when it comes to the Law of Attraction and reality creation the idea is you repattern your Consciousness you give yourself permission to be a new youth the CIA Gateway process is these CIA documents basically what these documents show is the power of doing mind and heart coherence meditations and how that can expand your Consciousness even affect reality in a very powerful way ultimately everything you can possibly imagine exists right now in the field it's just about you energetically tuning to it the people that want to attract something into their life the question they want to
ask themselves is becoming aware of what's in your energetic field is one of the most empowering things that you can become aware of right now everything is about segmenting everything it's about you are a part of this group you are a part of this group and you are meant to hate each other I think it's important to guard your attention to draw boundaries with things in your life that are draining your energy to put it more in yourself what you're passionate about and watch how much your life changes Aaron welcome back great to be here
thanks for having me what is the CIA Gateway process the CIA Gateway process is these CIA documents that came out that have been unclassified or Declassified for years people can go online and check it out but basically what these documents show is the power of doing mind mind and heart coherence meditations focused on specific intentions and how that can expand your Consciousness even affect reality in a very powerful way so back in the day what happened is the CIA actually wanted to be able to explore Espionage and be able to like spy on different places
like see if remote viewing is possible essentially exactly like astral projection remote viewing under project Stargate I think it was like a larger project they were just exploring Consciousness around right something like that yeah I didn't go into the detail of like exactly which one it was but I remember reading the documents and it was showing basically their intention behind doing it but then what they did is they had a whole entire report of what they learned through going into these remote viewing experiences and going through these uh basically guided meditation processes for expanding their
Consciousness so it's something that revealed more about what reality might be and it's something that also really expanded uh their sense of the way reality works and how we can influence it in a very positive or powerful way so if I'm understanding correctly they kind of Presumed or just took the notion that reality might be more holographic in nature and if Consciousness could in theory travel beyond the body how could they for the US Army in the 1980s when they were studying this potentially use it for like Espionage or all these different things and there
were some very interesting findings and applications through the process of meditation breath and sound and uh and so how did you first hear about it I'm curious and what was it like when you started looking into the practices more yeah it was an interesting process for the way I came across like these tapes in general basically what happened is I was starting to grow on YouTube back in 2017 I think I probably had about 100,000 subscribers at the time was making Consciousness content talking about spirituality and then what happened is my mom's dad her foster
dad growing up which is like I guess my grandpa he was always a very esoteric thinker he was someone that was always kind of um he had like a spiritual undertone to the things he was into he was into like chi gong and different type of like ancient practices and he was always kind of a mysterious role model in my life because I grew up kind of being around him and I remember seeing Edgar Casey books that were like laying around the house I don't know how I remember but I remember seeing them laying around
when I was growing up and basically he was always mysterious to where we never really knew what he did for a living because he would travel hundreds of times a year to some undisclosed place where we never knew what it was and uh we just kind of knew that he worked for some organization or some government thing and then it was kind of like the end of it and what happened is he retired and he was like in his 70s and I'm now starting to you know get bigger on YouTube and he found my videos
because my mom was so excited about my videos and he started watching them and that's when my grandpa and I began to connect more and what happened is him and he started coming over and I would see him every couple months and he was kind of like a spiritual Mentor in a way CU he was into this kind of spiritual like dimension of things and then also kind of like mysterious because we never really knew what he did for a living well I find out through basically interacting with him the last couple years of his
life that he worked for some behind the scenes thing where he saw some like I know it sounds kind of abstract the way I'm saying it right now but he basically saw some things and experience some things that are beyond what we even thought was like possible or could be connected to like ETS and things like that it was pretty esoteric some of it but he's someone I knew pretty much my entire life and uh when he was watching my videos he said if you were to get these meditation CDs they would transform your life
and expand your consciousness cuz one thing I used to say in my YouTube videos is my name is Aaron and I help people expand their Consciousness I said it in like my first two or 300 videos well he was like if you really want to expand your Consciousness get these meditation CDs from like the 80s called the gateway experience and it will expand your Consciousness so him telling me all this I was like okay this sounds interesting so I went online and I looked up the Gateway experience and at the time the only way I
could find it was used meditation CDs and they were $350 that was like the at the time they were used they were $350 meditation CDs and I was like oh I was thinking maybe they'd be like $60 online or something like that I was like 350 bucks I'm like whatever I trust my you know I trust my grandpa I'm going to go ahead and do it so what I did is uh I ended up getting these CDs which are basically there's Wave 1 through wave five their Gateway experience is broken and down into these different
waves and it's not like you get these meditation CDs and then um you listen to one and then you're astral projecting the next day it's a series of meditations that build on themselves to where you go deeper and deeper so behind like the wave four and five that's where maybe the potential for remote viewing and astral projection is but until then you're doing a lot of different meditative practices a lot of um understanding how to control your focus your breathing um there's different elements of what's called sync technology hemisync technology is a certain technology that
Robert Monroe who was the man that developed and patented the process and worked with physicists and you know it's a very scientifically backed thing it's not just like some woowoo guy that's like I want to make these meditation CDs like there was a lot of credibility that went behind creating it and um basically he created these uh CDs that have a specific process that you go through to basically transform and expand your consciousness and uh I started to use these CDs and started to build upon basically you know going in order and there was one
that really had a powerful effect on me it was called repatterning and the idea behind repatterning is that there's a certain frequency you get through by balancing the left and right hemisphere of the brains and then having the mind and heart coherence where you get into a certain frequency that then allows you to have more influence over reality so in the CIA document what it talked about was how when you were in certain States Of Consciousness you had more intention mixed with the elevated emotions that you feel had more influence over the Holograms of reality
so if you think about it in the form of an energy field that goes around your body and if you think about it by creating left right brain and heart coherence by balancing out the hemispheres of the brain and connecting to your heart it's like that increase is the intensity of the thoughts and the energy within your energetic field which pulls to you different synchronicities opportunities and things that are in alignment with that energy so what it talked about in the Gateway experience and by the way the Gateway experience is what Robert Monroe who was
the man that founded the company of you know hemisync and the Gateway process which are a series of meditations for transformation that's separate than the CIA documents the CIA documents are just people from the CIA that were using the Gateway experience to explore Consciousness to eventually maybe use it to spy on different countries or on different with different purposes and that's their experience of using these meditation CDs so with that what I ended up doing is going through and using these meditation CDs and one of the ones that had the biggest impact on me was
the repatterning one which the idea is you repattern your Consciousness you repattern what you're creating in your life and you feel as if it's already happening now and I began doing that for month or two in a row I would do it every single day and there was a different feeling that would come inside of my body I started feeling more in an equal uh connection to what I wanted to create my life and that really I would say was one of the cornerstones from me going where I was on YouTube with like 100,000 subscribers
to things blowing up at a bigger and bigger level uh I attribute quite a bit of it to the meditations I was doing and more specifically to the mind and heart coherence which I'd learned through that of this Gateway experience process it seems I mean we've explored this theme with many previous guests about how our brain can essentially attune with an intention like an antenna that then our our heart can as it's a magnetic device can then charge that that intention with and bring different realities to us and it's one thing in theory it's another
to actually put it to practice and experience the fruit that and then you realize this like Game of Life is is kind of like that it's like by really attuning yourself and finding that that place of of coherence you then have the capacity at greater and greater levels to magnetize towards you what things that are like meant for you and things that are aligned with you coherently and so it's a very interesting process and I know we could probably share stories upon stories where this is both happened in our life right because that process with
the CIA Gateway process um or the Heming technology are one of many different tools and practices and ways in which we can that's like a door into our own Consciousness to be able to explore those realities and subtle Realms so how does this apply now to reality transerfing because I know it's a topic that you've also explored and these are kind of esoteric topics but I would love to ground it in as much as possible to see that in life we're kind of born incarnated into a society culture family conditioning where we believe certain realities
are possible for us because it's familiar and it's been normalized and the more that you wake up and drop and shed identities and beliefs and dogmas that really aren't true or don't serve you anymore at your level of Consciousness then you can again go back and ATT tune to what what do I want to shape for my reality the reality of the world and you become an effective Steward in that way and so if you could help me break down that concept a little bit as it relates to really the audience and people that are
tuning in right now uh attuning to the the life and reality they want to create for themselves yeah let me first off say that I think a lot of this more kind of like cool things to look at these different processes are all really cool in their own way if you boil it all down it comes down to connecting to the emotion and the visual the visual intention of what you want to experience and elevating the emotion to feel as if it's here now now the benefit of understanding parallel realities is that which is connected
to reality trans surfing is that when you think of parallel realities it's under the notion that every reality you can possibly imagine already exists you've got people like Joe despenza that call it the quantum field you've got books like reality trans surine that call it the alternative space or What's called the space of variations ultimately everything you can possibly imagine exists right now in the field it's just about you energetically tuning to it think of it similar to that of a radio do if you're on 98.5 FM and you want to experience someone something at
111 FM or something like that some spiritual number for you then what you would do is you recognize it already exists you don't have to create 111.1 FM it already exists it's about energetically tuning to it and just like we know if we had a radio dial right here and we tune it to 111.1 FM 111.1 FM is all around us right now it's simply vibrating at a specific frequency and once we tune to it then we pick up on the frequencies that already exist well when it comes to understanding parallel reality manifestation what we
can understand is that it already exists that which we want to experience so this is what I did back in 2017 when I went full-time on YouTube I literally how would the version of me think feel and act that already is a full-time YouTuber not that wants to be a full-time YouTuber or really desires to be a full-time YouTuber or that's chasing YouTube success what is that version of me think feel and act like and then embody it give myself permission to be it so when it comes to reality transerfing which little backstory behind that
that is a book that was written in Russia by a Quantum physicist and basically in Russia from what I understand it's like the movie The Secret out here in the western world it's like in Russia that's their version and I came across this book because I met a guy at a coffee shop that was very successful that basically told me once again like if you get this book your life will change just like my grandpa said it in a different way and I got this book and it was 600 pages long and it was translated
in English and I started reading it and there was just something about it that resonated with me now something else I'll share with you kind of behind the scenes um what there's a reason I wasn't talking about reality transerfing for such a long time and I guess I'll share that here because some people in my audience wonder why I talked about it in the beginning because I made 80 to 100 YouTube videos talking about reality transerfing people found the book I get you get DMS from people I've literally had DM from somebody that was a
business guy that had like he had like um good siiz following on Instagram and he's like I want you to know that I found your videos on reality trans surfing four years ago and I'm a multi-millionaire now I thought that was so cool so he claimed that the concepts from this book made him extremely successful and I was like well I can't talk about the book anymore but basically um reality transerfing is a book that's about the the main Concepts then I'll get into the story here in a second basically the main concepts of the
book is that everything we can imagine already exists in what is called the space of variations that when we really really want something we put it on a pedestal and we energetically separate ourselves from it so one thing it talks a lot about is decreasing the level of importance if something's really really important you really really resist it and it's not equal to your identity so there are balancing forces that come into our reality to literally block that theme from coming into your life that's such a it's just an important point I want to highlight
because when it comes to a partner a potential relationship or a career or a lifestyle or whatever it is that we're trying to make our current reality that energetic shift of instead of grasping for something which what you in many ways you're resisting it you're repelling it because you're coming from the energy of not having yeah once you say I want something you're acknowledging that you don't have it yeah versus coming kind of flipping it on its head like you're speaking to and and feeling and thinking and acting in the way of already having it
right so yeah keep unpacking that decreasing the level of importance it's really interesting yeah decreasing the level of importance is uh I'll tell a little story about this I remember one time I was uh learning about the the ideas of reality transerfing and understanding you know this idea of the space of variations and decreasing importance and at the time I just started to become more successful on YouTube and what I did as I was living in Las Vegas uh I was getting a house that I was going to live in as my own house climbing
close to the airport and I was on the rental market looking at what was available and there weren't that many nice houses available found this one house that I liked it had a it had like blue like kind of aesthetic feel to the house it had like Zen decorations even though the house was it going to be furnished the people that owned it had this very Zen Buddhist kind of vibe and it just felt like a house I wanted to be in it was a four-bedroom house it was kind of close to the airport well-located
and I really wanted it now at the time the real estate agents like well there are like five applications on this house right now there's a lot of people that want it and at the time I didn't know if I was going to get it because also when sometimes people see that it's a younger guy I was like 28 at the time they might assume I'm going to party even though I'm just focusing on my business you know but basically what I did is I remember walking through the house I knew that I wanted it
and then what I did I'm reading reality transerfing and I'm reading these idea of decrease in level of importance so what I would do is I would visualize myself in a meditation being in that house getting up where the master bedroom was going to the bathroom going to make videos where I would make videos where the lighting was good and I would visualize it as if it's natural it's not on a pedestal it's not this amazing house I'm going to be able to live in it was like just like natural for my identity and then
what I did is another aspect of reality transerfing into something that's called inner and outer intention now basically what I did in order to tap into getting that house is what is the inner intention of the person that's renting out the house so that' be like my external intention but the idea is it's almost like the way that I phrased this and what I ended up doing is writing a letter to the person that owned the house and I said hey my name is Aaron I focused on my business right now I just want you
know you have a beautiful home I would love to live in it I would take great care of it I'm kind of an like I just kind of doing my business thing right now I wouldn't be having parties and stuff and kind of like expressed how the Beautiful Zen Buddhist Vibes I like and stuff but basically that was also a concept from the book sent in that letter visualized it as if it was natural for me to be living in that house and then a few like a week later found out that I got the
house and it was kind of a cool moment because there was competition for this house there were like four or five other applications on it when I put down my my um request for it but it was a process of me tapping into decreasing the level of importance and seeing it as natural now funny enough as well I always think of this girl that I used to work with when I when I used to work my sales job selling women's shoes at Nordstroms there was this um friend of mine and she noticed that any time
she would get into a relationship with someone what would happen is within one week of being in a relationship with someone she would get hit on like 20 times in a week by dudes but for 2 and a half years of being single she would hardly ever get hit on at all ever and she said it was like Boggle her mind the way that it worked but also one way that I see it and when I think of reality transerfing are just decreasing the importance it's like she's in the energy of abundance she's not Desiring
a a relationship or people to like come around that way so because she's in the energy of it and maybe she's already feeling gratitude for it and maybe it's not important that people do hit you know hit her up or she has options it's like it's just naturally there and I think when it comes to having magnetic energy in general it's very important to remember that everything anything we make important is energetically separate from us but it's also with this notion that that thing over there is going to make us happy on the inside so
the balancing forces of the universe can't help but keep it from you because it's like you haven't learned the lesson it's like if you have a dog and you're chasing a dog what does the dog do just runs away from you right it's playing the game it's playing off that energy Dynamic well in the same way someone goes on a date and they're they're wanting someone to meet their needs and it's really important that they like them and that they validate them they're creating all this resistance and that resistance actually blocks that which you want
yeah it's like in the case of a relationship trying to search for security and a healthy attachment through the energy of insecurity and of not having right I'm curious what you think of the balance between like realizing we're a creator of reality and we can have an intention and and powerfully manifest things often times in earlier on in spiritual people's Journey it's at least in the west kind of directed towards materialistic purposes of trying to attract or make more money or whatever thing there's that but how do you balance that with the feeling of trust
and surrender that what's meant for you will be yours and what's not meant for you you will never have and yeah taking the pressure off of trying to create your reality and kind of recognize the inherent abundance around you and and um allowing the like to be surprised by the universe in a way so like yeah how do you how do you balance between intentionally manifesting and attracting what you want versus what you're speaking to also which is like kind of letting go of it and and understanding that that's a that's a powerful way to
live but perhaps a more powerful way to live is to also um release the uh unending need for improvement and to be you know in the deeper state of gratitude and appreciation I'm glad you bring that up because I've been thinking about this a lot recently cuz cuz one thing I noticed is that a lot of times with people that are really adamant about creating their own reality The Law of Attraction manifestation one thing I notice is that a lot of times the people that are really into this kind of work also went through a
lot of trauma earlier in life they may have had a spiritual awakening being to understanding that we're Spiritual Beings living temporary human experiences but I can't ignore the fact that even Within Myself of me being called to it especially years ago there was a certain part of me that wanted to feel more like I was in control there was a part of me that could feel like this is what I want to create I feel like I'm in control I experience it and then it's like I feel safety so it's almost like trying to create
a sense of safety through my manifestations because if anything unknown were to happen that's the scary stuff and what if what you could actually experience in your life was so much better than what you can even imagine but we block it because we're like no I want my manifestations that's on my vision board I've been man I've been thinking about it I've been feeling it and the way that I look at this is is kind of simple in the stage that it's basically about are you attached to outcome or are you present to the moment
and enjoying the process if you follow your excitement and you're in the vibration of your passion loving what you do what you are in the vibration of is in the vibration of being you're in the vibration of embodiment you are being this version of you because it's who you choose to be not of what the result will get you and what a lot of people do with the law of attraction is they're focusing on what they want and they're trying to in a way control reality because then they can feel safe and because the future
moment that they get to is going to be better than this moment right now and what happens a lot is people end up robbing themselves of the joy in the present moment and just following the passion because they're trying to get somewhere else that's going to be better so the way that I work with this is I follow the thread of excitement know knowing that it's not my job to control how things happen it's my job to focus on my energy State it's my job to focus on my vibration my energy and knowing that I'm
following that because it actually feels good not just because it's going to get me somewhere else and I think where a lot of people get caught up is they do it because how long do I have to do the visualizations for and how long do I have to do this passionate thing for until I get there yeah like a means to an end it's a means to an end and anytime things are a means to an end that's where attachment is and attachment is what creates resistance attachment to I want to attract the partner like
this this is how it's going to happen I'm going to go to a coffee shop I'm going to see them at the coffee shop and they're going to say this and then we're going to we're going to have this beautiful connection it's going to work out meanwhile you're on the way to the coffee shop and someone asks you for directions and you're like you're not the person you know what I mean like you're I'm just focused on getting to the coffee shop for that experience and it's like people end up blocking them from experiencing more
Magic in their life because they're trying to control it all trying to in a way regulate their nervous system through the manifestations of what they create but they end up creating more resistance in the process so I think the most powerful thing to do is to focus more on the process and to realize that it's more of an energy state that you're in because it's who you choose to be like even when I was making videos in 2017 it wasn't just making videos because eventually I quit my 9o5 job I'm like oh this energy is
who I choose to be and what's funny is most of the time when people are in that bean vibration and they're not just doing it for views they're not just doing it for that purpose they end up it ends up working out much better like it ends up actually happening very rarely is it someone that's like I'm going to get on YouTube to become a famous YouTuber that becomes a famous YouTuber right it's normally people that are like they feel a calling it's just who they are um even when you back in the day I
remember listening to people that are like really big YouTubers like I just want to make the best videos possible I just want make the best videos possible but it's not necessarily like I need to get the most views possible I need to get the most views possible it's more process oriented it's like there's probably a love to making videos you know and I think that that's a lot of times where people block and also when you think of attachment importance is an end result attachment is an end result and the focus is instead on who
you are being that's where the energy shifts yeah I think there is a big energy shift too also when you're coming at trying to attract things continually on just service to self versus service to others and I feel like there's a big amplification process when you are yeah um because you are a part of the collective like we are an individual being having a collective experience and we are part of the collective and so service to self ALS or service to others also includes us as part of that process but I do feel like there's
an amplification process there and there's a balance like I do think our desire is kind of in a lot of ways like being under the illusion of separation or having the uh projecting our desires onto a carrot of end of a stick saying I want this kind of moves Us in the direction of seeing what doesn't work for us and our own shadow material and like it it's a process of moving towards realizing the the feelings that already exist inside of us you know and so it's like you said powerful at times in our journey
to you know make the vision board write down what we want um but it's really the feelings behind all the things we want in the first place right right and so it's like I just want to you know really highlight that point you said which is the the feelings behind the things that we want if we can just allow life to potentially surprise us in a way that is greater than we could predict because our imagination is always just a recombination of past memory you know and and life if we want it to unfold greater
than we could ever dream then it's got to unfold in in those ways that we can't really predict and so it's a it's a balance it's kind of holding that Paradox of like saying you know these this is what feels the most true following the highest path of excitement in this moment yeah um but not being attached to how things uh appear and form yeah yeah yeah 100% so I really love the balance of having both perspectives because it's it's a more holistic I think approach and takes some of the pressure off people feeling like
they need to control life and think about it too in the people that want to attract something into their life the question they want to ask themselves is why do you want that thing in your life like what emotions do you want to feel because if someone's like well I want more money I want the relationship I want this I want that why do you want that if you get down to the core you want it because of some emotion you will feel if you had it now the funny thing is you can feel those
emotions right now you could it's just that the brain has an expectation that I will not feel this until this happens and the focus is what literally blocks the feeling from being primed into the energetic field like if I were to tell you right now and like I would to prank Andre and it' be this funny joke where I got with some friends and I was like here's your lottery tickets or something not that this is even a thing it's a bad example cuz I don't think you would even care about this but I was
like it pranked you and you thought that you won the lottery and you're looking at the ticket you're like oh my God I just wanton $100 million I would definitely care about that by way I thought you transcended money to like a different level definitely not but it would be like you'd be like oh my God I and you you would feel this crazy elated motions for like the 2 hours until one of us was like had the nerve to be like hey Andre just so you know it was a joke jok's on you and
then you're like oh you there there's be crushing feeling that would come down of that adrenaline dump after all that excitement now the funny thing is is we all have those emotions inside of us right now it's just that we don't give ourselves permission to feel it so instead of that what I recommend for people that want to create their dream reality is focus instead on priming your energetic field for the emotion you want to experience more of so it's like I want to attract a relationship for you know to to have a person there
okay well where in your life do you already have connections whereas you you might have a great connection with your animal or with your uh best friends or your family or you focus on that and as you you're able to focus on that you start to feel that energy of that gratitude and the emotion of gratitude says this thing is already in my life now it's literally a signal to the universe that says thank you for this being in my life now so if you can feel grateful for something before it's in your life you
will experience more synchronicities and opportunities that reflect that energy state so focusing on the field I think is so powerful same for money money may bring security you have the freedom to go eat the food that you want right now you have a freedom to go walk at the park you have freedom it's but the the key is like what are you using that for how are you focused on that and how are you embodying that and there's many practices you know from the the saying what you're searching for is searching for you is a
really practical notion when you understand neurology and how our brain works you know and when the more that we have gratitude for what is in our life through the reticular activating system in our brain we start to pay attention and notice more things that like that we can be grateful for and it's both we just be we become more grateful for what's in our life and then also we create realities where gratitude is a reciprocating emotion to that thing so yeah it's just it's a powerful thing to live life from the inside out in that
way instead of continually grasping from the outside in a quick share one Wellness tool that I have been loving the past few years is red light therapy red light therapy has over 4,000 peer-reviewed studies many of which show how it helps with cellular healing skin Health by stimulating collagen testosterone sleep mood and so many others I can personally feel the benefits in real time and think it's an amazing way to get healthy light in the morning Before Sunrise I usually meditate in front of it Bond charge is a great option for red light devices because
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more to the collective Consciousness um before we you know go back into the personal a little bit because I found this understanding of pendulums really really interesting and especially this current time with the elections and um over the past 40 years as the rise of the internet technology social media more now than ever before there has been the capacity to influence Mass Consciousness positively or negatively and um I just found this idea of thought forms very fascinating so what is that yeah yeah so let's go in for a minute back into reality transerfing and then
I have a story that I promised I would share earlier that I have to kind of tailor back to so first off one of my favorite Concepts in reality transerfing is this idea of what are called pendulums which are these thought forms these Mass thought forms in a way you could think of it similar to archetypes within our reality in certain ways like there's certain archetypes that certain people embody the idea in reality transerfing of pendulums is that when there's a lot of people in the collective Consciousness focused on certain things it creates a momentum
of energy towards that thing now there's pendulums or thought forms around the major things that many of us are focused on there's pendulums around presidential candidates there's thought forms around or uh these pendulums around Sports teams there's thought forms around YouTube channels your podcast is a pendulum in of itself and the idea is that these pendulums create a momentum and that with this momentum people sometimes think they're thinking their own thoughts when they may be thinking the thoughts of the pendulum because it's active inside their field and because we're all connected to the collective Consciousness
now the thing with pendulums is that you can't fight them and win pendulums become this thing that takes on a life of its own because there's thousands of millions of people focused on it so anytime you fight a pendulum or you fight these Mass thought forms you actually feed it you fuel it a big example of this is people that go down the conspiratorial rabbit hole and they fight against the parasitical Elite as the reasons for everything being wrong grows it it do I think people get so caught up with conspiracy theories and what are
they what are they projecting onto that reality they have all the power they have all the power it's almost like the drama triangle of the perpetrator rescuer victim and it's like they're the perpetrator they're the perpetrator with all this power and I think it ends up infusing more of that power than they actually have but it ends up fueling it I I experienced this personally like eight years ago kind of before I moved out here uh I was with a group of guys where you know there is value in understanding what's happening in life and
things that are but to have it to be consumed by it and to feel that you're also part of being controlled by it then you are feeding it in that way and I felt that at that time in my life where you know I felt like there were these darker you know forces at play whether it's a demi urge or like all these things you know it's like I don't know what the reality of what is actually there and what the intention of certain you know I think that largely now I've come to see that
what we kind of often attribute as malice can be just attributed to to ignorance you know there is like a lot of unconscious Shadow material that's happening through influential individuals right and there are people that are also have you know malice in too I'm sure you know and and so it's like and what do I want to do to have power over reality and influence things in the positive light like go on the process of of creating pendulums or thought forms that bring people towards self-realization exactly yeah yeah I had that same realization when I
was uh living in Vegas before I moved and it was during the time of covid and when everything was happening I had my own perspective of it not in like a fearful way but what I was doing is I I noticed the pendulum of people getting in a lot of fear and it felt like when people are in fear and anger they're a lot easier to control so I would I went on Instagram I was going live and I was talking about this and it created such a polarity in people I mean people got so
angry that I was qu I was even questioning things that were happening the intensity of like the dynamic of everything that was happening and it became so intense that I kind of had to decide is it my purpose to make people aware of these things that maybe doesn't align with my intuition of what I think is act which by the way years later actually was proven out to be pretty true with how things were exaggerated and everything but nonetheless it was like I had to ask myself the question is this my purpose because I noticed
that my dreams were be getting darker there were a lot of projections from people in my audience and I was like I can handle this but at the same time do I want to be preaching this resistance of like fighting the system or instead do I talk about the other things that I'm actually passionate about that actually brings me more fulfillment like raising vibration and healing energy and stuff like that so anyways I went through something kind of similar where I got caught up in the web of it you know um but nonetheless when it
comes to these thought forms and these uh the idea is that the only way you can defeat them is by observing them you just observe them doesn't mean you have to seek to observe but it's like if if you're watching a sports team and you are wanting a team to win and you're really identified with that and they lose there's like a lot of energy that's being dispelled into that and you may you know lower your energy but if you're observing it you're not going to be as emotionally affected by it observing it and and
working towards creating the new reality like Bucky Fuller's quote which has been shared so much you know not fighting old systems but make new ones that make the old ones abete yeah or Mother Teresa that said like a you know she wouldn't go to like a protest but like a something for talking about love it's kind of the same idea it's like we can either focus on um like tearing down what already exists maybe that makes people aware of it but it also creates more resistance versus focusing on what reality do you want to create
we're already aware that this reality isn't working you know and um the idea behind pendulums is that there's these thought forms around different people um presidential candidates even so the funny thing is that when people don't like a presidential candidate under this idea of pendulums and the mass thought forms what they do is they say I don't like you I'm resistant to you they end up feeding that and it ends up actually helping that cause and then it causes more polarity but in general the one with the strongest pendulum wins whether it's for or against
it which think of like Kanye right or like or you know Trump or like a lot of polarizing figures that for better or worse they are attracting a lot of energy it's a lot of energy whether you you you love them or hate them it's energy that it moves something inside of you and the idea behind pendulum has been a GameChanger with understanding where I put my energy like even I think about this sometimes this is a more esoteric thought but when you listen to a lot of mainstream music and especially certain types of mainstream
music I feel like there's almost similar thought forms similar energies that you're likely to pick up on by listening to that in the same way I think listening to maybe certain mantras or certain things that are done with like a holy Divine reverence it's like there's thousands of people in our Collective Consciousness or millions of people in the past that have meditated on like peace and love doing certain mantras you can also use it in in a positive way so I'm kind of aware of when I get songs stuck in my head like not that
I'm so my energy is so feeble that I'm just going to get sucked into something but I am aware of like the energy behind these things because I think that also the subconscious mind is something that runs our life and the subconscious mind there's these different metaphors in our reality that we connect to and the Gateway experience a lot of those meditations are just influencing and interacting with your subconscious mind but I think it's important to be aware of what these represent to us it's so important man I feel like that in the way that
our subconscious regurgitates whatever is uh impressed upon it in our life is so like I was just with uh with my a group of my friends and for whatever reason like I'm I'm kind of like a parrot like I'll just I'm always hearing whatever is happening in my surrounding and then I just start like humming it or singing it or like whatever just like without even realizing it and for whatever reason I I was like and I was like why why the my friend's like why do you just hum like the McDonald's like theme song
we must have like just passed one and I saw it or whatever whatever the case was like why is that in me why did that come out without even my awareness and it's because there are these thought forms that live within us and that are subconscious will then whatever is impress much must you know be expressed in that way and so it's yeah it's very it's very interesting I lived with Logan and worked with Logan and Jake Paul for a while and I feel like there are two individuals that have really understood building momentum whether
you like them or like not they're polarizing individuals that really do have those pendulums and uh there's a lot that you can be learned through observing the mechanism of how that works if your desire is to raise the collective Consciousness and spread meta loving kindness meditation or have these kind of conversations on podcasts that uplift people um there's there is a mechanism that can be applied just as infection spread just like love can spread and be contagious and that in a similar kind of spreading is is very interesting to observe yeah and and to you
know I thought I remember thinking of that back when Logan Paul was growing so fast on YouTube and even Jake Paul about the pendulum because I was learning about reality transerfing at the time and I think it's very important when you have a lot of attention and a lot of energy to be very aware of how that energy is being embodied because anytime the collective or there's too much energy and focus put on a certain energy it can it brings it down to to decrease the level of importance of it so it's interesting because I
think with YouTube channels even what we do with our pendulums it's like we have to keep the focus on the energy flowing through on adding value to the collective because if it becomes too self-focused and and that resistance that resistance gets created and then it takes us off the pedestal and push this back down to equal you know but that's one thing I found interesting with this whole idea of pendulums now to take this that story that I need to pay off because I keep mentioning it um one of the reasons I didn't talk about
reality transerfing for so long is one of the things that says in the reality transerfing book is that this idea of reality transerfing itself is a pendulum it's a thought form it's this thought form people get really passionate about reality transerfing the people that are in it and then they're living according to the lifestyle which means like focused on basically being the identity of who you want to be understanding that the reality you want to experience already exists um and observing your thoughts observing the pendulums and the thought forms all of that and one of
the things that happened is after a few uh after about 80 videos I made about 100 YouTube videos on reality transerfing basically promoting the book for free and what happened is there were one or two people that represented the company of reality trans surfing that didn't like that I was starting to look like uh Authority on the figure even though I wasn't saying I'm a reality transerfing coach and this is who I am um that created resistance and what ended up happening is uh they wanted me to take down all the videos and they wanted
me never to talk about reality transerfing again for a few months I was even even on the website it was like it was just this weird drama thing where I'm like all I want to do is like send people to this book you know and it said that the book is a pendulum so it was It was kind of weird to me that people from the company were coming after me when it says in the book that this is a pendulum that I don't own no one owns it it's of the collective Consciousness here I
am teaching the ideas but then also being told you can't you you like please don't talk about it anymore because and the reason was I guess it made me look like an authority and the reality transfering coaches wanted to be the authority on it but I'm like well then make make the videos like you know what I mean um but for two or three years I didn't talk about it and then eventually I think the the person that represented that that was a part of that because the guy speaks Russian so the people that were
represented him they're now kicked out so whatever happened happened with them but now I feel more free to talk about it so if the person that is the uh you know viim Zealand the author ever sees this it's like I love the book love the concepts and it's uh I think it's it's good for everyone to be able to share the concepts and uh to have that information it's good man just one thing that I think can kind of tie bow on the whole um pendulum thing is inviting everybody who's listening right now to really
observe what thought forms or pendulums if you want to use those terms uh are influencing us currently like what and we we spoke to like how whatever is impressed impressed upon our subconscious that carries momentum into our life and so the music and the media that we're taking in social media and our phones it's never been as easy to be influenced than it is right now and so there requires with as much access to information wisdom to to guard and shield what information and where it's coming from into our reality so if we desire to
have original thought and be like a sovereign individual then it requires us to really be mindful with where we're taking information how much we're taking information and and uh it's just a I think an important thing to wrap up that section on absolutely I think that becoming aware of what's in your energetic field is one of the most empowering things that you can become aware of because ultimately if you perceive on the outside of certain things in your life and it makes you feel a certain way taking responsibility is understanding that the way you feel
is something that's inside your energy field so if somebody is jealous of someone else or someone else is feeling resistance for something they're seeing there's a couple ways that you can go about mitigating that you could set boundaries and not have that energy around you not being perceiving of it or you could integrate that energy of what you're feeling on the inside and transform it and kind of let it go let go of the perspective um but one thing that I think is so overlooked is people continue you know like being in the phone all
day what you look at does influence your subconscious mind I remember watching a show called succession like a year or two ago when it was like it was a Big Show and it's all basically a show about narcissism you know and like these people fighting over this Kingdom of this dad's like Billion Dollar Empire but I remember just the effect it was having on how I viewed people and how I viewed um like uh like money and aund like it was it was shifting different perspectives I had throughout the week cuz I was binge watching
it you know I could see that effect that it had on me and I think a lot of times people are just consuming from a Mindless place or consuming from a place where they're not aware of how that's influencing their energy because they haven't tapped into their body to see like how does this feel how is this going to influence what I experience more of in my life so one of the best things you can do is be kind of a gatekeeper for where your focus goes where your focus goes is where your energy goes
and I think pendulums and this whole idea of like rapping the bow on this it's like wherever you put your focus is where you put your energy and marketers know this very well like compan and products and it's the reason you go to a Super Bowl commercial might you know they might charge millions and millions of dollars for 30 seconds of our time because they know that even if just us focusing our attention on it grows the idea within the collective Consciousness so I think the other side of this coin here is when we all
come together from mind and heart coherence and we focus on what we want to create in the world and that's why like the Maharishi effect of the meditation effect the Maharishi effect of having thousands of people focused on mind and heart coherence bringing more peace and love into the world can have such a powerful effect on the planet where the decrease in violent crimes can go down by a substantial percentage that's because all of us are unifying which is so different than what has been currently in our Collective Consciousness right now everything is about segmenting
everything it's about you are a part of this group you are a part of this group and you are meant to hate each other when in fact if you have somebody that likes one football team and someone that doesn't and hates that football team when they're Rivals if they were to be on like a different planet or something like that they would have so much in common they both not only are humans but they like the they like football like that's a lot to have in common but we're so identified with separation and we've been
so preconditioned to believe we are these separate identity egos that what we do is we create resistance and end up creating more more challenges and blocks for ourself in that process and then we're much more easy to control whereas look at a lot of the stuff happening in the government and at different political levels and it it's like we Pro a lot of us probably know there's something off here maybe something needs to be completely switched up but it's every everyone's divided everyone's kind of separated on these different perspectives and what that does is it
keeps us from actually real keeps the pendulums alive so I think it's important to guard your attention to focus your energy on the things you want to create in your life to draw boundaries with things in your life that are draining your energy to maybe limit what you put your attention on with your phone because that's literally just growing other people's things other people's ideas and to put it more in yourself and what you're passionate about and watch how much your life changes amazing so good man yeah there it really feels like it's doing a
disservice to our own Soul's Evolution to constantly being be bombarded with noise and information that is not really serving us and if we all have a unique Essence that wants to emerge just like we all have a you know thumb print that's unique to us we all have a creative pulse a perspective that the Universe gains through our eyes that is really sad to not have realized or actualized and I do believe it is an inevitable process like however much we need to forget or believe the illusions of separation between us like we will eventually
come right to know our who we are but this human birth is such a gift and to to not take advantage of the opportunity we have of being alive to make space to observe what wants to come from within instead of just what wants to be put in through other people's intentions yeah it's just a really important uh thing because we're on the path and obviously this being the no they self podcast like our listeners people that are tuning in right now to this community we all want to explore and uncover and realize more of
who we truly are and I think I'd love to reflect on identity with you because as you start to grow up in in your 20s and 30s or um whenever you first start to realize that certain ideas and dogmas that were really just a product of the environment in which you grew up in don't serve you to to how they used to um there is a shedding process a letting go of who we thought we once were and the grander realization of of who we are in a deeper core and deeper Essence and I know
that for you and for me like we're constantly going through these cycles and seasons of identity and of self just like all of nature Moves In cycles and Seasons from the macrocosm like cosmological level of planetary movements to us on the microcosm in our own human developmental Journey there is this there there are these cycles and I feel like there are the small Cycles um monthly cycles for men and women there are yearly Cycles there are you know seven to 10 year Cycles where there's bigger shifts in identity I think that everybody right now who's
listening is in a certain season and chapter of their life and of because you're in it you don't realize what chapter of life you're in until it's kind of behind you in a way connecting the dots looking back in that in that way um but how have you been able to invite more grace in the transitions between identities because I think that that is a sticking point for a lot of suffering for a lot of people is that there is like a death of the old self not having fully emerged in the new version of
you and so how does realizing the inherent cycles of life that that are a part of us that we are a part of invite some more grace into the transitions yeah for me when I think of the journey that I've been on which by the way I recently became aware that pretty much I've been on YouTube now for seven or eight years and this last year has been a big pivotal shift for me where I'm realizing that the things that got me to where I'm at now aren't going to be the things that get me
to the next level I just feel kind of stagnant I felt like I'm kind of thinking feeling acting equal to an old identity that serves me for a long time and brought me a lot of success and abundance and fun and joy but it's felt like kind of like it's time to shed it and there's been a fear around letting that part of me go the fear is this reoccurring dream that I have that every so often every couple months I have this dream that I'm back in my nine-to-five job selling women's shoes and I
some correspond it's some part of this dream where like I'm there selling shoes like I used to at Barney New Yorker in Nordstroms and women's shoes and I'm a full-time YouTuber with success and abundance but I'm there and I know that I'm like why am I here right and this reoccurring dream comes up for me every couple months when I know I'm not taking action in the full capacity I could to be establishing a new reality so for me the 9o5 job represents a certain energy and what I did with my 9-to-5 job is started
making YouTube videos quit my 9o5 job within 3 to within 6 months created all this abundance but I put pressure on myself to stay in my metaphorical 9-to-5 job which means making certain number of videos a week staying relevant on Instagram and YouTube by posting a lot of content and there's this certain like hamster wheel that I stay on because it's familiar and what I've become aware of recently is just simply knowing that my life is this other realm that I get into when when I get into more of my zone of Genius of stepping
into the unknown that's where I really feel fulfilled that's also where the best content I create comes out is when I'm in situations like this where we're having a conversation and it's different than me standing in front of a camera talking like I've done for 2,000 YouTube videos now over the last seven years so one of the ways that I go about shifting my identity is through catching myself when I'm in the energies of trying to stay addicted to the familiar it's almost like it's familiar for me to be in a 9 to-5 job and
it's familiar for me to put the pressure on myself to continue making lots of videos and always staying busy and the other day when I when you text you texted me I was uh doing my best that day not to do any work whatsoever I think I told you I went to a hyperbaric chamber and it was funny I go into this hyperbaric chamber I've been to one in Austin before where you were allowed to have your phone so I was like going to listen to a meditation and I get to this place here in
LA and they're like you can't bring your phone or anything in there and I'm like what I've 90 minutes with no phone or anything in this little glass pod and I'm like okay so he puts I'm like okay whatever I put it to the side I get in and there's this um there's this TV Above This glass pod and he's like scrolling on Netflix trying to help me find something to watch and I'm like I don't want to watch anything for and I after like 10 minutes and it was so weird having someone else control
the remote too I was like I was like okay so what I ended up doing is like just put on a um put on like a chill step like some type of like uh relaxing meditation music which is what I ended up doing but what ended up happening is it felt it was so uncomfortable for me to be kind of powerless inside this pod with no phone for 90 minutes and it was an interesting it was an interesting experience that brought up so much for me like also when he walked away I'm like you couldn't
hear anyone even if I were to like yell no one could hear me I thought this must be what babies feel like and they don't know if someone's going to come back you know like imagine your parents aren't around and you're a baby crying and I'm thinking like so I'm going through this whole process of realizing all of this and it was uh it was a part of me being able to really go inwards to really look and audit my life because I realized how stimulated I had become from being on the the content hamster
wheel from watching and being on my phone on Instagram or being on social media or being on watching Netflix or something like that I realized that there hadn't been that time to really just go into words to decide what is the next step and as I was sitting there and I was as I was in this like state of not really being able to do anything it was a process of me realizing that the answer was it's been within me the whole entire time which is just really committing to the next stage for me which
is just doing more doing a lot lot lot lot less of what I think I have to do to maintain a certain level of credibility and status and doing a lot more of the things that I'm really passionate about which includes running Live Events recording them doing podcasts doing it's it's just a different way of making content um but I think that what a lot of people can do to really create that shift is really create space inside of yourself because that space is where Insight comes that space is where you start to question yourself
and to realize like why am I doing all of this and then asking questions and and able to like I was able to see that a lot of what I'm doing is just the autopilot familiar energy that's felt so normal it feels normal for me to always be doing which is another aspect of my self-worth I've become aware of recently where I associate so much self-worth to what I do but not who I am so if I can add lots of value to people on YouTube videos I'll be worthy then I'll be like establishing my
life purpose but it's almost like there's a subconscious part of me that's looking to my audience to know am I valuable am I the rescuer in your life which is not something I'm consciously I want to be anyone's rescuer because I don't but at the same time there's like this awareness that self-worth you can be worthy for just being you and you're not necessarily tied to what you do and and it's more so just something you inherently have because of who you are and I think for me on this journey knowing that this new identity
that I get isn't going to be more worthy and more awesome it's just something it's just something that's going to feel better so I can feel better right now by saying yes to Opportunities of things that are in my zone of Genius doing and running more Live Events or whatever that new identity is and it does require a certain shift in Consciousness like in 2017 thinking feeling acting equal to a job that I had for 10 years almost bosses telling me when I had to come to work um having to schedule two weeks of vacation
time certain times of the year um it was it became normal having having managers that were controlling and manipulative that was normal that was also familiar to my childhood Dynamics things weren't fair when I was a kid there a power Dynamic when I was a kid that was were you know I I had a lot of power that was put over me so it was very easy to see that am I living in same familiar patterns and am I fighting for it because it feels familiar and eventually I had to get really honest with myself
and I had to make the choice to step into the unknown and I had to also that identity shift for me was creating more willpower instead of a boss telling me what to do I have to I have to be the self starter I have to become my own boss in a way I have to hold myself accountable because I can't focus on a job telling me what to do I have to do it so that was the shift that was required for me to go to being a YouTuber and then now from being a
YouTuber for the last seven or eight years it's this initiation that I have to reactivate towards running Live Events scheduling them getting all the system set up in play which does require some mental work and energy and growing the team whereas before with the whole YouTube thing it's all an autopilot it's all familiar but I also felt kind of Trapped in old ways of being instead of now of having them that's doing it the boss that's doing it it's me doing it to myself so there's there's no there's no one to blame you know um
so now that's been that's been the most powerful thing for me when it comes to my identity is creating space questioning how I'm addicted to the familiar and why am I fighting for this and then understanding that there's a new aspect or something new energy I can bring into my life by simply making a choice ultimately that's all it is it's a new choice of who you are that's it but we make it complicated because we want to understand every nuance and what part of my childhood trauma is this from and all of these things
when it can be so much more simple if we just give ourselves permission and that's one of the main things is give yourself permission to be a new you yeah amazing man yeah there's it's it's an important reflection to just observe our compulsive urge to fill the space or silence whenever it arises in our life and how compulsively we reach for stimulus it's so familiar and man it's it's so easy in this day and age you know um I'm really excited to go back I'm going back in silent retreat in a couple months and how
long do you go in for 10 days is it like a Papas it's going to be aasa yeah oh wow yeah there I mean it's just it's so important because it's been a it's been a while since I did last of of aasa um but like especially you go when when you work in this field of like being a spiritual educator conduit for these conversations podcaster you're in the space even in what some would view as like a a really more impactful service to the planet um as an individual being in the process just like
you said you're kind of like you're transitioning out of just this YouTuber identity you know Finding Your inherent worth outside of these identifications like it's it's useful for a while to like wear the identity and play the role as the YouTuber as the podcaster whatever um but in ways we're not aware of these things can insidiously kind of like I heard I think gabri mte refer to the the the the mask eating into the face of a wearer of the wearer and um not that like these things are masks but it can be slowly Insidious
in the way that we identify as being this thing now and we have to realize these things that we have these personalities that we and by you know these things to are not us and just going back into that silence and just like just shutting the F up for a moment is so important yeah um but I feel you man it's like it's so easier said than done and yeah uh thanks for the vulnerable share about the hyper barck chamber just CU I think that a lot of people can relate I'm surprised I shared that
it was so such a dumb little thing but it was an interesting experience yeah no it's it's it's real I feel like a lot of people um like these phones have just become we're become cyborgs in so many ways they become extensions of us and I was in denial I'm like I'm not that addicted to my phone I'm not as bad as some people you know cuz I've seen people that are in their phone like you know like maybe 10 hours a day or something so I'm like I'm not that bad you know but then
sitting there just for like 10 20 30 minutes I'm like okay and I'm I'm like if I knock he no one comes you know what I mean like there's nothing I can really do and I don't want to watch like tele it was it was such an interesting experience you know the other thing I'll mention with the YouTuber identity that I had is recently my focus has been on me doing more Live Events and me like stepping into this new version of myself but one thing I realized is well I'm still being and I still
identify so much as a YouTuber when it comes to how I'm creating content and what I realized is some of the people that are in my field that do kind of what I do but are Beyond just that of just doing YouTube uh what I noticed is a lot of them they their focus is on something else it's not just that and what I've chosen to do instead of just focusing on YouTube and making videos my passion is really trans is uh doing live transformative experiences for people so whether that's a live event where I'm
coaching people on stage whether it's a live coaching thing on Zoom whether it's Instagram live even when I go and do an Instagram live it brings me to life a lot more than when I'm trying to make content with just me and a camera so what I've been doing is following the focus of the vibration of that so instead of being I need to create videos as a content creator to get views to keep my brand going it's how can I get how can I help people transform through the content I make and how can
I engage with them more because ultimately I feel the content is more in alignment when I'm engaging even just engaging with you and talking to you it brings out a different part of me than when I'm just in front of a camera by myself so recently part of my insight is well if you want to move Beyond this you have to not just stop being this but you have to put your focus on this and then repurposing all those things on YouTube so in the future the way my YouTube channel will look eventually once I
get a few Live Events uh under my belt with having footage from it there'll be Clips on my YouTube channel from Live Events and then I'm not just being this identity I'm being this that still it's still still it's not like I'm not creating YouTube videos or content in my business but it's changing the focus so how would the version of Aaron that's passionate about transforming people's lives through teaching and group medit my most um like excit exciting thing for me to do is guided meditation experiences live in person or even online um how do
I facilitate more of that to help people transform it's a very different question and it's a very different Focus so what I would encourage people to do that are looking to change their Identity or to shift their identity is look at who you're being are you thinking feeling and acting equal to a certain familiar identity but what is a central Focus you can have that comes with it that identity it feels also more pure for me to what is think of the energy of making YouTube videos getting views and and keeping that momentum going versus
helping people transform through the spaces created at Live Events or live you know on coaching programs and stuff like that like which feels better which feels more of service right feels more of service to focus on people's Transformations first and then repurposing that so that was also a big shift for me is changing my focus and uh knowing that with that comes a shift in identity as well yeah just if energy flows where attention goes like you're saying yeah it's a revelatory process like it's such it's a subtle unfolding of like a new insight that
comes in or a direction that you slightly want to switch into um and then you start to give your attention and energy more in that direction and then ideas come in and then you start taking more action and um yeah it's just fun to play with that field of possibility and it's kind of a trip to think about you know everything in this room was once an idea in somebody's head you know and we're we live in a world where that's the reality of everything you know and so there's just so much power when you
realize that you have the capacity to create and shape reality um as you desire and man there's there's just like infinite possibility yeah it's just so exciting to feel into what what's possible as we start to unlock and like reveal how much we have influence over reality and so yeah there's been a lot of themes we've been exploring throughout this whole podcast what do you feel what is what do you wish people to walk away from and realizing having listened to this conversation the most if I were to kind of recommend or have a desire
for people to walk away with something from this episode it would be that there are an infinite number of realities that exist you are who you choose to be right now right now right now every moment's a new moment and every moment you're a new version of you every moment the cells in your body are dying and being reborn every so many years not even one cell that was in your body seven or eight years ago is in your body now but what holds us back is we keep telling ourselves a story I am this
limited identity I'm attached to this old familiar story this is who I am I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck keep recreating that experience of being stuck because we're so stubborn and attached to our old beliefs and what's familiar so one of the most important things I think for people to realize is that you're only stuck if you believe you're stuck you're only in the reality you're in because you're thinking feeling acting equal to the current reality that you've been in and you decided in the past this is who I am and this is what I
want to you know maybe I haven't shifted into this new way of being now but at a certain point your beliefs can change your stories about life can change many people may at one time believed that the boogeyman was under their bed and going to get them well then one day hopefully they realize that it's not happening or it hasn't happened and their beliefs shifted in the same way our beliefs about our identity can shift now in the present moment as well one other thing I'd mentioned that um is maybe something I wanted to elaborate
just for a second on is when it comes to the Law of Attraction and reality creation I think it's a powerful stage where we realize that we don't have to be limited by the past and the past patterns at the same time I think there's a level where we allow the Divine to flow through the Divine flows through and it's not so much that we're focused on individual ego consciousness of having to create reality so it's Andre that's going to create this it's Aaron that's going to create this it's more so allowing energy to flow
through I think the key to me making honestly 2,000 YouTube videos has been getting into a flow State and allowing information to come through and I think everyone has the ability to get into a flow State and that when when you're in a flow State you're in a high vibrational State when you are connect to a vision greater than yourself and that vision is connected to the Divine which we're all connected to there's forces that come into play that help us to accomplish whatever we want to accomplish when we have an intention of adding value
to others so as I've moved through the last 7 or eight years I constantly bring myself back to how can I add more value what wants to come through I don't want to delude myself and believing that my ego knows exactly what it can manifest as and what needs to happen and this can happen this can happen this can happen all because I'm afraid of the unknown when instead I can become aware of the familiar patterns I can become aware of what got me to where I'm at now but the next stage for many people
that I believe are listening to this right now might be for you to take the plunge into the unknown for you to learn how to trust God the Divine the energy within you to guide you in a specific Direction maybe it's not your job anymore to let the ego continue to think it needs to be in the driver's seat I'm not saying the ego has to get out of the car but maybe that get into the passenger seat and let the Divine Drive and I think the thing that's I'm learning now is I look back
at my YouTube channel where I made so many Law of Attraction videos back in the day and as we we were talking recently it's like there's we go through different stages of evolution not that I believe we don't create our own reality but I believe that we can more so get an alignment with the Divine and allow information to flow through us and there's very little preparation you need there's very little control you need to infuse at all when I'm doing Live Events or even live with you the less preparation I do the better because
it it gets me into a flow State and that's the most important thing and everybody has the ability to get into a flow State and when you focus instead on the Divine and and focus on adding value to other people it's like you get an alignment with something that's greater than yourself because we're all connected when you add value to others that then comes back to you because that other person person is another aspect of your Consciousness you really do get what you put out so having the intention of helping others and being a conduit
of the Divine to flow through you knowing even the success that you get isn't even yours to necessarily own it's not something that just your ego did yes you may have aligned with certain principles But ultimately it helps us get out of our head it helps us get out of the pressure that we create the resistance the importance all of these things we talked about in this episode were all based on these ideas of the ego thinking it knows what's best when in fact if we were just to let it go and start to live
in alignment following the the process following the energy of passion and focus on enjoying the moment and of being of service to others through our passion and through our energetic expression we'd find that it has a different ripple effect in reality and that then the universe it's conspiring for us the more that Divine intention is there the more you won't even understand how things come into your life because it'll come in such magical ways but if we insist it has to happen this way we resist it so allowing the Divine to flow through you not
trying to take so much ownership over I manifested this and I manifested that it's all just a reflection anyways and really you don't own anything it's the it's God the universe that's flowing through you so when you when you step aside and you allow that to flow through there's so much more power there than the significant ego that wants to feel like it has a certain level of control over reality but like we talked about it's a paradox because you we also exist within this Avatar form so there is a certain Focus that helps there
is a certain intention that helps it's just not being overly identified with the results and the attachment to those results so many important reminders there man thank you so much and I just feel into the how many variations there are in people's lives right now of whatever we're going through as uh a parent new mother father to a children or starting out a new career or just now exiting uh an you know uh an old relationship like we're all going through these different seasons of life you know and ultimately I feel like the the the
big takeaway from a lot of what you're saying is as long as you move in the direction of what where life is lighting you up currently the most and you are patient with your life process because thank God it's a gradual Journey you know if you realize or if you knew how it was all going to happen right right like it take away the plot from the movie there would be no excitement there would no be Discovery and I think there's uh there's something really unique that pain suffering loss fear provides as a contrast in
our experience of life and so it serves a purpose and um that purpose I feel like often is the boundaries is like is is is is keeping us align in alignment with where we're meant to be going and right and I feel like the more that you're trusting in that process like the more that you really give faith and surrender to what is unfolding in your life and that you will be able to eventually connect the dots and see the understanding of how it all unfolded and why that relationship needed to come in and what
it taught you about life um the more that you can walk with Grace which is something that I'm personally very interested in is like living a graceful Life Giving Grace when somebody cuts you off in traffic and like really understanding that they're in the energy of frustration or unconscious compulsory Behavior because of whatever who knows what could happen their a parent could have just died you know uh maybe they're really struggling financially you know um yeah and there's innumerable examples of how that can show up and how we offer Grace back to life and um
so I just I love all the themes we're we're talking to here and and um that that final reminder you gave of of allowing um seeing what life wants of you in many ways as your a co-creator with what you want of life is is an important note to think to wrap up on yeah yeah thank you yeah yeah what does what does grace mean to you it feels as though there is a more benevolent greater intelligence that is weaving Our Lives yeah and um the more that we go from reactivity to responding from unconscious
compulsion to consciously observing and being open to what's happening in our life you know I think the more that we go in this top down approach of thinking we know how things are always working instead of like living in the I don't know and the unknown we make space for things to unfold more beautifully than they could um and I think that there's Amazing Grace in just observing nature do its do Nature's thing you know and finding alignment with our nature and our Dharma in many ways allows us at least in my personal life I
feel like to find Grace and that shows in the form of amazing relationships and friendships that that are born um you know uh my purpose and how I decide to show up in my career and life and impact in the world and so many different things and so the more I make space I I think the more I find Grace also beautiful yeah it sounds to me and when when you were mentioning it it sounds like it's almost like you're seeing Through The Eyes of source in a way it's like how would Source look at
this situation of someone cutting you off right you know and it wouldn't be individual identity focused of like this person did this to me it's kind of looking at it from a larger perspective and I think when we look at a lot of the things that can hold us back like ancestral energy even or patterns that are stored inside of our body that come from our childhood understanding that everyone's doing the best they can with the level of Consciousness they're at is a very powerful way to heal and to uh like release the energy that's
stored inside of our own body and it also allows us to shift more into forgiveness which I think is one of the keys to really elevating our vibration to the next level it's forgiveness it's kind of what we talked about on the first episode we did of hooponopono but being able to forgive that energy that's in our field that we're holding on to um but it sounds like the kind of like the the the way that this whole episode is kind of capped it's really is there is more of a focus on the Divine allowing
that to flow through understanding our connection to each other and that identity shift that happens ultimately is more of a loss of an identity shift it's almost like we're still separate beings having a human experience but it's almost like we become one with the whole and we see us more as a Unity Consciousness from a higher perspective versus I am me you are you when we realize we're ALS we're all going to the same we're all going towards the same end result right yeah yeah and I think even just starting this conversation the way we
did exploring you know some of the CIA Gateway process and the hemisync and the pendulums and reality transerfing like um a lot of these Concepts I think are helpful in the fact that they point to how much we don't know about reality you know how mystical Consciousness really can act like reclaiming the power that we actually have within us and and instead of being a sheep in a mass pendulum of somebody else's thought creation you know to like make space find Grace discover what's lighting you upmost and uh and become a creator of reality and
and and really be on that path of service to to to others and so um yeah man just thanks for weaving through all those fascinating stories and and Technologies and um uh your own personal path as well man just been fun to to always be with you in cono awesome man I I love coming on your podcast I love talking with you love you as a brother and I appreciate you having me here man yeah thanks man it's just we'll we'll link you know everything where people can find you if they're if they're curious you
know I feel like it's pretty easy to find you to search you up on Google or YouTube YouTube Instagram thoughts or anything else before we wrap up feel good um I feel like yeah I feel like we touched on a lot of stuff I feel like uh one last thing I'll mention is around um I think spirituality can be very simple I think that a lot of people and myself included in the past have gotten so tied up with learning spiritual Concepts watching YouTube videos learning about all these really cool ideas and I see it
sometimes with people where they're they're looking for the next video the next idea the next mental candy that they want to be that they want to like latch on to and really it's all extremely simple like the the things that the Gateway experience shows are similar are connected to the things that Dr Joe despenza talks about that Neville goddar talks about that a lot of these people talk about which is basically connecting the mind to the heart focusing on what you want to create it's all within your field you can meditate to become aware of
the patterns you have but it can be very simple and the biggest benefit for people I think is when they learn learn to go within themselves to find out what's true for them because the most spiritual person isn't the person necessarily the person with just all the crystals and all the cool you know it's like sometimes I think spirituality can be given a a certain energy that that becomes almost like um I don't know like a grandiose like this thing where it's like I want to feel better cuz I know when I went through my
Awakening in 2012 I felt like nobody understood me and I felt alone so I was like all these sleep people around me are as sleep in The Matrix and that was my way of feeling better you know and I recognize now that with spirituality some of the most spiritual people I've met are people that don't even talk about spirituality all they're they're just extremely present um they're just extremely present to the moment they get into a flow State they they they're not a whole it's not like they're talking about a whole bunch of spiritual Concepts
not that there's anything wrong with that but I guess the point is not to get lost in it and to focus more on internalizing what that is for you but also bringing it down from like the star seed energies and and stuff and bringing it into the body being here now I think that's one of the most spiritual things people could do is focus on being in the body being present to the moment and feeling connected to maybe a vision that's greater than your own well said man yeah thank you for sharing that and this
is I mean this could be a whole another podcast that we do or um I probably will do a solo episode soon just kind of going through my own sharing my own journey and process around this because it's been it's definitely been a big theme being in this space Also with you know other uh influ infuential personal development spiritual teachers and other podcasters there is this commodification especially in the west where it's like right spirituality is used um and commodified and in certain podcasts the more esoteric um and vague something is titled or used the
more apparently profound it's supposed to be you know and and you know in the clickbaity culture and just trying as much as I can while exploring these things that I'm genuinely fascinated with and I know people are but inviting that Simplicity into it you know because it can be dangerous and it really is that SL that spiritual identity Y is a slippery slope when you start to uh in ways unbeknownst to you actually create more separation between you and life yeah and I think that it's a natural process honestly that we all go through as
like a as we realize our spiritual nature um the ego's nature is to then latch on to that too and so it's all invited it's all part of the process it's it's all part of the journey you know yeah it's funny then it's like well then there's an identity where it's not super woo woo and out there and it's more grounded in spirituality so it's like it's a never ending like like Lea frog of identities you know anything the ego can hold on itself to to survive I'm not like those abstract spiritual weird things that
they're talking about I'm a more grounded so we just keep going down the rabbit hole you I know right it's so interesting yeah it's just so so important to be mindful with that and and surround yourself with people that keep you in check you know it's really important yeah I do it when I look at old YouTube videos of things I used to make I can just see I can judge myself and then you know when it comes this whole thing but um I've also just learned to accept for myself that that was just a
path that was what I thought was was real in the moment and what I was into in the moment and then it's kind of like uh I'm able to look back to see all the the different things I was into at certain moments and certain years as I've been on YouTube that's the interesting thing about what we do is there's like a track record of everything we've thought and felt you know what I mean it's all out there yeah it's funny no it's interesting to be able to track that um but I think the thing
that keeps it real is when you authentically share your process along the way and when there's videos of you that ways that don't resonate anymore and and you can say yeah that's part part of being human is that we grow and we develop and that old beliefs don't no longer serve Us in the path of you know Finding deeper truth so thank you for your authenticity and vulnerability and inviting that and uh what a F episode dude yeah I had so much fun thanks for having me on man yeah thanks for tuning in everybody to
this episode of the know thyself podcast let us know in what ways what was said today uniquely inspired impacted you and where you're at and your own season and cycle of life and shifts of identity you know it's really uh important to feel and the more that I meet you guys in person the more um that I'm just in awe honestly with just how uh how many beautiful different stories and paths are unfolding and um how much we can all relate to this own process of becoming and being so thanks for coming to this journey
until next time be well [Music]