WHY ARE WE HERE? A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story

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In this mind-bending exploration of ancient texts and hidden stories, we challenge everything you th...
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hey Luke 8:1 17 for there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open here's the truth nobody wants to talk about what if Humanity was never meant to be here in the first place now before you think that sounds crazy let's dig into some ancient texts that suggest just that I'm not talking about some obscure conspiracy theory I'm talking about ancient records that have been sitting in plain side like the enuma Elish one of the oldest creation myths from Mesopotamia according to
the enuma Elish humans weren't created out of love or a grand divine plan they were created for one purpose to serve the gods specifically they were made to handle the Dirty Work literally mining for resources specifically gold the gods didn't want to get their hands dirty so they made us think about that we weren't created to rule the Earth we were created to work for those who did and this isn't just some Fringe idea the ancient Sumerians believed it and they documented it meticulously but here's the real kicker this story has Eerie similarities with other
ancient cultures from the Egyptians to the Mayans the theme is the same the gods needed something from the earth and humans were their Workforce we weren't put here for Paradise or for Spiritual Enlightenment we were put here to serve and yet we still somehow believe that we are the centerpiece of the universe now let's connect the dots think about the story of Adam and Eve How We Were cast out of Eden is it possible that Eden was just a holding pen a temporary place until we were put to work in the real world the so-called
original sin could have been the moment when humans went from being passive servants to questioning their role they ate from the Tree of knowledge right they became aware of aware that they weren't just Mindless beings but individuals with their own free will and what happened they were cast out as if knowledge was the last thing the gods wanted us to have it's not just the Bible that hints at this either the Gnostic texts books the early church tried to bury describe the world as a prison created by a false god a demage who doesn't want
us to reach true knowledge or Freedom could it be that what we call God is actually this Force keeping us in ignorance and the so-called full of man was actually our Awakening you see this changes the whole game what if the reason we're here isn't because we're loved but because we're needed needed as workers as cogs in a machine much bigger than we can see and if that's the case what happens when we stop playing our part when we start asking too many questions maybe that's why so many ancient cultures speak of floods destruction and
resets every time humanity gets gets too close to the truth we're wiped out and reset you've probably grown up hearing that we're the Pinnacle of creation made in the image of God but what if that's not the whole story what if the image we were made in isn't the image of a benevolent Creator but a manipulator a ruler who keeps us in the dark for their own benefit let's get one thing straight the story of Eden is not what you think it is we've been told this tale of paradise a perfect garden where Adam and
Eve were free until they messed it all up by eating the forbidden fruit but honestly does that story even make sense a tree with knowledge placed right in the middle of the garden where they could see it every single day come on that doesn't sound like a fair test that sounds like a setup if you know someone is curious and you tell them not to touch something without really explaining why what do you think is going to happen you're practically guaranteeing they'll do the very thing you told them not to do and that's exactly what
happened in Eden Adam and Eva set up to fail the tree of knowledge wasn't tucked away in some obscure Corner hidden from view it was right there in the middle of their world tempting them why because the whole thing wasn't about obedience it was about Awakening now let's talk about you for a second for thousands of years she's been blamed for the so-called fall of humanity but when you really look at it Eve wasn't the problem she was the solution she's the one who dared to question the status quo she's the one who wanted more
than just blind obedience Eve's Choice wasn't a failure it was a rebellion against a system designed to keep Humanity in ignorance and here's the twist maybe that's what was supposed to happen all along maybe the point wasn't to stay in Eden forever maybe the whole idea was to get out because Eden wasn't Paradise it was a gilded cage a place where Adam and Eve could be kept in check under control with no real knowledge of Good and Evil right and wrong they weren't living they were existing and that tree it wasn't just a trap it
was an opportunity the thing that's been shoved down our throats for centuries is the idea that knowledge is dangerous that it's somehow sinful to want to know more but let's be real knowledge is power power eve took the power she opened the door and we've been running through it ever since Adam wasn't some innocent bystander either he knew exactly what he was doing when he followed Eve's lead but when it all went down what did he do he pointed the finger at her Shifting the blame to avoid responsibility sound familiar it's the oldest trick in
the book literally so what if we've had it all wrong what if the true betrayal wasn't 's decision to eat the fruit but the fact that they were kept in the dark in the first place that they were given a world where they weren't allowed to think for themselves to grow to question and when they finally did they were punished for it so after Adam and Eve supposed Rebellion we're left with this huge question who exactly set them up who designed this whole system and more importantly why this brings us to the heart of it
all Yahweh but here's something we don't hear enough who exactly is Yahweh we've been taught that Yahweh is this all powerful benevolent God creator of the universe and ruler of all things but let's take a closer look in the ancient world Yahweh wasn't the only God around far from it in fact Yahweh was originally one of many gods in a much larger Pantheon he wasn't even at the top of the food chain at least not at first you see ancient civil izations like the Canaanites and early Hebrews didn't worship just one God they had a
whole lineup of deities each with their own role Yahweh was part of this originally just a regional deity a god of Storms and War that's right storms and War not the creator of everything but a powerful God among many vying for dominance so how did yway go from being one of the gods to the god it's a story of power politics and control as the Hebrews evolved into a more centralized Society yahweh's role changed he was elevated above the other gods slowly transformed into the Supreme deity and here's the thing it wasn't because Yahweh was
suddenly recognized as the ultimate Creator but because it was politically convenient one God one nation that's how you unify people but this transformation came with a catch the other gods didn't just disappear they were raised demonized or simply Rewritten ever heard of ball in earlier texts ball was a rival God often portrayed in a negative light in the Bible but bu wasn't originally evil he was just competition Yahweh needed to be the sole focus of worship and that meant wiping out the competition now let's talk about what this means if Yahweh wasn't always this all
powerful figure but was instead part of a larger Divine system then the story we've been told is incomplete what does that say about the version of God we've been taught to worship if Yahweh had to fight for his spot at the top does that make him the ultimate source of creation or just the most powerful of many and it doesn't stop there ancient texts describe Yahweh as jealous and demanding he's often portrayed as needing constant loyalty and obedience punishing anyone who dared to worship other gods why so paranoid if you're the all powerful creator maybe
because yahweh's power wasn't as absolute as we've been led to believe maybe just maybe Yahweh wasn't the one and only God he was just the God who won let's cut through the nonsense for a second if the world was created by a loving omnipotent God why is it filled with so much pain suffering and Chaos seriously what's the deal we've got disease death Wars natural disasters none of it makes sense if the world was supposed to be some kind of divine Masterpiece and here's where it gets even stranger almost every ancient tradition from the Bible
to the gnostics hints that this world isn't perfect in fact some of them outright say it's flawed according to mainstream religious teachings we're told that the suffering of the world is a result of the Fall Adam and Eve's mistake brought pain and death into the world right but think about that for a second why would one mistake one act of Disobedience justify the level of suffering we see in the world today it doesn't add up if an all powerful all knowing god wanted to punish Adam and Eve why not just deal with them directly why
curse every single human being that came after seems like Overkill doesn't it what if the suffering wasn't the result of a single act of Disobedience but a design feature what if the world wasn't created perfect to begin with some ancient texts like the Gnostic writings take it a step further they say the world was created by a lesser flawed God a God who wanted control a God who didn't have the wisdom or the power to create a truly perfect Universe they called this God the demage and they believe that this being trapped human souls in
the material world keeping them ignorant and bound to the Physical Realm and guess what this lines up with the world we live in we constantly fighting for survival dealing with suffering and death and seeking meaning in a chaotic Universe it's almost as if the world was designed to keep us stuck constantly struggling but never truly understanding the bigger picture the gnostics weren't shy about saying it they believed the material world was a prison and the true God the higher power wasn't the one who created it instead they saw this world as the work of a
flawed Creator now think back to the story of the Garden of Eden maybe this wasn't just a moral story about Disobedience maybe it was a way to explain why the world we live in is so broken the moment Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of knowledge they didn't just disobey they woke up they realized they were trapped in a world of suffering and instead of guiding them to Freedom Yahweh cast them out into an even harsher existence full of Labor pain and death all right let's talk about Jesus we've been taught this straightforward narrative
Jesus came to save Humanity from sin to redeem us from the fall and to offer us eternal life What If instead of being the ultimate Plan of Redemption Jesus mission was actually a move to wake us up to the manipulation that had been happening all along Jesus wasn't just some passive figure preaching love and forgiveness he was a radical he called out the religious authorities questioned the status quo and preached about a kingdom that wasn't of this world when you look closely at his teachings Jesus wasn't just offering a ticket to Heaven he was pointing
out that this world the one dominated by suffering and control wasn't the real reality he was trying to show us that we were trapped in a system that was never designed for our benefit let's go deeper in the Gnostic texts which were considered heretical and banned by the early church Jesus is portrayed not as the son of a vengeful God trying to punish Humanity but as a messenger from the true God according to these texts he wasn't sent here to make us obedient followers of some Cosmic Overlord but to free us from the control of
the false god the demage you know the same one that allegedly created the flawed Material World we're stuck in Jesus kept talking about the truth and how it would set us free free from what exactly the gnostics believed that the truth was about our divine nature how we're not just physical beings trapped in this broken world but Sparks of a higher reality imprisoned by a false creation and who was keeping us in that prison the very forces that Humanity has been worshiping for Millennia that Jesus in these texts isn't telling us to blindly follow he's
telling us to wake up to the bigger picture and guess what Jesus didn't come preaching about following religious laws or rituals he was challenging them he was undermining the idea that salvation could be found through obedience to Earthly systems of power whether religious or political iCal this isn't the story of a passive Messiah offering salvation if we just believe and behave this is the story of someone calling for an uprising against the spiritual powers that enslave us but here's the part nobody wants to talk about Jesus death wasn't just a sacrifice for sin it was
a direct challenge to the powers that controled this world he stood against the forces that kept people enslaved to fear ignorance and suffering and what did those forces do they silenced him at least they tried to because what's more threatening to a system built on control than someone who's telling people they don't have to play by the rules anymore here's a question not enough people are asking what if humans aren't just some Divine creation but a hybrid Race part human part Divine this idea isn't as farfetched as you might think we see hints of it
all over ancient texts particularly in Genesis 6 it talks about that the sons of God coming down to earth seeing the daughters of men and taking them as wives the result the Nephilim Giants Heroes of old a race of beings that weren't fully human that sons of God in this story aren't just some abstract metaphor they're often interpreted as Fallen Angels Divine beings who stepped out of their role in the heavens and decided to interact with Humanity in a very real physical way but they didn't just interact with humans they created offspring the Nephilim weren't
just big strong humans they were something else entirely a hybrid race that supposedly walked the Earth Before the Flood now think about this why would these Divine beings be so interested in humanity what were they trying to accomplish was it a power grab an attempt to create a new race of super beings that could rule over the Earth or was there something deeper at play some ancient sources like The Book of Enoch a text that was conveniently left out of the Bible describe these Fallen Angels not only as inter breeding with humans but also teaching
them Forbidden Knowledge weapons Warfare astrology magic basically they were speeding up human development in ways that were never intended and what does the Bible say happened next the flood a reset button on Humanity the Nephilim was seen as a threat to the Natural order so God decided to wipe them and nearly all of humanity off the face of the Earth but here's the thing some believe that traces of the Nephilim survived their bloodlines their influence it didn't disappear entirely it said that even after the flood these hybrids or at least their descendants still walked the
Earth think about Goliath the giant David supposedly killed what if he was part of this lingering bloodline what does this mean for us today are we the descendants of a race that was never supposed to exist have the these Divine beings these Fallen Angels left their mark on Humanity in ways we can't even comprehend there are stories in nearly every ancient culture about Gods coming down from the heavens and interacting with humans creating Offspring the Greeks had their Titans the Sumerians had their an anarchy and the Bible has its Nephilim this isn't just a one-off
myth it's a recurring theme across history and maybe that's why there's been such a concerted effort to erase these stories to downplay them as myths or exaggerations because if it's true it changes everything we are not just humans made from the dust of the Earth We're the result of something much more complicated our Origins are mixed with Divine Rebellion Forbidden Knowledge and possibly the reason why Humanity has always been drawn to conflict power and destruction let's dive into something the church has been trying to keep quiet for centuries the Lost Books of the Bible that's
right there are are entire texts that were left out buried or banned because they didn't fit the narrative we talking about the Apocrypha the pseudepigraph and other ancient writings that didn't make the final cut when religious leaders decided what we should and shouldn't know one of the most well-known of these is the Book of Enoch this text was highly regarded in early Jewish and Christian Traditions but somewhere along the line it was erased from the Bible why because it tells a story that flips the script on everything we've been taught the Book of Enoch talks
about the Watchers Angels who descended to Earth broke Divine Law and shared Forbidden Knowledge with Humanity it's the story we touched on earlier with the Nephilim but the Book of Enoch goes deeper into the rebellion of these Celestial beings and how their actions changed the course of human history but that's not the only text that got buried there's the Gospel of Thomas which doesn't read like the New Testament gospels at all instead of focusing on Miracles or the crucifixion it's a collection of Jesus sayings with a clear emphasis on self- knowledge and Awakening in this
gospel Jesus teaches that the kingdom of God isn't some distant Heavenly place we go to when we die it's something within us he wasn't telling people to look outside for salvation but to look within this is huge because it suggests that the early church particularly the institutionalized Church wasn't interested in empowering people to find God within themselves they wanted control obedience and Authority a doctrine that taught people they didn't need a mediator that they could access Divine truth on their own that was a threat so these books were left out labeled as heresy and conveniently
forgotten these Lost Books weren't just suppressed they were actively targeted during the formation of the early Christian Church there was a concentrated effort to wipe out alternative views of spirituality particularly Gnostic beliefs which taught that knowledge not Blind Faith was the key to spiritual enlightenment the Gnostic Gospels were buried burned or hidden in caves for centuries until they were rediscovered in the 20th century and when they were finally uncovered they painted a very different picture of Jesus God and the purpose of humanity so why does this matter because the story we've been told is incomplete
there's a treasure Trove of ancient wisdom that has been hidden from us these Lost Books don't just add a few extra details they challenge the very foundation of the beliefs many of us have grown up with they offer a different perspective on the nature of God the role of Jesus and what it means to be human it's time we start asking why these texts were kept from us what was so dangerous about them that they had to be erased from history what truths do they hold that could change the way we see ourselves our world
and our place in it so here we are at the end of our journey through this mind-blowing and maybe even unsettling look at the Bible's hidden stories we hope this video has opened your eyes to the bigger picture one that's been kept in the dark for far too long thank you so much for sticking with us through this deep dive if this video got you thinking tell us in the comments we'd love to hear your thoughts and don't forget to like this video share it with your friends and subscribe to the channel so you don't
miss one what's coming next God bless you all and I'll see you in the next one
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