banging into things I was looking for the stairs when I heard movement behind me like someone getting up off a couch then the familiar voice of James sang My Name I screamed and turned to face the darkness I could only see the outline of his body across the room he said calm down it's not what you think you got too drunk at the bar so I brought you back here all I could think to say was why did you put me in that
room on the floor where are my belongings my voice felt weak he came closer to me and said I have all your stuff upstairs just relax and lay down I told him I'm leaving just bring me upstairs to my stuff and I'm going home he said in the slightly more menacing tone no you're not leaving this was where I threatened him physically and he responded in a way implying that he had some kind of weapon and he would use it if I tried to leave his claim was that I was too drunk to drive I
kept saying I'm calling an Uber he then said Relax I'm gonna get you a glass of water and you're gonna go back to sleep I didn't know what to do in this unheard of terrifying situation I didn't know what he was planning to do to me but this whole situation was a giant red flag he walked past me and went up the stairs when he got to the top I heard him unlock the basement door with a key then open it and shut the door and lock it I looked for some kind of blunt object
I could use as a weapon but there was literally nothing I had no choice but to sneak up to the top of the stairs and wait behind the door for him a long while passed maybe five minutes before I heard the sound of the door unlocking and I was instantly ready to attack the second the door opened I pushed him to the ground and had him in a choke hold I yelled at him where's my phone and wallet seriously choking him I let up a bit so he could breathe and speak he said on the
kitchen table I asked if he had any weapons on him he set a switchblade in his pocket I reached for it out of his pocket and switched it open he then explained the best he could with his throat under my arm that he was only looking out for me I got up off of him went to the kitchen grabbed my belongings from the table and quickly left the house I called my brother who's also my roommate right away and he picked up having been woken up from the call I explained everything and asked him to
pick me up he came right away the next day I went to Urgent Care to get tested and rehypnol was found in my urine it was confirmed that he roofied me I then spoke to a lawyer and have since filed a civil suit against James which is still in progress and we're building a case however there is no clear-cut proof that James was actually the one to roofie me or that he had any illegal intentions afterward however I do believe that I have a good case considering that he left me on the floor and hid
my belongings upstairs I still to this day don't know what his end goal was I don't even like to think about whether he did anything weird to me while I was out [Music] thank you in the summertime I like to spend my time doing outdoor activities in the summer I stay with my family in Monson Pennsylvania we have two acres of land a little shooting range in the yard a quad two dirt bikes and trails through the woods right by the house that I often ride through one warm but cloudy day I had nothing to
do so I wanted to get some exercise and took my bicycle out I have a mountain bike at my parents house so I prefer to take it on the trail rather than the roads I stepped outside and looked at the clouds it just looks so cool yellow Sky peeking through the dark stormy looking clouds just a bit I could smell the approaching summer storm I love the atmosphere I checked the forecast before leaving and I figured I'd have a quick half hour bike ride before it started raining even if I got a little wet I
wouldn't care I set off from the property towards the trail in the woods I could feel and hear the gust fronts and I loved it this was my favorite kind of weather to bike in much of the ride starting out was uphill and the way back is mostly downhill which works out nicely the uphill eventually Peaks around a bit of an opening in the woods that's where I usually stop to rest for a bit when I got to the opening on this dark day as usual I stopped to catch my breath after all the uphill
pedaling I browse through my phone for a minute looking at texts and such and that's when the sound of the wind and all the leaves blowing suddenly stopped and it was dead silence there was no wind anymore I looked around shocked and kind of intrigued I'd never seen such a heavy gust run suddenly stop out of nowhere I looked all around me suddenly getting an uneasy feeling I was starting to think I was hearing some kind of voice a very high pitched voice at that I hoped it was just an animal the darkness under the
clouds and trees the silence the sky and now the sounds I was hearing all coming together were creating an unexplainably creepy setting and then perhaps because of the Dead Silence now I was able to hear sticks cracking not far away and when I looked in that direction I saw something about 30 to 40 feet from me in the trees in the Direction Where the Trail continues to go the best I could describe what I was seeing was some humanoid looking figure hunched over as if it were hiding stalking me like I were prey and at
that moment it started to rain hard the sound of the raindrops hitting the leaves above killed the unbearable silence at this moment I turned and peddled as fast as I could back to the top of the hill and allowed gravity to help bring me home faster the whole time scared to look behind me lightning started to flash and thunder started to crash in any other scenario I think this was awesome but I had just witnessed something unexplainable I made it home put my bike in the shed and went inside I was so shook and out
of breath I didn't even bother explaining to anyone I went upstairs and crawled into bed and that night I had a nightmare of the incidents seeing a demonic figure in the woods in the middle of the night floating towards me I woke up with my heart racing happy it was just a dream it was an all-around disturbing day and night [Music] every summer my parents go away for a few weeks to our vacation home in Savannah Georgia that leaves me home alone with our two cats we live on a canal my dad has a Boston
Whaler and two jet skis in the yard across the canal from us is marsh and further down the canal is a park not a lot of boat traffic passes our yard as a result and it's very private and secluded our house is decently big but I feel like my dad probably spent more money on the boat than he did our house to be honest it draws a lot of attention I loved when my parents would be gone for their trip especially since I'm off during the summer and have free reign to do whatever I want
and have over whoever I want just no parties I had the girl I was seeing for a little bit over to hang out in the backyard one night we sat in the hot tub and when the hot tub cycled off and it went quiet out I heard something from the canal sometimes you'd hear fish or Birds splashing in the water but this sounded more rhythmic stood up and saw on the canal someone kayaking by I couldn't see anything more than that though no features I couldn't even see what they were wearing a little unusual this
hour at night and this far up the canal but it is a public Canal nonetheless and it was not a cause for alarm I did tell the girl I was with how unusual it was though little did I know that that was not the last time I'd be seeing that person later that night when we were in bed upstairs I had the windows closed because the AC was on the windows in my room face the canal in the backyard I had turned off the lamp next to my bed and was watching The Sopranos with a
girl who was sleeping over suddenly a white light was flashing through the window it was moving around sporadically both of our reactions at first were simply what the actual hell is that she asked if that's a helicopter light which I dismissed immediately because that was silly I said I think it's a flashlight I turned off the TV to bring total darkness in the room then I got off the bed and stepped just to the side of the window so I could peek out and see where the light was coming from I saw it was someone
waving a flashlight from the canal in fact it looked like that person on the kayak again the girl I was with who I'll just call Jane from here on out asked me what it was I told her it's that guy from the kayak before waving a flashlight through the window she asked why is he doing that and how did he know we were in the specific room I told her it must have been because he saw the light from the TV screen through the window he already knew someone was in here having a girl in
the room gave me that basic Primal urge to act like a man and not be scared so I opened the window and yelled out what he wants a weak sounding man yelled back please I need help I yelled back are you hurt or lost he yelled back I'm injured and I can't get out of the kayak I looked at Jane and asked her opinion of what I should do she said I should go out there and help him I called back out to the man do you want me to call 9-1-1 and he called back
no I just need help getting out of this kayak I called back to the man okay I'll come out I closed the window then I sighed and told Jane to wish me luck she wasn't wearing much clothes in the bed so I wasn't gonna make her get dressed and go out there with me I threw on a T-shirt and ran downstairs then I threw on my slides and opened the back door I turned on the backyard lights and stepped outside and that's when I heard a blood curdling scream from upstairs it was Jane screaming my
name I looked around the yard in response in a panic and I saw a man running towards me from the canal I ran inside and slammed the door shut and locked it with only two seconds to spare because there was a giant bang on the door followed by the man trying to twist the doorknob open I grabbed the entire knife holder from the kitchen and brought it upstairs I locked my bedroom door and Jane told me she saw that man sneaking up on me the second I turned on the lights outside there's no old weak
injured man he was this big looking guy we were paranoid that he was lurking around the property still I called my dad to tell him what happened and he told me I should be on the phone with the police right now not him so I called 9-1-1 and the police came did a search of the property did a report then ranked some of the neighbor's doorbells any of my neighbors who answered didn't see anything the strange part was that the kayak was gone which led me to believe he ran back to get it and likely
ran into the marsh the fact that we have a decently nice house and an eight hundred thousand dollar boat in the backyard in a secluded tucked away spot of the canal probably made us look like an easy target to break into that night that person may have even somehow knew that my parents were away scary of how I didn't have a girl over that night I wouldn't have made it back inside in time to lock the door [Music] if you want to see a bonus summertime Horror Story exclusive to my Apple music Amazon unlimited and
Spotify click the link in the description also thank you to parabox for sponsoring this video
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