Something Stunning Discovered in the Hebrew Letters | Perry Stone

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Perry Stone
Trump-the Hebrew mystery behind numbers 45 and 47! Stunning and you'll want to see this! #perrystone...
Video Transcript:
[Music] greetings everyone and I want you to pay very careful attention with what I'm going to share with you I was asleep and when I woke up a thought came to me and I'm going to share that thought with you this will be one of the most interesting YouTube videos that we have made probably in years and I want you to share it with as many people as possible let's go back to the presidential election of 2016 in 2016 the person that would have won the presidency whether it would whether it would have been Hillary
Clinton or Donald Trump would have been president number 45 now most of you know that I do word studies from the Hebrew uh language and in the Hebrew alphabet the the each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical about value Olive ped giml doid hay 1 2 3 4 5 then it goes to 10 and then it changes from 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 and then it goes on from there there's 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and all are consonants now what is interesting is you can take the number
and figure out which letters of the Hebrew alphabet are equivalent to the number or you can take the number and translate it to the letter of the Hebrew alphabet this is what I did in 2016 the number 45 and we'll show you the chart here so you can I can authenticate this to you with Hebrew charts the letter 40 or the the the letter of the Hebrew alphabet whose value is 40 is mim and you can see that on the screen the letter that represents five because there is no letter that represents 45 it's 40
and then it's five that makes 45 is the letter he Al gim so 45 now when you take the MIM and the he and you put it together it's ma it's like like like country people say ma but in Hebrew it's what we would go on tours to Israel and I would they would say can can which is yes ma ma and I said look they're talking about their mom and they were saying what what so my prediction on the election of 2016 was people after the election we'll say what how did this happen well
it was a shock that Trump was elected so when he was elected the next day on Fox News I never forget this Megan Kelly was uh with Fox News at that time and she said what people are saying what how did this happen and what was the main word I thought that's pretty interesting now now we then and I'm going to interject this this book here and read just a little paragraph from it this is the book in which I talked about Harris running in place of Biden and this was written in 2021 by the
way and then I talked about the return of the Trump stump now I'm not going to go through the return of the Trump stump other than talking about the parallel that God gave me about why Trump was out for four years was parallel to Daniel chapter 4 and the Trump was in the earth seven times passed around him an angel went around him seven times and there were seven major trials Trump went through but this Trump remained in the earth so uh I talked about how that the tree was cut down but the the the
the St Trump stump uh re would remain in the earth and then I said this uh if the if this is on page 133 written in 2021 however if the Nebuchadnezzar parallels are historical reflection paralleling Donald Trump then the Trump stump and roots are deep in the soil of America and in time with humility and wisdom he will either return to an important position form a new political party or watch a new tree grow out of the Trump stump the new tree may not involve imp person but may include other members of his family so
this is when everybody said he wasn't going to run for president he uh all the trials were on him and things of that nature but it's real interesting it said they're deep in the soil return to an important position or form a new political party well he's performed he has actually created uh make America great again which is an absolute amazing movement all right now so if you want to order the book for the ministry of course you can do that while they're still available we're starting to run low on the numbers because so many
people have wanted to read what's in it a lot more than that okay so that was in 2021 now we go to another number which is number 47 when we did the numerical study of 47 and I work with Bill Cloud who was expert in Hebrew on a lot of these things we couldn't find any particular thing that the number itself met okay because you have 40 which is me and you have the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet which is the letter cion so if you take Mion and put it together it doesn't have
a particular meaning like ma which means what and when I woke up I thought now wait a minute he was President 45 and now he's president 47 they're trying to insert Harris to make her 47 and make him 48 which is also 48 is a heavy prophetic number if they do that it's no big deal because uh he'll still get in but he'll be he would be 48 and that's that's a whole another study and you look you need to look at my YouTube video that shows a picture of her 47 him 48 and show
you what they're trying to do is insert her in before President Trump is sworn in have Joe Biden step down but that's a whole another study CNN's already talked about that they're already discussing that I don't know if they'll do that or not but let's go back to 47 so when I looked at 47 I said wait a minute wait a minute what if I put 45 and 47 together does it spell anything I was shocked and I sent this to Bill Cloud I'm going to go to the text text message where I sent this
to Bill got to go wait here at the bottom and I said bill um m is what what if we put me and he withon M or MOS it does it combine to spell anything so I decid to look at up so I look up the the these the 45 and the 47 if you put them together and translate translate them into the English does that word in Hebrew mean anything and it becomes the word and this is on the internet mes ma a there's the ma and the m and the the the E there
is makes mes because there's no actual vows in the Hebrew alphabet Sometimes some of the letters serve as vows but you have mes and you ready for this if you take 45 and 47 put it together it can spell a word uh and and Bill even said yeah this this can be used what I'm presenting can be used mes is a word that refers to everybody clear clean your ears out a gift from God oh yeah my Miss a gift from God that's the actual Hebrew word a gift from God now wait a minute now
now this is really getting interesting so how would him being reelected be a gift from God and what I believe and many others believe is that we have we have encountered what we would call a reprieve now a reprieve in the judicial system like the president can order a the government can order a reprieve or uh a reprieve is basically when a court order comes down that something someone that is uh uh going to die or a judgment has been set against them or death has been sent against them that it is the reprieve is
to stop that particular order from happening at that particular time so many people believe that the the gift from God for us would be that we have received reprieve now how does that work let's go back to if the other person had been Ed based on what they had previously said in 2017 18 19 Etc about certain things that they had talked about first of all leaving out such things as the confiscation of guns which attacks the amendment and things uh the Constitution things of that nature let's just talk about some of the ideas some
of the ideas uh and because we're on the internet on YouTube I'm not going to use the phrases you know what the other person stood for if you pass legislation based on what the other person stood for you you you Do What I Call legalizing Abominations when you legalize Abominations you set the nation on a course for judgment if you shed innocent blood and begin to legalize nationally the shedding of innocent blood Matthew 23 this The Book of Proverbs you release the Judgment of God so if the Judgment of God would have been set the
next four years based on laws would have been passed with a previous person who was running that did not win then we would have come under judgment and I'm telling you I know the Bible I have 100 over 170,000 hours of Bible study study and I studied the Judgment of God in detail and one of the things is the curses of the curse of the law when you disobey the word of God you make your the word curse there to make small to make little to reduce uh success and it just means it has a
number of meanings in the Old Testament so my point is that if if if this is a reprieve moment what does that mean it means that God has extended Mercy to us you see two reprieves are in the Bible one was a personal reprieve given to a man that the Bible said set your house in order Isaiah the prophet said set your house in order for you're going to die King Hezekiah he got a reprieve and 15 more years were added to him Nineveh is the second reprieve where Jonah said they have they're going to
I'm going to send judgment they have to repent or it's going to be over and the King uh started fasting praying and repenting and God they gave the n the City of Nineveh 150e reprieve where they were not going to be destroyed by the assy the uh the invading armies so those are two Brees in the Bible it can happen so it it appears to us that people are breathing easier because they say Okay God's going to help us We believe We Believe now here's the question what do we do with the reprieve do we
just sit back on our hands and do nothing no we have to Contin continue to fight because look the battle is not over the cultural spiritual moral Battle of America is only starting it's going to increase the left is not going to go anywhere they're not going to go away there's still going to be these struggles there's still going to be a split country 50/50 it's just it's just there but what do we do with the pre first of all we need to thank the Lord for uh Brea you know breathing easier we need to
ask God to bless the country we also need to ask God to forgive us of our national sins personal sins uh sins within the church National sins and just really humble oursel before God and stay humble before him and one of the things I wrote In the book when I talked about um The Return of the Trump stump was that that President Trump has to be humble before God but then he has to be uh bold before men humble before God but yet bold before men and so um I think that's very interesting I'm going
to do a video also on um that that the the Nebuchadnezzar parallels the return of the Trump stump and what happened when Nebuchadnezzar got back in the throne he was taken out and he got back in and he became King again on the same Throne over the same Kingdom so that will also be a video and I want to be I want to be sure you watch that now give hit thumbs up if you learn something do it right now and also keep watching because I want I want to we will have some things that
we offer you but one of the things that we have available this will be available for some time called awaken America the 2004 Main Event conference me Mariel Mel Lance W now Jensen Franklin Joseph Z order that from our ministry uh get the DVDs if you can because there's a message on there where I went into the Hebrew just like I'm doing here but this it's not the same thing of the butler assassination temp on Trump from a Hebrew perspective it was one of the most requested messages in the history history of the ministry and
we take the Hebrew letters the Hebrew alphabet the time frames the Assassin's time frames the word Butler and it's on here I you need to get the whole album but if you get the DVD you'll get to see the Hebrew that I'm putting up thank you so much for your time and uh subscribe to our Channel God bless you I want to present to you the most anticipated Ministry Gathering all year long the awaken America Summit featuring myself Mario Mela Lance wnow Joseph in Jensen Franklin in my first message you will discover the American Babylonian
Antichrist cyer and how this ancient spirit is Wrecking havoc on American politics and culture in my second message learn how Angels and Demons battle every four years for the destiny and soul of America before our election Cycles you must see the hebraic letters symbols and numbers in the powerful message that exposes the prophetic mystery of the near assassination of President Trump in Butler Pennsylvania along with other amazing prophetic parallels my fourth message was Heaven departed loved ones and death Mysteries revealing new information and explaining how many Mysteries seldom taught by pastors including new information on
what happens to or 4 minutes after the death of a person occurs this is a very unique message now I want you to experience the same excitement of the attendees when hearing and seeing Joseph Zeke explain the last days apocalyptic foresight that he gave us in his Revelation just a powerful message this was followed by Mario morel's explosive Manifesto called it's our time now Jens and Franken electrified the Assembly of the Saints when explaining how you must create your own worship to survive Satan's attacks Lance wall now then followed up with his famous whiteboard and
taught on the anointing require to defeat the systems of this world these unedited now remember they're unedited you get them as they were preached these eight messages provide over 8 hours of expose with powerful prophetic insight and practical teaching that will inspire Enlighten and prepare and also strengthen you for these last days the CDs are the audio messages the DVDs have the message and the pictures the charts and also important visual insights these eight messages are also available on audio flash drive for your car and also for your home computers to order your eight CD
set request offer 24me CD for a donation of $55 or more to rece receive the8 DVDs use offer number 24me DVD for a donation of $95 or more you can select the USB flash drive with the eight messages by requesting offer number 24me USB for a donation of $55 or more call 1888 21 bread or go online at but you can also send a check to perrystone Ministries PO Box 3595 Cleveland Tennessee 37320 and request CDs DVDs or USB drive we are looking forward to hearing from you if you enjoyed this YouTube content there's
an important website you should know about is an essential resource for the latest books audiovisual presentations and digital products from perrystone Ministries resources that cover the same kinds of topics discussed in the program you just watched stop in and see all that's available at [Music]
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