They Thought Their Abuse Would Never Have Consequences

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Dark Force
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listen closely kid I don't speak just to hear my own voice so every word every syllable burn it into your soul you're standing there like some shattered mirror all the pieces of you scattered on the floor and why because they thought they could break you bend you twist you into something unrecognizable and leave you to rot you see they don't just hurt you for fun oh no that' be too honest they convince themselves they're doing you a favor teaching you a lesson they wrap their abuse in pretty little lies like it's for your own good
or you'll thank me one day but deep down they know the truth they're cowards they project their own fears failures and insecurities on to you because facing their own reflection that's a nightmare they don't have the guts for and you you stood there didn't you took it all like a sponge every insult every slap Every Soul crushing manipulation you let their words dig trenches into your mind you let their hands carve scars into your body why because somewhere in that heart of yours you thought if you endured enough they'd stop they'd see your pain feel
a flicker of guilt and maybe just maybe change but let me tell you something about people like that they don't stop they won't stop not until they've bled you dry turned you into a hollow shell of who you were meant to be and even then they'll find a way to blame you for your own ruin that's the game they play blame the victim justify the abuse and walk away clean here's the truth no one wants to admit there are no Heroes coming to save you no Cavalry riding in to rescue you from the depths the
world doesn't give a damn about your suffering it never has and if you sit around waiting for someone to pick up your p pieces you'll stay broken forever but here's where it gets interesting here's where you come in you're not just some victim in their Twisted little play You're the Wild Card the unknown the variable they didn't account for they thought they knew you thought they could predict your every move but what happens when the punching bag grows a spine when the abused becomes the Avenger Oh They'll Panic they'll deny everything play the victim themselves
it wasn't that bad they'll say you're overreacting but you you don't owe them your silence you don't owe them your forgiveness and you sure as hell don't owe them your fear here's the deal pain is a funny thing it can destroy you sure leave you gasping for air wishing for an end to it all but it can also Forge you shape you into something unbreakable pain is power when you learn to wield it and I see it in you that spark that potential you've been through hell and you're still standing maybe not tall maybe not
proud but you're here and that means you've already beaten the odds so what's next huh you're going to let their words keep echoing in your head let their actions Define your story or are you going to take all that anger all that hurt and turn it into fuel because that's what they don't want they don't want you to rise they don't want you to succeed because your success that's their failure your happiness that's their defeat I know what you're thinking it's not that easy Joker you don't understand oh but I do you think I came
out of the womb with this painted grin no kid I've been there lost broken betrayed by the very people who were supposed to protect me I've tasted the bitterness of Despair the suffocating weight of hopelessness and you know what I learned the world doesn't care about fairness life doesn't play by the rules but here's the kicker once you stop expecting fairness once you stop waiting for life to hand you a break that's when you become dangerous that's when you take the rules rip them to shreds and write your own that's when you stop being a
victim and start being a force of nature they thought their abuse would never have consequences they thought you'd stay quiet stay small stay afraid prove them wrong show them that every word every strike Every Act of Cruelty they didn't break you they built you into something stronger something fiercer something they'll regret ever underestimating so get up pick up those pieces and make them into a weapon let your scars be your armor your pain your battlecry and the next time they look at you let them see the reflection of their own monstrosity staring back back because
you you're not just surviving you're evolving and they they'll never see it coming oh they'll try to silence you that's their goto move when their grip starts to slip they'll throw guilt at you like chains saying things like family or you're overreacting they'll rewrite history in their favor twisting The Narrative so they're the victims and you're the villain that's what abusers do they manipulate but let me make one thing clear just because they fooled others doesn't mean they've won truth doesn't care about who believes it truth is a blade and it cuts clean through lies
when you wield it right you're not who they said you were do you hear me you're not weak you're not broken Beyond repair you're not destined to be stuck in their shadow they painted you with their Darkness because they couldn't handle your light they fed you lies so you'd never dare see your worth but look at me look at me your worth isn't up for negotiation it's not tied to their approval or their acceptance it's yours and they can't take it unless you hand it to them now now let's talk about the fear yeah I
see it in your eyes you're afraid of them of yourself of what happens next but let me tell you something about fear it's a parasite it feeds off your doubt your hesitation it grows when you shrink and the only way to kill it is to face it head on you've been running from their Shadows for so long you've forgotten that you cast your own they thought they broke you but they didn't they only taught you how to endure and enduring that's the first step to conquering pain is the greatest teacher but it's also a liar
it Whispers that you're alone that no one understands that there's no way out but here's the secret pain doesn't get the last word you do so what's it going to be are you going to keep carrying their chains dragging their weight like some prisoner of their crimes or are are you going to drop it because the second you do the second you say enough you'll see the truth You Were Never Bound they only convinced you to believe you were oh they'll notice the change trust me the moment you stop playing their game they'll Panic they'll
Lash shout trying to pull you back into their cycle they'll say you've changed like it's an insult like staying the same under their abuse was ever an option and you'll laugh not because it's funny but because you'll finally see how pathetic their power really was it was never about strength it was always about control and once you reclaim that once you decide to stop living by their rules they lose everything but here's the thing Revenge it's tempting oh so tempting you want them to feel what you felt to suffer as you've suffered and maybe they
deserve it hell they probably do but but vengeance is a cage too it traps you in their orbit keeps you Tethered to their poison and you you're meant for more than that you don't get even with people like them you outgrow them you rise so far above their reach that their words their actions they become nothing more than distant echoes let your success be your revenge let your happiness be the Justice they never saw coming because nothing nothing terrifies abusers more than the realization that they didn't destroy you that you're thriving despite them that you're
free and freedom kid isn't just walking away away from them it's walking toward yourself it's realizing that the person they tried to suppress the person they tried to erase that person is still there waiting for you to come back it's not easy oh no it's a war a battle you fight every day but let me tell you something every scar every tear every sleeplessness night it's worth it when you stand tall and see yourself for who you truly are they thought their abuse would never have consequences they thought they'd walk away unscathed that you'd carry
the burden for both of you but life has a funny way of evening the scales you don't need to lift a finger to punish them their own guilt their own emptiness that'll do the job just fine people like them always burn themselves out in the end but you you're not firewood for their Flames anymore so take that pain that anger that hurt and build something out of it build a version of yourself that doesn't just survive but thrives build a life so full so unapologetically yours that their memory becomes nothing but a footnote in your
story and when they look back when they see what you've become they'll realize the truth they didn't win they never stood a chance now go not because I said so not because you owe it to anyone else but because you owe it to yourself you've carried their weight long enough it's time to carry Your Own Strength instead you're still here good that means you're listening that means some part of you still believes there's more to your story than what they've written for you and that's where the power is kid in belief not in some fairy
tale crap not in Wishing things were different but in the Raw unshakeable belief that you're not done yet that no matter how deep they've buried you you can claw your way out and let me tell you something about digging yourself out of that pit they left you in it's not pretty it's not heroic it's messy brutal and exhausting you'll get dirt under your nails blood on your hands and tears in your eyes you'll want to stop you'll want to give up because every step forward feels like dragging a mountain behind you but that's when you
push harder that's when you show them and yourself that they they underestimated the wrong person do you know what's funny about pain it sharpens you it makes you see the world for what it really is no Illusions no sugar coating and once you see the world for what it is you see people for who they are the ones who hurt you they're weak they wear their power like a mask trying to hide the fragile broken things underneath that's why they hurt others because they think it'll make them feel whole but you you've seen behind the
mask you've seen the truth and now you know what they fear the most exposure they fear the day you wake up and realize they were never Giants only Shadows cast by your own doubt they fear the moment you stop seeing yourself through their eyes and start seeing yourself as you really are cuz when you do their power crumbles and without power they're nothing but let me ask you this what happens next what do you do with all that Clarity all that that anger all that truth because Clarity without action is nothing but wasted potential anger
without direction is just chaos and truth without purpose it's a weapon left to rust so what's your purpose kid what are you going to do with everything you've learned everything you've endured you have a choice now you can let their abuse Define you let their words echo in your mind until they drown out your own voice or you can take every insult every strike every ounce of pain they handed you and Forge it into something unbreakable you can turn their cruelty into your strength their hate into your fuel their betrayal into your freedom and don't
you dare tell me it's too late don't give me that crap about being too damaged too lost too far gone you're here aren't you breathing standing listening that means there's fight left in you that means there's still a chance to change the ending of this story but here's the thing about change it doesn't come cheap it demands everything you've got and then some it asks you to face your demons confront your fears and challenge every lie they've ever told you about yourself it's not about proving them wrong it's about proving yourself right it's about becoming
the person you were meant to be before they tried to break you and let me tell you something about becoming that person it's going to piss them off Oh They'll hate it they'll hate seeing you succeed seeing you happy seeing you free because your freedom that's their failure your joy that's their regret and your strength that's their nightmare so let them hate let them regret let them drown in the mess they created you don't need their approval their apology or their acceptance you don't need anything from them anymore everything you need is already inside you
waiting for you to unleash it you've got scars sure but scars aren't weaknesses they're proof you survived they're reminders of battles fought and Lessons Learned wear them like armor not chains let them remind you of where you've been not hold you back from where you're going and where you're going that's up to you now not them not their lies not their abuse you it's your life your story your ending so write it in Blood and fire if you have to but make damn sure sure it's yours because they thought their abuse would never have consequences
they thought you'd stay broken stay quiet stay small but here you are standing on the edge of everything they feared and when you take that step when you finally claim your power they'll realize the truth you were never their victim you were their Reckoning they'll never admit it of course people like that they'd rather choke on their pride than face the damage they've done they'll rewrite the narrative paint themselves as the martyrs and you as the villain we did the best we could they'll say you were too sensitive they'll add with a smug little shrug
but you and I both know the truth don't we they didn't just fail you they tried to destroy you and now standing in the ruins of their attempts you're still here think about that for a second after everything they did all the times they tried to crush your spirit you're still breathing do you understand what that means it means they lost it means their abuse their lies their cruelty it wasn't enough to end you they thought they could erase you reduce you to nothing more than a shadow of your potential but Shadows oh Shadows grow
longer in the dark and now it's your turn to cast one over them here's the irony kid they're the fragile ones not you you survived everything they threw threw at you every insult every blow every manipulation they hit you with all they had and you endured you grew you learned and now you're standing at the crossroads of your life ready to decide what comes next meanwhile they're stuck in their own miserable Loop too blind to see the prison they've built for themselves do you think they're happy people like them can't be happiness requires honesty honesty
with yourself and with others and they've spent their lives running from the truth they hurt you because it was easier than facing their own failures they abused used you because controlling someone else made them feel less powerless but deep down they're empty Hollow no amount of pain they inflict can fill that void and you you're the proof of their failure every step you take every moment you live on your own terms is a reminder that they couldn't break you and that terrifies them they'll never say it out loud but they're scared of you scared of
your strength your resilience your potential scared of the person you're becoming the person they tried so hard to bury so what do you do with that fear do you let it fuel your anger your need for revenge or do you let it Propel you towards something greater because trust me vengeance is a shallow Victory it feels good in the moment oh it feels damn good but it won't fill the hole they left inside you only you can do that you fill it by choosing Yourself by building a life so rich so full so unapologetically yours
that their memory Fades into irrelevance you fill it by surrounding yourself with people who see your worth who celebrate your strength who don't need to tear you down to feel tall you fill it by becoming everything they said you couldn't be but here's the hard part the part no one likes to talk about about healing doesn't mean forgetting you'll carry those scars forever some days they'll sting some nights they'll throb like Old Wounds in cold weather and that's okay scars don't mean you're weak they mean you fought and survived they're part of your story but
they're not the whole story the whole story that's up to you now you get to write it every word every chapter and let me tell you something about Stories the best ones are born from Pain the greatest heroes are forged in fire you've been through hell kid and you came out alive that makes you dangerous that makes you Unstoppable so don't let them Define you don't let their abuse their lies their small pathetic view of the world dictate who you are or who you can become you're more than their victim you're more than their mistakes
you're a force of nature a storm they never never saw coming and when you finally rise when you take everything they threw at you and turn it into something beautiful something powerful they'll be left with nothing just the emptiness of their own choices the weight of their own regrets they thought their abuse would never have consequences they thought you'd be their scapegoat for ever but now standing here you've made one thing crystal clear you're not their victim you're their Reckoning Reckoning huh that word it's heavy isn't it it's not just about getting even or making
them feel what they made you feel no a reckoning is deeper than that it's about balance it's about truth catching up to lies about consequences finally meeting actions and you my friend are the walking breathing embodiment of that Reckoning they thought they had you pegged they thought you'd spend your whole life crawling in the dirt they buried you in but the funny thing about people like them they forget one crucial detail the dirt they used to bury you was the same soil you needed to grow every insult every betrayal every ounce of pain they weren't
just tools of Destruction they were the seeds of your transformation and transformation that's where the real power is not in getting revenge not in proving them wrong but in proving yourself right in becoming the person you were meant to be all along a person they can't touch can't control can't Define they tried to write your story for you but the pen was always in your hand you just didn't know it yet now you do do now you see the truth you see them for what they are fragile fearful and Hollow and you see yourself for
what you are strong resilient and Unstoppable they thought their abuse would break you but all it did was sharpen you they thought their lies would Define you but all they did was push you closer to the truth but here's the catch knowing the truth isn't enough truth without action it's just another burden to carry you have to live that truth you have to own it embody it let it guide every step you take and that that's the hardest part because living your truth means leaving behind the lies it means walking away from the comfort of
their chains the familiarity of their control it means stepping into the unknown into a world where you have to decide who you are and what you stand for it's terrifying isn't it the idea of being free the idea of not just surviving but thriving because for so long they convinced you that survival was all you deserved they made you believe that freedom was dangerous that Independence was selfish that happiness was a luxury you couldn't afford but let me tell you something every single one of those beliefs is a lie and you you're done living their
lies Freedom isn't dangerous it's necessary Independence isn't selfish it's empowering and happiness happiness isn't a luxury it's your Birthright it's the one thing they could never truly take from you no matter how hard they tried and now it's time to claim it but don't get me wrong Freedom comes with a price it's not about escaping their Chains It's about breaking them it's about facing the parts of yourself they tried to destroy the fear the anger the self-doubt they're not just going to disappear you have to confront them wrestle with them and ultimately make peace with
them because those parts of you they're not weaknesses they're proof of your strength they're reminders of what you've overcome and once you've made peace with yourself once you've reclaimed your power there's no going back you'll see the world through new eyes you'll see opportunities where there used to be obstacles you'll see possibilities where there used to be limits and you'll see yourself for what you truly are unbreakable unbreakable that's a word they'll never understand because people like them they live their lives in fear fear of of failure fear of rejection fear of their own insignificance
that's why they hurt others that's why they tried to hurt you because your strength your resilience your potential it scared them it reminded them of everything they'll never be so let them live In Their Fear let them wallow in their regret that's not your concern anymore your focus is forward your path is clear and every step you take on that path is a step away from their Shadow away from their lies away from their abuse because they thought their abuse would never happen have consequences they thought they'd walk away unscathed while you carried the weight
of their sins but the truth is the only thing they succeeded in was waking you up waking you up to your power your worth your potential and now now you're their consequence not through Revenge not through hate but through the simple undeniable fact of your existence your proof that they didn't win proof that they never will so Stand Tall walk forward and never look back your story isn't over kid it's just beginning and this time you're the one writing it they'll feel it you know every choice you make from here on out every Victory you
claim every smile they swore you'd never wear again it'll hit them like a bullet not because you're trying to hurt them no but because your very existence is a mirror reflecting the truth they've been running from their entire lives they thought they could erase you but here you are larger than life walking proof that they were wrong and that's the part that will eat at them the most not your anger not your Defiance but your success the fact that you didn't just just survive you thrived you built a life out of the ashes they left
behind you turn their abuse into fuel their lies into lessons their betrayal into strength it's funny isn't it the very things they thought would destroy you became the foundation of your power it's almost poetic like the universe was playing a cruel joke on them making their cruelty the very thing that would liberate you and you you're the punchline they never saw coming but don't get too comfortable kid the road ahead it's not going to be easy Freedom doesn't come with a map there's no guide book for for rebuilding a life they tried so hard to
tear apart you'll stumble you'll fall you'll have days when the weight of it all feels unbearable and that's okay falling doesn't mean you're weak it means you're moving it means you're trying and as long as you keep getting back up they can never claim victory over you here's the thing about pain it doesn't just go away it lingers like a shadow following you wherever you go but Shadows they're only as powerful as you let them be they can't touch you unless you step into their Darkness so learn to live with it learn to carry it
without letting it Define you because pain isn't your enemy it's your teacher it's the reminder that you've lived that you've felt that you've survived and survival that's just the beginning now it's time to live truly live not for them not in spite of them but for yourself for the person they tried to bury but couldn't for the dreams they tried to kill but couldn't touch for the life you've always deserved but we too afraid to claim claim it now take every step they said you couldn't Climb Every Mountain they swore was too high chase every
dream they laughed at and when you reach the top when you look down at everything you've over come don't forget to smile not for them but for yourself because you'll know deep down that you earned it that every scar every tear every sleepless night was worth it and when they see you at the top when they see the life you've built the strength strength You' found the happiness you've created they'll finally understand the consequences of their actions they'll finally see that their abuse wasn't the end of your story it was just the prologue because people
like them they don't get Happy Endings they live in the shadows of Their Own mistakes haunted by The Echoes of their own cruelty and you you're their ghost every success every smile every moment of Peace you find it's a reminder of the life they could have had if they chosen differently but don't waste your time thinking about them they're not worth it fol focus on yourself on your growth on your freedom because this life it's yours now no one else gets to dictate how you live it least of all them so take that first step
and then another and another build the life they said you couldn't become the person they said you'd never be not to prove them wrong but to prove yourself right because you deserve it kid you've earned it and the best part you're just getting started they thought their abuse would never have consequences but you you're the living breathing proof that they were wrong you're not just their consequence you're their Reckoning you're the storm they never saw coming and now now it's your time to rise
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