Imagine a world where the very fabric of reality is woven by a flawed and malevolent being hidden deep within ancient traditions visualize a universe where the creator is a flawed and arrogant entity born of a cosmic error this being's ignorance has thrown our existence into a struggle constant between light and darkness welcome to the world of Gnostic mythology where today we will unravel the mysteries of I da baot and the demiurge stay with us until the end to discover the hidden truths of the abyss and see how these ancient myths continue to influence spiritual thought modern I am Nix the goddess of the night and Today we are going to talk about the Myth of creation as told by in December 1945 an Egyptian peasant named Mohamed Ali Al saman discovered a clay jar buried near the city of nag hamad in upper Egypt within the jar he found 13 leather-bound papyrus codices containing over 50 ancient texts these codices contained a vast collection of Gnostic texts including Gospels, apocalypse treatises and other religious and philosophical works some of the most notable texts include the gospel of Thomas the gospel of Philip and the gospel of Truth the manuscripts have been dated to the 1st century but the texts they contain are believed to have been composed Originally between the 1st century and the 3rd century [Music] [Music] at the heart of Gnostic mythology is the fascinating story of yab a shrouded being in mystery and controversy to understand yabot and the demiurge we first need to explore What is Gnosticism and where does this mythology originate? Gnosticism is an ancient philosophical and religious movement that emerged in the first centuries of the Christian era, particularly in the Middle East and the Mediterranean, the term kose comes from the Greek and means knowledge but not just any knowledge is a deep and esoteric understanding of divinity and reality the Gnostics believed that this secret knowledge could free souls from the prison of the material world according to MIT the One was not created by a Benevolent God but by an imperfect and arrogant entity called the eel of the demiurge, a term in Gnostic philosophy that refers to the Divine artisan who shapes the physical universe, however, unlike other traditions where the demiurge is seen as a benevolent creator, in Gnosticism he is seen as a deceptive being who traps souls in the material world, distancing them from their true Divine nature, this Gnostic myth contrasts strongly with other creation stories, for example in traditional Christianity, God is a benevolent creator full of Wisdom and kindness, in contrast the Gnostics present creator of the physical world as a defective and malevolent being highlighting a constant struggle between the material and the spiritual comparing these myths with those of other cultures we observe fascinating differences in the perception of the Cosmos and the divine the gnostic perspective challenges our understanding of reality inviting them to seeking deeper , spiritual truths beyond the tangible world discovering the origins of yd baof and the demiurge not only reveals the complexities of Gnostic mythology but also offers us a window into the human condition and our never-ending quest for enlightenment the hidden knowledge of the Abyss illuminating the dark corners of creation and the eternal battle between light and darkness and alab is a central figure in Gnostic mythology and his unsettling depiction and characteristics offer profound insight into his role in the Cosmos and his relationship with humanity and the Divine, according to Gnostic mythology, this being has a dark and complex origin. It all begins in the pleroma, the realm of Divine Plenitude, hence ABS, the pleroma is composed of aons that are emanations of the Supreme being known as oada, each aon represents a facet of the Divine being and together they form the entirety of the pleroma one of these ions Sofia wisdom in Greek driven by her desire to know the God incogel herself made a mistake acting without the consent of the rest of the pleroma and the monad Sofia gave birth and aab this act of creation was imperfect and resulted in a corrupt and ignorant being realizing his mistake, Sofia tried to hide her Creation in a place away from the pleroma, resulting in her isolation in chaos, this being unaware of her true origins and believing himself to be the only Divine being, he proclaimed himself the supreme God with his limited understanding he began to create the material world in his arrogance and lack of knowledge he formed an imperfect universe full of suffering and deception to maintain control over his creation he generated The archons were inferior beings who governed various aspects of the material world and helped keep souls trapped in the physical plane and the baut is often represented as a serpent with a lion's head, an image that symbolizes its dual nature of power and corruption, the lion's head represents his arrogance and self-proclaimed authority as the creator of the material world while the serpent symbolizes cunning and ability to deceive.
This representation reflects his ambiguous character and the mixture of divine and demonic attributes that he possesses. Among the darkest attributes of this being are his ignorance and arrogance. Believing himself to be the only God, he acts without the full knowledge of the true supreme God and the pleroma, this ignorance leads to creating an imperfect and suffering universe, his power resides in his ability to manipulate matter and keep souls Trapped in the physical world, keeping them away from his true Divine Essence Furthermore he is known for his deceptive nature using deception to maintain his control over creation yabot's nature directly influences his actions towards humanity due to his ignorance and excessive ego he rules the material world with a distorted sense of divinity, believing it to be just and omnipotent, this false belief translates into a regime of oppression and suffering for human souls, which, according to Gnostic mythology, are fragments of the divine trapped in physical bodies .