Wife Cheated & Claimed It Was ‘Just a Fun‘. I Divorced Her. She Got Back Begging Me to.. Audio Story

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[Music] John Watson's life wasn't always marked by tension and disillusionment there was a time when everything seemed full of Promise growing up in a tough neighborhood he had to make hard choices to survive his mother married Tim Murphy a strict cop who kept Jon from falling into a life of crime though Jon initially resented Tim he later realized that Tim's influence steered him toward academic success he transformed from a rebellious teen into a serious student eventually discovering a passion for history Jon's academic achievements led to a promising career and he soon met Esther prin a
lively law student they quickly fell in love moving in together and planning a future John was sure they were destined for a happy marriage but the pressures of their careers began to strain their relationship leading to an unexpected Rift on a gloomy autumn day the overcast Sky matched John Watson's mood he unfolded his frame from the car and headed to the saloon seeking Refuge from the weak stress a colleague's sudden resignation had left him scrambling for a replacement with three failed interviews only adding to his frustration students were also upset over delayed textbooks but what
weighed most heavily on him was the growing tension in his marriage hi professor haven't seen you in a while Chester the bartender greeted him quietly hi Chester I'll have a scotch in water John replied noting it was just after 400 p.m. a.m as he waited Jon's eyes wandered around the familiar old Saloon a place that had been his Retreat since graduate school his mind drifted back to when he was finishing his Doctorate in American history his manuscript on Henry Clay was set to be published and he had just been offered a teaching position though the
pay was modest he couldn't have been happier Esther had graduated law school and secured a job with a prestigious firm and they had been living together for a year John had saved up to buy an engagement ring and Esther's Joy when he proposed had filled him with pride they were set to marry in the spring Jon's thoughts turned to a younger vibrant Esther her zest for Life made her seem taller than her 5'4 frame with her long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes he recalled How Deeply they had loved each other but the somber mood
returned as he remembered the New Year's Eve party at Esther's Law Firm shortly after their engagement he never felt at ease with her colleagues sensing their contempt for his career choice which only fueled tensions between him and Esther by 11: that night the party had descended into chaos with drunken Antics that made Jon uncomfortable he had always been careful not to drink too much determined not to follow in his Father's Footsteps a man who had died in a drunken crash leaving Jon's mother to fend for them in poverty reflecting on his past Jon recalled the
Mean Streets of his youth where he had roamed with a gang until Tim Murphy came into his life as a cop Tim put an end to Jon's Wild Way showing him that the path he was on LED only to misery John wasn't foolish and his transition from gang member to honor student happened quickly within a few months he buckled down and started enjoying school for the first time during this time he also vowed never to let booze control his life determined not to become like his father this resolve was why he felt so uncomfortable at
that party where almost no one including Esther was sober Esther usually a light Drinker teased him for being a buzz kill and urged him to relx she was clearly Tipsy and Jon tried to convince her to leave she snapped at him insisting it wasn't even midnight yet and she wanted to stay Jon reluctantly waited avoiding the drunken crowd as midnight approached he searched for Esther and finally found her in a passionate embrace with James Mori arti another young lawyer their kiss was far from innocent and Jon pale and trembling stormed over and pulled her away
what the hell do you think you're doing did you forget you're engaged he hissed morard made the mistake of shoving Jon who quickly knocked him to the floor Esther Furious and red-faced slapped Jon hard drawing the room's attention in the stunned silence Jon calmly removed the engagement ring from her finger dropped it and grounded under his heel without another word he walked out shaking with anger and humiliation as he reached his car he forced himself to calm down though his thoughts were far from rational all he wanted was to get back to their apartment pack
his things and leave as quickly as possible Esther had crossed a line and Jon didn't care that she was drunk his anger left no room for forgiveness back at the apartment Jon quickly packed his belongings filling two suitcases and a duffel bag looking around he felt a wave of sadness at how little he had to show for their time together he knew this wasn't just a minor argument it struck at the core of their relationship which he now believed was likely over he doubted he could trust Esther again either with his Fidelity or his dignity
if wanted to play around she could do it without him johon soon checked into a Holiday Inn near campus and began planning his next steps he knew there were rooms available for unmarried faculty at the University and he intended to lease one the next day he realized he had a lot to think about regarding Esther but he suspected they were done he also knew he was too angry and embarrassed to think clearly so distancing himself for a while seemed necessary in the days that followed Jon buried himself in work ignoring Esther's calls and tearing up
her messages he wasn't ready to face her or risk another confrontation despite his anger he missed her terribly and wondered if he was overreacting to What Might Have Been Just a drunken mistake though deep down he doubted that explanation two weeks after the party Jon reluctantly agreed to have lunch with art Doyle at the Fairmont Country Club Doyle had called and insisted on meeting and Jon suspected the reason but kept an open mind entering the sunlet dining room JN spotted Doyle seated by the windows and approached the table Doyle greeted him warmly extending his hand
hello John thanks for coming art said with a smile thanks Mr Doyle nice to see you again John replied though his enthusiasm was muted Doyle smiled gently John please call me art I've asked you before I hope you can consider me a friend of course art I have a lot of respect for you and appreciate the kindness you've shown me John said as they sat down they made small talk over lunch until the table was cleared and coffee was served Doyle looked at John with genuine affection John I'm sure you know why I invited you
to lunch besides enjoying your company the main reason is Esther please just hear me out for a few moments okay John sighed and nodded knowing this conversation was inevitable and even welcoming it he hoped art could help mend the rift between him and Esther art smiled as he began John first I want to apologize on behalf of the irm the party got out of hand and it shouldn't have everyone was reprimanded afterward as for Mor arti he's been transferred to another city it turns out his plan to seduce Esther wasn't a secret and he's gone
now firing him would have been Messier John raised an eyebrow plan of Seduction so this wasn't just a one-time thing he wondered thinking about what else Esther might have kept from him art sensing JK's thoughts quickly reassured him John I looked into it and nothing happened beyond what you you saw on New Year's Eve Esther is a mess right now and I don't want this to ruin a good relationship it's clear you both still love each other it's time to talk and sort this out John knew art was right I think I'm ready to have
a rational conversation with Esther I'll call her and set something up art grinned no need John Esther's expecting you at the apartment for dinner tonight don't worry I knew you'd come around John smiled Riley Fine Art I'll be there but not for dinner I'll come around 8 and we can talk over coffee and thanks art I needed the push that evening John and Esther talked for nearly two hours Esther nervous and agitated struggled to start Jon waited patiently knowing that if they were to move forward they needed to be honest with each other he wasn't
going to make it easy Esther had caused this crisis and it was up to her to begin fixing it finally Esther looked up Tears In Her Eyes John I owe you an apology I don't know why I kissed him like that I guess it was the drinks I'm ashamed and hope you can forgive me John sighed looking at her calmly I understand but that doesn't lessen the hurt you sided with someone else instead of me and that was humiliating if this is what I have to expect I'm not sure we should continue Esther pale shook
her head no John please I love you don't let one stupid mistake ruin what we have Esther johon replied softly we need to be clear about what we expect from each other if we're going to be married we have to agree on what honor love and fidelity mean in the end Esther apologized again and promised never to drink to excess JN also apologized for his temper though he didn't feel his reaction was out of line they discussed their expectations around Fidelity loyalty and Trust the next day Jon moved back into the apartment and over time
things returned to normal interestingly JN never bought another engagement ring and Esther never asked for one they married in the spring as planned and had a good marriage their love was tested when they discovered Jon was sterile but they decided to accept it and focused on their relationship and work John blinked realizing he'd been daydreaming relieved to see not much time had passed he noticed his drink was empty and motioned to Chester for another as he sipped his drink he thought of art Doyle with deep affection feeling a lingering sadness at his recent passing Jon
had really only formed close friendships with two people at the law firm art Doyle and Lee lrad a younger partner Lee joined the firm about 10 years ago and quickly connected with Jon starting at one of the company's Gatherings Lee was impressed by Jon's position as a professor as Lee himself had always harbored a secret desire to teach John was glad Lee was still around but thoughts of his wife Esther darkened his mood their 20th anniversary was approaching but the strain in their relationship made it hard for him to look forward to the Milestone over
nearly two decades their marriage had deteriorated slowly and subtly and Jon only recently realized how bad things had gotten the lack of affection growing indifference and even disrespect had become all too apparent with small spats and a lack of physical closeness now the norm Jon was unsure how to address the issues with Esther he dreaded the thought of another argument as Esther's sharp tongue had become more frequent has it really gotten so bad that I can't even talk to her he wondered Jon was startled by a voice at his ear hey buddy buy a girl
a drink it was Irene prompting a small smile from him Renee exclaimed what are you doing here you're the last person I expected to see I stop by every few weeks John for Old Time sake order me a Jin and tonic I'll be right back she said heading to the restroom Jon smiled affectionately after her Dr Irene Adler an attractive woman in her late 30s was more than just good-looking tall and confident with dark hair and striking eyes she was now the assistant chair of the drama and Performing Arts Department JN and Esther had supported
her through two divorces and numerous failed relationships and Jon considered her his closest friend when Irene returned she sat next to Jon and said okay Johnny what's the problem why do you think there's a problem and don't give me that nonsense about stopping by here regularly John replied without much bite Irene laughed I saw your car outside as I was driving by and decided to check if it was really you in here John gazed at her with genuine affection he trusted her completely which made it easy for him to open up he poured out his
frustration and confusion about his marriage and Irene listened feeling sorrow for her friend's pain she hadn't realized how much he was hurting and was shocked to discover the rift between him and Esther John something must have caused this Irene interrupted what you're describing sounds like a buildup of small issues but there's got to be a deeper reason have either of you done something that really upset the other I can't believe you both just drifted into this state there has to be a cause Jon shook his head I don't know Renee I can't pinpoint anything specific
it feels like we just drifted into this mess and I don't know how to fix it how about talking to her John just sit down and talk Irene suggested gently we've tried but it always turns into a fight she accuses me of being paranoid and I lose patience it's just not working John replied his voice fading meanwhile across town Esther Watson leaned back in her office chair staring at the tall blonde man across from her she didn't hide her appraisal of Jim Mor arti who had been trying to seduce her for months though she found
him attractive she knew he wasn't worth risking her marriage over even if her marriage seemed to be crumbling Jim she said you've been back for over 6 months and you haven't changed you're still a Relentless womanizer why not get married again and stop hunting come on Essie Jim chuckled I'm just being friendly you're a beautiful woman and any man would want to be with you your husband is an idiot more interested in his books than in you and you know I'm right you you want me I can see it in your eyes and it will
happen Esther it will happen Esther bit her lip and looked away Mor AR's comments struck closer to home than she wanted to admit she was fully aware of the growing distance between her and Jon their relationship had cooled and Jon's occasional Jabs about lawyers didn't help she often found herself snapping back criticizing his profession in return what used to be harmless teasing had now turned into something more hurtful maybe I should have told Jon about Jim being transferred back she thought but I was afraid of his reaction I hope not telling him wasn't a mistake
turning her attention back to Mori arti she said Jim letun not go there my home life is off limits leave it alone Mor arti just smiled okay but remember I'm always here for you you've got a friend in me yeah a real friend Esther replied with a Grimace I know what you're after Jim go chase someone else but keep it out of the office now let's get back to work on the Simmons contract Mori Ari laughed leaned over and brushed her lips with his before she could react then he walked out humming Esther sat for
a moment Breathing heavily ashamed to admit that his gesture had affected her she touched her lips feeling a thrill she hadn't felt in a long time with Jon is this where all this flirting is leading she wondered but she quickly shook off the thought her phone rang and she answered it with impatience it was Stan Hopkins yes are you finishing the Simmons contract he asked yes Stan we've been at it for months why is there a problem not really but you'll need to fly up to see him on Monday he can't make it here and
he wants it finalized then damn it Stan Esther protested it's Friday and we'll have to work all weekend to meet that deadline I've only had Jim helping me on this Stan side I know Essie I'll get you more help tomorrow but you'll likely have to work late get some rest tonight and we'll start early tomorrow as ended the call with a half-hearted okay she knew this would likely cause another argument with Jon who had been complaining about her workload she feared this might be the final straw but promised herself that once this project was done
they would focus on their marriage maybe even take a vacation she recognized that she had been short and impatient with John lately and vowed to change once the project was over meanwhile in his office James morti leaned back smiling grimly he knew Esther was vulnerable and was confident that he could eventually win her over he hadn't forgotten the New Year's Eve confrontation with JN which had led to his transfer and stalled career now he was back and his plan for Revenge was to make Esther his the weather had turned cooler and John was eager to
get home he was disappointed to find the house dark as he pulled into the driveway crap he muttered assuming Esther was working late again but just then Esther's car pulled up beside his surprised he waited by the door hi sweetie she said cheerfully we made it home at the same time how about we freshen up and go out for a nice dinner JN was wary Esther's sudden cheerfulness seemed out of place something's up he thought but decided to play along to see what she had in mind despite his doubts they had a lovely dinner and
a warm conversation which gave johon hope perhaps they could rekindle what they had lost over the years for the first time in a long while Jon really looked at Esther appreciating her beauty and sensuality even after 40 years he realized he might have been neglecting her too focused on his career and resolved to make more of an effort to strengthen their marriage Esther too felt encouraged as she noticed Jon opening up she saw the desire in his eyes and felt a surge of affection for him she vowed to work on their relationship hoping to get
through the Simmons project soon so she could focus on her marriage as they drove home Esther cuddled into jonk arm and soon they were home sharing a glass of wine by the fire with soft music playing in the background Esther knew she needed to tell Jon about working tomorrow and the out of town trip on Monday she bit her lip dreading the conversation and debated whether to wait until the last minute but she realized that would only make him angrier so she decided to face it now even though she knew it wouldn't be easy honey
I have good news she began the Simmons project is almost done and we can get back to normal soon I have to work tomorrow to finish the final draft and then we'll fly out Monday to wrap things up I I don't need to hear anymore JN interrupted sharply it's clear your career is more important to you than our marriage I've heard it all before he turned to leave but before heading upstairs he paused think about what you really want Essie I'll do the same he then went to the guest room where he undressed and lay
in bed unable to sleep staring at the ceiling most of the night the next morning Esther was up early she quickly dressed and left without breakfast still angry about Jon's harsh words she knew their marriage was on Shaky Ground but pushed those thoughts aside to focus on work Jon woke up late feeling exhausted he went through his morning routine and noticed that Esther hadn't even made coffee before leaving he sat at the kitchen table head in his hands regretting how he had snapped at her he knew he had been short-tempered for months but couldn't pinpoint
why their once- loving relationship had turned into constant conflict and he was determined to fight for their marriage remembering their Pleasant dinner the night before Jon smiled slightly realizing he still loved Esther he regretted his outburst and decided to surprise her at work hoping to take her out for lunch he knew he needed to be more supportive and planned to show her that he was committed to improving their marriage as he drove to Esther's office he felt optimistic but then his car got a flat tire frustrated he pulled into a nearby Diner parking lot and
called for roadside assistance which would take 30 minutes to an hour deciding to eat while he waited he entered the diner and spotted Leela strad a senior partner at Esther's firm sitting alone John what a surprise join me Lee said waving him over Jon smiled and sat down nice to see you Lee what brings you here on a Saturday Emily's out of town visiting a friend so I'm on my own I sto by the office for a file and decided to grab a bite here what about you I was on my way to see if
Esther wanted lunch but I got a flat tire so much for my plans John chuckled buck up John the project Esther and Jim are working on will be done in a few days we can all celebrate when they're back Jim John asked surprised I don't recall Esther mentioning him Jim morard he was transferred to the main office about 6 months ago I'm surprised Esther didn't mention him they've been working together on this project for a while Lee explained not noticing the color drained from Jon's face Jon felt his throat tighten and his stomach churn a
red Haze clouded his vision but he managed to keep control I guess I haven't been paying attention Lee sometimes it feels like Esther and I live in two different worlds he forced a smile though it didn't reach his eyes yeah we're all guilty of that sometimes Lee laughed it took every bit of JK's self-control to stay in that Booth eat his sandwich and continue talking with Lee his mind was racing but he forced himself to stay calm his heart pounded and sweat trickled down his sides when the auto service truck finally arrived he quickly excused
himself Jon drove home on autopilot realizing when he arrived that he couldn't remember the trip he took a deep breath stumbled into the house and sat down feeling empty and lost his thoughts were chaotic and he couldn't focus his mind screamed Esther is having an affair he fought against the idea but it kept coming back leaving him trembling and in pain he poured himself a drink but then poured it out refusing to follow in his Father's Footsteps Jon went to the bathroom considered taking some of Esther's Xanax but decided against it he smiled bitterly at
the thought gradually the shock wore off and his mind began to clear though still erratically so Jim morti is back he thought and she didn't tell me no wonder our marriage has been falling apart he knew he couldn't stay married to a cheater the word divorce loomed large in his mind and he realized that counseling was no longer an option it was too late as the initial sorrow faded Jon felt an icy calm replace it the boy who had survived the streets took control he would not be a sufferer but before taking action he needed
proof he needed to be sure of Esther's infidelity before he could confront her a grim smile crossed his lips there's a price for cheating he muttered as he picked up the phone unaware of the tears streaming down his face meanwhile at the office Stan Hopkins called out to Esther I'm heading out are you guys almost done a couple more hours Stan she replied Jim is finishing up the first draft and I'm nearly done here don't forget your flight tomorrow evening get some rest before your meeting with Simmons Stan said as he left Esther sighed knowing
this would likely cause another argument with Jon she wondered if they could ever get back to the love they once had spending a couple of nights away with Jim even in separate rooms could be disastrous if Jon found out she worried that not telling him about Jim's return was a serious mistake I've done nothing wrong and intend to keep it that way she thought but anxiety lingered later Irene greeted John at her door come in JN you didn't sound like yourself on the phone do you want a drink nothing Irene John replied thanks for letting
me come over I really need to talk noticing his drawn features and red eyes Irene knew something was very wrong she led him to the living room where he sat down trying to smile I'm sorry for bringing my problems to you Renee you're always there to share them he said attempting a chuckle Irene waited inviting his confidence JN began to share his suspicion that Esther was having an affair it all makes sense now Renee why our marriage has deteriorated her cold the lack of affection the disrespect his voice Rose before he regained control I don't
even remember the last time we really made love or even kissed can you believe that tears welled in his eyes as he spoke Irene felt deep sympathy for John and Esther despite what Jon had shared she found it hard to believe Esther would cheat knowing how much she loved him John Irene said gently I know learning about Mori arun's return is shaken you but think this through maybe Essie didn't mention it because she knew you'd react badly couldn't that be the reason Jon shook his head I've considered that but it doesn't explain everything his return
coincided with our problems and that's too much of a coincidence I never doubted her before even with the late nights and weekends but now it's clear Esther is having an affair with Mori arti I can't accept that our marriage is over I just need to get the proof before I file for divorce Irene gasped divorce John aren't you jumping to conclusions you only have suspicions talk to Essie first you know she can't lie to you she's been lying to me for months Irene I need proof can you help me disguise myself so I can follow
them and catch her in the ACT Irene laughed despite the tension John you don't need makeup just change your appearance a bit wear a baseball cap some glasses and casual clothes that'll be enough John nodded good idea I'll fly out after she does and see what I find at least I'll be doing something as John left Irene Ed him and asked to be kept informed after he left she stood in the doorway thinking deeply her heart heavy for her friend a stray thought crossed her mind if Jon divorces Esther HEK be available she quickly dismissed
it scolding herself for even thinking it but the idea lingered Jon returned home late having walked for miles to clear his mind exhausted and emotionally drained he entered the dark house and collapsed into bed without undressing despite his turmoil he fell into a deep dreamless sleep the next day was tense at the Watson household John and Esther avoided each other and when the taxi arrived Esther left without a word Jon watched her leave considering whether his trip the next day was even necessary but he decided he needed proof if only for closure the following morning
a very different looking John Watson checked into a hotel wearing a Phillies cap horn rimmed glasses and casual clothes he looked nothing like his usual self convinced he wouldn't be recognized he chose a spot in the lobby where he could watch the elevators discreetly before heading to his room John noticed a hotel flower shop he ordered a dozen roses to be delivered to Esther's room then positioned himself in the lobby soon he saw a Bellman carrying the flowers to the elevator John followed him noting the room number 1212 before quickly retreating to avoid being seen
he then returned to his own room on the ninth floor determined to get the evidence he needed JN took his seat in the lobby around 4:00 pretending to read a newspaper but mostly watching the As Time crawled by finally at 6:33 he saw Esther enter the lobby with James morard despite the years since he'd last seen him Jon recognized him instantly they both looked frustrated as if their negotiations had gone poorly Mor arti tried to guide Esther into the dining room but she pulled away and headed for the elevators with Mor arti following after a
quick meal in the hotel coffee shop Jon returned to his spot in the lobby pretending to be engrossed in his newspaper he stayed there until after 11:00 then headed to his room deep in thought maybe I'm being paranoid he wondered their interactions seemed purely professional no affection no signs of an affair but doubts lingered as he prepared for bed he knew he needed to discuss his concerns with Esther calmly and rationally without letting it turn into another argument they couldn't resolve their issues they might have to face the end of their marriage the next morning
John woke late feeling exhausted to fight the sleep after a quick shower and a light breakfast he reconsidered his suspicions maybe I jumped to conclusions he thought he decided to continue his vigil in the lobby for the next two nights though he was starting to doubt anything incriminating would happen that evening Jon was back in his chair in the lobby anxiously watching the clock at 7:14 he saw Esther and Mori arti enter the lobby laughing and holding each other Mor Ari had his arm around Esther's shoulder and they were clearly enjoying themselves they headed into
the hotel dining room out of John's sight Esther was thrilled they had finally secured Simmons's signature on the contract and she knew this success could lead to a partnership at the firm despite Jim's reputation she felt grateful for his help as they celebrated with dinner and wine Esther's spirits soared and she agreed to join Jim for a drink in the lounge after changing out of her suit Jon watched anxiously as Esther went to the elevators and Mori Ari headed to the lounge he decided to follow Mor Ari and have a drink himself self to relieve
his tension sitting at the far end of the bar he discreetly watched Mori arti through the bar's mirrored backdrop he noticed Mori Ari sitting alone in a corner Booth nursing a drink as Jon sipped his Scotch he began to feel more confident that his fears were unfounded and mentally prepared an apology to Esther but he kept a close eye on Mori arti puzzled by his solitary behavior in the nearly empty Lounge JN glanced at his watch it was almost 9:30 he started to leave when his stomach clenched Esther walked into the lounge wearing a white
silk blouse a tight black skirt and a String of Pearls Jon had given her for her 40th birthday he watched in the mirror as she unsteadily approached Mori arti who stood to greet her took her hand and slid into the booth beside her from his distance Jon couldn't hear their conversation but the scene spoke volumes Mor arti ordered drinks and as they chatted Jon saw his wife smiling laughing and glowing Mori Ari stroked her hand and touched her arm and Jon's anger burned hotter the site confirmed what he had dreaded his marriage was over but
Jon wasn't going to let this go quietly he watched grimly as Mor arti whispered in Esther's ear making her giggle with the wine from dinner and more drinks Esther was clearly intoxicated she didn't resist when Mor arti ordered another round and she quickly drained her glass feeling warm and euphoric she didn't stop Mori arti when he kissed her at first she tried to push him away but soon she was pulling him closer their kiss deepening suddenly Junk's voice cut through the moment I'm sure you won't mind if I join you I should applaud but I
won't he said sliding into the booth opposite them Esther confused gasped when she realized her husband was sitting across from her morard fumbled to fix his clothes and tried to leave but Jon stopped him with a venomous whisper you move and I'll rip your face off Mor Ari remembering their previous encounter decided not to challenge Jon and remain seated looking frightened as now sober was chilled by johnk Icy demeanor and the contempt in his eyes tell me about my paranoia Essie johnon said coldly tell me how unreasonable I am how I should be more understanding
turning to Mori arti who was squirming JN continued I should thank you for pulling your hand out when I arrived I'm not sure my wife would have thought to do that Esther now in tears felt nauseous and light-headed the man before her was unrecognizable not because of his clothes but because of the hatred in his eyes Junk's voice dripped with sarcasm as he said I should apologize for interrupting I should have let you continue you were so engrossed how long have you been screwing him honey how did it feel making me a cuckoo Jon's rage
was barely contained Mori Ari tried to speak but Jon cut him off get out you creep but remember one day I'll find you and I'll eliminate you it may not be tomorrow or next week but one day Mor Ari didn't wait for a second warning and nearly ran out of the lounge John chuckled grimly as he watched him leave then turned back to Esther who stared at him in horror she had never heard such Venom in his voice Jon looked at her disheveled clothes bile rising in his throat and wondered what had gone so wrong
between them was it him was he that bad of a husband or was it Esther who was so dissatisfied with him and his profession Jon suddenly realized he didn't care about the reasons anymore his thoughts were interrupted by Esther's tearful voice John please I let things go too far I was just so happy about the Simmons contract please forgive me I'm so sorry she sobbed Jon stared at her shut up Esther I don't want to hear any more lies or excuses he muttered wearily he then revealed her underwear a twisted piece of red nylon and
Lace I gave these to you for your birthday you said Scarlet was your favorite color you saved them for a special occasion but not for me you wore them today for him his voice turned bitter stay here with Mori arti don't come home until I'm gone I'm filing for divorce Esther gasped turning pale we'll split everything but you can have the house I'll take my clothes and research materials don't fight it Essie or I'll testify about tonight and ruin your career and his Jon pocketed her undergarment stood up and walked away leaving Esther sobbing 3
months later Jon had moved out and filed for divorce but Esther was fighting it despite his threat to expose her affair Fair John found he couldn't bring himself to do it he realized he didn't want to publicly humiliate her or himself his attorney Sherwood Holmes informed him that Esther wanted a private conversation before she would agree to the divorce Holmes advised Jon to talk to her to avoid dragging the process out and costing him more money JN sitting in Holmes's office gazed out the window then snapped screw her let her fight the divorce I don't
care Holmes leaning back in his chair tried to reason with him John we've been friends a long time this will cost you a fortune if you don't settle just talk to her so you can move on but Jon refused no woody I know what she'll say she'll either admit the affair and beg for forgiveness or lie about it I don't want to hear it hold off on the divorce it's not important anymore I'm not planning to remarry homeside okay John but when you're ready let's have dinner it's been too long john apologized for not reaching
out sooner knowing Holmes was still grieving the loss of his wife he promised to call soon then left the office his shoulders slumped in the cold gray afternoon Jon returned to his new townhouse a rental he'd spent weeks fixing up to start his new life as he walked through the rooms he simmered at Esther's refusal to let go despite the spacious modern surroundings what truly pleased him was the small add-on a hot tub where he had spent many hours relaxing trying to ease his mental tension meanwhile Irene was going through her own troubles damn it
Irene it's not the end of the world Tony yelled it's just not working screw you Tony Irene shot back you're just scared of your mother get out she turned away hiding her tears Tony hesitated looking regretful then quietly left Irene collapsed on the sofa a rise smile on her lips she didn't truly love Tony but it frustrated her that she couldn't keep a man what's wrong with me she wondered why can't I find someone to share my life with Irene took a deep breath and headed to the bathroom after using the toilet she stepped into
the shower letting the hot water wash away some of her tension she quickly soaped up rinsed off and dried herself with a towel as she reached for her robe she caught sight of herself in the full length mirror and critically examined her reflection a tall mature woman with flawless olive skin and short dark hair framing her face she grimaced and muttered crap irritated she threw on a robe and flopped onto the bed she tried to distract herself by reading a novel but quickly gave up tossing the book aside damn it I need a drink she
said aloud she went to the kitchen poured herself a bourbon on the rocks and sank into an easy chair in the living room wondering where her life was headed stop feeling sorry for yourself she muttered I need company I need to get out an idea sparked and she picked up the phone and dialed John it's Irene are you busy I'd like to come over after hearing his response she said great I'll see you in an hour or sooner as Darkness fell Irene pulled into Jon's driveway before she could ring the bell Jon opened the door
and pulled her into the warm foyer perfect timing Jon laughed the food just arrived give me your coat and let's eat wow John you sure know how to treat a girl I didn't realize how hungry I was until now Irene replied they chatted while enjoying Chinese takeout then moved to the living room with the last of a bottle of wine after some banter Jon suggested enough of this light stuff Let's Get Serious he fetched a bottle of good scotch poured them both a drink and settled across from her okay what's bothering you tell Uncle John
Irene laughed and sipped her drink this is good stuff John but yeah it's Tony he broke up with me today what's wrong with me why can't I keep a man John leaned forward Renee the problem is the guys you choose you're a beautiful intelligent woman but you keep picking idiots who break your heart Irene was taken aback initially angry but soon realized he was right son of a witch you're right why haven't I seen that before you're not a loser Renee John reassured her maybe you should talk to someone who can help hell maybe I
should too they exchanged a look then burst into laughter what a pair we are Irene said taking another sip at least you had almost 20 great years with one woman realizing her mistake as she saw Jon's eyes tear up up she quickly apologized nah it's okay John replied those were wonderful years which makes this all the harder when trust is gone everything is suspect he sighed letun just get drunk together they continued drinking knowing it wouldn't help but not caring after a while Irene slurred Johnny you never let me use that Spa out there letun
do it now Jon agreed stumbling Tor her with their arms linked they made their way to the AL Cove uhoh no swimsuit Irene said laughing screw it let Skinny Dip JN replied and they both undressed they soon found themselves in the warm swirling water JN admiring Irene's Beauty and Irene uncharacteristically unashamed returning the compliment you're not so bad either Johnny she said with a smile as they settled into the spa they sat side by side enjoying the warm Jets of water despite the whiskey fogging his mind Jon knew he had to be careful not to
jeopardize their friendship Irene however was less hesitant should I make a move will he get angry oh hell why not she thought and moved closer to Jon Jon tensed at her approach but quickly pulled back splashing water on his face damn I'm sorry Renee I just can't I'm sorry he muttered trembling slightly Irene helped the now despondent johon out of the spa and into a robe then guided him to bed like a child he fell asleep almost immediately knowing she couldn't drive home Irene settled into the second bedroom but struggled to sleep she realized that
Jon despite being separated from Esther was still unavailable in her heart she knew she didn't truly love him as more than a friend her tears were for Jon's pain knowing how deeply he loved Esther and how her betrayal would haunt him Irene knew Jon was suffering but she didn't know how to help meanwhile Esther was also struggling she had lost weight looked pale and was drained Irene decided to visit Esther sensing her need for support Renee I messed up badly but JN is wrong I never had an affair with Jim or anyone else I can't
get him to talk to me he thinks I've been unfaithful for months but I haven't what he saw that night was the first time anything like that happened Esther explained tearfully I understand Esther but Jon is adamant he won't see or talk to you I've never seen him like this Irene replied I've hurt him so badly Esther whispered I think heun's too hurt even to face me and I don't blame him trying to regain her composure Esther asked Renee can you stay with me for a while I need your report of course I'll stay Irene
agreed though she wished she could do more Esther looked at her watch and made a call Woody it's Esther I've decided to give Jon what he wants no conditions yes I'll see you tomorrow turning to Irene she said I'm going to give Jon the divorce he deserves closure and I can't keep fighting this Irene piled Esther are you sure I know you both love each other maybe I can talk to Jon again no it's not fair to keep him in limbo he's made it clear our marriage is over and I have no one to blame
blame but myself Esther said her voice wavering but please stay with me I really need you right now of course I'll stay as long as you need Irene reassured her taking her cold hands later Jon was stunned when his attorney Woody informed him that Esther wasn't going to fight the divorce she's not fighting it she never gives in easily what's going on let her come and see if she goes through with it I won't hold my breath though Jon replied after agreeing to meet Woody for dinner Jon wandered through his home feeling conflicted he should
have felt satisfied but instead he felt uneasy what the hell is wrong with me he muttered I'm getting what I wanted right so why this feeling as he reached for a beer in the kitchen the phone rang hello oh hi Renee what's up forget it oh sure I'm meeting Woody Holmes tonight but you're welcome to join us I'll pick you up around 6:30 and Renee no more nagging okay see you this evening bye later that evening JN and Irene entered the restaurant where woody Holmes was waiting distracted by thoughts of Esther and the divorce John
introduced his friends rather mechanically it wasn't until he noticed the silence that he saw Irene blushing and Woody holding her hand as if he never wanted to let go hey hey you to Jon teased you're like teenagers on a blind date I take it you like each other Woody blushed and released Irene's hand uh sorry about that he stammered Irene still blushing laughed nerv nervously and quickly took a seat geez JN you're embarrassing us throughout dinner they avoided discussing Jon's pending divorce agreeing to wait until Esther actually signed the papers before speculating the evening's Focus
shifted to Woody and Irene leaving Jon as the third wheel he didn't mind and watched with a bmus smile as his friends grew more smitten with each other Jon realized this meeting might be good for both of them Woody might find Solace after his wife's passing and Irene might have finally found a decent man after dinner Jon excused himself to the restroom when he returned Woody stammered uh John I hope this is okay oh for pity's sake Irene interrupted John Woody would like to drive me home I'm sure you won't mind JN teased well I
don't know I did pick you upjn Irene warned JN laughed of course not I don't mind at all the next day Esther arrived at Woody's office it's nice to see you even under these circumstances Woody said shaking her hand please have a seat thanks Woody letun get this over with I understand why Jon refuses to see or speak with me Esther said wearily Woody noticed how pale and tired she looked I'm sorry Esther I tried to change his mind but you know how stubborn he is I'm glad you're not contesting the divorce though Esther nodded
and signed the papers without reading them surprising Woody e aren't you going to read it what for I trust you and I know Jon wonk screw me over he has more Integrity than I do she replied replied softly Esther this must be tearing you apart now that you've signed I'll try to talk to Jon again he might be more open now Woody suggested Esther Shrugged whatever happens I'll understand I ruin my marriage and I don't blame anyone but myself I hope JN and I could at least be friends but tears welled up and she quickly
excused herself after she left Woody called Irene Renee Esther just left she signed the divorce papers without even reading them can you talk to John and let no maybe we can make him feel a bit guilty about refusing to talk to her yes we're meddling but for a good cause letun meet tonight at 7 JN stood outside the home he once shared with Esther feeling anxious and sweating despite the chilly weather he hesitated wondering if meeting her was the right decision Irene's last conversation with him still bothered him she insisted that Esther wasn't making excuses
but that the situation was a mix of booze success and flattery from Jim nonsense Irene John had snapped you're saying it was just because she was near him that's not what I meant Irene shot back eventually she convinced Jon to meet Esther as Jon debated leaving Esther opened the door silhouetted by the light behind herj please come in she pleaded Jon straightened forcing a smile okay thank you Esther he muttered stepping inside the house that once was his home everything seemed unchanged except for a light layer of dust which surprised him knowing how meticulous Esther
usually was he didn't comment John thank you for agreeing to see me Esther said softly I appreciate it and I promise I won't keep you long okay Esther Woody and Irene convinced me to come I don't see how this will help but since you're not contesting the divorce I agreed to meet Jon replied flatly with no warmth in his voice Esther swallowed knowing this confrontation would be difficult but she was determined to face it she needed to tell Jon the truth and admit her foolishness hoping for his forgiveness which she felt would cleanse her conscience
John please just listen I need you to hear me Esther pleaded her eyes full of desperation Jon paused his gaze intense before nodding and sitting stiffly okay Esther I'm listening he said Esther took a deep breath John please believe me when I say I never slept with Jim or anyone else I never intended to I know what you saw that night seems to contradict this but it's the truth John interrupted Esther the truth is rarely pure and never said Le blushing Esther pressed on I can't fully explain my behavior that night I've tormented myself asking
why I let it happen the only reasons I can think of are the relief of finishing the contract and the booze I drank but those are no excuses I was someone I'm ashamed of she said tears streaming down her cheeks Jon sat expressionless his emotions churning strangely he believed her claim of not sleeping with Jim but that only added to his inner turmoil I was also angry with you John Esther admitted I felt you weren't being supportive but I know that's no excuse I've replayed everything in my mind and I realize how shallow and stupid
I was but believe me John you can't hate me more than I hate myself she whispered wiping her tears is there any way we can save our marriage counseling anything John side feeling a deep sense of loss Esther if I hadn't interrupted that night can you honestly say you wouldn't have ended up in bed with him wouldn't have been unfaithful Esther gasped realizing she couldn't truthfully deny it she knew she would have crossed that line and the weight of that truth made her feel sick you see Esther that's the issue Jon said his voice Rising
before he forced himself to calm down you cheated on our marriage when you let him kiss you when you return those kisses and when you let him undress and touch you things meant only for me your husband you understand Esther now fully grasped what Jon was saying she hadn't considered the full implications of that night until now and she knew he was right she would have ended up in Jim's bed and that realization brought a wave of hopelessness and tears Jon looked at her with pity I feel sorry for you Essie and for myself maybe
I share some blame I could have been more supportive but that doesn't excuse your behavior he continued softly now I have to ask myself a question can I live with susp ipon or regret can I continue our marriage with the constant fear you'll betray me again or is it better to live with the regret of our failed marriage I'm sorry Essie I can't live with suspicion regret is easier John stood watching his wife sobbing on the sofa and then slowly walked out into the night [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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