We’re Living In An Idiocracy..

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Asmongold TV
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Video Transcript:
hi guys it's me again today we're going to talk about something that everybody has experienced at least secondhand and some people unknowingly have also experienced this firsthand as well and that is going to be the decline of critical thought this is something that I've been observing over the past 15 or 20 years or so and I think that it's definitely started gaining momentum recently and I wanted to explain and kind of talk about and bore why is that really happening and this is a very popular Topic in conversation and pop culture there are things like
idiocracy there's the age-old question that people seem to be asking more often recently which distilled down is something like why are people so [ __ ] [ __ ] nowadays and today we're going to answer that question and I actually think that there's a number of reasons for this that make a lot of sense and the first thing you have to understand is that you have to understand that people need identity and that identity used to be tied to a religion which by the way required you to do the exact same thing that secular ideology
requires you to do as well but the religion was a little bit more creative about it and let's be honest a burning bush is a little bit more exciting than climate change isn't it but I can show you guys how there's definitely a correlation there and so anyway this begins as a kid and I think that nowadays kids I mean I feel bad for a kid nowadays they're growing up they're 2 and three years old they're getting addicted to Coco melon then they get older they've got Mr Beast selling them you know chocolate when there's
like oh well this is supposed to be healthy and it's not they get a little bit older they start you know they turn eight years old they can finally write their name and then by the time they turn 10 they learn about Galaxy gas then they forget their name again and so you think about it as a kid nowadays and uh you're really getting spawn camped pretty hard but anyway here's another component to it that's very interesting critical thought and I think thinking as a concept and you can think about this with IQ tests with
IQ tests this you know as with any conversation of nature versus nurture it's often a lot of times some from column A some column B it's a little bit of both you can actually train yourself to become better at IQ tests to an extent and I think that also what's happened is that people have trained themselves to uh not critically think and I think that what's happened is that if you have you know your brain and you're thinking about things and you're trying to solve things out and reason them out you train your brain it's
like a muscle just like any other thing and you're if you don't use it you lose it um if you use your brain you're able to use your brain more and if you don't use your brain you're not able to use your brain quite as much and I think this is happened a lot where people are effectively mentally AFK and I think that they go AFK quite early on now and in life because back whenever we were kids and by we I mean all the other Boomers that remember 3,000 years ago in 1990 and uh
we were a kids and we would be told you won't have a calculator in your pocket by the way Miss Williams you're [ __ ] wrong dumb [ __ ] I knew that she was Dumb and I was right but anyway that's not the point uh the point is that we all learned how to do addition we all learned how to do multiple cas we learned how to divide fractions and learning math is learning logic and learning logic is learning how to critically think and now that there are so many tools calculators things that you
can take a picture of it and it just automatically solves the equation on your math test there are all these tools that people have for them nowadays that effectively take take different instances of critical thought that a person would have to do and now that critical thought no longer has to occur you no longer have to think about this yourself because the app does it for you you have computers now and it's weird because you know you're having like this weird like uh you know historical bell curve where Boomers actual Boomers uh don't know how
to use a computer and then people that are around I'd say like 40 to like maybe 25 or so definitely probably know how to use a computer and what we're seeing now this is really scary is young young people are now again learning how not to use computers this is by the way another thing that idiocracy predicted and uh that there would be a bunch of you know like wow these machines how do they work nobody knows well anyway nowadays kids because these computers are so welld designed They Don't Really break as often as uh
you know Windows 98 used to or Windows XP used to and you don't have to go into CMD to release and uh you know renew your IP address every single time you get a new router it just does that for its own it does that on its own it does that for itself and because of that people never really learn how to use computers they don't really understand how the computer works and I think that the problem with that and and and I I actually and here's what's really crazy about that is that I bet
people that are 30 years older than me 40 years older than me would be saying this exact same thing about us with cars because now every car you don't have to open your hood to figure out the way that it works all you have to do is plug it into a little USB thing or a connector at AutoZone it gives you an error code and then you take it to the mechanic and the mechanic fixes it based off of the error code much better system however people know a lot less about cars and I think
the same thing is happening with computers now because computers are becoming much more defined tighter more enclosed systems that don't require as much critical thought to reason out problems with them because they're just better at solving the problems themselves or in some cases you just get a new computer it's called planned obsolescence very cute and so anyway I think this is happening also with math and every other form of critical thought is being outsourced to some sort of machine to some for sort of AI to some sort of thing that is external from yourself so
now the individual the kid doesn't have to actually think about how to solve what is multiplication what is a fraction what is division Etc right what is algebra they don't have to understand the logical uh implications of algebra because they have a computer that will do that for them and I think the problem with that is that once you abstract so many Avenues of critical thought you at a certain point abstract critical thought itself and the worst part about this is that it doesn't end in school I think this has happened all across the entire
culture and every single group of people and this is going to ruffle a few feathers here and that's why I'm doing it but there are a lot of things that in my opinion if you evaluate these things critically you can easily see how they don't really make a lot of sense and how there is a common conclusion that any normal reasonable person would come to uh I'll give you two examples and we can maybe do two more examples uh the first example is going to be the really easy one this is the one that a
lot of people can probably agree on have you ever seen the graphs or like the charts this is for the America people here that shows how many areas are red versus how many areas are blue and they show oh well look how many more red areas for Republicans versus Democrats why is it that you know the races are so close well it's because a mountain doesn't really have a lot of people living on it as much as the same way a city does for example and so it's basically people that are willfully misunderstanding data but
the problem here is that I think that we've had such a long time period of willful misunderstanding that people have stopped acting and here's another one climate change this is a really big one now the big concept with climate change is not whether or not it's happening it's whether people are causing it or not let's use a little bit of logic here if you light a cigarette in a room the room will smell like a cigarette if you light a bunch of cigarettes in a house the house will smell like cigarettes if you have a
lot of pollution in the city the city will have a lot of pollution in it and it will be unsafe to breathe in there are a lot of places I think there's a few places like that that used to be like that in China for example so in a theore medical world it would be very logical that if you caused enough pollution that you could negatively affect the Earth in a bad way this is somehow a bridge too far for many people and many people are unwilling to even come to the conversation of thinking about
whether this is happening or not and I think the reason why is because that type of critical thought puts them at odds with the ideology that they subscribe to and this is something that again religion we used to Outsource this over to religion but because people don't believe in that as much anymore now we've decided to invent our own new forms of [ __ ] that as I said before are much less exciting than Jonah living in a fish just to be honest and so here's another one transgenders oh this one's going to get people
obviously a transgender you know male to female is going to have a biological advantage against a biological female all other things considered equal any reasonable person knows this and you can easily see this too that there are very few biological females males that then go on to compete in sports at a professional or very high level I'm sure it's happened once or twice but I don't think exceptions prove rules so the point is that all of these things are extrapolations of scientific reasoning and logical reasoning that based off of which side of a different political
Spectrum you're on you are not allowed to have these opinions you are not allowed to think for yourself and I think that's really what I'm getting at here is that you are no longer allowed to think for yourself because thinking for yourself eventually takes you off of the uh you know off of the reservation or off of the range that you are supposed to be living in you never want to think for yourself because you could accidentally make a mistake you could think too far you could you could commit a wrong think and when somebody
does this they get completely excommunicated I think a great example of this is JK Rowling JK Rowling said obviously the female experience is something that only biological females can experience in this unique way now it doesn't mean trans women can't be women it doesn't mean they shouldn't be treated like women but the experience that trans women have is different than the experience that a biological woman has this is a completely logical thing I think that probably 90% of people think this but people have to live with their mind in a cage and pretend like they
don't and what I think happens is that as soon as a person sees what happened to let's say JK Rowling where she gets completely excommunicated by her group of people right because she used to be a very like liberal person Etc she got totally excommunicated everybody hates her now and she also by the way got way more radicalized to the other side so it does have a negative effect too but most importantly the point that I'm making here is the fact that when you think for yourself when you let your own experiences dictate the way
that you see the world you often times come into a direct contradiction with the ideologies that you are part of and people don't like to think people don't like nuance and I think this has always been true right I mean you you know we had Salem witch trials they burnt Joan of Arc Galileo was suppressed I mean we've always done this but what's interesting nowadays is that it's done for a secular reason and it's the interesting uh you know uh circumstantial application of critical thinking when it's something that you've already agreed with the conclusion on
and I think that's what's really happened and so you have people that are growing up in school and they ask questions they you know like cuz you know a kid thinks like hm like why is this this way and oh wait a minute you can't ask that you can't ask these you can't think about it like this because this is the wrong way to think about it and so now you're stepping outside of that box that you're supposed to stay in and I think this also dovetails very well into the way that Cults work now
a lot of Cults there is a turning point right whether you when you're going from you know the under level to the upper level of the cult and this is the point where you are now given the Arcane esoteric teachings of whatever madman decided to invent this cult but before you do that you have to do some form of initiation that oftentimes requires you to forego your own logic forego your own thinking disregard reality and accept their version of reality as your reality and the reason for that is it's a degree of commitment how committed
to you are you to are you to this cause in order for you to fully be part of our in group and I think that now people are performing that that initiation ritual at a mass level they're they are basically performing the initiation ritual themselves for society to see oh wait a minute this person is actually part of our team and it becomes more important that you are following the uh the line of thinking the like you know the group of people that you think are or that that you're part of it's more important that
you follow their line of thinking than you follow your own line of thinking and I think that that's what's really led to the decline of critical thought and so you have machines nowadays that think for you so you're not exercising that critical thought you don't need to troubleshoot anymore because the machine does that for you and then you also have Society that's actively trying to suppress every form of critical thought that you can possibly [ __ ] have like there are a lot of things that many people can always agree on but because of political
spin it turns into being a controversial issue I think things like lobbying or something like that like Jerry mandering Etc but people contort themselves into doing gymnastics to justify them because these things are what is preferential or advantageous for their side and I think that the more that you do that the more that you practice not thinking for yourself you practice not actually applying your own thought not trying to evaluate Things based off of your own experiences and the worst of all is the fact that you're not it's not that you're not thinking it's that
you're letting somebody else do the thinking for you and I think that's what people want by the way I think that there is a primal human desire to take all of your existential problems and then give them to somebody else and then they're going to tell you all the answers you don't have to think about this [ __ ] anymore because that's really complicated and it's much easier just to watch football or play video games so the fact is that that's why I think that we're losing a l lot of critical thought we don't have
to use our brains anymore and the times that we do are usually a mistake and I think this is going to keep getting worse by the way it's going to keep getting worse and worse and worse until it reaches a fever pitch where it's just a inre unrecognizable reality and people have to turn around but I think that again uh being able to it's almost like uh it's kind of like it it's I would say it's like virtue signaling but it's like [ __ ] signaling in a way where you're now now you're going out
and you're saying these things and it's like okay this is the person who's saying that you know I don't want to give like a big list because it's going to trigger a lot of people in chat but you know you're going into the NPC programming of certain people and you're saying the thing that you're supposed to say and then once you do that now you're part of the club now you can be accepted because you have decided to forego your own reality forego your own critical thinking and instead ad opt the critical thinking and the
reality of the group and I think that that's why we don't have people that think for themselves it's because they're afraid to they're afraid to think to themselves because if they do and they think they think too hard or they think too much in One Direction they could end up ruining their entire life and you see this happen you see this happen with someone like JK Rowling not like she's ruined her whole life but it's just a person who is asking a question who is trying to express their worldview and they're completely hated by everybody
and I think that there are many such cases and I'm curious guys in chat has there ever been an opinion that you think is just absolute common [ __ ] sense and then if you mention this opinion or you say this opinion uh everybody hates you for it and I think that the more of those that we discuss and we talk about the more that we can get back to actually thinking as a form of coming to a conclusion rather than as a form of reverse engineering a conclusion so so it's like instead of making
up your mind on what's true and then trying to logically justify it you should look at logic and try to you know inductively decide what is actually the truth and I would love to see things go back to that but I think the first thing that you have to do is you have to acknowledge the things that are not that and I think that we have so many of those nowadays in our society and again people are afraid to step outside of that box because you can ruin your life for doing so and you see
many such examples on social media and the news and I think that kids again are just getting farmed because they never have to critically think because machines do everything for them and I think that's exactly what's happening and things are just going to keep getting worse until number one people can acknowledge it's a problem and number two it legitimately becomes a problem and I think you're probably going to see that in workplace productivity going down maybe in the next 20 years or so but by then we'll have everybody replaced by robots so maybe it won't
even matter either way guys that's what I think so I'd be curious to hear what is your example of something that is so critically obvious but people try desperately to deny that it isn't true and I've given some of my examples some people might disagree with them that's totally okay but um you know I think that many people have very similar examples and I think that that is the real reason and again the lack of meaning and the lack of trying to identify with a group or or the lack of having a group to identify
with is the reason people are willing to give up their critical thought and just immediately be part of that group instead because it's a lot more convenient and it's a lot safer to do that and so anyway guys I like making these videos uh let me know if you want to see more videos like this um I I feel like these topics are sometimes a little bit heavier so I try to be funny with them as much as I can but overall uh I really appreciate you guys watching them a lot of people were really
positive about the last one so uh if people like them I'll keep making them and if they don't like them uh if I still feel like it I'll make him anyway so thanks a lot for watching guys I really appreciate it and I'll see you in the next one peace
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