How To Stop Facebook Ad Results Dropping Off FAST!

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Ben Heath
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Video Transcript:
have you ever started a new Facebook ad campaign and seen great results initially but they only lasted a few weeks or maybe even a few days well in this video I'm going to explain why that happens and what you can do about it to make sure that your Facebook ad campaigns consistently produce great results and just for context my agency has spent more than $50 million running Facebook ad campaigns for our clients and we have run into this problem a lot and know exactly how to fix it so why do Facebook ad results drop off
well there's one major reason why this happens I'm going give you the the quick explanation to start with and then going to go into more detail on how exactly you can go about fixing it which is obviously um the important part right so when you launch a Facebook ad campaign you have a target audience and whether you're using open targeting or you have some sort of targeting expansion like using Advantage Plus audience or whatever which the vast majority of advertisers are doing now you have a really large potential audience and what meta is really good
at doing is finding the best possible prospects for your offer the people that are really into whatever it is that you sell and they're into it right now and knows that based on their online activity uh where they've got pixels on websites they tracking purchases uh they can see it on the activity they do based within Instagram within uh Facebook itself because of the sort of content they engage with it's a really really good determining oh this person is really into fishing and they're in the market to buy fishing products right now this ad for
fishing related products let's put it in front of this person is likely to to to generate a purchase So Meta is really good at doing that and they start with the best possible prospects so out of your 2 million person audience let's say they might find the 1,000 people that are super keen and you've got a really good chance of getting to convert become a lead become a sale whatever it is you're looking to do and they start by putting your ads in front of those people now obviously there are only so many of those
people the people that were literally researching products just like yours that morning there's only so many of those to put your ads in front of that afternoon so quite quickly you burn through those people so the longer you keep advertising the more you'll use up what I call hyper responsives those are the most responsive people to your marketing and then they start advertising to people that are still really quite responsive but perhaps a little bit less and then you keep advertising longer and they're advertising again to people that are still quite responsive but perhaps a
little bit less you can imagine like if your target audience is like one big circle you've got the the hyper responsives right in the middle and then you sort of the longer you advertise the more and more you go out to different layers the exact same happens as you scale when you're saying to meta look before I was giving you enough budget just advertise to a th000 people and you found the best thousand well I've now doubled your budget I want you to put ads in front of 2,000 people so you've got the best thousand
in there but then you've also got the next thousand which is still really good but not quite as good and then the more and more you scale the more and more you you move out um into that Circle so that's sort of the very quick explanation for why this happens uh we're definitely going to go into more detail because because it's important it's going to help you actually fix this problem um and get over it but um but that's sort of the the general overview and the really simple solution like the one liner that you
could take away from this video is that if you are running into that issue uh your ads aren't good enough you need to make better ads and improve your offers cuz what you're seeing is that your ads are good enough to get those hyper responsive people the people that are so close to buying something just like your product or service anyway and you just need that little nudge to get them over the edge you AR are good enough to get those people but they're not good enough to get the people that are slightly less keen
and are slightly less keen and are slightly less keen and the better and better your advertising is the more and more you're able to move out um into other people within your target audience and larger target audience hence why you're able to scale when your ad campaigns are really really good because you can still get those people that aren't quite as Keen to convert okay so let's break this down and sort of Flesh us out go into a bit more detail and think about how we're actually going to tackle this problem and and fix it
and to do that I'm going to walk through uh the five stages of awareness uh it's a marketing concept you may have come across before but I think is really valuable in thinking about this problem in particular and use my bis as an example uh so we obviously Facebook advertising agency we offer Facebook advertising Services just a little side by the way if you're interested and are done for you Facebook Services we can create manage Optimizer campaigns for you you don't need to worry about any of this we'll help you get better results there's a
link in the description you could book in a free navigation call with one of my team members uh to find out more so if you're interested go ahead and do that let's use our our Facebook advertising Services as an example right so in our target audience who would be people that are unaware so let's say someone's got a business and this often happens people start a business and they just sort of expected customers clients to sort of happen I know I certainly did when I first started a business that's how I got into marketing the
first first place was I started uh my own business and couldn't get any customers and realized aha I need to learn marketing as a skill in order to get these customers and I turned out I enjoyed marketing more than I enjoyed the business and carried on in in in that way so it's very common when you first start a business to think customers are going to happen so that would be someone who's unaware they don't even they don't even aware that they've got a problem way off knowing that there's a solution or a particular product
or whatever they're just like I think this is going to happen the next stage on would be problem aware so that would be someone who has just got that little bit further and go huh customers aren't just happening for my business I need to do something about it I have a problem I I'm not able to get customers that's my problem the next stage then would be solution aware would be one stage on from I have a problem to starting to think about okay well how would I go about I know I've got a problem
of not getting any new customers how would I go about getting new customers oh okay I could do organic content I could do SEO I could run paid ads I could knock on doors I could do call calls starting to think about uh various Solutions and specific to my business Facebook as agency they would need to be aware of the solution that is oh I could run paid ads to get customers for my business that would be someone there who's solution aware and then the next stage would be product aware so this might be someone
who was solution aware they know they need to um run paid ads they then you watch some YouTube videos oh see some of my stuff oh I saw you know I watch Ben's videos about how to run Facebook ads um I can see that he also has an agency where they can just do this for me they're now aware of the product and what they might be doing at that stage is weighing up uh that product versus Alternatives in the market okay and then obviously the next stage down would be hot audience people that have
watched loads of videos absolutely ready to convert or perhaps people that have already bought you know from our business they've already used our services they've bought they they signed up to our Facebook ads Mastery Program and they're ready to ascend you know people that are really like very keen uh for our business specifically now what you can see is that as you sort of go down that it's much much easier to get someone to convert lower down so if we take our audience example of people that have bought say our Facebook ads Mastery um course
with the community if they've been in there they've got great results it'd be much much easier to advertise to that person and get them to purchase are done for you Facebook advertising Services um it would be slightly more difficult but still relatively easy for us to get someone who's watched my YouTube videos knows that you know we have an agency with a service and I know what I'm talking about and we put ads in front of that person and get them to to convert it would be more difficult still to go another stage up and
and it's not someone that's product aware they're not aware that they can hire an agency and my agency specifically they're just solution aware of like I need to run paid ads then we need to take that person we need to convince them that the agency doing it for them is the right way to go and then they should work with our agency so there's extra steps if you go a step up and you go to people who are problem aware they're not even aware that you can run paid ads to get clients so then you
need to talk to those people saying things like um not getting any clients you need to meet them where they're at so they're at the problem stage not getting any clients did you know you can run paid ads to get clients did you know you can run Facebook ads to get clients did you know we could do that for you you see all the extra steps you need to go through and unaware um is obviously the most difficult so where Facebook advertisers run into problems is that they're running Facebook ads that might be good enough
to get their hot audiences retargeting previous customers to buy again like that's relatively easy to do most ads are going to be good enough to do that provided they had a good experience the first time around they might be good enough to get people who are product aware like they're aware that your solution your product or service exists and they're wearing up options between you and your competitors maybe not by the way sometimes I've seen advertisers where the campaigns only good enough to get those hot audiences those that can get people who are product aware
to convert uh usually last a lot longer in terms of results and they're much more scalable um there's still obviously a limit because you're taking people who are weighing up your option versus others in in many cases you need a a much much better ad to go a stage up and get people a solution aware like oh I could run paid ads but oh I didn't know an agency could do it for me oh I didn't know agencies did good results I didn't know this was a good agency maybe I should hire them you're doing
a lot of things and then obviously the hire you go the harder and harder it gets take someone all the way from problem aware to purchasing take someone all the way from unaware to purchasing very very difficult to do now the best ad campaigns can take people that are fully unaware take them all through the process if you think about the type of ads that do that and and how they're pitched they're very different from say ads that are pitched at hot audiences so a hot audience uh might be retargeting existing customers and it might
be as simple as a product image with a bit of a discount for a limited time only and that might absolutely Crush to that audience really simple ad the bar is not that high to get that to work but if you think about ads that would be pitched all the way at the other end of people that are unaware you would need to make them aware of the problem explain the solution explain why your product is the perfect option to solve that problem convince them to purchase yours and not someone else's and take them all
the way through you can probably think of ads that you've seen that do that and think about how they start they will start by mentioning the problem so they're explaining they're taking people that are completely unaware they explaining the problem and then taking them all the way through that they can help you you think personal injury lawyers will will do this that sort of advertising all the time so if you're finding that your ads are literally dying after a few days it's almost certainly the case that your ads are only good enough to get hot
audiences to convert and even if you're like yeah but I'm not retargeting meta will find those people anyway so even if it's to a cold audience meta will find your retargeting audiences and you'll burn through those people really really quickly and then you see a drop off if you see good results for a little bit longer than that a week couple of weeks and then you see the drop off it may well be that your ads are good enough to get people who are product aware and you're helping convince them to buy yours instead of
someone else's um but if you're not getting past that point you're probably not good enough to go to the other stages so yes is a case of improving your ads better offers better ad creative I'll talk about that more in a second but it's also the messaging that you use starts to become really important so the first thing I want you to do is identify are are your ads good enough to get which stage to convert basically so it might be that only hot audiences in which case you need to create ads that are aimed
at people that are product aware and try and get them to convert how would you do that you would emphasize the benefits of your product or service over your competitors that's how you get product aware people to purchase if they're already good enough to do that and you're thinking okay how can I improve them to go a step up again you need to change the messaging and change the positioning of the of the advertising so then you need to go out people who aren't solution aware to get from solution aware to purchase you need to
go that one stage further and say we know that you know you can run paid ads to get great results but did you know that an agency can do it for you did you know that this type of product or service that we offer is the perfect answer to the solution you're looking for if you've already achieved solution aware you won't be seeing a drop off after days weeks probably even months you'd be able to advertise for much longer but if you're really trying to scale and uh improve your return on ad spend uh you
need to go one step up again and go for people who are problem aware but not solution aware so Those ads would be pitched as do you have ABC problem if so did you know that this perfect solution that we happen to have is going to solve your problem improve your life all that sort of stuff and then if you really want to get very brave and Tackle unaware of course you can but you need to start by addressing the problem in the first place and letting people know were you the subject of an injury
in a work environment did you know that you can get payment up to the amount of du d d d du as I said the personal injury lawyer is the super obvious one in those cases but you can do it in other scenarios as well it's it's improving your offer improving your creative but also trying to change your messaging to Target people that are at a lower level of awareness and then push them all the way through and in terms of getting really granular with stuff because I've seen Facebook advertisers tear their hair out trying
to work out well hang on how do I get the messaging WR and know that I'm only reaching solution aware people you don't like if you if you create an ad that's aimed at solution aware people the messaging isn't going to be perfect for say people who are product aware or your hot audiences but it's fine generally because those people are much more like to convert anyway they're much more easier to convert so don't worry about segmenting out your audiences I would try and have multiple different ads with different messaging price points see how they
perform to the total audience if you get it right you will most likely see that the ads pitched at people that are less aware will do well because if you are product aware and someone starts by talking about your problem so let's say someone is aware that you can hire a face Facebook ads agency to do your Facebook ads for you and an ad messaging is pitched that are you struggling to get customers did you know that running Facebook ads is a great way to do it those people aren't going to be put off by
that it's they still have the problem and they already know about the solutions you're just you're you're reinforcing what they already know it's not wasted time it's not a d it's not like it's not going to work and then you can lead into the Facebook ad so if you pitch an ad at a lower level of awareness you're going to get people who are further down to convert but it's very unlikely to happen the other way around if you pitch in going our Facebook advertising Services is amazing it's so much better than our competitors look
at all these testimonials that's a hard sale to people that don't even know you can run Facebook ads to find new customers which there are lots of people or don't even know that it's a viable option for their business and that's very much how I'd like you to think about this awareness framework and how you need to go after your potential customers and change your marketing messaging give it a go and if it really works out let me know in the comments below and if you want to know how to create high converting Facebook ads
that can be put in front of people that are higher up the awareness ladder and still get them to convert I'd recommend that you check out this video in it I demonstrate a toour that I love that makes it really quick and easy to produce really high quality and high converting and creative
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