I Almost Died In The Hospital—And My Wife Didn’t Care. She Said "I’m Not Your Babysitter"...

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I Almost Died In The Hospital—And My Wife Didn’t Care. "I’m Not Your Babysitter, Handle It Yourself,...
Video Transcript:
I almost died in the hospital and my wife didn't care I'm not your babysitter handle it yourself she said I just nodded and stayed silent the moment I got discharged I packed my bags and left she laughed thinking she won 2 years later she was blowing up my phone begging for another chance I remember the exact moment I realized my marriage was over it wasn't during an argument or after discovering some hidden betrayal it was at 2:47 a. m. in a hospital room watching my wife scroll through Tik Tok while I struggled to breathe but let me back up a bit 3 weeks ago I started feeling off nothing major at first just tired a bit achy the kind of thing you'd brush off as working too hard or sleeping wrong Harper my wife of 6 years told me I was being dramatic when I mentioned maybe seeing a doctor you always get like this when you're stressed about work she said barely looking up from her phone I tried to push through it that's what you do right but then the fever started not the kind that makes you want to curl up with soup and Netflix the kind that makes your joints feel like they're filled with broken glass the kind that has you waking up at 3:00 a.
m. sheet soaked wondering if this is what dying feels like Harper's response take some Tylenol and stop waking me up the night everything changed I woke up and couldn't move my right side properly the room was spinning and my heart was racing so fast I could feel it in my teeth I called out to Harper my voice barely working she groaned rolled over and said the words that would echo in my head for months to come I'm not your babysitter handle it yourself I lay there for what felt like hours but was probably minutes trying to to make my phone cooperate with hands that felt like they belong to someone else I finally managed to call my sister Alexandra she lived 45 minutes away but made it in 20 the next part is fuzzy I remember Alexandra's face when she saw me the way she kept her voice calm while telling Harper we were going to the ER Harper's response you're enabling his attention seeking Behavior but fine go ahead the ER was a blur of activity words like septic shock and organ failure floated around me my temperature was 104. 2 my blood pressure was crashing something about an infection that had gone systemic I remember the doctor's face when I told him how long I'd been feeling sick the way he glanced at Harper who was sitting in the corner scrolling through Instagram they admitted me immediately Alexandra stayed until they made her leave promising to come back first thing in the morning Harper looked annoyed when the nurse suggested she stay with me overnight I have an early meeting tomorrow she said heun's in good hands here the next few days were a haze of antibiotics tests and fever dreams Alexandra came every day after work bringing my laptop clothes and actually talking to my doctors Harper visited twice the first time she stayed for 15 minutes and complained about having to pay for parking the second time she brought me a cold coffee and spent 30 minutes telling me about drama at her friend's party that I'd missed but the moment that broke me it wasn't the complaint about parking or the cold coffee it was when I asked her to help me get some water the infection had Hit me hard I could barely lift the cup without spilling it her response I'm not your babysitter handle it yourself the same words from that night said with the same annoyed eye roll I just nodded and stayed silent the nurse who came in later found me trying to reach the water cup with shaking hands she helped me drink checked my temperature and adjusted my pillows all while Harper watched Tik Tok videos on full volume that's when I knew 6 years of marriage and my wife had less compassion for me than a stranger who was just doing her job the realization didn't hit me like a truck or break my heart into a million pieces it settled into my bones quietly like the infection that had nearly killed me I spent 10 days in that hospital Alexandra brought me books sat with me through treatments and helped me start walking again when I was Stronger my colleagues sent cards and messages even the cafeteria worker who brought my meals showed more concern than my wife always making sure to bring extra Jello-O because she noticed I liked it Harper visited two more times once to tell me she had to cancel our upcoming vacation because obviously you won't be up for it and wants to complain about how she had to handle everything at home by herself she never once asked the doctors about my condition or what care I'd need after discharge the day I was released Harper didn't come to pick me up she texted that she was swamped and asked if Alexandra could handle it Alexandra did just like she'd handled everything else as we drove home my sister kept glancing at me in the rearview mirror clearly wanting to say something but holding back I spent that entire Drve planning my exit they say near-death experiences change you make you re-evaluate your life mine showed me the truth about my marriage in HD Clarity every dismissive comment every eye roll every every your being dramatic moment played back in my mind like a greatest hits album of red flags I'd ignored I didn't say anything to Harper that night or the next day I just watched her continue her life as if nothing had happened as if her husband hadn't almost died from an infection while she scrolled through social media she laughed at her phone made plans with friends and complained about her day business as usual I started making my own plans too quiet ones the kind that would change everything but that's another story looking at her now watching her chat animatedly on the phone about weekend plans while I struggle to open a water bottle with my still shaky hands I realize she has no idea what's coming she probably thinks she won that she put me in my place showed me not to bother her with my neediness she's about to learn otherwise update first thank you all for the overwhelming support on my last post I didn't expect it to blow up like that reading your comments helped me feel less crazy about my decision especially during these past two weeks yes 2 weeks that's how long it took me to leave after getting discharged some of you might think that's too fast others said I should have left immediately the truth is I needed those two weeks to make sure I did this right the day after I got home from the hospital Harper actually made breakfast not for me she made herself avocado toast and filmed it for her Instagram I sat at our kitchen counter still weak and shaky watching her adjust the lighting for her photo she glanced at me and said you should eat something there's bread in the freezer that's when I texted Alexandra I need your help getting out the next two weeks were a master class in quiet planning Alexandra connect connected me with her friend who had an available apartment nothing fancy but it had an elevator important since I was still recovering and accepted month-to-month leases while Harper was at work Alexandra helped me slowly move essential items just enough that Harper wouldn't notice but enough that I wouldn't have to come back for Basics the hardest part wasn't the physical moving it was maintaining normaly at home Harper barely noticed anything different she was too busy planning a girls trip for next month you'll be fine by yourself right she asked not looking up from her laptop I mean you managed in the hospital I just nodded and added cancel joint credit card to my mental checklist the moments that stuck with me weren't the big things it was finding my Hospital discharge papers crumpled in the trash when I needed them for insurance it was Harper sighing dramatically when I asked if she could pick up my prescription can't you just get it delivered I'm not your nurse it was her telling her friends on the phone that I was milking it when I had to rest after trying to do laundry Alexandra was my lifeline through all of this she helped me set up automatic payments for my new place picked up supplies I'd need and even stocked my fridge when I tried to thank her she just hugged me and said I should have seen it sooner I'm sorry the day I left I waited until Harper went to work I had already moved most of my Essential things so this was just the final step I left my keys on the counter along with a letter explaining that I was done no drama no accusation just facts I also left paperwork from my Hospital stay showing just how close I'd come to dying maybe she'd read it maybe she wouldn't I turned off my location sharing blocked her on social media and and changed my phone number by noon Alexandra helped me finish setting up my new apartment and by evening I was sitting on my new couch eating takeout when the text started coming through Alexander's phone first one from Harper very funny he'll be back in a week when he realizes he can't handle being alone then tell him he's being ridiculous he can't just leave because I didn't babysit him enough at the hospital and finally he's going to regret this little tantrum I've already told everyone how unstable he's been since his near-death experience Alexandra showed me the messages but didn't push me to respond instead she helped me make a list of things I still needed for the apartment we were comparing shower curtains online when Harper's email came through you're embarrassing both of us everyone knows you're just doing this for attention like you always do remember when you needed to go to the ER at 3:00 a.
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