This Mind-Blowing Truth Changes Everything: Krishnamurti Explains!

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This mind-blowing truth changes everything: J. Krishnamurti explains his teachings in "Freedom From ...
Video Transcript:
welcome everyone today we're diving deep into J Krishna M's freedom from the known oh this is a good one yeah it's a bit of a challenge but definitely it's a fascinating book it's not your typical self-help book no not at all it's more of a philosophical exploration yeah kind of shakes up everything we think we know about ourselves in the world around us it really does yeah you know what's interesting about Krishna merty is he doesn't give you a set of beliefs or dogmas it's not about that it's more of an invitation to a journey
oh interesting a journey of self-discovery okay he wants us to look at our own conditioning right and the ways that we create our own realities so it's less about getting answers and more about asking the right questions exactly and he even challenges that urge we have as humans to find truth from outside sources whether it's gurus or religions or even our own past experiences yeah we tend to look outwards a lot we do he says that when we cling to those things we're actually preventing ourselves from truly understanding ourselves in the world around us it's
like we're looking for something external to validate what we already think you know absolutely and we like to be comfortable we do like to be comfortable yeah right We crave that yeah he even tells this funny story about this disciple who is so focused on his spiritual mission that when he gets married he forgets to go back to God oh wow and it's this funny way of showing how easily we can get disted distracted by comfort and security even when we're on a path yeah even when we think we're searching for something bigger so okay
if we're not supposed to rely on those outside authorities where do we even start that's where Krishna mti's idea of self knowledge comes in okay he says that's where Freedom starts by understanding ourselves but not just as individuals but as part of a greater whole so like we are all connected yes exactly think of it like a drop of water in the ocean it has its own unique form but it's still part of something so much bigger right right and we're like those drops that's a great analogy we're unique but we're all connected yeah I
noticed that this idea of interconnectedness comes up a lot in the book it does especially when he talks about culture and how individual transformation can affect society as a whole yeah he's pretty critical of what he calls the degeneration of culture okay he points out how we've become fixated on superficial things right EX forms yeah it's like we've lost touch with a real sense of purpose and meaning exactly and I think we all feel that sometimes absolutely it's like we are constantly bombarded with information and entertainment but is it's often empty it's all surface level
doesn't really satisfy he argues that this emptiness in our culture is actually a reflection of what's Happening inside of us so interesting that we've become fragmented focus on Pleasure possessions clinging to belief bels yeah that we've lost sight of that wholeness within us yeah so how do we move from this fragmented state to a sense of wholeness he believes the key is in understanding our own minds okay he says that we're constantly lost in thought right analyzing comparing judging it's true that we rarely experience the present moment with any Clarity yeah I could definitely relate
to that I find myself dwelling on the past or worrying about the future all the time absolutely and he uses this really interesting analogy of these three gentlemen who are discussing awareness as they accidentally run over a goat oh my gosh it shows how we can be so caught up in our own heads right that we become completely oblivious to what's right in front of us wow that's a powerful image it is and he's trying to wake us up so what's going on around us to see how our inattentiveness to ourselves and to the world
is causing suffering and disharmony so how do we cultivate that how do we at this awareness that he's talking about he talks about the difference between concentration which is focusing on one thing while excluding others right and attention which is being fully present open to the totality of experience so it's more holistic yes exactly it's like a mindfulness almost exactly he says it's through this choiceless awareness okay that we can start to see things as they truly are without those filters without the filters of our conditioning or or our preconceived notions that Clarity and that
perception that's where we can break free from those patterns that keep us stuck exactly he believes freedom is not something we achieve okay by striving or efforting it happens naturally when we let go of what we think we know when we're open to what is it sounds like this idea of letting go of the known comes up again and again in the book it does he also talks about the limitations of knowledge he makes a distinction between knowledge and understand understanding okay you know knowledge is important for practical things right of course but it can
also be a barrier to True understanding yes it can trap us in these rigid beliefs right and prevent us from seeing the world with fresh eyes almost like a prison we build for ourselves yes with knowledge as the bars it can definitely feel that way sometimes he encourages us to approach life with a childlike curiosity okay to be open to the unknown to let go of the need to have all the answers that sounds so liberating but also a bit scary it is and that's where his concept of radical transformation comes in he's not talking
about making small changes he wants a complete overhaul yes a complete shift in Consciousness wow a fundamental change in how we see ourselves in the world so it's not just about tweaking things here and there it's a whole new way of being exactly oh I'm definitely intrigued good but I have to admit radical transformation sounds a little intimidating it can be so what does that actually look like in practice it begins with understanding how how our minds create this illusion of Separation okay between ourselves and others between the Observer and The observed interesting we create
these images of who we are right how the world works and we hold on to them for dear life so it's like we're living in a movie we created but we think it's real life exactly and he argues that this illusion of separation is the root of so much conflict and suffering yeah I could see that because if we're always filtering everything through these mental constructs right we're never really seeing things as they are exactly he says when we realize the Observer is the observed that separation dissolves now my mind is really blown if the
Observer is just another thought then who's doing the observing that's the big question isn't it it is Krishna mty points to this state of pure awareness okay a Consciousness that's not limited by thought or the ego so there's something beyond our usual thought patterns yes something more expansive that's fascinating and it's not something that's only available to a select few okay good he believes it's there for all of us if we're willing to do the work okay what kind of work self-observation peeling back those layers of conditioning and seeing ourselves honestly that's a lot of
work it is but it's worth it okay I think I'm starting to get a sense of how radical this transformation really is it's about questioning everything even our sense of self but how do we actually access this state of pure awareness is it through meditation special breathing techniques he emphasizes it's not about seeking mystical experiences or following any specific path right it's about cultivating a deep awareness of what is our thoughts or feelings or Sensations or interactions without judgment without judgment okay or attachment so it's about being present in reality not trying to escape it
precisely he talks about bringing that same attentiveness to our inner world that we bring to the outer World exactly he talks about observing our minds really paying attention to our thoughts how they arise how they shape our perceptions and behaviors it reminds me of that analogy he uses about living with a sneak in the room oh yes you have to be constantly aware of its every move or might strike exactly that same alertness is needed to understand our own minds we have to be willing to see those snakes our own personal snakes yes in the
shadows of our Consciousness fears anxieties all of that yes all of it and to see them without flinching and not turning away exactly is that how we free ourselves from those negative patterns then by confronting them head on he says that the very Act of observing those patterns without judgment or resistance begins to take away their power over us it's like shining a light on those patterns and they start to disappear it is so by bringing them into our conscious awareness we can start to dismantle them exactly and as we do that he believes we
tap into a source of energy and intelligence that's much greater than our individual egos okay and that's the energy that fuels true transformation both in ourselves and in the world yes it's the energy of a mind that's whole that's no longer fragmented and in harmony with itself and with life I mean it's true that his ideas can be pretty radical and challenging they are it's not about being passive it's about actively participating in our own self-discovery exactly and transformation and he doesn't offer easy answers right or quick fixes it's a journey it's a lifelong journey
of questioning and a willingness to question everything wow this is a lot to take in it is there's so much depth and Nuance to his ideas there is we've only just scratched the surface we have but what we've talked about so far lays the foundation for one of his most profound insights oh which is the connection between action and understanding okay he challenges the idea that we need to have all the answers before we can act suggesting that it's often through action that we gain real insight but we learn by doing exactly that's fascinating I'm
really interested to see where this goes this is getting even more interesting no it's like we think of action and understanding as two separate steps right first you learn then you act right but Krishna Morty is suggesting it's more like a dance interesting this constant back and forth between the two so it's not about just sitting back and absorbing knowledge we have to actually get out there and experience things things to really understand yeah exactly he even says that inaction is complete action wow which seems like a paradox it does yeah but it means when
we let go of our need to control when we can just be present okay that's when real action comes from it's counterintuitive but I can kind of see how forcing things sometimes just makes them more complicated yeah because when you force a solution you're coming from a limited perspective a place of fear or anxiety but if can step back observe clearly let things unfold yeah that's when a deeper understanding can come it's like taking a breath before reacting exactly so how does this play out in our everyday lives he gives this example of a scientist
observing a phenomenon okay they don't go in with a predetermined outcome right they're open to whatever they might find so being open to being wrong yes letting go of those preconceived notions and letting experience be the guide so being willing to learn learn and adjust as we go exactly and this applies to everything not just science our relationships our work our creative endeav when we approach things with that openness and curiosity that's when we can really understand yes and that ties back to his critique of superficiality doesn't it it does we're so obsessed with instant
gratification that we miss the real beauty of Life yeah he says so much of what we call culture or art literature entertainment right it's designed to distract us keep us busy yeah from those bigger questions I know I've definitely felt that way sometimes to like we're overwhelmed with information but it's all surface level it doesn't nourish us not really yeah he's saying that this lack of depth in our culture yeah is a reflection of our own inner State he is we've become so disconnected from ourselves that we've lost touch with the good stuff so how
do we get back to that how do we break free from all of that and find real meaning it starts with understanding what Freedom really is okay we often think it's about being free from external things right like oppression or poverty exactly but he's saying it's internal yes it's about breaking free from our own thoughts okay our fears our attachments so it's about changing our relationship to those things not necessarily getting rid of them exactly he talks about dying to the Past yes letting go of all the baggage yeah all the memories the beliefs all
of it that weighs us down that's a powerful image dying to the past it is he's not talking about a physical death though more of a psychological letting go so being willing to see things in a new way exactly abandoning everything we thought we knew wow it's like a complete rewiring of our minds it is no more autopilot but how do we actually do that he says we need to live in the present moment easier said than done it is our minds are always somewhere else exactly but the more we can be present the more
we start to see how everything is connected and that interconnectedness is a big big part of the book too yeah he says that real peace and Harmony can only come from individuals who have transformed themselves so it's not about changing the world out there it's about changing ourselves first exactly because he says all the violence and greed in the world is just a reflection of what's inside of us so to change the world we have to start with ourselves that's right and this transformation isn't about isolating ourselves it's about becoming more connected to everything that's
kind of beautiful it is is he sees a world where people aren't driven by self-interest but by understanding and compassion and a sense of shared Humanity it's a pretty radical Vision it is but he doesn't give us a road map he doesn't he doesn't even believe in following any particular path so where do we start he encourages us to embark on our own journey to question everything to be constantly learning and to live with a sense of wonder I like that yeah what really struck me was his emphasis on the limits of knowledge oh yeah
he says real understanding doesn't come from just accumulating information it does or clinging to beliefs he says knowledge is necessary right for practical things but it can also block us from real insight yes because our minds try to categorize everything based on what we already know so we miss out on experiencing things fully we do he wants us to be like children again okay curious open to the unknown needing all the answers exactly it's about embracing the mystery acknowledging that we don't know everything and that the journey itself is what matters that's a good way
to put it this's been a lot to absorb it has it's so thought-provoking definitely yeah what stands out to you the most so far I think for me it's this idea that freedom comes from understanding The Observer and The observed yeah like he's saying even the me that's observing is just another thought that's a tough one to grasp it is it's mind-bending so if the Observer is just other thought what's really in control right Krishna Marty points to this state of pure awareness the Consciousness that goes beyond thought and the ego so he's talking about
a way of being that's beyond our usual way of thinking right Beyond subject and object beyond all of that and it's not a passive State either right no he describes it as a powerful force oh wow this incredible energy and intelligence that can transform us that's pretty amazing but it also sounds kind of mystical yeah how do we actually access this is it through meditation or something he says it's not about seeking out mystical experiences or following a specific path okay it's about being aware of what is our thoughts feelings Sensations interactions but without judging
them or getting attached exactly so it's not about escaping reality it's about seeing it more clearly yeah being present in the moment with a heightened awareness exactly he talks about bringing that same attention to our inner world yeah he talks about observing the mind paying attention to our thoughts seeing how they shape everything it's like we become scientists of our own minds exactly studying how it all works and through that observation we can start to see the patterns okay the things that are holding us back the fears and anxieties all of it his approach is
so radical yeah but also so practical it is isn't it it's not about adopting a belief system it's about finding a way to live more freely I think that's what makes his work so appealing it is he's not asking us to believe anything blindly right he's encouraging us to explore and see for ourselves I like that so as we wrap up this deep dive what are some key takeaways for our listeners I would say one of the most important is to question everything but not in a negative way with curiosity and a willingness to let
go of what you think you know challenge your beliefs your assumptions even your sense of self wow see what happens when you approach life with that openness that's great advice uhuh it's so easy to get stuck in our ways it is another thing that resonated with me is the importance of self-observation oh yeah just paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment just observing exactly what can you learn about yourself by doing that and remember this journey isn't a solo Mission chrisan morti talks about how interconnected we all are how our individual Transformations affect
the world around us right so as we become more aware we're contributing to a more peaceful world that's a really beautiful thought yeah that we each have the power to make a difference we do just by becoming more conscious more awake more alive it's a journey worth taking it is and it starts with a single step towards awareness understand and a more authentic way of being well listeners we've reached the surface our Deep dive into Jay Krishna M's freedom from the known it's been a fascinating one it has we hope you found it thought-provoking I
hope so and remember the real Journey Begins now yes as you take these ideas and explore them for yourself absolutely see how they resonate with your own experiences that's what it's all about what challenges you what insights come up and how can you apply these teachings to your own life exactly so until next time keep exploring keep questioning
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