We have three panting dogs. So since it's been so warm outside we thought we would make a fun, frozen, watermelon dog treat. So I hope you guys like watermelon cuz i'm not really sure.
I think youv'e had it before I think Oakley's had it before. We'll find out! Let's get to it!
all you need is one cup of either coconut water or coconut milk. We are using unsweetened coconut milk You need two cups of pureed, seedless watermelon. if you use a seeded watermelon be sure to remove all the seeds and then an optional tablespoon of honey You'll need some icecube trays, and all the stuff we have here It's gonna get messy!
Please keep your eyes, nose, and ears, away from the table at all times. Woah! What is that?
Is that amazing? Is that amazing? This is your half.
You want some? Oakley would you like to try it? now that you have effectively licked the cucumber?
ha! The watermelon? okay there's a lot of different ways you can do this to get your two cups I have a measuring thing and my actual blennder so I'm just going to scoop it out and put it in the blender and puree it.
I should probably find out if the dogs like watermelon. Shelby's like Hmmm. She seriously spit it out.
You are such a Diva! Do you like watermelon if I dip it in some coconut milk? Here, now it's dipped in coconut milk, is that better?
Nope she spit that out too. Shelby might not like watermelon treats. gets kind of juicy and you can literally just pour the juice in your blender (laugh), so we are going to puree some of this and We still need more Watermelon Bite for you?
No that's for Oakley. we'll see. Shelby, you want some?
Wanna try it? will look something like that. This is an optional step to add a little bit of honey.
1 cup either coconut milk or coconut water again I'm using unsweetened coconut milk Probably don't have to mix it together for very long. now comes the super messy part. I am using silicone ice cube trays you can use silicone ice cube trays, you can use regular ice cube trays, with the silicone ice cube tays though I would suggest putting it on something I actually have mind on a cookie sheet.
Cause otherwise when you go to pick these up when they're full they bend and make a huge mess. So, now we are going to try to figure out how pour this without making huge mess manageable Man, you dogs are so lucky. just pour it into the icecube trays.
and try not to make a giant mess. So now these ones have to freeze. I actually about this much left So I am going to need some more trays.
More icecube trays! the freezer. What do you think Memphis?
We are going To put them in the freezer and Let's see. What do you think Shelby? She took it and she spit it out.
Memphis? Oakley here! Oakley here!
Wait you're not Oakley. Shelby's eating it! You .
. . You didn't actually eat it, you just licked it.
No? So Shelby says no, but apparently Oakley and Memphis say yes. You like them?
You like them? They like them. Want to try one more time Shelby?
Oh she ate that one! dog's something nice to keep them cool in the summertime while it's ridiculously hot outside I was gonna say, are they bad? No Are the dog treats?
They're dog treats, yes, but they don't have anything bad in them. can you figure out So the're for people too Yeah I was gonna say that! Can you figure out what is in them?
watermelon? Watermelon and coconut and honey coconut milk watermelon Yeah I know! Yes, yes you can eat them to.
You can share them with your daddy. *laugh* Shelby finally ate one She's like maybe I will eat two. See Shelby, they are good.
Nice cool treat! Hey I just gave you one *laugh* Okay I will share another one with you.