INSANELY Profitable Side Hustle (How To Make Money Online 2024)

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Jason Wardrop
Start by signing up to my FREE course: INSANELY Profitabl...
Video Transcript:
one of the most profitable side hustles of this decade is something less than 1% of people are doing and if you stick around with me here to the end of this video I'm going to show you step by step how to get started for free and the best part for you is I have nothing to sell you seriously guys I have zero paid courses but if you want to unlock all of my courses for free all you got to do is just smash the like button drop a comment down below and I will send you
a private link so you can unlock everything now the cool thing about this side hustle is it's something I've been able to show total beginners with minimal experience as you can see right here on my screen and they've been able to see amazing results with this all right so now that we got that out of the way that you smash the like button you drop a comment so I can hook you up with this free course let me show you guys this exact business model let me pull it up here on my screen so what
we're going to be doing is we're working with small local business owners and honestly this could be any type of small local business owners and know real quick just before you jump into it and think we're running Facebook ads or doing SEO for clients something like that we are doing none of that so if you think about local business owners your plumber your electrician your hair stylist massage therapist chiropractor really any type of small business owner it doesn't matter and then right here I've got offer simple lead generation systems that are copy and paste and
what I'm going to show you guys today is actually even simpler than this it's literally you go through and you have this client sign in to a simple software and they check on one button and then they click save and that is all they have to do and then you don't have to do anything on an ongoing fulfillment because the software is going to be doing all of the heavy lifting all the Fulfillment but because this small business owner is continually getting results they will continue to pay you on a monthly ongoing basis now this
specific service you probably won't be able to charge $300 to $500 per month just for this one thing alone but I know a number of people charging $100 per month and if you think about that if you just got 10 people signed up on this which you'll soon see here that literally every single business doesn't matter what industry doesn't matter what they do they need the service you could charge $100 get 10 people on and that is $1,000 per month in pretty passive monthly recurring income right obviously if they have questions they reach out to
you you want to get back to them but other than that it's pretty simple setup and I'm going to show you guys how to do this right here right now and I'll even show you how to get your first clients for free how to fulfill for those clients for free and how to make money on a monthly ongoing basis and be able to stack up your recurring income because at the end of the day it really comes down to are you going to actually Implement what I'm showing you right here and if not obviously you're
not going to see any results so the first thing as we can see right here we need to find some small local business owners and luckily for all of us we all have free access to Google and so step one we need to find a local business and then I'm going to show you guys the simple systems that we're going to go through and set them up with but first we need to go through and let's type in for this example we'll say plumbers Dallas Texas and really like I said this works for any industry
for any City any state really any country and I have people that are doing this in other countries I have people that are in other countries that are targeting businesses in the US so it really doesn't matter where you are and so what it's going to pull up is obviously you've seen this before you've got your sponsored results and then you scroll down a little bit more you've got a little bit more sponsored and then you have your organic results usually based on the number of reviews they have but look at this all of these
small business owners they have their phone number listed okay but statistics show that 62% of calls incoming calls to the small local businesses go unanswered and why do they go unanswered it's because a lot of these small mom and pop shops whether a plumber electrician whoever they are they are busy doing jobs they are doing the work and so they don't have time to pick up every single phone call and they don't have maybe the budget to hire an assistant or receptionist to answer all these phone calls and so what we want to do is
we want to set them up with a simple service called autois call textback right and I'm going to show you guys how to set that all up here in just a second but I want to explain to you really quick why this is so valuable and why this is actually such an easy sale to all of these businesses the reason why is because the other day I actually had my my AC went out okay it was like 100 105 degrees here and my AC went out and so it was really hot it was like 90
Dees in my house and so I'm just sitting here I'm like man I'm sweating I want this problem fixed as soon as possible I'm like I don't care if this is after hours charge I want this thing fixed right now and so what we did is we went to Google we typed in AC repair near me right so we called the first one right and luckily we were able to go through and get a hold of them right away but typically if we are not able to get a hold of them right away right what
do what would you do you would then go call the next person and then the next person and then the next person because you don't really care you're looking at all these and you're like okay a th000 reviews over 700 reviews a th000 reviews I don't have any specific tie to Jennings Plumbing public service plumbers pure plumbing and so I just want my problem fixed right now okay and so if 62% of these calls are going unanswered these small businesses are missing out on closed Deals they are missing out on money where what we're going
to do is we're going to set them up with something called autois call textback so if somebody calls in let's say I call in to jenning's Plumbing Service who they are actually paying money to be up here at the top and if they don't have the service then they're missing out they're not only spending money but then they're also missing out on return revenue and so what we're going to do is say okay if they call this number we are going to automate this phone number where anytime somebody calls if we don't pick up the
phone if this small business owner does not pick up the phone we're going to automatically text the person and so that we continue the conversation via text and they don't immediately go to call the next person so what we can do is say okay if they call in and say hey Jenny's plumbing services ring ring ring oh no pickup then Jenny's Plumbing servic can say hey sorry I missed your call we're super busy right now we want to call you back as soon as possible possible how can we help you or something like that right
you can customize the message how do you want and so now me as a potential client I'm going to go text back and forth and be like okay at least I made contact I'm going to go through and set something up and be more likely to still work with Jennings Plumbing as opposed to going to the next business okay so now I hope you guys understand the value of why this is so important now let's go in I want to show you guys how to go through and set this up step by step so what
we do is we use Simple software to automate this entire process because what we want to do is we want to have this simple service that we set up once takes us about 5 to 10 minutes to set up for the client and then the software does all the heavy lifting for us but because it continues to produce results for the client they continue to pay you $100 $200 per month or whatever you're charging them and if you think about that why would they pay $100 or $200 per month for for this simple service well
if every single deal that they have is on average let's say $500 or 1,000 or whatever the number is and you help them save five deals that is a significant Roi on the money invested that $100 or $200 per month that they're spending right so all day long they would want to do this and I know some of you guys are probably thinking because I get this comment all the time well if it's so simple why wouldn't these small business owners just do it themselves and I 100% agree with you I understand where you're coming
from I thought that 8 years ago before I had worked with over 15,000 small local business owners and after working with over 15 ,000 I learned something very valuable they are extremely busy they do not need or they do not want another task added to their to-do list even if it's as simple as clicking a button they just don't want it to do it they want to go through and pay the $100 or $200 per month for someone else to do it someone else to learn it and figure it out and just take care of
all of it for them I know sounds crazy but that is where this insanely profit side hustle comes in for you all right so what we're going to do is use this software and like I said if you guys smash the like button drop a comment down below I'll not only hook you guys up with all my step-by-step free courses of how to get clients fulfill for clients how to go through and grow this business but I'll also hook you up with an extended 30-day free trial to this software normally a 14-day free trial I
get you a couple extra weeks because I'm friends with the founders the owners and so they hooked me up for my audience so I want to be able to do that to kind of give out to you guys so what we're going to do here is we come to the software and the cool thing about this software it can run our entire business we don't need any other softwares and we can have five clients on the software we can have 10 we can have a 100 or a thousand and it doesn't cost us anything extra
okay so if you think about that you could go get 10 clients for $100 um per month that's $1,000 you could scale it up to 100 clients pay you $100 per month 10 grand a month right not too bad and it costs you the same exact amount of money focusing on this one simple business model so once we come in here we've created a separate account this is just a demo account obviously for the specific client then we just connect their Google my business listing so every single business on Google right over here so public
service plumbers this is what their Google my business listing looks like it's kind of like a Facebook page but it's for Google right and so what we do is we get in contact with them we call them up we say hey look we see that you don't have autom Miss called textback this is kind of how it works we'd love to help you set it up we have the scripts and templates everything inside of our free course to help you guys out as well and then you come in and you click connect right here and
it just signs in through Google right so if you can sign in if you can have your client sign in super easy you don't need any marketing experience or Tech skills to go through and make that happen now once you're connected here it's going to pull in all the information from this Google my business listing right here okay and then all you have to do for setup watch this takes about 10 seconds and it is so easy I might actually even move my head for this we're going to come over here to settings I will
move my head just because it's going to be in the way and then we come down all the way down to the business profile settings and you see this missed call textback and so we want to enable Miss call textback and that is all you have to do and so from here it says hi this is location name so this is like the business name as you're going through and creating this account okay I saw that we just missed your call how can I help and if you want to come in here you can go
through and customize the text you can have it say whatever you want but usually this is a good standard based message and then you just click on save Miss call text settings and guess what that's it that is all you have to do so dang easy right so I hope you can see how literally every single small local business owner that does not have this which is a majority of these small local businesses they need this they need this so they can make more money so they can save deals if they're spending money to get
ranked on Google to get more reviews and do all this stuff to get more awareness and reach well they're missing out on this lwh hanging fruit and you can come in and save the day and help them and for just $100 $200 per month you can go through set this up it's a one-time simple setup it literally once it's set up it's done like it's not like you have to go through and do like Facebook ad Management on a monthly ongoing basis yes it's a lot lower price point but then also it's a price point
that all these small local business owners can afford and you can easily make sense of it because you say Hey look it's $100 per month what if I saved you five clients per month what is the average value of a client worth to you is it $100 $500 $11,000 usually it's probably going to be like $2 to $500 for most of these small local businesses and so if you save on average let's say five clients that is a significant Roi and that's going to make sense for them to stay on using the service month in
and month out and also $100 a month is really not a price point that these small local businesses are going to be like dang that's a huge charge like I don't know if I really want to be spending this each month 100 bucks versus like $1,500 which some of these traditional marketing agency gurus tell you to go through and charge for services that's an expense that they're going to be looking at every single month once that hits their credit card and be like do I really need this I don't know that's kind of a lot
of money whereas $100 per month with the value that it provides with the minimum work on your end it's kind of a Nob brainer right so anyway guys I hope this video was helpful as far as breaking down one of the most profitable side hustles that you can get started right now like I said if you guys just smash that like button drop a comment down below I'll send you a private link to my free course to show you guys how to get started I'll get you the extended 30-day free trial to that software I'll
show you how to get clients I even have a lot of other free ways to go through and get clients the scripts the templates the whole fulfillment process how you can add other simple services on top of to the auto Miss called textback where you can charge three to even $500 per month to get more Revenue per client and so that is all jam-packed in there 100% for free and like I said guys I have no paid courses I have no paid coaching program I have no paid masterminds and so that is not my hidden
agenda my hidden agenda I guess is I want you to sign up for the software through my affiliate link because the cool thing is it will cost you $ Z more to use my affiliate link but it's going to give me a little bit of a kickback and so then I can provide all this awesome value and training and courses and templates and coaching 100% fore free because I'm able to get a kickback from the software so anyway guys thank you so much for watching really appreciate you um if you're brand new here make sure
you subscribe and I will see you in the next video
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