after the war Kido passed on his dream to his cousin AG he instructed AG to bring the company up to us standards of Technology within 3 years that was a daunting task us productivity in automobile manufacturing was eight times higher than Japan's and Toyota was short of equipment and capital so raising productivity was a pressing issue AG assigned a machine shop manager by the name of taiichi Ono to develop a more efficient production system the two men looked for ways to raise the value added productivity of every worker they did that by putting saki's jidoka
concept to work throughout their operations they also looked for other ways to stretch their limited resources of equipment and capital they did that by putting keido's just in time concept to work [Music] systematically Ono took a queue from the US Supermarket he made each process the customer for the preceding [Music] process in traditional manufacturing processes delivered parts to the following processes regardless of what was actually [Music] needed Ono devised a completely new kind of system processes used combon cards removed from Parts they had consumed to withdraw parts from the preceding processes combon on the parts
arrayed by processes came off when the following processes withdrew the part Parts they became instructions to make additional Parts the combon flow ensured that processes made Parts only to replace Parts actually consumed by the following [Applause] processes active cooperation by the people in the workplace would be essential to Ono system but at first people were reluctant to give up their old ways of doing things Ono took the initiative he went into the workplace and taught people how to use his [Music] system AG Toyota supported Ono enthusiastically in putting the new production system in [Music] place
a new production system gradually took shape on the foundation of Just in Time Manufacturing and jidoka intelligent automation as the Toyota production system it became a standard for manufacturing [Music] Industries the Toyota production system gained Global attention after the oil crisis of 1973 Toyota recovered more quickly than other automakers from the crisis and its production system received much of the credit for that resilience General Motors Corporation approached Toyota about setting up a joint venture to make small cars in the United States the two companies set up new United Motor Manufacturing Incorporated in California in 1984
differences in language and culture presented big challenges but the spirit of making things well knows no borders people accepted the Toyota production system and the Toyota GM joint venture became the highest ranked Automobile Plant in the United States for Quality it became a symbol of success ful industrial cooperation between Japan and the United States a book published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology hailed the Toyota production system as the machine that changed the [Music] world today the Toyota production system has gained a worldwide following let's see how the system now operates in the world's most
modern automobile [Music] plants the trucks that deliver parts to the plants carry a variety of items in each load that allows Each truck to travel fully loaded which minimizes trips and thus reduces traffic [Music] congestion forklifts carry the parts unloaded from the delivery trucks to racks alongside the assembly lines [Music] when people on the assembly line use the parts they remove the attached combon cards the combon get picked up regularly and sorted the delivery truck drivers pick up the conon for their company or companies before leaving back at the supplier's plant the combon become orders
for withdrawing additional parts sorting arranges the conbine according to area in the plant shipping Personnel exchange the combon and empty boxes for full boxes the production ction processes in the plant make additional Parts only to replace parts that have been withdrawn that prevents the wasteful buildup of inventories when the shipping Personnel have gathered a full truckload of Parts a truck carries the parts to the vehicle plant kbon thus link Toyota plants with suppliers plants as well as linking the processes inside the Toyota plants Just in Time Manufacturing minimizes inventories eliminates waste and maximizes productivity at
all the plants that participate in the Toyota production system jidoka intelligent automation also continues to play a big role in the system on automated Machining lines numbered lamps light up to call attention immediately to any problems detected by sensors on assembly lines the employees themselves have devised countless jidoka measures to prevent def work so saki's concept continues to prevent [Music] waste the idea is to build quality assurance into every process and it [Music] works the foundation for the Toyota production system has been established by saki's jidoka intelligent Automation and his son kido's Just in Time
[Music] Manufacturing taiichi Ono and others put those concept to work systematically with the strong support of AG Toyota and his passion for manufacturing the Toyota production system continues to evolve in response to changing needs and circumstances but the fundamental concepts are Eternal including Toyota's commitment to continuing Improvement in every phase of products and operations those Concepts underly a lasting contribution to enhancing the quality of life for people [Music] everywhere