Scary Stories for a Rainy Night | Black Screen with Ambient Rain Sounds | Reddit Horror Stories

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Mr Revenant
A special thanks to Blair Daniels - reddit user u/BlairDaniels for letting me share some of their or...
Video Transcript:
hi everyone it was our weekly DND D session Greta Johnny Zach and I had been friends on campus but our jobs put us all over the country this D and D campaign meeting up every Saturday afternoon on a video call made us feel a little closer it was the highlight of my week but not this time because about 15 minutes in motion caught my eye behind Greta out on the sidewalk a man was walking by people walked by all the time her apartment Window faced a busy street but this man looked different he was wearing mostly black and walked with a strange limp as he made his way past her window and something almost looked familiar about him I clicked on Greta's image maximizing her video feed but he was too far away and resolution was too low to see his face and then he was gone weird Allison what did you roll my attention snapped back to the game uh sorry it's a three as Greta described an epic failure where my rog's bow malfunctioned and hit her Square in the face I aimlessly stared at Zach's video feed he looks good we dated for a few months way back when but things didn't work out maybe they could work out now but long distance it would be difficult besides I wasn't really ready for a relationship right now I was 6 months sober trying to get my life on track trying to forget the show that was senior year and then another flash of motion caught my eye behind Johnny Johnny was sitting at the local Starbucks loudly slurping a caramel macchiato through his straw behind him while walked to and fro a mother with a crying little girl two teenage boys shoving each other and laughing but that wasn't what caught my eye Beyond them in the parking lot was a tall man dressed in black huh I clicked on Johnny's feet and leaned into the screen again resolution was too L to make out his face but he seemed to be wearing the same bowler hat the same long black jacket has to be a coincidence Rea lived in downtown Oklahoma hundreds of miles away from Johnny it couldn't be the same guy there was no way rolled for damage Allison I grabbed the D20 off of my desk when I looked back at Johnny's screen the man was gone I shook my head just a coincidence and I sucked in a breath as the Dy clattered against the wood 18 I said looking back at at the screen nice Zach said sarcastically my eyes snapped to his screen he was sitting in his usual spot on The Moldy green couch in the living room for a second I imagined myself sitting next to him snuggled up against his shoulder his face was in Shadow now as sunlight streamed through the Gauzy curtains behind him but I could still make out his bright blue eyes the curtain NES of his rugged jaw maybe I should take my chances I know I had a lot of emotional baggage a lot of things to work on but maybe we could work on them together maybe I froze movement from behind the curtains a silhouette walking by a silhouette with a limp my blood ran cold no no no there's no way the shadow passed disappearing beyond the edge of the window guys I started my voice wavering did any of you see that that that guy with the baller hat and the limp Greta's eyebrows furrowed and then she said something that froze every muscle in my body you mean the guy that's standing right outside your window I whipped around then I ran over to the window I thought I saw a flash of movement a sweep of black but only for an instant or was it my imagination the grass rippled in the wind and the pine trees swayed but the sidewalk and the street were empty I I saw him in each of your videos I stuttered wearing all black right with a hat and the Long Jacket and uh I only saw him in your video Greta replied you're saying you saw that guy in our videos I know muted but the confused mutters from the other players told me they hadn't seen him only Greta had seen him walking by behind me I bit my lip my hands Frozen on the keyboard weird coincidence Zach said finally but a lot of people were black coats and a lot of bald guys wear hats but he was limping too glitch in The Matrix kind of thing then Zach replied shrugging I don't know can we resume playing though Greta started up again and I leaned back in my chair sighing I tried to forget about the man though and put all my focus on the game for almost an hour everything went fine and then I saw it at the very edge of Greta's screen just barely poking out from behind the window frame was the man all I could see was his sleeve half of one of his legs and a shiny black shoe how long has he been standing there Brea he's right outside your window I nearly shouted Bretta paused for a second then she got up went over to the window and peered out I don't see anyone she said finally sitting back down but the instant she sat back down he stepped out into frame he limed out into view onto the sidewalk I still couldn't see his face but I could tell that his head was turned as if he were looking into Greta's window he made his way down the sidewalk and disappeared and then stepped into Johnny's video his stride didn't even break it was like he just seamlessly walked from one video feed to the next he walked down the sidewalk outside the Starbucks his head still turned as if staring in at Johnny and then his shadow appeared behind the gsy curtains at Zachs he appeared to slow down like he was taking his time staring in at Zach through the translucent curtains his halting limping steps jerked his whole body as he made his way across then he walked out of view and I knew it was my turn I jumped out of my chair and ran to the window half of me expecting to see nothing just an empty Street and sidewalk but no no it wasn't empty in the darkening dusk I could see the Man Standing on the other side of the street ice hidden in the shadows beneath his bowler hat my blood turned to ice I stood there Frozen at the window we stared at each other for a few seconds and then he lifted his hand and curled his index finger beckoning me I backed away from the window my legs trembled beneath me there was no way this could even happen whoever that man was he wasn't real because there was no way he could instantly be in Oklahoma then Ohio then New York my legs hit the chair I turned around away from the window back to my friends except they weren't there each video feed was malfunctioning a jumble of pixelated shapes lagging and jumping and twisting together Greta Johnny Zach I shouted only a distorted series of clicks answered me I turned back to the window the man was closer now standing in the middle of the street I wrenched the window open hey get out of here I shouted trying to hide the fear in my voice I'm calling the cops I ran around the house making sure every door was locked then I went went up to my room and locked the door I hid myself in the blankets and began to Sock but I did not called the cops because I finally knew why he looked familiar senior year the party the four of us piling in the car my car I feel fine i' said waving off any concerns about driving drunk but I was drunk just not total blackout drunk like the other three I was the only one who'd seen the man walk out into the crosswalk The Tall Man dressed in black which camouflaged him in the night but I didn't see him soon enough The Brak screeched underneath me but it was too late a sickening thump the bowler hat went flying off into the darkness what what was that Greta slurred from the back seat as Zach puked and Johnny drifted in and out of sleep nothing I'd replied before gunning it and tearing out onto the highway I pulled the blankets titer around me and pray for him to leave but even now I can hear something above me coming from the attic Thump Thump Thump the footsteps of a limping man I'm not sure I'll survive the night I'm writing this so at least at least somebody knows what happened if I don't make it I am sorry it was 6:00 on a Friday and DrGruber was asking me to stay late the biomedical waste needs to be picked up tonight that stuff can't sit here all weekend with all do respect Drgrouper that's not my problem can you stay until they come pick it up oh no no we'll pay you overtime overtime and a half okay but if they're not here by 8 I'm leaving thank you so so much being in an OBGYN office was the last place I'd want to be on a weekend night well not the last place being in a tent in the Ozarks seing rain in the middle of bare country with no working toilets for Miles was worse like our 5-year anniversary trip but this office was probably the next worst thing waiting for The Biohazard disposal guys was even worse because now I was picturing all the stuff contained in those bags oh no it wasn't just needles and swabs we had a woman come in last week 6 days postpartum compl complaining of a golf ball-sized blood plot hanging out of her nether region her description was unfortunately extremely accurate so anyway me and the nasty stuff all alone in the office at least we had Wi-Fi I sat down at the front desk and pulled out my phone scrolled aimlessly through Tik Tok but only a few minutes had gone by when I heard a door slam from somewhere inside the office I stood up clutching my phone hello I scanned the hallway leading to the exam rooms all the doors were open lights on except for one huh maybe the medical waste guy is already here I'd gone to my car to get my phone charger about 10 minutes ago maybe he'd somehow come in when I was out I hadn't locked up the office yet maybe he let himself in I walked down the hallway and stood outside the door who's there I called silence I turned the knob and slowly slowly pushed the door open no one was there the bed was empty clean paper pulled down over the upholstery the fluorescent light flickered lazily overhead a few drops of water dripped from the tap I sighed turned the tap all the way up off and walked back over to the front desk I sat down in the chair and pulled up Tick Tock but a few minutes later I heard something else a little thumb barely audible coming from the waiting room my friend stood up and looked through the glass but the waiting room was empty everything was as it should be the fake Ficus in the corner the gross beige chair the splattery modern art hanging on the walls I sighed and C the number DrGruber had left me for the waste removal guys they assured me that they would be here within the hour which meant we'd still make our 8:00 reservation cool I'd expect this to turn into a multi-hour disaster but it seemed like people were being competent for once I headed to the bathroom to fix my makeup my husband and I had pled date night tonight we'd been emptying Esters for a month now with my youngest finally flying the coupe and moving up State don't get me wrong I love my kids to death but after 20 years of three boys trampling through the house I needed a break I leaned in Close to the Mirror and applied an extra layer of eyeliner then I texted Rob letting him know I might be a little late then I lifted the toilet lid to pee oh gross gross the toilet was filled with blood for Pete's sake people always talk about how men are disgusting but what not flushing the toilet after you pee all your time of the month the entire bathroom stank of metallic blood and something rotten my stomach lurched holding my breath I leaned over to flush the toilet and then I ran out of the bathroom as fast as I could gross I sat back down at the front desk eyes shut breathing in deep breaths of fresh air finally when the nausea subsided I opened my eyes I froze the waiting room was no longer empty there was a woman sitting in the far Corner facing away from me her long black hair cascading down the back of the seat her legs crossed neatly in front of her for some reason my heart began to pound I approached to the window and slid it open are you from Apex waist removal I asked no response we're closed I called out but if you want to make an appointment for next week I can help you do that the woman didn't turn around she didn't react in any way at all she just sat there perfectly still turned away from me chills ran down my spine the alarm Bells were going off in my head something isn't right I ducked away from the window over to the door between the waiting room and the office and blocked it I walked back over to the window I'm sorry Weir my breath caught in my throat no one was there I started to close the window and that's when I noticed the paper it was one of our patient intake forms the kind we gave to new patients asking about pre-existing conditions previous births and whatever else else but instead of being filled out there was just one word written in the space for the patient's name beware my throat went dry is that a threat beware of what I stood there tapping my hands on the counter then I pulled out my phone and called Rob hey uh can you come to my office I asked scanning the waiting room I guess he replied everything okay it's nothing I said forcing a laugh it was just this woman in the waiting room and she was kind of creeping me out a bit I don't really want to be here alone so I thought maybe you could stay here with me until the waste guys come uh sure he said I'll be there in 20 minutes I ended the call glanced at the door to make sure it was locked then went back to Tik to talk waiting for Rob after 5 minutes I decided to get up and stretch a bit as I did I did a final scan of the waiting room that's when I realized the woman had never left she was crouched behind the fake fikas dark hair falling over her face blending with the Shadows hands pressed to the floor and sort of Leap Frog Crouch still as a statue completely naked what the what the actual I ran I ran down the hallway back into the office towards the exam rooms raced into exam room 2 slammed the door shut and wedged the chair against it I cowered against the back wall and pulled out my phone she's still here I whispered when Rob picked up she's still here what are you okay I'm locked in the exam room but call the police there's something really wrong I think she my voice was cut off by a strange wet Splat sound coming from inside the room my phone fell out of my hand I turned towards the direction of the sound what the my mind went black as I stared at The Biohazard waistbag hanging on the wall it was moving something was moving inside the bag my stomach turned as I pictured a rat climbing inside attracted by the smell of blood and waste but it couldn't be because it looked like protuberances fingers stretching the plastic testing the strength of the bag as if trying to get out what the my phone rang on the floor I scrambled to pick it up the police are on their way okay Rob said his voice panicked just are you somewhere safe I'm I'm still locked in an exam room I whispered Thum the entire back shuddered with motion slapping against the wall behind it as if whatever was inside was now wildly thrashing a wave of nausea and I forced myself to look away turning towards the exam bed oh God the woman she was sitting on the bed turned away from me wearing nothing but a hospital gown blood trickled down her back matting her hair dripping onto the paper I backed away hitting the wall please I whispered please don't I didn't expect her to respond but she did first a low whisper three words open the bag please please don't open the bag I can't I responded open the bag her voice was guttural and low as if she were talking from vocal cords ripped in ravage half severed I let out a sob her head began to swivel towards me it was only attached to her neck by a thin strip of flashh open the bag she said again her cheek her ear now visible to me her head tilted horribly wrong on her neck threatening to slip off at any second I reached up with shaking hands towards the biohazard bag Rob was screaming for me from the phone on the floor but I couldn't move couldn't pick it up all I could do was grab the bag from the wall it was no longer moving and pull it open no among the used syringes the cotton swaps was a severed finger when i' stopped screaming the woman was gone the finger belonged to a young woman in her 20s named Erica Howard she was a patient of Drgruber's a patient who had been inappropriately touched during an exam who had threatened to go to the police he had murdered her 3 days ago he had placed her remains in various biomedical waste bins inside the office early this morning before anyone else had arrived hoping they would get disposed of with no one noticing that's why he was adamant they got disposed of on Friday and didn't sit there all weekend I'm glad Drgrouper is being brought to justice but I still can't scrub the image out of my head of the woman sitting on the exam bed her head lulling back towards me her guttural voice telling me to open the bag and the Bloody severed finger I changed my mind I don't want to be an empty nester anymore I don't want to be alone in the house when Rob has an errand to run or Works late I want to be surrounded by as many people as possible oh the time I never want to be alone again beep boop the computer screen flashed black as the interface came up now loading Michaela 1. 2 hello what can I help you with today my goal was to create an artificial intelligence chatbot that could answer any question known to man it would crawl Wikipedia and other informational websites and amass every bit of knowledge about Science History medicine then all the user had to do was ask the question sort of like Google but faster a few months of work on the project while in quarantine polished it up soon I was sitting down at the monitor flexing my fingers then I asked my first question why is the sky blue nichaela responded particles in the Earth's atmosphere scatter sunlight and blue light scatters more because of its short wavelength we call this ra scattering I then asked what's the meaning of life 42 Michaela responded I chuckled to myself I programmed that one in manually a reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and speaking of aliens I asked Michaela do aliens exist Michaela responded the from Paradox states that we are likely not alone in the universe yet we have no evidence for extraterrestrial life even now with advanced technology humans do not know that they are alone in the universe I stopped typing ReRe Michaela's response huh it should be humans do not know whether they are alone in the universe G another bug I'd have to go through the code with a fine tooth comb tomorrow I typed my next question what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow Michaela responded 24 mph my fingers hovered over the keyboard smirking remembering that scene from Monty Python with a bridgekeeper and then I decided to continue the theme I asked what is your quest Michaela responded a quest is a journey one embarks on to accomplish a goal what is your favorite color I asked Michaela responded red de I frowned she should have said computers don't have favorite colors but what's yours I'd spent an entire day programming her to recognize questions that involve you or your and to answer them that way like do you like chocolate and the response should be computers don't have an opinion on chocolate but do you like it kind of cheesy I guess maybe it was all the better that it hadn't worked I ask another question is strength theory true Michaela responded there is no solid evidence for the existence of string theory I asked another question do you believe in God computers don't have an opinion on God but do you like it Michaela responded what's the oldest hom inet I asked a female skeleton named Ry estimated 4. 4 million years old found in 2009 Michaela answered when will life on Earth die I asked 10,000 years from now Michaela replied I scratched my head she should have said 4 billion years from now when the sun enters its red giant phase my fingers paused above the keyboard and then I typed what eventually kills all life forms on Earth humans known by their species name Homo sapiens are an intelligent life form on planet Earth currently there are over 8 billion inhabiting the seven continents Michaela answered I squinted at the screen shook my head and went back to the keyboard are you saying humans kill all life on Earth but then she just spat out the exact same answer I cracked my Knuckles and then typed my next question a heavy dread forming in the pit of my gut why did you say red is your favorite color computers don't have favorite colors but what's yours nichaela responded I blew out the breath I didn't even realize I'd been holding in I then forced myself away from the computer and took a deep breath get a hold of yourself John so Michaela had given some slightly weird answers so what did I think this was going to turn into some science fiction movie where Michaela gr sentients that murders me in my sleep I respond my favorite color is blue Michaela responded blue is a nice color it's commonly associated with water ocean sapphires peace and calm I love to swim so I guess that makes sense do you like to swim I asked computers cannot swim Michaela responded I stretched in my seat yawning it was getting kind of late maybe I'd continue the testing tomorrow and I still needed to get the mail sighing I leaned into the computer screen and typed a final question I need to get the mail is it raining right now the weather report for our area says it's not currently raining but will begin raining at 10 p.
m. Michaela responded thank you I tyed you're welcome Michaela replied I slowly got up out of my seat and walked into the kitchen got myself a glass of water and downed it as I stared out into the backyard I could see little drizzly bits of rain falling in front of the back porch light damn it Michaela I thought with a laugh I guess you're not that smart after all I sat down the glass and walked back into the living room towards the front hall closet for an umbrella but then my eyes fell on the computer and I froze Michaela had sent me a new message even though I hadn't asked her anything just five words blaring bright on the screen do not get the mail I stopped in front of the computer I hadn't programmed Michaela to say things without being prompted and why would she say not to get the mail chills ran down my spine I glanced at the front door then I took my hoodie off and threw it back over the chair I turned off the computer and sat in the darkness my entire body tingling with fear do not get the mail where would she have even gotten that anyway I sat there and chewed my lip wandering it was less than a minute later that I heard it the Screech of tires skidding on a slick Road followed by a loud crash I ran over to the window outside a gray SUV was stopped in front of my house its headlights penetrating the darkness the frazzled driver was getting out of the car a horrified look on her face and there in the lawn where the crumpled remains of my mailbox my throat went dry I glanced back at the computer the dark screen Stood Still and Silent on the table as if watching me every night on my walk home from work I listen to True Crime podcasts even though my favorite podcast already released their episode for this week the absite there was a new one excited I hit play it was a small town the kind that still has Mom and Pop shops lining the street the kind where everyone knows your name but little did the residents know that they would soon be rocked by a horrible crime I stopped at a traffic light the red glowed in the darkness glinting off the wet Street a black SUV sosed by across from me Eerie blue refrigerator lights flowed from inside a Corner Deli the chairs all up on their tables feet in the air the signal turned to walk the podcast continued that chilly September evening was no different for the young student she'd left her shift at the local store and walked back home except she never made it home young student local store damn this was hitting close to home I was a part-time student at Franklin Community College and worked at the local convenience store and of course I was walking home I glanced behind me looking at the alleyway behind alesandro's Pizza which was dark except for the neon light spilling from the sign I continued to listen to the podcast her boyfriend reported her missing the next day the town conducted a volunteer lit search and after 2 days they found something dread formed in my stomach anticipating a body but what he said next was so so much worse washed up on the shore of Worthington Lake they found a pair of size 9 red Converse sneakers I stopped and looked down at my red Converse sneakers damp from the rain what the hell my heart began to pound the podcast carried on the shoes were sent to a forensic analyst who would compare its wear pattern to another pair of her shoes to try and determine if they belonged to the victim a rumbling sound made me jump I turned to see a dark SUV turning at the intersection didn't I see that car a few minutes ago maybe it's following me and the car passed me and disappeared into the darkness come on Sarah get a grip Converse are popular sneakers a little out of fashion but still nine is a common women's shoe size and what college student doesn't have some sort of a job what you think you're listening to some sort of Prophecy of your own death I thought to myself yeah right I tuned back into to the podcast after a few weeks the results came back the analyst was certain the shoes belonged to none other than Sarah Campo the blood drained from my face Sarah Campbell my name what the F how I didn't have time to think I forced myself to move I broke into a run the small shops turned into a colorful blur searching the lake came up empty without a body a crime is hard to solve but police didn't give up and finally a witness came forward someone had seen a car parked at the lake that night around 2: a. m.
a black SUV with dark Windows no no no what the hell is going on I whipped around the street was empty no people no cars no Witnesses said the little voice in the back of my mind one that's watched way too many True Crime shows my eyes scanned the shops all closed there were six black SUVs matching the witness's description in the Franklin area but one of them in particular caught detective Nolan's eye it belonged to John Kelly a registered sex offender I then heard a car the sound was so soft I almost didn't hear it over the voice of the podcast I whipped around and there it was two blaring white headlights behind me coming from a black SUV I forced my legs to pump faster the car didn't speed up it crawled along slow slowly taking its time like the driver knew he could catch me no matter what I glanced back trying to make him out behind the darkened windshield but the headlights were too bright to see anything Kelly wasn't just a registered sex offender he'd been convicted of assaulting a woman he worked with who had multiple piercings and short dark hair just like Sarah the car crawled down the road stalking me like a lioness stalking her prey I feared left onto our dark residential street just a few more steps headlights flashed across me Illuminating my running shadow on the pavement I didn't look back I just ran as fast as I possibly could the little brown house with the yellow shutters came into view I sprinted across the grass grabbing my keys from my pocket cck I threw the door open and slammed it shut behind me then I turned the dead bolt collapsed against the door and began crying I heard the rush of the car passing our house continuing down the road but I wasn't safe Gabe wasn't home yet I was alone in a dark house with someone driving down the street who knew exactly where I lived still sobbing I checked all the locks then I called Gabe who reassured me he was 5 minutes away I made my way down the dark hallway and headed into the bathroom then I set my phone on the counter grabbed a clump of tissues and began to blow my nose click I jumped whipped around but it wasn't coming from outside the door my phone screen lit up the podcast was still playing I must have hid it when I put the phone down it had skipped several minutes forward according to the play indicator what do you think happened to Sarah the baritone voice asked I reached for it to turn it off well she'd told me she wanted to run away before I stopped dead it was gab's voice clear as day coming from the speakers she did why the voice asked she wasn't happy with her grades her job her parents she told me sometimes she'd dream of just moving to some random state and leaving it all behind I froze staring at the mirror I never said that never Gabe was lying I mean that was hurtful to me as her boyfriend you know I thought we were going to get married someday but apparently she didn't feel the same way my heart pounded in my ears so you think she just skipped town and is happily living her life out somewhere else rather than being abducted or murdered there was a pause yes that's exactly what I think that's all for now thank you to our listeners the outro played I stared at my reflection everything coming down all at once my mind trying to race and catch up with what it meant the front door creaked open footsteps sounded outside Sarah I'm back I backed away from the door Sarah gab called out my eyes fell onto the floor I ran over to it turned the lock push I popped the screen out then I swung a leg over pulled myself through the window and ran as fast as I could back when I was 12 I went to a private school so I needed to take a long walk to my apartment since the school was a bit far from the city center this was in zagre Croatia so I had a lot of public transportation options to get home my usual routine was to get on the bus at the station in front of my school all the way down to the Main Street then take the to a public park and walk home the rest of the way our school had a double timetable where one week we went to school in the morning and the other week we had classes in the afternoon this happened during one of my afternoon weeks I was walking out with a few classmates since we all got on the same bus to the Main Street the rest of my classmates were picked up by their parents when we got onto the bus there were a few empty seats so I took a seat in front of a balding middle-aged man who was wearing slightly dirty clothes that was my mistake as soon as I sat down he started staring at me like staring with a cold look in his eyes feeling uncomfortable I took a book out of my bag and started reading I would have used my phone if I could but it was dead since I forgot to charge it before I left the house that day the guy did not stop staring at me the whole bus ride to the point where I couldn't even concentrate on my book but I refused to put it down because I was scared I would have mentioned something to my classmates but we were all spread out on the bus and I was too scared to move I don't know why but I didn't want him to see that I was scared thinking that maybe that would deter him or maybe I thought he was just staring at me for some stupid reason when we finally got to our stop my classmates and I all got off and some of us headed to the tram station while the others walked away to their houses the guy who was staring at me also got off with us and he started tailing us while keeping a fair distance I told one of my friends about this but urged him not to look back thinking ignoring him would be the best option when we got to the station different people got on different trams since each of them had a different route I needed to take tram number two and so did my friend we waited for it to arrive and the guy was somewhere to our right but we refused to look at him when our tra arrived my friend and I got on but so did the creepy guy when I arrived at my stop I tried to quietly discuss with my friend if getting off with me just in case was a good idea but then we saw the guy get off first and start heading into the park opposite of where I needed to go he probably overheard us talking since there were barely any people on the tram at that time it was around 9:00 p. m.
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