a black hole is coming straight for Earth we could wait for it to gobble us up but instead we're going to try to destroy it we'll throw everything we can at this black hole from nukes to Advanced Technology that we might not even have access to yet maybe we'll even try to throw a white hole at it is it even possible to destroy a black hole you know what enough questions we have a serious mission to accomplish and if we don't Humanity will go extinct this is what if and here's what would happen if we
destroyed a black hole okay our first attempt at destroying this black hole will be to Nuke it we're going to collect every single nuke on Earth and launch them at this black hole that's speeding right toward us this will produce energy equivalent to 425,000 times the atomic bombs of World War II now we know that the destru Ive blast of a nuke decimates anything so all these nukes should do the trick right well not so fast black holes are tricky because what they do is consume like some kind of super hungry space giant they want
to suck up all the matter and energy that they can get their grubby little Cosmic hands on but let's try launching our nukes anyway as they enter the black hole you sit and wait for the massive EXP explosion that will destroy this Celestial phenomenon but instead of being destroyed the black hole eats the nukes for a snack and now it's more massive than before G great well as the saying goes that which doesn't kill a black hole only makes it stronger or something like that bullets lasers and ginormous super weapons won't work either so is
Humanity just expected to suffer the fate of being gobbled up by the black hole no no you are not going to let the human race die out but it's clear we have to try a more crafty strategy one with artificial black holes white holes and maybe even a time machine but before we get to that let's figure out the basics after all as sunzu said know thy enemy so what makes a black hole tick black holes are these super dense areas in space so dense and so gravitationally strong that not even light can escape them
and it's estimated that our Milky Way galaxy has 100 million of them now a black hole can form in two different ways one way is when a cloud of gas collapses these types of black holes can be enormous 1,000 to 100,000 times the mass mass of the Sun and there's a second way Stellar Mass black holes form when a massive star explodes and dies leaving behind a very dense core which is the black hole these are smaller with masses just a few times that of our sun now what happens when we get a little bit
closer well as you approach the mouth of the black hole you reach a boundary called The Event Horizon and once you cross the Event Horizon well you're past the point of no return its pole is just too strong like I said even light can't escape and if you fell in feet first you'd actually be stretched and squeezed simultaneously by the extreme gravity and pressure the official term of what would happen to you is called spaghettification sadly it's got nothing to do with meatballs or a nice bologan sauce the scary thing of course is that black
holes are constantly growing bigger and bigger and bigger by swallowing more and more matter and now it looks like Earth and all of humanity is on the menu oh and one last thing about black holes like many other objects in our universe they have angular momentum in other words they spin and they have a charge associated with them these are properties that need to syn up appropriately with the mass of the black hole in order to keep it in business just like if you were running a marathon your body temperature and your blood pressure must
stay in the right zone so that you can keep running if you overheat you might faint and fall over keep this in mind as it might play an essential role in taking down our black hole right now that you've got a handle on what we're dealing with well it's time for a new attack oh yeah we know we can't defeat this sucker by simple tricks like nukes no we've got to come up with something better so well we're going to do something pretty crazy let's try making our own black hole and see if it can
defeat the one coming after us but how do we do this well the first step is making our black hole out of antimatter antimatter is just like matter but with all the opposite properties it's like the arch nemesis of a black hole of course there's the small problem of actually making a whole lot of antimatter but no worries we have the technology to pull this off all you have to do is accelerate a bunch of protons until they're nearly at the speed of light and then you fire them into a material like aridium this Collision
knocks out some of the fast moving antiprotons and the antiprotons are then slowed down and focus to help create antimatter oh and we'd probably need this anti-proton Gizmo floating in space to create an antimatter black hole at the right coordinates definitely a little tricky to pull up off so what's going to happen when we crash our antimatter black hole into the regular black hole well once these two forces crash there'd be a mega explosion of pure energy but unfortunately it doesn't work as intended the energy from our antimatter just gets vacuumed up by the regular
black hole and it's now even bigger okay this is not looking good and the black hole is getting closer and closer and bigger and bigger and we're running out of time we've got to try something else since the black hole is getting bigger from us feeding it well maybe we could just starve it what if we figured out a way to stop it from eating anything else well that wouldn't work either because the original mass of the black hole would still exist but what if he tried the opposite What If instead of starving the black
hole you fed it with something something that's constantly throwing stuff out but what could that be my mom maybe the answer is a white hole white holes function in ways opposite to black holes the two of them are like yin and yang if nothing can get out of a black hole well nothing can get into a white hole if we threw a white hole at a black hole the two might just annihilate each other but they wouldn't disappear there'd be a big burst of energy and a ton of gamma radiation you'd want to steer clear
of that zone that radiation will give you cancer well actually you'd get such a massive dose that you'd probably just die instantly besides this the only problem well we don't actually have a white hole and we don't know how to make one either okay so that strategy is a bust but we're not going to let that stop us we will stop the black hole this sounds a little crazy but what if we built a tin machine one that could go back in time and take a black hole out all we need is a wormhole to
connect the black hole with its past as we go back in time the black hole has to spit out the mass it's taken in making it a white hole and if we traveled back far enough we could reach the point just before the hole was born and blast it with nukes or lasers or whatever we have on hand this idea Works in theory but we don't have a time machine or a wormhole let's try something a bit more realistic all right I got another idea maybe we can make a bomb that explodes spectacularly fast I
mean faster than the speed of light we need the speed because remember even light can't escape a black hole so we'd need an explosion with escape velocity faster than the speed of light to blast out of there if we did this it might blow the black hole apart the only hitch is we don't have a bomb that explodes that fast yet so what else could we do okay well maybe you could deform this black hole Target a specific part of it something like that might kill it well guess what we've got four different deformation options
how about attacking what lies at the heart of a black hole that is its density if we stretched it out and took away its density well that would spell the end but it can only be stretched if it has a finite size and science isn't sure if black holes do or don't the problem is we're not 100% sure about the exact nature of what's inside the black hole is it a super dense stretchable object or region where SpaceTime curves which would not be stretchable well we don't know for sure because nobody's made it past the
Event Horizon remember the spaghettification thing but even without that knowledge there's a second way you can destroy a black hole and that's by destroying the Event Horizon without the Event Horizon well frankly there's nothing for objects to fall into one way to destroy the Event Horizon would be to poke a hole in it if we just puncture the boundary at the Event Horizon maybe the mass of the black hole would start to drain out and with no Mass the black hole would no longer exist but there's a third more sophisticated way to deform the black
hole and it's got to do with some of the forces keeping the black hole going remember I told you that in order for the black hole to exist the rate at which it spins and the electrical charge of the black hole have to stay within certain parameters remember that yeah like when you turn your car around a corner it needs a certain acceleration to make it around the corner safely overdo it and you might get into some trouble well we want to destroy the black hole so we're going to mess with these parameters what if
we increase the spin and amped up the charge of the black hole so much that its equilibrium broke down this could be the final answer to destroying our black hole or we end up destroying the universe so let's try something else now could we just slow the spin of the black hole sure we can extract energy from the Black Hole by dropping things into the Event Horizon this will make the black hole rotate more slowly if we did it enough we could even make it stop spinning entirely now this might slow it down but it
won't make it completely disappear okay so there is one last option and it's all about patience see black holes can destroy themselves over very very long periods of time and it's because of a weird process that's going on in the background according to Quantum Theory everywhere around us pairs of particles are popping up a particle and an anti-particle when these crash together they destroy each other but in the case of our black hole one particle might go into the hole and the other particle might Escape into space as this happens over time the black hole
becomes a teeny tiny bit smaller and if we wait a few trillion years the entire black hole will dissipate this way you know they say ignoring your problems doesn't usually solve them but in this case it will after a few trillion years so can we destroy a black hole no not really and even if we could I'm fresh out of new ideas so if you have any theories of your own head on over to our patreon where you can join a private Discord to chat with us maybe you can help us solve the problem but
let's be real a force this strong is virtually impossible to get rid of luckily the chances of a black hole coming for Earth are just as impossible but if it did happen maybe our best chance would be to get away from it as fast as possible but that sounds like a story for another what if