The 5 Feminine Archetypes : Why they are irresistible to men Which feminine lady are you ?

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Lisa Glamour
DARLINGS ❤! Today we talk about the feminine archetypes ! I will describe the 5 feminine archetypes ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] hmm [Music] hello my lovely darlings welcome back to my channel i hope you're having an amazing day and thank you for watching today is finally the day we're talking about the feminine archetypes yeah so i'm wearing this barbie dress pink dress super pinks but as i always say on my channel i love talking about femininity and there are different type of feminine archetypes and i wanted to describe to you my own feminine archetypes not someone else just my own research and my own view on feminine archetypes and at the end of the video i
want you to tell me which archetype is you which archetype do you feel the most attracted to of course you can be multiple archetypes myself i think are multiple ones i think i recognize even myself in all of them you can be all of them as well you can be one you can be two you can be three you can be all of them so if you want to know which feminine archetype you are keep on watching but first just wanted to let you know that if you want to see more of my content i
talk about fashion femininity old hollywood glamour seduction dating and anything to level up and to make you become the best version of yourself and to transform yourself into a high caliber woman feel free to join the channel the link is down below also follow me on my instagram which is that lisa heart style i'm going to describe the archetype i'm going to describe a little bit why men love this archetype in particular and i'm also going to describe the downside of the archetype so the negative aspect if you take the archetype to the extreme because
there's always a negative aspect to everything i am going to also talk about the fashion of each archetype but of course you can be this archetype without dressing like this you can be an archetype and dressing like another archetype you can have the energy of one and dressing like another one it's not strict at all the first archetype is the lady classic elegant ladylike sophisticated the lady is really proper good manners she has social intelligence and know how to behave in any situation she is aware that making a good first impression is essential therefore she
dressed very appropriately and pays attention to details she loves classic fashion timeless cuts she loves timeless cut a style inspired by grace kelly audrey headburn kate middleton even charlotte in sex in the city and bree vande camp also in desperate housewife is really the archetype of the lady to the extreme she's very very classic obsessed with first impression obsessed with big perfect and you know the lady can be a big perfectionist brie was known for her cooking and for making her own clothes and for doing her own gardening and for reupholstering her own furniture because
yes when you're very elegant you can become a bit perfectionist i struggle with that sometimes the lady has an excellent posture can be proper she can be charming she has excellent conversation skills she is very educated as well and knows what is appropriate what is not appropriate to talk about men really admire her elegance her ability to present herself in the best way possible they love to be with her at their arm her culture her good manners her gracefulness as well you know especially when men are very powerful and they have to go to a
lot of events they have to present themselves in a certain way they love having a lady like this because she knows how to adapt herself to any situation she knows how to dress appropriately for any occasion she will know to a gala to dress like this she can be able to go to a gala as well as meeting the parents as well as meeting the queen as like she can adapt herself very very well she can present herself as very refined she is mostly a fabulous hostess and very close to her community anyone who'd ever
been to a party at bree vanda camps thought of her as the perfect hostess because bree knew how to take care of her guests she has high standards in everything in her life she's very picky and mostly achieve a very luxurious lifestyle men really love to have a woman like her around their arms because they are very proud it's like her elegance represent them very very well they know that they can count on her to have the best image possible and mostly those kind of couple tend to have a perfect couple image a power couple
also a style like amma clooney she's she's definitely the lady in terms of the archetypes the downside of the lady now if you talk about the lady to the extreme to the extreme would be being too much of a perfectionist and being too stiff and being too rigid too uncomfortable being not a being able to loosen up it's very important because men don't like as much as they like an elegant lady sometimes the downside of it is that she's too controlling she's too strict she will be too much of a perfectionist and men don't like
it they love to be with someone that they can have fun with and that can loosen up that can you know be fun and joyful to be around of course it's always super nice to have someone to go with event with but events is not everyday life so everyday lives has to be more fun especially masculine men they work a lot so once they go home they want to be around a pleasant lady that is just you know a little bit more relaxed it's just like in desperate housewife you know he has a perfect housewife
his house is clean his wife is just absolutely perfect like her hair don't even move that's what he said and he doesn't like it he feels like he lives in a publicity or something like this danielle there is nothing abnormal about basil puree just once can we have a soup that people have heard of like french onion or navy beef and men don't like it because that puts a lot of pressure on them as well to be perfect saying do you always have to serve cuisine can't we ever just have food are you doing drugs
being too strict to following the rules and being too predictable also and being boring you know when you follow exactly the rules and you become too predictable there's no mystery there's no surprise there is no excitement there is no sexiness you lose the attraction you lose the passion a little bit when you follow the rules and you're too strict with perfection and you become kind of robotic you can lose your personality in the chase of too much elegance i love elegance of course i love teaching elegance on my channel and when you take it to
the extreme i am not for it because it's not fun if it's to the extreme you know the lady can sometimes be a bit close-minded that's the downside also so like she can be sometimes judgmental on other people that are not elegant or other people that are not doing exactly things exactly like she wants it the lady needs to find the right amount of elegance while keeping her personality and not making elegance just her main character and her main personality it needs to be natural it needs to come off as natural still being relatable because
people are charmed by relatability next archetype the fan fatale the femme fatale or the siren the glamorous sensual seductress i feel like there are some archetypes that we all have in us as women i feel like the fun fatal we all have in us as women a little bit some have it more than others she's sensual she's sexy very seductive exuding glamour and natural sensuality she can express her femininity in a delicious alluring way she has high standards and luxurious tastes just like the lady and she's not afraid of showing it she has a big
level of confidence she's very confident and she can be very funny as well very playful and sarcastic as well and at the same time very very intelligent you know she's smart in her way of thinking in her way of talking just like when you see rita hayworth and gilda just have this smart sarcastic humor that is just very playful at the same time what did you say to him i just told him for man answers hang up wasn't that all right you can't talk to men down here the way you would at home they don't
understand it understand why they think you mean it meanwhile she earned the female ideal for men inviting to an infinity of pleasure with a hit of danger voluptuous and superb her body language express feminine seduction and sensuality she uses her sensuality to express her femininity men feel fascinated by her you fascinate me but they can also feed her because of the power that she holds because she's never fully acquired by the men which excites the most because it's something that you cannot fully have she is able to attract male attention very easily through her sensual
aura [Music] no that's not all [Music] she's mysterious and fascinating and you definitely remember this woman because being able to master her sensuality without being vulgar still keeping the elegance is very rare and and that what's make her truly powerful because the fanfetta is a sensual being but it's an elegant being her grace and charm convey an irresistible desire to be with her but at the same time she can have this cold demeanor which gives her this aspect of high self-esteem which makes everybody wants to be around her even more whatever she wears she can
pull it off everything that others would be afraid to wear or that would be too much she can put it off like bigger jewelries more extravagant clothes she is a fantasy almost theatrical a mystic divine darker and more mysterious energy style inspired by the old hollywood icons by the old hollywood femme fatales by the old hollywood glamour like marilyn monroe rita hayworth our gardener marlon dietrich and more recently also monica bellucci and eva green for example also if we take desperate housewives because we took pre-vende camp i think that gabrielle solis would be the fanfeta
archetype satin red bodycon dresses heels sexy and glamorous in a tasteful way now let's talk about the downside of the femme fatale if you take the femme fatale to the extreme if it's a situation of seduction it's no problem but if it's for example work situation or other situation the fan fatah can be seen as maybe too sexy maybe not taken seriously especially if it's at work only seen as a sex symbol on be seen as too seductive no no no i love my husband you've got me all wrong you don't know how hard it
is being a woman looking the way i do also if you take it to the extreme being too mysterious doesn't allow you to actually build relationship if you take mystery to the extreme and you're like completely like mysterious no i'm not telling you anything about me anything you don't know anything well you can't build anything if you don't say anything being too cold or too distant and not being generous enough with your time also doesn't help you i'm talking about taking a little bit of it and adding it to your personality because we all have
it inside but not talking about to the extreme being too manipulative and going too far because she holds a big power with her ability to being very seductive so she needs to be careful on that who left me without a word purely because i indulged in a woman's trick to make you jealous i wanted to be certain that you loved me you need to master this art and the fine line and the balance of this character between sensuality charm elegance and distance to master it and become a true femme fatale then we have the princess
the adorable cute princess playful romantic girly girl she has a playful feminine energy just like a disney princess a childlike energy a little bit she can be happy very easily lighting up the room around her very bubbly and having a smile on her face most of the time she sees the word through pink glasses like this pink dress pink pink pink and someone across the way is playing la villanos it's the french way of saying i'm looking at the world through rose-colored glasses in a positive way with a positive mind she's the funny uh childlike
spirit or i could pretend to be more like you jess and live on a sparkly rainbow and drive a unicorn around and just sing all the time yeah i think you should sing all the time she has a more angelic nature men love her because she's a dumbell in distress and they love it because they feel like the hero with her they feel like the protector with her they love the fact that she needs them they feel important with a woman like her and man will feel admired by the princess he will feel like a
true man with her she has a romantic feminine style her fragility is irresistible she appreciates the little things the little detail the little uh things of life she loves to see oh my god there's a little flower i think this energy is so adorable i love this energy as well a very irresistible for men because you bring a lot of positivity she is very romantic and idealistic and she reminds us of the child that we once were and we are then a bit nostalgic of this cuteness not stiff at all a bit free and joyful
you know full of energy just like a little girl and it is a very attractive very alluring and this childlike energy is not something bad it's something that actually light up the room and that makes you forget a bit of the boring life of being an adult because you know the responsibility and life as an adult can not can be sometimes not super fun so having a childlike spirit and lighting up the room like this and you know reminding yourself how you were as a child and the energy that you had it's like bringing this
innocence back and it's so charming everybody that is around you though this men and people they will love that energy a style with a lot of floral patterns a lot of pink very colorful a little bit inspired by for example if you say blair widow from gossip girl you know very a lot of pattern love color a lot of mix and match or a lot of dresses a lot of beautiful princessy dresses a lot of pink a lot of pastel colors a lot of maybe shorter dresses or a lot of inline dresses of course you
can have this archetype without dressing like the archetype remember that i don't know if that makes you feel that as well let me know in the comments down below because me when i put a princess dress on i feel like a princess i mean princess energy and i'm fun cute for example when i put a femme fatale dress on then i'm mysterious and sensual and fun father you know el woods from legally blonde is definitely on this archetype she's so fun and so bubbly and so the spirit of of a true princess very very joyful
she can light up the room and she dressed like also one like all in pink super uh super beautiful and super feminine i'm planning this great mixer you totally have to help me i'm thinking like a luau or maybe like casino night this is gonna be just like senior year except for funner you also have tahani from the good place in case you know this tv show she dresses and always like the most beautiful dresses and josephine baker also had this childlike mentality in her personality and of course let's not forget the disney princesses they
all have this cute very free and joyful and more optimistic and kind princess energy now let's talk about the downside of the princess if you take it to the extreme being too much in a childlike mentality being too much of a child actually and being too irresponsible well i'm really young but i'm still like sometimes i feel like i'm not an adult i want to stay as a child sometimes and you know the downside is that people can get tired of a child if you're too much like this all the time the secret is actually
to alternate between childish demeanor and adult awakening in that way little notes of that immature knife demeanor will be very charming next archetype is the bohemian she is a natural free spirit she loves nature animal like she's very free in her way of thinking she's unconventional she can really have fun in any situation her goal is to have fun in life she's very very very spontaneous and very much unpredictable that on the contrary to the lady that would be a bit more predictable the bohemian is very free and unpredictable having fun and living life to
the fullest is her mantra she has a big big sense of humor and she can be very adventurous she's not conventional she doesn't care about the convention she's more free in her way of thinking and is more independent in her way or thinking she might be sporty she might go for a hike she might go for like adventure she can be also very sensual in touch with her senses because she's very free and very wild she can be a very sensual being tame her you cannot control her she is extremely free like a wild animal
just like with the femme fatale men dream of taming this rebellious spirit she is intellectually curious and loves to discover new things she loves to travel she loves to discover new culture the bohemian is completely open-minded she loves to discover new things she's not like putting herself in a box or anybody in a box a man will feel free and adventurous with her fascinated by her ability to let go and relax she can have a very strong creative mind she can be very free and creative a lot of artistic people are like this they're absolutely
the archetype of the bohemian always daring to try new experiences men can't get enough of her but they cannot catch her she is very lowering because of her free spirit she can have all kind of style because she's not conventional and i think that sometimes her stack can be very unique as well she because she's not like everybody else in her spirit so her style can also translate that you can have a style inspired by for example in charms you have phoebe halliwell i think she has a style like this that is uh that is
very bohemian a bit unconventional you have also carrie bradshaw sixth in the city she has his time definitely that is like this that is very free spirit uh not conventional at all she wear whatever she wants like the style of carrie bradshaw cannot be put in a certain box you cannot define it completely it's completely avant-garde and very adventurous like she dares to try anything the downside of the bohemian now the lack of responsibility of course being too wild the lack of predictability the lack of prediction and security uh it's the opposite of the lady
in that case it's being too unpredictable if you take it to the extreme because we need some security as human beings of course we need to count on people we need to trust them and if you're too much like completely all over the place then we cannot fully trust you if one day you're gonna do this and then you say that you're gonna do something and then you don't do it or you don't want it anymore you change your mind every five minutes not feeling secure with her because she's too wild and too free not
serious enough you know because you know men want a serious woman at the end of the day you call yourself a free spirit a wild thing and you're terrified somebody's gonna stick you in a cage well baby you're already in that cage you build it yourself it's like the bohemian needs to find the right balance between her wild side and her serious side last but not least the charming nurturer nurturer loving caring motherly the nurturer loves taking care of others and that's her main character traits she loves to be devoted to her family for example
to her children to her mother like to uh to her husband she's a true nurturer and you have fun in school today gracie how can i win the polaris capsule building oh don't worry about it i put a snorkel in your lunchbox and people feel at ease with her she's so comforting a man will love it because he will feel a lot of support from her and that makes him feel at peace especially when he comes home from like a long day at work and he has this very nurturing uh caring loving energy then he
absolutely loves it i think we all have this nurturing aspect in women but the nurturer archetype is really to the next level she is extra nurturing she is able to listen deeply and giving her devoted full attention to you anybody wants to feel special and the nurturer makes you feel extra special which gives her an intense power of seduction she gives the impression that your life is so much better with her that her simple presence makes your life exceptional how much the real reason you don't need imogene anymore because now i'm a friend i'm speechless
giving her full empathy with the person feels bad you can absolutely count on her she is someone that you can fully fully trust she's very loyal and her helpfulness is her ultimate charm her energy is like a comforting fairy tale she can disarm men with her warmth and attention and with her he feels like he can be himself he doesn't have to hide behind a mask or something she can have literally any style because her description is more about her energy and her characteristic and her personality more than her style the downside of the nurturer
now if you take it to the extreme it would be treating everybody like it's your child treating a man like it's your child which kills the passion kills the attraction completely giving too much and not having enough in return being too much of a doormat uh people using you because you're too generous with your time like that's such a good quality to be a nurturer but like it's true that some people can use it and then when she helps everybody but nothing gets to her in return and she's not appreciated in return the key is
to give and have reciprocity and to not being available to everybody all the time it gives even more power to the moment of attention and nurturing charm that the nurturer gives so that's it for those archetypes my darlings i hope you liked it so in terms of the archetype i think i would be maybe i don't know i'm not sure i recognize myself in all of them actually i think i'm a mix of all of them but there are some that i feel more attracted to i feel like maybe you're attracted to the femme fatale
obviously because i'm obsessed with this archetype i feel also attracted to the archetype of the princess because i feel like sometimes i love being in my princess cute a bit shy like energy maybe when i'm older maybe in my 30s 40 years i will go towards more of the lady which i really love as well for now i think i'm a mix between like maybe the fan fatale maybe the princess maybe the bohemian as well a little bit because i love to be like a bit free spirit i have a big imagination and a lot
of creativity so you know so thank you for watching my darlings and don't forget tell me in the comments down below which archetype you are i really want to know because that's so fun don't forget to subscribe and like the video also follow me on my instagram which is that lisa heart style take care and until next time i'm giving you so so much kisses my darlings i love you all [Music] i'm a barbie girl in a barbie world life in plastic it's fantastic
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