How To Sell Anything To Anyone ($1M )

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Simon Squibb
AD - In this video Russell will teach you all about the cornerstone of business, how to sell. If you...
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today Russell is going to teach you all that he knows about business Russell Brunson is the founder of clickfunnels a sales and marketing company worth over $1 billion his books have sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide and are widely regarded as Bibles for online marketing Russell what are we going to learn today so Point number one is figuring out who is your dream customer number two is where are they hanging out online step number three what is the hook we're going to use to grab them and pull them into our funnels step number four
talk about the landing page number five after you got them then we got to create a presentation to convert them to where we're trying to sell number six it's about getting them to say the very first yes and then number seven how do we then get them to say the second yes right let's get into Point number one then who is your dream customer this is the step that I missed when I first got started when I first got started I did what a lot of entrepreneurs do were like you have an idea for a
product so you create the product and then you put it out there and one of two things happens either nobody buys it because you weren't thinking about the customer or people buy it but then they're the wrong customers that's what happened to me I created my first offer I put it out there people started buying it and because I never asked myself who I wanted to actually serve I was just creating an idea that came to my head I started selling it these people that were buying my products were the wrong people and um I
created a really good offer so we sold a lot of people and I remember the business are growing and the more I grew the more like I dreaded it cuz I didn't love the customers and I remember one day waking up I was laying in bed and I was like I wish that I had a boss so they would fire me because I don't want to see my customers I don't want to go in there I don't want to talk to them I and it was so painful that I was sabotaging my own business can
I say love love your customer is this is this actually 100% I've never heard that before and actually I actually love my customers people my my community but I never really framed it that way I thought I just assumed that I loved them because I had the product that they wanted and it could help them you know what I mean like but I have had businesses where I haven't loved my customers so that's made me rung a bell with me that has yeah so for me May me sit back and as I as I had
that business I was miserable I was like okay like what if I shut the whole thing down I was scared CU I'm like I'm my business but I was like I'm not happy so I was like okay I'm going to start from the ground up like who do I actually want like who would I go and I would I would work for free cuz I I want to hang out with these people they were like I I would enjoy serving them like everything I was creating would be like helping them who was that person and
I spent a lot of time really identifying like who would my dream customer be and I started um in fact the exercise I did I went to Google images and I typed in like typ person the guy's name would be Michael he'd be an athlete and he would be I started typing all these like phrases of what my dream customer would be I clicked on it and Google Images pulled up all these faces I scroll through the faces so I found one and I was like that that's my Michael so I took his face printed
it out I put it on a frame on my wall I was like that's my that's my first Stream customer then I did the same thing for the female side I wrote with Julie and I wrote all the things about her and Google Images I found a picture I took her printed it out put on the wall I like hey this is Mike and Julie these are my dream customers now what would I create that they would be excited about that's such a br start shifting how I looked at things you know what I love
about this is idea generation is one of the tough things for people so people come they try to come up with a product that fill a market Gap but they're not thinking about the people they'd like to work with basically right who are the people you enjoy every day it would be a joy to help them and and and that reverse engine can give you the idea yeah well 100% cuz then you're not trying to be creative like I'm not a very creative person but I know who my customers are and I'm obsessed with them
and I know where they're at and I talk to them and so I look and like they tell you all the ideas like oh I wish we could do this oh we're struggling because of this like people I have people all the time come to me like where'd you get the idea for clickfunnels I was like because my like all my customers were entrepreneurs who were trying to trying to sell stuff online and they were all like they were talking about and they were trying to do upsells and all these like all the stuff that
that we end up creating like I was just listening to them I was like that's what they want we should just make that and so that's where the software came all the books came like everything's come off of the back of like figuring out my dream customer and then just listening to it everybody that knows you would have thought that you came up with the idea and then you found customers for it it's actually brilliant love your customer what else if you're looking for your dream customer cuz I again for me it's like personality trait
they got to be open to criticism for example that people listening got to realize maybe they don't know if thing and they can they got something to learn that that kind of teachability kind of thing what what how do you do you look at it that way yeah I think it's it's partially thinking about that those kind of things right but then the the biggest thing I've noticed I didn't realize this when I first kind of started doing this but I've noticed working with clients for a long time is they get stuck okay well I
don't know who my I don't even know who my dream customer is and what the answer is if you think about your dream customer is typically you 5 years ago like whatever you're selling most businesses are selling a result right and so if you have the result it's like the thing you're selling is to you before you figure that result right and so I always think go back to go back to 5 years ago like who were you so for me when I got started I got started young in this business I was um in
middle school and I was collecting junk mail I would order I would order things online um like send away for free money-making kits and stuff like that and so I would get junk mail sent to my my parents house every day right I come home from school and there'd be a stack of mail like this big and um back then my my my my name my name is russle but my parents called me Rusty so I always think like this is Rusty like what would Rusty want so i' come from school i' grabb my mail
i' sent my bed and I'd open up each letter I'd read the sales letter and some of them I was like Ah that's not fun and some I'd read I was like Mom Mom I need your credit card mom i' be begging my parents and so for me it's like when I'm thinking about my dream customer who was I 5 years ago I think about 12-year-old Rusty sitting in a bed reading something like what would he got so excited he would beg his mom for the credit card like if I can speak to that guy
like that's how I'm going to create products and offers and funnels and messages that they're going to convert because that would have converted me right and that's what I think most people Miss is that you're actually your dream customer is you five years ago and you got to get back to that mindset because that's how you're going to answer all the rest of the questions you because you five years ago there's a high chance you know all the answers to 5 years ago you right like I'm actually helping the 20-year-old me who's stuck in business
can't quite figure out how to grow the business can't quite figure out how to build a brand right so I I totally relate to that and I know now because I've gone through it so if you go back 5 years you've gained so much experience if you can give it to someone brilliant what else those are the core things on the first step just really uh really understand that person again for most I would do the exercise where you type in the name goog and just print that out like I now easier even quicker yeah
person for you you like to Fall in Love by the time you've typed it all in yeah but I like that the dream customer and then um I guess we're going to get into how to get the customer and stuff like that but um so just just for your personal background on when you were doing it so what was what was special about Michael what was it that you said that that was Michael an entrepreneur was that part of it yeah cuz I think the people that I attracted initially that weren't happy was like it
was like people wanted to make money on the internet that's who started coming to me and those people were not the people I wanted I'm an athlete so I like working with athletes cuz they athletes have gone through something right they they've have to persevere they lose they win they're not just people who are scared of trying right that was number one number two is like um the next quality I wanted my dream customer somebody who wasn't in there for the money but they like they they had changed someone's life maybe they were coached they
changed someone's life and they felt that feeling you know and they like that was so cool I want I want more of that I want to have more impact and so I was looking for someone like that who like they're not Money Motivated but they're very much impact motivated and then um and I kept going through things like that and what's fascinating is the first time I ever shared that it was um one of our first big events we did we had about a thousand people in the room and I actually put the pictures of
Mike and Julie on the wall I told I told the criteria of of the people and I looked out I said how many of you guys does this is this you I asked about Michael and almost all men's hands raised like that's literally me and then I asked the same things of women and all them like raised hand like I'm literally Julie I was like isn't that crazy like after I knew who it was like you were the ones who were attracted we had thousand people in the room and you're all like you fit that
profile perfectly and it was just kind of a really cool moment to see that whereas when you design it from the very beginning focusing on that as the the lead into any business um then you start attracting your dream customers and now it's like crazy cuz like I would do this for free like I I hang out with the coolest people in the world and they're attracted to the message they're impact driven when we help them we see what happens and just it shifts shifts everything I think doing it for free is really powerful I
would also do this for free I I love I love helping people this demographic you're talking about sounds like we got similar demographic I think money is an interesting one CU people being motivated by money is sometimes a good thing but equally the most important thing is that personal drive to improve yourself that type of thing any I love this so we're going to move on to the next thing which is where are they hanging out all right let's do that so what's interesting about the internet what makes this so powerful right is if you
know who your dream customer is my second question is where are they hanging out because the reason why internet became so powerful it became a social a social place right where people could hang out and they congregate together based on similar beliefs and values and thing that they're excited by right which is why it's so powerful cuz we can find these people so a good example whenever I share this with somebody the first time I usually say um instead of hanging out say what are they congregating and I said why like when you hear the
word congregation what do you typically think of churches groups of people together yeah yeah so it's easier for me to to think about that way so churches so all everyone congregates together churches based on beliefs and values right so like all of the Baptists are over here all the Catholics are over here and like there's all these there's all these like congregations of of people right so uh the Mormons are over here Catholics are so they are right and so there these like almost like a pond I always think about this like this is a
pond and there's a whole bunch of these fish right that're already in here of the dream customer so if I was selling something to Mormons or to Catholics or Baptists or whatever it is right um and I knew there's a whole bunch of people gather together I wouldn't go and like try how do I get traffic on the inter people always ask me how do you get tra CU I wrote a book called traffic Seekers how do you get traffic on the internet I'm like traffic's already on the internet you have to go you're not
creating it you just find like where's it already at and then you go and you and you get in front of it right and now obviously I'm not telling people to go you know don't go to the bath hang out in the church just handing out flyers but conceptually they that they're congregating and then first time I think I I really got this so I'm a wrestler and um when I was I wrestled in in college and I remember um the student athletes typically weren't like the best students and so for all the wrestlers like
we had mandatory study hall every night we had to do and so we eat on wrestling practice we go dinner and we come back to study hall so I'm in study hall and it's a room kind of like this actually with a whole bunch of computers and all the wrestlers in there working and I was on the website back in the day it's no longer there but it's called and this is where all the wrestling all the wrestlers would hang out and they're talking about wrestling and they talking about who won today and you
know who's who's wrestling this weekend like and and it was funny cuz I was sitting there on the message boards talking and hanging out and I looked around I noticed every other wrestler on my team was all on the same site we were all hanging out the same site we doing our homework and I started thinking I was like that's here in my University but this is true in like every university around the country but it's also true in high school it's also true around the world like every wrestler who loves wrestling where like everyone's
on this one website if I was going to sell wrestling stuff I wouldn't go try like how do I get wrestling traffic like there's a 100,000 or a million people on the site talking about wrestling all day I'm just going to go and buy a banner ad on the site or send an email to or like like all the people are one spot right and so that's what's so cool about this when you first off when you know who your dream customer is second question is where are they already congregating they've already self- selected themselves
they're already putting themselves in different places so they're reading certain email lists they're watching certain YouTube channels they're listening to certain podcasts they're reading certain blogs right they're on different Facebook groups like they're all congregated and so when it comes like how am I going to start getting these people to come to me it has nothing to do with like like mastering traffic or knowing keyword all that kind of stuff that people geek out that makes traffic super confusing it's just okay who's my dream customer where are they congregating how do I get in front
of those people and that's that's literally the whole game the flip of this is a lot of people when they start a business they say they need to build this community themselves and they get frustrated when people don't come into their group or come into their platform and I actually did this myself before I built a platform called Help bank which is our own Pond now but for 3 years we were in other people's ponds so we were on Tik Tok where people are learning believe it or not we're on YouTube where people are learning
and eventually you in the ponds with these people one day you can say to them we've got a new Pond if you want but it takes years you don't necessarily need to go and like let's say reinvent the wheel right and yeah where where else do you think they're hanging out apart from these ponds do you think I can maybe another way putting it how do you get to these people in these ponds this is how I've grow every one of my companies I tell people this all the time and for some reason nobody ever
listens to me but this is the secret so if you really want to know what it is um I call this the dream 100 I learned from chat Holmes and what the dream 100 is basically I instead of me focusing on like who are how do I get access to all these customers like that's tradition like going and buying Facebook ads like I'm going to go and I'm going to Target these people which is great and we do that but what's more powerful is instead I build this dream 100 list so this is what I
do call the dream 100 and the question is who are the hundred people the 100 congregations of people that already have my dream customers congregated together right and the first thing I'll I'll um I'll I'll do podcast right so I go to podcast and what I'll do is open my grab my phone I'll open up podcast directory so you go to Apple Apple uh podcast and here's like news nor worthly top shows but if you come down here you scroll to the very bottom and there's things as top charts you on top charts and then
it gives you categories um so this is top shows but if I want to go categories I click on there and there it is so let's say I I want to be in the business Market I click on business and check it out there are the top 200 podcasts in the business category which means there are 200 people CU people listening 100 people how am I going to find 100 there you go straight 200 so then I go write down I down all of The 100 podcast names or 200 podcast names and there you are
and then I go to Instagram right and I'm going to go hey who who are the influencers who already congregated my people together I'm like okay I'm going to find this I start finding I list out as many different people that already have it and then I go to YouTube same thing boom boom boom boom boom and I go find different people to email list and so I do some research ahead of time and eventually what happens I get all I I I always say dream 100 for me it ends up being like three or
400 sometimes you know and so like when I launched my very first book this was step number one I sat down okay who could sell my book right who's already congregated these people together so I did the same thing I'm talking about here so I found all the people and then what I did is I sent a free copy of my book to all 400 people that I found right and so they and again each person here so this person owns uh has a podcast with a whole bunch of my dream customers this person has
a YouTube channel with my dream customers this person right so instead of targeting the customer I targeted the owner of this community right so I sent them all these books I sent out 400 copies of the books and said hey here's my book if you like it let me know I'd love to do something sent them all out and um again sent out to 200 200 podcast people I remember one day like 2 weeks later one guy messaged me back he's like number 12 on my list his name is John Lee Dumis he own a
podcast entrepreneur fire like hey Russell read your book this is amazing do you want to be on the podcast I was like I would love to be on the podcast puts me on the podcast suddenly I'm in front of you know a million listeners does his podcast we talk about the book we sell the book and then he likes so much he has an email list also he happened to email list he then sends like four emails bu Russell's book bu Russell's book by Russ book and that one person right there he sold 1,500 copies
of my book like that and that was one person right next day another guy the podcast messaged me hey dude want to my podcast sure go to and talk to his community and then someone on YouTube's like hey let's do a collab video we'll do an interview together sweet I do YouTube and like do this whole thing eventually sell hundreds of thousands of copies of my book and they're really easy so let me launch clickfunnels how do we launch clickfunnels sat down build a dream 100 list who are the people that already my dream customers
congregated build a list message them all out and we built a billion dollar brand off the back of just doing that but anything else we need to know about um where customers hang out anything you think we we make sure that's the core thing and then the last thing I would add is is that when you start finding these congregations there's two ways to get access to them one uh one is to build a relationship uh and that's the best cuz then if they're promoting you to Their audience like it's going to be the best
but a lot of times you can't like for example when I first met Tony Robbins of course he's like number one on my dream 100 like Tony Robbins come on and so I like started reaching out to him and um and it took me actually so I I got to know Tony Robbins I met him about about 15 years ago now I built that relationship for about 12 years and um over 12 years I never asked him for anything I did what your Shir said I was just I gave without taking I was just like
this is Tony how can I serve him I was helping him I was like his staff was calling me I was like Consulting for free just whatever I could to serve him right and 12 years into it this when I launched my second book expert Secrets I remember Tony was speaking of my event and I was so scared I had the book I was so scared to give it to him and the event was done he's about to leave the jump on the plane or whatever I was like can I give you something real quick
he's like yeah what's up I'm like I wrote this book and uh I want you to read it so he's like okay so he took on the plane and he read it and then afterwards he messaged me back he's like book was great um I love to prom I was like what and so we end up doing a Facebook live to his audience and uh it got like four or five million views and we sold a ton of books but what's interesting this is this is the lesson for you guys it took me 12 years
to get Tony to say yes right and you may think that's like I don't have 12 years to invest in this so what's cool about Facebook and Instagram and YouTube is during those 12 years I was as I was building relationship with Tony they give you the ability to show ads to those people so I said I know that Tony's people would want my book anyway so I told Facebook and Instagram I'm like this is my my dream 100 I want to get that person Someday I'm yet so I'm going to pay for ads and
I buy ads and just show to Tony's audience and all a sudden Tony's people are seeing my ads all over the place cuz I know he's my dream 100 he's already congregated my people so I'm going to buy ads on his on his Facebook following on his YouTube channel right so the dream 100 there's again there's two ways right um whenever I draw this I always show like um there's a dream 100 right so we have the these lists right the first way the best ways to work your way in so if I can work
my way in that's the best right but it takes time and effort and energy and I got to build a relationship and the second way is to buy your way in that's that says by your way in right so I'm doing both at the same time like this is not as good but I can pay to get access to the to the following right which is what paid ads are about and what all those kind things we talk about a lot and at the same time I'm working my way and if I can work my
way this is always better because then you're get a per you get a personal endorsement from the person they'll they'll be recommend to audience is can to convert higher like everything's better there but I can still get access to them immediately because these platforms allow you to do that which is crazy same hey I want to show this ad to everyone that follows Tony or Simon or what you like you can just Target those people and start showing the their audiences your ads prior to you ever having it done one of my friends telman I
met him man 15 years ago now and he actually did he didn't call this but he did something similar I remember he called me one day and he was like hey we promote my thing I was doing I remember I was like no it didn't make sense for me and he's like no worries and he hung up and then um probably 3 months later um all a I started in my email inbox I saw like 30 people I know all emailed for his his thing they're all showing up I was like interesting so I called
him back I was like I was like how did you convince all these and he was a nobody had no name at the time like how did you convince all these people who big names to um to promote you and he's like oh dude it's really fascinating he's like um he's like I actually messaged like I think there was like 60 something people that told me no no no no he's like all 60 people told me no and he's like one person my 63rd person said yes and then I called the 64th person I was
like hey I'm doing this deal so and so said yes would you want to be in he's like the next person said yes and next person said yes the next 20 people all said yes but he had go through 60 like 63 NOS to get one yes and he leveraged that yes to the next person like oh so so and so and so and so is in do you want to be in two cool and so so so and so so and so so so then you want to be in and then everybody else said
yes and so social proof behind it as well now like Russell just mentioned having resilience when fa with rejection and struggles in business is all part of an entrepreneur's Journey if he hadn't kept pushing through all of those NOS he wouldn't have got the yes that he had been waiting for many of you watching this video will go through similar experiences and so it's important to understand that rejection and failure is all part of the process when starting a business and it's how you tackle these challenges which really defines who you are as an entrepreneur
I myself have invested in 78 companies in my career many of which have failed I have lost lots of money and time doing so and those failures were painful but along the way I learned so much from these failures failure isn't just about the Journey of making or losing money it's about the friendships you make along the way when you stand by people that fail they will forever be grateful and so failure has been nothing but a benefit to me and has helped me grow my businesses from lessons that I've learned I have collaborated with
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how how would you get them right well I stand over here and a smile I would throw out some bait in there and try to try to capture them right and so bait is like how we're getting these people now right because again we're not creating traffic traffic is already there they're already listening this podcast they're already watching the YouTube video they're already on social Instagram like we're already spots right so my job is I got to I got to grab their attention you think about this like most people are on the phone and they're
sitting there they're scrolling they're on the couch they're sleeping they're in the bathroom like they're scrolling right and they're looking at a 100 a th000 10,000 Things a day just scrolling so our job is the hook right the hook is the thing that grabs their ention so it stops them like whoa what is this what is this thing we got to throw a hook out there to be able to get him and so we're throwing out hooks all the time right Hooks could be it could be a piece of content that's free it could be
an ad it could be whatever we're creating something to grab their attention cuz right now they're in a they're in the spot they're have they're they're in the community they're doing their thing they're there to learn or to grow or to connect with people so it's like how do you create something that grabs their attention right so back in the day when we were doing the wrestling stuff with the the only way we could get hooks is they sold banner ads on the side so everyone who was trying to compete for the wrestlers like
the shoe company with had banner ads there and then the the the VHS tapes the training how to become now you're sh away all those are there are all hooks that grab people's attention right for me now it's like okay if I'm going to be targeting Tony Robins audiences like what's the hook I'm going to throw that's going to grab their attention right cuz they're just scrolling all day long they're seeing 10,000 of people like me all competing what's the thing I have that's going to grab their attention right so that's that's where we start
and the hook is something so if you look at um my core framework I teach all three of my books um goes this goes hook and from Hook we move to story from story we move to offer okay so offer is the thing that we are that we're trading something right sometimes it's the offer money I'm going to give you the U I'm going to give you money in exchange for for information for a product or whatever sometimes the offer could be like give me uh give me your email address and exchange for information sometimes
it's just the offer is click on this link I'm going to show you something cool over here so the offer could be simple as just clicking and typically here that's the offer is is a click the hook is how we stop somebody's scroll and the only goal of the hook is to stop it just long enough that we can tell someone a story and then the goal of the story is to increase the perceived value of the offer we're trying to make right so for example um when I launched expert Secrets book I had a
thousand ads we run tons of them right the one that was probably the best was me holding my book and we had dumped gasoline all over it this is not smart by the way don't do this because gasoline drips down and it's coming down my arm and we light the book on fire warning this is not an idea for you to try this is not an idea for you yeah professional we did this yeah so it was dark outside and my book was on fire and there Flames like and I I'm holding while gas is
dripping on my arm I'm hoping it doesn't catch on fire like I'm like my book is literally on fire so like I'm doing that right and so someone's scrolling and all they see like me with the book on fire and like I'm kind of freaking out it's like that's going to stop you right so it stops like ah Hook was like my book's literally on fire so I stopped the scroll and then they're like what is this they click they click the sound right comes on now now I have a chance to tell them a
story and the only goal of a story is to increase the perceived value of the offer so the offer I'm trying to give is give them to click on link to go by copy my book so I'm like hey uh thanks so much for stopping like this is my brand new book it's literally on fire if you go to Amazon right now it's $20 to get it but I want to give you a free copy there's my offer I'm going to give you a free copy you click link down below uh all you do is
you cover the shipping handling will ship one out to you and it's going to be amazing I'm like and this book's awesome like go get a free copy click down below right so hook told them a real quick story it's not long just up to increase the value of the offer which the offer is the click click on this thing and you're going to get $20 on Amazon you get it for free if you come to my funnel click over here and boom now we got him right and that video was seen you know probably
10 million times sold I don't know 20 30,000 copies of the book right idea generation when it comes to things like Hook is is there a formula you follow for that 100% so what I do it comes back dream 100 like I'm studying those people cuz not only they my they have my dream customers they're speaking to my customers they're selling things to my customers and so my favorite thing um Facebook a couple years ago got in trouble from the government and so they had to change things so Facebook will show you every single ad
that somebody is running so what I do is like for example I would go to your Facebook page and go to your uh your page you're running ads from and there's a you have to they move it every once I to click around but you're looking for um for the the tab that shows like transparency and then ad creative and then you click you click three or four clicks deep and boom it pops open here's every ad that you are currently running and so I can look at all of them which is really cool especially
if you're launching book right now and I'm launching book like what is he what are the ads he's using so I find um I'm looking at all the dream 100 like what are they doing right now to sell to my customers because I'm competing against them so what are the hooks they're using what are the things they're throwing out there and I just watch everybody's ads I'm kind of a nerd but I'll watch all the ads especially ones that have been that are running for a long time cuz if it's been running for you know
it's running for a week you have no idea if it's working but it's been running for a year two years the same ading there's probably either they hate money and they're just burning it they hate money running crap ads all the time or something amazing is happening right and so I'm just looking other people's ads all the time like you said it's modeling right like like in fact the book on fire that was not my idea Dean GRC was burning his book he guarantee he cop from someone else um okay landing page I feel like
this one could be a big one the landing page is one of like I I know people talk the least about it they're always worried about all the other pieces and stuff but the landing page is like the most important cuz they just came from this social experience right if you go to a party and let's say there's 100 friends hanging out right and the guy comes in he starts trying to sell you at the party it's just awkward right it's like who's this guy like get him out of here so you go to the
party you throw a good hook out there it's like oh this is awesome you want to come back to my house we got some cool things happening and you're getting people to leave social and they're coming to your house so the funnel was like this is your house this is they're coming back to your house and now you have the opportunity to start talking to him right and so if you look over here um this is let's say this is we's say social this is social media right over here and we're sending them now to
uh to a page okay now over here again we told you the the key is like hook story offer now what's interesting is that this framework hook story offer is the key to everything people pay me 100 Grand a day to consult for them and they come to my offices they always wonder like R my funnel is not working what's wrong and it's always one of three things it's either the hook the story or the offer every time so there's a $100,000 Consulting tip like just look at every step inside your process and if it's
not working it's always either the hook story offer okay so landing page is the same thing right over here the offer we made is like click on this thing I'm going to give you a discount or a thing something right so that was the offer now here on the landing page and now I'm making them another offer right and I have to use the same process so there's going to be another hook another story and another offer now typically the story on the landing page is not going to be really really big it's more hook
and offer right so the hook here is probably going to be a little different than this but the hook is going to be what's the thing that I am trading you right it's like hey thanks so much for coming here I'm gon to give you the first three chapters or what's your dream for free when you give me your email address so the offers I'll give you this for free when you give me this right it's a transaction it's an offer is so I have landing page and so I'm going to have some kind of
headline um the key the secret to headlines to make them work on a landing page is curiosity that's the most important thing if people come to your landing page and they think they know what they're getting or they think they know what the thing is your ad costs will go up dramatically and your opting rates will go down when they show up and they're not quite sure what's happening but they're curious that's the big secret like the more curiosity you can have in a page the better that comes down this hook right like like you
just clicked on the thing for the you know my book on fire coming here I'm trying to create curiosity then I'm going to tell you a story and again the story is usually going to be very very short for I'm just trying to get their contact information I don't need a long story to get that the story could be like I wrote this book I've been traveling I've been talking to people on the street asking them what their dreams are I wrote this really cool book and first three chapters you get for free when you
give me your email address boom so very short story and it could be it could be a video here or it could be just written out in text and then you ask for the contact information at the email address and so that's the gold landing page and so I think about this when I'm looking at a funnel right so like if you look at a funnel this is the direction of a funnel right so this is the top of the funnel it D it gets it gets smaller right so you have you know the world's
what 8 billion people and then there's like yeah there's like 6 billion on on Facebook whatever or YouTube and then from there there's ,000 to watch your video from there there's 10,000 that'll click and they show up here right so let say let's say there's 10,000 people that see your ad or see your content whatever and uh they click on it so then over here um yeah 10,000 people land on this landing page and then the goal is figure out um of the 10,000 people here how many how many of those 10,000 people want what
you have enough that they're willing to trade you information exchange for email email address right cuz I don't need all these These people aren't going to buy if they're not willing to give me their email address in exchange for information not going to give me their credit card in exchange for information right so I'm qualifying people right now so I'm saying here's all the people who are who saw my ad I'm going to qualify these people who are willing to trade information in exchange for uh email address and that's kind of the goal of landing
page is to qualify them and then again framework the same looking a hook story an offer and that's how we make the landing page landing page work I think a lot of people that I see make the mistake of trying to get money off people straight away and that and that is even more scary for people at least if you got their email address and you can then connect with them and make a relationship with them outside of this funnel into another funnel but like that that way people don't feel yeah people are too greedy
too quick you think about like what we're actually doing here remember step one we talked about finding your dream customer like we're just Cur we're making our own Congregation of our Dream customers right now we have an email list of 10 people 100 people thousand 10,000 100,000 whatever of your dream customers now you have your own congregation and what's powerful about this is like then when you or you know whoever's listening to this when you write a book and you want to launch it or when you have a new offer comes out or you have
something I don't have to go buy ads or go do I I log in write an email click Send it goes out to 100,000 people and traffic instantly shows up one too many I'm really excited about hearing about this this is one of the secrets so having a funnel is great but the only real goal of a funnel is is for you to be able to make a presentation to them eventually right to sell them something and what's interesting is you look at traditional business most sell happens oneone right face to face on the phones
it's very much like that now for me when I got into business I'm extreme introvert I get scared talking especially selling on one to one face to face like I really struggle could not do so for me when I was got started I was like I have to figure out how to sell differently right and so the the way I learned it initially is I would I would go to seminars i' would watch people step on stage they would make a presentation for 90 minutes and then they would sell something at the end right I
started watching people do this and it was like have you I'm sure you've seen it before right people run the back of room they buy stuff and I remember seeing that and uh and I was like this is this is amazing I have to learn the skill set like I remember the very first event I went to I had no idea had never seen events before like this I sat down and I'm there with my laptop taking notes and first guyy speaking about something he does his presentation then he makes he offers a $2,000 course
and I remember watching the room people jumping up and running to the back room with their credit cards and and I was like what just happened I started doing the math I'm like $2,000 offer I was doing the math in the back room 2 46 I was like he made $60,000 in an hour and a half next guy gets up on stage he does his presentation he's selling the $5,000 offer and I'm watching this and people start running the back for $5,000 I was like 5,000 people running back with a carard I do the some
of them are actors though con they sometimes now I see people doing that as actors like I'm paying you to run the back scream I'm doing this you know a bit her mentality a little bit right remember MTH that gu made over 100 Grand I was like okay I have to learn this and I remember um so again this is almost 20 years ago and I have funny footage of me trying this I went to my very first event to speak and I got on stage I had just tie on I was trying to be
all very busy and I tried to I was trying to sell it so awkward I tried to make the pitch and nobody bought like not a single person I was so embarrassed and I remember I was like I'll never do this again I'm too introverted this is like so painful but I kept going to see people doing that like I'm like this is a learnable skill other people can do this sales a Lear got to figure this out but I realize that selling oneon-one versus one to many is different right cuz if I'm speaking to
a 100 people or a thousand people or on a funnel it could be millions of people right I don't know I can't talk to each person and resolve their concerns so I have to learn how to tell stories in a way that will convince a lot of people once to buy something right and so I spent the next honestly decade in my life learning this I went to I went I studied from people really good I started going to every event I would just take notes on the speakers and what they were doing and how
they were doing it I got better and better just kind of a to wrap the story uh four years ago I spoke at an event and the the record the world record of the time for most back of the rooms uh sold in a 90-minute presentation was like $1.4 million and uh and so I I had a goal I was speaking of grand card owns event there's 9,000 people I was like doing the math I was like hey if I did this and so we had this whole goal and we went and um I did
my 90-minute presentation and we closed $3.2 milliones and I like the most awkward to setting the setting the record that is amazing and what do you think I mean again I what I love about this story is that people listening are introverts a lot of people who are introverts thinks they can't sell so you can there definitely a learn sales is definitely a learn skill and you can use your personality to sell right so actually being an introvert and selling is kind of a superpow cuz there's not that many introverts selling right so but what
do you think the main learnings were in that process the biggest thing I learned is like when I'm speaking one to many I'm not trying to sell people things what I'm trying to figure out is like what's the belief that they have that would keep them from buying what I'm trying to sell like that's the real question right what's the belief they have and why do they have that belief like something happened in their life they gave them that belief and so they're telling themselves a story like this is the story I have why this
why this would never work for me right like it could be business like well I like watching business stuff but it never worked for me because I tried a business in the past and it failed or my dad was a business owner he failed lost all his money so it's not going to work for me so I have this belief and so they have the story that that the the belief created the story right that goes in their mind every time they get introduced with an opportunity to do something like oh the story subconsciously pops
up I would but I have the story that I can't do it because of that reason so my job when I'm doing a presentation is I'm trying to figure out what's the false belief they have what's the story they're telling What story do I have that Will trump their story if I have a story that's better than their story it'll rewrite their story and so when I do one may s presentation like that's the whole the goal is like what are the false police they have that keep them from moving forward with you and you
got to tell tell them stories and so you look at this like I look at any good funnel right they're coming here they're coming to a landing page I get their contact information like we talked about right then from here it's always eventually going to send them some type of presentation now this could be uh what we call video sales letter or they call the vssl right so it could be a vssl which is basically now there's a video of me it could be a 20-minute video of me telling some stories about this thing breaking
the false belief and then at the end I make an offer so if you look at this again there's going to be a hook to watch the video there's going to be a story which is the stories I'm telling inside the video to break the false beliefs and then make it offer hook story offer could be vsl sometimes they register and or they give me their info and they're registering for a webinar right and I love webinars this how I built our entire clickfunnel business was by doing a webinar right and all the webinar is
is one to many sales presentation I have 90 minutes with them so um sometimes I do uh get people to register and then the one many presentation is a challenge I run over 5 days right everything the funnel is leading eventually to a kind of presentation where I'm going to tell them a story to break their false beliefs and then make them an offer to buy something this is the first time in the in the funnel where actually the offer isn't just here we're trading their email address for information here we're trading money for information
for product or whatever that thing might be right and it happens here okay yes all right what do we need to know about this all right this is the first time we get them to buy something this where we make the offer right so this is happening during the 1em many presentation again we've gone through we made the presentation and the last thing we do again we talk about this again we got hook story offer and so the hooks get them on gets them there right the story is the webinar and then the offer this
is the piece that a lot of people mess up so the offer there's two ways to have the cheapest product in town right one way is you have something and um if you want to be the cheapest person in town you try to lower the price right and so in commodity based businesses you see this all the time right you go to the store and you'll see a shirt right and the shirt's on the rack and let's say it's 100 bucks but any store can sell a shirt so like next I can sell for 90
bucks I'll sell for 80 I'll sell for so like it's this race to the bottom right and the guy who sells it for $20 he gets all the customers but there's no margin and that's how they lose but they have the cheapest price in town right so that's how most people do it my first Mentor was Dan Kennedy he told me one time it's so powerful he said he said um there's no strategic advantage of being the second lowest price leader in town like if you're Walmart you price there's a strategic Advantage there but if
you're second lowest price there's no strategic advantage to being the second lowest price there's a huge strategic advantage to being the most expensive so what I try to do is like how do I make my product seem cheap not by lowering the price but increasing the value right and so getting them to say the first GS is all about making an irresistible offer that's that's really really good so whenever I'm building a presentation or making an offer whatever I always start with I call the stack slide what I'm going to do is I'm going to
I'm going to stack like all the value so the first thing you buy for me is you're going to get this thing right this could be a course or it could be a product or could be whatever right there's the first thing and the second thing you're get is this and the third thing you get is this and I I add all these things to increase the the value of the thing to where it seems inexpensive right cuz all money all all transaction is someone's looking at they have a $10 bill you've got something and
they're saying that thing you have is worth more than $10 to me therefore I'll give you $10 and you're saying the thing I have is worth less than $10 therefore I you know that's how the the transaction happens right so I got to create something that increases the value and so I created a really cool offer that someone's going to buy now my favorite story of this I was speaking at um I was speaking at Garrett White's event and he wanted me to speak about offers to people to help his his audience understand offers and
I had just bought in fact this phone I didn't get a new one smashed now but I just bought this phone and I remember I got on stage and I was trying to give a case stud like oh I'm going to I'm going to pull this out so I pulled this phone I said I bought this this new phone at Best Buy last week for $800 who here would give me $800 for this phone and like there's one Russell fan in the back like oh give me $100 but nobody else right and I was like
how many of you guys give me $500 you a couple hands on$ 300 $200 by $100 like most s I'll give $100 from the phone like I can sell it to my kid or whatever right um I said okay now I'm going to show you magic trick the exact same phone I'm going to make it worth a lot more money I said okay well you guys know about this phone this is my personal phone and I just bought it last week I transfer all my things over the first thing I transferred is all the courses
I said I am the biggest course junkie in the world I've bought every every course every coaching program in business marketing personal development sales known demand like you name it I have it I've invested in it um I pay ticket price I buy the event and then I get the courses and recordings uh my account showed me uh the numbers and I said uh over the last three years I spent it's like $485,000 in courses and as soon I get the course first thing I do my brother takes them and he rips them into audio
and I put them on my phone so I have almost half million dollar of courses on this phone they're all on here number two is um my personal R deex so I've got Tony Robin cell phone on here I've got so serious dat if you did actually sell your phone at this point I've got all these phone numbers here so I did like my network I haven't spoken spent last 20 years buing put price on this and I go next and I start going through all these things on my phone I said I want to
open the auction who who here give me 10 grand for my phone every handw up like who give me 15 grand 20 grand I was like you guys going to be serious cuz someone here is going to buy this phone today so don't raise your hand that you're willing to come and give money make 40 grand 50 Grand 100 Grand 200 Grand got all the way up to $500,000 there still three people's hands raised I said you guys come up here like you got to be willing when you guys check half a million you got
come up here you're serious like three guys come on stage I was like 15 minutes ago you would give me 100 bucks for this why would you give me $500,000 right now hand the guy the mic and he said he's like honestly after you told me everything's involved in there it seems really inexpensive I was like that's the magic right you create an offer that's so good someone looks man I'd be I'd be more iPhone do that with their you know their App Store access and music and making easy to sync they're not just selling
a hardware product that's why people don't understand they think the Samsung phone's better why does that sell so well they're offering value aren't they Extra Value all stuff we we did something very I I had I have hoodies we were selling and I gave a hoodie to a young guy who wanted to start a his own fashion brand I said well here's a hoodie I'll put your video up and you want to start your own brand and we'll put it up online and if anyone buys your hoodie I'll go for lunch with them as well
and record their dream and so bidding in the comments started happening $65 to buy right $100 $200 $500 $11,000 and basically we actually stopped it at ,000 like 1,000 for a hoodie and we sold free for him he got $3,000 for a hoodie basically you just add value people don't people are so willing to bring price down and they don't use their brain power to add value and that's like a another secret source to it what can you add value wise so that people will be willing to pay a little bit more for your product
yeah so this is fun for me actually have you ever read the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie no no okay well this is your homework assignment so there's this book about this mouse and you give the mouse a cookie but after heat a cookie he's like I'm thirsty now I need a glass of milk so he gives him a glass of milk and then he gives a glass of milk and he makes a milk mustache like ah I need to go wash my face goes wash his and so like it's this whole
series of events keeps happening because you give mouse a cookie you had to do like 20 other things right same things happen when make an offer right so if like for example when I make my offer people click funnels like I'm going to give you this funnel software it's called clickfunnels it's going to change your life right so that's the first thing I offer here so that's the cookie like sweet I got click I have funnel software I'm like you don't know how to actually use it so next thing I'm going to give you is
I'm going to give you a course the 6E course is walk you exactly how to use it like oh cool so now I got click from software now I got the course now they need well I don't know like what to say in the funnels like I could build a funnel but like you know was like oh well let me teach you copyrighting so we have a copyrighting scripts and software that now you got the copy now you got the funnel software you got the training and the copies taking care your funnels what else do
you need like oh well um I don't how to get traffic like oh well I'm going to give you traffic so I'm going to give you my course on traff it's like I'm giving them all the things they need to get the result they actually want cuz they don't even know these are problems yet everything else in the offer but they're going to you know that cuz you you've worked some right so I know like I'm going to give you this and then that'll solve one problem but it'll create a new problem so what's the
next you need okay this it'll solve that problem but then creates a new one and do everything in the offer until it's like okay now you have a complete solution now if you have this alone you can go be successful with it and that's how you create an irresistible offer that that people are like I have to give you money for this this makes like there makes no logical sense not to last but not least second yes oh so okay there's no second no there this is really the Magic in funnels so the hardest thing
to get people to buy is the first thing right cuz I got to convince you that this is like again someone's come my world they want to buy click funnels I got to convince you that you want to start a funnel software or you want to use use funnels in your business you're going to need the software you like I it's a heavy lift to get them to say the first yes after they've already said the first yes now they're like they're committed to that everys afterwards is in infinitely easier to say right so for
example like in my my book funnel so I know you're going to be launching book soon we should talk about book funnels eventually for you but I have a book funnel right for all my books and I drive people to it and the first thing I'm selling is a book and I sell my books they free you just cover like $10 shipping and handling right and you think like oh that's an irresistible offer should be easy that's the hardest thing I sell in the funnel cuz I had to have a long form sales thereat here's
the bullet points you get here's the testimonial here's like I work so hard to sell this $10 thing right they paid $10 shipping handling for the book then the next page just like they've already committed now like I bought expert Secrets I want to become an expert I bought traffic secrets I'm going to learn traffic the next yes is really simple just like cool so you decided you want to get traffic you know for $297 there's other thing you can get as well and usually my my video to sell this is like 2 minutes long
Max I'm selling a $297 offer and they just say yes like 30% of people just click yes boom yes super easy we have a $10,000 coaching program we sell and this is hard it takes me I have a 3-day challenge event I go through to get people to buy that next page over here is uh there's a video it's like a 2-minute video for me and a 2minute video is saying K you used to invest $10,000 I actually have a $25,000 coaching program you've already invested 10 if you want I'll apply that 10 towards the
$25,000 and you can upgrade $25,000 they've already they're already that far right now it's like 46% of people say yes to the $25,000 offer amazing right um since try if I have $1,000 offer and now we have $1,000 offer we sell um from the $1,000 offer uh this is teaching people how to build funnels for themselves we have a certification program for 5K the next page we say hey by the way you're learning this certified that way you can do this as a career for other people like sure and like 30% people click yes for
$5,000 upgrade so second yes is so much easier and most people skip that this is where the profit inside of a business is made I'm very much heavy on we pay for ads to get traffic organic you have all sorts of profit right if I'm paying for ads usually this first thing I'm selling is just covering the ad costs and then this is where all the profit comes from is the thing on the back end and so having the second thing um one of my mentors wrote a book in there talks about his name is
Mark Joiner but in his book he talks about like um you sell a customer glass of water and then then you sell him a second glass like second glass is so much easier cuz they already take a drink yeah I like this I want some more right and that's a lot of people are forgetting that's what funnels are so powerful because getting them to say the second yes or the third yes or things like that is so much simpler because you've done the hard work build a relationship you did the break the false beliefs they
invested in something and you're like hey you want to upgrade yeah might as well you think about Airlines right 30% of every Airline people spend five times much money for the first class seats they're a little bit bigger because it's like I'm going to upgrade sh might as well I H think Airlines miss a trick when you're standing at the counter and they don't offer you the upgrades anymore even though they got the seats be cuz I walk you see it% you're in business class you probably a little bit extra you're upgrade to First Class
why not I have the experience but yeah this second sell is missed by a lot of people um I think I've missed it at point in my life for sure we just did um just for fun we launched a sweet brand called buses it was about $10 for the suets and we just just testing we put out 1,300 people board it we're like okay they bought sweets they bought the sweets but the thing was really amazing is that we got everyone's email address and we emailed them saying thank you for buying the suets they actually
reply back saying one we'd love to buy more sweets easiest sell in the world a second back thing is what else you got going on you know love to love your product anything else going on people the second sell is actually even easier than you think because people even want you to come to them with something annoyed like is this all you like what else do I have exactly yeah the upgrade thing is really powerful I'm actually though shocked at 10 to 25 46% but you've done a very good job in the qualifying round piece
right so you target it properly your your messaging very clear cuz yeah I think that's uh but that's there must be a third third years oh there's always more yes four yes we could just keep going forever on this video it's funny um so uh I don't know if you know Ryan dice but me and Ryan dice were in a masterminding group together Dan Kenny's Mastermind this is back man 15 years ago and I remember we we were like the young guys at the time we like 21 22 years old we're in this group with
all these like big business people we're so excited and I remember we were in in the Bahamas at this event with these guys and Ryan came to me we're talking he's like like he's like so did you buy J Bram stuff I bought everything he's like me too and then he's like who did you buy this guy and we're going through all the gurus like yeah we bought that we bought we bought everything he's like why you hear Dan thinging I was like I don't know and he's like Dan's the only one that kept selling
me stuff that's why I'm here everyone else stopped right and one of my big beliefs is that a buyer will continue to buy from you until one or two things happen either number one you offend them or number two you stop selling something and so yes there's always an offer after the offer after the offer like it's crazy for me like I've got again we have our $10,000 Mastermind we have 25,000 we a 50,000 and then I remember a couple years I was like wonder if anyone would pay me $150,000 so I launched $150,000 Mastermind
sold out in an hour I was like I wonder if pay 250 next year we launched a $250,000 Mastermind sold down an hour so I was like I don't know what the limit is right now I Stu there but the pricing is another thing I I because I I I built a creative agency and first person I worked with was a creative she was designing a brand I'm like how much for that she's like $5,000 I'm like no that's 50 and I thought she's like no way they're never going to pay 50 for me design
a logo I'm like let me try we got 50 for it I realized it's worth a million I limited myself even in that moment I thought she was limiting herself I'm like no you under charging I'm going to charge properly for it later I found out what the big companies charge I'm like we were undercharging at 50 I was taking the piss out of her for charging five we limit ourselves don't we we we make an assumption about what people would pay and we don't actually test it mhm right it blows my mind um this
is so valuable and I know right now people just listen to this there's about a million people going oh I've got to go sell more to my customers I've stopped selling to them so it's brilliant I want to thank you for giving your time to come here today um I really appreciate it I'm sure the audience do too I hope you've enjoyed today's pot class and go eat some chicken along with us now see you later
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