Communism 1.0: Theoretical Communism | James Lindsay

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The EVILution of Communism Workshop, Session 1 Communism is a religious view that has evolved and a...
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[Music] well that was more excitement than I expected thank you all um and thank you guys for coming I'm very uh very honored very very pleased privileged to see all I I guess I'm not supposed to be privileged anymore uh to see all of you here um I would love to just kind of warm you guys up and chat for a minute but there so there's an old joke about Math teachers and I used to be a math teacher and um the math teacher walks into the class and says hello everybody it's the first day
welcome to class we're already way behind seriously though I as I planned this lecture I this series of lectures this Workshop this Workshop I thought that I would be able to do this in four lectures and what I realized as I started to plan it is it turns out communism's had a lot going on for a while these people don't sleep they don't rest they just keep going and there is a ton of material and I want to share as much of it with you as I can so you're about to drink from a fire
hose is what I'm telling you I worked it out I think to actually cover this material the way I wish I could for you that we would need um nine lectures not four so um as a result this is not going to be a basic level Workshop some of the stuff that I've talked about in the past I'm just going to kind of touch on and you have homework uh I'm not going to grade it so that's up to you whether or not you want to be effective at talking talking about these these issues or
understanding these issues but I will point you in the right directions and I do hope actually to make these notes that I have that I'm working from available I certainly will release them in and when the videos come out uh of the workshop but I'm thinking about making them available to you sooner in PDF format uh I don't want to give you the preview though so you can see where I'm going I got to bring you through the twists and turns as we go naturally so the goal of this Workshop is actually going to be
to give you a very different perspective of Communism this isn't going to be a standard university lecture about the history of Communism I'm not actually surprisingly you know communism might have killed 200 million people or more and ruined the lives of maybe a billion people or more in the last 150 years mostly the last 100 and I'm not really going to talk about that I'm not going to talk a lot about the house I'm not going to talk a lot about um what specific programs they implemented here's you know this campaign or that campaign and
this purge or that Purge uh I want to talk to you about how the ideas evolved what the ideas are what they mean what they really represent which is basically a religion and show you how they evolved over time to get us to where we are today so this is going to be like I said four lectures not nine and no surprises and the first of these is communism 1.0 that's what we're going to do today this a little housekeeping up front big picture overv youw that's theoretical communism this is where Marx pretty much laid
out what communism is this is his theory of how the world works and what man's role in the world is uh and like I said it's I'm going to use some big words we're not going to worry about unpacking these right now we've got a lot of time ahead of us but communism is in a sense a pseudo materialist so it's not really materialist but it pretends to be about the material world no spirits but it's a religion a utopian eschatological that means end times religion uh and its goal is actually it's a transformative Faith
it's meant to transform your soul and transform Society uh to its intended end point as Marx believed it exists the next lecture which will be this evening is communism 2.0 which I'm going to call industrial or state communism um this is basically Soviet Union and to a degree uh ma CCP in China uh this was communism that was to be achieved through the forced inversion of prais again fancy terms that we're going to unpack as we go but they're going to force people to change into the new Soviet man the new socialist man they're going
to force Society to change and so it has this kind of state Church quality to it if we take seriously that it's a it's a big religion meanwhile while that's developing in the East meaning Russia primarily but also China eventually uh we had a trend of Marxism here in the West in Europe but also in America very significantly and in Canada that's broadly called Western Marxism if we throw in South America and Central America and other parts of the colonized world it's also called Liberation ISM they're not quite the same thing those are two tracks
um Western Marxism and Liberation that's going to be the subject of the lecture tomorrow morning uh that's going to be our critical theory lecture but this is really communism starting out mostly as a social phenomenon and then actually becoming a very personal uh transformative Faith or a personal transforming religion for the people and then the last lecture is really the point of organizing this entire Workshop I want to communicate to you I want to calling communism 3.0 which is Corporate communism which is seeming to be an oxymoron how in the world is it that the
biggest corporations in the world most of the Fortune 1,000 companies in the world are the ones perpetrating communism on us when Marx obviously wasn't a big fan of big corporations how can that be is it communist is it fascist well we're going to sort out what's really going on there um but it's communism implemented through the so-called public private partnership it's not a public sector or a private sector phenomenon there's a new single sector a beast that is the public private sector with a hyphen and uh I'm going to call that uh what Marx referred
to as the riddle of History solved and we'll talk about that tomorrow afternoon and like I said the point here is to talk about how the ideas of Communism evolve through time uh we're not going to talk a whole lot about too much of the specific historical implementation so if you're hoping for a detailed history of what happened in Soviet Union I recommend you go find a good book about that and read it um that's not what I'm here to do uh I want to talk about the theoretical framework but you've already probably picked up
since I've used the word a dozen or two times that we're going to talk about this as a faith this is going to be presented as a kind of religion but we have to answer the question which is the question of our time and that question is how in the world did Communism get into the corporations and so that's really my big picture structure um the short answer to that is that it's all designed as a religion to uh seize the means of the production of man it's not not the means of production of Steel
it's the means of production of man our souls so that they can take control of and direct literally the future evolution of man and I mean that word very literally back to so we're going to evolve back to what we really are which is our true socialist or communistic state which will enable us to live in a Utopia in other words the goal of Communism is allow us to build and enter Eden on our own terms and out right Defiance of God and that's I think extremely con consistent with the way that markx laid things
out so we have to understand communism at its operating system level its root you know Kam Harris says we're going to get to the root causes which is a Marxist phrase we are going to try we're going to talk a lot there going to be a lot of kamla references here because kamla Harris is a communist and it's it's about time we have that conversation and I want to thank Madam vice president thank you for allowing America to finally have this conversation it's way overdue another big word I'm going to just kind of throw at
you for a moment is theosophical um that's a confusing word in its historical uses uh sophist can mean either wisdom or it can refer to the Greek people that were kind of uh confusing what they meant by telling people kind of mystified and and paradox iCal things and the the the theosophical religion is this sort of what you would call it is New Age and what I want to basically convince you of is that Marxism is a bunch of denominations of a New Age religion that actually didn't start you know sometime in the 60s with
the hippies but rather started far far earlier uh and in fact goes back to Antiquity but really took its current form probably in the early 19th century uh so 200 250 years of a current New Age belief that we've mistook for philosophy and social theory and economics and that's why we have found ourselves going through these bloody murderous revolutions and tyrannies um because we thought that it was about economics or social systems or politics and we didn't realize that what it's actually after is your soul it's after the human soul uh to do this we're
going to spend a lot of time in the relevant texts that's why these notes are exorbitantly long and we're going to read from them um one point I want to make though is that as far as talking about this in the nature of being a religion whether it's theosophy or more specifically communism um I there there's a syncretistic that's another big word that the ca cafeteria Christianity is a saying for when Christians will just pick this Doctrine and that Doctrine and well I got this from this church and I got that from that and it's
not theologically grounded or sound they just kind of pick and choose well I'm I'm a Christian because I believe ABC but I don't really believe that other stuff and that's syncretism in a sense it's the mixing and matching of doctrines according to what you need and this whole Faith the whole theosophical faith is mix and match it always has been there's no doctrinal Purity there's no reason to have doctrinal Purity certain Cults or sects will have a great deal of doctrinal Purity around their cult leader but overall it's they want to figure out how to
transform to the next higher spiritual plane and however you're going to do it you're going to do it it's a very pragmatic in a sense religion that way although pragmatic is a funny word because um we usually think of pragmatic as that which works in reality where this is that which works in their kind of fantasy land uh but it's very good at grabbing them power and stealing them power so what we end up with is not necessarily I'm going to use words like Gnostic and hermetic and people are going to complain that I'm not
being doctrinally pure to these but that's not the point what we have is a series of people who were creating social and and and political philosophies out of esoteric mystical faiths occult faiths and they were taking as they needed to build a what they call a systematic philosophy uh they they weren't trying to be doctrinally pure to some cult from the first century or before and we have now a witches brew of experiments some of which succeeded in various ways and some of which failed in gratuitous ways and they're picking from the good ideas and
the bad ideas and what has worked they've kept and retooled to be more appropriate to the given context that we're in now and that which has failed has been cut away and blamed on on bis values or some you know wrong think or the wrong kind of people using it or whatever and that it was never part of the pure Doctrine in the first place because obviously it didn't work and if it was it would have worked because it's it's circularly pragmatic if that makes any sense to you um but the whole big theme of
this is that uh this is an the whole thing is we're not just talking about the evolution or evolution of Communism the faith itself is hellbent on evolving Humanity to its next level of existence which is a perfectly social utopian experience it's what they put in The Matrix and said that it didn't work because humans rejected it which I think is a funny line um a lot of you know that I introduced this idea kind of of of a biological taxonomical evolutionary understanding of what Marxism is in this talk I gave in the EU uh
about a year and a half ago in March of 23 and I said that we want to think of Marxism as a Genus of ways of thinking religions thought philosophies whatever you want to use I don't care which word we use here um and the critical race Theory and queer Theory and a disability studies and fat studies and so on are all just kind of species within that broader genus it's like I said that we all know that cats there's lots of kinds of cats tigers and house cats aren't the same thing and lions we
can discern that they're different but they're also all cats and so these different types of Marxism that we deal with Under the Umbrella of woke today are actually all types of Marxism and that was the point of that lecture I encourage you all to go back and look at that uh to to hear that I'm not going to reproduce that argument actually here and I'm going to talk surprisingly little about woke as it turns out what I do want to talk about though is what communism is right off the bat and communism is actually the
heaven of this religion or like I said the Eden it's going back to Eden on our own terms so it's the heaven of kind of this Suite of religion or genus of religions um that means it's also the name of occult religion that pursues getting into that heaven or back into that Eden however you want to look at that Marxism is a set of theologies that Trace that particular Faith so I want you to think of the genus of Marxism as a set of ways of believing a broader faith that so we're going to kind
of go a higher order up from genus to talk about what's really going on here uh and so communism is its its religion and its Heaven its goal uh revolutionary socialism is its method of trying to force itself into the world and that's really what Marxism is Marxism is a form of revolutionary socialism and Marxism itself is actually going to be one set of theologies within that religion that has taken many different faces like critical race theor race Marxism and queer theory is kind of sexual Marxism and we could go on down the list and
the reason that we have to talk about it this way which is a little bit confusing using kind of a biological taxonomical model is because communism doesn't work but it keeps trying Communists never go to sleep they never stop and they keep they're utterly convinced that they alone are right and understand man the world life the nature of the universe and they're forcing what they're doing but they keep hitting roadblock in the form of 100 million people dying or 50 million people dying or 10 million people dying or a quarter of your population being murdered
in Cambodia and they have to try to figure out how to tr do it again so they have to mix and match different pieces and try to you know whether it's soften this or open that or close that or Force this they have to change the the the dynamic to try to figure out how to get this right but Marx was their Theologian Marx laid out the big religious vision and you have a bunch of people ever since trying to figure out how to make it work and they changed the doctrine accordingly um both in
light of the failures and previous somewhat successes but also in terms of the specific contexts like Western Civilization versus peasant China that they find themselves trying to infiltrate um the goal of all of these theosophical religions though is the spiritual advancement of humanity into a social species collectivism that we have a true nature that we're not actually individuals that we were not made IM magod de in the image of God that we are in fact a social species that everybody lives for one another like a perfectly happy family would all live for one another but
that applied to the entire globe and what they believe is that human beings are just not spiritually Advanced enough to understand who we really are and in fact that we've been alienated from who we really are by the imposition of private property and that means if we're going to become a perfectly social being and I said one being all of mankind as one being that means that the goal is in fact to make Humanity like one giant organism and you're a cell in that organism and our institutions are like organs in a giant single planetary
organism and of course the marxists will be the central nervous system they'll control everything and so I'm going to read to you from uh a crackpot named Robert Mueller he's not the Robert Mueller that was in the FBI that went went after Donald Trump not that Robert meller spelled differently this is a a guy that worked at the United Nations for his entire career his entire life institutional man so to speak 45 years or something he worked there um and he actually gave this crazy list of ideas is what he called them ideas for a
better future uh to the Secretary General of the UN in the late 1990s in the leadup to the Millennium assembly in 2000 that was supposed to guide the UN to its agenda for the 21st century and not that they have small Ambitions not just the 21st century but the entirety of the third millennium and so this is these ideas are supposed to set the tone for the UN and Robert Mueller turns out to be a perfect devotee of this crackpot religion of theosophy that Marxism is a kind of and so here's what Robert Mueller said
in a couple of his ideas that I've hammered together here the greatest obstacle to our further evolution is fundamentalism my nation right or wrong My Religion right or wrong my ideology right or wrong my culture or race right or wrong at a time when the whole human species is in the midst of transformation of teaching and learning from each other in thousands of ways and communities from the top of the world the United Nations the biggest teaching learning Society on Earth see they're the top of the world guys down to the family competition and survival
of the fittest as Darwin thought can no longer rule be the rule of of human society this phase of evolution had its role the new evolutionary law is one of cooperation of Harmony achieved through learning and teaching from each other and the birth of humanity as a metaorganism of evolution in which every human being is a cooperating unit or cell in a new Global species hence henceforth in charge of the future fate of our common home the Earth and all life forms on it so when James was saying and wow they treat you like you're
a single organism that's crazy talk no really that's exactly what they think and there it was in their own words this is a fundamentally different view of Life Humanity reality than almost any of you have ever probably held in your entire life unless you at some point got involved in a new age spiritual cult in which case you're probably eyeballs deep in the same ideas very few people hold to this outside of this cult but this cult is running the world and this cult has set the agenda for the United Nations in this not just
Century but Millennium and this I'm going to try to convince you is the exact same cult that Marx is an avatar of or a theologian in so Spiritual Awakening is what this is all about we have to realize that we're really actually social that we're cells within a broader single organism of humanity and what Marxism represents is a Theology and an evolving set of how how toos in order to try to make that happen there are other ways it could be the hippie commune for example it could be getting off into uh jidu Krishna M's
theosophical cult as it was in California you could go hang out at esselin and you know get some massages or probably something creepy and all I'm probably getting sued for that you could probably join lots of different kinds of theosophical Cults some of you might even have warm thoughts to theosophy or to mysticism or spiritual ISM as it is it's an individual practice and I'm not even going to throw shade on you for that but when it becomes this collectivist process I'm telling you you're marching Humanity into a blender if you think that this is
good for you that's fine keep it to yourself enjoy your Mountain if you think this is good for Humanity do it through your prayers and your meditations or whatever because if you try to force everybody to go along with it you're going to kill billions of people and the marxists are a Living testament to what happens when this is tried to imp be implemented its scale and I'm telling you I just read to you from a trend Setter for the Millennium assembly for the United Nations that this is actually what we're dealing with now Marxism
is what we're going to primarily focus on um but that's just a set of denominations of this religion it's a set of how-tos for this bigger picture human evolution to a single metaorganism where everybody lives for the species Marx called our true essential nature a species being a spe a being that lives for the whole species which is exactly what Robert Muller was just expressing um so just remember that this is all going on in the background in fact if we were breaking this into the nine lectures or whatever the first lecture would just be
on these weirdos uh and then you'd see that Marxism fits within this uh in fact Marxism though is the most potent virent and violent probably of the denominations of this broad religion unless fascists are more violent which is plausible um I don't think they're more virent but they're more violent I think than Communists are uh that's a tough call um to be fair enough to all the awful murders that took place under communist regimes many many many of which were intentional the majority of them were unintentional because their philosophy is idiotic uh the the most
people in the Communist regimes died of starvation and exposure in disease they did not die of being shot in the back of the head for not getting along with it which is sort of the opposite proportions that you see to Fascism um so at any rate it's a very violent and militant and virent form of this as irational Robert Muller single organism evolve the humanity past competition into cooperation la la la la la religion that we're we're looking at um you ever heard the old saying scratch a hippie find a fascist that well here we
are um we start with the hippie and then we're going to talk about a lot of really bad guys um and like I said all of this had to evolve in different contexts that gave it different flavors but the goal has always been the same which is to evolve the human soul into what it origin orally or actually already is we're already Divine we just don't know it and if we could be reminded of it we've been driven to forget it and if we could be reminded of it then we would be able to have
our Utopia our Heaven um so their goal is to remake your soul it's not to just go after me and Charlie Kirk very frequently have sat on stage together and said the communism is after three things and I've thought about this a lot ever since the first time we talked about it it's after your family it's after your faith and it's after your property but the only reason it's after your family your faith and your property it's not just because it hates those in fact we'll hear from marks that's not enough it's because it's actually
after who you are which if you want to call that your soul that's fine I'm going to it's after you meaning the essence of who you actually are what constitutes your actual being what makes you human and it wants to convince you of a different definition of what it means to be human which PS their definition of being human is being communist what a big surprise it's like being a cell in a gigantic metaorganism of Earth so your family your faith and your property are three things that are defining and guarding your soul from collectivist
incursion if you have property you can basically they call it Fu money sometimes you can tell people to just go pound sand as they say your family and your faith help you understand who you are and to have a landing pad when things get Rocky to remind you of who you are so they protect your soul from these things and of course Marx hated that um but the goal of Marxism is not some particular political or economic theory it is the transformation of the human soul to transform Society into a single metaorganism that works for
itself as a collective and when that works you get to go to heaven which is called communism you probably heard the joke uh that communism only works in two places heaven where they don't need it and Hell where they already have it well the goals of the reason we're talking about the evolution of Marxism here is because the goal here isn't to implement some rigid Theory propounded Say by by Lenin the goal is to make this transformation happen whatever it takes to get us there and everywhere in the entire world um it's not about a
particular Theory so the theory is fungible you can change it out you can come up with a totally new thing and so people will say well that's not Marxist because Marx was very clear on this and then they'll write pages and pages and pages about how what Marx really meant was actually this and everybody just implemented it wrong and now you've got a whole new thing and this is the typical means of how they lie to continue to chase their goal because Marxism wants to take over the world to make us into a single species
being uh as as it is said in other words people that will pay Karl Marx's bills so he can write Theory all day and screw off that's literally what the motivation was um like I said my talk in in the EU I said you should think of Marxism therefore as a genius within this broader religion if you use economics as the dividing line for Humanity you get classical Marxism if you use race as a dividing line the stratification line you get critical race Theory or race Marxism if use sexuality and gender you get queer theory
if you use sex you get radical feminism if you use ethnicity and national origin you get postcolonialism if you use knowledge you get critical pedagogy if you use meaning making you get post-modernism and if you use anything else ability status fat status whatever you name it we can make up a new Marxist theory tomorrow we just have to pick a way to stratify the room who's ever been to an amusement park it could be anything but the conflict across a line of division in a population always works the same way and the techniques to stoke
a revolutionary sentiment across that line also always work the same way so what's the gist of this religion then without going into another Robert Mueller blinding thing I already told you we're going to do this a lot it's kamla Harris it is being a ble to see what can be unburdened by what has [Laughter] been I could actually make this 10 lectures instead of nine by doing an entire lecture just on the examples that I'm aware of off the top of my head from Marxist literature of where kamla Harris's most famous utterance turns out to
show up uh in you know slightly different less Valley Girl speak so here's for example Carl Marx from the 18th premere of Louis bonapart which he wrote in 1852 men make their own history but they do not make it as they please they do not make it under self- selected circumstances but under circumstances existing already given in transmitted from the past the tra the tradition of all dead Generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living see they're burdened by what has been I'm not kidding and just as they seem to be occupied
with revolutionizing themselves and things creating something that did not exist before precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service borrowing from them names battle slogans and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time honored disguise and borrowed language so he says well people are going to make history so they call upon the past but his point is obviously if they call upon the past they're going to remake the past right he says the Awakening of the Dead in those revolutions
serves the purpose of glorifying the new struggles not of parodying the old of magnifying the given task in the imagination not recoiling from its solution in reality of finding once more the spirit of Revolution not making its ghosts walk again and then he has a little bit of jibber jabber and however the social revolution of the 19th century cannot take its poetry from the past but only from from the future so he's going to give us the politics of our future past or past future or something like that that was a knife in somebody's ribs
it cannot begin with itself before it has Stripped Away all superstition about the past has to unburden from what has been but it has to also be able to see what can be which is in the future not in the past right the social revolution of the 19th century cannot take its poetry from the past but only from the future able to see what can be it cannot begin with itself before it has Stripped Away all superstition about the past unburdened by what has been the former revolutions uh be required Recollections of past world history
in order to smother their own content the revolution of the 19th century that's the Communist by the way is what he's talking about there in code they don't want you to know all the time what they're talking about must let the dead bury their dead in order to arrive at its own content there the phrase went beyond the content here the content goes goes beyond the phrase so we have to be able to see what can be unburdened by what has been it's literally the heartbeat of this religion whether it's the theosophical silly version of
it or whether it's that Maran Williamson would be a politician that does that or if it's this deadly serious Marxist version that KLA Harris is Jibber jabbering about every time she gets on stage they want to tell his tell the story of history from its end point which they believe that they know imagine believing that you know how all of history is supposed to work out and how everybody is supposed to be by the end of history and that you're going to make sure that they get there they're going to be the Shepherds of taking
them to the history that they were supposed to have that they're too stupid and too selfish and too morally deficient and too crazy to be able to achieve for themselves but all we're seeing again and again here is being able to see what can be unburdened by what has been you see kamla Harris had to get it ready for the 17-year-old on Tick Tock crowd but it's the same exact sentiment and these are the articulations I hope you already are starting to feel of a religion that is weirdly familiar but also mostly strange to us
in the west we've kind of not looked at it we pretend it's just silly spiritual people we don't realize that it's deadly serious and that Marx put forth the most vicious and uh violent articulation of that religion and the attempt to force it to come into being that's ever been and it's cost like I said damages to billions of lives and at least 100 million deaths that were completely unnecessary usually in very ugly ways but this religion has such peculiar views that it's almost impossible to believe that anybody believes it there are lots of names
for different aspects of this religion or for this religion over over all or we could attach to it none of them are adequate all of them will get some dork on the internet saying we're wrong it doesn't really matter gnosticism hermeticism occult mysticism I got yelled at for just calling it mysticism because the Christian Mystics were like hey this isn't whiskey but esotericism is another way you could call it theosophy new age new thought is actually a very specific designation you think you haven't heard of new thought maybe as a big religious movement sounds like
that's too stupid to be a religion it's what Oprah Winfrey put on TV for 35 years um she mainlined it into our culture so that we would be soft to it there are lots of reasons like I said to quibble with any and all of these terms we're not getting into that the Hydra has many heads who cares what we call it it's this awful religion I'm going to use the word theosophy and people can get mad about it on the internet and we were going to move forward while they're angry in spinning their wheels
what we heard from Robert Mueller and I could give you a lot more not just from Robert meller is that the United Nations is unambiguously Tethered to and based upon this occult faith and that Marxism is a set of denominational branches of the same occult Faith so what kind of traits does this religion have it's transformative in nature what's the favorite word if you take nothing else from this Workshop which I hope you take at least one other thing but if you take nothing nothing else when you see the word transform you should if you're
not reading directly in a Christian context you probably should get very uncomfortable that's a religious word that is a religious word they're going to transform the school they're going to transform Society they're going to transform America was it that Obama said we're going to have a fundamental transformation of America it is a these religions are transformative in nature they follow the logic of the circle which I've already primed you to believe so when you have circle plus transformational so you're going to progress by transforming around a circle which means you're going to end up transforming
back to where you began but it turns out that they don't believe in going in circles that's what what what stupid people would do they are smarter than that you transform in a spiral so when you come back around you're at the same place where you began but on a higher level for example Marx looked at the history of people and he said everybody started in tribes were everybody shared everything so they were communist but we want Global communism so it's the same thing but on a higher level so by the time you get around
the circle you have elevated yourself spiritually to a new level and you're above the same place that you were before and then you can do it again so it has a spiraling Dynamic based on this circular logic um so you're always going to come back to your origin point but you're going to do it better this time Hegel phrased it something like that the circle presupposes its end as its own beginning or something like that I didn't put that quote in here that's in another Workshop I already did on Hegel and you can can go
look that up they're obsessed with this spiral Dynamic logic of the circle so if you see transformative things that work on moving in a circle or coming back to who we really are you're probably dealing with this Faith um because it's transformative and moving in a spiral it's also evolutionary they believe that Evolution happens in kind of leaps you progress and progress and progress you have a clump of cells the clump of cells forms a colony The Colony ends up with a bofilm around it for whatever reason the cells within the biofilm are no longer
operating independently so they start to specialize and then pop you have a new multicellular organism after a Quantum Leap you've come around the circle to a new place that's higher up so it's evolutionary what they are concerned with is not really the evolution of bacteria but they think it is a universal law of how everything works you'll hear them use the word Evolution a lot listen to deepo Chopra he's a new thought leader you should listen to how they talk uh but it's EV it's really interested in the evolution of man the evolution of society
the evolution of nature the evolution particularly of Consciousness and the evolution is theological in other words it's purposed in other words it's to a directed end point that they believe that they know but you don't and that's why you can't have any power and they get all of it which means it's a cult what they see you as is imprisoned in the current stage of the world but you see you're fat dumb and happy in your prison and they know they're imprison which makes them miserable so they are pushed by this oppression of being imprisoned
in the world to break free of the world and to drag you kicking and screaming for your own good with them uh this is therefore loaded as we heard from Robert meller with crackpot evolutionary beliefs that are against comp competition I don't know what kind of a mixed crowd I have here but competition seems to be the fundamental law of how evolutionary processes work nope we're going to transcend that now back around to the where we began but on a higher level and we're now going to start a new phase of evolution based on cooperation
uh in other words it's going to be collectivist and that means if you don't participate there's something wrong with you and there are like I said these Quantum leaps in Consciousness and in particular in Social Spirit they are in this religion big fans of imagination over reality what you can imagine is actually more real than what is actually real which creates emotionally a tremendous dissatisfaction with the world a disat satisfaction with the self that might lead you to undergo life-altering surgeries as a teenager that you're ever going to get back from because you're fundamentally dissatisfied
the world is simply not as cool as the world you can build out in Minecraft or in your imagination so they're obsessed with reality which is to say they're actually obsessed with the subjective over the objective they're also obsessed with the frivolous over the Practical in other words they're bad at producing value and they want to be given value so they want to pretend that their imaginative activities are equally or more valuable than than things that actually solve problems for people like getting food on their table this is all meaning it's dialectical but we'll not
dwell too much on that word yet this faith is characterized by using lots of decisive binaries like polarity or like gender male and female they have to be overcome decisive binaries have to be overcome we have to eliminate the distinctions because the distinctions we perceive in the world are actually a state of our fallenness they are not real men and women are not different there was a saying back in China During the Revolution I've seen posters still painted on buildings in Beijing with my own eyes that read in Chinese characters of course men woman boy
girl we are all the same and so we're going to overcome distinctions we're going to use these Dynamic diads and Triads to do it this is just you see lots of triangles and binaries you're probably dealing with the religion is the short version of that that's not too heady there's l of magical principles involved the principle of vibration you get your Vibes to match and then you've changed things that's a magical principle um principles of polarity which is the the binaries that I just talked about the principle of Correspondence which is phrased As Above So
Below and as below so above did an entire workshop on that already you should look that up biggest probably most important characteristic of this religion though is that the adherence other than transformational quality to it is the ad parents have a gnostic rebirth they wake up they become woke they undergo what you might refer to as a qualitative change so they are a transform transformed being who now understands the true nature of who we are or at least understands it on a higher level not constrained by our previous historical conditions that weigh on the brains
of the living like a nightmare in other words they are able to see what can be unburdened by what has been and when that builds up to a high enough level and enough people will then have a eschatological leap to another phase or another time of society we'll go from a feudal society to a capitalist one a capitalist Society to a socialist one and socialism will wither away of its own accord to give us a stateless classless communism for example or it could be more hippie dippy like Robert Mueller and we're going to have this
perfect learning from each other metaorganism everybody's plugged into the Matrix or whatever this guy was all about there's actually a name for this I've given all those funny names before the this philosophy or theological philosophy if you want to call it is called cosmological monism monism is that there's just one thing in the universe but it appears in lots of different ways and so you have to see through everything is an avatar of the one thing it's basically what Hinduism is Hinduism is a monistic religion cosmological monism is the idea that everything in the entire
universe is actually aspects of a one single different undifferentiated all and that the appearance of different is therefore an illusion that prevents us from seeing the god that is in everything everywhere all the time um Humanity's role in this religion therefore all religions are based off of having a uh system of a comprehensive system of belief and practice that gives fundamental answers to uh questions about the world and man's role in it such that it gives rise to duties of conscience or so you've got to do something with it and so Humanity has a role
in all of the various versions of this religion from Robert Muller's hippie dippy un stuff down to Marx's very diabolical and Lenin's murderous uh regimes which is to understand the truth of who we really are and drive the evolution of humanity and reality back to itself and back to what it was always supposed to be by removing the false distinctions and that will actualize God or heaven or Eden or whatever which the philosopher Eric fogal referred to as etiz the escaton which is a phrase that's become quite popular lately like I said just a quick
note there are going to be people who are going to lose their Collective I don't swear in workshops over the fact that I've Blended together a lot of things that are technically different and if you go read for example about noism and hermeticism you'll see that they're fundamentally different they have very different actually mythologies they have different presuppositions they have a different mode of orientation with regard to how the universe is one's much more pessimistic AOS ISM than hermeticism is much more optimistic they're not the same thing I'm not saying that they're the same thing
so when I say something like that Marxism is Gnostic and hermetic what I'm actually saying is that it has drawn from gnosticism and hermeticism to its purposes of achieving its goals in a very ad hoc a very to- purpose way it doesn't care what it takes to make itself right its goal is to make itself right and in absolute power it doesn't really matter um all of these details that are going to bother Scholars like how good have the scholars done at protecting us from this by the way not so good not so good really
bad job I'd fire him now the point is that you would say well how in the world do you have all this hippie dippy New Age stuff that you think of as being since the hippie the 60s the hippies in the 60s how did marks have that in you know 1840 well it turns out marks had all this architecture to him kind of in a much more undiluted and less silly form um Beyond I mean the the meu of Germany at the time where he was would have been steeped in this the philosophers like Hegel
that he was interested in rouso that he was interested in were deep in this there was a huge Revival in the centuries preceding Marx probably going back at least at least 300 years before Marx was writing within the kind of elite strata of society and in particular the goofy secret societies like the Illuminati and the the rosac crucian society of digging into all of this mysticism it was very alive and well and the philosophers that Marx was particularly interested in like rouso was undoubtedly a gnostic who figured out how to take the Gnostic beliefs and
impose them upon the idea that Society is the thing that constrains us not some evil spiritual demon and so beyond the gnosticism of Russo and the esotericism of the secret societies that Marx was a member of literally a member of aside from the fact that he would have had it there he also got it from Hegel Hegel was his Patron philosopher he rejected a lot of things Hegel said or he said he inverted a lot of things Hegel did but he adopted his basic fundamental architecture some of which he turned upside down some of which
he didn't turn upside down some of which he just kind of tweaked to his own purposes and Hegel was a wizard Hegel was not Hegel described himself as a theologian but he was at What's called the tubigan stiff which is a uh it's a seminary a Lutheran Seminary in the swabian region that was shot through with all of this goofy esoteric mysticism and it was more interesting to them there than the Christian stuff they were trying to figure out how to make the mysticism look like Christianity because they figured out that figured that it was
the real movement of the world Hegel said that yaka BMA was the uh greatest philosopher of Germany you should go read yaka BMA and see if he wrote any philosophy at all it's all Alchemy and wizard symbols and it's all transformational transformational transformational mysticism it's Alchemy he appropriated not just cabala but heretical versions of cabala that were actually invented kind of for secret society purposes can you repeat that about Hegel please all of it most of it the cliff notes that was the cliff notes so Hegel was a wizard that's the cliff notes he believed
Hegel believed in Hegel believed that that oh my God how do I do this I did gave a sixh hour lecture on this great I couldn't get to my notes I got you okay so Hegel Hegel was a student of the tuban stiff which Tu with an umla b i n g i n or I don't know what is it t u b i n g n yeah stiff t s t ft tuban stiff by the way I'm going to give you all my notes later so you don't have to write as much as you
can you don't have to keep up with me oh good okay all right so um he was a student at the stiff the stiff was using esoteric mysticism and secret society nonsense in order to try to figure out how to create a philosophy of transformation of society to create the perfect Christian expression but also the perfect government Hegel was an outright statist he believed that the state was in fact the manifestation of God on Earth uh because it's the manifestation of human power on Earth which is the closest that we get to have to God
and our job is to understand the contradictions of the world what he called the difference between the theoretical idea and the Practical idea until we remove all distinction between those two things though no more contradictions left no distinctions at all at which point it will manifest as the absolute idea which is the only true reality in other words which is God which will then become imminent so this guy was a wizard using Christian motifs to to to speak transformational alchemical uh Concepts and Marx adopted his entire dialectical process and called it dialectical materialism so the
point was just that Marx had all this weirdo theosophy available to him and he had the gnosticism um very famously rouso maybe his most famous line is man is Born Free but everywhere he's in Chains that's a gnostic sentiment because what is gnosticism gnosticism is the belief that we're in prison that a demon has constructed the world to imprison us to keep us from our true nature was which is that we actually are Gods ourselves and it doesn't want us to know that and if we can know the secret truth about reality maybe we can
transcend the Trap that we've been laid into and this is what rouso is expressing but he said it was Society locking us in a prison not some spiritual demon because Society itself is the spiritual element of man which is what Hegel said also is that you have the state and the state is embodying the current idea which is the best guess about the right order of the world or God so the state and body the idea and that gives rise to a society which has a spirit literally in German Guist and almost all of his
writing was about the Guist and in fact the first major work that he published that people recognize is called the phenomenology of spirit what is the phenomenon that creates the spirit of society and how does it transform it's it's a Wizard's manual to society and so this Gnostic and hermetic stuff was not just available to Marx Marx was swimming in it and he packaged it through hegel's what I call theosophical statism he has this mystical theosophical religion that he's pretending is Christian and he makes it statest which I said already the the saying that the
quote is the state is the Divine idea as it exists on Earth and so the state is venerated as as an image of God not you not individuals the state is the image of God and Mark imported all of this architecture um I've called this in the past and you have a about six 2our lectures you can look up on that sociological gnosticism or social gnosticism um I also called it dialectical leftism we don't have good names for this because these Liars have never let us pin down a name because every name you give them
they say no it's not that you're wrong like Elon Musk just called out KLA Harris and said she's definitely a communist and they've written an article already saying Elam mus doesn't know what communism is oh no it has some corporate aspect so it's not communism that's the point of this Workshop is to dispel that objection that communism is a moving moving object it's a transforming self transforming thing so that it can transform Society now with this goofy religion notice we haven't even really got to Marx yet there are other major branches and denominations than Marxism
and Robert Mueller there's Helena blaty who founded in the 1870s the theosophical society in London she wrote a book which I've read about a third of because oh my God called The Secret Doctrine you can tell by the title The Secret Doctrine that it's full of crazy stuff it also happens to be where the idea of the swastika was brought to uh the West it also happens to be the place where the concept of the Aryan race as the people who are to move history forward is brought to the west and if you're thinking wow
that sounds kind of like Hitler guess what Hitler read the secret Doctrine and his race ideology was based off of that she had a number of students not just people who read some of her work like Adolf Hitler namely Annie bassant who was a Fabian so socialist which is more affectionately known by George Orwell as inok English socialism Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood was in this cult isn't it weird how all these things that we're having to deal with now the fabians Planned Parenthood like they're tied in with this all weirdly but hey
look they're all part of the same big religion in reality a woman a lot of people have not yet heard of unless they listen Maybe to me and a few others Alice a Bailey who was tied pretty deeply into Freemasonry um lots of people were involved in this secret Doctrine theosophical Cult of Helena blavatsky um plann Parenthood what's that about it's using birth control abortion and Eugenics to approximate spiritual transformation or spiritual evolution of man just using the exoteric methods of saying well you know you're poor so probably you're not a high quality Soul so
you shouldn't have a baby it's really gross when you find out what it really is it's way worse than what people I think it really is Alice Bailey um coined an idea called the science of right human relations I think we call it sustainability and inclusion today she published her ideas in openly occult books openly that was like a a good word for her she uses the word hundreds of times in these books all the time openly occult books under the brand she couldn't she didn't have a publisher she made her own publishing company with
her Freemason husband um and it was called the Lucifer Publishing Company a couple years later after it was given a large amount of uh Foundation money I think Rockefeller money in particular that she thanks them for in the fronts of some of these books they rebranded it less on the nose and called it the Lucius trust the Lucius trust is the print publisher for the United Nations which is really weird its headquarters is at 866 United Nations Plaza they have a headquarters in London that's roughly across the street from Parliament at three whiteall place they
have an office in Geneva which is where the United Nations is located uh and its main headquarters she also wrote a book about education that I've talked about in more depth than anything else she's done called education in the New Age education in the new age was a foundational text for John Fetzer at the Fetzer Institute who is a big New Age big money radio guy owned the Detroit Tigers for a while um and it's also his Institute the Fetzer Institute is where social emotional learning which is in all of our schools was created in
1995 and 1994 sorry I did that backwards um Robert Mueller who I quoted earlier was a gigantic fan of Alice Bailey from this theosophical society and so the United Nations and in particular UNESCO in his uh relig or sorry not religion University of Peace in Costa Rica which Robert Mueller actually ran and common core education which Robert meller actually designed as what he called the world Core Curriculum all come Downstream from Alice Bailey which comes Downstream from Helena blaty which comes Downstream from the theosophical religion that Marx is a part of I'm going to talk
a little bit more about one more character here um Pierre tear de chardine who was a Jesuit priest how the Catholics didn't kick this guy out for heresy is amazing he just promised he wouldn't publish any of it so it all got published after he died but this guy wrote the most theosophical heretical stuff in the universe and a lot of it so he had a couple of really big Ideas one of them is called the Omega point so history is not spiraling like uh flat spiral like a spring it's spiraling to a point which
is the Omega Point God says I am the alpha the beginning and the Omega the end oh that's the end point Capital Omega the end point of History that's when we get to the intended point of all of human evolution and then he said along the way there are lowercase Omega points which is where we have those spiritual leaves he had this other idea that's called the neosphere the the sphere of thoughts and that's actually what binds Humanity we're not like bacteria we're not going to get a single bofilm around us we're going to have
a thought film around us and we can all learn to think the same thoughts in the neosphere and so what's our neosphere the internet they think the neosphere is here they think they can use the neosphere to condition people's thoughts to all think the right things so we have to Stamp Out All misinformation disinformation and malformation so everybody thinks the same stuff but that's just the internet because we have the internet of things which is like Alexa in your house and your refrigerator you couldn't open when Cloud strike went down and then uh later we
have the internet of bodies which is when they put chips in you and when we have little watches that are monitoring our heart rates and talking to each other all the time and imagine what you could do with a social credit system if we're all connected to one another like a single organism through the internet and it turns out that these ideas are also at the heart of the United Nations and the Robert Muller and the Rockefellers who throw a lot of money at these things Steven Rockefeller has recently written a number of letters praising
and his neosphere idea and how important it is to consider that and Robert Mueller in his ideas book talks about a number of times he is probably the key theosophist actually for understanding the moves that are happening in the world today maybe aside from George Soros who's another one of these Wizards that we're going to have to talk a lot about at some point so this isn't his most famous book Ted's most famous book is called the phenomenon of man but he has another book that's called the future of mankind the first chapter is titled
a note on progress progress with a capital P this is from the beginning of that see if it sounds similar to what we've already heard if we were to find a definitive answer to the question of the entitative in other words what makes you an entity the entitative progress of the universe we must do so by adopting the least favorable position that is to say by envisaging a world whose evolutionary capacity is concentrated upon and confined to the human soul the question of whether the universe is still developing then becomes a matter of deciding whether
the human spirit is still in process of evolution to this I reply unhesitatingly remember this is a Jesuit what's he going to say is the soul evolving yes it is the nature of man is in the full flood of entitative change in other words we're changing as an entity what it means to be human is evolving but to grasp this it is necessary a not to overlook the biolog logical and morphogenic value of moral action and B to accept the organic nature of individual relationships we will then see that a vast evolutionary process is in
ceaseless operation around us but that it is situated within the sphere of Consciousness and Collective Consciousness same religion same ideas deeply embedded in the biggest driving institutions of the world like I said this is religion comes up in new thought it's Oprah Winfrey they call themselves evolutionary leaders she platformed every single one of them on daytime TV over the course of her career some of them more than 30 times a lot of these characters who go on and talk about spiritual hippie dippy stuff that are big opral Winfrey characters were brought to you by the
fact that somebody wanted the new thought religion to be presented to the World on daytime TV to a lot of wine moms without anybody knowing that that's what they were learning mothers in fact of daughters in the 1980s and 1990s and why are the women so left so now we've got to actually talk about communism communism is part of this religion it evolved out of this religion and it is evolved as its own kind of genus of beliefs in line with this religion and we actually are going to due to the logic of the circle
going to come kind of Full Circle back to this United nation's hippie dippy side of it by the time we get to the end of the workshop um this bigger religion like I said earlier if Marxism is a genus and critical race theory is a species and there's other species this is its family its order its film I don't know how high up it goes I don't really want to get too weird about all that but this is a higher ta taxonomical thing um and communism is like one thing within a broader religion one denomination
within a broader religion of transformation uh of the world and of actually collectivism of becoming a social being that realizes it's a social being so let's just lay out if communism is organized as this kind of a religion what's it look like communism answers the question let's just cut through the chase communism answers the question what is man that's what it's actually answering and the answer that communism gives to the question of what is man is a communist I already made that joke so it says that we are intrinsically social beings who don't know that
because we've been estranged from our true nature or alienated from who we really are and that we need to be brought back to or LED back or forced back or tricked back into it as social beings the theory is that Society conditions us society makes us who we are that's the historical conditions weigh on the night weigh on the brains of the living like a nightmare so man is made by Society but we are also as a unique species active participants in the production of society and history so man actually makes Society but society makes
man man makes Society but society makes man and you have the logic of the circle all over again so this isn't just the logic of the circle though because it's the logic of the Spiral because we don't want to be caught in just a cycle of History time is a flat circle doing the same thing forever what we want to do is have people awaken to the nature of reality and hijack the production they want to hijack the means of producing Society because that'll hijack the means of producing man and when you change who man
is then you get to a new spiritual level we become no longer capitalists or feudalists or whatever slavers was before that we jump up a level we go from slavers to feudalists and we have surfs instead of slaves we go from there we we leap up to capitalism and now we we have workers who are wage slaves and then you leap up to socialism and we're going to abolish all together which of course is exactly a lie and then we're going to finally get to Communism where the the power structure is automatic and embedded in
everybody because we're all awakened religious nut jobs and we don't need to have a state to force it anymore so this is the Hermetic principle of Correspondence As Above So Below right as Society so man As Above So Below but also as below so Above So as man so Society so man makes society makes man make society makes man makes Society it's As Above So Below as below As Above So Below blah blah blah blah blah round and round and round we go how else does Marx view the world we find ourselves imprison into imprisoned
in a world that we were born into and didn't choose there's our Gnostic condition our historical conditions we didn't choose to be born with this skin color or this economic status at this time in history in this stupid country undergoing a war or capitalist exploitation or feudal you know Domin or whatever else we didn't choose that but we can awaken to the fact that things could be different we would be able to see what can be unburdened by what has been and then we can do the work is the other saying to transform Society by
taking control of the means of production that's driving society that way only after we become able to see what can be unburdened by what has been because everybody else doesn't get it and they're just going to keep making the same mistakes that keep us stuck in the little circle we got to go up the spiral right so that means that this gnostic impulse is hidden there inside of Communism we're trapped in the society it's just that the Bourgeois class is constructing society and trapping us in our conditions they're forcing us to do that and exploiting
us so we don't realize it so we don't Revolt so that we can't get to the next stage and see what can be they want to keep us burdened by what makes them profit in other words um so the the the Gnostic concept the nosis of this Gnostic religion of Communism is socialism you awaken to the fact that we're really socialists we've all been socialist from the whole time in queer Theory everybody's been queer from the beginning it turns out very original these people that means that the oppressing class the bis class or the feudal
Lords or whoever it is the landlords turn out to be a gnostic demiurge that the demiurge is the demon that is posing as God telling us that we're all you know to serve him and subject to him while giving us crappy lives on this material plane when in fact we are deities Who would know it if we were allowed to eat the fruit he wouldn't let us eat and then he kicked us out of Eden for our cheek so that's the Gnostic belief and that's how the bis or the the privileged or the oppressor class
Works in this religion but the fact is that man is different than the animals because he can make his own history and isn't subject to Mere gods and demons he can transform his Consciousness he can transform his community he can awaken his class he can change the world and that transformation is done through practice which is activism so you have to get active you have to go do the work or do yeah do the work is what it's called um we don't have to elaborate they use this language all the time so transforming Society through
your activism is meant to transform man through the socialization it brings so if you force everybody change society to accept transgender and everybody accepts transgender now transgender is real but that means your participation is required everybody's participation is required we all have to pretend men can become women or else it won't really happen seizing the means of production of society seizes the means of production of who man is and then you can use that control to control them to become socialists and when everybody's a socialist or at least everybody who's still alive is a socialist
it'll work this time but in this religion why don't we know who we really are we are truly socialist or queer why don't we know that well because we've been estranged and that's why things don't work perfectly that's why things are actually evil in so many cases our socios spiritual Nature has been hidden from us because we have private property that lets us see ourselves as individuals if this is my glass of water and that's your glass of water this is mine that is yours they're different you can't have it that's called The Law of
exclusion which is the opposite of inclusion and I must be different than you in order to exclude the glass of water for me from you and so that's Gnostic estrangement but now it's not just that the the the evil spirit of society is doing it it's that we all are doing it to each other all the time by keeping Society Running so by the dent of private property and the exploitation of man through private property and the profit motive we have all fallen from our true nature of socialists and socialism when it's tried usually doesn't
work that's what they believe that's why they keep trying it and that's why they blame it on everybody else when it doesn't work it's not their ideas which are scientifically true they believe it's that the people did it wrong wrong and therefore have to be punished so they'll do it right better and allegedly when this is all done right by everybody all at the same time with no errors which means we all have to think almost exactly the same thing communism will arise history and man are completed the fall will be undone and we enter
back into Eden on our own terms or in other words in T's words we achieve the Omega Point what Mark said about this is that the criticism of religion disillusions man so that he will think act and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his Illusions and regained his senses so that he will move around himself as his own true son religion is only the elusory son which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself so who's the God of this religion you are everybody is but the thing is
is you're the only you're only the God of this religion if you believe exactly the same thing as everybody else so it's not exactly the self is the religion it's the transformed self so the first real communist in history is this guy babou Gras babou actually Francois Noel babou Gras was a nickname in fact it was his Illuminati nickname because he was in a cult a secret society with Adam Weiss hop um and so he called himself graas turns out this guy is um kind of a character there were also these utopian socialists like like
Robert Owen there are a lot of secret society things like the rosac crucians and the Illuminati and so on floating around the league of the just and all these there are lots of kind of weird occult things happening in Europe at the time they were all believers in the same oul religion and they were bringing it into communism we're only going to focus on communism so I'm not going to talk about the utopian socialists Marx really didn't like them because they were throwing shade on his the fact that his program is actually utopian actually those
dudes were crazy like they were going to transform the elephants to do all the work and the whales were going to do all the shipping like they were crazy like the utopian socialist programs were very much like uh welcome to the cult you don't have to work here but you do have to give me all your money your wives and your daughters it was they were pretty whack it turns out our public education system was designed by them so babo is named by the marxists or by Marx himself actually as the first communist what were
his beliefs anti- private property pro- radical equality believe that governments have to be taken down by conspiracies so we formed this called the conspiracy of equals in France he was operative during the French Revolution and then he was killed in the French Revolution for t for pushing a line that the French Revolution wasn't radical enough um so when they had the reaction halfway through and started murdering everybody who did the revolution in the first place they murdered him um what Marx called his form of Communism is crude communism and he's fairly actually for Marx positive
about babo but he's pretty critical of crude communism uh what he called crewed communism is basically the hatred of private property uh Marx is actually going to introduce use this to introduce an idea that he is what I would call Transcendent communism I don't think he uses that word exactly anywhere but he uses the word transcend for sure in the description B boof though grew up dirt poor and this was kind of a problem for him he did a lot of hard labor he was suffering in his oppression but in particular because he was a
dirt poor guy he was excluded from all the things he wanted to do they wouldn't let him into the to the cool kids clubs and he was a smart guy though and the secret society buddies fed him a steady diet of rouso the Revolutionary thinkers um in particular one of Ro robes Pier's men uh filipo bonara the biggest conspirator of all time Italian socialist agitator and Freemason uh literally guided him to a very revolutionary understanding of uh Russo's kind of social Gnostic ideas and went on to write the history of bab's conspiracy of equals in
19 28 which became the blueprint for the radical revolutionary Communists including Marx for how to do it he was also this is where we get into Shady timf foil water probably further radicalized by a British intelligence operative named James rutage who described himself as a citizen of the universe who is also allegedly very anti- private property at least in his professional work and very pro- radical equality at least in his professional work and was very likely sent to France from Britain on British intelligence Ambitions to undermine France using a color Revolution that became the French
Revolution so here's a line from babo Society must be made to operate in such a way that it eradicates once and for all the desire of a man to become richer or wiser or more powerful than others it's a pretty good definition of communism actually in practice it reminds us of Harrison Bergeron which is a Kurt vonet novel um where everybody is made equal by the handicapper General in the government but focus on that Society must be made to operate in a way such that so we're going to force Society to force people not to
want to succeed that's the essence of crude communism so he's a really important character but he's only a crude communist and Marx wasn't going to have that because crude communism lacks that religious transformative element he was in the secret societies bab was but he wasn't religiously committed Marx is going to take this higher that's a gnostic impulse again the gnostics say hey that thing you're doing yeah that's pretty good but it's not a very good understanding of it there's a better one come with me join my cult give me your wife not all of them
say that last part we very famously have marks in The Communist Manifesto on the second chapter saying communism can be summarized in a single sentence abolish private property right that's crude communism it's the hatred of private property but he means something much more complicated and if you read the paragraphs before that you can tell it's something much more com complicated uh he believes that crude communism lacks the fundamental transformative element that allows people to have higher culture and communism at the same time he looked at what was going on with the communes in France and
was like these suck everybody basically works and they're miserable they distribute labor in basic goods and nothing fun or interesting is happening there's no art there's no music there's no Higher Culture Marx wanted to have the good life of an advanced successful Society a highly cultured Society where nobody has to do anything and he wanted to synthesize those two things into a single well somebody else has to do all the work is what that actually means but if everybody believed the right thing they would do that voluntarily is what his view is so you you
don't have that transformative element of the soul of the person that will make it actually work which means that crude communism is actually based on Envy which is still awful and is not going to work um so Marx called it actually crude and thoughtless communism because he would rather people transform themselves into their true social or human nature he has this really weird I don't want to take up a lot of time talking about this comparison it's kind of eluting what is he talking about he comp he says with the crude Communists that it's like
if you had a socialist commune and you just made the women all common private or common property and so what would happen is they all just become prostitutes and misused and everybody knows that's going to happen wrong and he's like no no no it's not how it's supposed to be way it's supposed to way communism is supposed to be and he's much more difficult to read than this I cut the whole quote out because no one wants to hear it uh what he actually says is that it's like a marriage like so your family is
how a communist Society should work but it should be everybody in society is your family and so it should be that you voluntarily happily sacrifice for one another your husband your wife or whatever it is you do that voluntarily that's the relationship it shouldn't just be all the women are to be used by all the men in common because that always turns abusive which is other words is that markx was aware that the tragedy of Commons is a thing but he thought if we spiritually Advanced ourselves we won't destroy common property which it turns out
if every experiment that the collectivists did in the Soviet Union and in MA China show people destroyed all their own property rather than give it over to the collective they destroyed everything in in MA China people would break their tools on purpose before they'd give them to the collective Farm as it was being collectivized because why watch your neighbor wreck your stuff couldn't stand it so it's just better to break it kill your own animal and eat it trade your good horse for a bad one so when the state takes it away from you they
only took a crappy one like literally they destroyed everything they had their own stuff they cut productivity down by about 2third in China to avoid collectivization is deliberate destruction just because collectivized stuff is so unpleasant to people it just doesn't work um all you're going to get those was a lowest common denominator communism if you follow crude communism is what Mark said there's no art music Higher Culture he said the thought of every piece of this is marks the thought of every piece of private property as such is as such is at least turned against
wealthier private property in the form of envy and the urge to reduce things to a common level so that equalize Equity equalizes downward thing so this so that this envy and urge even constitute the essence of competition so people compete at being envious in crude communism crude communism is only the culmination of this envy and of this leveling down in other words so he knows Equity equalizes downward but he thinks he can beat it by spiritual elevation that proceeds from the preconceived minimum it has a definite limited standard how little this analment of private property
is really an appropriation is in fact proved by the abstract negation of the entire world of culture and civilization see you get no civilization no culture no art no music nothing good the regression to the unnatural Simplicity of the poor and crude man who has few needs so he's talking about bof here the poor and crude man who has few needs and who has not only failed to go beyond private property but has not yet even reached it so it's crude communism is what poor slubs who've never had anything good would want they just want
their basic needs met like animals so it's the higher culture of Rich Sons and Daughters sons of bosses sobs as they're called sometimes uh that actually are pushing for our socialist revolutions because they know what the good life is and everybody should just magically have the good life and they're such Heroes by pushing for that for everybody if you could just get everybody to want to share everything all the time except them of course they get Exempted so crude Communists are twoo cor for real communism Marx requires you to have a gnostic rebirth that's what
I was saying is a key piece of this weird faith that it's in because if you're going to have higher Society you need Advanced people so the way that he phrases this is the first positive this is marks in economic philosophic manuscripts from 1844 the first positive analment of private property crude communism is thus merely a manifestation of the vess of private property which wants to set itself up as the positive community system communism so on the other hand as positive Transcendence of private property is human self-estrangement and therefore as the real appropriation of the
human Essence by and for man communism therefore is the complete return of man to himself as a social which is human being that's the difference that's what Marx was saying that's a religious transformation in a theosophical cult he says I'm going to skip a little bit of the middle I've read this a whole bunch this communism is fully developed naturalism equals humanism and is fully developed humanism humanism was the name for his religion by the way as he called it and this fully developed humanism equals naturalism it is the genuine resolution of the conflict between
man and nature we call that sustainability today and between man and man we call that inclusion today the true resolution of The Strife between existence and Essence between objectification and self-confirmation between freedom and necessity between the individual and the species communism is the riddle of History solved and it knows itself to be this Solution that's communism as Marx actually explained it notice though that he said that it's about man's return to himself as social therefore human so the way he describes that actually what I just read to you was from two different paragraphs and I
skipped the middle one the middle paragraph says in both forms Democratic and despotic communism is already aware of being integration or return of man to himself the Transcendence of human self-estrangement we're actually socialists and we're going home but since it has not yet grasped the positive essence of private property in just as little the human nature of need it remains captive to it and infected by it he's talking about crude communism there it has indeed grasped its concept but not its Essence so it has the right idea but it's missing the spiritual religious element this
is the crackpot religion of advancing man to his theosophical end point of a metaorganism that lives for the species exactly like I said so how does Marxism work it has a particular method which is actually the dialectical class conflict of History dialectical materialism it's called it's done by seizing the means of the production of History which is to seize the means of production of man and society that wheel man creates Society creates man creates Society that's how it works that's done through those things I called prais which is activism and the inversion of of practice
the socialization done by Society on to you here's how he opens the Communist Manifesto the history of all hitherto existing Society is the history of class struggles so all of history moves because class struggle against each other Freeman and slave Patrician and plebian Lord and Surf guildmaster and journeyman in a word oppressor and oppressed so if it's oppressor and oppressed it's communism folks it's that simple is woke communism yes oppressor and oppressed stood in constant opposition to one another carried on an uninterrupted Now hidden now open fight a fight that each time ended either in
a revolutionary reconstruction of society at large or in the common ruin of the contending classes okay so that's marks let's do a little aside and let's see what says this is from the future of mankind it is a pleasant and dramatic spectacle that of mankind divided into its very depths into two irrevocably opposed camps one looking toward the Horizon and proclaiming with all its Newfound faith we are moving progress and the other without shifting its position obstinately maintaining nothing changes we are not moving at all same thing softer version it's not class conflict now it's
the people who believe in progress versus the people who don't it's not the rich versus the poor or the black versus the white or the whatever so Marx opens the manifesto by saying history moves through class conflict that's oppressor versus oppressed and destroys the classes that are involved unless there's a revolution that reconstitutes everything here's how he ends the main body of the manifesto when in the course of development class distinctions have disappeared and all production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast Association of the whole nation the Public Power will lose its
political character political power if properly socalled is merely the organized power of one class for oppressing another the state exists to maintain oppression if the proletariat during its contest with the Bourgeois is compelled by the force of circumstances to organize itself as a class if by means of a revolution it makes itself the ruling class and as such sweeps Away by force the old conditions of production unburdened by what has been then it will along with these conditions have Swept Away the conditions for the Existence of class antagonisms and of classes generally and will thereby
have abolished its own Supremacy as a class in place of the old bis Society with its classes and class antagonisms we shall have an association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all we can be unburdened by what has been so we can see what can be and we'll all be socialists so Marxism adopts the Revolutionary model of crude communism and then plac it not within this secret little conspiracy to overthrow the government but within the intrinsic transformation of people who will then form a revolutionary Force to
overthrow the existing state take control of it and then transform it into socialism taking it to its communist endpoint in other words theoretical communism Marx's transformative communism builds Apostles of the transformation of society to the end of History it didn't work by the way so history is like an engine for Marxism what makes it run is class conflict which means you have to make a lot of class conflict to make it go so you might you know agitate the races against each other to make it move you might import a lot of people from another
part of the world who don't integrate very well to make it move this is the basis of the dialectical materialism Hegel talked about the same thing before Marx did um in a very racist way it's kind of funny that they're all based off of that but eventually the idea is that these contradictions will raise Consciousness and sufficiently many people to have the Revolution take over and you watch the state slowly start to wither away because now everybody who runs the program is enlightened and Marx believed that Society moved through these six stages as it did
this right primitive or tribal communism that's what I said that's the first one and then it ends in global communism that's the last one well in between the tribal Communists start to take each other over One Tribe conquers another makes everybody slav so you get slave economies next everybody sooner or later realizes that's not so good and you end up with a feudal aristocracy where they reproduce it with Lords and Ladies and a slightly higher level of management of the same thing then everybody convinces themselves that they're their own man and their own woman working
for their own stuff with their own stuff in capitalism as the fourth stage of history but capitalism is really W wage slavery you're actually mostly not working for yourself you're working for somebody else and can exploited and made a wage slave and then you can have the actual Revolution that changes the course of history to socialism as the fifth stage and the sixth stage it will evolve or wither into communism and we're all in heaven it's supposedly Mark said this is a science visent shaft leure socialism the Scientific Socialism the only true science the Democratic
Socialist of America still call it the immortal science of Marxism by the way they believe the science like in Co The Immortal science of Marxism they really put that on Twitter but it moves through these stages inexorably this is just how history progresses it's just a matter of how quickly it does so why don't we speed up the process by waking up and getting it on getting on with it sooner the contradictions of each stage and the conditions of each stage lead to the next you can't start with a bunch of peasants and Skip forward
to being socialists because just like babo you didn't have the stuff to understand what the good life is so you'll live this crude junky communism where everybody's miserable Soviet Union and peasant China stick out uh under under the CCP but what we are going to do if we follow this process correctly is humanity is going to go from tribal estranged groups that live in communist Splendor with the small group to a a global world that operates in communist Splendor for everybody and for all by a slowly Awakening to our socialist self-creative species being true nature
who we really are as socialists um in other words we could phrase it this way man to paraphrase rouso man is born a creative socialist but everywhere is stuck in his historical conditions the way that this works like I said is that you do practice that's your activism and then when you change society the society creates a state and the state enforces its power onto you and you change as a result and you get that spiraling logic like I said but at the end the thing is with with socialism because they have the right Consciousness
which if we were theosophists we would call Christ Consciousness what's Christ all about Christians self sacrifice for the liberation of man from bondage so the state will wither away of its own accord the state will sacrifice itself in the end to liberate Mankind from the oppression of what states maintain which is class antagonism that's the religion that's the idea the state becomes Christ and eventually dies on its own cross and we're all free but it only works when we all believe exactly the same thing which is that we are intrinsically socialists who operate like we're
all married to each other all the time could you imagine like sometimes you know you you read these stories about polygamy sometimes and you're like two wives are you out of your mind like have you tried to manage one could like the problems are just going to exponentially increase right and now I'm married to 8 billion people I'm just kidding two billion they got to get rid of six of them 500 million I'm just kidding Georgia gu Stones we didn't say that out loud all right so that didn't work by the way we're almost at
the end that didn't work it didn't work anywhere you basically kind of had a handful of different kinds of societies you had super undeveloped places like in Africa where it wasn't even tried you had peasant societies which didn't know what anybody was talking about and weren't interested in it and Marx didn't think that was where it should be pushed anyway because people weren't ready for it because they hadn't been capitalist any of the capitalists West the Societies in the capitalist West that didn't want anything to do with it in fact they wouldn't organize a Revolt
Communists complained about this incessantly through the 19th and into the 20th century they were more interested in their religion as an identity their families their Clan they're more interested in having economic stability and making a little piece for them for their lives where work was exploitative they wanted reforms they didn't want to blow up Society they weren't interested in transformation they just wanted to have you know a slightly better work they wanted OSHA sort of not full OSHA they but they did want a safe working place and normal working hours and not living in a
company town and constant debt to a robber baron they wanted reforms they they wanted to keep their lives going they also as time went forward were much more interested in their National identities as plays a big part in the 20th century than they were in an international uni Universal communist identity as far as the feudal societies it wasn't really pushed but they weren't even ready you couldn't organize peasants um you couldn't get them to do more or less anything and so what happens then is we kind of have the the development of the world at
this point in we'll say the late 19th century is that you have kind of Western Europe and the Americas are kind of successful growing capitalist societies marks thought would go and they don't and then you had Russia and China and kind of the rest of the Eastern world that were peasant societies and it turns out that they were able to force it there and so that's going to lead us to our next two lectures to introduce them in the East we had Eastern communism which I'm calling communism 2.0 and in the west around arising at
roughly the same time we had an entirely different view which was how do you subvert capitalist societies which is called Western Marxism and so we have Eastern communism and Western communism developing uh roughly at the the beginning of the 20th century to deal with the fact that this isn't going to work anywhere as Mark's laid it out you can't go around and make Apostles among the workers and get them to spontaneously organize revolt and blow up their lives so the big punchline is that Marx in theoretical communism communism 1.0 marks believed that if you tell
them enough Theory If You Preach at them enough the proletariat would eventually awaken the instruction was to go among the workers right and they would have a gnostic rebirth to their socialist true identity as class Consciousness then they would organize as a class they would Revolt as a class they would have the Revolution and establish actually existing socialism that because its anti-class would wither away the state until you had the heaven of classless communism and it just didn't happen anywhere completely wrong in fact it was such a failure that Marx probably despite the fact that
he wrote 110 billion words would probably be nothing more than a footnote in history if Lenin didn't rescue his reputation and make him kind of a big deal before 1917 which is the year of the Russian Revolution the bolic revolution socialist movements everywhere didn't go really anywhere they didn't get very far the Paris commune was the best attempt and it didn't last very long it didn't work out turns out Chaz sucks that's what all these things are is Chaz and they don't work the the Capitol Hill autonomous Zone they they don't work it turns out
they suck and people don't want to live in them they want functioning societies so in the East the feudal societies were Usher ushered into what I'm calling industrial communism which also turns out to be ushered into Mass death or as my Australian friend said walked into a blender um and like I said the Bolsheviks not taken power in 1917 Marxism would be a footnote Marx would be a third rate goofball in German philosophy that basically nobody paid attention to and this is an extremely controversial statement that makes people on the internet extremely mad when you
say it um so our next lecture will be later this evening and it explores communism 2.0 which I'm calling Industrial communism or state communism which is how communism developed in the East um to force people into socialism including lots of crude Communists and peasants and things that aren't supposed to be in the hopes of transforming them which is to say unburdening them from what had been so they can learn to see what could be for their own and the greater good thank you [Applause]
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