He was Born as an Old Man but Grows Younger as Time Goes On

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Masterpiece Recaps
Benjamin Button was born with the physical appearance of an elderly man and ages in reverse. Through...
Video Transcript:
Hello everyone, today I'm going to recap the  movie: "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". God in heaven. He looks just like my ex-husband.
An old woman is living out her last  days in a hospital room. Her daughter Caroline is constantly by her side. Despite the  turbulent weather and an approaching hurricane, Caroline is only concerned about the condition  of her mother.
Understanding that her death is inevitable, Caroline tries in every possible  way to make her mother’s last days easier. The old mother tells her daughter a story  about a clock that runs counterclockwise. The story took place during the First World War.
A blind clockmaker and his wife had an only son who went off to war. Some time later, they  received a notification of their son's death, followed by his body arriving in a  coffin. After burying their only child, the clockmaker continued working on the clock  ordered for the city train station.
However, his son's death affected him so much that he made an  unusual clock. At the moment of the grand opening, it turned out that the clock was running in the  opposite direction. According to the clockmaker, this would allow the soldiers who died in the  war to rise up and return home.
So the boys, including his son, could live a normal life.  After this, the clockmaker disappeared. Some said he sailed away on a boat into the  sea, others said he died of a broken heart.
Suddenly, the old woman makes a strange wish. At  her request, Caroline takes out an old handwritten diary from her mother’s bag and starts to read it.  It turns out to be the diary of Benjamin Button, where he wrote down his incredible story.
“My name is Benjamin. Benjamin Button. ” Benjamin was born on a festive night when  the whole city celebrated the end of the war.
The joyful father rushes to his wife,  but only manages to hear a few words from her, she dies immediately after giving birth. His wife  makes him promise that he will take care of their son. But approaching the baby and lifting the  blanket, he sees not an ordinary baby but a terrifying and wrinkled face, like that of a very  old person.
Screaming in horror, the father grabs the baby and runs out of the house. At first, he  wants to throw the ugly baby into the river, but a policeman starts to chase after him. Fleeing, Mr  Button finds himself at the doorstep of a nursing home.
He places the baby on the stairs, slips  some money into the blanket, then walks away. A worker from the nursing home, Queenie, with  her fiancé comes out of the house. Upon seeing the ugly baby, the woman does not abandon him, but  instead decides to raise and nurture him as her own son since she is unable to have a child of her  own.
She names him Benjamin, and introduces him as her sister’s child to the elderly of the house.  Later she invites a doctor, who examines the child and diagnoses a rare disease: premature aging. Right after his birth, the baby had the illnesses and physical conditions of an  eighty-year-old.
According to the doctor, he does not expect the baby to survive long.  Despite everyone's persuasions to transfer the strange baby to a specialized care center,  Queenie refuses and decides to keep the child, and take care of him until the end. The baby lives well in the nursing home, and the elderly are not disturbed  by his unusual appearance.
Although Benjamin reaches the age of three,  sitting in a wheelchair, he looks like a little hunched old man, as he thought himself to be.  The doctor's prediction did not come true and the child continues to live, but he is unable to walk  on his own, so he moves around in a wheelchair. On Saturdays, mother Queenie takes Benjamin to  the church, hoping that the Lord will allow her to get pregnant and allow Benjamin to walk.
One  Saturday, the pastor calls them up and loudly asks God to grant them what they ask for while  making dramatic gestures, and turns the situation into a small improvised show. Out, damnable affliction! The pastor interacts with Queenie but  nothing unusual happens to her.
However, he truly manages to make Benjamin stand up and  walk. The crowd starts to cheer and celebrate, but as soon as Benjamin starts  walking, the pastor collapses and dies. Since then, seven-year-old Benjamin  has been walking with crutches.
Life in the nursing home continues as usual.  Some residents passed away, while others arrive. Benjamin meets many interesting  people and they teach him various things.
One day, a short and talkative pygmy named Oti  shows Benjamin the life beyond the nursing home, and buys him a beer. Oti loves to travel and he  awakens Benjamin's curiosity for adventure. Later, Benjamin is left alone on an unfamiliar street,  but manages to find his way and gets home in the evening.
These are his first steps into  the wider world. He is tired, but very happy. It had been the best day of my life.
Meanwhile in the present, news report reveals that the hurricane will be strong,  and the nurses are worried as the storm gets closer. Despite this, Caroline's mother  asks her to continue reading the diary. On Thanksgiving Day in 1930, Benjamin  sees his father for the first time, not realizing who he really is.
Mr Button  simply watches the boy, whom everyone else perceives just as an old grandfather. On the same day, Benjamin meets Daisy, an attractive girl with blue eyes. They become  friends and really enjoy each other's company.
Although they are almost the same age, to everyone  else they appeared as a teenage girl and a balding old man in glasses. The people around, not  knowing that Benjamin is actually a child, began criticizing his friendship with Daisy. And you ought to be ashamed of yourself!
However, Daisy and Benjamin  understand each other perfectly, they feel mutual attraction and share secrets. Caroline realizes and finds it surprising that her dying mother is the little  Daisy from Benjamin’s diary. Story continues, as time passed, Queenie gave  birth to a daughter.
God answered her daily prayers. Benjamin becomes independent and starts  interacting with other people. One lady teaches him to play the piano.
Around this time, Benjamin  starts to notice that his hair is growing thicker, and his body is becoming stronger. He has long  forgotten about the crutches and walks without difficulties. One day, Queenie allows  Benjamin, who is already 15 years old at that time, to go for a walk to the port.
There he accidentally ends up on a ship hired as a sailor. Captain Mike, who loves to drink,  enjoys talking to the old man. Finding out that Benjamin has nevr been with a woman, the captain  takes him to a brothel.
The woman who spent time with the old grandfather, was extremely  surprised by his physical capabilities. I’ve got to rest. Again.
Realizing that money can buy him many things, and  having his first sexual experience, Benjamin walks the bar for a long time talking and drinking. Benjamin called this day in his diary: “The moment of growing up”. Oh sweet, this boy.
Benjamin's attraction to Daisy grows stronger. One  early morning, he takes Daisy to the boat and asks his new friend Captain Mike to take them for a  ride along the river. Despite the risk of losing his license, Captain Mike agrees, and his guests  aboard enjoy a romantic morning on the river.
Noticing the changes happening  to his body, Benjamin starts to suspect that he is getting younger. One day, he decides to start his own journey in life, and set off on a long voyage.  As they said goodbye, Daisy asks him to send postcards from every place he would visit.
Benjamin and Daisy have now parted ways. Daisy enters ballet school and begins  her career as a dancer. Meanwhile, Benjamin travels the world on a boat with his  friend Captain Mike, and as promised, he sends Daisy postcards from different parts of the world.
One day, the captain says that Benjamin is looking better and blooming before his eyes. Benjamin  jokes and laughs it off, though he already knows for sure that he is getting younger. During the trip, the crew stays at the Winter Palace Hotel.
There, Benjamin meets Elizabeth,  a married woman of middle age with an ordinary appearance. He finds her very beautiful at the  time. Coming down one night from his bedroom to the foyer, he encounters Elizabeth, who  is also unable to sleep.
They sit down for tea and start a conversation. Elizabeth  talks about the places she has visited. They enjoy each other's company and feel drawn  to one another.
This continues, and they meet every night in the foyer and talk until morning. Benjamin writes letters to Daisy, and in one of them, he tells her that he has met a wonderful  woman and has fallen in love. At that moment, Benjamin considers Daisy a childhood friend,  and Elizabeth his beloved woman.
Their romance is beautiful and mysterious. At Elizabeth's  request, they meet only at night and part at dawn, never confessing their love to each other.  However, this doesn’t prevent them from being happy and enjoying their feelings  within the boundaries they have set.
On another night, the happiness suddenly  comes to an end. Elizabeth doesn't come to meet him and simply disappears from  the hotel. And soon Benjamin learns that the war has begun.
Elizabeth only left a  note with the words “I'm glad I met you. ” And the young man never heard from her again. The American president sends a fleet to Japan and the ship on which Benjamin sails is mobilized  for military service.
Their cook leaves them and resigns from the crew, so Benjamin offers his  services as a ship's cook and the captain agrees. They arrive in the combat zone. On their way,  they encounter a ship hit by an enemy torpedo, surrounded by the corpses of dead sailors.
It's  clear that they will be the enemy's next target, so the crew prepares for battle. Both  sides fire machine guns at each other, bullets drumming against the iron structures of  the ship. In the darkness, they collide with the enemy submarine and sink together to the bottom.
One thousand three hundred twenty-eight people died that day, including Captain Mike. Surviving  the battle, Benjamin gives the widow of one of the deceased crew members the money that he had  saved for his family. He bids farewell to the fallen crew members.
The war made him realize  that the death of young people is unnatural. After the war ended, 26-year-old Benjamin returns  home, and he looks to be about forty years old. Mother Queenie hasn't seen Benjamin for a  very long time.
Rejoicing at the return of her adopted son, the mother decides to find him  a wife and a job. Soon after Benjamin's return, Daisy also arrives at the nursing home.  Their reunion was joyful and friendly, but Benjamin no longer looks at Daisy as just  a childhood friend; he sees her as a beautiful woman.
He invites her to a famous restaurant for  dinner. Daisy tells him about her life and career, from which the war has kept her away for so long. After the restaurant, they walk through the park, and Daisy starts to dance.
Daisy is attracted  to Benjamin, but he doesn't want to engage in romantic or physical closeness with her, so he  suggests just taking a walk or listening to music. Daisy, just not tonight, is all. Benjamin is surprised that his body is constantly rejuvenating.
Soon his father  visits him and tells him about his business, which is manufacturing buttons. After gathering  his courage, Mr Button confesses that he is Benjamin's father and is going to give him  the factory, because he has health problems and losing his strength. Benjamin, You are my son.
Speechless, Benjamin goes home and tells  Queenie about his father. But she is not ready for this news, so she reacts with  both anger and worry. After some time, Benjamin goes to his father at night, and  together they go to the pier to watch the sunrise.
Unfortunately for Benjamin, it is both  a farewell and a reconciliation with his father. Shortly after, his father dies, Benjamin arrives  in New York and goes to the theater where Daisy is performing. With flowers in his hand, he  makes his way to the backstage to meet her.
Daisy invites her childhood friend to a party  with her friends. After attending the party, Benjamin gets upset and decides to leave. He  sees Daisy dancing and enjoying herself with her friends, and finds out she has a boyfriend. 
He had hoped she would rush to hug him, saying she was incredibly happy to see him, but that  didn't happen. She had moved on with her life. Benjamin and Daisy lived in different cities, but  they never stopped thinking about each other.
One day, Daisy suffered a misfortune: she was hit by  a car and has her leg broken in five places. Her dancing career came to an end. Benjamin visits her  in a Paris hospital, but there, they had another argument, and their paths diverged once again.
A few years later, Daisy returns to New Orleans and meets Benjamin. The old man is now completely  young and looks the same age as Daisy. This time, they begin a romance and sail together  on a yacht into the sea.
Later, Queenie, Benjamin's adoptive mother dies. After saying  goodbye to her, the couple move into their own house. Daisy becomes a dance teacher,  and they live a happy life full of love.
One day Daisy informs Benjamin that she is  pregnant. Along with their joy comes the fear that the child may inherit father’s rare disease. Loving you is worth everything to me.
Later, Daisy gives birth to a healthy and  beautiful girl. The parents give her the name Caroline. She is the same Caroline who reads  the diary of her father to her mother Daisy.
And this is how you tell me? Benjamin understands that he is growing younger and not older like everyone  else. Therefore, he realizes he can't be a normal father and husband.
He sells his  business and inherited property, deposits the money into his wife’s account then leaves. And so that you and your mother might have a life, Benjamin travels the world and takes on any  job he can find. He meets a variety of people, but he never forgets to send postcards  to his daughter on each of her birthdays.
They are all for me. Daisy marries a good man and lives a happy life with him. One day, Benjamin returns to  see his family.
He looks like he is 20 years old, and both he and Daisy realize that they have  made the right decision by parting ways. Yet, they still feel drawn to each other. I have never stopped loving you.
They make love in a hotel room and  then part ways again for many years. They meet each other again when Daisy is already  an elderly woman, and Benjamin looks like a teenager. He lives in the nursing home because  he is becoming senile and forgetting everything.
This time, Daisy can no longer leave him alone,  her daughter has moved out, and her husband has passed away. She dedicates all her time to  the boy who is actually an old man. Benjamin continues to grow younger and forgets almost  everything.
Daisy cares for him like a child, which is how others see him. The old station  clock is removed and replaced with a new one. Later, Benjamin, as a baby dies in the  arms of his beloved Daisy.
Before he dies, he suddenly remembers his life, and Daisy  sees it in his wise and sorrowful eyes. Caroline finishes reading the diary and listening  to her mother's story. Soon, a storm breaks out, flooding the basement where they kept the old  station clock.
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