Watch How God Turns Things Around When You PRAY FIRST | Christian Motivational Prayers

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one of the best pieces of advice that I have ever received about improving my prayer life was this pray the scripture open up the word of God and begin to pray God's word there is nothing more powerful than that and so as I have taken this advice on board I would like to share with you how praying Psalm 91 has changed my life as I go through this video each verse will be on the screen and I will show you just how you can begin to pray like this too he who dwells in the secret
place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty Lord I pray that I would always be in the secret place where your presence dwells father I desire to always be in fellowship with you wherever I go may you lead me wherever I go may your presence go before me I pray that I would be hidden from the sight of evil because I am under the shadow of An Almighty all powerful God your word says I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my Fortress my God in him I
will trust indeed Lord You Are A Mighty Fortress in your presence alone I can find safe Refuge with great confidence I can declare that god Jehovah is my refuge and Fortress and in you alone do I trust and so Lord be the shield and Fortress for my family when troubles come our hearts will seek you for safe Refuge when the storms of life come our hearts will seek you for safe Refuge dear Lord the Bible says surely he shall deliver You From The Snare of the Fowler and from the perilous pestilence thank you master for
This Promise of protection and deliverance you are a God who delivers your people from every scheme and trap from the enemy and for that we thank you we praise you you are the great deliverer and so whatever comes against me I look to you I trust you to deliver me your word tells me that he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shall take refuge his truth shall be your shield and buckler my God cover me cover me and my family as we go up and about each and every day cover
us Shield us from the evil one may your protective hand guard us and guide us may the truth that is in your word Shield my ears from the discouraging voice of the enemy May the truth that is in your word be living and active in my life may you help me to Shield my eyes from Evil things from ungodly things my lord your word in Psalm 91: 5 and 6 says you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness
nor of the destruction that lays waste at Noonday I stand on your word that tells me not to be afraid I thank you for giving me peace I thank you for giving me joy God I thank you for blocking every arrow that the enemy tries to aim at me I thank you for surrounding me with your presence it's because you are with me I will not be moved by the chaos of this world I will not be afraid of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor of the destruction that L waste at Noonday because you
are with me Mighty Lord your word in Psalm 91: 7-2 says a thousand may fall at your side and 10,000 at your right hand but it shall not come near you only with your eyes shall you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the Lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear bear you
up lest you dash your foot against a stone I thank you God for the promises that no evil will befall me I declare that no evil will befall my home in Jesus name I thank you master for the assurance that you have given your angels charge over me Father you have the thrown to my heart and I bless your Holy Name you stand above all above all principalities above any ruler of wickedness you stand above all dear God and there is nothing that can stand against you and so I call upon your name Jehovah the
God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the world may be in chaos but I am in peace peace because Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior the world may be burdened and sorrowful but I am filled with a supernatural joy and Supernatural strength because the Lord is my refuge and Dwelling Place your word tells me that you shall tread upon the lion and the Cobra the Young Lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot I pray that the spirit of the Living God would Empower me to overcome every obstacle every challenge that is in front of
me Holy Spirit Empower me Empower me to overcome all that seeks to trouble me or keep me in sin I stand on the word of the Lord and I believe that with God on my side I will trample over for every serpent from the enemy father the Bible in Psalm 91: 14-6 says because he has set his love upon me therefore I will deliver him I will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble I will deliver
him and honor him with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation all praise belongs to you my God because you rescue those who love you you protect those who trust in your name you are a God who neither sleeps nor sleep Slumbers and you are always ready to answer your children when they call on you and so I pray that you would hear my prayer today deliver me from all that troubles me my father I call on you for Rescue and deliverance I honor your holy name amen Galatians 6:8 says whoever
SS to please their flesh from the flesh will reap destruction whoever SS to please the spirit from the spirit will reap eternal life think of it this way if you develop a habit of satisfying your sinful desire if day in and day out you are engaged in that which is worldly if you consistently invest in the flesh then the Bible says you will reap corruption because all things relating to the flesh are temporary they will pass away but whoever SWS into the spirit when you sew into the spirit that means that day in and day
out you're investing in the things of the Lord you are about your father's business in Practical terms it means you're living a Christian Life where your prayer is a daily habit reading the word of God is a daily habit and you see it's these habits that will begin to transform your life the more time you consistently spend in God's word and in prayer the more you will grow as a Believer if you were impulsive you will find that the holy spirit will enable you to have self-control if you were judgmental to others or full of
Pride the holy spirit will enable you to have humility and love your neighbor and of all the habits that we need to develop I believe daily communion with the Holy Spirit is absolutely Paramount Ephesians 5:8 says don't be drunk with wine because that will ruin your life instead be filled with the Holy Spirit when you are filled with the Holy Spirit this means that you are constantly Guided by him you're always led by the spirit rather than our sinful nature it's a state of dependency you are no longer dependent on yourself on your resources or
your circle of influence but you are dependent on the Holy Ghost day in and day out this is why it's so important to be filled with the holy spirit so look at your habits and if they are not causing you to grow in faith and grow in the Lord pray for change as individuals we are often blinded to the dangers of prayerlessness praying is not easy praying should not be casual it's spiritual warfare however a prayer careless Christian is completely powerless because there is no relationship with God have you ever noticed that when you need
the Lord to intervene in your life when you need a miracle or a breakthrough no one has to tell you that you need to pray no one has to tell you that you need to have a prayer life often times when we are in need there is an intensity about our prayers however the difficulty we all face is that once our personal needs are met once the battle has been won one once the Breakthrough has come the fire that was once in our prayers it seems to fizzle out and we need to be aware of
this we need to guard against this now I understand that in life there will be days where you find that you can easily capture the spirit of prayer you can pray effortlessly you can pray and feel as though an hour is just 10 minutes however you will also encounter days where prayer will be nothing other than a fight and it's when you encounter those moments that you should push through praying is fighting you have to fight to pray and on the days where you struggle I want to encourage you to be resilient and remember that
the size of your prayer must match the size of your opposition and your opposition is the devil your opposition can be found in Ephesians 6:12 where the Bible reads for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the cosmic Powers over this present Darkness against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly places all of us should know that we're fighting the kingdom of darkness the enemy will try to infiltrate our homes he will try to cause division in the family and in the church if we become
prayerless Christians I encourage you to pray because some of you need strength to defeat strongholds some of you need Grace to overcome insecurities some of you need the hand of God to move within your family and restore damaged relationships Jesus says in the Book of Matthew 7:7 ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you for everyone who asks receives he who seeks will find and to him who knocks the door will be open this is Jesus is effectively telling us to pray
until something happens keep seeking the Lord until you find your answer carry on knocking until the door is opened now a child of God recognizes that you cannot fight a battle and get away with a weak prayer life but I would like to inform you perhaps encourage you to look at prayer as a means to Victory you see we are built and equipped for spiritual warfare so we shouldn't be afraid of a fight we shouldn't be afraid of fighting through prayer a lot of people shy away from being intercessors they shy away from being prayer
warriors they would rather pray nice there are Christians out there who do want to pray but they are intimidated at the prospect or thought of warfare but I would like to remind you that the Bible says for the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty in God for pulling down strongholds the weapons of an intercessor the strength of an intercessor is derived from God alone that's why the verse says the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty in God meaning they are divinely powerful they are Supernatural in their effectiveness you cannot
fight the devil with your natural fists but you can fight him through prayer you can fight him by calling out to the Lord you can fight him by going to Jesus in prayer so I encourage you today to keep pushing in prayer don't be intimidated by the thought of spiritual warfare don't be afraid but rather be prayerful be resilient and Relentless knowing that prayer is a fight Exodus 17 presents us with a powerful lesson on prayer in verse 9 we are told Moses said to Joshua choose some of our men and go out to fight
the amalekites tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands so Joshua Fought the amalekites as Moses had ordered and Moses Aaron and her went to the top of the hill as long as Moses held up his hands the Israelites were winning but whenever he lowered his hands the amalekites were winning when Moses's hands grew tired they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it Aaron and her held his hands up one on one side one on the other so that his hands
remained steady till sunset so Joshua overcame the amalekite army with the sword there are several lessons to be learned from this passage of scripture Moses went to pray away from the battle to a quiet place he didn't start praying from the front line but he backed off some distance and goes up a hill to pray and this is the perspective that a child of God needs to have we have to fight our battles in private no need for an audience or Spectators no distractions it simply them in their prayer closet and that's enough a prayer
closet allows intimacy with God it becomes your War Room God acts in response to prayer each time Moses lowered his hands in tiredness the amalekites began to win and I believe this was God's way of teaching us that the battles we face as children of God are won and lost by prayer or a lack of it we need to rely on prayer and not on anything else the spiritual war against the devil is an ongoing one for us as children of the Lord so we need to remain under the blood of Jesus and in prayer
if we are to overcome now once again whenever Moses held up his hand Israel prevailed and whenever he lowered his hand amalec prevailed when we pray things happen people are healed situations are altered the broken are made whole again and spiritual battles are won but if we get distracted and let our guard down the enemy has an opportunity to attack us when we cease praying we inhibit the power of God at work in our lives more prayer more power but the opposite is true no prayer no power the beauty of the story of Moses is
that it shows him to be human not this giant of Faith who seems Untouchable Moses demonstrated that he is like us in prayer he gets tired he's frail vulnerable and weak the same feelings that we experience Moses got tired but he persevered and this is what we must do we must persevere in prayer we must keep pushing in prayer the Lord still answers prayers Jesus Christ is faithful and merciful if you call unto the Lord his word says I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know desire to be a prayer
warrior in your own right A Prayer Warrior who is dedicated and committed to maintaining a close relationship with the Lord fight the good fight that's what the Bible tells us 1 Timothy 6:12 fight the good fight of the faith take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses you see faith is a fight living for God is a fight a daily fight as a matter of fact and when we're told to fight the good fight of Faith this means there is
opposition there is conflict there's a resistance that needs to be overcome there are two opposing signs and what are these sides at war with each other well Galatians 5:1 17 says for the sinful nature has its desire which is opposed to the spirit and the desire of the spirit opposes the sinful nature for these to the sinful nature and the spirit are in direct opposition to each other continually in Conflict so so that you as believers do not always do whatever good things you want to do there is a fight between our sinful nature and
the spirit of God within us there is a fight between your will and God's will there is a fight between your pride and selfishness versus obedience to God's word when Jesus Christ was on this Earth he only did his father's will Christ did not live his life as a man according to his own wishes as many of us do he lived for God and Jesus Christ is our ultimate example of how to live and die in faith the question is what exactly is his example and how do we follow it first and foremost Jesus did
not live this life according to his own desires in fact if you read John 5 it indicates that Jesus did not do anything purely on his own rather he was given all judgment by the father for the express purposes of doing what the father does the Bible says then Jesus answered and said to them most assuredly I say to you the son can do nothing of himself but what he sees the father do for whatever he does the son also does in like manner Jesus did not follow his own agenda but his father's agenda another
aspect of fighting the good fight pertains to the two most important Commandments we received from our Savior love our Lord God with all of our heart mind and soul and then love our neighbors as we love ourselves we exemplify this Faith through following these two simple yet difficult commands I'm sure we can all agree that it's a fight to love your neighbor all the time there will be times when your neighbor will betray your trust but you still have to love them the there'll be times when your neighbor will turn their back on you but
you still have to love them you see it's a fight to love your neighbor and even in your own personal relationship with God it's a fight to spend time in his word it's a fight to pray consistently it's a fight to chase Holiness because we have to contend with our own sinful nature but you see this is the good fight of faith this is what the fight is all about dear friend let me encourage you today to keep on fighting keep fighting the good fight of Faith dear father Lord I pray for the person who's
listening and feels as though they have no fight left within them God show yourself to be a God who gives strength to the weak show yourself to be a God who renews and gives power to the weary show yourself to be the God who fights our battles and certainly a God who is never lost a battle fill us with boldness and courage give us a fighting Spirit give us a desire to fight in our daily schedules so that we can find time to be with you to seek you and to get to know you help
us Lord Jesus and strengthen us help us to to fight against discouragement help us to fight against unbelief help us to fight against the lies of the enemy good Lord I pray that you would give us the spiritual endurance required in this battle renew our strength so that we can mount up with wings as Eagles so that we can run and not be weary so that we can walk and not faint the Bible in Ephesians 6: 12-13 says for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of
the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand father in this fight we trust in you come what may from the kingdom of darkness we put our trust in you some may put their trust in horses some may put their trust in chariots but we put our trust in the Great Name of Jesus Christ you never forsake your children Lord you never abandon those who call on
you and for that we are grateful father at this time I pray that each of us would fight to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ in this world regardless of who's against us regardless of who's persecuting us father give us the Zeal the strength the power to declare your gospel with boldness the Bible tells us to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole whole creation help us to spread the good news in a world filled with fear birth a fire in our hearts so that we can do all that we
can to advance the agenda of the Kingdom of Heaven King Jesus may you increase in our lives as we decrease may you be exalted and glorified you are The God Who deserves the God who protects and he who is always watching over us we bless your holy name and thank you for your grace and mercy Lord amen have you ever seen someone who's broken a broken person is one who's been defeated overwhelmed overpowered it's a sad sight to see a broken man or a woman crushed by life crushed by tragedy are crushed by their own
mistakes and the thing about it is when a person is truly broken they have given up there is no hope however a Believer who has their heart in the Lord can never be broken you simply cannot break someone who is truly in Jesus Christ and what I mean by that is Paul said in the book of Philippians for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain meaning if there's a breath in his body it's because Jesus sustains me it's because Jesus Christ strengthens me and if I'm absent from this body then I
am present in eternity with Christ God will dry your tears he will be a bridge over troubled water he will will be sunshine on a rainy day your strength in the moments that you feel weak so raise your head and don't slump your shoulders you're God's child you have been bought by the precious blood of Jesus Christ there ain't a devil that can break you there isn't a situation that can break you because greater is he who was in you than he who was in the world the Amplified translation for Psalm 34: 19 says many
hardships and perplexing circumstances confront the righteous but the Lord rescues him from them all this is really a remarkable passage of scripture and it's one that is often overlooked as Christians we have not been promised a life free from hardships we have not been promised a trouble-free life on the contrary God has promised to be our rescue now hardship in life can come in many forms and so long as you are living in this world trouble and hardships are simply a part of life I would even say this is the case more so if you
are a Christian because Jesus said in John 15: 18- 21 if the world hates you keep in mind that it hated me first if you belong to the world it would love you as its own as it is you do not belong to this world but I have chosen you out of the world that is why the world hates you remember what I told you a servant is not greater than his master if they persecuted me they will persecute you also if they obeyed my teaching they will obey yours also they will treat you this
way because of my name for they do not know the one who sent me now the question for us is how do we handle being hated by the world how do we handle being persecuted by the world well I have one passage of scripture to help you in this area 1 Peter 4: 13-16 says but rejoice in as much as you participate in the sufferings of Christ so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed if you are insulted because of the name of Christ you are blessed for the spirit of glory and
God rests on you if you suffer it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal or even a meddler however if you suffer as a Christian do not be ashamed but praise God that you bear that name when you suffer because you are a Christian when you suffer because of your belief in the Lord be strengthened by the word of God because the Bible says you are blessed for the spirit of glory and of God rests on you so let me encourage you and tell you should you face the
hardships of life because you are a Christian you're blessed because as you partake in the suffering because because of Christ you will be overjoyed in glory when the Lord returns you will be rewarded for your faithfulness and should you face the hardships of life should you encounter the many afflictions that we all face in life then we have a promise to hold on to and that promise is that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all regardless of the type of trouble you face or the form it
com in so long as you are in the Lord you will overcome should you need healing submit to the Lord's will and if you receive healing that's wonderful if you don't then do not be disheartened because perhaps there is a purpose for you to go through what you're going through have an attitude that says Lord whatever your decision may be I'm going to trust in you may your will be done may your will take precedence over my life healing is something that we all need in our lives physical healing emotional healing or mental healing whatever
it may be Jesus Christ still heals today he still makes people whole today Jesus Christ still men's broken hearts he can divinely rehabilitate you he can can revive the dead things in your life Jesus Christ can soothe every painful scar in your life he is the master physician he's a chief Doctor Who is able to treat every visible and invisible wound in your life but here's the key here's the key for us we have to be submitted to his will praise him if he heals you in a sudden and miraculous way but also praise him
if he doesn't heal you but instead gives you the grace and strength to endure the grace and strength to keep going regardless put the Lord's will above your will in this very moment you could be feeling as though you've lost everything let me tell you that you haven't if you're a child of God you still have Jesus and Jesus plus nothing equals everything you see God's presence is wonderful when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there's nothing from the enemy that can touch
you in his presence There Is Power so much power that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the Lord that you can find Divine strength it's only in God that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you to fully trust in God we have to relinquish full control to put it another way it's to abandon trust in yourself or another human you stop trying to fix it
yourself and you allow God you yield to God you surrender all control to him in all aspects of your life you need to accept that in the grand scheme of things your control is limited this is why we trust in An Almighty God this is why we trust in an all powerful God because we are limited but he isn't
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