Transform Your Dreams into Reality with 'The Mindset Code'

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Florencia Andres
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Video Transcript:
I want to start today by asking you three questions answers are super simple because you will see them on screen all right but I want you to answer where are you here that was pretty good let's turn the volume up a little bit more where are you here there we go what time is it now who are you this moment yes this moment this moment that never existed before never will exist again and you know that we are often times based in the past thinking did I forget to call somebody did I forget to do
something or we're in the future what am I going to do tonight and in that way we miss the only thing we truly have which is this moment and this time that we will create together and today we're here to talk about the power of our dreams the power of our dreams you know having a dream is super important having a dream will a dream has the capacity to change your life every invention every creation every important thing that ever happened in this world started with a dream a dream expands you a dream shows you
not only who you are but who you can become a dream will allow you to grow in the process of achieving it doesn't it and a dream will help you push through obstacles that seem imp possible to push through so this is the story of a little boy with a big dream and this little boy dreamed about playing football it was his long life dream he wanted to play football and so he did ever since he was two or three years old he would be with a ball all day long and one day his parents
said this boy is really good let's go and take him for a try out so they take him to one of the big clubs in his country for a try out and the guys who are looking at him say um yeah the boy is good but what's wrong with him he's too small look at him he is definitely too small something is not right with this kid so they take him to the doctors and the doctors check him out and they say yeah there's something wrong with this kid and it's not a minor thing in
fact it's quite a rare disease but it's a big thing and the big thing is that this kid was born with a growth hormone deficiency which in essence means that his body refuses to grow and so these guys who were about to sign the contract with him said no we're not going to do this because this kid was born broken he was born broken have you ever felt broken before yeah and some Brave guys are putting out their hands have you felt like I'm not good enough I'm not attractive enough I'm not talented enough I'm
not intelligent enough I don't have enough friends I don't have enough money there's something wrong with me well this kid he was born broken and these people were not there to fix him but you know what this kid did the kid with the broken pencil he said I'm going to keep doing this I'm going to keep focusing on my dream because I will make my dream bigger than my obstacle and I will do whatever I have to do to make my dream come true and if that means setting my mind and reminding myself every single
day why am I here what do I want to achieve I will do that and if that means doing really difficult things like sticking needles into my legs every single single day just to see if my body will start growing I will do that and then he said you know what I will I will set my mind to believe that this obstacle can actually be my opportunity this can be my opportunity I will learn how to play football in a different way yes I'm not as big as the other ones I'm not as tall as
the other ones I will have to learn to play in a different way and so he did and what he did he basically got a sharpener and he sharpened his pencil so when you get a broken pencil what do you do you sharpen it and how do you sharpen a pencil you sharpen a pencil by thinking what can I do with what I have what can I do with this obstacle what can I do with what I've been given and so he did and he kept believing in himself and he kept focusing on his dream
and this kid who was nicknamed the flea in Spanish laula because of because of how tiny he was he became the biggest player of all times this is the true story of Leonel Messi Leonel Messi the guy who has created history in soccer as an Argentinian I'm so proud to call this guy a fellow well we share our country the guy who has been named seven times best player in the world he has been seven times best player in the world in three different decades which says a lot about him cuz he's been doing this
for quite a long time right this guy was a broken kid he was born with a problem everyone said you're not going to make it forget about us but what did he do focused on the dream and made the obstacle smaller and so the message of this story is your problems do not define you we all have problems they do not define you what defines you your attitude your attitude defines you and attitude is not a small thing attitude is a big thing thing let me tell you it's a huge thing when you change your
attitude you change your results when you change the way you're facing something you change absolutely everything about it so choose your attitude every time you can decide that and speaking about decisions the first step to make a dream come true is decide what you want and you would be astonished to realize how many people have no idea what they want in their lives many times I ask people so what do you want and they bring me up a big long list of what they do not want I do not want this body I don't want
this face I don't want to feel this way I don't want my parents to let me what to do I don't want and what do you want oh I don't know I never thought about that oh really well that's the first thing you need to do in order to achieve your dreams you need to decide what you want with lots of details now let me tell you another true story who here likes animals especially who who likes horses oh lots of you this is a true story about a boy who loved horses his name is
Monty Monty had a father who his father was a horse trainer and he was a quite violent horse trainer so he would use violence to train horses whips and sticks to make them obey and and he would not only be violent with the horses but he would also be very violent with a little kid with his son with Monty so many times Monty would escape from his from his father and he would take refuge in nature and he would spend hours and hours observing the horses and he realized something as he was observing the horses
he realized that horses would never use violence to teach younger horses how to do things they would use soft body movements and so he started dreaming and he said what if one day I can become a horse trainer using no violence and so one day Monty goes to school and the teacher asked him and the fellow classmates what do you want to do when you grow up have you ever been asked that yeah and so she said write a an essay about it what's your dream and so Monty went back home and he spent the
entire night writing out his dream and he SP all the details and he went back to school and he handed the essay to the teacher and he's all proud and the teacher reads it and says uh no Monty come what you wrote here so you want to live in California in a 62 acre ranch and you want to breed race horses it's not going to happen you come from a very poor family Monty you guys live in a trailer it's not going to happen so I want you to write something more realistic I don't want
you to get frustrated so Monty goes back to his house with the essay and what do you think he did do you think he changed it no he didn't change a single comma so he goes back to school with the essay untouched cans it back to the teacher the teacher is reading it again and says okay Monty um I don't think you understood if if you don't change this I will give you an F an F for fail you know for zero so Monty looks at her and says fine you keep your F I keep
my dream I'm going to repeat that he says you keep your F I keep my dream do you think that's a cool answer give him a capap cuz this a true sorry his Fame he started getting really good in this technique and he started being wellknown and the Queen of England who's very fond of horses who loves horses heard about him so he calls she calls him and says hey Monty will you come and show me what you do with horses I want to learn and so he's there with the queen and she's very impressed
with what he's doing and so she says Hey Monty you need to write a book and so he does and he wrote a book that is called the man who listens to horses the book became an international bestseller and today Monty Roberts lives in California and he lives in an Ranch that is how big how many acres 62 acres and he breeds of course yes and so this story tells you that never ever let anybody tell you that your dream is not going to happen don't let anybody tell you hey stop dreaming be realistic no
no dream big go for it and did do what Monty did he wrote it down you know there's power in writing writing down your go who here writes down your goals raise your hands a fair amount fair amount let me share some powerful research with you so research shows that only 4% of people 4% of people who do not write down goals and dreams attain them reach them while 44% of people who write them down reach them and that if you write them down who here uh most of you or many of you raised your
hand when I said do you write down your goals do you also reread them very often okay a lot less hands if you reread them often your chances go way up 200% more just by rereading it this is all research from University of Virginia and I'll give you one more thing just in case anybody there is sitting and saying I don't know I don't know I'm wondering research shows that people who write on their goals and reread them all the time earn gain make nine times more nine times more money than those who don't so
how about that it is interesting it's a very simple thing you can do that can bring you very big results and I've known this for a while and so when I published my first book and I did this with my mother in the year 2010 we published our first book and within two weeks we received a phone call we were driving to the city we received a phone call from our editor and he says hey ladies I'm calling to congratulate you I said oh wow what happened you just made it to the bestseller list and
this is the dream of any author when you write a book your dream is to become a bestselling book which means basically everyone is write reading your book and so we were so happy and I'm on the phone and my mom is driving and I tell her we just became bestsellers and she looks at me and she goes what day is today and I go [Music] um we're in August right and I'm like yeah Mom do you feel okay she say August 2010 yes Mom August 2010 and she says there's something I need to show
you we need to go back to the office so she turns around we go back to the office and she starts looking through the papers and the folders and she says I need to show you something there's a paper and I've been looking at this paper forever it has to be somewhere here and then she finally finds finds it and it's like all you know it's old and wrinkled and she hands it over to me and she says read this please and this little paper says write a best-selling book by August 2010 the most interesting
part of this piece of paper is that it had been written by her 10 years before we wrote the book so when she wrote that piece of paper we had no idea idea we would write this book we had no idea it was not in our plans it was not even in you know it was not there we were not even working together but he wrote it down and it happened not only in the year she wrote it down but in the month she wrote it down and so that's why I want to encourage you
guys route write down your goals cuz something magical Could Happen something magical happened to us we our book got published in I don't know how many languages we were the first women in 40 years to receive a golden book award so many wonderful things happens just because of that so now I want you to take a minute and think what is your dream and write it down it could be something short it could be something you want to achieve in 5 years in 10 years it could be something you want to achieve in a lifetime
it doesn't matter when write it down [Music] just think about this paper you're writing right now it could be the little paper wrinkled paper where we wrote Our Dream and you know it could change your lives and if it does please tell me about it in a few years I'd be very happy to know that okay all right we're moving on to now so step number one is decide what you want and we've just done that just like Monty Roberts just like I did decide and write it down and step number two has to do
with believing in yourself and believing in yourself is a huge topic but if there's one thing that you can do right now to start believing in yourself you know what that is start talking to yourself like you would talk to your best friend would you tell your best let's just say your best friend is going through a really rough time would you tell him or her you're such an idiot you always screw it up you always do the same thing would you say that to your best friend no would you but don't you say it
to yourself we all do right it's a matter of changing the way we talk to our the words we say to ourselves have enormous power enormous power if we say to ourselves I'm never going to make it I'm too dumb I'm too slow I'm never going to be able to do this guess what happens you're never going to be able to do it but if you start telling yourself I can do this I can learn this I can then your brain starts shifting your energy starts shifting and everything changes let me tell you a quick
story I was once coaching a young guy he was in his last year of medical school and he came over to me and he said I have a dream and my dream is to work on one of the most prestigious hospitals in my country country but I have a problem I have to sit for an exam where another thousand candidates are going to sit for and I need to come Out Among the top 10 if I'm not among the top 10 out goes my dream I can forget about it cuz I'm not going to be
admitted to this hospital and so I tell him fine have you studied for this exam and he says yes did you give your very best yes but then he says yeah but many times I've studied and you know what it I've never been among the top 10 and so I tell him there's one thing you need to do right now and the first thing you need to do is to stop saying I've never been a top 10 student he says but it's the truth and I tell him fine but you want to change that don't
you yes I want to change it but it's the truth stop saying it stop saying it right now if you want to change that reality change what you're saying to yourself and he says so what can I say to myself how about you say I deserve to perform at my best he says okay I can do that I told him for the next 10 days CU we had 10 days till the big exam I want you to repeat I deserve to perform at my best and he did it and I said if you have to
repeat it 100 times a day do it 100 times a day fine so he goes exam day finally comes sits for the exam two days later results are published he goes and finds the results and this is how they do it they print out the names of the Thousand candidates and they stick them to the walls of the University so this guy basically has to walk into the university and look for his name there so he goes to the top 100 cuz sometimes he would fall into the top 100 name is not there keeps walking
top 80 name is not there top 70 name is not there keeps going keeps going top 50 not there top 30 not there top 20 not there and by now he says I'm sweating and my heart is Raising and I go to the top 10 list and I start looking for my name and I go 10 98 and he says my name is not there and he says did I not even make it to the top 100 and as I'm turning on my back dragging myself to find my name beyond the top 100 a friend
comes rushing over grabs me by the hand and says hey bro come check this out did you see this and he's like all confused you came out number one number one so you see change can happen fast if you change the way you talk to yourself if you choose a power phrase because that's what he had I deserve to perform at my best is a power phrase Everything Changes and it can be really fast so I want you now to choose what would your power phrase be if you had to tattoo something on yourself his
phrase was I deserve to perform at your best yours could be I believe in me I can do it I am capable I deserve success I deserve happiness abundance is my birth right whatever it is write it down what will your tattoo be you have it oh there's a few who are really F do we have some mics oh all right cuz I want you guys to raise your hand the ones who are ready to share what would your phrase be let's have a few let's lower the music just a little bit okay let's go
with the phrases yeah I deserve every good thing in the world I I deserve it I love it I deserve every good thing yes there's more right here let's bring the mic and do it as dynamic as possible yes I have infinite power within me I have infinite power within me yes I am winning no matter what I am I am winning no matter what I am winning no matter what yes I can do anything I can do anything yes you can I deserve happiness you deserve happiness yes you do I am destined for greatness
I'm destined for greatness yes yes do you have some more yeah I can't do it and I deserve to I I can I can do it I can do it and I deserve to do it I can do it and I deserve to do it yes big round of applause yeah step number three is all about taking action so once you decide what you want and you believe in yourself you need to take action So speaking about action I have a question for you who wants this oh many hands I'm going to keep asking who
wants this so sorry there you go no I'm here to clap you give her give her an Applause and you want to you're going to stay here what's your name maranne Marian can we have a mic Marian congratulations thank you that's taking action did you feel a little bit of your heart pumping a little bit yeah a little bit like Palm sweating heart pumping yeah and thinking should I go or not yeah a little bit yeah this is what taking action looks like this is what taking action looks like your heart will rise you will
feel a little sweaty you will doubt yourself but if you do it you get a reward big round of applause [Applause] congratulations and for all of you sitting there wondering should I have gone up yes you should taking action is leaving your comfort zone taking action is doing what others are not willing to do taking action and this is a reminder taking action you need to leave your safe place and risk it do what others are not willing to do even if you're scared because you know how sometimes you are scared to do things but
then you need to push through the fear and do it anyway and let me share a story about how one time I was super scared SC really scared the scariest moment I've ever had so I was signed as a speaker by Sonic music and they decide that my big debut as a speaker and my opening night tour in Latin America was going to be in this theater myo Theater which is the most iconic theater in Latin America the biggest ballet dancers stands there the biggest artist everywhere and so they say you need to go there
and two weeks before opening night I start obsessing about will people buy tickets to come see me I'm not an artist I'm just a speaker and so I'm talking ugly stress you know tossing and turning in bed all night kind of stress um snapping at my husband for no reason kind of stress anxiety diara kind of stress you know that kind of stress ugly stress and then one day when I'm about to cancel everything call my manager and tell him you know cancel this it's not going to work I'm going to embarrass myself then I
remember a mantra powerful Mantra do you guys know what a Mantra is yeah most of you do do so it's a thing that you repeat to yourself to feel calm and to change your energy all right so I remember this Mantra taught to to me by a friend Jack celd and he said every time you're really scared you chant this for a few minutes and your energy changes instantly so I want to teach this Mantra to you are you up for it okay so think about something that scares you a little bit but you want
to do it anyway all right right and we have some music here here I think so close your eyes no no Don't Close Your Eyes in fact do this put your thumb and index finger together we're going to m a few times and then we're going to change all right you got it start breathing deep in through your nose out through your mouth one more time in through your nose out through your mouth one more time we're going to M together right take a deep breath in one more time oh deep breath in one more
time and now we're going to chant oh what the heck go for it anyway open your eyes oh what the heck go for it anyway stand up oh what the the heck go for it anyway oh what the heck go for it anyway when you're really scared oh what the heck go for it anyway imagine we have an energy ball we're going to bounce it from the ground to the sky okay oh what the heck go for it anyway oh what the heck go for it anyway oh what the heck go for it anyway oh
give some energy anyway freestyl it what the heck go for it anyway oh what the heck go for it anyway oh what the heck go for it anyway oh what the heck go for it anyway [Music] y all right right that's something you can repeat to yourselves when you're really scared and you want to do something anyway and let me tell you how this night ended so you can take a seat a little bit we have a few minutes left so opening night finally came and I was in the back of this huge theater with
my mother standing there and we listen to some voices in the in the in the room so we think well someone came someone bought a ticket maybe it's just friends and family but who cares what the heck we're going to do it anyway and so as the curtain starts to rise my jaw dropped because this is what we got we had full room sold out tickets people standing in line we had to give the show four times in a row we had the longest and loudest Standing Ovation we had ever received and to me that
was a big lesson there's many things you will have to do even if you're scared even if you don't feel ready ready just push through the fears do it with a fear with you with your self-doubts all over you do it anyway so what the heck do it anyway and you will feel the power of that and so we got step number one decide what you want step number two believe in yourself step number three take action step number four is more than a step it's an attitude towards life and it has to do with
perseverance there's a tree that is called the Japanese bamboo that is probably Sometimes some people call it the slowest growing tree in the world because this is what happens the bamboo grower plants the seed and for one entire year he sees nothing just soil just imagine you plant seed take care of it you water it nothing second year he keeps taking care of the land what happens nothing 3 years nothing four years nothing nothing five can you imagine taking care of a seed for 5 years nothing happens suddenly after 6 years and 7 months out
of nowhere explodes this plant that grows 32 m in one month 5 cm per hour which means if you look at it closely you watch it grow and the question is what was happening happening in those 6 years and 7 months when apparently nothing was happening what was growing there The Roots exactly the roots that were there to support the incredible growth that would happen one day so if your dreams take a little bit more time don't worry don't buy into the lies that social media sell us that everything has to be an overnight success
it's simply not true it's not true just keep going persevere persevere and you will see how powerful your dreams can be there's great power in your dreams and the big power in your dreams comes from knowing that even if you get a pencil that feels broken you can sharpen it and by sharpening I mean by thinking about your dream by setting your mindset to the point where you believe in yourself more than in your obstacles and you can achieve amazing things with that so first step is decide what you want decide what you want in
detail and if somebody tells you this is to pick for you be realistic you tell them you keep your F I keep my dream and write it down even if it's a wrinkled old paper it might come true it will come true if you believe it so and it will not only come true but it could give you some extra cash so go for it and also remember that the first step to believe in yourself is change the way you talk to yourself so if you go from I've never been to I deserve to perform
on my best everything absolutely everything changes and use power phrases use power phrases that Empower you think of your tattoo what would that be have it very clear in your mind and remember the importance of taking action don't sit there and wait do what others are not willing to do to get the results that that others would not get and if you're feeling really scared what the heck I'm going to do it anyway and remember remember to persevere there's huge power in doing that in persevering in going for your dreams no matter what and the
best time to get started with all of this the best time to get started with absolutely all of this let's say it all together is here now and in this moment thank you guys very very much oh you're so amazing thank you thank you you're an amazing crowd thank you very much God bless you all thank you I feel very honored thank you
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