Chosen Ones | Must Pass These 4 Tests to Serve God in the Last Days.

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Chosen One | Must Pass These 4 Tests to Serve God in the Last Days. inspired by Chosen One | 4 T...
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in these last days God is Raising and equipping a special breed of men and women to represent his Kingdom Purpose across every stratum of the earth and in every facet of the human world chosen ones are being called forth to influence and impact not just the ministry realm but also the educational sector the business world and every other area of life however not just anyone can be used by God in this profound way these end time armies must possess certain qualities and undergo specific tests to prove their worthiness and Readiness for such a high calling
the kind of men and women that God can use in these last days are those who have been refined and purified through the fires of adversity emerging as pure vessels fit for the Master's use having proven themselves worthy of the cause of God's kingdom that's why in this video we're going to uncover the four crucial tests every chosen one must pass before being used mightily by God in these last days brace yourselves beloved because these tests are not for the faint of heart they will stretch you challenge you and push you to the limits of
your faith and obedience I urge you not to skip any part of this message because being aware of these tasks will help you identify what season you're in so you don't mistakenly try to move ahead before your training is complete God's calling on your life is too important to rush through the process he wants to equip you fully leaving no stone unturned in your preparation let's begin with the first critical test every Chosen One faces number one the test of faith the first crucial test every chosen one must pass is the test of faith this
is about maintaining unshaken Faith even when the ground beneath you seems to be crumbling when everything around you is falling apart how do you keep believing and hold on to your trust in God's plan and purposes there will be Seasons where all our circumstances seem to contradict his promises it is in these Seasons that God builds a rock solid faith in us he will stretch you beyond your mental limitations beyond what your mind can comprehend and beyond your comfort zone to launch you into a dimension where your life will not be built on what you
can see feel or hear rather he will do this so that your life will be built solely on his word in tough times it's important to remember that God is always with us not just when things are going well sometimes it feels like he's distant especially when we're struggling but that doesn't mean he has left us during these moments you might hear doubts whisper in that God has forgotten you but actually God Is Watching to see if you'll trust his words over those doubts God uses these hard times to help us grow he wants us
to rely not on our feelings but on his word no matter what's going on in our lives whether it's trouble with our health our family or our jobs it's not easy to trust God when everything seems to be falling apart but this is exactly what God calls us to do he wants us to be Believers whose Faith Stands Strong not because our lives are perfect but because we believe in his promises when You Face challenges keep trusting God's word stand firm in your faith this is what it means to be a strong believer in tough
times you see God cannot allow the Fulfillment of his promises in our lives until he has developed unwavering Faith within us and he cannot develop that rock solid Faith until our feelings become utterly unreliable it is in this season where God trains us to live by his words and not by our feelings it is where we are trained to see things from the perspective of his word rather than life circumstances where we learn to see God in every situation even when we don't feel his presence scripture speaks directly to this challenge in James 1: 124
we read consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face Trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything these verses remind us that trials and tests are inevitable on our journey of Faith but they also serve a greater purpose to produce perseverance and spiritual maturity within us it's easy to trust God when everything is going well but true faith is forged in the fires of adversity every challenge you face serves one
main purpose to strengthen your faith when God tests you it's not to break you down I know it can be really tough when it feels like the promises God made to you aren't coming to life yet these moments are challenging but remember God is stretching your faith he's building it up like a master builder laying bricks for a strong house he's molding your faith into something so solid that nothing can shake it not even the devil this is because pleasing God is all about having strong faith so in these last days expect God to stretch
you he will take you beyond what's comfortable to a place where your entire life is founded on his word built by it on it and for it but here's the key keep your eyes fixed on Jesus the author and perfector of our faith even when everything around you is uncertain he remains the Solid Ground Beneath Your Feet hold tightly to his promises gather with fellow believers who lift you up and continue to praise God no matter the storm stay immersed in his word speak it believe it pray it as you do your faith will be
revitalized and empowered beloved if you're going through a season of testing right now don't lose heart this is part of the refining process God is using to shape you into a Chosen One fit for his service stay strong keep believing and you will emerge from this trial with a faith that cannot be shaken with our faith firmly grounded let's explore the next challenge on our spiritual journey number two the test of time and patience one of the biggest tests God puts us through is the test of time and patience why does the Lord allow these
drawn out delays to develop the essential virtue of patience within us you see after the fall in the Garden of Eden Humanity became conditioned to live life independent from God rather than fully dependent on him as originally designed the fall effect affected the very soul of man we became beings that can make decisions without consulting God our inherent nature became one of selfishness this is why God tests our ability to patiently wait on him before we act consider the story of Joseph he spent many years unjustly in prison until he finally learned the hard way
that his gifting didn't originate from himself but from God alone for God to Tru use us in these last days he will test if you can be patient enough to see his word come to pass in your life on his timing not your own he will test your ability to wait on him what God is trying to instill is the realization that you cannot operate in the purposes he has for you through your own strength resources or timetable he wants you to learn to fully depend on him and his perfect timing before God anoints you
or utilizes you for a significant purpose he often puts you through testing Seasons he may Grant you glimpses of your future Destiny such as healing others addressing large crowds or leading a global Enterprise however these Revelations don't instantly materialize instead God subjects you to the test of time to evaluate the authenticity of your faith and devotion take Abraham for example God promised to make make him the father of many nations yet it took 25 long years for that promise to be fulfilled when God makes you wait it's a Divine process with profound purposes he is
testing your patience to see if your heart's desires align with his will are you willing to wait for his timing instead of demanding instant fulfillment he's also examining if your devotion surpasses all other Ambitions you see if you are to be used mightily by God as part of his end times Army he must test your ability to depend fully on him not yourself Embrace these seasons of waiting as opportunities to grow in persevering patience the same quality that allowed Joseph to endure 13 grueling years and finally step into his prophetic Destiny as you wait Faithfully
never forget God is working behind the scenes and his timing is perfect even long- awaited prophecies can manifest suddenly because our God can compress a thousand days into one your prayers service and devotion during the wait are not in vain stay faithful for this test of patience equips you to be an Unstoppable force in God's last days Army before we move on to the next test if you're finding this video helpful please take a moment to subscribe to our Channel and give this video a like your support thought really helps us now let's continue our
journey and explore the next critical test number three rejection for righteousness in today's society where the pursuit of righteousness Holiness and morality often seems outdated the third test every Chosen One faces becomes critical despite shifting societal norms and values one truth remains unchanged God's demand for Holiness and righteousness from his followers our modern culture not only tolerates but often promotes activities like fornication masturbation and the consumption of pornography things that were once kept private but are now mainstream even appearing on our TV screens this widespread acceptance makes it a formidable test choosing to uphold God's
standards in a world that has largely abandoned them if if you find yourself blending in with the crowd in sinful behaviors it's time to re-evaluate your Readiness to be used by God in these crucial times the price of being chosen often includes rejection this test rejection for righteousness means you might be misunderstood sidelined or even opposed because of your commitment to God's standards living differently from the people of this age doesn't mean rejecting or ending in friendships but it does mean maintaining God's standards whether it's losing a job to uphold your faith or letting go
of a relationship that doesn't align with God's values the cost can be high what the world considers good and normal you must weigh against the scriptures if it doesn't uphold God's standards you have to let it go even if it means facing rejection by making these sacrifices you are being being transformed into a mighty person in the spirit upholding God's standards despite societal pressures shaping you into someone who can be mightily used by Him scripture is filled with examples of those who faced rejection due to their faithfulness Joseph was sold into slavery by his own
Brothers out of jealousy for his Divine Destiny the Prophet Jeremiah faced mockery and physical abuse for proclaiming God's truth and our savior Jesus was ultimately rejected and crucified by the very people he came to save if you face mockery persecution or rejection for your faith remember you are in Noble company Jesus told his disciples if the world hates you keep in mind that it hated me first John 15:18 living a life dedicated to God's kingdom sets you apart often leading to opposition from those who do not understand or accept your beliefs but take heart our
true home is in heaven we are merely ambassadors of Christ here tasked with representing his Kingdom's values like any Ambassador we cannot compromise the ethics of our homeland no matter the personal cost though rejection is painful it's often a clear indicator that you're walking the path God has set for you a path that leads to Eternal rewards and divine approval stand firm in your faith surround yourself with believers who uplift and support you through times of hardship remember the approval of God is infinitely more valuable than any acceptance the world could offer stay committed stay
strong and rejoice in knowing your reward in heaven is immense for enduring rejection for the sake of righteousness number four the Wilderness experience the fourth test the Wilderness experience is about growing through what you go through when you're all alone just as Jesus was led by the spirit Into the Wilderness to be tested and prepared for his ministry so too will God lead his chosen ones into metaphorical wildernesses these Wilderness experiences come in many forms it could be a period of physical or emotional isolation financial hardship the loss of a loved one one or any
other extremely difficult circumstance that strips you bare and leaves you feeling alone in the desert of life but make no mistake these times are not punishments from God rather they are profound preparation Seasons ordained by the father to shape you into a mighty vessel for his purposes it's in the wilderness where you are stripped of all the distractions Comforts and false Securities you may have subconsciously relied upon look at the example of Moses in the Bible it was in the wilderness of Midian tending sheep for 40 years that God prepared him to lead the Israelites
out of Egypt the Wilderness was a necessary training ground to Humble Moses and ready him for his Divine calling in this Barren place you are forced to confront your doubts insecurities and deepest fears you must contend with the battleground of your mind and find unwavering trust in God's ability to sustain and provide for you when the world cannot it's here that your character is refined your faith is strengthened and you learn to hear the still small voice of the Lord more clearly than ever before during this season God often allows a long period of waiting
These are times when he wants you to learn how he speaks and understand the culture of his kingdom think of it as a training ground where you discover your destiny it's in these moments that God refines your gifts and builds your character to reflect christlikeness so you can become a person who is complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work in these Seasons God May Place specific demands on you perhaps instructing you to practice certain disciplines daily such as praying every night reading a specific number of scripture chapters each day or even giving a certain
amount of money regularly these practices are crucial for your Spiritual Development the Wilderness is not easy but it is necessary for the journey ahead just as steel is forged and tempered by intense heat and pressure the difficulties of your Wilderness season are shaping you into an instrument for the Master's use sturdy resilient and Resolute in your purpose these Wilderness times are vital because they strip you of self-reliance and teach you to depend wholly on God it's a training period to build your spiritual muscles perseverance and unshakable Trust in the father's plan only those who have
been prepared in the wilderness can handle the great assignments and battles that lie ahead in these last days as we close today's powerful Journey Through the tests that refine and Define God's chosen ones I want to invite you to take a moment to reflect on the messages we've shared if this video has touched your heart and you feel it resonating with your spirit I have a few small requests that can make a big difference first if you haven't already please click the Subscribe button below the video by subscribing you ensure that you don't miss out
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it helps us tailor our content to better serve you thank you for being part of our community your presence and participation make all the difference together let's continue to grow in faith and walk the path that God has laid out for us God bless you and don't forget to keep pressing on
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