I Nearly Fell Off My Chair When My Daughter Burst Into My Office And Shouted, "God, Dad, Why Are You

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Real Cheating Story
I nearly fell off my chair when my daughter burst into my office and shouted, "God, Dad, why are you...
Video Transcript:
part two this is a continuation of the story the link to the first part is in the description of this video enjoy watching when we divorced the house was appraised at around $300,000 with about $200,000 in equity that was 5 years ago since then we had been Faithfully paying on the mortgage and property values had gone up significantly in our area by doing a bit of research online I estimated that the appraised value was now around $500,000 and the equity was more like $450,000 yes we only had $50,000 left on the Note why was I
doing this well obviously for the money of course who couldn't use an extra quarter of a million dollars besides that it would totally piss Kayla off she loved that house and having to give me a penny for anything would cause her to go through the roof I was looking for whatever payback I could get for what she did this would also reimburse me for all the maintenance and mortgage payments I had to make for her the call came about a week later Tom what the hell is going on well Kayla there isn't much going on
here just working and fixing up the house I bought what's going on with you I do have to admit my surprise that you calling to see how I'm doing after all this is the first time you've talked to me since the divorce you a-hole I'm not calling to see how you're doing I'm calling to see why a realtor just came to my house to look at it and get my signature on my listing contract oh that well it should be pretty self-explanatory since both of our names are on the title she would obviously need your
signature for the sale what sale I love this house and I am not about to sell it then when can I expect you to get me the check for my half of the equity nice try I got the house in the divorce no you only got the use of the house until Josh graduated from high school that happened last month now we can either sell it and split the proceeds or you buy out my half if you think that I'm going to give you $100,000 for a house that is rightfully mine you're crazy well that
proves that I'm not crazy I'm not asking for $100,000 you could have done that 5 years ago now since the equity in the house is more like $450,000 my half comes to $225,000 factoring in all the expensive furniture that you just had to have let's just round that to an even $250,000 you're insane I'm not giving you a dime she screamed as she hung up the phone yes I was laughing after she hung up on me yes my lawyer did take his cut but it was worth it a couple of months later seeing her face
as the judge ruled in my favor was priceless I even managed to convince the judge to make her pay the court fees as well as my lawyer for having me take her to court over something that should have been handled out of court the house appra for more than I estimated with the value of the furniture I ended up with 27 $5,000 they ended up buying me out instead of selling I was to find out later that it was mostly Seaboard a new forged crankshaft 10 one Pistons a nice heavy cam ported and Polished heads
Double Springs on the valves and a blower to top it all off yeah I would probably be passing more gas stations than tire shops and I would pass very few gas stations i chrome the valve covers polished the aluminum on the blow and used all steel braided hoses popping the hood almost required sunglasses the first time I took it out on the road I almost wrecked it I was on the freeway and decided to punch it big mistake the back tires broke loose instantly I barely managed to hold it straight before I was able to
let up off the gas note to self pressed down slowly on the accelerator pedal I drove a bit more more carefully after that a few weeks later I saw an advertisement for a car show open to the public thinking that would be fun I filled out the form and paid my entry fee when the day came I loaded up the 72 Chevy and drove over to the park I checked in and was assigned my spot as I was setting up I noticed a really nice 1968 GTO parked beside me I set up my shade structure
a couple of chairs and my cooler behind my truck that's when I noticed the attractive redheads setting chairs up behind the GTO yes I said redheads as in plural there were two of them one looked about my age and the other looked to be in mid to late teens probably still in high school there were two very significant things I did not see I did not see a guy with them and I did not see any rings on the third finger of the older woman's left hand of course I looked over and said good morning
I like your car they both looked up from what they were doing thanks I like your truck too the older one said thanks have you been to many of these this is my first one I mean I've been to car shows before but only as a spectator this is the first one I've ever entered my name's Tom by the way well this is the third time my daughter and I have been in one my ex took it to a few before though I'm Ari and this is my daughter Jenny in that case when you're done
why don't you two come join me in the shade I have a cooler full of drinks and could use any information on these shows I can get we ended up hanging out most of the day we would occasionally get up and talk to someone about our vehicles but it was a very pleasant day no I didn't win any awards but I still had fun I learned that she had divorced her husband three years ago because she caught him cheating on her he was cheating with his boss's wife she made a deal with him she would
give him all the videos as long as he signed the GTO over to her she told me that would really hurt him and she wanted him to keep his job so he could keep paying his child support and maintenance to her it was a double win for her besides his boss was an a-hole and she didn't really care if his wife was hanging the horns on him Jenny was also friendly and joined the conversation she told me that she was really pissed at her dad for his cheating and had nothing to do with him anymore
we were having such a nice time that I didn't want it to end when the show was wrapping up I offered to take them to dinner at The Red Lobster a couple of blocks away they accepted and we drove over I didn't really want to be a downer but they asked and had told me their story I hit the highlights and told them that my kids took my wife's side and had nothing to do with me anymore you mean that she cheated and your kids blame you for divorcing her Jenny was astonished yeah I tried
to explain things to them but she had already poisoned them against me by that point Marie put her hand on my arm I'm so sorry for you Tom you seem like such a nice guy and you didn't deserve any of that she said sincerely I decided to change the subject to something more pleasant we ended up talking and laughing for another hour we seemed to have a real connection we exchanged numbers and Marie seemed open to meeting up with me again as they were leaving I saw Jenny give me a big smile a wink and
a double thumbs up I took that to mean that she was also really open to me meeting up with her mom again so Marie and I did get together again the next weekend I had called and asked she had enthusiastically agreed dinner and dancing followed and I got a kiss on the cheek when I walked her to the door as I was turning to leave I saw a teenage red head in a window smiling and giving me the double thumbs up after two more dates I invited them both over to my house and cooked them
dinner I had learned to cook pretty well after my divorce thanks to the Food Network a few YouTube videos and a lot of trial and error I make a really good lasagna so I went with that they seemed to like it they really liked my house but I did overhear Marie telling her daughter that it definitely needed a woman's touch I wouldn't have argued if I had been asked the next weekend I was invited to their apartment Marie's cooking put my feeble efforts to shame even Kayla wasn't as good as Marie I couldn't help it
I know it's rude but I just couldn't stop eating I finally had to apologize for making a pig of myself they just laughed and asked why I was apologizing that was the biggest compliment you can give to a woman who loves to cook she told me Jenny was almost as good as she was it was two weekends later that it happened I had taken Marie to dinner then a dance club we had been dancing for a while when a slow song came on we were pressed together as we swayed to the music we had graduated
to some pretty hot makeout sessions a few weeks ago she leaned over and whispered in my ear take me home frankly I was surprised I thought we were having a great time but now she wanted to go home I pulled back to look at her she must have seen the look on my face and began giggling oh you silly man I meant take me to your home oh well then thankfully I had my regular truck and not the 72 I'm not sure I would have been able to keep the tires on the road if I
was driving the 72 back home we ended up being intimate three times before we fell asleep I cooked her breakfast before driving her back home I got another double thumbs up from the redheaded teenager in the window a few months later I asked her to marry me and she accepted it was a simple ceremony in front of a judge they he moved into my house right after we got married Jenny even started calling me dad life was great yes there were disagreements yes Jenny and I had our differences as well she was still a teenager
and I was still an authority figure I had to say no on occasion but she respected me and her mom loved me just as much as I loved her the surprise phone call came about a year later it was a number that I didn't recognize hello I said as I answered the phone an excited woman's voice came through the line Carly yes Daddy it's me and I have great news really it's really good to hear from you I said it really was good to hear from her maybe she was reaching out to reconnect I'm getting
married that's great sweetie I'm so happy for you anyway I want you at my wedding oh sweetie of course it's one of the greatest honors for a father to walk his daughter down the aisle and I also set up a wedding fun for you oh no Clarence is paying for the wedding and you will be walking me down the aisle also since it would be really awkward for you and Mom to be sitting together you wouldn't be in the front Pew but I really want you to be there clar as in a scumbag that you
call Mother cheated on me with she actually married that piece of Dad I'm trying to reconnect here and I wanted to reach out and have you at my wedding besides after you left she and Clarence started seeing each other more fell in love and got married it's actually your fault if you hadn't abandoned us she and Clarence would never have continued seeing each other okay I can see that you're still under the impression that your mother didn't do anything wrong so I will be unable to attend for two reasons first and foremost I simply cannot
support a marriage that I'm sure will fail you are more likely to cheat on your husband just like your mom cheated on me if he is in any way someone that I would approve of he would kick your butt to the curb as soon as he found out second you have just stolen the last great honor that a father has for me and given it to a dirt bag who knowingly seduced a married woman that go goes to show me what a shallow self-centered person you have grown into fine if that's the way you're going
to be don't expect to ever see your grandchildren if you raise them anything like you are I want nothing to do with them anyway really Dad mom is right you really are an a asterisk asterisk hole and that was the last I heard from my daughter when I hung up the phone she tried sending me text messages over the next couple of days but I just deleted them there were even a couple of voicemails but I just deleted them after hearing the first couple of words it was all the same my ex-wife's words and my
daughter's voice she made her choice 10 years ago and could live with the decision this so-called Olive Branch was nothing but an insult she could take the entire Olive Tree and shove it well so much for any chance of a relationship with my former daughter I'm pretty sure there will never be a relationship with Josh either yeah it hurt they still blamed me for what their mother did I just set my phone down and moped out to the shop instead of wallowing in my sorrow I lost myself in working on the 1963 Chevy pickup I
had pulled out of a field a couple of months ago this one wouldn't be as radical as my 72 I wanted to be able to drive this one a bit more I was rebuilding a 350 that was just slightly beefier than stock I never even saw Jenny sneak around the corner and pick up my phone I didn't even realize that she was home let's see the story from Carly's side I was so pissed off at my dad here I was trying to reach out to him and he had the G to talk to me like
that it was his fault that our family was torn apart I tried to be nice and invite him to my wedding and he just threw everything back in my face I was hoping that he would finally take resp responsibility for what he did to our family I looked down and saw my phone ringing I didn't recognize the number but there were a lot of calls like that when planning a wedding hello is this Carly Williams yes can I help you yes you can you can stop calling my daddy and being a cast iron witch to
him he is the best man that I have ever known and he doesn't deserve a spoiled brat like you calling him and remind him of the pathetic excuse for a human being that you are I swear you and your family are a waste of breathable air who the hell are you my name is Jenny Williams I'm your sister my Mom married your former dad and he adopted me I love him with all my heart and would never even think of disrespecting or dishonoring him in the slightest you are an insult to daughters all over the
world I know all about what happened your 304 of a mother went out on a date completely disrespecting her husband and had an affair with another guy the really sad part is that you seem to be okay with that let me tell you my biod dad cheated on my mom and she didn't even hesitate to kick him to the curb you can also bet you're skanky but that if my mom ever cheated on my dad I would be right there helping my daddy carry her out with the rest of the trash yes even though he
isn't my biological father he is the most decent caring and compassionate person I've ever met I'm thinking of sending your 304 of a mother a thank you card for being such a big idiot and letting him go if it were for her object stupidity I wouldn't have him for a father now oh and you can also tell your grandparents that they have another granddaughter but I have absolutely no desire to have any sort of relationship with anyone so despicable as to reject their own son for a cheating 304 and her backstabbing offspring there's one more
thing you can do for me as you're saying your joke vow look into your husband's eyes and think about when he decides to cheat on you when he actually does cheat on you call me and tell me about it so I can laugh my butt off at you have a shitty life sis she hung up I just stared at the phone in shock first off I was surprised to hear that my dad got married you would think that he would at least send his children an invitation then hearing that I now had a younger sister
as well there was a strange thought that flew into my mind I couldn't help thinking that she sounded a lot like me before mom talked to Josh and me about how Daddy was leaving and going to break up the family over one minor thing at first I had thought daddy must have had a really good reason for that and I was thinking maybe I could live with him instead of mom then Mom explained how she was feeling and just needed this one little thing to rejuvenate herself after all it was only one brief period of
time compared to how long they had been together besides mama was willing to stay together and work things out it was Dad who was being pigheaded and refused to even try it was Dad who was leaving he was the one breaking them up I couldn't believe how rude she was to me either she never even gave me the chance to tell her that it was Dad who left us and that mom was trying to move forward it was like she didn't even care that it was just a one time thing that shouldn't have even been
a blip on the radar considering how long they had been together then she had the nerve to call me all those nasty names she doesn't even know me and what was dad getting so upset about of course Clarence was going to walk me down the aisle after all he has been there for me for the last several years I haven't even talked to Dad since Josh and I told him how mad we were about him leaving besides Clarence was paying almost $220,000 for my my wedding I couldn't even imagine how far the pittance that Dad
could put aside for my wedding would go I was still upset about those phone calls a half an hour later when Mom and both grandmas came in they had been out shopping mom immediately noticed my mood honey what's wrong I told dad about the wedding and asked them to come after all I am his only daughter and I thought that he would want to be at my wedding I kind of hoped that maybe may this would be something where we could build on and maybe start a relationship again oh that's wonderful Grandma Williams exclaimed will
he be there we haven't heard from him since he called about Thanksgiving a few years ago I sighed no he got pissed off when I told him that Clarence would be walking me down the aisle and that I thought it would be too awkward for him to be sitting in the front Pew with Mom and Clarence oh that's too bad I thought thought he would have gotten over his pigheadedness by now well if that's not bad enough I found out that I have a steps sister about 5 minutes later a girl who said her name
was Jenny Williams called me a few minutes after Dad hung up on me apparently dad married her mom and adopted her she was not very nice on the phone in fact the nicest thing she said was that she wanted to thank my mom for being stupid otherwise she wouldn't have such a fantastic Daddy I recounted both phone calls to them they were shocked at the vment that came from Dad and Jenny Tom got married and we weren't invited to the wedding he never even told us about it I have another granddaughter Grandma Williams whispered to
herself the day of my wedding finally arrived I briefly thought about what my dad had said and had a moment of sadness that he wouldn't be here on my special day oh well I had reached out to him and he had rejected me I shrubbed it off after all this was a happy day I was going to marry the man I truly loved the man I would be spending the rest of my life with Clarence was beaming with happiness as he took my arm and we began walking up the aisle to the music of The
Wedding March I was overjoyed as I took in all my friends and family both sets of my grandparents were there and Josh was one of Bobby's groomsmen everyone was here to celebrate my special day tears of joy began to form in my eyes as I looked ahead and saw Bobby smiling at me as he stood before the minister as we passed my mother I could see her beaming at me with pride she too had tears of joy beginning to slide down her cheeks Clarence lifted my veil kissed me on the cheek and said congratulations baby
he then handed me off to my sunabe husband I had a strange nagging feeling in my head when the Minister asked who gives this bride away and Clarence replied her mother and I do something didn't sound right but I couldn't understand why at that moment the feeling soon passed as the minister began the ceremony I was gazing into the eyes of the love of my life repeating my vows to have and to hold in sickness and in health through good times and bad but I couldn't say it I was staring straight into Bobby's eyes and
I simply couldn't say it I suddenly thought about what I had said over the phone I was staring into the eyes of my soulmate and suddenly saw him with another woman the picture changed and now I was looking into the dull eyes of a broken man as I told him that I had been unfaithful these images were flashing through my mind and the words came out without a thought I understand now if I had thought we had the wrapped attention of the audience before that was nothing compared to what it was now Bobby was looking
at me with concern turn suddenly it felt as if a weight had lifted I got the biggest smile on my face that I had ever had I finally understand I said to Bobby that's really great Carly but what do you suddenly understand absolutely everything I answered then I got serious Bobby do you really love me of course I love you how can you even ask that I have to ask that CU I can't marry you today I Could Feel the Rush of air as the entire audience gasped in shock we will still get married but
not today this isn't right and I have to make it right I'm only getting married once and it will be for life so I need to do it right baby what's wrong Bobby I love you with everything I have I'm going to marry you I will explain everything to you and you will understand completely but we need to go and begin fixing things we will reschedule and have our wedding you're not leaving me at the altar are you not a chance in fact you need to come with me with that I turn to the guests
I'm truly sorry about this but I just can't go through with this today we are not canceling our wedding we are simply postponing it we will let you all know when we scheduled the new date we will understand stand if you decide not to attend but just think about what a story you will have about today for years to come wouldn't you want to show up next time to see what happens then anyway to try and make up for some of your disappointment the reception hall should be ready everything is already paid for with non-refundable
deposits so why not go ahead and take advantage of that it's an open bar so eat drink dance and party don't worry Clarence is footing the bill with that I grabbed Bobby's hand and began to head back down the aisle suddenly my mother was blocking my exit and Clarence was standing there beside her he didn't exactly look pleased that I had just flushed over $20,000 down the toilet I also noticed that all the guests were now focused on this new confrontation those who had stood up to begin making their way to the reception had stopped
in their tracks to witness the next show Clarence began shouting about the mon he had spent and that I was going to pay him back every cent for this stunt then it was Mom's turn Carly what are you doing where are you going she asked what I'm doing is fixing a mistake I made several years ago what mistake the biggest mistake of my life the mistake I made when I listened to all that you spouted off instead of helping my daddy throw your butt out to the curb the mistake I made when I blamed my
daddy for breaking up the family when it was all your fault for cheating on him Carly I am your mother I'm not a 304 and you will speak to me with respect really mother you're not a 304 once a cheater always a cheater how dare you how dare me I'm actually ashamed that I looked up to you it wasn't until I was looking into Bobby's eyes as I was saying my vows that I woke up and realized what a horrible person you really really are once a cheater always a cheater as I looked into his
eyes I suddenly realized how horrible it would be if he ever cheated on me I realized how badly I would hurt the man I love if I ever cheated on him I guess Dad was a pretty good role model for me after all you sure as hell weren't what do you mean by that Mom asked a bit of fear showing in her eyes seriously mom do you think I don't know about your Wednesday afternoon sessions with Jim Davis your personal trainer funny how they always happen at his apartment instead of at the gym and how
about Carlos the pool guy it seems like it takes him an extra hour every time he comes over what about the time I came home early and saw you hanging out with the landscape crew after they finished the yard work I have some videos of that in case you try to deny it and let's not forget how you always give Mario your hair stylist a little something extra after every appointment at least Clarence is your boss at work so you don't have to worry about getting too close to your Superior am I leaving anyone out
oh yeah I almost forgot about Alan Morris our neighbor he's been stopping by whenever his wife is out with her friends for the last 3 years her eyes darted over to Clarence after I finished airing her dirty laundry maybe hoping that he hadn't heard any of that even though I said it loud enough to carry through the entire church and he was standing less than 2 ft away Clarence had a look of utter shock on his face I had an evil thought just then as I looked at Clarence oh and Clarence in front of God
and all these Witnesses I vow with the same commitment that my mom had when she made her wedding vows that I will pay you back for the money you spent on this wedding we all know how she keeps her vows so you can fully expect me to honor that vow as much as she honors hers yeah he shouldn't hold his breath waiting for so much as a dime seeing that Mom was distracted I pulled Bobby down the aisle I made a quick stop to talk to the videographer yes he caught the entire thing on camera
he had a big smile on his face as he handed me a copy of the video he was set up to make a duplicate copy just in case something happened to the original I quickly scribbled my signature on a release form to allow him to post it on YouTube I was hoping that it would go viral and increase my mom's shame Bobby and I dashed out to the parking lot he had driven his car here and our bags were in the trunk we were planning on Switching them to the limo before leaving the reception his
brother was going to drive it back to his apartment after the reception I smiled knowing that Daddy was really going to like Bobby as I slid into the passenger seat I got instantly aroused as he turned the ignition and that huge 400 140 Tri power engine rumbled to life sure it wasn't GM but the 1969 Challenger was still a beast where are we going he asked as we roar out of the parking lot go West on 156 I'll find the address and put it in ways I answered as I began working on my phone it
wasn't difficult he wasn't really trying to hide after all I knew the town he lived in and a search of property records gave me the answers I needed it was about 2 hours away now I just hope that he was home when we got there we didn't stop to change I was on a mission and I didn't want to waste time now back with Tom's story it's not a very normal occurrence when you open your front door and see a woman in a wedding dress and a man in a tuxedo standing on your porch I
mean if you happened to be a minister and actually lived at the church I suppose it would happen occasionally the problem here was that I was not a minister and I sure as hell didn't live at a church even more surprising was that I actually knew who one of them was I had no clue who the man was but that was surely my oldest daughter standing there the daughter who had made it abundantly clear that she never wanted to see me again I did seem to recall that today was her wedding day but I couldn't
figure out why she would be here she should either be at the church reception or on her way to her honeymoon standing on my doorstep was the last place she should have been Daddy can I talk to you for a minute please she asked in a very small voice still being stunned I moved back and allowed them to enter I gestured to the living room where Marie and Jenny were sitting I noticed the shocked looks on their faces as well Carly this is my wife Marie and our daughter Jenny Jenny Marie this is Carly I'm
sorry but I do not know who the guy with her is oh yes daddy this is my fiance Bobby Jensen Bobby this is my daddy Tom Williams his wife Marie and my sister Jenny I thought that he would be your husband by now didn't you get married a couple of hours ago I asked confused that's what I need to talk to you about I couldn't go through with it today I can't get married unless my dad walks me down the aisle Daddy I finally understand you were right you were always right I'm sorry for being
caught up in Mom's lies and blaming you it was mom who threw everything away not you abandoning us I'm sorry for everything that I said and did you didn't deserve any of that I won't make any excuses for my behavior because there really isn't an excuse except being young foolish and listening to the wrong people I just hope that you can somehow find it in your heart to forgive me and let me back into your life I really really want to marry Bobby he's a great guy and I know you're going to like him I
just can't marry him unless you agree to walk me down the aisle and give me away well this was completely unexpected I said trying to process everything I probably should have focused on other things but there seemed to be an elephant or two in the room even though I was really happy that my daughter had decided that I was not the a-hole who abandoned them and wanted me back in her life my overriding curiosity about the scene before me demanded some attention so Carly did something happen at the wedding I mean you're wearing your wedding
dress and Bobby is in his tux so I'm assuming that you were actually at the wedding I asked she looked down at herself and then over to her fiance oh yes we were actually about halfway through the ceremony when I had an epiphany she said handing me a CD maybe you should watch this Bobby and I are going to change into regular clothes Bobby ran out to the car and grabbed his suitcase while Marie showed Carly to a bedroom to change as that was happening I set up the video player connected to the big screen
in the living room as soon as Carly and Bobby were ready Marie came back and sat beside me while I pushed play on the remote the video started off as a tip typical wedding ceremony the groomsmen escorted the Bridesmaids down the aisle then split at the altar Bobby came in with the minister the ring bearer and the flower girl finally Clarence was escorting Carly to the altar it was all pretty typical until Carly began reciting her vowe even that was normal to a point until she seemed to have some trouble talking it looked like she
was stuck on one word I can't believe that she actually did it and that it hit her like that Jenny whispered to herself I was about to ask her what she was talking about when Carly stopped trying to say her vows and changed everything we watched as she stopped the wedding and then confronted her mom I was shocked by her Revelations apparently her cheating had escalated after she married Clarence Carly and Bobby had changed and returned to the living room by the time the video ended I just couldn't go through with it Carly said I
was looking into Bobby's eyes and realized how Hur he would be if I did to him what mom had done to you I finally understood what forsaking all others really meant and that mom broke that vow that's when I realized how badly she had Dishonored you and that I was dishonoring you by getting married without you being in the place of honor you deserve I mean how can I make those Solem vows in a ceremony where the two most dishonorable people I know are in a place of honor how can those vows have any real
meaning when the most honorable person I I know was not involved I realized that if I was to really mean those vows then it needs to be my daddy the person who actually taught me values and integrity who walks me down the aisle and gives me away I decided that when I marry Bobby it needs to be you there not Mom and Clarence Carly paused for a moment then smiled and looked over at Jenny besides I need my little sister to be one of my bridesmaids it was your kick in the butt that woke me
up I remembered what you said to me when I looked into Bobby's eyes while trying to recite my vowe how could I possibly get married if you're not standing up there for me this was a lot to take in we talked for several more hours I hadn't known that Jenny had gotten Carly's phone number from my phone just after I went out to my workshop after Carly had called me that day she went into her room and called Carly on her own phone a few minutes later it got late so I had the stay in
the guest bedroom for the night Carly had a couple of phone calls throughout the evening she ignored the calls from Clarence and Kayla but a couple of her friends called it seemed that several of the guests took her up on the offer to party on clarence's dime he tried to cancel it but it was too late for him to get his money back by the time he got to the reception venue there were already a few dozen people taking advantage of the open bar the food was already being prepared and all all the servers bartenders
and DJs were already there and working Clarence finally gave up got a drink and moved to a table in the corner to drown his Sorrows Josh sent her a video he had taken on his phone when his mom went over to try and talk to Clarence it didn't look like it went very well there was a lot of yelling from Clarence and the words cheating in 304 took a big part of the conversation it looked like that relationship was about to end as well Josh said that he did manage to cancel the flight and Resort
reservations but he was stuck with a 20% cancellation fee for late cancellation since Carly and Bobby had already taken time off work for their honeymoon they stayed with us for the entire week I got to reconnect with the daughter I thought I had lost and I also got to know Bobby he's a great guy with strong moral values it was a bit strain at first since the only things he had heard about me were lies told to him by my ex-wife wife son and daughter well not entirely lies but more like embellishments of the truth
that painted me as the bad guy for abandoning my family there were also a few relevant facts that were left out of those conversations as the truth began to come out he warmed up to me more it helped when I showed him my shop in my latest projects even though he was more into classic Dodges we both appreciated each other's Vehicles hey we're both Gearheads at least he wasn't one of those wimpy guys who drove an automatic his Challenger had a manual transmission about halfway through the week a new wedding date was set it was
going to be at the same venue on the same weekend A year later this time I would be paying for it and walking her down the aisle also Marie was drafted to help with the wedding yes Jenny was going to be a bridesmaid as well Carly and Bobby called everyone in the wedding party and gave them the updates well everyone except Kayla and Clarence over the next several months Cari and I worked hard on rebuilding our relationship Bobby and I also got to know each other better we went to several car shows entering Mar's GTO
my 72 truck Bobby's Challenger and even had Jenny enter a 1974 Firebird that I got for her Carly and Bobby came over and spent a couple of days with us a few times a month Josh even showed up a few times it was harder with him because he was always closer to his mother than to me but we rebuilt some of our relationship I think he did it more for Carly than for me but I'll take it besides he always had a bit of news from home speaking of which it was not going very well
for Kayla and Clarence Clarence had moved out and filed for divorce the good news for Kayla was that Clarence filed under irreconcilable differences and instead of adultery that meant the harsh penalties of the prenup wouldn't be enforced he filed that way to get it over with faster and without a fight the good news for Clarence was that he had a prenup the prenup specified that all the assets he had before getting married were off the table Kayla would get half of the assets built during the marriage but there wasn't much of that once the assets
from before the marriage were factored out she would basically just get to keep the house and about $50,000 as for the house Clarence tried to claim a piece of it but he didn't have any proof that he had a claim sure it was his money that was used to buy my share out after my divorce but there was no real proof of that apparently he took out a business loan for his company to come up with the money but never documented what exactly he used it for also they never added his name to the title
of the house since it was Kayla's house before they got married she refused to even discuss it Clarence ended up paying off the loan with nothing to show for it by the time he realized that he wouldn't be getting his money from the house back it was too late to refile under adultery word about Kayla's Affair spread and her standing in the community suffered a big hit her friends began avoiding her and invitations to parties charity events and other Gatherings dried up even worse for her since she didn't work and relied on clarence's money her
financial situation suffered enormously Clarence learned an expensive lesson he was out a couple of $100,000 from buying out my half of the house he was out another $288,000 for the wedding that fell apart he also had to pay Kayla $50,000 in the divorce then there was the humiliation Kayla was angry that her Affairs were publicly revealed and that Clarence was divorcing her the way he did she began telling her remaining friends that she cheated on him because he had such a small dick and didn't even know how to use it properly that kind of Gossip
spreads like wildfire it didn't take long before every woman he tried to pick up in a bar would simply laugh at him he became something of a recluse only going to work and straight home his social life evaporated ready daddy my oldest daughter asked no father is ever really ready to let go of their daughters but I'm honored to do this for you I replied the doors open the music began and filled the church I stepped forward beginning with my left foot and proudly walked my daughter down the aisle I did a quick glance and
my smile got bigger my ex-wife was sitting in the fourth row and my wife Marie was at her place of honor in the first row I would be joining her after I took care of my last important honor for my daughter who gives this woman to be w I asked as her father I give her to be wed I spoke loudly I love you munchkin I whispered to her as I kissed her cheek before handing her off to Bobby yes I neglected to mention my wife no it was not all my idea Carly asked me
to do it that way I then turned walked over and sat next to my wife to have to hold in sickness and in health through good times and bad forsaking all others Carrie practically screamed the last part out then with a brilliant smile she finished her vowe it was a beautiful ceremony cheers went up as they kissed at the end I looked down from the head table Marie was right beside me I saw Kayla sitting at a table off to the side she didn't really look happy every time she looked up and saw Marie sitting
in her spot she scowled I did notice that she was taking advantage of the open bar Clarence had not been invited I really don't know if he would have come even if he had been my last great accomplishment for my daughter was complete I had walked her down the aisle given her away to be married gave a beautiful toast to the newly married couple danced with my daughter during the fatherdaughter dance and then danced with my wife while my daughter and her husband along with his parents danced to the second song my obligations were complete
I was sitting at the table beside my wife my younger daughter was out dancing with one of the POS of boys fineing for her attention pardon me Marie may I borrow your husband for the dance I heard a familiar voice request from behind me Marie and I turned around to face my ex-wife Marie HED her for a moment before responding just make sure you return him where you found him she looked at me I trust you it's I don't trust to not try anything stupid I led Kayla out onto the floor they started up a
slow song it wouldn't have surprised me if she had requested it just for this purpose I was careful to keep a bit of distance and not pull her in tight we danced for a bit before she started talking you were supposed to give me that one night we should have moved past that and gone on like normal this was supposed to be the two of us together today and you were not supposed to have gone out that night you should have known me better than to think I would have been okay with you cheating on
me no matter how many times you did it I didn't cheat I told you about it before I did it I didn't sneak around behind your back whether you told me or not is immaterial the fact that you had intimacy with someone else is cheating besides I never gave you permission I told you not to do it but you did it anyway I never wanted this I just wanted that one night then we could have been together forever you know that you are the only man I have ever loved there was never even the slightest
amount of love for him besides that the intimacy wasn't even that good he was selfish and he wasn't even as big as you are then why did you marry him because you divorced me sure I didn't love him but I liked him okay after you left I didn't want to be alone I thought that I might grow to love him but I could never get over you I did all that to you because I was pissed that you left me I still loved you but you wouldn't even talk to me after that one night I
realized that you were everything I would ever need and I would never go out with another man again so why did you cheat on him then because he was a dud in the sack when I couldn't take that anymore I found a couple of other guys who could actually give me what I wanted I had no idea that Carly knew anything about it even if I knew that she knew I would never have figured that she would throw me under the bus like that I'm sorry for you we had a really great marriage but you
threw it away for one night of mediocre intimacy I don't suppose there's any chance I couldn't help laughing not just no but hell no first off even if I wasn't married now what you did in poisoning my kids against me killed any possibility of us ever getting back together now I am married again to a woman I love and I have another daughter that I love as well the best I can offer is civility when we are at the same place and at any events with our children and grandchildren thankfully the song ended shortly therea
I didn't talk to her again that night she couldn't afford the mortgage payments a house so she ended up selling it and moving into a small apartment she got enough money out of the house to be able to live on if she was careful she did go out with her friends occasionally but as far as I know she never had another relationship Clarence ended up living alone as well Carly and Bobby had a long loving marriage they had three kids two boys and one girl Josh eventually married a sweet girl as well and they had
two daughters as far as I know neither one cheated on the other there are those who believe that I should have sought revenge on Kayla and Clarence the reality is that there was really nothing I could do to hurt them without either going to jail or having it blow back on me I decided to just move ahead and live my life as best as I could there's a saying the best revenge is a life well- lived I did that and let Karma handle the rest karma is a in her stripper name is Vengeance Clarence and
Kayla were not burnt but they did not escape and scathed no I didn't have anything to do with it but I still feel good about myself I have my wife my daughter and my two other children back in my life I am surrounded by people who love me I have a good life ready daddy my daughter asked no father is ever really ready to let go of their daughters but I'm honored to do this for you I replied the doors open the music began and it filled the church I stepped forward beginning with my left
foot and proudly began walking my daughter down the aisle my wife was at her place of honor in the first row smiling broadly I would be joining her after I took care of my last important honor for my daughter don't worry Daddy I'm going through with this today I talk to Carrie and I'm doing it right the first time Jenny assured me dear listeners please share your thoughts in the comments section below and don't forget to like share and subscribe
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