4 Creepy True Gas Station Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
Gas stations can be a sketchy place at night. Here are 4 creepy stories that happened to viewers at ...
Video Transcript:
I did the night shift at a gas station because I was strapped for cash and needed a second job I worked the night shift there for a few months it was around my second or third month that this guy started regularly coming in really late at night always around 2 am he was about six feet tall he had long stringy hair he'd always come in by a tall boy and leave but after a while he one night asked me my name I told him my name and he just kept saying rob I like that as
he'd laugh to himself he cracked open the tall boy he just bought and walked out of the store talking to himself he was clearly hammered this was the night I was curious to see if he had been drinking and driving every single time that he'd come to the store I watched as he left and he walked out of sight off the gas station property that would make sense he never once bought gas anytime he came in he'd always just buy alcohol I'd seen him just about every night after that for a while he'd come in
some nights noticeably drunker than others and sometimes he'd just lean on one of the shelves for a while and not say anything he'd always greet me with a hay Rod anytime he'd come in one night he was just leaning on a shelf drinking the tall boy he just bought not saying anything just staring at a wall I asked him for his name finally he looked at me took about five seconds and said Bob now I always felt like Bob is a go-to fake name when you're lying about your name I wondered if the first thing
that came to mind for him was Bob because it rhymes with my name but I went with it I said so Bob where do you work he laughed so loud it actually startled me he said he doesn't work he said the government completely [ __ ] him out of his job I got the vibe he was wasted again he looked at me with an angry looking face but interestingly said I like you rob you seem like you know what you're doing I didn't know what that meant but he walked out of the store right after
that I didn't see him again for a while I'd say over a week passed which for a regular like him was a while Bob always gave me this off mildly creepy vibe I figured he was usually drunk but something was obviously wrong in his personal life well one very stormy night with less customers than usual likely because of the storm I heard the ding of the front door as someone entered and I swear before looking I imagined it to be Bob and when I looked I was shocked to see it was actually him but it
was a much scarier version of Bob he was completely soaked he wasn't wearing a rain jacket or using an umbrella he was just in a dark shirt and jeans his long hair was drenched and he was just standing by the door looking straight ahead at the wall he looked like he was angry and yet his mind was elsewhere like his thoughts were running the way he was standing there blankly staring at nothing completely soaked it was freaking me out I said Bob are you okay he didn't turn his head or move he stood still and
said I did something really bad I asked what did you do he then looked at me said I need somewhere to hide then walked past me at the register towards the little restroom hallway he disappeared behind the wall and I heard one of the doors open and close I was genuinely getting uncomfortable with Bob now I didn't enjoy his presence whenever he was in the store and tonight something was extra off about him he seemed like a zombie and that I did something really bad comment was incredibly creepy some time passed and Bob never came
out from the bathroom I assumed he was wasted again probably passed out or puking either way I didn't want to intervene and then the next thing I remember the lights to the place cut out and the store was completely dark I was standing in a pitch dark gas station during a major storm with an unhinged drunk man I used the flashlight from behind the counter to make my way towards the back of the store by the inventory storage and the panel board the door to the back was in the same little hallway as the restrooms
as I walked by the two restroom doors both of them were ajar and Bob wasn't in either of them I went through the door to the back I was planning on going straight to the panel board but I stopped when I heard a slight dripping in the room somewhere and the squeaking of wet shoes my heart sank into my stomach I said Bob in a very weak and scared voice I heard squeaks right to my left when I pointed my flashlight in that corner there was Bob with his eyes opened wide and he lunged at
me and started screaming I'm gonna [ __ ] kill you I pushed him off of me as he was clawing at my back I ran back through the door to the front of the store he didn't follow me I grabbed my rain jacket and ran straight to my car I sat in my car as I dialed 9-1-1 and spoke to an operator I stayed on the line with her and it didn't take long for a couple police officers to arrive and go inside with me Bob was still hiding in the back room huddled in a
corner apparently like some rabid creature pupils were huge I only noticed it then he was on something they took him to the station after I told them that he lunged at me threatened to kill me and stated that he did something really bad earlier I found out over a month later that this Bob Guy's real name was Martin he had brutally beaten his ex-wife to death it might have happened on that same night that he came into the gas station long story short I never wanted to work another night shift had any job ever again
after this night [Music] I've done a lot of night driving in my life not for work or anything my old friend group and I would always just stay out till crazy hours when we were in our late teens and early 20s I guess you could say we were the losers we thought staying out till 5am every weekend hanging at parks or in parking lots was cool looking back it was a stupid waste of time but basically for that reason I've done my fair share of driving at off hours in the night and usually that's when
the drunkos and crazy people are on the roads it was a weekend night it had to be approaching four in the morning I wanted to go home I drove one of my friends home from the park we were hanging out at and before driving myself home I had to stop for gas I used to like getting gas at night because there would be no other cars in the way I pulled into one of my usual gas stations not far from my parents house as I was walking to the building to pay there was a short
guy wearing a hood walking past me he stopped in his tracks and stared me down as I walked past I said what as I kept walking he said nothing so I kept walking typical crackhead I went inside the building to pay the attendant for my guess I also bought a lottery ticket while I was there I came back outside and started to fill up I looked around and as expected it was a ghost town at this hour once done I got back in the car and started driving home halfway home I heard something behind me
in the car I looked in the rearview mirror and there was someone in the rear seat looking back at me I let out a scream so loud I probably almost collapsed my lungs I slammed on the brakes and screamed get out it was the dude from the gas station I opened my doors and started screaming help knowing at least a couple people would come out from their houses sure enough a couple houses porch lights turned on and I saw some doors opening the guy got out of my car and said I could have slit your
throat as some people came out of their houses he started to run away down the street I didn't chase after him a couple people came over to me and asked if I was all right and I told them how a stranger was in my backseat by now the guy was out of sight I wasn't about to start driving around after a crackhead I thank the people who came out and continued my drive home making sure I didn't see him anywhere the rest of the drive that was the scariest experience of my life this event happened
in the mid 60s in the Atlanta area at that time I was about eight or nine years old my father taught school in the suburb of Atlanta that was some distance from where our home was located I went to the same school where he taught so I rode with him every day however we had to get up very early each morning and head out before the sun was up we always stopped several mornings each week to top off on gas at a small independent station we were often the first car there shortly after the station
opened in those days everything was full service there was a booth with an attendant who would come out and fill your tank wash your windows Etc he would always be carrying a lot of bills in his pocket and a device on his belt from which he counted out coins behind the pumps were tiny bathrooms I would often use the bathroom on mornings that we stopped there as it was a fairly long drive one morning we again arrived before Dawn to find the station completely deserted it was totally quiet other than the traffic sounds going by
there was no sign of an attendance either in the booth or anywhere else around the station my father blew the car horn once then again a few more times but there was no response we discussed what might be the problem my father first suggested that perhaps the attendant might be in the bathroom but when he still did not appear my father said that maybe the attendant had experienced car trouble and had not been able to make it to work on time we continue to wait for several minutes no other cars pulled in I told my
father I needed to use the bathroom and put my hand on the car door handle to get out but he told me that we could not wait any longer and I could use the bathroom at the next station we came to so we left still wondering what happened a day or two later my father was reading the local newspaper when I heard a loud exclamation from him he excitedly told my mother and I about a small article which stated that the body of a gas station attendant had been discovered with multiple stabs stuffed into the
men's bathroom of the station it was the station we always went to the article said the motive appeared to be robbery as all cash and coins were missing early in the morning the total amount of money was probably not a lot the article gave no hint as to what amount was taken but either way that didn't stop the Killer I've often wondered how I would have been affected at that young age if I had insisted on going to the bathroom at that station and had opened the door to discover the body of the murdered attendant
we never went to that gas station again [Music] this took place when I was 25. I was driving from North to South Texas and due to my work schedule I could only do this late at night I was on Route 281 for much of the drive and at these late hours it was an easy straight drive I just had to keep myself awake I was already kind of shot from work and then getting on the road right after it was brutal I had to keep making stops for coffee at random gas stations just to keep
myself going I think it was my third time starting to feel a little sleepy and on top of that I needed to fill up my tank as well I pulled into the first gas station I could find on the desolate side roads I can't remember what kind of gas station it was maybe a Sunoco or shell there was one other car in the parking lot I parked next to one of the pumps and went inside there were two people in the shop the cashier and then I noticed another guy pacing down the aisles I went
to the coffee maker and poured myself a cup the guy who was pacing around came up to me and said careful it's hot and then he left it was a piss-poor creepy unnecessary attempt at starting a conversation that I didn't bite at I was not in the mood I didn't reply and I took the coffee to the cashier where I paid for it as well as for the gas the guy came up behind me while I was paying and said I really like that top I said Thank you just loud enough for him to hear
we followed it up with where are you heading off to so late at night I was so annoyed by this point I firmly asked him to leave me alone the cashier was some 40-something-year-old Hispanic man I wasn't sure how much English he understood or if he was even reading the situation that was happening in front of him but he was also a smaller shorter man and it was doubtful he was going to step in at all the man behind me said calm down after I asked him to leave me alone I left the shop without
saying another word and went to my car I heard the door open again a few seconds after I left the shop I was next to my car now preparing to fill up the tank this gas started pumping into my car I heard his footsteps on the concrete over on the other side of the pumps and they stopped the footsteps stopped I glanced over and I noticed him creepily standing on the other side of the pump I was using it was quite literally just standing there watching me he wasn't filling up gas there wasn't even a
car there I started considering grabbing my pepper spray for my center console the guy said are you alone when he asked that the gravity of the situation escalated greatly I replied no my boyfriend is in the car I open the door and quickly grabbed the pepper spray from the center console I grabbed it and held it at my side pretending to still be focused on pumping the gas the man was inching his way around the gas pump like he was coming around to my side he said I don't see anyone in the car I pulled
out the pepper spray and aimed it up at the man and he laughed and backed away he said he was just trying to make conversation he was walking backwards with his Focus locked onto me still just about done pumping gas then I felt and heard a clang the gas stopped pumping my tank was full I had like six dollars worth of change I had to go back inside to get it the man was in between the shop and I I had to make a choice I made the decision to get my change I had my
arm up in the air still pointing the pepper spray can at him he continued to back away chuckling when it was safe I turned my back to him and entered the shop and asked the cashier for change I told the cashier that that man was making me really uncomfortable but it seemed like he didn't really understand what I was saying once I got my change I looked out the glass door into the parking lot before leaving I didn't see that man out there I was scared to go out there like what if you were hiding
somewhere I stepped outside in front of the shop I didn't leave that little sidewalk I just stayed there looking around that man was gone out of sight which meant he was absolutely hiding eventually a pickup truck pulled into the parking lot and pulled next to one of the pumps a large man with a beard stepped out and I went over to him asking him for help I asked him to check if there was a man hiding behind my car he was confused but he did it for me he got to the other side of my
car and he yelled what are you doing and there went that creepy man hurrying away from behind my car he started to run away into the darkness surrounding the gas station I think that meant so much and he said in his thick southern accent to be careful out there I left that parking lot in a hurry and I continued the rest of my drive that creepy man was a hundred percent waiting to pounce as soon as I unlocked my car doors and that's really disturbing to me
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