r no r [Applause] [Music] no the complete story of Moses a prophet and priest of God listen listen that's the sound of a baby abandoned in the Nile River crying that is the sound of Baby Moses crying after his mother left him in the river in a high stake scheme to save his life yes I know it is complicated we we shall get more into this a little later this is the complete story of Moses a prophet and priest of God a fascinating story of slavery bravery love regret betrayal death Miracle survival and Redemption by
the end of this movie you will see there is so much to the story of Moses than you ever thought if you watch until the end you will learn why Satan is working overdrive even today to discover the burial place of Moses and why God designate a special warrior angel to prevent him from doing so now let's get started have you ever struggled with the feeling of not belonging anywhere you are there but you don't feel like you belong you don't feel accepted neither do you feel accepting then you start to ask who am I
why am I here here where is God in all of this who is God what is the nature of God the answers to these questions are revealed in the story of Moses they are questions that not only Moses but also the Israelites in general struggled to answer they are questions many of struggle with today how could we not Wonder after all it is God who chose to reveal himself to this Moses a reluctant Prophet a hesitant priest a doubting Warrior and a troubled youth raised in the house of pharaoh the king of Egypt and a
mortal enemy of Israel this is the story of Moses a man chosen by God to lead a nation in bondage Moses was born and raised in Egypt but his story did not start in Egypt it started in the land of Canaan around 1950 BC when the children of Israel formerly Jacob sold their little brother Joseph into [Music] slavery as The Story Goes Joseph through miraculous interventions ended up in the house of king Pharaoh he rose to prominence and became the second in command only to the king not long after during what historian considered the second
famine in the Bronze Age through what can only be a Divine orchestration Jacob Israel and the rest of the family joined Joseph in Egypt which at the time had plenty of food the Israelites lived over 500 years in Egypt before Moses was born in 1393 BC to fully grasp Moses's story we must go back to the Book of Genesis starting with God's revelation to Abraham that his descendants will will be enslaved in Egypt for many years God says to Abraham then the Lord said to him no for certain that for 400 years your descendants will
be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there but I will punish the nation they serve as slaves and afterward they will come out with great possessions Genesis 15: 13-14 and so it was the children of Israel who joined Joseph in Egypt became slaves in the land after his death and the installation of a new Pharaoh as king over centuries the enslaved people began to outnumber the Egyptians the new Pharaoh feeling threatened instituted various oppressive measures to assert control over his slaves he tasked the Israelites to build
grand temples for the worship of Egyptian god God contrary to the laws of their God the Egyptians applied every Wicked tactic to oppress and reduce the number of the Israelites in their land it did not work as God promised Abraham they continued to grow in number and strength even as the oppressive measures increase then Pharaoh decided to take a drastic action he ordered that every firstborn male child of the Hebrew people must be cast into the Nile River to drown this was a heavy penalty the Israelites could not bear so they increased their prayer for
God to send a prophet who would free them from the bondage of slavery and the ploy of Extinction in the land of Egypt it was during this difficult period around 1390 BC under Pharaoh's heavy rule that Moses was born for Moses's mother mother his birth was made exceedingly more difficult because of Pharaoh's decree when she became pregnant she feared that she would give birth to a boy knowing that he would not be spared she indeed gave birth to Moses to protect her child she would hide him so that no one would see that sheia had
a male child Moses was still a baby when she realized she could no longer hide him it was then she decided to come up with an elaborate plan to protect her child she decided to place him in the trust of a God who seemed to have forgotten them she took Moses to the Nile River and set him a drift on in a tarco basket Moses floated in the basket along the shore of the river as he floated and cried he caught the attention of Pharaoh's daughter who was participating in a Rel religious ceremony in a
nearby Temple she quickly called her servants to fetch him up they did when she set eyes on Moses she took a liking to him immediately but then she realized the boy was a Hebrew the child of a slave still she wanted to keep the baby but she could not take him home as she was contemplating on what to do with the child a young woman a plant of Moses's mother appeared she informed Pharaoh's daughter that she could help her find a surrogate mother to raise the child for the princess Pharaoh's daughter agreed at once she
instructed the servants to provide the baby and the surrogate mother everything they needed to raise the boy now she would have a son of her own she bemused in excitement she called him Moses the name Moses in Hebrew means drawn out symbolizing how he was pulled from the water water in Egyptian it implies born of or son of suggesting Moses was born of the river emerging from obscurity he was a man without a known origin rescued in the most improbable manner Moses therefore becomes a metaphor for the Israelites emerging seemingly from nowhere passing through water
passing through hardship and integrated into a family into the family of God when the child was old enough Pharaoh's daughter took him to live in the palace Moses was raised as a prince of Egypt growing up in Pharaoh's household Moses became intimately familiar with Egyptian culture he was accepted by his adopted Egyptian family and loved by his adopted mother they thought he was one of them but Moses knew who he was he was no egyptian he was Hebrew a descendant of slaves not long after Moses started to witness the violent campaigns against the Israelites what
is worse is that he was powerless to do anything about it as the years passed one day burdened with knowledge of Pharaoh's campaign against the people of Israel Moses reached his Breaking Point Exodus 2: 11 to12 describes how one day when Moses had grown up he went out to where his own people were and watched them as their hard labor then he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew one of his own people looking around and seeing no one Moses intervened and ended up killing the Egyptian he hid his body in the sand the next day
Moses went out again this time he found two Hebrews fighting when he tried to intervene and stop the fighting one of them would have none of it he asked Moses if he was going to kill him as he killed the Egyptian this man was not there when Moses killed the Egyptian and yet he knew of what happened realizing that his secret was out Moses feared for his life indeed when Pharaoh heard of this he felt betrayed and was enraged he quickly ordered that Moses be found and executed Moses fled from Pharaoh's Palace a life of
luxury to a small village of Midian he was exhausted and hungry when he arrived so he sat by a well not long after his arrival the Seven Daughters of the priest of Midian Jethro also arrived to fetch water from the well for their father's flock however as they were about to get the water some Shepherds from a rival Village came and drove the women away Moses quickly intervened he protected the women and single-handedly drove the Shepherds away he then helped the women to get water for their flock this act of kindness and bravery greatly impressed
the sisters when the sisters returned home they informed their father about all that happened at the well and about the Egyptian stranger Moses who saved them from the enemy Shepherds and helped them to get water for their flock Jethro pleased with this act of kindness invited Moses to stay with them Moses agreed to live with Jethro who then gives his daughter Zapora to Moses in marriage the name ziora means bird Hebrew which could symbolize her role in helping Moses start a new life in Midian Moses settles in Midian and starts a family with zipparah they
have a son named gersam a name that reflects Moses's sense of being a stranger in a foreign land as gersam is Hebrew for I have been a stranger there this period in Moses's life represents a time of transition preparing him for his future role as the leader of the isra Israelites Moses was around 40 years old when he fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian according to acts 7:23 he did not return to Egypt until 40e later meanwhile in Egypt there was a new Pharaoh whose rule was even harsher than his predecessor he intensified the suffering
of the Israelites many folds however this time the cries of the slaves reached God who was about to initiate a pivot little change and Moses was Central to his plan while tending the flock of his father-in-law Jethro the priest of Midian Moses leads the flock to The Far Side of the Wilderness and comes to Horeb the Mountain of God then Moses noticed a bush that is burning but is not consumed by the Flames curious he decided to go closer to understand this strange phenomenon as he approaches God called out to him from within the bush
Moses Moses and Moses responds here I am God introduces himself to Moses he said I am the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob upon hearing this Moses hid his face afraid to look at God then God tells Moses that he has seen the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt and has come down to deliver them bringing them to a good and spacious land he promised their fathers Moses was pleased with the news well until God told him that he Moses would be the instrument for accomplishing this Monumental task when God tells Moses that he is
to be the one to lead the Israelites out of Egypt Moses was shocked he was shocked that he would be picked for the job at first Moses was hesitant and then he began to lay his objections before God he questions why God would choose him a man who is not eloquent and has no special status Moses says who am I that I should go to pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt to convince Moses God gives him several signs to demonstrate his power first he turned Moses's staff into a snake and then back into
a staff then he made Moses's hand leprous and then healed it again despite these signs Moses remains hesitant worried about his ability to speak eloquently he asks God to send someone else in response God becomes angry with Moses at first but then agreed to send Aaron Moses's brother to speak on his behalf God assures Moses that he will help both of them speak and will teach them what to do thus Moses reluctantly agreed to embark on a mission that would define his legacy and alter the history and direction of the world Moses was now ready
to confront Pharaoh an encounter that lead to some of the most miraculous events the world would ever see we will describe these miracles in a bit but first there is this strange encounter between God and Moses recorded in Exodus 4 the Bible records a bizarre but significant incident in Exodus 4: 24- 26 on the way back to Egypt at a lodging place the Lord met Moses and sought to kill him the passage is notably tur and cryptic about why this happened it is indeed a strange decision that I believe is not fully explained in the
story nevertheless to stop God from killing her husband Zapora Moses's wife took a flint knife cut off her son's foreskin and touched Moses's feet with it she said surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me after Zapora action the Lord let Moses alone the story implies that Zora's quick action in circumcising their son appeased God's anger saving Moses life Zapora statement surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me is subject to various interpretations some have interpreted the circumcision as a ritual that bound Moses and Zapora more closely however I believe it is a
reference to the Covenant of circumcision that God had established with Abraham and his descendants several interpretations and theories attempt to explain why God wanted to kill Moses a common interpretation is that Moses had neglected to circumcise his son which was a violation of the Covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis 17:9 to14 perhaps Moses had been repeatedly warned by God to carry out the circumcision we don't know that for sure but it seems likely in any case Moses along with Aaron his brother eventually confronted Pharaoh the king of Egypt Moses and Aaron approach pharaoh and
say this is what the Lord the god of Israel says let my people go so that they may hold a festival to me in the wilderness this request is not for permanent release but for a temporary leave to worship God Pharaoh's response is dismissive and defiant he says who is the Lord that I should obey him and let Israel go I do not know the Lord and I will not let Israel go Pharaoh not only refuses the request but also questions the authority and existence of the Lord the god of Israel Pharaoh then accuses the
Israelites of being lazy as they are asking to go and hold a festival for a god when they have work to do for him to punish them and discourage further thoughts of Freedom he increased their workload previously the Egyptians would provide the straw a key component for the slave Israelites to make bricks now Pharaoh orders that the Israelites will no longer be given straw they must now gather their own straw and still meet the same quota of bricks daily the Israelites find themselves in a worse situation than they were before Moses intervened they were not
happy with Moses the Israelite leaders appealed to Pharaoh for Mercy but their appeals fell on deaf ears when they left Pharaoh they confronted Moses and Aaron and blamed them for worsening their plight needless to say that Moses was devastated he wanted to help his people but now they are in an even bigger trouble because of him Moses turns to God and asks why he has brought trouble to the Israelites and why he sent him if things were only going to get worse for them God reassures him affirming his intention to save Israel this first encounter
highlights the challenges Moses faced in his mission and sets up the dramatic confrontation between God's Will and Pharaoh's stubbornness it also began the narrative Arc that led to the famous 10 plagues which we shall get to next these plagues or tragedies were divine interventions to compel pharaoh to release the Israelites From Slavery each plague recorded in Exodus 7 ES ated in intensity demonstrating God's power over Egypt and its Gods plague number one God instructs Moses to turn the Waters of the Nile into blood this first plague turns all the water in Egypt into blood killing
the fish and making the water undrinkable causing great suffering to the Egyptians plague number two the second plague brings a massive infestation of frogs that overrun the land land entering houses bedrooms and even beds Pharaoh initially promises to let the Israelites go in exchange for relief but once the frogs die off he hardens his heart and refuses to let them leave plague number three Aaron strikes the dust of the Earth with his staff turning it into gnats or lice That Came Upon people and animals the Egyptian magicians declare this to be the Finger of God
but Pharaoh remains un [Music] moved plague number four swarms of flies invade Egyptian homes and lands but this time God spares the region of Goan where the Israelites lived Pharaoh again agrees to let the people go but renes once the plague was lifted plague number five a severe pestilence kills Egyptian livestock but the animals belonging to the Israelites are unharmed despite this clear sign Pharaoh's heart remains hardened plague number six Moses and Aaron take suit from a furnace and throw it into the air causing festering boils to break out on people and animals throughout Egypt
this time even the Egyptian magicians cannot stand before Moses because of the boils plague number seven God sends a devastating hail storm that destroys crops and livestock and kills anyone caught outside Pharaoh admits his sin and asks for relief but once the storm ceases he reverts to his stubborn refusal plague number eight at Moses command God brings a plague of locusts that cover the land and eat everything that the hail had left Pharaoh begs for forgiveness and relief but once the locusts are gone he changes his mind plague number nine a thick Darkness envelops Egypt
for 3 Days A Darkness so profound that people cannot see each other or leave their homes yet all the Israelites have light in their dwellings Pharaoh's heart remains unyielding after each plague Pharaoh's heart hardens either by his own stubbornness or as an act of God preventing him from granting freedom to the Israelites God then tells Moses that he will bring one more plague upon Egypt after which Pharaoh will have no choice but to let the Israelites go God instructs Moses to inform the Israelites about the coming plague and to prepare for their imminent departure from
Egypt Moses and Aaron warned Pharaoh about the severe plague that will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both human and animal this plague is to demonstrate God's power that will only affect the Egyptians and not the Israelites God then instruct the Israelites to observe the Passover each family is to take a lamb without blemish Slaughter it and use its blood to Mark the lentils and doorposts of their houses the blood serves as a sign for God to pass over their houses when he strikes down the firstborn of Egypt they are to eat
the Lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs and remain inside their homes on the appointed day at midnight the Lord strikes down all the firstborn in egyp eypt from the firstborn of pharaoh who sits on the throne to the firstborn of the prisoner in the dungeon and all the firstborn of the livestock there was a great cry in Egypt for there is not a house without someone dead Pharaoh quickly summons Moses and Aaron during the night and tells them to leave Egypt with the Israelites he asks them to bless him as they go the Egyptians
stricken with fear and mourning urge the Israelites to leave quickly the Israelites heeding God's instructions hastily prepared for departure however before they leave they requested gold and silver from the Egyptians who overwhelmed by fear complied the Israelites left in haste they depart from rameses towards suo beginning their Journey out of Egypt and towards the promised land the Israelites left Egypt but their trouble with the stubborn Pharaoh is far from Over the Israelites led by a pillar of fire at night and A Cloud by day followed God's Direction Through the Wilderness they sang in joy and
praised God for his intervention as they marched along but when they heard that the egyptions had changed their mind and were now coming after them with military Convoy and fast-moving chariots they became terrified they started to March faster with the hope of getting out of Egypt before the approaching angry men of the Pharaoh caught up with them but then they reached pahiro and realized there was no way out they found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and the advancing Egyptian Army terrified they started to murmur in fear at this moment of fear Moses did his
best to reassure them he asked them to trust in God and witness the salvation of the almighty this is when he made the fame famous inspirational statement where he saido not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more forever the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace Exodus 14: 13-14 then following God's command Moses stretches out his hand over the Red Sea then God sends a strong East Wind that
parted the Waters of the sea creating a dry path through the middle the Israelites passed through the sea on this dry ground with walls of water on their left and right once the Israelites reached the other side the angry but determined Egyptian Army saw the miracle but could not bring themselves to stop they followed them into the sea path however at God's command Moses stretches out his hand again and the waters return to their normal level drowning the Egyptian Army including Pharaoh's chariots and Horsemen that is how the Israelites were saved formed the hand of
pharaoh and their pursuers this dramatic Deliverance instilled a profound fear of God Among the Israelites they recognized him as the Supreme Being Sovereign over both land and sea and capable of overpowering the Egyptian gods effortlessly this experience provided a resounding answer to their long-standing question about God's nature he is a God who saves they began to sing again they sang a song of praise and exaltation to God acknowledging his might and salvation but again this would not last they will soon forget the power of God as they faced further tribulation as they journeyed toward SI
doubts crept in as they became hungry and tired they thought they would die of starvation they questioned the purpose of their freedom from Egypt if they end up dying in the desert they put the blame on Moses and openly questioned God's ability to sustain them despite witnessing great miraculous events the Israelites grumbled about their hardships they taunted Moses telling him they had it better in Egypt Moses frustrated took the matter to God God responded with another miracle he reigned food from Heaven it was a d like substance which they called Mana meaning what is it
it covered the ground and quailes appeared in abundance this sustenance was provided for 6 days with the seventh day being a day of rest despite this the Israelites continued to display ingratitude and skepticism about God's power whenever they faced hardship as recorded in Exodus 17 as the Israelites wander through the desert they found themselves without water and again began to complain and quarrel with Moses expressing their distress and questioning his leadership they ask why he would bring them out of Egypt if only to have them and their livestock die of thirst in the wilderness Moses
distressed by The People's complaints again cries out to the Lord for help God instructs Moses to take his staff the same one he used to part the Red Sea and to strike a specific rock at Horeb Moses is told that when he strikes the rock water will come out of it and the people will be able to drink Moses follows God's instructions strikes The Rock and water miraculously flows from it however in a later incident recorded in numbers 20 a similar situation arises the people again complained about the lack of water this time God instructs
Moses to speak to the Rock to bring forth water however Moses possibly out of frustration with the people's constant complaints struck the rock twice with his staff instead of speaking to it as God had commanded while water does come out and the people's immediate needs are met Moses's actions have undesired consequences God tells Moses that because he did not trust in him enough to honor him as holy before the Israelites he will not be allowed to lead them into the promised land this response from God highlights the importance of obedience and trust in God and
the serious consequences of deviating from his commands especially for those in leadership positions like Moses Moses actions at the Rock at merbah which means quarreling become a significant moment marking a key turning point in his journey with the Israelites this recurring theme of trust and provision was further exemplified during the Israelites encounter with the amalekites as the Israelites are traveling through the desert they are suddenly attacked by the amalekites a nomadic tribe living in the [Music] region the amalekites were known for their Fierce and opportunistic warfare tactics significantly they chose to attack the Israelites from
the rear targeting the most vulnerable who were lagging behind the elderly the weak and the sick when Moses saw this he instructs Joshua his assistant to choose some men and go out to fight the amalekites to protect the Israelites in the meantime Moses along with Aaron and her goes to the top of a nearby Hill the Bible recounts a strange aspect of this battle as long as Moses held up his hands high the Israelites would be winning but whenever he lowered his hands the amalekites would start to gain the upper hand as the battle wore
on Moses arms became tired Aaron and her recognizing the significance of Moses keeping his hands raised found a stone for him to sit on they then stood on either side of Moses supporting his arms and keeping them steady until sunset this unusual teamwork led to Joshua and the Israelite Army's eventual victory over the amalekites afterward Moses Builds an altar and named it the Lord is my banner signifying God's role in their Victory not long after Moses's father-in-law Jethro visited Moses and observed his exhaustion from single-handedly Leading the People he advised Moses to delegate responsibilities this
significant moment moment highlighted the need for shared leadership and reduced burden on one man Moses this delegation was not just about alleviating moses' burden but also about embodying the image of God in the community reflecting his Justice mercy and Leadership after 3 months of traveling through the desert the Israelites reached Mount Si God Called Moses to the top of the mountain mountain and instructed him to prepare the people for a divine revelation God tells Moses that if the Israelites obey him and keep his Covenant they will be his treasured possession among all nations he is
then instructed to consecrate the people they are to wash their garments and abstain from certain activities as a form of purification in preparation for encountering God Moses descends from the mountain and conveys God's words to the people on the third day with thunder lightning a thick cloud and the sound of a trumpet God descends upon Mount Si the people were warned not to touch the mountain or cross its boundaries only Moses is permitted to approach God then speaks the Ten Commandments directly to the Israelites from the mountain amidst smoke and fire these Commandments include directives
about worshiping only God prohibiting idolatry honoring one's parents and laws against murder adultery theft lying and coveting the Israelites are terrified by the display of God's power and plead with Moses to speak to God on their behalf rather than having God speak directly to them the encounter with God at sin was likened to approaching the sun too intense for direct contact following this Moses approaches the thick Darkness where God is [Music] God gives Moses the Commandments written on two tablets of [Music] stone the giving of the Ten Commandments marks a pivotal moment in the Old
Testament as it establishes the Covenant between God and the Israelites and lays the foundation for their law and ethics God proclaimed to Moses that Israel was to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation however this Covenant vant required obedience and adherence to God's laws the people eagerly accepted this Covenant recognizing it as an opportunity for salvation and prosperity under God's just Reign God's vision for the Israelites is reminiscent of the Garden of Eden he promised Moses a land free from violence and Injustice a place where the Israelites would flourish God pledged to gradually
drive out the inhabitants extending Israel's borders from the Red Sea to the Philistine sea and from the Wilderness to the Euphrates River after receiving the Commandments Moses was instructed to gather Israel's leaders for a communal meal with God during this event Moses Aaron nadab abiu and 70 elders of Israel witnessed a glimpse of the Divine it is described as a pavement of sapphire stone under God's feet remarkably they saw God and were spared God then called Moses to ascend even higher on the mountain taking Joshua with him to stand at a distance while the other
Elders returned to the camp to facilitate this God gave Moses instructions for building a sanctuary a tangible symbol of God dwelling among his people everything was in place skilled Artisans were raised within the community laws were established to guide them into God's presence and even time was Sanctified through the institution of the Sabbath The Vision for the Israelites was to be the most fruitful and prosperous among all nations abundant in happiness and free from worry if only they trusted in God's character and Promises however their faith was soon tested when Moses's return from Mount Si
was delayed the people grew restless and doubtful they approached Aaron demanding the creation of tangible Gods to lead them as they had lost faith in Moses the man who led them out of Egypt reluctantly Aaron instructed them to bring their gold jewelry which they eagerly handed to him from this gold Aaron constructed a golden calf which the people declared as their God the one who liberated them from Egypt they engaged in thunderous singing and dancing in Jubilation this act of idolatry deeply angered God who informed Moses of the people's betrayal Moses in turn was distraught
and Confused the worst of it is not only the people's transgression but also the involvement of his own family in this grave sin descending from the mountain Moses met Joshua who had heard the commotion but couldn't understand its cause they both went to meet the people upon seeing the golden calf and the dancing rry Moses's anger erupted in a symbolic gesture of their broken Covenant with God he smashed the tablets of the 10 commandments at the Mountain's base he then destroyed the calf burning it and grinding it to powder he did not stop there he
put the powder on water and forced the Israelites to drink confronted by Moses Aaron attempted to deflect blame reminiscent of Adam's response to God in Eden he told Moses the people made him do it Moses seeing the gravity of the situation asked the people to choose between idolatry and loyalty to God the Levites quickly rallied to him afterward severe punishment was Meed out to all those who participated in the idolatry this led to the deaths of many By The Sword this harsh judgment underscored the seriousness of their betrayal and sin after this incident God instructed
the Israelites to move forward from SI towards the promised land Canaan during their Journey Moses seeking a deeper understanding of God's nature requested to witness his glory god agreed to this extraordinary request he instructed Moses to carve new tablets for the Commandments he promised to reveal his Holiness to Moses to protect him God sheltered Moses in the Clift of a rock before the revelation of his glory Moses ascended the mountain once again this time to experience the manifestation of God's glory as God's holiness passed before him the Lord proclaimed claimed his nature merciful gracious slow
to anger abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness this declaration highlighted God's dual nature of mercy and Justice forgiving iniquity and transgression yet holding the guilty accountable across Generations after witnessing God's glory Moses returned to the people his face radiating with Divine Light the people could not look at his face to Shield them from this overwhelming brightness a veil was placed over his face Moses then reiterated key laws to the Israelites again he emphasized the importance of obedience and faithfulness to God soon after Moses and the Israelites started to build the Tabernacle God's Temple or Palace
this structure unlike the grand temples built for Pharaoh was a modest tent that looks more like a garden than anything else its unique design and purpose set it apart from the temples of surrounding Nations the Israelites firmly believed that this Tabernacle housed the presence of God before the Tabernacle completion Moses had set up a temporary tent of meeting outside the camp this tent became a place where anyone seeking the Lord could go Moses remained the intercessor whenever Moses entered this tent a pillar of cloud symbolizing God's presence would descend at its entrance the people observing
from afar would stand and worship at their own tent doors as Moses communicated with God upon the completion of the Tabernacle God's glory filled it to such an extent that Moses himself could not enter the completion of the Tabernacle brings us to a pivotal moment in Moses's role as the priest of God the Dilemma arises how can Moses continue to intercede for Israel if he is unable to enter God's manifested presence in the Tabernacle this is what prompted the need for a continuous line of priests starting with Aaron to mediate between God and the people
it also shows how this succession of human intercessors cannot be a permanent solution it hinted at the future need for a perfect Eternal Medi Jesus as the Messiah despite these challenges Aaron and future priests are tasked with guiding the Israelites into God's presence and making atonement for the nation's sins part of this Priestly role involves rituals and other forms of atonement this was required not only because of the sins of the Israelites but also of the Native inhabitants of the land of Canaan who indulged in many evil practice practices including child sacrifices and idolatry when
the Israelites find themselves unable to uphold his standard God provides a means of reconciliation the day of atonement or Yom [Music] Kapur on this day a priest makes atonement for the entire nation's sins however Moses role in God's plan is far from complete God's next directive to Moses is for him to prepare Israel for impending Warfare in the Book of Numbers we find a detailed arrangement of the Israelite tribes around the Tabernacle their central place of worship to the South lay the tribes of GAD Reuben and Simeon to the West were Ephraim Benjamin and Manasseh
Dan Asher and naftali formed the northern border and to the east where the sun rises were Judah issachar and zebulun judah's formation was notably the largest at the core of this formation symbolizing the heart of the Israelite Community was the tabernacle the Manifest presence of God among his people all that has happened to the Israelites since they left Egypt occurred in the outskirts of Canaan when the Israelites finally set out towards Canaan their Journey was marked by internal struggles despite witnessing God's Provisions they again and again grappled with a lack of faith and Disobedience upon
reaching canaan's border Moses sent spies to survey the land the report came back mixed while acknowledging the land's richness and abundance most spies feared the formidable inhabitants they told Moses that the land cannot be be conquered and that they must Retreat to Egypt Moses was astonished at their lack of faith in God even after everything they have witnessed God's response to this rebellion was a blend of justice and mercy rather than giving them over to their desire for enslavement or death at the hand of the Egyptians he decided on a form of exile for that
generation God decided that none of that distrusting generation would enter the promised land access to the promised land was deferred to the Next Generation so the Israelites roamed the Wilderness for another [Music] generation it was around this period that some people in the community decided to engage in Rebellion against Moses the rebellion led by Kora dathan and abam against Moses further Illustrated the ingrained distrust of the Israelite generation in God's guidance despite this through several miraculous signs God reaffirmed that Moses and Aaron were his chosen leaders these continuous challenges weighed heavily on Moses once a
reluctant leader he had contended with his own insecurities and struggled with his identity before becoming God's instrument the death of his sister Miriam in cadesh amidst the Wilderness of sin marked the beginning of a prolonged period of personal trial and hardship for Moses the continuous discontent of the people of Israel was the source of Moses frustration which made him unable to fully follow God's instructions as we said earlier confronted with the grudge of the people Moses received instructions from God to speak gently to a rock to get water instead overwhelmed by frustration and fatigue he
struck the rock twice with his staff in Anger this was a significant failure on Moses part instead of mirroring ing God's patient and merciful character he reflected the people's distrust and impatience for this he paid a heavy price God told him he could not enter the promised land this is because if he were to enter the promised land he might succumb to actions that would lead to Bloodshed and Injustice contrary to God's will Jesus Christ later Echoes this sentiment in his teachings when he said that both physical murder anger and resentment are perversions of God's
justice Moses's failure thus serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of allowing frustration and distrust to override faith and obedience Moses the prophet priest and de facto king during Israel's Exile was weighed down by the burden of a fallen world and sin despite his significant role he was unable to enter the Promised Land [Music] the Israelites leaving a place of desolation found themselves wandering aimlessly in the wilderness for a longer period than necessary it was during this period that Aaron [Music] died again the Israelites frustrations and despair intensified their distrust for God grew the
question then arises how will God both uphold Justice and provide salvation the St of the bronze serpent offers an answer God instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent those who looked upon it acknowledging their need for salvation were saved those who did not were [Music] not this symbolizes the eradication of Injustice and the path to Salvation through faith hold his mighty hand after three decades of wandering battles and encounters with many adversity a new generation of Israelites arrived at the border of [Music] Canaan in his final acts Moses delivers a powerful message to the new
generation which contained in the book of Deuteronomy these teachings are meant to prepare their hearts and Minds for entering the promised land under God's guidance ultimately Moses appoints Joshua as the new leader of Israel and ends his Journey on an emotional note God showed Moses the promised land from a Mountaintop but he could not [Music] enter Moses died at the age of 120 this somewhat sad end to Moses's life serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of distrust in God and the importance of faithfulness to his commands thus the story of Moses is not
just a historical account it carries a profound theological weight it sets the stage for the ultimate fulfillment of these roles in the Messiah who is to be the perfect Prophet the perfect priest and the perfect King the one who would crush The Serpent and bring order out of chaos Moses's Life and Legacy therefore serve as a precursor and a contrast to the anticipated Messiah who perfectly embodies God's justice righteousness and Truth what man could not do the Son of God would Jesus Christ's fulfillment of the law in Moses happened at an event a top mount
of [Music] configuration Jesus accompanied by three disciples undergos a transformation while praying on the mountain as as he prayed his face and clothes radiate with a Divine brightness then Moses along with Elijah appears beside him in glorious Splendor they conferred with him for a while before they [Music] disappeared this moment known as the Transfiguration symbolizes the convergence of the law Moses the prophets Elijah and the Fulfillment of both in Jesus the Messiah this positions Jesus not just as a successor to Moses but as the culmination and fulfillment of all that Moses and the prophets were
tasked with completing therefore the story of Moses becomes more than a historical account it serves as a precursor to the greater story of Salvation found in Jesus [Music] Christ through him we inherit the promises and fulfillments of God's plan continuing the legacy of Faith obedience and Redemption that Moses so significantly represents this is the essence of Moses's story a story that finds its completion in the Life Death and resurrection of Jesus Christ Our God King and savior thank you for watching if you like this video you will also like the complete story story of apostle
Paul and the complete story of apostle Peter I will leave the links in the description we welcome your comments and support this work is a product of an in-depth research but we are not perfect if you find a mistake of fact or substance please be kind in your correction support us by subscribing to this channel like and share this video to everyone you know the work of the Kingdom requires time commitment and money we can always provide the first two but need help with the last you can help us by sending YouTube super thanks if
you are so LED if not we still always appreciate and love you sincerely please keep listening to God's word as we all await the return of our Lord Jesus Christ God bless you in the name of Jesus [Music] Amen