Become addicted to these 8 habits

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In this video, here are 8 addictive habits to implement in your daily routine that will gradually im...
Video Transcript:
becoming addicted to these eight habits will make you unrecognizable both physically and mentally what are these eight habits one wake up at 5:00 a.m. waking up early means you are already ahead of everyone else waking up early gives you more time to work out plan your day work on your business and be more productive it's a huge Life Hack and gives you more time to achieve your goals two write down your thoughts before bed writing before bed will improve your quality of sleep here is what you can write down your goals for tomorrow what you
are grateful for and any negative thoughts this will improve your mental health drastically three learn an online skill 30 minutes a day with inflation rising and taxes Rising an online skill will serve you financially here are a few skills I recommend coding YouTube copyright writing digital marketing and content creation you can earn 50 to $250 per hour four spend 1 hour a day exercising to have a good mental health you have to also have good physical health exercises that have best results are running swimming and lifting weights this will strengthen and turn your body Fast
Five sit in silence 10 minutes a day your mind is resing with thousands of thoughts every minute take 10 minutes to sit in silence practice mindfulness give your mind a break and be present in the moment this is an underrated habit for your mental health six create a proper sleep schedule sleep is essential for your performance mental health reducing stress and improving your mood do this for deep and quality sleep no screen time 2 hours before bed no eat eating 2 hours before bed make your room cooler and use blackout curtains seven take a 30-minute
walk in nature nature is proven to help you get rid of anxiety increase happiness and improve your mood it's one of the best HS for improving your day eight read 20 Pages a day reading will strengthen your mind and also increase your focus increase your knowledge and increase your self-confidence just 20 Pages a day will give you a huge return in life bear in mind that these habits are built through repetitive actions so significant results will be noticeable once you start to do and Implement these eight habits in your daily routine or make efforts to
do them at least three times a week
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