12 Clear Signs The Universe Wants You To Be With Someone ✨ Dolores Cannon

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12 Clear Signs The Universe Wants You To Be With Someone ✨ Dolores Cannon Are you curious about the ...
Video Transcript:
welcome to another journey into the mystical Realms of spirituality today we explore the Intriguing signs that the Universe wants you to be with someone as we navigate this extraordinary Journey called life we often encounter signs symbols and signals that guide us towards our destiny these signs from the universe are like breadcrumbs leading us on our path particularly in matters of the heart today we delve into this fascinating topic casting light on the cosmic signs that might be pointing you towards your soulmate imagine walking down a path shrouded in mystery with the universe gently nudging you
towards a person who could play a significant role in your life these signs could seem random or ordinary but when viewed with a Discerning Eye they form a beautiful pattern a cosmic map leading to love now you might ask but how do I recognize these signs well that's exactly what we're here to discuss we'll be exploring 12 clear signs ranging from synchronicities and dreams to feelings of completeness and natural compatibility each sign is a piece of the puzzle a step closer to understanding the universe's plan for us in this exploration we draw upon the wisdom
of Dolores Cannon a respected figure in the world of spirituality known for her work in hypnotherapy and her exploration of past lives Canon has has provided profound insights into the workings of the universe her teachings will guide us as we unravel the complex tapestry of signs and signals that the Universe sends our way remember the universe communicates in mysterious ways it's not always loud or clear but its Whispers carry wisdom it's up to us to listen to observe and to understand so let's embark on this journey together exploring the cosmic signs that could be guiding
you toward the person the universe wants you to be with join us as we unravel these Cosmic clues that could be guiding your love life sign number one is synchronicity you keep bumping into them or seeing their name everywhere now what exactly is synchronicity it's a concept first introduced by Swiss psychiatrist Carl yung in the early 20th century he described it as meaningful coincidences events that are not connected by cause and effect but seem to be meaningfully related imagine this your thinking about someone and suddenly you bump into them at the grocery store or perhaps
you're considering a major life decision and you start seeing signs or symbols related to that decision everywhere that's synchronicity at work it's like the universe is dropping breadcrumbs guiding us towards a certain path but how does this relate to the universe wanting you to be with someone well it's not just about seeing their name everywhere or constantly running into them although those could be signs too it's also about the feelings and thoughts that come up when these synchronicities occur if you feel a sense of Peace Comfort or even excitement when these coincidences happen it could
be the universe's way of nudging you towards that person now it's important to remember that synchronicities are not random they are meaningful coincidences they are the universe's way of communicating with us guiding us even if we don't fully understand the message at first so if if you're experiencing a lot of synchronicities related to a certain person it might be a sign that the Universe wants you to be with them but remember synchronicity is just one sign it's not definitive proof it's a piece of the puzzle a hint a nudge in a certain direction it's up
to you to pay attention to notice these signs and to interpret them in a way that makes sense to you so if you've been experiencing a lot of synchronicity lately the universe might be trying to tell you something keep your heart and mind open and you might just find the answer you're looking for the second sign is dreams you see them in your dreams often dreams they say are the windows to our subconscious mind more than just nightly escapades in a fantasy world they often carry deep meanings and messages from the universe when it comes
to matters of the heart dreams can be especially significant you might find yourself dreaming of a particular person often these dreams can be Vivid intense and leave an indelible mark on your waking thoughts but why dreams well dreams are a powerful medium through which the universe communicates with us they bypass our conscious barriers diving straight into the depths of our subconscious Minds this is where our deepest desires fears and hopes reside the universe in its Infinite Wisdom uses this direct line to our inner selves to send us signs so when you start dreaming about someone
often it could be a sign a sign that the universe is nudging you towards that person it could be a simple dream where you're both sharing a cup of coffee or it could be something more profound like a dream where you're facing challenges together and overcoming them hand inand these dreams can be a reflection of your subconscious desire to be with that person but remember dreams are not always literal they often speak in metaphors and symbols so if you're dreaming of someone it's essenti to understand the context And the emotions associated with the dream are
you feeling happy content or peaceful in the dream or are you feeling anxious and tense these emotions can offer valuable insights into what the universe is trying to tell you now it's crucial to remember that dreams are just one of the many ways the universe communicates with us they are not definitive proof of anything they are Clues pieces of a puzzle that you need to put together it's a it's about taking these signs interpreting them and then making decisions that feel right to you so pay attention to your dreams folks they might just be carrying
messages from the cosmos remember your dreams may be more than just random thoughts they could be messages from the universe sign number three is intuition you have a strong feeling that you should be with them now intuition it's a curious thing isn't it it's that gut feeling that sixth sense that inner voice that seems to know things before your conscious mind does it's a powerful tool and an inherent part of our human nature it's like a compass guiding us through the vast and complex landscape of life in the context of a cosmic connection intuition plays
a pivotal role it's the inner whisper that nudges you towards someone telling you that there's something about them that resonates deeply with your soul it's not always logical or rational but it's persistent and Powerful when the universe wants you to be with someone your intuition is often the first to know you might feel a strong pull towards that person an inexplicable attraction that goes beyond physical appearance or shared interests you might feel a deep sense of familiarity or Comfort around them as if you've known them for ages even if you've just met and it's not
just about feelings your intuition might manifest in other ways too you might find yourself thinking about that person out of the blue or you might have dreams about them you might see signs or symbols that remind you of them or you might have a strong sense that your paths are meant to cross it's important to note that intuition is not infallible it's not a crystal ball that can predict the future with absolute certainty but it is a valuable guide a piece of the puzzle that can help you navigate your relationships and make decisions that align
with your highest good so how do you tap into your intuition it's all about tuning into your inner self pay attention to your feelings your dreams your thoughts meditate Journal spend time in nature create space for silence and introspection the more you listen to your inner voice the clearer and stronger it will become remember your intuition is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets so don't dismiss those gut feelings or inner nudges they might just be the universe trying to guide you towards the person you're meant to be with trust
your intuition it's the universe whispering to you the fourth sign is seeing love everywhere you start noticing love everywhere you go you might be wondering what does that even mean well let's break it down imagine walking down the street and you see a couple walking hand in hand their smiles radiating Joy you see a mother gently cradling her child her eyes brimming with with affection you see an old man feeding birds in the park a soft smile playing on his lips you see these everyday scenes and suddenly they take on a new meaning they are
no longer just fragments of Life passing you by instead they are symbols signs from the universe that love is all around you but it doesn't stop there you find love in the most unexpected places you see it in the way a barista carefully crafts your coffee you see it in the way a Str danger helps another pick up their fallen belongings you see it in the way the sun sets painting the sky with Hues of orange and pink as if it's in love with the Horizon this phenomenon isn't just about seeing couples or acts of
kindness It's about feeling a sense of love in everything you encounter it's as if the universe is trying to communicate with you through these signs of love it's as if it's trying to tell you that love is not just an emotion but a universal truth that connects us all and you might ask how does this relate to being with someone well when you start seeing love everywhere it could be a sign that you are ready to welcome love into your life it could be the universe's way of preparing you of telling you that your heart
is open and that you are ready to share your life with someone so the next time you go out pay attention to the world around you see if you can spot the love in the ordinary the everyday because love is not always about GR gestures or dramatic declarations sometimes it's about the small moments that make up our everyday lives and who knows maybe one of these moments will lead you to the person you're meant to be with Love is in the air and it might be a sign that you're meant to be with someone sign
number five is mutual growth you both grow and become better when you're together this is a significant sign that the Universe has intertwined your paths for a reason Mutual growth is the blossoming of two souls in harmony a clear indication of a spiritually guided relationship but what does this mean exactly well consider a garden in a well- tended Garden every plant has its space to grow and each contributes to the overall beauty of the garden similarly in a relationship destined by the universe both individuals have room to grow and become the best versions of themselves
they're not just existing side by side they're growing together creating a beautiful shared experience Mutual growth is not about being the same it's about complimenting each other it's about two individuals evolving together while still maintaining their unique identities it's about learning from each other and using those lessons to improve oneself think about it you've been with someone and you've noticed that you've become a better person you've become more understanding more patient more loving not because you're forced to but because being with that person has naturally made you want to be better that's Mutual growth but
it's not just about personal growth it's also about growing together as a couple it's about facing challenges together overcoming obstacles and coming out stronger it's about having a shared vision for the future and working together to make that Vision a reality in a universe guided relationship there's a mutual understanding that both individuals are on a journey of growth and self-improvement there's a commitment to support each other in this journey so if you're in a relationship where you're both growing and becoming better understand that it's a clear sign from the universe it's a sign that you're
meant to be together that your souls are intertwined for a reason when the universe wants you together it ensures that you both flourish the sixth sign is peaceful feeling you feel a sense of Peace when you think about being with them a peaceful feeling doesn't just happen it's not a random occurrence or a fleeting sensation it's a profound and meaningful experience that can indicate the universe's will for your relationship let's delve into the significance of this peaceful feeling what do we mean when we say peaceful feeling it's not just about a lack of conflict or
argument it's a deep soothing C that pervades your thoughts feelings and emotions when you think about being with this person it's the kind of peace that quiets your worries silences your doubts and reassures you that everything is as it should be this piece is not superficial it's not about avoiding disagreements or suppressing feelings it's about a profound sense of Harmony and balance it's about knowing that even when there are differences or challenges they can be addressed and resolved in a way that strengthens the relationship rather than damaging it this peaceful feeling is a powerful sign
because it reflects a deep spiritual connection it suggests that the relationship aligns with your higher self and your life's purpose it's a sign that the Universe approves of this Union and it's guiding you towards it remember the universe communicates in feelings as much as it does in signs and symbols when you feel a deep and abiding peace in relation to someone it's a clear indication that your Soul's are in harmony that there's a spiritual synchronicity at play guiding your paths to intersect this peaceful feeling is not just about the present moment either it also encompasses
a sense of Peace about the future a feeling of Serenity and confidence that being with this person will lead to a fulfilling and harmonious future so if you're experiencing this deep sense of Peace when you think about being with someone pay attention it's not just a feeling it's a message it's the universe telling you that this relationship is right for you that it aligns with your Soul's journey and your life's purpose peace is not just a feeling it's a sign from the universe sign number seven is shared values you both share the same values and
principles now let's delve a bit deeper into this imagine two pieces of a puzzle each distinct and unique in their own right but when they come together they fit perfectly creating a unified picture that's what happens when two people share the same values they complement each other creating a Harmony that resonates deeply within their souls shared values are like the roots of a tree firmly anchoring It To The Ground they provide a strong base a common ground where two people can stand together these shared values could be anything from honesty kindness to spirituality or a
shared love for nature they form the Bedrock of a relationship providing stability and strength now you might be wondering how can shared values be assigned from the universe well remember the universe communicates in subtle ways when you meet someone who shares your values it's like the universe is showing you a mirror reflecting your own beliefs and principles back at you it's the universe's way of saying here's someone who understands you who values what you value shared values also Foster a deep sense of understanding and acceptance they create a safe space where you can be your
authentic self without the fear of judgment or rejection it's like finding a home in another person a home built on mutual respect and shared beliefs but it's not just about having similar values it's also about respecting the other person's values even if they're different from yours it's about finding a balance a middle ground where both your values can coexist in harmony it's about growing together learning from each other and evolving as individuals and as a couple so the next time you meet someone who shares your values take a moment to reflect could this be a
sign from the universe could this be the universe nudging you towards this person remember the universe works in mysterious ways and sometimes the signs are right in front of us waiting to be noticed the universe often brings together those who share the same values and when it does it's a sign worth paying attention to the eighth sign is constant reminders you are constantly reminded of them this is quite a fascinating one isn't it it's as if the universe is playing a game with you dropping hints and nudges in your direction as if to say hey
pay attention there's someone in your life who's meant to be there so what does it mean to be constantly reminded of someone well imagine walking down the street and you see something that instantly reminds you of them it could be a particular flower that they love a song that you you both enjoy a book they recommended or even a simple color that they often wear these reminders are everywhere popping up when you least expect them and they always lead your thoughts back to this person but here's the interesting part these constant reminders aren't just random
occurrences they are the universe's way of nudging you of keeping this person in your awareness it's as if the universe is saying don't forget about this person they are important now you might think well I could be reminded of anybody does that mean the universe wants me to be with everyone I'm reminded of not quite the key here is the frequency and the intensity of these reminders you see when the universe wants you to be with someone it won't be a one-off reminder it will be a continuous stream a constant presence that you can't shake
off and these reminders will evoke a certain feeling in you a sense of connection of belonging of rightness so if you find yourself being constantly reminded of someone if their presence in your life is being echoed in the world around you then perhaps it's time to pay attention perhaps it's the universe's way of telling you that this person is meant to be in your life that they are part of your Journey part of your story the universe has its ways and constant reminders could be one of them so keep your senses alert pay attention to
the signs around you and who knows you might just find the person the universe wants you to be with sign number nine is feeling of home you feel at home when you're you're with them there's a certain warmth a particular comfort that comes with being at home it's that feeling of safety of familiarity where you can be your most authentic self without fear of judgment or rejection this is the same feeling that the universe may be providing when it wants you to be with someone imagine walking into a room filled with strangers and amidst the
unfamiliar faces there's one person who feels like a sanctuary a safe haven they are the one who brings that sense of comfort and familiarity in an otherwise foreign environment this person makes you feel at ease as if you've known them for a lifetime even if you've just met it's not just about physical Comfort but also emotional and mental ease you feel understood accepted and cherished just as you are they get your quirks your passions your fears and your dreams you don't have to put up a facade or wear a mask with them you can let
your guard down revealing true self just like you would in your own home and it's not just about the present but also the future when you're with them you can see a future that feels like home it's a place where you want to build your life create memories and grow old the person the universe wants you to be with is someone who can help you create a home not just a physical space but an emotional one filled with love understanding and mutual respect but remember just as a house is not built overnight this feeling of
home with someone also takes time to develop it requires patience understanding and a shared journey of growth and Discovery so if you find someone with whom you share this profound sense of Home cherish them they might be the one the universe wants you to be with when the universe wants you with someone it makes you feel at home the 10th sign is positive changes being with them brings positive changes in your life now we're not talking about superficial changes like a new haircut or a sudden interest in yoga we're talking about deep meaningful shifts that
impact your life and your perception of the world around you positive changes can come in many forms they might be as simple as waking up feeling more energized and ready to face the day or perhaps you've noticed you're more patient more understanding more open to new experiences maybe you're less anxious less stressed more focused on what really matters in life you see when the universe wants you to be with someone their presence in your life acts like a catalyst for your personal growth it's as if they're a key that unlocks a part of you that
you didn't even know existed it's not that they're changing you but rather they're enabling you to change yourself to become the best version of you this is not about changing to please someone else or to fit into their world it's about evolving and becoming more aligned with your true self it's about letting go of old patterns and habits that no longer serve you and embracing new ones that lead to Greater happiness and fulfillment this person May challenge you push you out of your comfort zone and help you to see things from a different perspective they
support your growth your dreams your journey they encourage you to be brave to take risks to explore the unknown and in doing so they inspire you to change to grow to evolve remember positive changes are not always easy they can be challenging even painful at times but they're necessary for growth they're signs that you're moving moving in the right direction that you're evolving that you're becoming more in tune with your true self so if you find that being with this person is bringing about positive changes in your life take it as a sign it's the
universe's way of telling you that this person is right for you that they're part of your Journey part of your growth positive changes are the universe's way of saying yes the 11th sign is natural compatibility you both naturally get along well let's delve deeper into this fascinating concept natural compatibility is like a dance where both Partners move in unison effortlessly matching each other's Rhythm it's not about having identical interests or mirroring each other's personalities rather it's about harmonizing your differences in a way that creates a beautiful Symphony imagine two pieces of a puzzle fitting together
perfectly they don't look the same their shapes are distinct yet when they come together they form a complete picture that's the magic of natural compatibility you complement each other you fill in each other's gaps you balance each other out you bring out the best in each other you might be wondering how to identify natural compatibility well it's about feeling comfortable in each other's presence it's about being able to communicate without words understanding each other's unspoken thoughts and emotions it's about accepting each other's flaws quirks and idiosyncrasies and loving each other all the more for it
natural compatibility is about ease and effortlessness it's about feeling at home when you're together it's about sharing a deep connection that goes beyond the surface it's about being able to disagree without causing a rift to argue without causing damage to be different without causing division it's important to remember that natural compatibility doesn't mean that everything will always be smooth sailing every relationship has its challenges but but with natural compatibility you're better equipped to navigate these challenges together you're able to weather the storms and come out stronger on the other side natural compatibility is a gift
from the universe it's a sign that you're meant to be together it's a sign that your energies align your souls resonate and your paths converge it's a sign that your two halves of a whole two parts of a cosmic equation so if you find yourself in a relationship where things just seem to flow naturally where you feel a sense of ease and Harmony take a moment to appreciate it recognize it for the Divine sign it is cherish it nurture it and most importantly trust it when things flow naturally it's usually a sign from the universe
the 12th and final sign is feeling of completeness being with them makes you feel complete there's a profound sense of fulfillment that comes when you're with the right person a feeling that's hard to describe cribe but you know it when you experience it it's as if a puzzle piece has clicked into place filling a void you may not have even known existed this feeling of completeness is more than just about being happy or content it's about feeling whole feeling as if you're exactly where you're meant to be it's about looking at the person next to
you and feeling a sense of rightness a sense of belonging it's about feeling that with them your life story makes sense complete doesn't mean that you're not a whole person without them rather it means that their presence in your life enhances your wholeness they bring something to your life that compliments you that enriches your existence in a way that no one else can it's like the Harmony in a beautiful piece of music each note is beautiful in its own right but when they come together they create something even more beautiful more profound that's what it
feels like when you're with the person the universe wants you to be with your two beautiful notes that together create a Harmony that's uniquely yours but remember this feeling of completeness isn't about depending on someone else for your happiness it's about recognizing that their presence in your life brings a richness a depth that wasn't there before and it's not just about how you feel but how they make you feel about yourself with them you feel accepted loved and cherished for who you are they see you the real you and they love what they see so
if you find someone who makes you feel complete who enriches your life in a way that no one else can then it's a clear sign that the Universe wants you to be with them when you feel complete it's the universe's way of telling you that you're on the right path let's take a moment to reflect on these signs and their significance we've journeyed through a dozen Universal signals each intriguing in its own right from The Uncanny synchronicities that seem to align our paths to the vivid dreams that draw us to other Soul we've delved into
the whisper of intuition the omnipresence of love and the mutual growth that binds two lives together we've explored the peace that comes from being with the right person the shared values that form a firm foundation and the constant reminders that keep them in our thoughts we felt the warmth of Home witnessed positive changes savored natural compatibility and experienced the feeling of completeness These Are Not Mere coincidences but the universe's way of communicating with us guiding us towards the one it has chosen for us remember the universe always speaks to us we just need to listen
until next time keep exploring the mysteries of the cosmos
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